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分层段压力监测系统在大庆油田的应用 被引量:7
作者 赵秀娟 钱志鑫 程云霞 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 2002年第3期58-60,共3页
通过分层测压试验、数值模拟和实测数据分析 ,研究了分层测压层段的合理划分方法 ,提出了以开发层系为基础的分层测压井部署方法 ,优化了测压井部署原则 ;在分析了不同类型油层、不同井网开发对象的压力分布特点的基础上 ,指出了分层测... 通过分层测压试验、数值模拟和实测数据分析 ,研究了分层测压层段的合理划分方法 ,提出了以开发层系为基础的分层测压井部署方法 ,优化了测压井部署原则 ;在分析了不同类型油层、不同井网开发对象的压力分布特点的基础上 ,指出了分层测压资料在油田开发中的作用 ,为高含水后期油田测压系统的改造、预防套管损坏、提高固井质量、判断油层的连通状况及隔层的稳定性 ,指导油田各种增产措施的进行提供了理论依据和实践经验。 展开更多
关键词 压力系统 测压井部署 压力应用
分注井验封疑难现象分析及其压力曲线应用 被引量:6
作者 黄辉雄 郭朝霞 张金玉 《油气井测试》 2015年第2期19-23,76,共5页
分注井验封测量双压力曲线,并以此来判定封隔器的密封性,其简洁、直观,但其对验封仪封隔器与分注井封隔器密封状况的判定存在不确定性,对分注井封隔器组合密封状况的判定更是存在多解性。验封测量的双压力曲线是分注层段地层压力的综合... 分注井验封测量双压力曲线,并以此来判定封隔器的密封性,其简洁、直观,但其对验封仪封隔器与分注井封隔器密封状况的判定存在不确定性,对分注井封隔器组合密封状况的判定更是存在多解性。验封测量的双压力曲线是分注层段地层压力的综合反映,因而其地层压力曲线与正常注水压力比较可以表现出低压力、正常压力、高压力状况,双压力曲线的形态变化还可以刻化射孔地层渗透性与岩石均质性的相对好坏及岩石沉积韵律性等,对开展注水措施及其细化注水层段和调整注水等起到帮助作用。 展开更多
关键词 分注井验封 疑难现象分析 压力曲线应用
试油试采压力恢复曲线试井解释应用探讨 被引量:2
作者 白智琳 白士杰 《油气井测试》 2012年第2期30-31,76,共2页
对大庆探区不同储层不同区块的油气井、进行了有目的的试油试采,用试油试采录取到的压力恢复曲线进行试井分析,得到了有用的地层参数。同时对双对数及导数曲线研究认识发现了不同油气藏边界类型:一条边界、封闭边界、双重介质储层、定... 对大庆探区不同储层不同区块的油气井、进行了有目的的试油试采,用试油试采录取到的压力恢复曲线进行试井分析,得到了有用的地层参数。同时对双对数及导数曲线研究认识发现了不同油气藏边界类型:一条边界、封闭边界、双重介质储层、定压边界,揭示出地下储层地质特征,为合理取得原始有用地质资料,对油井高饱和压力关井初始点确定,裂缝储层压裂前射孔相位确定提出相应措施,指导了试油试采现场施工,为油气田开采提供了可靠数据。 展开更多
关键词 试油试采井 压力恢复曲线应用 试井解释参数 评价油气藏
应力分类概念在压力容器设计中的应用 被引量:9
作者 秦叔经 《化工设备与管道》 CAS 2001年第5期5-11,共7页
应力分类概念是压力容器设计的基础。在对设计标准没有覆盖的受压元件进行设计计算时 ,为了保证设计的安全性 ,也必须使用应力分类的概念。本文在简单介绍了应力分类的概念后 ,对工程中如何进行应力分类和选择合适的计算方法以方便应力... 应力分类概念是压力容器设计的基础。在对设计标准没有覆盖的受压元件进行设计计算时 ,为了保证设计的安全性 ,也必须使用应力分类的概念。本文在简单介绍了应力分类的概念后 ,对工程中如何进行应力分类和选择合适的计算方法以方便应力分类作了阐述 ,对一些有争议的问题说明了作者的观点。最后 ,通过两个实例 。 展开更多
关键词 压力容器分析设计应力分类应用
隔膜压力表在工业中的应用 被引量:1
作者 欧龙 《贵州电力技术》 2013年第9期70-71,共2页
关键词 隔膜压力表机构原理 隔膜压力表校验 隔膜压力应用
作者 杨安龙 《电子制作》 2013年第18期167-167,共1页
当单片机应用在高精度压力变送器的过程中,其对压力变送器的温度与压力信号进行了采集,组成了4层BP神经网络进行离线训练,然后通过C语言对训练好的网络模型进行编程,研究了单片机软件的实现方式。并且发现,采用单片机减少了系统功能与... 当单片机应用在高精度压力变送器的过程中,其对压力变送器的温度与压力信号进行了采集,组成了4层BP神经网络进行离线训练,然后通过C语言对训练好的网络模型进行编程,研究了单片机软件的实现方式。并且发现,采用单片机减少了系统功能与压力变送器体积,利用单片机对传感器的温度和压力A/D采样值离线训练减少了信号误差。 展开更多
关键词 单片机压力变送器应用作用
作者 张路根 《中国锅炉压力容器安全》 2004年第4期12-12,共1页
江西省锅炉压力容器检验研究所于2001年度获得的国家质量监督检验检疫总局青年科技基金项目《磁记忆诊断技术在锅炉压力容器检测中的应用研究》,经过2年多的探索,完成了本项目的全部研究内容,并于2004年4月28日在南昌由国家质量监督检... 江西省锅炉压力容器检验研究所于2001年度获得的国家质量监督检验检疫总局青年科技基金项目《磁记忆诊断技术在锅炉压力容器检测中的应用研究》,经过2年多的探索,完成了本项目的全部研究内容,并于2004年4月28日在南昌由国家质量监督检验检疫总局组织对该课题进行技术鉴定。与会专家在听取了课题组的现场报告后,审查了全部鉴定资料,顺利地通过鉴定。并获得国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁发的科学技术成果鉴定证书。专家组一致认为。 展开更多
关键词 中国 《磁记忆诊断技术在锅炉压力容器检测中的应用研究》 国家质检总局 成果鉴定 无损检测
室外消火栓给水系统的类型及应用 被引量:1
作者 张少晨 《今日消防》 2022年第1期22-24,共3页
在重点介绍室外消火栓给水系统分类的基础上,对不同类型室外消火栓给水系统最不利点消火栓栓口的压力进行了分析,提出了在消防安全检查和灭火作战预案制定,以及灭火战斗实战中正确检查和应用不同类型的室外消火栓给水系统,为最大限度地... 在重点介绍室外消火栓给水系统分类的基础上,对不同类型室外消火栓给水系统最不利点消火栓栓口的压力进行了分析,提出了在消防安全检查和灭火作战预案制定,以及灭火战斗实战中正确检查和应用不同类型的室外消火栓给水系统,为最大限度地扑灭火灾提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 室外消火栓 压力分类:应用
大学生压力应对方式与心理弹性的影响机制 被引量:1
作者 杜阳宇 《文化创新比较研究》 2017年第27期77-78,共2页
压力作为生活中普遍存在的问题,对大学生身心健康影响深远。本研究采用自编压力源、应对方式、心理弹性问卷对西安4所应用型本科院校572名大学生进行问卷调查,结果表明:应用型高校大学生压力源主要集中在学业、恋爱交友、就业、生活适... 压力作为生活中普遍存在的问题,对大学生身心健康影响深远。本研究采用自编压力源、应对方式、心理弹性问卷对西安4所应用型本科院校572名大学生进行问卷调查,结果表明:应用型高校大学生压力源主要集中在学业、恋爱交友、就业、生活适应压力;不同年级学生压力源及其应对方式存在显著差异;心理弹性的程度高低和应对方式呈正相关,高心理弹性学生采用积极应对策略,低心理弹性学生采用消极应对策略。 展开更多
