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压缩气流冲击的大鼠创伤性胰腺炎模型的建立 被引量:2
作者 任建东 霍光同 +4 位作者 骆助林 田伏洲 戴睿武 李昆 王超 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期28-31,共4页
目的建立一种单纯的、稳定的、可重复的大鼠创伤性胰腺炎模型。方法采用BIM-Ⅲ型多功能生物撞击机,利用压缩气流冲击暴露的大鼠胰腺致伤;考察不同压力气流冲击下大鼠的死亡率及胰腺组织病理变化等指标。结果当冲击气压在300 kPa以上时,... 目的建立一种单纯的、稳定的、可重复的大鼠创伤性胰腺炎模型。方法采用BIM-Ⅲ型多功能生物撞击机,利用压缩气流冲击暴露的大鼠胰腺致伤;考察不同压力气流冲击下大鼠的死亡率及胰腺组织病理变化等指标。结果当冲击气压在300 kPa以上时,大鼠在48 h内死亡率超过30%,胰腺组织损毁严重,而300 kPa以下时胰腺损伤较轻,大鼠48 h内死亡率较低,但72 h后死亡率逐渐上升。结论当冲击气压在300 kPa以下时可有效形成创伤性胰腺炎,该模型稳定、重复性好,可用于创伤性胰腺炎诊治方法的研究。 展开更多
关键词 创伤性胰腺炎 压缩气流 大鼠模型
可压缩气流中平面液体层雾化的线性稳定性理论推导(英) 被引量:8
作者 曹建明 《燃烧科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 1999年第4期349-355,共7页
论述了平面粘性液体层喷射进入可压缩气流中的线性稳定性。根据液体、气体的质量和动量守恒,推导出了Tem poral、Convective 和Absolute 不稳定雾化模型的各种特性方程,其解具有二种形式:para-si... 论述了平面粘性液体层喷射进入可压缩气流中的线性稳定性。根据液体、气体的质量和动量守恒,推导出了Tem poral、Convective 和Absolute 不稳定雾化模型的各种特性方程,其解具有二种形式:para-sinuous和para-varicose。 展开更多
关键词 线性稳定性理论 平面液体层雾化 压缩气流 推导
作者 梅丹 陈旺生 幸福堂 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2011年第11期92-95,共4页
提出采用压缩气体喷吹气流来控制具有阵发性及可移动性的带钢粉尘源。利用CFD软件对压缩气体喷吹式尘源控制装置的流场进行了数值模拟,得到喷嘴安装角度0~5°为最佳通风参数。静态实验结果表明了数值模拟结果的正确性。现场中试结... 提出采用压缩气体喷吹气流来控制具有阵发性及可移动性的带钢粉尘源。利用CFD软件对压缩气体喷吹式尘源控制装置的流场进行了数值模拟,得到喷嘴安装角度0~5°为最佳通风参数。静态实验结果表明了数值模拟结果的正确性。现场中试结果表明该措施能达到有效控制粉尘污染的最终目的。 展开更多
关键词 压缩气流 尘源控制 喷嘴角度 喷射速度
压缩气流灭弧条件下配网线路雷击跳闸率计算 被引量:1
作者 张奇星 李籽剑 张强 《电测与仪表》 北大核心 2022年第7期64-71,共8页
压缩气流灭弧防雷间隙是一种冲击电弧诱导型灭弧防雷装置,它通过灭弧管道的特殊排列结构使得冲击电弧能够被优先吸引进入在压缩管道内并形成压力梯度产生自膨胀气流,在各个相邻灭弧管道拐点处粉碎性截断电弧直至电弧熄灭。为了计算在安... 压缩气流灭弧防雷间隙是一种冲击电弧诱导型灭弧防雷装置,它通过灭弧管道的特殊排列结构使得冲击电弧能够被优先吸引进入在压缩管道内并形成压力梯度产生自膨胀气流,在各个相邻灭弧管道拐点处粉碎性截断电弧直至电弧熄灭。为了计算在安装压缩气流灭弧防雷间隙后的雷击跳闸率,文中根据并联间隙与绝缘子串的放电电压分布特性得出了灭弧防雷装置的有效保护系数,通过数理统计的方法处理了试验数据,得出了安装压缩气流灭弧防雷间隙后配网线路上的建弧率,同时建立了压缩气流灭弧防雷间隙下的雷击跳闸计算模型。通过算例计算了某线路在安装灭弧装置前后的雷击跳闸率,通过数据分析可知安装压缩气流灭弧防雷间隙后有效降低了雷击跳闸率。 展开更多
