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变压力工况下压裂泵的疲劳失效演化规律研究 被引量:6
作者 胡瑾秋 王倩琳 +3 位作者 张来斌 王海涛 李奎为 贺维维 《石油机械》 2017年第4期67-73,78,共8页
页岩气大规模压裂作业中,压裂泵受周期性变化的复杂载荷作用,易发生疲劳失效;现场试验耗费人力物力,数值求解过程繁琐,且均存在一定难度。为此,利用ANSYS和FE-SAFE平台开展研究,以寻找变压力工况下压裂泵的疲劳失效演化规律。选取柱塞... 页岩气大规模压裂作业中,压裂泵受周期性变化的复杂载荷作用,易发生疲劳失效;现场试验耗费人力物力,数值求解过程繁琐,且均存在一定难度。为此,利用ANSYS和FE-SAFE平台开展研究,以寻找变压力工况下压裂泵的疲劳失效演化规律。选取柱塞和泵头体等6个主要部件,通过建立三维模型、设定边界约束条件和施加工况载荷-压力,揭示不同压力工况下各部件应力、位移状态及疲劳脆弱点位置;求解各部件应力、位移及疲劳寿命随压力变化的规律;绘制变压力工况下各部件和压裂泵整体的疲劳失效演化图谱。研究结果表明:压裂泵主要部件的最大应力、最大位移随压力近似呈线性变化,并得到在最大许用应力范围内各部件满足工况要求,且变压力工况下压裂泵的疲劳脆弱点发生转移。研究结果可为现场压裂安全施工提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 压裂泵 疲劳失效 压力工 三维模型 演化图谱 页岩气 ANSYS
变压力工况下井口装置的疲劳失效演化规律研究 被引量:3
作者 王倩琳 胡瑾秋 +3 位作者 张来斌 王海涛 李奎为 贺维维 《石油矿场机械》 2017年第5期1-5,共5页
在页岩气大规模压裂作业过程中,井口装置受到周期性变化的复杂载荷作用,易发生疲劳失效,其疲劳寿命亦成为关注焦点。由于压裂施工工况繁复,现场试验耗费人力物力、数值求解过程繁琐,且均存在一定的难度。为此,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件和... 在页岩气大规模压裂作业过程中,井口装置受到周期性变化的复杂载荷作用,易发生疲劳失效,其疲劳寿命亦成为关注焦点。由于压裂施工工况繁复,现场试验耗费人力物力、数值求解过程繁琐,且均存在一定的难度。为此,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件和FE-SAFE平台开展研究,以寻找变压力工况下压裂井口装置的疲劳失效规律。选取套管头、油管头2个主要部件,通过建立三维模型、设定边界条件、施加工况载荷-压力,揭示不同压力条件下各部件应力、应变状态及疲劳脆弱点位置;求解各部件应力应变及疲劳寿命随压力变化的关系;绘制各部件应力应变、疲劳寿命与压力的关系曲线,以及变压力工况下各部件、井口装置整体的疲劳失效演化图谱。结果表明,压裂井口装置主要部件的最大应力、最大应变随压力近似呈现线性变化趋势,各部件的强度和刚度满足工况要求。 展开更多
关键词 井口装置 疲劳失效 压力工 演化图谱
基于雷诺准则的测温偏差压力工况修正方法 被引量:1
作者 赵俭 《计测技术》 2015年第4期19-21,共3页
提出了一种温度传感器测温偏差校准结果的压力工况修正方法,并以某裸露式温度传感器为例,进行了测温偏差的压力工况修正。根据雷诺准则,通过改变马赫数的方式来替代压力的改变,对测温偏差的计算修正结果进行了验证。结果表明,计算修正... 提出了一种温度传感器测温偏差校准结果的压力工况修正方法,并以某裸露式温度传感器为例,进行了测温偏差的压力工况修正。根据雷诺准则,通过改变马赫数的方式来替代压力的改变,对测温偏差的计算修正结果进行了验证。结果表明,计算修正结果与试验数据比较接近,所提出的压力工况修正方法,可以为常压条件下该型温度传感器的测温偏差校准结果提供修正的依据,同时也为其它类型温度传感器的压力工况修正提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 雷诺准则 测温偏差 压力工 修正
分布式变频供热系统网路压力工况分析 被引量:2
作者 卢春萍 秦君如 《河北建筑工程学院学报》 CAS 2018年第1期69-73,共5页
关键词 分布式 水压图 压力工
工况压力对分层火焰系统中压力振荡的影响(英文) 被引量:3
作者 秦皓 林宇震 李继保 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1882-1892,共11页
为了研究工况压力对分层火焰系统中压力振荡频率的影响,通过实验方法测量了不同工况压力下分层火焰燃烧系统中的压力振荡特性,通过基于火焰响应模型的理论分析方法研究了压力振荡频率变化的原因。实验测试结果表明,当进口压力降低从2.6... 为了研究工况压力对分层火焰系统中压力振荡频率的影响,通过实验方法测量了不同工况压力下分层火焰燃烧系统中的压力振荡特性,通过基于火焰响应模型的理论分析方法研究了压力振荡频率变化的原因。实验测试结果表明,当进口压力降低从2.6MPa降低至1.4MPa时,压力振荡频率具有规律性的减小约4%;而相对振荡幅值保持在0.2~0.3范围内,没有明显的规律。火焰响应模型的计算结果显示,雾化过程对火焰的响应特性影响最大。 展开更多
关键词 分层火焰 压力 火焰响应模型
作者 焦爱萍 邢广彦 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期104-107,共4页
利用灌溉供水渠道水流发电的电站,一般在压力管道尾部设岔管分流,经消能后向下游供水。沙沟水电站受地形条件限制,采用常规的消能方式满足不了要求,故采用箱式半压力消能工。由于小流量高水头电站采用箱式半压力消能工的设计尚未有成熟... 利用灌溉供水渠道水流发电的电站,一般在压力管道尾部设岔管分流,经消能后向下游供水。沙沟水电站受地形条件限制,采用常规的消能方式满足不了要求,故采用箱式半压力消能工。由于小流量高水头电站采用箱式半压力消能工的设计尚未有成熟的经验,因此必须通过水工物理模型试验,了解通过不同泄量时消能工内的流态、水位和波浪的变化,观察水流的掺气和波动情况,以确定箱式半压力消能工的合理尺寸。 展开更多
关键词 高水头小流量电站 箱式半压力消能 物理模型试验 沙沟水电站
热工压力仪表自动检定系统的设计 被引量:2
作者 范优子 许静 《东北电力技术》 2015年第10期19-20,48,共3页
随着电网的发展,高电压、大容量电气设备不断投入到电网中。目前热工压力仪表的检定工作大部分都是手工操作,手工记录,为提高检定人员的工作效率,避免大量重复性工作,综合利用串口通信技术,采用模块化设计方案设计了热工数字压力计仪表... 随着电网的发展,高电压、大容量电气设备不断投入到电网中。目前热工压力仪表的检定工作大部分都是手工操作,手工记录,为提高检定人员的工作效率,避免大量重复性工作,综合利用串口通信技术,采用模块化设计方案设计了热工数字压力计仪表的计算机检定计量管理系统,实现了RS-232串口之间的通信及热工压力仪表的自动检定。 展开更多
关键词 压力仪表 RS-232 计算机检定
工况压力对质量流量计测量准确度的影响 被引量:4
作者 袁国富 《工业控制计算机》 2004年第4期5-6,共2页
