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局部氧疗合并可调节负压创面治疗技术修复深Ⅱ度烧伤创面 被引量:6
作者 彭杨 秦花 梁琼 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2021年第6期27-30,共4页
目的:探讨局部氧疗合并可调节负压创面治疗技术(Local oxygen therapy combined with regulated negative pressure-assisted wound therapy,RONPT)治疗深Ⅱ度烧伤创面的疗效。方法:以笔者医院2017年9月-2019年12月收治的50例烧伤患者... 目的:探讨局部氧疗合并可调节负压创面治疗技术(Local oxygen therapy combined with regulated negative pressure-assisted wound therapy,RONPT)治疗深Ⅱ度烧伤创面的疗效。方法:以笔者医院2017年9月-2019年12月收治的50例烧伤患者为研究对象,根据入院时间先后分别进入治疗组和对照组,各25例。治疗组患者在常规处理后,早期(48h)运用RONPT治疗;对照组患者除不进行RONPT外,其余治疗均按常规深Ⅱ度烧伤创面治疗方案进行。比较两组患者致病菌检出率、创面愈合情况、血清中炎性因子的水平及并发症发生情况。结果:治疗组致病菌检出率明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗组患者创面愈合天数(20.68±3.14)d少于对照组(32.89±4.25)d,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组创面愈合率(96.48±6.89)%明显高于对照组(81.17±5.74)%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗组血清中炎性因子IL-4、TNF-α水平低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗组并发症发生率少于对照组,但组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:综合治疗联合RONPT在烧伤治疗中具有较好的安全性和有效性。所有患者后期均进行6~8个月随访,既能有效清除坏死组织,又能最大限度地保留间生态上皮组织,愈合时间、愈合质量等方面均存在明显优势,值得临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 烧伤 局部疗合并可调节负创面治疗技术 创面修复 愈合 炎性因子 并发症
作者 晁华宁 《智能城市》 2017年第12期181-181,共1页
随着科学技术的不断优化升级和进步,工业领域引入更多的先进技术和设备,从而提高产品性能,优化产品结构,促进生产质量和效益双提升。当前锌冶炼最重要的技术手段之一就是氧压浸出湿法炼锌技术。运用该技术能够提高氧压浸出硫化锌直接冶... 随着科学技术的不断优化升级和进步,工业领域引入更多的先进技术和设备,从而提高产品性能,优化产品结构,促进生产质量和效益双提升。当前锌冶炼最重要的技术手段之一就是氧压浸出湿法炼锌技术。运用该技术能够提高氧压浸出硫化锌直接冶炼精度,大大提高了产品的性能,本文对锌湿法冶炼中氧压浸出技术进行了全面分析和研究,并通过数据分析进行检测和验证,从而为提高氧溶解率、提升锌的浸出速率相关探索和实践提供有益参考。 展开更多
关键词 湿法炼锌 溶解率 浸出渣 浸出技术 实验分析
高原海拔自适应PSA制氧技术研究 被引量:1
作者 马帅 石梅生 刘培朋 《中国医疗设备》 2022年第5期51-55,共5页
目的为携运行式变压吸附(Pressure Swing Adsorption,PSA)制氧设备随海拔高度上升产品气氧浓度下降的问题提供合理的解决方案。方法制定调节进气量和调节吸附时间两种制氧方案,并对两种方案在高原环境模拟低压氧舱中进行系列试验。结果... 目的为携运行式变压吸附(Pressure Swing Adsorption,PSA)制氧设备随海拔高度上升产品气氧浓度下降的问题提供合理的解决方案。方法制定调节进气量和调节吸附时间两种制氧方案,并对两种方案在高原环境模拟低压氧舱中进行系列试验。结果在产品气氧浓度达到最高值之前,调节进气量的制氧方案可使产品气氧浓度提高11%以上,调节吸附时间的制氧方案可使产品气氧浓度提高4%以上,海拔5000 m时两种方案同时使用可使产品气氧浓度提高19%以上。结论本研究中的高原自适应制氧方案有助于提高携运行式PSA制氧设备的高原适应性。 展开更多
关键词 吸附制技术 高原自适应 产品气浓度 吸附时间 工艺调节
变压吸附制氧在玻纤行业中的应用和推广 被引量:1
作者 李龙彬 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2016年第9期253-253,共1页
随着全球能源资源的日益稀缺,工业生产成本不断上升以及人们对于环境保护理念的不断增强,很多企业都在面临着降低成本、减少污染、节约能源的要求。氧气作为助燃性气体在很多行业领域都有着非常广泛的应用。一方面,利用变压吸附制氧装... 随着全球能源资源的日益稀缺,工业生产成本不断上升以及人们对于环境保护理念的不断增强,很多企业都在面临着降低成本、减少污染、节约能源的要求。氧气作为助燃性气体在很多行业领域都有着非常广泛的应用。一方面,利用变压吸附制氧装置符合工业技术的要求,另一方面还能够帮助能源消耗大的行业降低能耗,起到节能减排,增产增效的功能。尤其是在上世纪六十年代后期,伴随着科学技术的不断发展,尤其是对于中小企业来说,用氧量不断增多,变压吸附制氧技术开发与应用的情况越来越多。可以说,变压吸附制氧技术以其运行稳定、时间短、灵活、速度快、能耗低、自动化控制等方面的优点进一步增强了企业的社会效益与经济效益,所以本文通过对于变压吸附制氧技术进行详细的介绍,并且在玻纤行业中的应用于推广进行了详细的介绍,从而进一步促进变压吸附制氧技术的不断发展。 展开更多
关键词 吸附制技术 玻纤行业 应用推广
氧压浸出炼锌渣处理工艺研究 被引量:1
作者 刘振有 《科技风》 2019年第15期133-133,共1页
关键词 浸出炼锌技术 浸出炼锌渣 处理工艺
作者 邓必冲 《经济与社会发展研究》 2020年第14期0221-0221,共1页
在50年代,随着股价的上涨,采用酸加压浸出工艺来处理深谷精矿以及钴钼铜硫化合物的情况,而随着时代的发展,直到50到60年代,采用氧压浸出工艺来处里捡金属硫精矿用以回收钴和钼成为了锌的发展趋势。直到 70 年代,加压氧浸出技术被应用于... 在50年代,随着股价的上涨,采用酸加压浸出工艺来处理深谷精矿以及钴钼铜硫化合物的情况,而随着时代的发展,直到50到60年代,采用氧压浸出工艺来处里捡金属硫精矿用以回收钴和钼成为了锌的发展趋势。直到 70 年代,加压氧浸出技术被应用于硫化锌精矿的提取过程当中。到80年代,这一技术得到了更好的发展。目前来说,硫化锌精矿氧压浸出的发展主要是将氧压浸出改为二段氧压浸出,全程采用锌精矿。 展开更多
关键词 锌精矿 浸出技术 现状及应用
煤炭常压固定层富氧连续气化技术的展望(下) 被引量:3
作者 周孟仁 《小氮肥设计技术》 2001年第4期3-9,共7页
