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基于PCA-LSSVM的厌氧废水处理系统出水VFA在线预测模型 被引量:11
作者 刘博 万金泉 +2 位作者 黄明智 马邕文 王艳 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1768-1778,共11页
采用IC厌氧废水处理系统处理人工合成废水,并利用PCA-LSSVM模型对系统出水挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)进行预测.首先利用主成分分析法(PCA)分析影响厌氧废水出水VFA浓度的多个变量的相关性并降低输入变量维数,然后用网格搜索结合10倍交叉验证优化... 采用IC厌氧废水处理系统处理人工合成废水,并利用PCA-LSSVM模型对系统出水挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)进行预测.首先利用主成分分析法(PCA)分析影响厌氧废水出水VFA浓度的多个变量的相关性并降低输入变量维数,然后用网格搜索结合10倍交叉验证优化LSSVM模型参数sig2和gam,最后利用建立的模型对实验数据进行仿真预测.仿真结果表明,稳态LSSVM模型对稳态条件下厌氧废水处理系统出水VFA具有很好的仿真预测能力,相对误差在4.72%以内,平均相对百分比误差(MAPE)为1.61%,均方根误差(RMSE)为1.08,相关系数达0.9996;稳态干扰LSSVM模型对厌氧废水处理系统出水VFA的仿真预测精度有所降低但仍然具有较好的预测能力,平均相对百分比误差(MAPE)为15.83%,均方根误差(RMSE)为15.45,相关系数为0.9984,该方法可为厌氧出水VFA在线预测和厌氧废水处理系统的优化控制提供指导. 展开更多
关键词 消化 厌氧废水处理系统 主成分分析(PCA) 最小二乘法支持向量机(LSSVM) 挥发性脂肪酸(
厌氧加好氧处理啤酒有机废水效果好 被引量:1
作者 李红 初广玲 +2 位作者 陈慧琳 薛伟国 陈旭 《黑龙江环境通报》 2004年第1期84-85,共2页
关键词 啤酒行业 有机废水 废水处理工艺 混凝剂 悬浮物 厌氧废水处理技术 废水处理技术
负荷冲击下厌氧生物处理系统的稳定性 被引量:6
作者 金仁村 郑平 +1 位作者 蔡靖 胡宝兰 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期770-774,779,共6页
稳定性是废水厌氧生物处理系统的重要特性。探讨了稳定性的内涵和表征参数,分析了负荷冲击下系统失稳的机理和表现,剖析了稳定性的影响因素。结果表明:冲击负荷对厌氧系统有重大影响,其典型影响体现在运行性能恶化、挥发性脂肪酸累积、p... 稳定性是废水厌氧生物处理系统的重要特性。探讨了稳定性的内涵和表征参数,分析了负荷冲击下系统失稳的机理和表现,剖析了稳定性的影响因素。结果表明:冲击负荷对厌氧系统有重大影响,其典型影响体现在运行性能恶化、挥发性脂肪酸累积、pH值和碱度下降、产气量和产气成分变化、污泥流失等方面。厌氧系统抗负荷冲击能力受各种系统特性和冲击特点制约。在此基础上,提出了增强厌氧系统稳定性的对策。 展开更多
关键词 厌氧废水处理系统 稳定性 负荷冲击 非稳态
有机废水处理生物制氢技术研究进展 被引量:1
作者 黄惠莹 陈德业 《广东化工》 CAS 2014年第13期133-134,共2页
关键词 有机废水 厌氧废水处理 生物制氢
作者 周俊怡 谢益民 +4 位作者 张功侠 牛虎军 赵云博 周安乡 薛超 《中国造纸学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期114-122,共9页
杨木心材碱性过氧化氢机械浆(APMP)的制浆废水不仅产生水量大,且化学需氧量(COD)较高,处理难度较大;通过白腐菌Trametes sp.48424预处理杨木心材,经碱性过氧化氢制浆得到生物处理APMP (Bio-APMP),可以有效降低制浆废水中的污染物含量,... 杨木心材碱性过氧化氢机械浆(APMP)的制浆废水不仅产生水量大,且化学需氧量(COD)较高,处理难度较大;通过白腐菌Trametes sp.48424预处理杨木心材,经碱性过氧化氢制浆得到生物处理APMP (Bio-APMP),可以有效降低制浆废水中的污染物含量,提高纸浆质量。本研究首先用内循环(IC)厌氧反应器对杨木心材Bio-APMP制浆废水进行厌氧生物处理,再利用仿酶-混凝与曝气生物滤池(BAF)相结合的组合工艺进行深度处理,探究厌氧和BAF处理的最佳工艺条件,以及仿酶络合物和絮凝剂的最佳用量。同时,研究了处理后制浆废水回用对Bio-APMP制浆性能的影响。研究结果表明,采用白腐菌生物预处理技术,Bio-APMP制浆废水的COD和木质素含量均低于传统APMP,制浆废水中的COD_(Cr)降低了15.3%。在最佳厌氧生物处理条件下,COD_(Cr)去除率为89.5%。此外,工艺优化后BAF的COD_(Cr)最高去除率为81.9%。Fe-EDTA仿酶络合物用量为15 mg/L时,仿酶-混凝法处理制浆废水效果最好,此时COD_(Cr)去除率为67.7%。利用厌氧+BAF+仿酶-混凝结合的方法深度处理Bio-APMP制浆废水,制浆废水的COD_(Cr)从11952 mg/L降至80.4 mg/L;将深度处理后的废水回用于Bio-APMP制浆过程,纸浆质量有所下降,纸张物理强度有所降低。 展开更多
关键词 Bio-APMP 厌氧废水处理 曝气生物滤池 仿酶处理 废水回用
Fe^(0)改性厌氧颗粒污泥吸附Sb(Ⅴ)效用及其机理 被引量:1
作者 王西峰 王雪琴 +3 位作者 王宇飞 覃楚翰 严琼 邓仁健 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1675-1681,1688,共8页
在UASB动态运行下,Fe^(0)改性颗粒污泥对锑的最高去除率可达99.5%,改性污泥各组分对Sb(Ⅴ)的去除率高于未改性污泥,改性污泥中锑的生物质结合位多于未改性颗粒污泥。除锑后的改性污泥表面出现了大量颗粒状物体;多糖与蛋白质在改性污泥... 在UASB动态运行下,Fe^(0)改性颗粒污泥对锑的最高去除率可达99.5%,改性污泥各组分对Sb(Ⅴ)的去除率高于未改性污泥,改性污泥中锑的生物质结合位多于未改性颗粒污泥。除锑后的改性污泥表面出现了大量颗粒状物体;多糖与蛋白质在改性污泥吸附锑时的作用效果相当;改性污泥吸附Sb(Ⅴ)后,出现了FeSb_(2)O_(4)、FeOOH、Fe_(2)O_(3)、Fe_(3)O_(4),反映出Sb(V)与污泥中的铁离子络合形成铁锑共沉物;吸附锑后,改性污泥的Fe2p峰的结合能从711.044 eV与724.642 eV变为711.105 eV与724.703 eV,说明Fe^(0)改性颗粒污泥中的氢氧根被Sb取代,并与O-Fe结合,形成了Fe-O-Sb配位化合物,沉积于颗粒污泥表面,达到除锑效果。 展开更多
关键词 颗粒污泥改性 Fe^(0) Sb(Ⅴ)污染 厌氧废水处理
产甲烷阶段季铵化合物的厌氧生物降解性研究(英文) 被引量:1
作者 王新海 今井刚 +1 位作者 通口隆哉 关根雅彦 《河南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第5期476-482,共7页
基于厌氧序批式测试系统,研究了一组季铵化合物的最终生物降解性和对生物气产生过程的毒性效果.四个测试物中每个化合物均带有四个相同的烷基,通式为R4N+Br-(TEAB,TPAB,TOAB和TODAB分别对应R=C2,C5,C8,C18,).测试物的矿化程度被用来评... 基于厌氧序批式测试系统,研究了一组季铵化合物的最终生物降解性和对生物气产生过程的毒性效果.四个测试物中每个化合物均带有四个相同的烷基,通式为R4N+Br-(TEAB,TPAB,TOAB和TODAB分别对应R=C2,C5,C8,C18,).测试物的矿化程度被用来评估其最终厌氧生物降解性;对碳源D-葡萄糖代谢过程的毒性可以利用测试物对生物气生成过程的抑制效果来指示.研究结果表明:带有偶碳数烷基链的季铵化合物,即TEAB、TOAB和TODAB在20 mg/L(以C计)能够被很容易地降解为CO2和CH4,它们对生物气生成过程的毒性随着所带烷基链长的增长而减小.测试物中带有最长碳链的TODAB,即使碳浓度提高到100 mg/L也可以顺利降解;并且在200 mg/L的高浓度条件下也没有发现其对代谢过程的毒性证据.相反,带有奇数碳链的TPAB很难被厌氧生物降解,而且在所有测试物中显示出最强的厌氧毒性,200 mg/L时的生物气抑制率高达69%. 展开更多
关键词 抑制 产甲烷菌 矿化 厌氧废水处理
