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基于FPGA新型压电化学传感器的设计与实现 被引量:3
作者 王峰 赵又新 《自动化仪表》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第3期68-71,共4页
针对研究单位面积上质量变化的传感器要求具有可靠性好、体积小、重量轻、功耗低、速度快和精度高等特点,采用FPGA和单片机技术对压电化学传感器信号进行提取和处理,并在传感器上开发上位机实时监控功能,给出了系统的软硬件设计。仿真... 针对研究单位面积上质量变化的传感器要求具有可靠性好、体积小、重量轻、功耗低、速度快和精度高等特点,采用FPGA和单片机技术对压电化学传感器信号进行提取和处理,并在传感器上开发上位机实时监控功能,给出了系统的软硬件设计。仿真实验结果证明,该传感器满足设计要求。 展开更多
关键词 FPGA 压电化学传感器 频率测量 温度控制 可靠性
作者 姚守拙 《化学传感器》 CAS 2001年第3期15-15,共1页
关键词 压电化学 生物传感 传感器 表面声波传感器
超分子在质量敏感压电化学传感器中的应用 被引量:9
作者 王春 何锡文 《分析测试学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期84-89,共6页
以质量敏感为分析基础的压电化学传感器 ,其表面涂层往往决定其对分析物的选择性。超分子作为压电石英晶体涂层 ,应用主 -客体分子识别的原理 ,显著提高压电化学传感器的选择性。该文详细论述了近十年有关超分子主体化合物在体声波和表... 以质量敏感为分析基础的压电化学传感器 ,其表面涂层往往决定其对分析物的选择性。超分子作为压电石英晶体涂层 ,应用主 -客体分子识别的原理 ,显著提高压电化学传感器的选择性。该文详细论述了近十年有关超分子主体化合物在体声波和表面声波化学传感器的应用 ,并评述了涂膜技术及主 -客体识别机理。 展开更多
关键词 超分子 主-客体分子识别 压电效应 质量敏感传感器 压电化学传感器
作者 康琪 刘泽常 +1 位作者 申大忠 李文鹏 《山东矿业学院学报》 CAS 1997年第2期173-178,共6页
在双液隔电极式压电石英传感器DLEPQS的等效电路模型的基础上建立了双ESPS的振荡方程,导出了DLEPQS振荡频率与溶液参数之间的理论关系式,并经实验证实,还对DLEPQS与SLEPQS的响应性能进行了比较。研究结... 在双液隔电极式压电石英传感器DLEPQS的等效电路模型的基础上建立了双ESPS的振荡方程,导出了DLEPQS振荡频率与溶液参数之间的理论关系式,并经实验证实,还对DLEPQS与SLEPQS的响应性能进行了比较。研究结果表明,随溶液电导率的增加,DLEPQS的振荡频率先下降而后上升,且在低电导率溶液中振荡频率与电导率之间有近线性关系;随溶液介电常数、粘度、密度的增加,振荡频率下降。并将DLEPQS应用于表面活性剂在石英表面吸附量的现场测定。 展开更多
关键词 传感器 压电化学传感器 振荡频率 双液隔电极式
作者 黄刚 罗天志 《四川环境》 2014年第5期50-55,共6页
为了使酿酒废水中总磷有效去除并达标排放,通过对酿酒废水总磷的排放情况调查,有针对性的选用高压电化学絮凝技术,对酿酒废水中总磷的去除效果进行实验研究。从实验结果看,调节进水pH值为2.3、停留时间45分钟时总磷去除率可达到99%以上... 为了使酿酒废水中总磷有效去除并达标排放,通过对酿酒废水总磷的排放情况调查,有针对性的选用高压电化学絮凝技术,对酿酒废水中总磷的去除效果进行实验研究。从实验结果看,调节进水pH值为2.3、停留时间45分钟时总磷去除率可达到99%以上,在该条件下COD的去除率也能达到50%左右,废水总磷排放浓度能够达到1.0mg/L的排放要求。 展开更多
关键词 压电化学絮凝 酿酒废水 总磷
作者 高志强 《重庆师专学报》 1998年第2期16-17,共2页
1 压电石英晶体用于分析化学的理论依据 在分析化学中,基于光、电、热与物质作用的各种分析技术已十分普遍,而声与物质之间的相互作用却是最近才受到分析工作者的注意。事实上,声与光类似,同样也能被化学和物理过程吸收或发射。现有的... 1 压电石英晶体用于分析化学的理论依据 在分析化学中,基于光、电、热与物质作用的各种分析技术已十分普遍,而声与物质之间的相互作用却是最近才受到分析工作者的注意。事实上,声与光类似,同样也能被化学和物理过程吸收或发射。现有的声和超声技术包括超声共振谱、光声光谱、声衰减技术、声发射技术、声显微技术以及压电声波技术。压电石英晶体是一种广泛采用的频率控制元件。 展开更多
关键词 压电化学传感器 原理 振荡性 液体性质 液相压电石英晶体
非质量效应压电化学传感的应用与发展 被引量:7
作者 姚守拙 《化学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第9期533-536,共4页
压电化学传感器在学术界通常称为压电石英微天平 ,归属于质量传感器范畴。但是在液相中 ,这种传感器还要受到液相物理化学特性参量的影响。据此 ,提出与发展了区别于常规质量响应型压电传感的另一类非质量响应型压电传感检测技术。本文... 压电化学传感器在学术界通常称为压电石英微天平 ,归属于质量传感器范畴。但是在液相中 ,这种传感器还要受到液相物理化学特性参量的影响。据此 ,提出与发展了区别于常规质量响应型压电传感的另一类非质量响应型压电传感检测技术。本文论述了在相应领域中的应用研究。其中不少领域 ,传统的微天平型压电传感器根本不适用 。 展开更多
关键词 压电化学传感 非质量效应 液相检测 化学传感器 应用
纳米微粒增敏的压电化学传感器 被引量:1
作者 陈昕 张漪丽 司士辉 《湖南师范大学学报(医学版)》 2004年第1期44-46,共3页
以TiO2 纳米微粒膜作为固载 β 环糊精的基体 ,可以实现 β 环糊精在压电石英晶体表面的超容量固载 ,固载容量为 4 μg cm2 。β 环糊精 TiO2 纳米微粒膜修饰的压电传感器对苯、甲苯、硝基苯、氯苯、o 二甲苯、m 二甲苯、p 二甲苯气体... 以TiO2 纳米微粒膜作为固载 β 环糊精的基体 ,可以实现 β 环糊精在压电石英晶体表面的超容量固载 ,固载容量为 4 μg cm2 。β 环糊精 TiO2 纳米微粒膜修饰的压电传感器对苯、甲苯、硝基苯、氯苯、o 二甲苯、m 二甲苯、p 二甲苯气体检测时响应时间为 1min ,检测浓度下限可低至 4 0ng ml。 展开更多
关键词 TiO2纳米微粒 压电化学传感器 Β-环糊精
现场压电红外反射光谱电化学研究邻联甲苯胺的电化学行为 被引量:1
作者 刘美玲 骆姣 +1 位作者 张友玉 姚守拙 《分析化学》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期1172-1176,共5页