关键词 煤炭气化 固定层富连续气化技术 煤气
UASB-AS工艺处理啤酒废水 被引量:3
作者 幸响付 方德宏 顾惠芳 《江苏环境科技》 2002年第4期10-12,共3页
采用UASB -AS组合工艺处理啤酒废水 ,其UASB单元可降解废水中大部分有机物 ,减轻了后续好氧工艺的负荷 ,也降低了运行能耗与费用 ;AS工艺可确保系统出水的达标排放。实践表明 ,UASB -AS系统具有运行稳定、费用低、抗冲击负荷强等优点。
关键词 啤酒生产 污水处理 UASB-AS组合工艺 食品工业 工艺 活性污泥法 降解 压氧技术
Design of small-area multi-bit antifuse-type 1 kbit OTP memory 被引量:1
作者 李龙镇 LEE J H +4 位作者 KIM T H JIN K H PARK M H HA P B KIM Y H 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第3期467-473,共7页
A multi-bit antifuse-type one-time programmable (OTP) memory is designed, which has a smaller area and a shorter programming time compared with the conventional single-bit antifuse-type OTP memory. While the convent... A multi-bit antifuse-type one-time programmable (OTP) memory is designed, which has a smaller area and a shorter programming time compared with the conventional single-bit antifuse-type OTP memory. While the conventional antifuse-type OTP memory can store a bit per cell, a proposed OTP memory can store two consecutive bits per cell through a data compression technique. The 1 kbit OTP memory designed with Magnachip 0.18 μm CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) process is 34% smaller than the conventional single-bit antifuse-type OTP memory since the sizes of cell array and row decoder are reduced. And the programming time of the proposed OTP memory is nearly 50% smaller than that of the conventional counterpart since two consecutive bytes can be compressed and programmed into eight OTP cells at once. The layout area is 214 μm× 327 μ,, and the read current is simulated to be 30.4 μA. 展开更多
关键词 multi-bit OTP programming time ANTIFUSE MEMORY data compression
Strategies for CO2 capture from different CO2 emission sources by vacuum swing adsorption technology 被引量:2
作者 Jianghua Ling Penny Xiao +3 位作者 Augustine Ntiamoah Dong Xu Paul Webley Yuchun Zhai 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期460-467,共8页
Different VSA (Vacuum Swing Adsorption) cycles and process schemes have been evaluated to find suitable process configurations for effectively separating C02 from flue gases from different industrial sectors. The cy... Different VSA (Vacuum Swing Adsorption) cycles and process schemes have been evaluated to find suitable process configurations for effectively separating C02 from flue gases from different industrial sectors. The cycles were studied using an adsorption simulator developed in our research group, which has been suc- cessfully used to predict experimental results over severa~ years. Commercial zeolite APGIlI and granular ac- tivated carbon were used as the adsorbents. Three-bed VSA cycles with- and without-product purge and 2- stage VSA systems have been investigated. It was found that for a feed gas containing 15% CO2 (representing flue gas from power plants), high CO2 purities and recoveries could be obtained using a three-bed zeolite APGII1 VSA unit for one stage capture, but with more stringent conditions such as deeper vacuum pressures of 1-3 kPa. 2-stage VSA process operated in series allowed us to use simple process steps and operate at more realistic vacuum pressures. With a vacuum pressure of 10 kPa, final C02 purity of 95.3% with a