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从《左传》看春秋历制 被引量:1
作者 郭书兰 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2000年第4期78-82,共5页
《左传》对《春秋》经文中的天象记录作了大量的补充和纠正 :它指出鲁国史官对几次日食发生时间的误载和“闰月不告朔”的失误 ;在“二分二至”的基础上补充了“四立”和惊蛰 ,将二十四气增加到九 ;岁星纪年的出现 ,标志着历制统一为大... 《左传》对《春秋》经文中的天象记录作了大量的补充和纠正 :它指出鲁国史官对几次日食发生时间的误载和“闰月不告朔”的失误 ;在“二分二至”的基础上补充了“四立”和惊蛰 ,将二十四气增加到九 ;岁星纪年的出现 ,标志着历制统一为大势所趋 ;在“分野”的问题上 ,客观地记述了科学和迷信的斗争。 展开更多
关键词 《左传》 历制 春秋时期 天文学史料
成功简历制作之道 被引量:1
作者 Ann Hacket 宋君 《新东方英语(中英文版)》 2005年第6期95-98,共4页
对于大多数人来说,准备简历是一件头痛的事情,因为从什么开始写,以及写些什么都要顿费心思。而且这看起来似乎是一件不可逾越的工作。本文将向你介绍14个小窍门,帮助你制作一份成功的简历。1.在制作简历之前明确你的工作目标。一旦把目... 对于大多数人来说,准备简历是一件头痛的事情,因为从什么开始写,以及写些什么都要顿费心思。而且这看起来似乎是一件不可逾越的工作。本文将向你介绍14个小窍门,帮助你制作一份成功的简历。1.在制作简历之前明确你的工作目标。一旦把目标确定了。 展开更多
关键词 历制 头痛的事 目标确定 工作目标 小窍门 目标组 多数人 行为动词
作者 谷里鹏 《企业科技与发展》 1996年第6期21-21,共1页
1 制作百页 将挂历剪成60毫米宽的长条,然后折成25毫米宽,使接缝在长条中部重叠5毫米。将易拉罐顺长剪成24毫米宽的弓形长方条,放在纸条1/4、3/4处,然后用胶水把接缝贴起来。用打孔器(文具店有售)在1/4、3/4处各打一个孔,再把纸条弯成弓... 1 制作百页 将挂历剪成60毫米宽的长条,然后折成25毫米宽,使接缝在长条中部重叠5毫米。将易拉罐顺长剪成24毫米宽的弓形长方条,放在纸条1/4、3/4处,然后用胶水把接缝贴起来。用打孔器(文具店有售)在1/4、3/4处各打一个孔,再把纸条弯成弓形,以增加抗弯能力。弓形纸条的宽度为20毫米(图1所示)。 2 制作百页窗窗架 先作上窗架(见图2)。用木条做成槽形梁,木条的长度要比百页长100毫米。角度变换器用吉它弦轴(2)代替(乐器商店有售)。转轴(5)是6毫米的铁管。用一套管(4)把吉它弦轴与转轴联接起来(可焊接或粘接)。转轴上有两个横杆(6),百页的牵引绳就系在横杆的两端孔上。 展开更多
关键词 升降绳 牵引绳 百页窗 历制 变换器 升降器 木螺钉 窗架 加长杆 弯成弓形
《哈尔滨商业大学学报(社会科学版)》 1987年第1期46-46,共1页
一、成人学历教育改革设想: 1、办学指导思想方面。成人学历教育应该为岗位职务所需知识而设,与职工教育直接经济效益合拍:必须面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来,培养具有现代化素质的专门人才。 2、体制方面。①实行两种学历制度,即国... 一、成人学历教育改革设想: 1、办学指导思想方面。成人学历教育应该为岗位职务所需知识而设,与职工教育直接经济效益合拍:必须面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来,培养具有现代化素质的专门人才。 2、体制方面。①实行两种学历制度,即国家学历和社会学历。②建立全国统一的三等四级的成人教育等级学历制度。③成人学历教育结构一条是以大企业和企业经济联合集团为主的成人学历与职业教育体系;一条是国家以广播、电视、录相、电影、自学考试为手段建立的开放型的成人学历教育体系。④建立“单科级进”式的学历体制,就是适应岗位职务知识圈需要的成人教育学历制。⑤完善成人学历教育管理体系。⑥建立成人学历教育全面质量管理制度。 展开更多
关键词 成人学教育 考试度改革 历制 成人教育 旧统一 知识圈 学分 论文成绩 单科 城考
监生历事制对大学生实习制度的启示 被引量:1
作者 余园 《科教文汇》 2018年第4期130-131,共2页
目前我国大学生实习制度存在诸多问题,如大学生实习单位联系难;高校缺乏科学的实习结果评估方式;高校实习时间安排不合理。而明代国子监生历事制度的一些做法对完善我国大学生实习制度具有重要的借鉴意义。监生历事制对完善大学生实习... 目前我国大学生实习制度存在诸多问题,如大学生实习单位联系难;高校缺乏科学的实习结果评估方式;高校实习时间安排不合理。而明代国子监生历事制度的一些做法对完善我国大学生实习制度具有重要的借鉴意义。监生历事制对完善大学生实习制度的启示主要表现在三个方面:建立多种形式的大学生实习基地;完善大学生实习结果评估方式;适当延长实习时间。 展开更多
关键词 监生 大学生 实习
《吕氏春秋·十二纪》纪首用历问题辩证 被引量:1
作者 庞慧 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期85-91,共7页
《吕氏春秋·十二纪》纪首跟《礼记》中的《月令》文字相同,差别只是十二篇合为一长篇,又被《淮南子·时则训》全文抄录,仅文字上略作修改,其中所记天象、物候多来自于《夏小正》。主要受对《月令》的解读影响,从汉代开始,学者... 《吕氏春秋·十二纪》纪首跟《礼记》中的《月令》文字相同,差别只是十二篇合为一长篇,又被《淮南子·时则训》全文抄录,仅文字上略作修改,其中所记天象、物候多来自于《夏小正》。主要受对《月令》的解读影响,从汉代开始,学者对于《十二纪》纪首所用历制的认识便存在着巨大的分歧,高诱、郑玄等认为《十二纪》纪首(亦即《月令》)以孟冬之月,即夏历十月为岁首,所用正是秦朝的颛顼历,而更多的汉代学者囿于经学思维,认为《月令》乃周礼,所行即周制。唐代孔颖达疏解《月令》时,为维护"三礼俱出于周"的正统观念,对郑玄的解说曲加弥缝,承认其说《月令》"官名时事多不合周法",但否认出于秦制,而认为是吕不韦宾客所传的圣王旧章。孔颖达之说深刻影响到后世读书人对《月令》亦即《十二纪》纪首的一般看法。另外,由于《吕氏春秋》成书于秦统一天下之前,且后世一些学者对"改正朔"的理解过于机械,直到今天,仍有不少研究者认为《十二纪》纪首所行非秦制,甚者以此为据强调《吕氏春秋》与秦统治政策间的矛盾。本文梳理各家论难,辨析各自言说背后的思想背景与材料支撑,在此基础之上,根据传世文献和出土文字资料,结合前人研究成果,发现《十二纪》纪首之以十月为岁首,在《季秋》和《孟冬》篇中已明文昭昭,而秦在《吕氏春秋》成书之时已采用颛顼历,也可由《史记·秦本纪》和云梦睡虎地秦墓出土的《编年记》得到证明,故《十二纪》纪首确实是以孟冬之月,即《夏小正》十月为一年之始,《十二纪》纪首所用历即秦颛顼历。战国秦汉时期,文本在流传过程中出现不同传本和改写的现象颇为常见,但也因此导致后人在阅读时容易因文本被著录的形式和所纳入的书籍类型而形成若干先入之见,干扰对文本的解读。《十二纪》纪首用历问题聚讼多年仍莫衷一是,即是其例。 展开更多