厌氧迁移式污泥床反应器的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 王薇 吴立波 李艳玲 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期1-3,8,共4页
介绍了新型高效厌氧反应器-厌氧迁移式污泥床反应器的基本构造、特点、颗粒污泥的培养、运行性能以及研究现状。厌氧移动式污泥床反应器工艺是在升流式厌氧污泥床和厌氧序批式反应器两种工艺的基础上开发的一种新型厌氧处理工艺,具有结... 介绍了新型高效厌氧反应器-厌氧迁移式污泥床反应器的基本构造、特点、颗粒污泥的培养、运行性能以及研究现状。厌氧移动式污泥床反应器工艺是在升流式厌氧污泥床和厌氧序批式反应器两种工艺的基础上开发的一种新型厌氧处理工艺,具有结构简单、运行灵活、处理效果好等优点。在处理工业废水和城市污水方面具有很大的发展前景和应用潜力,值得深入研究和推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 迁移式污泥床反应器 处理:废水处理
Pretreatment of coking wastewater using anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) 被引量:10
作者 李冰 孙英兰 李玉瑛 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1115-1123,共9页
A laboratory-scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) was used to pretreat coking wastewater. Inoculated anaerobic granular biomass was acclimated for 225 d to the coking wastewater, and then the biochemical me... A laboratory-scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) was used to pretreat coking wastewater. Inoculated anaerobic granular biomass was acclimated for 225 d to the coking wastewater, and then the biochemical methane potential (BMP)of the coking wastewater in the acclimated granular biomass was measured. At the same time, some fundamental technological factors, such as the filling time and the reacting time ratio (tf/tr), the mixing intensity and the intermittent mixing mode, that affect anaerobic pretreatment of coking wastewater with ASBR, were evaluated through orthogonal tests. The COD removal efficiency reached 38%~50% in the stable operation period with the organic loading rate of 0.37~0.54 kg COD/(m3.d) at the optimum conditions of tf/tr, the mixing intensity and the intermittent mixing mode. In addition, the biodegradability of coking wastewater distinctly increased after the pretreatment using ASBR. At the end of the experiment, the microorganism forms on the granulated sludge in the ASBR were observed using SEM (scanning electron microscope) and fluoroscope. The results showed that the dominant microorganism on the granular sludge was Methanosaeta instead of Methanosarcina dominated on the inoculated sludge. 展开更多
关键词 Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) Coking wastewater Anaerobic pre-treatment
Review:Anaerobic ammonium oxidation for treatment of ammonium-rich wastewaters 被引量:3
作者 Lei ZHANG Ping ZHENG Chong-jian TANG Ren-cun JIN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期416-426,共11页
The concept of anaerobic ammonium oxidation(ANAMMOX) is presently of great interest. The functional bacteria belonging to the Planctomycete phylum and their metabolism are investigated by microbiologists. Meanwhile,th... The concept of anaerobic ammonium oxidation(ANAMMOX) is presently of great interest. The functional bacteria belonging to the Planctomycete phylum and their metabolism are investigated by microbiologists. Meanwhile,the ANAMMOX is equally valuable in treatment of ammonium-rich wastewaters. Related processes including partial nitritation-ANAMMOX and completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite(CANON) have been developed,and lab-scale experiments proved that both processes were quite feasible in engineering with appropriate control. Successful full-scale practice in the Netherlands will ac-celerate application of the process in future. This review introduces the microbiology and more focuses on application of the ANAMMOX process. 展开更多
关键词 Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) bacteria Metabolism Partial nitritation-ANAMMOX Completelyautotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) Application
Treating leachate mixture with anaerobic ammonium oxidation technology 被引量:5
作者 张鸿郭 周少奇 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第6期663-667,共5页
