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基于动态廊道遗传算法的流域梯级水电站厂间负荷分配研究 被引量:2
作者 赵夏 湛洋 陈仕军 《水力发电》 北大核心 2019年第10期88-92,共5页
针对流域梯级水电站间负荷分配问题,建立以龙头水库日发电耗水量最小及梯级弃水量最小为目标的流域梯级水电站厂间经济运行模型,提出动态廊道遗传算法的求解思路与步骤,并进行实例分析。结果表明动态廊道遗传算法有效克服了传统遗传算... 针对流域梯级水电站间负荷分配问题,建立以龙头水库日发电耗水量最小及梯级弃水量最小为目标的流域梯级水电站厂间经济运行模型,提出动态廊道遗传算法的求解思路与步骤,并进行实例分析。结果表明动态廊道遗传算法有效克服了传统遗传算法出力分配结果频繁波动的缺陷,计算结果合理且优于传统遗传算法,对梯级电站日内发电计划的编制具有更强的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 多目标 梯级水电站 动态廊道遗传算法 厂间负荷分配
作者 王雪雷 樊霄雁 刘智勇 《河北工业大学学报》 CAS 2020年第4期54-61,共8页
采用浓度势概念,研究了具有厂内和厂间水道的多杂质多工厂水网络设计。首先设计无任何水道的多工厂水网络。将上述网络的用水过程分组为:只使用新鲜水的过程、使用厂内水道的过程和使用厂间水道的过程。首先执行使用新鲜水的过程,其他... 采用浓度势概念,研究了具有厂内和厂间水道的多杂质多工厂水网络设计。首先设计无任何水道的多工厂水网络。将上述网络的用水过程分组为:只使用新鲜水的过程、使用厂内水道的过程和使用厂间水道的过程。首先执行使用新鲜水的过程,其他各组根据其浓度势由小到大的顺序依次执行,通过迭代计算,得到最终设计。通过两个案例详细介绍了设计方法。结果表明本文方法设计出的水网络与文献方法相比具有新鲜水消耗量少、结构清晰的特点。另外,本文方法具有明确的工程意义。 展开更多
关键词 多工水网络 厂间水道 内水道 浓度势
厂间环氧乙烷管道输送的工艺及安全设计 被引量:1
作者 兰建义 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 2021年第6期65-66,共2页
相对于槽车运输方式,用管道输送环氧乙烷的方式具有更安全、方便、经济等优点,但也存在泄漏风险。针对环氧乙烷易燃易爆、有毒易聚合的特性,介绍了厂区间环氧乙烷输送管道的设计,重点阐述了环氧乙烷管道输送的工艺系统、管道布置、选材... 相对于槽车运输方式,用管道输送环氧乙烷的方式具有更安全、方便、经济等优点,但也存在泄漏风险。针对环氧乙烷易燃易爆、有毒易聚合的特性,介绍了厂区间环氧乙烷输送管道的设计,重点阐述了环氧乙烷管道输送的工艺系统、管道布置、选材,以及其他安全措施,以确保管道输送系统的安全稳定运行。 展开更多
关键词 环氧乙烷 厂间管道 设计
作者 陈昊 郭敏 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 2018年第6期24-24,共1页
关键词 厂间管道 设计 安全对策措施
梯级电站厂间负荷分配算法研究 被引量:10
作者 徐刚 《水力发电学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期49-52,58,共5页
节能减排形势下,为尽可能节约水资源,电网应下达梯级日内96点负荷曲线,由梯级电站根据自身梯级情况进行厂间负荷分配,力求在最小耗水量条件下满足梯级日内负荷需求,该负荷分配面临高维数、多约束问题。本文以电网下达日内负荷为约束条件... 节能减排形势下,为尽可能节约水资源,电网应下达梯级日内96点负荷曲线,由梯级电站根据自身梯级情况进行厂间负荷分配,力求在最小耗水量条件下满足梯级日内负荷需求,该负荷分配面临高维数、多约束问题。本文以电网下达日内负荷为约束条件,以梯级耗水量最小为目标函数,研究厂间负荷分配求解算法。论文提出层次化厂间负荷分配算法模型,建立负荷随机分配算法得到厂间负荷分配初始解,进而提出功率微增逐次寻优算法获得厂间负荷分配最优解,并进行实例验证。研究表明,算法较好地解决了高维数、强约束条件下厂间梯级负荷问题,达到了节约梯级水资源目的。 展开更多
关键词 梯级电站 厂间负荷分配 层次化负荷分配算法
市场环境下梯级电站厂间﹣厂内负荷分配模型 被引量:5
作者 徐刚 张侃 韦能 《水力发电学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期46-56,共11页
市场环境下梯级负荷分配包括厂间负荷分配和厂内机组两个层次,厂间负荷分配目标为梯级效益最大化,厂内负荷分配目标为在安全前提下满足耗水量最小化。本文建立两个层次分配模型:厂间采用发电收益最大目标,使用逐步优化算法解决;厂内机... 市场环境下梯级负荷分配包括厂间负荷分配和厂内机组两个层次,厂间负荷分配目标为梯级效益最大化,厂内负荷分配目标为在安全前提下满足耗水量最小化。本文建立两个层次分配模型:厂间采用发电收益最大目标,使用逐步优化算法解决;厂内机组负荷分配采用耗水量最小目标,使用双动态规划解决,先采用动态规划解决逐时段内安全约束下最优分配,在此基础上时段间采用动态规划解决机组启停优化。两层次间以时段综合出力系数为协调变量的策略进行协调优化,将厂间负荷分配作为第一阶段,将厂内负荷分配作为第二阶段,两阶段迭代求解,得到最优分配结果。实例表明算法高效、快速完成了厂间﹣厂内负荷分配的统一调度,提高市场环境下梯级电站的竞争能力。 展开更多
关键词 优化调度 梯级电站 厂间内负荷分配 双动态规划 两阶段迭代
管廊安全距离标准适用性的讨论——基于对某石化厂厂间管廊隐患排查情况的分析 被引量:1
作者 张兴全 《职业卫生与应急救援》 2017年第6期554-557,共4页
[目的]探讨厂间管廊与周边设施恰当的安全距离,合理利用土地资源。[方法]结合某石化厂间管廊的现状,在8个相关标准中选择适用的标准,对厂间管廊安全隐患进行排查,并提出整改建议。[结果]该石化厂管廊存在如下不符合内容:1)管廊距混凝土... [目的]探讨厂间管廊与周边设施恰当的安全距离,合理利用土地资源。[方法]结合某石化厂间管廊的现状,在8个相关标准中选择适用的标准,对厂间管廊安全隐患进行排查,并提出整改建议。[结果]该石化厂管廊存在如下不符合内容:1)管廊距混凝土搅拌站配电间间距不足;2)距混凝土搅拌站碎石厂房间距不足;3)距混凝土搅拌站居住建筑间距不足。[结论]《石油化工工厂布置设计规范》(GB 50984-2014)对厂间管廊做出了相应的规定,宜作为厂间管廊设计及隐患排查的主要依据。同时需结合其他标准,全面排查厂间管廊事故隐患。 展开更多