关键词 《吕氏春秋》 《十二纪》纪首 《月令》 历制 十月 颛顼
关于元稹知制诰以及翰林承旨学士任内的几个问题 被引量:2
作者 吴伟斌 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2002年第2期55-60,共6页
元稹是唐代的著名诗人,也是穆宗朝活跃的政治家之一。但有关史料对他在知制诰以及翰林承旨学士任内的叙述,有不少模糊不清甚至错误的地方,如归朝的具体时日、膳部员外郎试知制诰的仕历、罢职翰林承旨学士的时间等。本文提出疑问之后... 元稹是唐代的著名诗人,也是穆宗朝活跃的政治家之一。但有关史料对他在知制诰以及翰林承旨学士任内的叙述,有不少模糊不清甚至错误的地方,如归朝的具体时日、膳部员外郎试知制诰的仕历、罢职翰林承旨学士的时间等。本文提出疑问之后,以元稹、白居易的第一手材料结合元稹的行踪加以证明,从而得出正确的符合史实的结论。 展开更多
关键词 元稹 归朝时日 试知诰仕 罢职翰林承旨学士时间
《中国农业银行长春管理干部学院学报》 1992年第4期56-56,共1页
关键词 用人 日本社会 教授 历制 高薪职位 原公司 筹委会 文科学报 筹备工作报告 人类学
史官源流考 被引量:13
作者 许兆昌 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第1期64-70,共7页
史官主要的原始职务是观象制历。由于在远古时期的中国,现象制历的技能主要掌握在巫和瞽这两个社会群体的手中,因此,巫、瞽共同构成了史官的源头。受时代的影响,史官的现象制历蒙上了浓厚的原始宗教的色彩,因此在早期国家政权机构... 史官主要的原始职务是观象制历。由于在远古时期的中国,现象制历的技能主要掌握在巫和瞽这两个社会群体的手中,因此,巫、瞽共同构成了史官的源头。受时代的影响,史官的现象制历蒙上了浓厚的原始宗教的色彩,因此在早期国家政权机构中史官是以知晓天道的神职人员的身份出现的。史官的记事功能由巫、瞽共同造就,其中尤以瞽对史官这一功能的充分发展发挥了关键性的作用。史官由于通晓文字,遂使其功能在各种文书工作中也获得了广泛的发展。 展开更多
关键词 史官 观象
与教学文本对话——阅读教学中的多重对话之三 被引量:4
作者 韩雪屏 《语文教学通讯(高中)(A)》 北大核心 2004年第1期9-11,共3页
关键词 文洗 教学文本 高中语文 教科书 语文课程 阅读
Metric of Carbon Equity:Carbon Gini Index Based on Historical Cumulative Emission per Capita 被引量:1
作者 Fei Teng Jiankun He +1 位作者 Xunzhang Pan Chi Zhang 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第3期134-140,共7页
This paper uses Lorenz curve and Gini index with adjustment to per capita historical cumulative emission to construct carbon Gini index to measure inequality in climate change area. The analysis shows that 70% of carb... This paper uses Lorenz curve and Gini index with adjustment to per capita historical cumulative emission to construct carbon Gini index to measure inequality in climate change area. The analysis shows that 70% of carbon space in the atmosphere has been used for unequal distribution, which is almost the same as that of incomes in a country with the biggest gap between the rich and the poor in the world. The carbon equity should be an urgency and priority in the climate agenda. Carbon Gini index established in this paper can be used to measure inequality in the distribution of carbon space and provide a quantified indicator for measurement of carbon equity among different proposals. 展开更多
关键词 climate change carbon equity long-term mitigation goal cumulative emission per capita carbon Gini index
Mass Human Migration and the Urban Heat Island during the Chinese New Year Holiday: A Case Study in Harbin City, Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 WU Ling-Yun ZHANG Jing-Yong SHI Chun-Xiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2015年第2期63-66,共4页
Many Chinese people leave big cities for family reunions during the Chinese New Year (CNY), which is the most important public holiday in China. However, how modem mass human migration during the CNY holiday affects... Many Chinese people leave big cities for family reunions during the Chinese New Year (CNY), which is the most important public holiday in China. However, how modem mass human migration during the CNY holiday affects the urban heat island (UHI) is still un- known. Here, the authors investigate the role of modem human migration