Large amounts of ammonium and a low content of biodegradable chemical oxygen demand(COD) are contained in leachate from aged landfills, together with the effluent containing high concentration of nitric nitrogen aft... Large amounts of ammonium and a low content of biodegradable chemical oxygen demand(COD) are contained in leachate from aged landfills, together with the effluent containing high concentration of nitric nitrogen after biochemical treatment. Treatment effect of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process on the mixture of the leachate and its biochemical effluent was investigated. The results show that the average removal efficiencies of ammonium, nitric nitrogen and total nitrogen are 87.51%, 74.95% and 79.59%, respectively, corresponding to the average ratio of removed nitric nitrogen to ammonium, i.e. 1.14 during the steady phase of anammox activity. The mean removal efficiency of COD is only 24.01% during the experimental period. Thc,dcmand of total phosphorous for the anammox process is unobvious. Especially, the alkalinity and pH value of the effluent are close to those of the inftuent during the steady phase of anammox activity. In addition, it is demonstrated that the status of the anammox bioreactor can be indicated by the alkalinity and pH value during the course of the experiment. The anammox bioreactor has shown potential for nitrogen removal in the leachate mixture. However, COD and total phosphorous in the leachate mixture need further treatment for removal efficiencies of COD and total phosphorous are not good in the anammox bioreactor. 展开更多
关键词 landfill leachate up flow anaerobic sludge blanket ANAMMOX ALKALINITY electron acceptor
Denitrification and Dephosphatation by Anaerobic/Anoxic Sequencing Batch Reactor 被引量:4
作者 彭永臻 李勇智 +1 位作者 王淑莹 王亚宜 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第6期877-880,共4页
Removal of denitrifying phosphorus was verified in a laboratory anaerobic/anoxic sequencing batch reactor (A/A SBR). The results obtained demonstrated that the anaerobic/anoxic strategy can enrich the growth of denitr... Removal of denitrifying phosphorus was verified in a laboratory anaerobic/anoxic sequencing batch reactor (A/A SBR). The results obtained demonstrated that the anaerobic/anoxic strategy can enrich the growth of denitrifying phosphorus removing bacteria (DPB) and take up phosphate under anoxic condition by using nitrate as the electron acceptor. The phosphorus removal efficiency was higher than 90% and the effluent phosphate concentration was lower than 1 mg·L-1 after the A/A SBR was operated in a steady-state. When the chemical oxygen demand(COD) of influent was lower than 180mg· L-1, the more COD in the influent was, the higher efficiency of phosphorus removal could be attained under anoxic condition. However, simultaneous presence of carbon and nitrate would be detrimental to denitrifying phosphorus removal. Result of influence of sludge retention time (SRT) on denitrifying phosphorus removal suggested that the decrease of SRT caused a washout of DPB and consequently the enhanced biological phosphorus removal decreased with 8 days SRT. When the SRT was restored to 16 days, however, the efficiency of phosphorus removal was higher than 90%. 展开更多
关键词 denitrifying phosphorus removal anoxic phosphorus uptake biologicalphosphorus removal denitrifying phosphorus removing bacteria
Advanced treatment of biologically pretreated coking wastewater by intensified zero-valent iron process(IZVI) combined with anaerobic filter and biological aerated filter(AF/BAF) 被引量:4
作者 潘碌亭 韩悦 吴锦峰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3781-3787,共7页