理论上压力会影响到质量流量计的测量准确度,但实际使用中压力对质量流量计测量准确度的影响到底有多大,到目前还没有在文献中见到对该影响的定量描述。本文运用“变频保压”的方法对目前较多的EMERSON公司的DS、CMF系列质量流量计进行... 理论上压力会影响到质量流量计的测量准确度,但实际使用中压力对质量流量计测量准确度的影响到底有多大,到目前还没有在文献中见到对该影响的定量描述。本文运用“变频保压”的方法对目前较多的EMERSON公司的DS、CMF系列质量流量计进行“个性化标定”,从定量的角度揭示出工况压力对质量流量计测量准确度的影响,并且对零点校验过程提出了参考性建议。 展开更多
关键词 质量流量计 压力 测量准确度 个性化标定
翅片管式气-液换热器变工况下传热特性研究 被引量:2
作者 苑中显 刘忠秋 吴波 《制冷与空调(四川)》 2018年第5期476-482,共7页
采用FLUENT软件对高温空气-混合硝酸盐在翅片管式换热器中的换热进行了三维数值模拟,研究其换热与流动特性。模拟主要考察对于不同压力工况下及不同Re数的高温空气,换热器的换热及阻力特性。计算结果表明:随着空气侧流速及空气压力的增... 采用FLUENT软件对高温空气-混合硝酸盐在翅片管式换热器中的换热进行了三维数值模拟,研究其换热与流动特性。模拟主要考察对于不同压力工况下及不同Re数的高温空气,换热器的换热及阻力特性。计算结果表明:随着空气侧流速及空气压力的增加,空气侧表面换热系数都有显著增加,同时流动阻力也有所增加。低压力工况时的换热及阻力特性曲线几乎随空气流速呈线性相关,高压力工况流动和换热呈非线性趋势。将数值模拟结果与实验结果进行了对比,对数值模拟结果的准确性进行了验证,并得出了流体物性对换热器性能的影响,给出了翅片管换热器在不同条件下的换热准则方程式。 展开更多
关键词 翅片管式换热器 数值模拟 高温空气 混合硝酸盐 压力工
压力式喷雾干燥塔喷嘴孔径对粉料的影响 被引量:8
作者 康智勇 《佛山陶瓷》 2001年第6期19-19,共1页
关键词 压力工 喷雾干燥塔 喷嘴 孔径 粉料 陶瓷
供热系统混水连接形式的选择与水泵功率分析 被引量:1
作者 王杨洋 王芃 段雅洁 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2014年第9期66-70,84,共6页
给出了6种主要混水连接形式的适用压力工况和水泵有效功率计算公式,比较了不同压力工况下各混水连接形式的水泵功率,讨论了不同压力工况下混水连接形式的选择,分析了优选混水连接形式的节能率及混水比对节能率的影响。通过实例说明定流... 给出了6种主要混水连接形式的适用压力工况和水泵有效功率计算公式,比较了不同压力工况下各混水连接形式的水泵功率,讨论了不同压力工况下混水连接形式的选择,分析了优选混水连接形式的节能率及混水比对节能率的影响。通过实例说明定流量供热系统中混水连接形式的选择及其节能率。 展开更多
关键词 集中供热 混水连接形式 水泵有效功率 压力工 节能率 混水比
最小尺寸摆动从动杆球面凸轮机构的设计方法 被引量:3
作者 孙智慧 李延平 常勇 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期22-23,共2页
从压力角表达式出发 ,构造起相应的类速度图 ,解决了按许用压力角设计最小尺寸摆动从动杆球面凸轮机构的问题。
关键词 压力角表达 类速度图 摆动从动杆 球面凸轮
Influence of FeCrAl fiber on microstructure and mechanical properties of FeCrAl(f)/HA composites 被引量:2
作者 杨海林 李婧 +4 位作者 方华婵 张翔 周忠诚 童晓阳 阮建明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期711-717,共7页
FeCrAl fiber-reinforced hydroxyapatite(HA) biocomposites(FeCrAl(f)/HA) were fabricated by the hot pressing technique.The metallographic microscopy,X-ray diffractometry,scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and ene... FeCrAl fiber-reinforced hydroxyapatite(HA) biocomposites(FeCrAl(f)/HA) were fabricated by the hot pressing technique.The metallographic microscopy,X-ray diffractometry,scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS) were used to observe and analyze the microstructure and composition of FeCrAl(f)/HA composites,respectively.The mechanical properties of FeCrAl(f)/HA composites were measured by the three-point-bending test.The results show that the composite can be reinforced by FeCrAl fiber and enhanced gradually,and then declined with the increase of the content of FeCrAl fiber(0-11%,volume fraction) in the whole range of experiments.Both the HA matrix and FeCrAl fiber integrate very tightly and bit into each other very deeply and counter-diffusion takes place to some extent at two-phase interface.The optimum parameters of FeCrAl(f)/HA composite are diameter of 22 μm,length of 1-2 mm and of volume faction of about 7% for FeCrAl fibers. 展开更多
关键词 FeCrAl(f)/HA composites fiber reinforcement hot pressing technique mechanical properties
电厂冷却排水系统压力消能工水流特性及消能效果的试验研究 被引量:1
作者 田淳 郝瑞霞 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期106-111,共6页