for the UHI effects during the CNY holiday for the period of 1992-2006 in Harbin City, Northeast China. The results show that during the CNY week, the UHI effects expressed as daily mean, maxi- mum, and minimum temperature differences between urban and rural stations averaged over the period of 1992-2006 are 0.65℃ (43%), 0.31℃ (48%), and 1.14℃ (71%) lower than during the background period (four weeks before and four weeks after the CNY week), re- spectively. Our findings identify previously unknown impacts of modem mass human migration on the UHI effects based on a case study in Harbin City. 展开更多
关键词 urban heat island Chinese New Year holiday mass human migration surface air temperature Harbin City
作者 麻荣远 《广西民族师范学院学报》 2016年第4期24-28,共5页
《尚书》同苗族的来源和历史有直接的关系。苗族是《尚书》反复提到的第一个民族群体。苗族的先人驩兜是用苗语和帝尧对话。《尧典》中的不少词、句需要用苗语或与苗族口碑传说比较才能顺利解读。《尚书》不单是汉文典籍,反映的历史也... 《尚书》同苗族的来源和历史有直接的关系。苗族是《尚书》反复提到的第一个民族群体。苗族的先人驩兜是用苗语和帝尧对话。《尧典》中的不少词、句需要用苗语或与苗族口碑传说比较才能顺利解读。《尚书》不单是汉文典籍,反映的历史也不单是汉族史。《尧典》的主要人物尧、舜、禹等也不仅是汉族。苗族的语言文化对中华文化的复兴也有不可替代的作用。 展开更多
关键词 女娲 高祖夋 伏羲
An Analysis on Correlativity between Large Earthquakes in the Hindu Kush-Pamir and Tienshan Seismic Zone 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Langping Shao Zhigang 《Earthquake Research in China》 2014年第2期177-187,共11页
In this paper,we introduce the tectonic setting,historical earthquake focal mechanisms and geodynamic environment of Tienshan and its neighboring regions, and draw a conclusion that large earthquakes in the Tienshan s... In this paper,we introduce the tectonic setting,historical earthquake focal mechanisms and geodynamic environment of Tienshan and its neighboring regions, and draw a conclusion that large earthquakes in the Tienshan seismic zone are governed mainly by the pushing from Hindu Kush-Pamir syntax. Secondly,the relationship of large earthquakes in the Hindu Kush-Pamir region and the Tienshan seismic zone is investigated,and synchronization features are found existing in the grouped large earthquakes between the large earthquakes in two regions. The relationship between intermediate-focus large earthquakes in Hindu Kush-Pamir and shallow large earthquakes in the Tienshan seismic zone is also discussed. The same synchronization characteristics are found,and the intensity and frequency of intermediate-focus earthquakes are fiercer, while large earthquakes in the Tienshan seismic zone are more intense,with a wider distribution range. The above results confirm the geodynamic correlativity between Hindu Kush-Pamir and the Tienshan seismic zone from the viewpoint of seismicity. 展开更多
关键词 Tienshan seismic zone Hindu Kush-Pamir Intermediate-focus earthquakes Correlativity of large earthquakes
What is artificial endocrine pancreas? Mechanism and history
作者 Kenro Nishida Seiya Shimoda +2 位作者 Kenshi Ichinose Eiichi Araki Motoaki Shichiri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第33期4105-4110,共6页