Experiments were conducted to investigate the behavior of the sequential system of intensified zero-valent iron process(IZVI) and anaerobic filter and biological aerated filter(AF/BAF) reactors for advanced treatment ... Experiments were conducted to investigate the behavior of the sequential system of intensified zero-valent iron process(IZVI) and anaerobic filter and biological aerated filter(AF/BAF) reactors for advanced treatment of biologically pretreated coking wastewater. Particular attention was paid to the performance of the integrated system for the removal of chemical oxygen demand(COD), ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N) and total nitrogen(TN). The average removal efficiencies of COD, NH3-N and TN were 76.28%, 96.76% and 59.97%, with the average effluent mass concentrations of 56, 0.53 and 18.83 mg/L, respectively, reaching the first grade of the national discharge standard. Moreover, the results of gas chromatography/mass spectrum(GC/MS) and gel permeation chromatography(GPC) analysis demonstrated that the refractory organic compounds with high relative molecular mass were partly removed in IZVI process by the function of oxidation-reduction, flocculation and adsorption which could also enhance the biodegradability of the system effluent. The removal efficiencies of NH3-N and TN were achieved mainly in the subsequent AF/BAF reactors by nitrification and denitrification. Overall, the results obtained show that the application of IZVI in combination with AF/BAF is a promising technology for advanced treatment of biologically pretreated coking wastewater. 展开更多
关键词 advanced treatment coking wastewater intensified zero valent iron BIOFILTER
ATP content and biomass activity in sequential anaerobic/aerobic reactors 被引量:1
作者 陈红 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2004年第6期727-732,共6页
Specific ATP content of volatile solids was measured to characterize the sludge activity in a sequential anaerobic/aerobic wastewater treatment system, with an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and a thre... Specific ATP content of volatile solids was measured to characterize the sludge activity in a sequential anaerobic/aerobic wastewater treatment system, with an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and a three-phase aerobic fluidized bed (AFB) reactor. The wastewater COD level was 2000-3000 mg/L in simulation of real textile wastewater. The ATP content and the specific ATP contents of volatile solids at different heights of the UASB reactor and those of the suspended and immobilized biomass in the AFB reactor were measured. In the UASB reactor, the maximum value of specific ATP (0.85 mg ATP/g VS) was obtained at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) 7.14 h in the blanket solution. In the AFB reactor, the specific ATP content of suspended biomass was higher than that of immobilized biomass and increased with hydraulic retention time reaching a maximum value of 1.6 mg ATP/g VS at hydraulic retention time 4.35 h. The ATP content of anaerobes in the UASB effluent declined rapidly under aerobic conditions following a 2nd-order kinetic model. 展开更多
关键词 ATP Biomass activity Sequential anaerobic/aerobic UASB reactor AFB reactor
Study on anaerobic treatment of wastewater containing hexavalent chromium
作者 许燕滨 肖华花 孙水裕 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期574-579,共6页
A self-made anaerobic bio-filter bed which was inoculated with special sludge showed high efficiency in removing hexavalent chromium. When pump flow was 47 ml/min and CODCr of wastewater was about 140 mg/L, it took 4 ... A self-made anaerobic bio-filter bed which was inoculated with special sludge showed high efficiency in removing hexavalent chromium. When pump flow was 47 ml/min and CODCr of wastewater was about 140 mg/L, it took 4 h to decrease the Cr6+ concentrations from about 60 mg/L to under 0.5 mg/L, compared with 14 h without carbon source addition. Cr6+ concentra- tions ranged from 64.66 mg/L to 75.53 mg/L, the system efficiency was excellent. When Cr6+ concentration reached 95.47 mg/L, the treatment time was prolonged to 7.5 h. Compared with the contrast system, the system with trace metals showed clear supe- riority in that the Cr6+ removal rate increased by 21.26%. Some analyses also showed that hexavalent chromium could probably be bio-reduced to trivalent chromium, and that as a result, the chrome hydroxide sediment was formed on the surface of microor- ganisms. 展开更多