关键词 厂间管廊 安全距离 石油化工 布置设计 输油管道 总平面设计
作者 陈昊 郭敏 《泸天化科技》 2018年第2期83-85,94,共4页
关键词 厂间管道 设计 安全对策措施
大渡河沙坪二级厂坝间导墙兼鱼道结构及稳定设计 被引量:1
作者 王爱林 黄维 +1 位作者 吴宏荣 涂承义 《大坝与安全》 2021年第1期11-14,24,共5页
大渡河沙坪二级水电站厂坝间导墙在运行期兼作鱼道,在二期施工导流中兼作厂房基坑纵向挡水围堰,起到了“一墙三用”效果。施工挡水期间,厂房基坑底与导墙顶高差达50 m,且在导墙底部存在缓倾角页岩夹层Sh4及裂隙L22,存在深层抗滑稳定问题... 大渡河沙坪二级水电站厂坝间导墙在运行期兼作鱼道,在二期施工导流中兼作厂房基坑纵向挡水围堰,起到了“一墙三用”效果。施工挡水期间,厂房基坑底与导墙顶高差达50 m,且在导墙底部存在缓倾角页岩夹层Sh4及裂隙L22,存在深层抗滑稳定问题,因此其稳定性显得尤为重要。本工程根据导墙建基面抗滑稳定及应力、深层抗滑稳定计算成果对导墙基础采取了锚筋桩及固结灌浆等加固处理,从运行情况看,该设计是成功的,可为其他类似工程提供有益的借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 沙坪二级水电站 导墙 纵向围堰 深层抗滑稳定
作者 刘加才 《乡镇经济研究》 1998年第2期F003-F003,共1页
关键词 棚花岗石 企业管理 市场推广 中国 经营宗旨 山东
大渡河流域梯级电站经济调度策略研究 被引量:6
作者 卢立宇 黄炜斌 +2 位作者 陶春华 李永利 王金龙 《水力发电》 北大核心 2017年第3期106-110,131,共6页
以大渡河瀑布沟、深溪沟梯级电站AGC联合运行为依托,基于分层控制原理,提出了一套厂网协调模式下的梯级电站经济调度(EDC)负荷实时分配策略,构建了相应的数学模型。为了检验策略及模型的合理性和可行性,进行了模拟运行。结果表明,所提... 以大渡河瀑布沟、深溪沟梯级电站AGC联合运行为依托,基于分层控制原理,提出了一套厂网协调模式下的梯级电站经济调度(EDC)负荷实时分配策略,构建了相应的数学模型。为了检验策略及模型的合理性和可行性,进行了模拟运行。结果表明,所提策略及方法可在满足各项安全约束的前提下,实现瀑、深两站梯级总负荷的厂间实时分配,使两电站在负荷与水量上匹配,进而提高了水量利用率,增加了发电效益。 展开更多
关键词 梯级水电站 AGC 厂间经济运行 智能分配 控制策略
作者 张晋芳 钱诚 +1 位作者 张亚刚 王增平 《华东电力》 北大核心 2013年第8期1647-1652,共6页
为了进一步提高电网拓扑分析的快速性,提出了一种基于关联集合和规则匹配加速的厂站间网络拓扑分析新算法,该方法通过搜索树支—母线关联集合并直接判断支路开断事件的影响,进一步提出了基于规则匹配的搜索加速算法,该算法能够提高连支... 为了进一步提高电网拓扑分析的快速性,提出了一种基于关联集合和规则匹配加速的厂站间网络拓扑分析新算法,该方法通过搜索树支—母线关联集合并直接判断支路开断事件的影响,进一步提出了基于规则匹配的搜索加速算法,该算法能够提高连支搜索效率,实现电气岛的快速跟踪分析。同时,将在线分析过程和离线处理过程有机结合,保障在线跟踪厂站间拓扑分析时的实时性。仿真算例表明,新算法能够明显地降低厂站间拓扑分析的运算量,可满足电力系统对网络拓扑实时性和准确性的要求。 展开更多
关键词 网络拓扑分析 树支开断跟踪 树支-母线关联集合 规则匹配
Study on soot purifying of molding shop in coking factory
作者 李多松 张辉 白向玉 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2006年第2期88-90,共3页
Exhaust gas in molding shop was complicated in component and characteristicin low thickness asphalt smoke,mass steam-gas and dust.It was difficult to purify the sootwith common purifier.So we must consider them roundl... Exhaust gas in molding shop was complicated in component and characteristicin low thickness asphalt smoke,mass steam-gas and dust.It was difficult to purify the sootwith common purifier.So we must consider them roundly and develop new multifunctionpurifier.PFP multifunction soot purifier was made on the base of design optimization andwas installed at Shenhuo Coking Factory in 2004.The combined effects of multi-mecha-nism in purifier make purifying ratio keep in high level.The remove ratio of smut reachesat 92.8%,and asphalt smoke at 83.7%. 展开更多
关键词 MOLDING purify SMUT asphalt smoke design optimization multi-mechanism
Long-term stability analysis of large-scale underground plant of Xiangjiaba hydro-power station 被引量:2
作者 徐卫亚 聂卫平 +3 位作者 周先齐 石崇 王伟 冯树荣 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期511-520,共10页