关键词 应用型本科压力 心理弹性应对方式
水胶体敷料与3M胶带在留置胃管患者中的联合应用 被引量:1
作者 孙玉霞 《中国农村卫生》 2020年第2期95-96,共2页
目的探讨水胶体敷料与3M胶带在留置胃管患者中的联合应用临床效果,为患者寻求更有效的预防胃管移位、脱管及预防皮肤黏膜损伤的固定方法。方法2018年12月-2019年1月我科收治的21例留置胃管病人,累计带管162天,采用水胶体敷料与3M胶带联... 目的探讨水胶体敷料与3M胶带在留置胃管患者中的联合应用临床效果,为患者寻求更有效的预防胃管移位、脱管及预防皮肤黏膜损伤的固定方法。方法2018年12月-2019年1月我科收治的21例留置胃管病人,累计带管162天,采用水胶体敷料与3M胶带联合应用于留置胃管的固定。结果针对21例病人累计带管162天的追踪调查无病人因留置胃管而导致压力性损伤、意外拔管、移位,提高病人带管的舒适度、牢固性。结论应用改进的固定胃管方法可有效预防意外拔管和皮肤黏膜损伤,并增加病人带管的舒适度。 展开更多
关键词 水胶体敷料与 3M 胶带联合应用压力性损伤舒适度牢固性
Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and neural network in power transformer risk assessment 被引量:8
作者 李卫国 俞乾 罗日成 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第4期982-987,共6页
In operation,risk arising from power transformer faults is of much uncertainty and complicacy.To timely and objectively control the risks,a transformer risk assessment method based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(... In operation,risk arising from power transformer faults is of much uncertainty and complicacy.To timely and objectively control the risks,a transformer risk assessment method based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(FAHP) and artificial neural network(ANN) from the perspective of accuracy and quickness is proposed.An analytic hierarchy process model for the transformer risk assessment is built by analysis of the risk factors affecting the transformer risk level and the weight relation of each risk factor in transformer risk calculation is analyzed by application of fuzzy consistency judgment matrix;with utilization of adaptive ability and nonlinear mapping ability of the ANN,the risk factors with large weights are used as input of neutral network,and thus intelligent quantitative assessment of transformer risk is realized.The simulation result shows that the proposed method increases the speed and accuracy of the risk assessment and can provide feasible decision basis for the transformer risk management and maintenance decisions. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy analytic hierarchy process risk assessment power transformer artificial neutral network
Analytical solution to rock pressure acting on three shallow tunnels subjected to unsymmetrical loads 被引量:16
作者 杨小礼 张佳华 +1 位作者 金启云 马军秋 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期528-535,共8页
According to the interaction of three shallow tunnels with large section, the analytical solution to rock pressure has been derived and discussed. The load model is given when the bilateral tunnels are excavated. Acco... According to the interaction of three shallow tunnels with large section, the analytical solution to rock pressure has been derived and discussed. The load model is given when the bilateral tunnels are excavated. According to the model, the stresses of three tunnels and single tunnel are calculated and compared to analyze the distribution characteristics, where the stresses are influenced by controlling factors of clear distance, covering depth and inclination angle of ground surface. The results show that, in general, the bias distribution is more serious. Therefore, it is significant to settle down the load model of three shallow tunnels so as to determine the measure of reinforcement and design the structure of support. The model and results can be used as a theoretical basis in designation and further research of the three shallow tunnels. 展开更多