利用现场压电红外发射光谱电化学技术研究邻联甲苯胺(OTD)在金电极上的电化学行为。压电电化学结果表明:电位范围对OTD氧化的影响很大。当电位扫至0.6V时,氧化过程中中间体的生成和溶解的同时,部分未溶中间体在电极表面沉积。当电位大于... 利用现场压电红外发射光谱电化学技术研究邻联甲苯胺(OTD)在金电极上的电化学行为。压电电化学结果表明:电位范围对OTD氧化的影响很大。当电位扫至0.6V时,氧化过程中中间体的生成和溶解的同时,部分未溶中间体在电极表面沉积。当电位大于0.65V时,还有OTD的电化学氧化聚合。压电红外反射光谱电化学结果表明中间体是OTD第一氧化产物之间相互作用形成的。进一步考察了肝素大阴离子对OTD的氧化的影响。 展开更多
关键词 邻联甲苯胺 中间体配合物 现场压电红外反射光谱电化学
压电-红外光谱-电化学联用技术研究邻氨基苯酚聚合过程及其膜的性质 被引量:2
作者 张友玉 王美玲 +3 位作者 刘美玲 杨琴 谢青季 姚守拙 《分析化学》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期685-690,共6页
建立了一种现场压电传感-红外反射光谱-电化学三维联用技术,并应用该技术现场监测了聚邻氨基苯酚在金电极上的沉积过程,研究了邻氨基苯酚的电氧化和电聚合性质以及聚邻氨基苯酚聚合膜在酸性介质中的电化学性质,同步获取并讨论了聚合膜... 建立了一种现场压电传感-红外反射光谱-电化学三维联用技术,并应用该技术现场监测了聚邻氨基苯酚在金电极上的沉积过程,研究了邻氨基苯酚的电氧化和电聚合性质以及聚邻氨基苯酚聚合膜在酸性介质中的电化学性质,同步获取并讨论了聚合膜质量、离子掺杂行为和聚合膜的化学结构变化等信息。结果表明,该技术有望广泛用于多种电极表面过程研究。 展开更多
关键词 现场压电红外光谱电化学 压电石英晶体微天平 红外反射光谱电化学 邻氨基苯酚
作者 Angew 《有机化学》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1195-1195,共1页
氨气作为大宗工业产品安全,环保,廉价,作为储氢材料成功应用于燃料电池的研发.但在合成反应方面目前还仅集中低温于Birch还原,其有机合成潜力还有待探索.南京大学化学化工学院程旭课题组近期实现了电化学条件下的不饱和键还原反应,反应... 氨气作为大宗工业产品安全,环保,廉价,作为储氢材料成功应用于燃料电池的研发.但在合成反应方面目前还仅集中低温于Birch还原,其有机合成潜力还有待探索.南京大学化学化工学院程旭课题组近期实现了电化学条件下的不饱和键还原反应,反应以氨气作为氢源,常温常压下就可以实现对α,β-不饱和化合物. 展开更多
关键词 氢化反应 常温常压 压电化学 无催化剂 氨气 氢源 Birch还原 化学化工学院
从压电传感的发展看学科交叉创新 被引量:3
作者 姚守拙 《大学化学》 CAS 2001年第1期21-25,共5页
压电学原先是物理学的一个分支学科 ,主要在气相或真空中应用。它和化学、生物学、医学相互交叉 ,在理论、方法和应用上获得发展 ,形成压电化学与生物传感新领域。这从一个侧面表明 :多学科交叉渗透是实现创新发展的一个有效途径。
关键词 压电 压电传感 大气污染物测定 液相压电传感 生命科学 应用 压电化学 生物传感
元素硫对825合金在高温高压含CO2/H2S环境中腐蚀行为的影响 被引量:3
作者 李科 李天雷 +3 位作者 施岱艳 李九一 郑子奇 钟显康 《装备环境工程》 CAS 2020年第11期10-17,共8页
目的研究元素硫对825合金在高温高压含CO2/H2S环境中腐蚀行为的影响,为评价825合金在高温高压含CO2/H2S和元素硫环境中的适应性提供依据。方法将825合金分别置于含元素硫和不含元素硫的模拟气田环境中,进行高温高压含硫实验。采用失重... 目的研究元素硫对825合金在高温高压含CO2/H2S环境中腐蚀行为的影响,为评价825合金在高温高压含CO2/H2S和元素硫环境中的适应性提供依据。方法将825合金分别置于含元素硫和不含元素硫的模拟气田环境中,进行高温高压含硫实验。采用失重法、高温高压电化学法、扫描电镜和能谱测试方法对825合金的均匀腐蚀、局部腐蚀、电化学腐蚀、微观形貌和化学组成进行表征,揭示元素硫对825合金在高温高压含H2S和CO2环境中腐蚀行为的影响规律。结果在不含元素硫的环境中,825合金的均匀腐蚀速率仅为0.0217 mm/a,无局部腐蚀现象产生,也没有检测到明显的点蚀噪声信号;在含元素硫的环境中,825合金的均匀腐蚀速率高达0.469 mm/a,具有明显的局部腐蚀特征,且点蚀噪声信号显著,与光学照片观察结果一致。结论825合金在高温高压含元素硫和氯离子环境中容易发生局部腐蚀,这主要是由于元素硫在水溶液中发生水解反应,在局部区域生成了H2S和H2SO4,在高温和氯离子的耦合作用下,显著地加剧了825合金的腐蚀,腐蚀产物以氧化物和硫化物为主。 展开更多
关键词 元素硫 825合金 化学噪声 局部腐蚀 高温高压电化学 H2S/CO2
Electrochemical migration behavior and mechanism of PCB-ImAg and PCB-HASL under adsorbed thin liquid films 被引量:5
作者 丁康康 李晓刚 +3 位作者 肖葵 董超芳 张凯 赵瑞涛 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2446-2457,共12页
The electrochemical migration(ECM) behavior and mechanism of immersion silver processing circuit board(PCB-ImAg)and hot air solder leveling circuit board(PCB-HASL) under the 0.1 mol/L Na2SO4 absorbed thin liquid... The electrochemical migration(ECM) behavior and mechanism of immersion silver processing circuit board(PCB-ImAg)and hot air solder leveling circuit board(PCB-HASL) under the 0.1 mol/L Na2SO4 absorbed thin liquid films with different thicknesses were investigated using stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).Meanwhile,the corrosion tendency and kinetics rule of metal plates after bias application were analyzed with the aid of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS)and