The artificial endocrine pancreas is a feedback control instrument that regulates insulin delivery on a minute-by-minute basis according to measured blood glucose levels. Only one type of bedsidetype artificial endocr... The artificial endocrine pancreas is a feedback control instrument that regulates insulin delivery on a minute-by-minute basis according to measured blood glucose levels. Only one type of bedsidetype artificial endocrine pancreas is now available in Japan: STG-22 (Nikkiso Co. Ltd., Japan). In the insulin infusion algorithm, insulin is infused on the basis ofits proportional and derivative actions, to blood glucose concentrations with a constant time delay. The bedside-type artificial endocrine pancreas has been proven to be useful not only as a therapeutic tool for diabetes mellitus, but also as an elegant research tool for investigating the pathophysiology of the disease, by using the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp technique. The wearable type of closed-loop system has been developed recently. The breakthrough is the establishment of a needle-type glucose sensor. The development of closed-loop glycemic control systems that enable long-term physiological regulation has focused on implantable devices. Much effort has been expended to realize these devices. 展开更多
关键词 Diabetes mellitus Artificial pancreas Blood glucose INSULIN INFUSION
The Exploration of Reasons Why Southeast Asia Countries Have Strong Insecurity About the Rise of China
作者 Lyu xiaoli Bai Ruixin 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2018年第3期204-214,共11页
The word, “China’ rise”, has highlighted the rapidity and suddenness of China’s development, and the Southeast Asia region, both in history and in reality, has a close relationship with China. In face of the giant... The word, “China’ rise”, has highlighted the rapidity and suddenness of China’s development, and the Southeast Asia region, both in history and in reality, has a close relationship with China. In face of the giant’s rise, some Southeast Asia countries have reduced their sense of certainty and control over this external environment, which causes their insecurity. The reasons of this phenomenon include the factor of history, ideology, geopolitics, overseas Chinese and extraterritorial states intervention. We should go start with national and ideological barriers, combine the analysis of the sense of certainty and control, to understand the underlying causes of insecurity. 展开更多
关键词 the rise of China Southeast Asia the sense of certainty and control the reasons
Tectonic Mechanism of the Suining(Ms5.0) Earthquake,Center of Sichuan Basin,China 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Rong-jun LI Yong +11 位作者 Laurence SVIRCHEV ZHANG Yong-jiu HE Deng-fa HE Yu-lin ZHAO Pei-lin WANG Zan-jun LONG Feng SU Jin-rong WANG Shi-yuan LIANG Ming-jian LIU Yu-fa KANG Chuan-chuan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期84-94,共11页
