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作者 张成友 彭桂霞 《蚌埠医药》 1992年第2期21-22,共2页
关键词 少女 危险年龄 性骚动症 预防 治疗
“危险年龄”与“问题少年” 被引量:1
作者 刘效仁 《基础教育参考》 2003年第4期44-44,共1页
[案例一] 安徽淮北市一中学生为勒索钱财残酷地将同龄人杀害。[案例二] 河南襄城县13岁少年为报复同伴竟然在面粉中投入剧毒鼠药,结果造成305名无辜的中学生中毒。
关键词 危险年龄 “问题少年” 初中 自我意识 升学压力 青春期教育 心理健康教育
作者 张泽中 畅政民 李永东 《青海医药杂志》 2001年第10期39-40,共2页
关键词 肝创伤 危险年龄 合并伤
作者 李华 《家庭医药(就医选药)》 2007年第5期52-52,共1页
关键词 危险年龄 老年人 健康问题 健康状况 以色列
妊娠糖尿病危险年龄的探讨 被引量:3
作者 宋晓菲 刘彦君 +4 位作者 周玲 王维华 杜建新 王普艳 赵德明 《总装备部医学学报》 2005年第4期205-207,共3页
目的了解导致妊娠糖尿病的危险年龄。方法对孕周在24~40周的486名孕妇行口服75 g葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT),评估其妊娠年龄与血糖水平的关系。结果超过15%的孕妇服糖后2 h血糖≥7.8 mmol/L。其年龄与OGTT空腹血糖、服糖后2 h血糖呈正相关(r... 目的了解导致妊娠糖尿病的危险年龄。方法对孕周在24~40周的486名孕妇行口服75 g葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT),评估其妊娠年龄与血糖水平的关系。结果超过15%的孕妇服糖后2 h血糖≥7.8 mmol/L。其年龄与OGTT空腹血糖、服糖后2 h血糖呈正相关(r值分别为0.157,0.263,P<0.001)。34岁孕妇服糖后2 h血糖为(9.14±1.52)mmol/L,比<33岁孕妇服糖后2 h血糖(4.81±1.06)^(6.68±2.35)mmol/L明显升高。结论导致妊娠糖尿病的危险年龄为34岁,妊娠糖尿病的危险年龄和2型糖尿病的发病年龄一样已开始年轻化。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠糖尿病 危险年龄 血糖
《大众医学》 2017年第4期4-4,共1页
中山大学附属第一医院专家分析了10000多名在该院进行健康体检者的数据,结果发现非酒精性脂肪肝患病率为17%,男性患病率高于女性。研究发现,男性患病高峰年龄为40-50岁,女性患病高峰年龄为50-60岁,且该年龄段前均呈现患病率随年... 中山大学附属第一医院专家分析了10000多名在该院进行健康体检者的数据,结果发现非酒精性脂肪肝患病率为17%,男性患病率高于女性。研究发现,男性患病高峰年龄为40-50岁,女性患病高峰年龄为50-60岁,且该年龄段前均呈现患病率随年龄增长逐渐增加的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 非酒精性脂肪肝 危险年龄 男性 女性 中山大学附属第一医院 健康体检者 患病率
《家庭健康(医学科普)》 2012年第10期61-61,共1页
中风分为两大类:一是缺血型中风,二是出血型中风。缺血型中风更为常见。最新研究发现,过量饮酒者发生出血性中风危险更大。过量饮酒的界定为:每天饮酒至少3杯,即大约51克“纯”酒精。另外,每天饮酒3杯以上的人。中风发病的危险年... 中风分为两大类:一是缺血型中风,二是出血型中风。缺血型中风更为常见。最新研究发现,过量饮酒者发生出血性中风危险更大。过量饮酒的界定为:每天饮酒至少3杯,即大约51克“纯”酒精。另外,每天饮酒3杯以上的人。中风发病的危险年龄比适度饮酒者提前15年。过量饮酒者发生中风的年龄大约为60岁,而不酗酒者发生中风的平均年龄为74岁。 展开更多
关键词 出血性中风 过量饮酒 出血型 危险年龄 饮酒者 平均年龄 缺血型 酗酒者
作者 张丽佳 《辽宁公安司法管理干部学院学报》 2006年第4期159-161,共3页
关键词 危险年龄 于法不惧 法律信仰 道德建设 帮教机制
更年期女性压力性尿失禁认知分析及干预 被引量:1
作者 葛金香 林梅 +2 位作者 陈秀云 赵萍 戴立娟 《护理实践与研究》 2007年第9期77-78,共2页
关键词 压力性尿失禁 更年期女性 认知 雌激素水平 衰老过程 不稳定性 危险年龄 病程发展
作者 孟现民 《中国校外教育》 2007年第1期97-97,共1页
心理健康教育是提高学生心理素质的重要内容,是培养个体良好心理品质的教育。良好的心理品质的培养有赖于各种教育途径,各门学科教学的共同协作。而心理健康教育在学生身心健康方面有着举足轻重的地位,是培养学生良好心理品质的一条重... 心理健康教育是提高学生心理素质的重要内容,是培养个体良好心理品质的教育。良好的心理品质的培养有赖于各种教育途径,各门学科教学的共同协作。而心理健康教育在学生身心健康方面有着举足轻重的地位,是培养学生良好心理品质的一条重要途径。 展开更多
关键词 心理健康教育 心理素质 体魄 危险年龄
作者 唐玲 《医学文选》 2006年第4期903-904,共2页
尿失禁是妇女常见疾病,据估计全球尿失禁妇女已愈数千万,随发病年龄的增加而增加,26.8%妇女有不同程度的尿失禁,40岁以后达40%,约4%患者需要治疗。女性压力性尿失禁的患病率各家报道不一,40~59岁和70岁以上是压力性尿失禁发... 尿失禁是妇女常见疾病,据估计全球尿失禁妇女已愈数千万,随发病年龄的增加而增加,26.8%妇女有不同程度的尿失禁,40岁以后达40%,约4%患者需要治疗。女性压力性尿失禁的患病率各家报道不一,40~59岁和70岁以上是压力性尿失禁发病的危险年龄。压力性尿失禁(Stress Urinary Incontmentce,SUI)是指当咳嗽、喷嚏、大笑,运动或体位改变时发生尿液不自主的流出状态。尿失禁与分娩有较大关系,绝经是女性压力性尿失禁的危险因素,全子宫切除术后, 展开更多
关键词 压力性尿失禁 TVT治疗 女性 子宫切除术后 发病年龄 常见疾病 危险年龄 体位改变
作者 周国炳 兰莉 +1 位作者 肖世兰 杨捷 《内江科技》 2021年第4期105-106,共2页
青春期是孩子面临人生的"第二次危机",是学生成长的"危险年龄期"。这个时期的孩子心理尚未成熟,他们会遇到各种困难和产生许多矛盾心理,容易产生情绪上的波动,极需要成人的理解、关怀引导和帮助。青春期既是生理、... 青春期是孩子面临人生的"第二次危机",是学生成长的"危险年龄期"。这个时期的孩子心理尚未成熟,他们会遇到各种困难和产生许多矛盾心理,容易产生情绪上的波动,极需要成人的理解、关怀引导和帮助。青春期既是生理、心理发展的重要时期,又是道德观念、人生观形成的关键阶段。开展性教育,对于青春期孩子来讲,是极为迫切的。 展开更多
关键词 道德观念 青春期性教育 矛盾心理 青春期孩子 关键阶段 危险年龄 中学 第二次危机
作者 李天舒 姚玉红 +1 位作者 杨超美 曾义学 《现代预防医学》 CAS 2001年第1期49-50,共2页
