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作者 朴龙根 《大连近代史研究》 2010年第1期159-166,共8页
申采浩(1880~1936年),字丹斋,曾用笔名无涯生、锦颊山人、燕市梦人、赤心等。韩国著名的民族主义历史学家、民族独立运动的启蒙者、活动家;无政府主义者。在日本帝国主义殖民统治时期,他曾经在韩国、俄罗斯以及中国东北、山东、上海、... 申采浩(1880~1936年),字丹斋,曾用笔名无涯生、锦颊山人、燕市梦人、赤心等。韩国著名的民族主义历史学家、民族独立运动的启蒙者、活动家;无政府主义者。在日本帝国主义殖民统治时期,他曾经在韩国、俄罗斯以及中国东北、山东、上海、北京等地积极从事抗日民族独立运动。1928年5月8日,申采浩在台湾基隆港被日本水上警察署逮捕后,关押到旅顺监狱中。经大连日本地方法院审判,判处有期徒刑10年。1936年2月21日,申采浩因不堪折磨,突发脑溢血在旅顺监狱牺牲,享年57岁。一生中,他先后发表了《读史新论》、《朝鲜革命宣言》等大量论著,创立了独具特色的朝鲜近代民族主义历史史学体系。 展开更多
关键词 申采浩 民族主义 历史史学观 民族独立
作者 祁亚平 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期22-31,共10页
当代爱尔兰戏剧大师布赖恩弗里尔以创作历史剧见长。但学界往往以此类剧目中的历史“失真”问题为由,指责他有操纵历史以达到政治目的之嫌。而《建构历史》可被当作弗里尔为其历史剧乃至史学观进行辩护的宣言。在剧中,他将虚构的生活片... 当代爱尔兰戏剧大师布赖恩弗里尔以创作历史剧见长。但学界往往以此类剧目中的历史“失真”问题为由,指责他有操纵历史以达到政治目的之嫌。而《建构历史》可被当作弗里尔为其历史剧乃至史学观进行辩护的宣言。在剧中,他将虚构的生活片段嵌入既定史实之中,表明历史是一种建立在虚构与想象之上的修辞性叙事话语。同时,他注重历史编撰中的情节布局,以戏剧创作的形式展示将编年史编织成故事的过程。此外,他承认历史是文学仿制品,并强调历史的文本性。本文拟参照海登怀特主张的新历史主义诗学,通过梳理该剧中隐含的新历史主义史学观,呈现弗里尔与怀特的“对话”。由此指出,弗里尔在这部元历史文本中,试图对抗和消解官方历史权威,通过改写历史为重构爱尔兰文化身份探寻新出路。 展开更多
关键词 弗里尔 怀特 历史 《建构历史 历史主义史学
Build a people- oriented social security system--Based on the concept of real man
作者 Tan Jinwen 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期109-111,共3页
The concept of "real man" is the historical origin and the logical starting point in The Marx's Materialist Conception of History, and is also our basic starting point in the social science research. Although our c... The concept of "real man" is the historical origin and the logical starting point in The Marx's Materialist Conception of History, and is also our basic starting point in the social science research. Although our country's social security system has made great development and progress, but it still does not adapts the level of economy development, especially compared with the requirements of the people. Based on the principle of Marx's "real man" theory and combine the "real man" with the "people oriented", this article discussed the basic framework of the present social security system and its shortcomings in China. Then I try to put forward suggestions from breaking the urban-rural dual structure, gradually establishing urban and rural areas as a whole one of social security system, actively expanding the social security fund financing channels, establishing a nationwide unified social security of personal accounts, strive to establish a "people oriented" social security system. 展开更多
关键词 Real man People oriented Social security
On Historical Concepts and Values:A Re-Cognition of Several Premise Issues in Chinese Historiographic Theory
作者 荣剑 《Social Sciences in China》 2010年第3期103-120,共18页
A re-thinking of several premise issues in Chinese historiographic theory involves reconsidering and reassessing hitherto unquestioned theoretical and historical premises, re- analyzing and re-observing Chinese histor... A re-thinking of several premise issues in Chinese historiographic theory involves reconsidering and reassessing hitherto unquestioned theoretical and historical premises, re- analyzing and re-observing Chinese history with the theoretical vision of the philosophy of history, and sorting out and correcting ideas of history. It is a process of dialectical comprehension and specific application of the core values of Marxist materialist history, involving adherence to the basic traditions of materialist history in the following areas: the starting point of historical studies, methods of comparative historical research, establishment of the facts and laws of history, explanations of historical concepts and values and integration of reality, history, theory and values, so as to develop a holistic theory and method of historical observation covering a long period and a broad span. 展开更多
关键词 premise issues comparative historical studies historical differences universal history historical logic historical assessment.
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