scanning Kelvin probe(SKP).Results showed that under different humidity conditions,the amount of migrating corrosion products of silver for PCB-ImAg was limited,while on PCB-HASL both copper dendrites and precipitates such as sulfate and metal oxides of copper/tin were found under a high humidity condition(exceeding 85%).SKP results indicated that the cathode plate of two kinds of PCB materials had a higher corrosion tendency after bias application.An ECM model involving multi-metal reactions was proposed and the differences of ECM behaviors for two kinds of PCB materials were compared. 展开更多
关键词 immersion silver processing circuit board(PCB-ImAg) hot air solder leveling circuit board(PCB-HASL) electrochemical migration electrical bias absorbed thin liquid film
Electrochemical hydrogen compression and purification versus competing technologies: Part Ⅱ. Challenges in electrocatalysis 被引量:4
作者 Marine Trégaro Maha Rhandi +2 位作者 Florence Druart Jonathan Deseure Marian Chatenet 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期770-782,共13页
Hydrogen will be at the basis of the World’s energy policy in forthcoming decades, owing to its decarbonized nature, at least when produced from renewables. For now, hydrogen is still essentially produced from fossil... Hydrogen will be at the basis of the World’s energy policy in forthcoming decades, owing to its decarbonized nature, at least when produced from renewables. For now, hydrogen is still essentially produced from fossil feedstock(and to a minor extent from biomass);in consequence the present hydrogen gas on the market is containing non-negligible amounts of impurities that prevent its immediate usage in specialty chemistry or as an energy carrier in fuel cells, e.g. in transportation applications(cars, buses, trains, boats, etc.) that gradually spread on the planet. For these purposes, hydrogen must be of sufficient purity but also sufficiently compressed(at high pressures, typically 70 MPa), rendering purification and compression steps unavoidable in the hydrogen cycle. As shown in the first part of this contribution "Electrochemical hydrogen compression and purification versus competing technologies: Part I. pros and cons", electrochemical hydrogen compressors(EHCs), which enable both hydrogen purification and compression, exhibit many theoretical(thermodynamic) and practical(kinetics) advantages over their mechanical counterparts. However, in order to be competitive, EHCs must operate in very intensive conditions(high current density and low cell voltage) that can only be reached if their core materials, e.g. the membrane and the electrodes/electrocatalysts, are optimized. This contribution will particularly focus on the properties electrocatalysts must exhibit to be used in EHCs: they shall promote(very) fast hydrogen oxidation reaction(HOR) in presence of impurities, which implies that they are(very) tolerant to poisons as well. This consists of a prerequisite for the operation of the anode of an EHC used for the purification-compression of hydrogen, and the materials developed for poison-tolerance in the vast literature on low-temperature fuel cells, may not always satisfy these two criteria, as this contribution will review. 展开更多