目的 :探讨我省城乡居民甲肝流行模式 ,为我省甲肝流行趋势的预测和甲肝预防提供科学依据。方法 :多阶段整群系统随机抽样法共计调查我省城乡居民 30 41人。用 EL ISA法检测 HAV感染标志物 (抗 - HAV)。资料分析采用随机过程方法—两状... 目的 :探讨我省城乡居民甲肝流行模式 ,为我省甲肝流行趋势的预测和甲肝预防提供科学依据。方法 :多阶段整群系统随机抽样法共计调查我省城乡居民 30 41人。用 EL ISA法检测 HAV感染标志物 (抗 - HAV)。资料分析采用随机过程方法—两状态非齐次马尔科夫链。结果 :抗 - HAV阳性率城市和农村分别为 72 .99%和 80 .83%。城市人群总体 MRR高达 2 11.71,农村人群为 15 3.17。MRRt以每 5岁划分年龄组 ,城市人群除 5~岁年龄组外 ,35岁以前各组 MRRt均大于 10 ,且接近 2 0的年龄组主要集中在 1~、 15~和 2 0~岁年龄组。农村人群只有 11岁以前两组 MRRt高于 10 ,且随年龄增大呈下降趋势。结论 :城市居民因感染 HAV所承受的疾病负荷大于农村居民 ,其高危年龄为 1~ 2 5岁。故应在该年龄组人群中实施有计划的免疫预防措施 ,以减少发病和控制流行。农村居民 HAV感染的高危年龄发生在儿童期早期 ,故在农村应密切监测甲肝流行趋势 ,及时发现和控制可能发生的流行。 展开更多
关键词 年龄特异性马尔科夫危险指数 总体马尔科夫危险指数 疾病负荷 甲型肝炎
Management of chronic heart failure in the older population 被引量:26
作者 Nahid Azad Genevieve Lemay 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期329-337,共9页
Chronic heart failure (CHF) is the leading cause of hospitalization for those over the age of 65 and represents a significant clinical and economic burden. About half of hospital re-admissions are related to co-morb... Chronic heart failure (CHF) is the leading cause of hospitalization for those over the age of 65 and represents a significant clinical and economic burden. About half of hospital re-admissions are related to co-morbidities, polypharmacy and disabilities associated with CHF. Moreover, CHF also has an enormous cost in terms of poor prognosis with an average one year mortality of 33%–35%. While more than half of patients with CHF are over 75 years, most clinical trials have included younger patients with a mean age of 61 years. Inadequate data makes treatment decisions challenging for the providers. Older CHF patients are more often female, have less cardiovascular diseases and associated risk factors, but higher rates of non-cardiovascular conditions and diastolic dysfunction. The prevalence of CHF with reduced ejection fraction, ischemic heart disease, and its risk factors declines with age, whereas the prevalence of non-cardiac co-morbidities, such as chronic renal failure, dementia, anemia and malignancy increases with age. Diabetes and hypertension are among the strongest risk factors as predictors of CHF particularly among women with coronary heart disease. This review paper will focus on the specific consideration for CHF assessment in the older population. Management strategies will be reviewed, including non-pharmacologic, pharmacologic, quality care indicators, quality improvement in care transition and lastly, end-of-life issues. Palliative care should be an integral part of an interdiscipli-nary team approach for a comprehensive care plan over the whole disease trajectory. In addition, frailty contributes valuable prognostic in-sight incremental to existing risk models and assists clinicians in defining optimal care pathways for their patients. 展开更多
关键词 Heart failure Elderly patient MANAGEMENT HYPERTENSION Coronary artery disease DIABETES
Epidemiological investigation of Barrett's esophagus in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease in Northwest China 被引量:1
作者 Yin Caiqiao Zhang Jun +2 位作者 Gao Maicang Shen Qiang Liu Dong 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第4期187-197,共11页