On Jan.31 of 2010,the Suining earthquake occurred at Suining City whch is located the center of Sichuan Basin.It is unusual for the strong earthquake to occur at the center of Sichuan Basin with a stable geotectonic e... On Jan.31 of 2010,the Suining earthquake occurred at Suining City whch is located the center of Sichuan Basin.It is unusual for the strong earthquake to occur at the center of Sichuan Basin with a stable geotectonic environment and a low-level historical seismicity.The macro-epicenter of the earthquake is located at Moxi town of Suining city,Sichuan province,China.The earthquake intensity of the epicenter area is degree VII,and the long axis of the isoseismal line trends in NE orientation.The Suining earthquake caused the collapse or destruction of 460 family houses.The earthquake focal mechanism solution and records of the near-field seismographic stations showed the earthquake occurred at the reverse fault at a depth 34 km.Based on the waveform and focal mechanism,we consider the Suning earthquake is triggered by the reverse fault and not by the gravitational collapse or man-made explosive sources.Basing on seismic refraction profile and borehole,we consider that the earthquake is triggered by the backthrust fault of Moxi anticline rooted in detachments at a depth 3-4 km.Furthermore,we infer that tectonic mechanism of the Suining(Ms5.0) Earthquake is driven by the horizontal crustal shortening and stress adjustment on a shallow detachment after the Wenchuan(Ms 8.0) earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 Suining(Ms5.0) earthquake Disaster Tectonic mechanism Horizontal crustal shortening Backthrust fault Shallow detachment Sichuan Basin
Isolation, Characterization and Bio-Control Activities of Bacillus Subtilis from the Fermented Soybean in Cambodia
作者 Ek Sopheap Yasuhiro Inatsu +1 位作者 Huon Thavrak Buntong Borarin 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2018年第4期171-188,共18页
The objective of this study was to isolate Bacillus subtilis produced Bacteriocin from Khmer traditional fermented soybean to control the growth of pathogenic bacteria from 120 SIENG samples from 9 different loca... The objective of this study was to isolate Bacillus subtilis produced Bacteriocin from Khmer traditional fermented soybean to control the growth of pathogenic bacteria from 120 SIENG samples from 9 different local open markets in Phnom Penh, 1 local open market and 2 local producers in Kandal province in Cambodia. 119 out of 120 samples were positive with Bacillus subtilis strains. Fifteen of these isolated strains exhibited antimicrobial activity to Lactobacillus plantarum by agar well diffusion assay and one of them (CeM6-7 strain) exhibited strongest antimicrobial activity. The filtered supernatant of this strain also suppressed the growth of several Gram-positive pathogens (such as Staphylococcus aureus) or lactic acid bacteria in broth. The filtrate could also suppress the growth of L. plantarum inoculated into soymilk. Antimicrobial B. subtilis strain CeM6-7 is thought to be applicable for making a starter culture to produce much safe fermented soybean foods by suppressing the growth of naturally contaminated B. cereus or S. aureus during production. In addition, the use of this starter culture may contribute to prevent spoilage or quality loss of soybean products caused by the over growth lactic acid bacteria or other Gram-positive bacteria. 展开更多
关键词 B. subtilis fermented soybean BACTERIOCIN food poisoning spoilage bacterial.