关键词 压缩气流灭弧防雷间隙 灭弧率 保护系数 雷击跳闸率
六十年代用两次压缩气流法测定棉纤维成熟度的试验研究结果 被引量:2
作者 张树深 吕善模 《纤维标准与检验》 1993年第4期21-22,共2页
1963年纺织部纺织科学研究院完成了Y145纤维细度气流仪的研制后,又研究了用气流仪测定棉纤维成熟度等问题。张树深提出用两次压缩气流法松紧纤维塞的流阻之比测定棉纤维成熟度,并进行了理论探索。1966年纺织部纺织科学研究院、纺织部纤... 1963年纺织部纺织科学研究院完成了Y145纤维细度气流仪的研制后,又研究了用气流仪测定棉纤维成熟度等问题。张树深提出用两次压缩气流法松紧纤维塞的流阻之比测定棉纤维成熟度,并进行了理论探索。1966年纺织部纺织科学研究院、纺织部纤维检验局及北京、天津、四川纤维检验所等单位合作,由吕善模同志组织领导,对Y145等纤维细度气流仪进行了大规薄的试验研究。其中包括棉纤维成熟度与Y145气流仪流量的关系和棉纤维成熟度与松紧纤维塞流阻比的关系。共测定743份棉样,所得结果对现在研究和应用两次压缩气流仪仍有参考价值;所以摘要报告并作进一步分析。 展开更多
关键词 压缩气流 测定 棉纤维 成熟度
作者 齐明德 《纺织器材》 2011年第A03期48-51,共4页
介绍棉纤维线密度、成熟度的定义,传统测试方法和气流测试法,从系统组成、工作原理及与传统测试方法测试线密数据对比几个方面详细论述了二次压缩气流法快速测试棉花线密度、成熟度系统。实验数据表明:二次压缩气流法测试棉纤维线密度... 介绍棉纤维线密度、成熟度的定义,传统测试方法和气流测试法,从系统组成、工作原理及与传统测试方法测试线密数据对比几个方面详细论述了二次压缩气流法快速测试棉花线密度、成熟度系统。实验数据表明:二次压缩气流法测试棉纤维线密度、成熟度结果虽然与传统测试方法相当,但测试的指标全、速度快、代表性强,可应用于棉花领域的科研及生产、贸易等。 展开更多
关键词 棉纤维 线密度 成熟度 马克隆值 气流 二次压缩气流
作者 朱吉良 《山东纺织科技》 2010年第5期28-31,共4页
关键词 成熟度 细度 压缩气流
两次压缩气流法测定棉纤维成熟度和线密度的原理 被引量:1
作者 张树深 《纺织科学研究》 北大核心 1990年第4期23-26,44,共5页
本文阐述了两次压缩气流法测定棉纤维成熟度的原理,说明P_L/P_H的变化反映了纤维包含中腔及周围气流死角的表观密度的变化,纤维表观密度的变化可以反映棉纤维成熟度的变化,因而可以用P_L/P_H反映棉纤维成熟度。指出IIC-Shirley FMT的mik... 本文阐述了两次压缩气流法测定棉纤维成熟度的原理,说明P_L/P_H的变化反映了纤维包含中腔及周围气流死角的表观密度的变化,纤维表观密度的变化可以反映棉纤维成熟度的变化,因而可以用P_L/P_H反映棉纤维成熟度。指出IIC-Shirley FMT的mike公式有系统偏差,两端已超出允许偏差±0.10mic。分段给出了两个计算公式,偏差都不超过±0.04mic。 展开更多
关键词 压缩气流 棉纤维 成熟度 线密度
恒壁温边界条件下不可压缩气流在微通道内的二维层流换热 被引量:2
作者 安刚 李俊明 王补宣 《中国科学(E辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期117-122,共6页
基于贴壁层概念和已经求得的贴壁层内气体黏度和导热系数变化规律 ,求解了等壁温边界条件下微通道内气体完全发展的二维层流换热 ,分别得到了平行平板微槽道和微圆管内温度分布和对流换热系数 .