关键词 three shallow tunnels unsymmetrical loads clear distance rock pressure
Application of new VBHF optimization strategy to improve formability of automobile panels with aluminum alloy sheet 被引量:8
作者 王武荣 陈关龙 林忠钦 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第3期471-477,共7页
A VBHF(Variable Blank Holder Force) optimization strategy was employed to determine the optimal time-variable and spatial-variable BHF trajectories,aiming at improving the formability of automobile panels with aluminu... A VBHF(Variable Blank Holder Force) optimization strategy was employed to determine the optimal time-variable and spatial-variable BHF trajectories,aiming at improving the formability of automobile panels with aluminum alloy sheet.The strategy was implemented based on adaptive simulation to calculate the critical wrinkling BHF for each segmented binder of the Numisheet' 05 deck lid in a single round of simulation.The thickness comparison of the stamped part under optimal VBHF and constant BHF shows that the variance of the four sections is decreased by 70%,44%,64% and 61%,respectively,which indicates significant improvement in thickness distribution and variation control.The investigation through strain path comparison reveals the fundamental reason of formability improvement.The study proves the applicability of the new VBHF optimization strategy to complex parts with aluminum alloy sheet. 展开更多
关键词 deep drawing variable blank holder force aluminum alloy sheet FORMABILITY
The Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure Fields on the Dispersion Characteristics of Fluid-shell Coupled System 被引量:5
作者 刘志忠 李天匀 +1 位作者 朱翔 张俊杰 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第2期129-136,共8页
The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the vibration dispersion characteristics of fluid-shell coupled structures was studied.Both fluid-loaded cylindrical shells and fluid-filled cylindrical shells were considered.Num... The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the vibration dispersion characteristics of fluid-shell coupled structures was studied.Both fluid-loaded cylindrical shells and fluid-filled cylindrical shells were considered.Numerical analysis was applied to solve the dispersion equations for shells filled with or loaded with fluid at various hydrostatic pressures.The results for external pressure showed that non-dimensional axial wave numbers are nearly independent when the pressure is below the critical level.The influence of internal pressure on wave numbers was found significant for the real branch s=1 and the complex branches of dispersion curves.The presence of internal pressure increased the cut on frequencies for the branch s=1 for high order wave modes. 展开更多
关键词 hydrostatic pressure DISPERSION fluid-shell coupled system wave propagation
LSER-based modeling vapor pressures of(solvent+salt) systems by application of Xiang-Tan equation
作者 Aynur Senol 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1374-1383,共10页