Different Attitudes in Different Regions Aimed at Military Personnel in Turkey
作者 Sinan Caya 《Sociology Study》 2015年第6期510-518,共9页
Historically Turks had always relied on military power. The culture is rich with martial values to this day. Even each civilian is somewhat soldierly in a sense, in general. Nevertheless, in a more detailed analysis, ... Historically Turks had always relied on military power. The culture is rich with martial values to this day. Even each civilian is somewhat soldierly in a sense, in general. Nevertheless, in a more detailed analysis, in some territories of the country, the prestige enjoyed by the military is more intensive than the average, while in some other territories, respect for military people is much below the average tendency. One might infer that in the former category, it is a question of the regions where the inhabitants are mild, soft-spoken, and compatible. They accordingly admire discipline and display obedient attitudes vis-a-vis governmental authority ever since the Ottoman times, merely as a cultural and traditional trait. Those regions are certainly places where military people today are held in high esteem. In such locations, even the ideal profession for a little boy is indoctrinated as a military career, by the whole family or the surrounding social environment. It should be mentioned that in certain cities and towns, a substantial percentage of the population are represented by immigrants, who got re-patriated along the course of the near history, as the former Ottoman Empire began shrinking in territory due to loss of land, during successive wars. The crushing majority of the Muslim Ottoman subjects in those lost territories preferred leaving their property and escaping into the Anatolian mainland, rather than renouncing their belief and assimilating to the new political regime. Having suffered at the hands of foreign powers, those people have also been especially appreciative of the value of their own soldiers. As for the latter category, dislike of discipline and authority can be mainly attributed to the special social structure and historical circumstances. 展开更多
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of laser additive manufactured Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr alloy 被引量:6
作者 Qiang ZHANG Jing CHEN +2 位作者 Hua TAN Xin LIN Wei-dong HUANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期2058-2066,共9页
The microstructure, microhardness and tensile properties of laser additive manufactured (LAM) Ti?5Al?2Sn?2Zr?4Mo?4Cr alloy were investigated. The result shows that the microstructure evolution is strongly affected by ... The microstructure, microhardness and tensile properties of laser additive manufactured (LAM) Ti?5Al?2Sn?2Zr?4Mo?4Cr alloy were investigated. The result shows that the microstructure evolution is strongly affected by the thermal history of LAM process. Primary α (αp) with different morphologies, secondary α (αs) and martensite α' can be observed at different positions of the LAMed specimen. Annealing treatment can promote the precipitation of rib-like α phase or acicular α phase. As a result, it can increase or decrease the microhardness. The as-deposited L-direction and T-direction specimens contain the same phase constituent with different morphologies. The tensile properties of the as-deposited LAMed specimens are characterized of anisotropy. The L-direction specimen shows the character of low strength but high ductility when compared with the T-direction specimen. After annealing treatment, the strength of L-direction specimen increases significantly while the ductility reduces. The strength of the annealed T-direction specimen changes little, however, the ductility reduces nearly by 50%. 展开更多
关键词 Ti.5Al.2Sn.2Zr.4Mo.4Cr alloy laser additive manufacture microstructure thermal history mechanical properties
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