Objective: To investigate the prevalence and possible risk factors of Barrett's esophagus (BE) in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in Northwest China. Methods: Patients older than 18 years w... Objective: To investigate the prevalence and possible risk factors of Barrett's esophagus (BE) in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in Northwest China. Methods: Patients older than 18 years who underwent regular health check-up or had upper gastrointestinal symptoms in the endoscopy centers of four major teaching hospitals located in four different provinces of Northwest China from September 2008 to February 2009 were included in the study. A face-to-face reflux diagnostic questionnaire including risk factors were taken and scale scores (So) were accumulated. Diagnostic criterion of GERD was Sc≥12 points. None of these subjects received anti-acid medication prior to their endoscopy done. Barrett's esophagus was diagnosed when specialized intestinal metaplasia was detected histologically. Results: A total of 528 patients met the criteria of GERD, among which 32 patients (20 male and 12 female) were diagnosed with BE. BE was present in 6.06% with a mean age of 51.2±11.6 years, which was significantly older than patients with GERD without BE (46.6±13.3 years) (P〈0.05). There weresignificant differences between BE and GERD patients regarding gender, age, hiatus hernia, smoking and alcohol consumption (P〈0.05), while no significant difference regarding symptoms of GERD. There was significant difference between short segment Barrett's esophagus and long segment (65.6% vs 34.4%, P〈0.05). Conclusion: The prevalence of BE was 6.06% in patients with GERD in northwest China and was dominated by SSBE. The potential risk factors of Barrett's esophagus were older age, male, esophageal hiatal hernia, smoking and alcohol consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Barrett's esophagus Gastroesophageal reflux disease Upper digestive tract endoscopy Risk factors
Extraprofessional and Occupational Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer
作者 Olfa El Maalel Wided Boughattas +8 位作者 Maher Maoua Houda Kalboussi Iheb Bougmiza Houssem Rhif Souhaiel Chatti Kader N'Daye Faten Debbabi Ali Mtiraoui Noejib Mrizak 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第8期848-857,共10页
Colorectal cancers (CRC) account for frequent and serious cancers which result from the interaction between individual genetic factors and environmental factors, and in particular widely studied nutritional ones. Th... Colorectal cancers (CRC) account for frequent and serious cancers which result from the interaction between individual genetic factors and environmental factors, and in particular widely studied nutritional ones. The role of other occupational factors remains a controversial subject. The objective of this study is to evaluate the possible impact of occupational factors on the risk of developing CRC. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective case-control study. The cases and the control group were enlisted in the general surgical ward of Farhat Hached Teaching Hospital of Sousse (Tunisia) during the period extending from 2004 to 2008, and they were age and gender-matched. The data were analyzed using SPSS 11.0 software with a signification threshold fixed at 5%. A univariate analysis was carried out as well as a multiple binary logistical regression. Results: During the period of the study, 40 cases of colorectal cancers have been colligated including 28 men and 12 women with a sex ratio of 0.43. The average age of the cases was 61.55 ± 13.3 years and 60.40 ± 12.84 years for the control group, with a non significant difference (P = 0.69). The univariate analysis has objectivized significant associations between colorectal cancer and the housing conditions, the neoplastic and digestive family history, the occupational