关键词 Electrochemical hydrogen compression Electrochemical hydrogen purification ELECTROCATALYSTS Hydrogen oxidation Poison tolerance
Electrochemical hydrogen compression and purification versus competing technologies: Part Ⅰ. Pros and cons 被引量:3
作者 Maha Rhandi Marine Trégaro +2 位作者 Florence Druart Jonathan Deseure Marian Chatenet 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期756-769,共14页
It is undisputed that hydrogen will play a great role in our future energetic mix, because it enables the storage of renewable electricity(power-to-H2) and the reversible conversion into electricity in fuel cell, not ... It is undisputed that hydrogen will play a great role in our future energetic mix, because it enables the storage of renewable electricity(power-to-H2) and the reversible conversion into electricity in fuel cell, not to speak of its wide use in the(petro)chemical industry. Whereas in these applications, pure hydrogen is required, today’s hydrogen production is still largely based on fossil fuels and can therefore not be considered pure. Therefore, purification of hydrogen is mandatory, at a large scale. In addition, hydrogen being the lightest gas, its volumetric energy content is well-below its competing fuels, unless it is compressed at high pressures(typically 70 MPa), making compression unavoidable as well. This contribution will detail the means available today for both purification and for compression of hydrogen. It will show that among the available technologies, the electrochemical hydrogen compressor(EHC), which also enables hydrogen purification, has numerous advantages compared to the classical technologies currently used at the industrial scale. EHC has their thermodynamic and operational advantages, but also their ease of use. However, the deployment of EHCs will be viable only if they reach sufficient performances, which implies some specifications that their base materials should stick to. The present contribution will detail these specifications. 展开更多
关键词 Electrochemical hydrogen compression Hydrogen energy Electrochemical hydrogen purification Thermdynamics EFFICIENCY
Multi-Physics Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Fueled by Methane and Analysis of Carbon Deposition 被引量:1
作者 Bao-xuan Wang Jiang Zhu Zi-jing Lin 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期299-307,I0001,共10页