Numerical analysis of the optimal supporting time and long-term stability index of the surrounding rocks in the underground plant of Xiangjiaba hydro-power station was carried out based on the rheological theory. Firs... Numerical analysis of the optimal supporting time and long-term stability index of the surrounding rocks in the underground plant of Xiangjiaba hydro-power station was carried out based on the rheological theory. Firstly,the mechanical parameters of each rock group were identified from the experimental data; secondly,the rheological calculation and analysis for the cavern in stepped excavation without supporting were made; finally,the optimal time for supporting at the characteristic point in a typical section was obtained while the creep rate and displacement after each excavation step has satisfied the criterion of the optimal supporting time. Excavation was repeated when the optimal time for supporting was identified,and the long-term stability creep time and the maximum creep deformation of the characteristic point were determined in accordance with the criterion of long-term stability index. It is shown that the optimal supporting time of the characteristic point in the underground plant of Xiangjiaba hydro-power station is 5-8 d,the long-term stability time of the typical section is 126 d,and the corresponding largest creep deformation is 24.30 mm. While the cavern is supported,the cavern deformation is significantly reduced and the stress states of the surrounding rock masses are remarkably improved. 展开更多
关键词 large-scale underground plant rheological mechanics optimal supporting time maximum creep deformation long-termstability long-term strength
A Viable Megawatt-Class Space Power Plant under Rankine Cycle
作者 Ramon Ferreiro Garcia 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第5期683-694,共12页
The aim of the article concerns to the achieved research results regarding the viability of a megawatt-class space power plant based on the Rankine cycle for which the main objectives are to highlight the key issues r... The aim of the article concerns to the achieved research results regarding the viability of a megawatt-class space power plant based on the Rankine cycle for which the main objectives are to highlight the key issues responsible for improving the Rankine cycle efficiency. Two working fluids are studied (water and ammonia) on the basis of its well known characteristics. Cycles operating under top and bottom temperatures approaching the state of the art technology associated to cooling fluid reservoirs are key to improve the efficiency. With such strategy, the achieved thermal efficiency increases more than 20% with respect to conventional power plants. Mentioned benefits associated to the strategy based on the reduction of the required payload capacity, the condenser radiation surface and the power plant mass represent the main advantages of the proposed innovation techniques. 展开更多
关键词 Concentrated solar power cycle efficiency energy conversion organic Rankine cycle Rankine cycle solar dynamicpower system.