The study deals with modeling the vapor pressures of(solvent + salt) systems depending on the linear solvation energy relation(LSER) principles. The LSER-based vapor pressure model clarifies the simultaneous impact of... The study deals with modeling the vapor pressures of(solvent + salt) systems depending on the linear solvation energy relation(LSER) principles. The LSER-based vapor pressure model clarifies the simultaneous impact of the vapor pressure of a pure solvent estimated by the Xiang-Tan equation, the solubility and solvatochromic parameters of the solvent and the physical properties of the ionic salt. It has been performed independently two structural forms of the generalized solvation model, i.e. the unified solvation model with the integrated properties(USMIP) containing nine physical descriptors and the reduced property-basis solvation model. The vapor pressure data of fourteen(solvent + salt) systems have been processed to analyze statistically the reliability of existing models in terms of a log-ratio objective function. The proposed vapor pressure approaches reproduce the observed performance relatively accurately, yielding the overall design factors of 1.0643 and1.0702 for the integrated property-basis and reduced property-basis solvation models. 展开更多
关键词 Vapor pressure Salt effect Modeling LSER Statistical analysis
Non-Darcy flow seepage characteristics of saturated broken rocks under compression with lateral constraint 被引量:2
作者 Yu Bangyong Chen Zhanqing +1 位作者 Ding Qile Wang Luzhen 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第6期1145-1151,共7页
Using an MTS816.03 test system and self-designed seepage apparatus, seepage tests of saturated broken rocks were conducted, and the influence of lithology, axial stress, grain size distribution and loading rate on see... Using an MTS816.03 test system and self-designed seepage apparatus, seepage tests of saturated broken rocks were conducted, and the influence of lithology, axial stress, grain size distribution and loading rate on seepage characteristics was analyzed. The results show that: (1) Under the same axial stress (12 MPa), the permeability of different lithologic samples increases in the order: gangue 〈 mudstone 〈 sandstone 〈 limestone. The permeability of gangue is 3 magnitudes lower than that of limestone. The absolute value of the non-Darcy coefficient β increases in the order: limestone 〈 sandstone 〈 mudstone 〈 gangue. The non-Darcy coefficient β of limestone, which is positive, is 5 magnitudes lower than that of gangue. (2) With increasing axial stress, the permeability of saturated broken sandstone decreases, and the absolute value of the non-Darcy coefficient β increases. After the axial stress exceeds 12 MPa, the curves of permeability and non-Darcy coefficient β all tend to be stable. (3) With increasing Talbol power exponent, the permeability increases, and the absolute value of the non-Darcy coefficient β decreases. (4) With increasing loading, the permeability increases, and the absolute value of the non-Darcy coefficient β decreases. When the loading rate is 0.5 kN/s, the non-Darcy coefficient β is positive. 展开更多
关键词 Saturated broken rocks Seepage test Permeability Non-Darcy coefficient β
Seismic Isolation of Reactor Assembly for a Fixed Base Accelerator Driven System Reactor Building
作者 Bong Yoo Didier De Bruyn 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第2期203-210,共8页