关键词 微通道 贴壁层 二维层流换热 不可压缩气流 等壁温边界条件 黏度 导热系数
作者 赵颖 朱连生 吴毅雄 《机械工人(热加工)》 1994年第10期2-3,共2页
一、工业生产对发展焊接新技术的推动 80年代初开始,国内外家庭用品日趋新颖化和高档化,如电加热咖啡壶、电加热保温瓶、电加热水壶和金属真空保温瓶等纷纷进入市场。90年代后,在亚洲,如日本、台湾和香港等地区又流行电加热双筒净化饮... 一、工业生产对发展焊接新技术的推动 80年代初开始,国内外家庭用品日趋新颖化和高档化,如电加热咖啡壶、电加热保温瓶、电加热水壶和金属真空保温瓶等纷纷进入市场。90年代后,在亚洲,如日本、台湾和香港等地区又流行电加热双筒净化饮水器。 展开更多
关键词 压缩电弧焊 气流压缩 焊接
浅谈英语爆破音 被引量:3
作者 黄妹英 《闽江学院学报》 1998年第3期86-88,共3页
关键词 爆破音 失去爆破 清辅音 重读音节 英语朗读 成音节 浊辅音 压缩气流 处在前面 气流压缩
作者 龚云琦 《企业科技与发展》 1998年第9期24-24,共1页
利用合成树脂材料制成中空的手锤形状,通过敲击时其内部所产生的压缩气流,吹动安装在把手处的风笛发出鸣响的空气锤玩具,是一种常见的供婴幼儿玩耍并训练其动作协调性的小玩具。本文介绍的玩具锤是在上述玩具的基础上经过改进,利用其敲... 利用合成树脂材料制成中空的手锤形状,通过敲击时其内部所产生的压缩气流,吹动安装在把手处的风笛发出鸣响的空气锤玩具,是一种常见的供婴幼儿玩耍并训练其动作协调性的小玩具。本文介绍的玩具锤是在上述玩具的基础上经过改进,利用其敲击时所生成的压力空气弹射飞行物的一种新式玩具。 展开更多
关键词 飞行物 玩具 弹射出 动作协调性 婴幼儿 压缩气流 波纹管 树脂材料 空气锤 空气弹
Study on Airflow Field of Condensing Zone in Compact Spinning System with Perforated Drum 被引量:2
作者 高金霞 邹专勇 程隆棣 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第5期606-609,共4页
Negative pressure plays a very important role in compact spinning system.To know airflow field and its distribution is helpful to look into the condensing principle of fiber bundle.Therefore,computational fluid dynami... Negative pressure plays a very important role in compact spinning system.To know airflow field and its distribution is helpful to look into the condensing principle of fiber bundle.Therefore,computational fluid dynamics(CFD)software was used to simulate airflow field in this paper.Airflow velocity distributions both in different fiber layers and under different negative pressures were discussed.The results indicate that airflow velocity in upper layer of the fiber bundle is greater than that in lower layer.Airflow velocities in both X and Y axis directions have a positive correlation with negative pressure.It can provide a theoretical base to make high quality compact yarns in productive practice. 展开更多
关键词 compact spinning perforated drum condensing zone airflow field
Direct Numerical Simulation of Particle Dispersion in Gas-Solid Compressible Turbulent Jets 被引量:4
作者 罗坤 金军 +1 位作者 郑友取 岑可法 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第2期161-166,共6页
A numerical method was developed to directly simulate the compressible, particle-laden turbulent jets.The fourth order compact finite difference schemes were used to discretize the space derivatives. The Lagrangian me... A numerical method was developed to directly simulate the compressible, particle-laden turbulent jets.The fourth order compact finite difference schemes were used to discretize the space derivatives. The Lagrangian method was adopted to simulate the particle motion based on one-way coupling. It is found that the turbulent intensity profiles attain self-similar status in the jet downstream regions. At the Stokes number of 1, particles are concentrated largely in the outer boundaries of the large-scale vortex structures with the most uneven distribution and the widest dispersion in the lateral direction. Particles at the much smaller Stokes numbers are distributed evenly in the flow field, and the lateral dispersion is also considerable. Distribution of particles at much larger Stokes numbers is more uniform and the lateral dispersion becomes small. In addition, the inflow conditions have different effects on the particle dispersion. The direct numerical simulation (DNS) results accord with the previous experiments and numerical studies. 展开更多
关键词 direct numerical simulation compressible turbulent jet coherent structure particle dispersion
作者 Hong Chul Chung Aerospace Engineering Department, Hankuk Aviation UniversityKoyang,Kyunggi do, Korea 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1996年第1期4-8,共5页