Behavior, distribution and environmental influence of arsenic in a typical lead smelter 被引量:10
作者 柴立元 史美清 +2 位作者 梁彦杰 汤景文 李青竹 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1276-1286,共11页
A field study was conducted to determine the behavior and distribution of arsenic during the pyrometallurgy process in a typical SKS(Shuikoushan) lead smelter in Hunan province, China. Environmental influences of arse... A field study was conducted to determine the behavior and distribution of arsenic during the pyrometallurgy process in a typical SKS(Shuikoushan) lead smelter in Hunan province, China. Environmental influences of arsenic in selected samples were evaluated. Arsenic contents in all input and output samples vary from 0.11% in raw lead to 6.66% in collected dust-2. More arsenic is volatilized in blast furnace and fuming furnace(73.02% of arsenic input) than bottom blowing furnace(10.29% of arsenic input).There are 78.97%, 13.69%, 7.31% of total arsenic distributed in intermediate materials, stockpiled materials and unorganized emissions, respectively. Matte slag-2, collected dust-1 and secondary zinc oxide are hazardous based on the arsenic concentrations of toxicity characteristic leaching procedure. According to risk assessment code(RAC) guideline, arsenic in collected dust-1 poses a very serious risk to the surrounding environment, arsenic in speiss, matte slag-2, water-quenched slag and secondary zinc oxide show low risk, while arsenic in matte slag-1, collected dust-2 and post dust has no risk to the environment. 展开更多
关键词 arsenic behavior distribution environmental influence SKS lead smelter
Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization for Controlling Virtual Power Plant Consisting of Renewable Energy Sources
作者 Jan Ivanecky Daniel Hropko Miroslav Kovac 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第7期1408-1414,共7页
RES (renewable energy sources), such as wind and photovoltaic power plants, suffer from their stochastic nature that is why their behavior on market is very delicate. In order to diversify risk, a concept of VPP (v... RES (renewable energy sources), such as wind and photovoltaic power plants, suffer from their stochastic nature that is why their behavior on market is very delicate. In order to diversify risk, a concept of VPP (virtual power plant) has been developed. The VPP is composed of several RES, from which at least one of them is fully controllable. Because the production of noncontrollable RES can not be forecasted perfectly, therefore an optimal dispatch schedule within VPP is needed. To address this problem, an APSO (accelerated particle swarm optimization) is used to solve the constrained optimal dispatch problem within VPP. The experimental results show that the proposed optimization method provides high quality solutions while meeting constraints. 展开更多
关键词 Virtual power plant particle swarm optimization renewable energy sources optimal dispatch.