In the SILER (Seismic-Initiated events risk mitigation in LEad-cooled Reactors) Project, it is interesting to apply seismic isolation technology for the reactor assembly of the fixed base reactor building for ADS (... In the SILER (Seismic-Initiated events risk mitigation in LEad-cooled Reactors) Project, it is interesting to apply seismic isolation technology for the reactor assembly of the fixed base reactor building for ADS (Acceleration Driven System) heavy liquid reactor MYRRHA (Multipurpose Hybrid Research Reactor for High-Tech Application) which contains the most critical safety related components, such as reactor vessel, safe shutdown and control rod mechanisms, primary heat exchangers, primary pumps, spoliation target assembly and fuel assemblies, etc. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of an application of a partial seismic isolation to the safety critical components only, here, the reactor assembly. This paper presents the preliminary analysis results of the isolated reactor assembly and compares these with those of seismic isolated ADS reactor building. The analysis results show the reduction of the seismic acceleration response but the increase of the relative displacement for the reactor assembly. Some safety issues, especially, coolant's incapable covering the reactor core make difficult to apply for the partial seismic isolation of the ADS reactor assembly due to large relative displacement occurring the partial isolation system. Further study on the partial seismic isolation application of the critical safety components are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Partial seismic isolation ADS MYRRHA reactor building reactor assembly interface systems FRS (floor responsespectra) reduction of accelerations increase of relative displacement reactor safety issues.
Application of preblasting to high-section top coal caving for steepthick coal sea 被引量:3
作者 ZHAO Jian-hui LAI Xing-ping 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第2期113-118,共6页
For mining extra-steep-thick coal seam, the sublevel top coal caving is a high efficient method in practical engineering. However, major challenges associated with mining high-section top-coal-caving (HSTCC) are rel... For mining extra-steep-thick coal seam, the sublevel top coal caving is a high efficient method in practical engineering. However, major challenges associated with mining high-section top-coal-caving (HSTCC) are related to the resulting high ground stresses. Inevitability, using the high-section sublevel top coal caving for extra-steep-thick coal seam, the large scale of mined-out area appears. If the prefracture blasting and hydraulic fracture techniques are utilized, the top coal damage and cracks will develop, and the mining complexity will increase, such as seam inclination, continuity, mechanical characteristics of roof and susceptibility of top coal, etc. First, the field conditions of B1+2 seam were investigated at the +588 level of the Weihuliang Underground Mine of China. Subsequently, according to caving mechanism of strata response obtained from several special models including physical simulation tests and numerical simulation models, the prefracture process including blasting and injecting water were analyzed. Then, the prefracture blasting technique was successfully applied to the caving of 52 m-sublevel seam. Finally, the effects were verified by advanced detecting instruments, and the results show these methods and measurements are feasible and valid. 展开更多