Internal reformation of low steam methane fuel is important for the high efficiency and low cost operation of solid oxide fuel cell. Understanding and overcoming carbon deposition is crucial for the technology develop... Internal reformation of low steam methane fuel is important for the high efficiency and low cost operation of solid oxide fuel cell. Understanding and overcoming carbon deposition is crucial for the technology development. Here a multi-physics model is established for the relevant experimental cells. Balance of electrochemical potentials for the electrochemical reactions, generic rate expression for the methane steam reforming, dusty gas model in a form of Fick's model for anode gas transport are used in the model. Excellent agreement between the theoretical and experimental current-voltage relations is obtained, demonstrating the validity of the proposed theoretical model. The steam reaction order in low steam methane reforming reaction is found to be 1. Detailed information about the distributions of physical quantities is obtained by the numerical simulation. Carbon deposition is analyzed in detail and the mechanism for the coking inhibition by operating current is illustrated clearly. Two expressions of carbon activity are analyzed and found to be correct qualitatively, but not quantitatively. The role of anode diffusion layer on reducing the current threshold for carbon removal is also explained. It is noted that the current threshold reduction may be explained quantitatively with the carbon activity models that are only qualitatively correct. 展开更多
关键词 Numerical model Methane reforming kinetics Current-voltage relation Carbon activity Diffusion barrier layer
Corrosion performance of high pressure die-cast Al-6Si-3Ni and Al-6Si-3Ni-2Cu alloys in aqueous NaCl solution 被引量:4
作者 Srinivasan ARTHANARI Jae Cheol JANG Kwang Seon SHIN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期2182-2190,共9页
The corrosion performance of high pressure die-cast Al?6Si?3Ni (SN63) and Al-6Si-3Ni-2Cu (SNC632) alloys in 3.5%(mass fraction) NaCl solution was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and microstructural stu... The corrosion performance of high pressure die-cast Al?6Si?3Ni (SN63) and Al-6Si-3Ni-2Cu (SNC632) alloys in 3.5%(mass fraction) NaCl solution was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and microstructural studies revealed the presence of singlephase Si and binary Al3Ni/Al3Ni2 phases along the grain boundary. Besides, the single Cu phase was also identified at the grainboundaries of the SNC632 alloy. Electrochemical corrosion results revealed that, the SNC632 alloy exhibited nobler shift incorrosion potential (φcorr), lower corrosion current density (Jcorr) and higher corrosion resistance compared to the SN63 alloy.Equivalent circuit curve fitting analysis of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) results revealed the existence of twointerfaces between the electrolyte and substrate. The surface layer and charge transfer resistance (Rct) of the SNC632 alloy was higherthan that of the SN63 alloy. Immersion corrosion test results also confirmed the lower corrosion rate of the SNC632 alloy andsubstantiated the electrochemical corrosion results. Cu addition improved the corrosion resistance, which was mainly attributed to theabsence of secondary Cu containing intermetallic phases in the SNC632 alloy and Cu presented as single phase. 展开更多