Evaluation of Sorghum bicolor in Farmer Field for Resistance to Striga hermonthica
作者 Ndomian Nekouam 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第6期449-453,共5页
Sorghum bicolor is among main staple crops of Chad but it is commonly attacked by Striga hermonthica. Assessment of sorghum varieties for resistance to this weed was carried out during three cropping seasons (2005-2... Sorghum bicolor is among main staple crops of Chad but it is commonly attacked by Striga hermonthica. Assessment of sorghum varieties for resistance to this weed was carried out during three cropping seasons (2005-2008), in controlled conditions; promising entries (those which fulfilled at least 75% of selection criteria) were evaluated in farmer field in 2008-2009 seasons. There were five sites (Bebedjia, Deli, Bekao, Koudoti and Ndaba). The objective was to evaluate some sorghum entries for S. hermonthica resistance in farmer field. Sorghum test was composed of four entries in Fisher blocks as experimental designs, with five replications. Among different observed variables, there were striga plant count and weight of sorghum grains. One promising entry was selected at Bebedjia and Ndaba (53), two at Deli and Koudoti (50 and 53). No entry was selected at Bekao. Promising entries for the whole Southern zone of Chad were composed of 50 and 53. The best entry was 53 because it was promising in all sites except Bekao. 展开更多
关键词 EVALUATION farmer field resistanc Sorghum bicolor Striga hermonthica
NIRS法分析复方磺胺甲噁唑片的均匀性 被引量:3
作者 吴阮琦 董艳虹 +3 位作者 范琦 陈杨 王以武 李娟 《药物分析杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期291-296,共6页
目的:建立复方磺胺甲噁唑片厂间、批间及批内均匀性的近红外光谱无损快速分析方法。方法:测量4个厂家13批共258片复方磺胺甲噁唑片的近红外漫反射光谱,结合化学计量学技术,建立该片厂间、批间及批内的均匀性分析方法。结果:所建NIRS法... 目的:建立复方磺胺甲噁唑片厂间、批间及批内均匀性的近红外光谱无损快速分析方法。方法:测量4个厂家13批共258片复方磺胺甲噁唑片的近红外漫反射光谱,结合化学计量学技术,建立该片厂间、批间及批内的均匀性分析方法。结果:所建NIRS法能够准确、无损、快速地分析复方磺胺甲噁唑片厂间、批间及批内的均匀性。结论:所建NIRS法可用于复方磺胺甲噁唑片质量监督管理及生产过程控制中的均匀性分析。 展开更多
关键词 近红外光谱法 化学计量学 均匀性 厂间 批内 复方磺胺甲唑片
集中控制下的梯级AGC运行浅析 被引量:4
作者 何国春 刘广宇 《水电厂自动化》 2008年第4期58-59,70,共3页
关键词 梯级AGC 负荷调节控制 厂间AGC 内AGC 策略
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