activity sector, exposure to pesticides, and lack of periodic medical supervision. After logistical regression, the occurrence risk of CRC was significantly associated with: alcohol and smoking (ORa = 3.43; Pa = 0.05), meat consumption (ORa = 3.34; Pa = 0.03), exposure to pesticides (ORa = 20.44; Pa = 0.012) and lack of periodic medical supervision (OR = 7.45; P = 0.004). Conclusion: The occupational risk factors might play a role in the etiopathogenesis of colorectal cancers. With regard to our study, pesticides seem to be most implicated and necessitate suitable preventive measures. Nevertheless, it seems useful to multiply the studies to a much larger scale in order to further explore such relationship and to further reinforce the prevention of such serious disease. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer occupational risk factors extraprofessional factors epidemiology.
Age,gender and type 2 diabetes contribute to the risk of gastric cancer:a retrospective single institution analysis 被引量:4
作者 王增 蔡鑫君 +2 位作者 刘孟娟 卢红阳 林能明 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2014年第11期799-803,共5页
Diabetes is involved in the development of several cancers. However, whether type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) as well as other potential risk factors are related to gastric cancer (GC) remains unclear. In this stud... Diabetes is involved in the development of several cancers. However, whether type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) as well as other potential risk factors are related to gastric cancer (GC) remains unclear. In this study, 1320 patients with gastric cancer (gastric cancer group) and 1252 thyroid nodule patients (control group), who were admitted in our hospital from Jan 2010 to Dec 2012, were analyzed in a case-control study. Logistic regression analysis was applied to evaluate the risk of diabetes condition, gender, age, body-mass index (BMI) level and other factors for GC. There were 416 patients with DM in the gastric cancer group (31.5%) and 120 patients with DM in the control group (9.6%). The differences between the two groups were significant (P = 0.000). Compared with the control group, the logistic regression analyses suggested that male patients had a higher risk of GC. Moreover, older individuals (especially over 65 years) were more susceptible to GC, and as for T2DM, it was found to be associated with GC, that is, the incidence in the gastric cancer group was significantly higher than in the control group. The OR values of age, T2DM, gender and BMI were 16.951, 15.130, 2.658 and 0.224, respectively. In conclusion, age, gender and T2DM are the risk factors of gastric cancer. Furthermore, male patient over 65 years with T2DM is susceptible to GC, and T2DM is the risk factor only second to age, and there might be synergistic effects among these factors. 展开更多
关键词 T2DM Age GENDER Gastric cancer Risk factor
作者 张秋臻 《抗癌》 2007年第1期36-37,共2页
关键词 中老年人 防癌 危险年龄 肿瘤 高发期 中年期
作者 陆家仕 《保健与生活》 2018年第15期62-62,共1页
糖尿病已成为继肿瘤、心血管疾病之后,威胁人类健康的三大“杀手”,糖尿病肾病又是最常见而难治的微血管并发症。因此,要对糖尿病肾病有足够的重视。 血糖持续升高是诱发糖尿病肾病的主要原因之一,50岁以上是糖尿病肾病的危险年龄... 糖尿病已成为继肿瘤、心血管疾病之后,威胁人类健康的三大“杀手”,糖尿病肾病又是最常见而难治的微血管并发症。因此,要对糖尿病肾病有足够的重视。 血糖持续升高是诱发糖尿病肾病的主要原因之一,50岁以上是糖尿病肾病的危险年龄,遗传易感陛、高血压的存在也促进了糖尿病肾病的发生发展。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病肾病 微血管并发症 心血管疾病 人类健康 危险年龄 遗传易感 高血压
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