利用大亚湾水域水体作为冷却水源的核电厂,其排水系统采用传统的水跃消能形式,受水质影响,产生大量的泡沫和盐雾,不利于当地环境。从岭澳电厂冷却排水系统的工程实际出发,在满足虹吸井最低水位要求的前提下,提出了压力主流道和明流相结... 利用大亚湾水域水体作为冷却水源的核电厂,其排水系统采用传统的水跃消能形式,受水质影响,产生大量的泡沫和盐雾,不利于当地环境。从岭澳电厂冷却排水系统的工程实际出发,在满足虹吸井最低水位要求的前提下,提出了压力主流道和明流相结合的过流方式。压力主流道设置一种新型压力消能工进行消能,有效地消除了盐雾和泡沫。通过模型试验,分析了在相同流量和下游水位情况下压力消能工形式和尺寸对过流能力、压力分布和消能率的影响,对结构布置进行了优化;针对压力消能工的优化方案,在不同流量和下游水位组合工况下,进行了水力特性的试验研究。研究结果表明,这种压力消能方式在防止泡沫产生的同时消能率可达到65%左右,是一种有效的新型消能型式。研究成果对类似工程有较高的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 压力消能 过流能力 消能率
Constitutive equation and processing map for hot compressed as-cast Ti-43Al-4Nb-1.4W-0.6B alloy 被引量:5
作者 李建波 刘咏 +3 位作者 王岩 刘彬 卢斌 梁霄鹏 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第11期3383-3391,共9页
High temperature compressive deformation behaviors of as-cast Ti-43Al-4Nb-1.4W-0.6B alloy was investigated at temperatures ranging from 1323 K to 1473 K, and strain rates from 0.001 s-1 to 1 s-1. The results indicated... High temperature compressive deformation behaviors of as-cast Ti-43Al-4Nb-1.4W-0.6B alloy was investigated at temperatures ranging from 1323 K to 1473 K, and strain rates from 0.001 s-1 to 1 s-1. The results indicated that the true stress-true strain curves show a dynamic flow softening behavior. The flow curves after the friction and the temperature compensations were employed to develop constitutive equations. The effects of temperature and the strain rate on the deformation behavior were represented by Zener-Holloman exponential equation. The influence of strain was incorporated in the constitutive analysis by considering the effect of the strain on material constants by a five-order polynomial. A revised model was proposed to describe the relationships among the flow stress, strain rate and temperature and the predicted flow stress curves were in good agreement with experimental results. Appropriate deformation processing parameters were suggested based on the processing map which was constructed from friction and temperature corrected flow curves, determined as 1343 K, 0.02 s-1 and were successfully applied in the canned forging of billets to simulate industrial work condition. 展开更多
关键词 TiAl alloy flow stress hot deformation constitutive equation processing map
Variable-based Ramberg-Osgood constitutive model of power spinning bushing 被引量:8
作者 赵俊生 顾元通 樊文欣 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3080-3087,共8页
The influences of power spinning process parameters on the mechanical properties of spinning parts were analyzed with an SXD100/3-CNC numerical control power spinning machine.The unidirectional tensile tests were carr... The influences of power spinning process parameters on the mechanical properties of spinning parts were analyzed with an SXD100/3-CNC numerical control power spinning machine.The unidirectional tensile tests were carried out.Based on the experimental data,a ternary quadratic regression equation was established by orthogonal experiment.The Ramberg-Osgood constitutive model of tin-bronze connecting rod bushing was obtained.Referred to the constitutive relation of macroscopic incremental,the incremental elastoplastic constitutive relation of spinning parts was deduced based on the Mises yield criterion and kinematic hardening model.The results can be applied to the elastoplastic analysis in finite element numerical simulation. 展开更多
关键词 power spinning connecting rod bushing constitutive model technical parameter mechanical properties