This paper is concerned with a remedy for interface smearing,which is usable when fixed (i.e. non moving and so non conforming) grids are employed. It is simple to employ and has been found to be rather effective. T... This paper is concerned with a remedy for interface smearing,which is usable when fixed (i.e. non moving and so non conforming) grids are employed. It is simple to employ and has been found to be rather effective. The paper explains its principle, describes how it has been implemented and presents some results obtained with its assistance. The results are compared both with those of earlier methods of interface motion calculation and with experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 fluid flow incompressible flow MODELLING liquid gas phase flow
Numerical Study on Flow-induced Noise for a Steam Stop-valve Using Large Eddy Simulation 被引量:8
作者 Jiming Liu Tao Zhang Yong'ou Zhang 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第3期351-360,共10页
The noise induced by the fluctuant saturated steam flow under 250 °C in a stop-valve was numerically studied.The simulation was carried out using computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and ACTRAN.The acoustic field ... The noise induced by the fluctuant saturated steam flow under 250 °C in a stop-valve was numerically studied.The simulation was carried out using computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and ACTRAN.The acoustic field was investigated with Lighthill's acoustic analogy based on the properties of the flow field obtained using a large-eddy simulation that employs the LES-WALE dynamic model as the sub-grid-scale model.Firstly,the validation of mesh was well conducted,illustrating that two million elements were sufficient in this situation.Secondly,the treatment of the steam was deliberated,and conclusions indicate that when predicting the flow-induced noise of the stop-valve,the steam can be treated as incompressible gas at a low inlet velocity.Thirdly,the flow-induced noises under different inlet velocities were compared.The findings reveal it has remarkable influence on the flow-induced noises.Lastly,whether or not the heat preservation of the wall has influence on the noise was taken into account.The results show that heat preservation of the wall had little influence. 展开更多
关键词 flow-induced noise steam stop-valve flow field sound field large eddy simulation(LES) computational fluid dynamics(CFD) ACTRAN
Effects of cryogenic cold air jet cutting on chip break in metal machining
作者 YANGYing TONGMingwei WUZhijuan 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第1期6-10,共5页
The half-dry cutting employs cryogenic compressed air cooled down to (10 to 40) and a micro-dosage of lubricating oil, called cryogenic cold air jet cutting was studied. On the basis of a comparative experiment on dr... The half-dry cutting employs cryogenic compressed air cooled down to (10 to 40) and a micro-dosage of lubricating oil, called cryogenic cold air jet cutting was studied. On the basis of a comparative experiment on dry and cryogenic cold air jet cuttings carried out for grade 45 steel, the effects of cryogenic cold air jet on the breaking of chips were discussed. The experimental results reveal that in the valid ranges of pressure and temperature, the cryogenic cold air jet widens the chip breaking areas effectively. When the cutting depth is not greater than 1 mm, the influence of chip breaking is much more significant. But different injecting angle of cold air has different influence on the chip-break. From the experiment, the optimized jet injecting angle, temperature effecting range and pressure working range of cold air are obtained. These results can offer a foundation for industrial manufacturing. 展开更多
关键词 chip-break CUTTING cryogenic cold air jet
《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1996年第2期6+4-5,共3页