关键词 extra-steep-thick seam high-section top-coal caving (HSTCC) prefracture blasting and verification
Field Method Research for Leak-off Coefficient Analysis Using Instantaneous Shut-in Pressure
作者 Cai Bo Ding Yunhong +2 位作者 Lu Yongjun Shen Hua Yang Zhenzhou 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第1期103-106,共4页
The accurate monitor and prediction of fracturing pressure for formation is very important to hydraulic fracturing treatment operation, but whether hydraulic fracturing is successful or not, the fracturing fluid plays... The accurate monitor and prediction of fracturing pressure for formation is very important to hydraulic fracturing treatment operation, but whether hydraulic fracturing is successful or not, the fracturing fluid plays a very important role, leak-off coefficient is the most leading parameters of fracturing fluids. Mini-frac test was the most commonly used tools for leak-off coefficient analysis, but it has the shortcoming of time-consuming and costly that can not meet the requirement of the production. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a simple and convenient leak off coefficient analysis method with more inexpensive and time-saving than former methods. Based on ISIP (instantaneous shut-in pressure) method, a new field method of leak off coefficient field analysis model was presented. According to twice ISIP of the fracturing treatment in field operation, therefore, fluid leak off coefficient and formation characteristic can be studied quickly and reliably. More than 40 wells were fractured using this field method. The results show that average liquid rates of post-fracturing was 20 m3/d which double improvement compared with the past treatment wells. It had an important role for fracturing treatments in low permeability used in field application. reservoirs, the new model for real time analysis and adjust is successful 展开更多
关键词 Hydraulic fracturing fracturing fluid leak off coefficient instantaneous shut-in pressure field method post-fracturingperformance.
早期护理干预对剖宫产术后下肢深静脉血栓形成的影响 被引量:3
作者 田梦琪 《菏泽医学专科学校学报》 2017年第2期47-49,80,共4页
目的探讨早期不同护理干预预防剖宫产术后下肢深静脉血栓形成的价值。方法剖宫产者589例,随机分为两组,观察组392例,血栓前其状态者42例,占10.71%。对照组197例,血栓前其状态者21例,占10.66%。两组一般资料比较,P>0.05。拟剖宫产者... 目的探讨早期不同护理干预预防剖宫产术后下肢深静脉血栓形成的价值。方法剖宫产者589例,随机分为两组,观察组392例,血栓前其状态者42例,占10.71%。对照组197例,血栓前其状态者21例,占10.66%。两组一般资料比较,P>0.05。拟剖宫产者术前均行双下肢深静脉血管检查。对照组:按照择期剖宫产术管理程序进行护理。观察组:在上述护理的基础上,对下肢进行早期护理干预;术前采用抗血栓压力带和术中使用充气压力泵。两组术前与术后5天观察下肢症状、体征,超声检测血栓前期状态发生情况;入院第1天与手术后第5天抽晨起空腹血,检测D-二聚体、抗凝血酶、蛋白S、蛋白C。应用SPSS20.0软件,所获数据采用方差分析、t检验和2检验。结果两组住院期间下肢肿胀、疼痛、DVT的发生情况比较,P<0.005。剖宫产术对血栓前状态的影响对照组术后53例,术后发生32例,占16.24%。观察组术后45例,术后发生3例,占0.77%。两组比较,P<0.005。两组手术前D-D、AT、PS、PC比较,P>0.05。同组手术前后D-D、AT、PS比较:对照组手术前后D-D、AT、PS比较,P>0.05;PC比较,P<0.0005。观察组手术前后D-D、AT、PS比较,P>0.05;PC比较,P<0.0005。两组手术后D-D、AT、PS、PC比较,P>0.05。结论孕产妇36周时常规超声检测下肢静脉血栓前期状态,住院后采用早期护理干预,及时使用抗血栓压力带和充气压力泵可有效治疗及降低下肢深静脉血栓形成的几率。 展开更多
关键词 剖宫产/并发症 下肢深静脉血栓形成/预防和控制 下肢深静脉血栓形成/病因学 下肢深静脉血栓形成/治疗 护理干预 抗血栓压力带/治疗应用 充气压力泵/治疗应用
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