An integrative review of the influence of job strain and coping on nurses'work performance:Understanding the gaps in oncology nursing research 被引量:3
作者 Dhuha Youssef Wazqar Mickey Kerr +1 位作者 Sandra Regan Carole Orchard 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 2017年第4期418-429,共12页
Nursing is known to be a stressful profession that can lead to physical and psychological health issues and behavioural problems.In oncology,workload among nurses is believed to be increasing in conjunction with rapid... Nursing is known to be a stressful profession that can lead to physical and psychological health issues and behavioural problems.In oncology,workload among nurses is believed to be increasing in conjunction with rapidly increasing numbers of patients with cancer and staff shortages worldwide,therefore it is essential to sustain a quality oncology nurse workforce.Numerous studies have presented evidence on job strain,effects of coping strategies,and nurses'work performance within healthcare settings,but few have focused on oncology settings and none of these on nurses working in Saudi Arabia.The purpose of this review was to summarize empirical and theoretical evidence concerning job-related stressors in nurses,particularly oncology nurses,and the interrelationships among job strain,coping strategies,and work performance in this population.Search strategies identified studies published on studies in peer-reviewed journals from 2004 to 2016.Twenty-five nursing studies were found examining the relationships among the concepts of interest.Common job-related stressors among oncology nurses were high job demands,dealing with death/dying,lack of job control,and interpersonal conflicts at work.Job strain was found to be significantly linked to coping strategies,and negatively associated with work performance among nurses in general.There is no existing empirical evidence to support the relationship between coping strategies and work performance among oncology nurses.The present evidence is limited,and a considerable amount of research is required in the future to expand the oncology nursing literature.Research is needed to investigate job-related stressors and their effects on oncology nurses. 展开更多
关键词 COPING Job strain Nurses REVIEW Work performance
大亚湾核电站虹吸井堰后的水力过渡问题 被引量:1
作者 谢明 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期52-54,共3页
关键词 跌水 掺气 水力过渡 压力消能 广东大亚湾核电站 虹吸井 溢流堰 适应性 实用性 设计
Detection and treatment of water inflow in karst tunnel:A case study in Daba tunnel 被引量:7
作者 LI Xiang-hui ZHANG Qing-song +3 位作者 ZHANG Xiao LAN Xiong-dong DUAN Chong-hao LIU Jian-guo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第7期1585-1596,共12页
In a karst tunnel, fissures or cracks that are filled with weathered materials are a type of potential water outlet as they are easily triggered and converted into groundwater outlets under the influence of high groun... In a karst tunnel, fissures or cracks that are filled with weathered materials are a type of potential water outlet as they are easily triggered and converted into groundwater outlets under the influence of high groundwater pressure. A terrible water inrush caused by potential water outlets can seriously hinder the project construction. Potential