关键词 DIE-CASTING aluminum alloys corrosion polarization electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
Investigating the potential of using acoustic frequency on the degradation of linear alkylbenzen sulfonates from aqueous solution
作者 DEHGHANI Mohammad Hadi MAHVI Amir Hossein +1 位作者 NAJAFPOOR Ali Asghar AZAM Kamal 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1462-1468,共7页
The effectiveness of using acoustical (sonochemical) reactor for degradation of linear alkylbenzen sulfonate (LAS) from aqueous solution was investigated. LASs are anionic surfactants, found in relatively high amo... The effectiveness of using acoustical (sonochemical) reactor for degradation of linear alkylbenzen sulfonate (LAS) from aqueous solution was investigated. LASs are anionic surfactants, found in relatively high amounts in domestic and industrial wastewaters. In this study, experiments on LAS solution were performed using methylene blue active substances (MBAS) method. The effectiveness of acoustical processor reactor for LAS degradation is evaluated with emphasis on the effect of treatment time and initial LAS concentration. Experiments were performed at initial concentrations of 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0 mg/L, acoustic frequency of 130 kHz, applied power of 500 W and temperature of 18℃-20℃. At the conditions involved, LAS degradation was found to increase with increasing sonochemical time. In addition, as the concentration increased, the LAS degradation rate decreased in the acoustical processor reactor. 展开更多
关键词 Acoustical reactor Linear alkylbenzen sulfonate (LAS) Acoustic frequency Treatment time Power
作者 ZUO Boli ZHANG Tian LI Wei 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 2007年第1期101-107,共7页
Polymer coated quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor based on the frequency shifts due to the adsorption of compounds at the surface of modified quartz crystal electrode is an effective method for detection of sari... Polymer coated quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor based on the frequency shifts due to the adsorption of compounds at the surface of modified quartz crystal electrode is an effective method for detection of sarin (GB) which is a highly toxic nerve warfare agent. A new fluorosiloxane polymer has been synthesized through 6 steps from trifluoromethyl benzene. The synthesis was achieved from trifluoromethyl benzene through nitration, hydrogenation. The obtained m-nitrotrifluoromethyl aniline was treated with NaNO2, and then hydrolyzed to m-nitrotrifluoromethyl phenol. m-nitrotrifluoromethyl phenol was reacted with allyl bromide to the ether product. The product was rearranged by Claisen rearrangement, and then reacted with polymethylhydrosiloxane under catalyst of Pt/DVTMS. The fluorosiloxane polymer can be obtained. The polymer has been successfully used as QCM coating material. 展开更多
关键词 Fluorinated siloxane Piezoelectric detector Sarin (GB).
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