A complete boundary integral formulation for incompressible Navier Stokes equations with time discretization by operator splitting is developed by using the fundamental solutions of the Helmhotz operator equation wit... A complete boundary integral formulation for incompressible Navier Stokes equations with time discretization by operator splitting is developed by using the fundamental solutions of the Helmhotz operator equation with different orders. The numerical results for the lift and the drag hysteresis associated with a NACA0012 aerofoil oscillating in pitch are good in comparison with available experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 aerodynamics computation incompressible flow foundamental solution method integral equation method Navier Stokes equations
Static characteristics of new type externally pressurized spherical air bearings
作者 王福生 包钢 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1133-1138,共6页
In order to provide some theoretical guideline for the structure design of the new type externally pressurized spherical air bearings,the static characteristics and the factors affecting the static characteristics of ... In order to provide some theoretical guideline for the structure design of the new type externally pressurized spherical air bearings,the static characteristics and the factors affecting the static characteristics of the air bearings were analyzed.A finite volume method was adopted to discretize the three-dimensional steady-state compressible Navier-Stokes equations,and a modified SIMPLE algorithm for compressible fluid was applied to solve the discretized governing equations.The pressure field and velocity field of the air bearings were obtained,and the factors and rules affecting the static characteristics were analyzed.The results show that the pressure of near air intakes can reach above 80% of air supply pressure,and there is a pressure steep fall around the air intakes.When the film thickness is greater than 20 μm,the bearing capacity rapidly decreases as film thickness increases.As the air supply pressure increases from 0.2 to 0.6 MPa,the maximum static stiffness increases by more than three times.The calculation method proposed well fits the general principle,which can be extended to the characteristic analysis of other air bearings. 展开更多
关键词 static characteristics spherical air bearings air film finite volume method
Reducing the Gas Pressure Drop in Suction Mufflers of Hermetic Reciprocating Compressors
作者 Janatas Ferreira Lacerda Jose Luiz Gasche +1 位作者 Joao Fabio Parise de Lara Danilo Martins Arantes 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第3期423-430,共8页
The suction muffler of hermetic reciprocating compressors is installed in order to attenuate the noise generated by the gas pulsation of the flow through the suction valve. However, the installation of the suction muf... The suction muffler of hermetic reciprocating compressors is installed in order to attenuate the noise generated by the gas pulsation of the flow through the suction valve. However, the installation of the suction muffler affects the operation of the compressor owing to gas pressure drop, which causes volumetric and energetic efficiency loss due to the gas specific volume augmentation. Therefore, there is a compromise between sound attenuation and pressure drop increase, which has to be taken into account by compressor designers. In this work, it presents a numerical solution to the flow through a suction muffler in order to analyze the pressure field and point out the main contributions to the overall pressure drop of the flow. A commercial CFD (computational fluid dynamics) code was used to perform the numerical simulations and the results were validated by using experimental data. After analyzing the pressure field, the geometry of the muffler was modified intending to decrease the flow pressure drop. The geometric modification produced a 28% reduction on the overall pressure drop, without influencing the sound attenuation. 展开更多
关键词 REFRIGERATION hermetic reciprocating COMPRESSOR muffler.
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