water outlets and water sources that surrounding the tunnel must be detected before water inflow can be treated. This paper provides a successful case of the detection and treatment of water inflow in a karst tunnel and proposes a potential water outlet detection(PWOD) method in which heavy rainfall(>50 mm/d) is considered a trigger for a potential water outlet. The Daba tunnel located in Hunan province, China, has been constructed in a karst stratum where the rock mass has been weathered intensely by the influence of two faults. Heavy rain triggered some potential water outlets, causing a serious water inrush. The PWOD method was applied in this project for the treatment of water inflow, and six potential water outlets in total were identified through three heavy rains. Meanwhile, a geophysical prospecting technique was also used to detect water sources. The connections between water outlets and water sources were identified with a 3-D graphic that included all of them. According to the distribution of water outlets and water sources, the detection area was divided into three sections and separately treated by curtain grouting. 展开更多
关键词 Karst tunnel Water inrush Potential water outlet detection Geophysical prospecting technique Water inflow GROUTING
Numerical simulation of transport phenomena in continuous casting of steel plates with electromagnetic brake 被引量:1
作者 龚海军 李新中 +2 位作者 茄菊红 范学燚 徐达鸣 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2012年第6期6-12,共7页
The present work numerically investigates two-dimensional (2-D) solidification transport phenomena (EM-STP) during continuous casting (CC) process in the absence and the presence of static magnetic fields (SMFs... The present work numerically investigates two-dimensional (2-D) solidification transport phenomena (EM-STP) during continuous casting (CC) process in the absence and the presence of static magnetic fields (SMFs), based on a unified numerical model. For the purpose of controlling vortexes, the electromagnetic brake (EMBR) effects of various SMFs under the given depth of submerged entry nozzle (SEN) and the same casting velocity V0 are investigated. ANSYS software is used to analyze the SMFs that applied to the EMCC process, and then a data-conversion program based on the principle of linear interpolation proposed previously is used to deal with the issue of data-format-matching between FEM and FVM. The simulation results indicate that, an appropriate SMF can effectively suppress the bulk liquid flow in CC-process of steel plate, and with in- crease of the intensity of applied magnetic fields, the vortexes become weaker and the oscillating amplitude of impinging jet decreases. Based on the knowledge gained from the EMCC-STP analysis and by comparing the re- sults with the applied magnetic fields with those without magnetic fields, it is found that a SMF with 丨 Bmax 丨 = 5.5 × 10 -3 T can meet the need of braking, and consequently improve the quality of casting by reducing the penetration of non-metallic inclusions, as well as avoiding breakout, macro-segregation and crack ultimately. 展开更多
关键词 continuous casting electromagnetic brake flow field ANSYS FEM/FVM
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