recov- ery of 98.2% were obtained at specific power consumption of 0.55 MJ. (kg CO2) 1 from feed gas containing 15% C02. These numbers compare very well with those obtained from a single stage process operating at I kPa vacuum pressure. The feed CO2 concentration was very influential in determining the desorption pressure necessary to achieve high separation efficiency. For feed gases containing 〉30% CO2, a singlestage VSA capture process operating at moderate vacuum pressure and without a product purge, can achieve very high product purities and recoveries. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 captureVacuum swing adsorptionAPGIIICoconut carbon2-Stage VSA
Application of external gear pump in water-hydraulic system
作者 白桦 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2010年第1期85-88,共4页
The ceramic coating technology of microarc oxidation (MAO) was utilized to modify surface properties of the movable endplate of a high pressure gear pump used in water-hydraulic system, which is made of aluminium allo... The ceramic coating technology of microarc oxidation (MAO) was utilized to modify surface properties of the movable endplate of a high pressure gear pump used in water-hydraulic system, which is made of aluminium alloy. A coMPact ceramic layer of more than 130 μm was developed on the movable endplate with the hardness up to HV1000 by means of microarc oxidation. A trial of tests conducted in a water power transmission system show that the maximum outlet pressure of the gear pump with the movable endplate treated by microarc oxidation, can reach 16 MPa. It is pointed out that the ceramic coating developed by microarc oxidation technology on the surface of aluminium alloy, is economical and feasible. 展开更多
关键词 microarc oxidation ceramic coating high-pressure gear pump water-hydraulic system
Protective effect of ischemic postconditioning on lung ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats and the role of heme oxygenase-1 被引量:19
作者 夏中元 高瑾 Ameer Kumar Ancharaz 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2009年第3期162-166,共5页
Objective: To investigate the effect of ischemic postconditioning (1PO) on acute lung ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury and the protein expression of haeme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a cytoprotective defense against o... Objective: To investigate the effect of ischemic postconditioning (1PO) on acute lung ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury and the protein expression of haeme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a cytoprotective defense against oxidative injury. Methods: After being anesthetized with chloralhydrate, forty-eight healthy SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups (8 in each): sham operation group (S group); I/R group: left lung hilum was clamped for 40 minutes followed by 105 minutes of reperfusion; IPO group: left lung hilum was clamped for40 minutes and postconditioned by 3 cycles of 30 seconds of reperfusion and 30 seconds of reocclusion; Heroin (HM)+ I/R group: heroin, an inducer of HO-1 was injected intraperitoneally at 40 μmol·kg^-1·day^-1 for two consecutive days prior to 40 minutes clamping of left lung hilum; ZnPPIX+IPO group: zinc protoporphyrin IX, an inhibitor of HO-1 was injected intraperitoneally at 20 mg·kg^-1 24 hours prior to 40 minutes clamping of left lung hilum; and HM+S group: HM was administered as in the HM+I/R group without inducing lung I/R. Arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in serum were assessed. The left lung was removed for determination of wet/dry lung weight ratio and expression of HO-1 protein by immuno-histochemical technique and for light microscopic examination. Results: The PaO2 was significantly lower in all the experimental groups compared with sham group (90 roan Hg ±11 mmHg). However, the values of PaO2in IPO (81 mm Hg±7 mm Hg) and HM+I/R (80 mm Hg±9 mm Hg) were higher than that in I/R (63 mm Hg±9 mm Hg) and ZnPPIX+IPO (65 mm Hg±8 mm Hg) groups (P〈0.01). The protein expression of HO- 1 in lung tissue was significantly increased in I/R group compared with S group (P〈0.01). While the HO-1 protein expression was higher in IPO and HM+I/R groups as compared with I/R group (P〈0.05, P〈0.01 ). The lung wet/ dry (W/D) weight ratio and MDA content in serum were significantly increased in I/R group as compared with S or HM+S groups (P〈0.01), accompanied by severe lung tissue histological damage, which was attenuated either by IPO or by HM pretreatment (P〈0.01, IPO or HM+I/R vs. I/R). The protective effect of IPO was abolished by ZnPPIX. Conclusion: Ischemic postconditioning can attenuate the lung ischemia-reperfusion injury through upregulating the protein expression of HO-I that leads to reduced postischemic oxidative damage. 展开更多
关键词 Ischemic postconditioning Reperfusion injury LUNG Heme oxygenase-1 MALONDIALDEHYDE
Fabrication of ordered micro- and nano-scale patterns based on optical discs and nanoimprint
作者 郭慧晶 张校亮 李晓春 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2016年第4期241-244,共4页
A simple method to fabricate one-dimensional(1-D) and two-dimensional(2-D) ordered micro- and nano-scale patterns is developed based on the original masters from optical discs, using nanoimprint technology and soft st... A simple method to fabricate one-dimensional(1-D) and two-dimensional(2-D) ordered micro- and nano-scale patterns is developed based on the original masters from optical discs, using nanoimprint technology and soft stamps. Polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) was used to replicate the negative image of the 1-D grating pattern on the masters of CD-R, DVD-R and BD-R optical discs, respectively, and then the 1-D pattern on one of the PDMS stamps was transferred to a blank polycarbonate(PC) substrate by nanoimprint. The 2-D ordered patterns were fabricated by the second imprinting using another PDMS stamp. Different 2-D periodic patterns were obtained depending on the PDMS stamps and the angle between the two times of imprints. This method may provide a way for the fabrication of complex 2-D patterns using simple 1-D masters. 展开更多
关键词 Compact disks FABRICATION Microchannels Nanotechnology Optical data storage Optical disk storage POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE SILICONES
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