关键词 Hexavalent chromium WASTEWATER ANAEROBIC Bio-filter bed Hexavalent chromium bio-removal
Process Optimization on Anaerobic Treatment of Citric Acid Wastewater
作者 CHEN Cheng-cheng ZHANG Qiang +3 位作者 PEI Zhen-hong LIU Tong-jun QI Qing-sheng WANG Jia-ning 《Chinese Food Science》 2012年第3期42-45,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to obtain higher COD removal rate so as to guide the process of citric acid industrial wastewater. [Method] The effects of controllable factors, acidification time, hydraulic retention time, an... [Objective] The aim was to obtain higher COD removal rate so as to guide the process of citric acid industrial wastewater. [Method] The effects of controllable factors, acidification time, hydraulic retention time, and influent COD concentration, in-anaerobic treatment process of citric acid wastewater on COD removal rate were studied and the COD removal rate was optimized by response surface method. [Result] There was no interaction between acidification time and the other two factors. It was showed that hydraulic retention time and influent COD concentration had significant effect on COD removal rate and there was interaction between the two factors. The optimum COD removing process conditions was as follows: acidification time 1.53 h, hydraulic retention time 3.52 h and influent COD concentration 2 698 mg/L. Under the optimized conditions, the COD removal rate was 93.31% and it was much closed to the experimental result, 93.29%. [Conclusion] Using response surface method to optimize the anaerobic treatment of citric acid wastewater can result in optimized achievement. 展开更多
关键词 Citric Acid Wastewater COD removal rate Response surface methodology Process optimization China
Enhanced Anaerobic Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Chemical Additive
作者 Ton That Lang 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第7期328-334,共7页
The textile processing plants utilize a wide variety of dyes and other chemicals such as acids, bases, salts, detergents, sizes, oxidants, mercerizing and finishing chemicals. Many of these are not retained in the fin... The textile processing plants utilize a wide variety of dyes and other chemicals such as acids, bases, salts, detergents, sizes, oxidants, mercerizing and finishing chemicals. Many of these are not retained in the final product and are discharged in the effluent. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the performance of Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) reactor to treat synthetic textile wastewater. Several experiments using Direct Red 81 and volatile fatty acids as model substrates were conducted. The problems of decolorization was evaluated at a variety of relevant operational conditions, such as substrate concentration, organic and hydraulic loading rates. The results showed that retention time of EGSB equals 1.6 h and 80 mg/L at the hydraulic and dye concentration respectively, and that the color removal efficiency can reach 90%. Additionally, some chemical additions were proposed to improve the decolorization rate and increase the treatment efficiency of the system. For instance, sulfide was added at 200 mg/L in the influent, which can increase the dye removal efficiency to 95%. 展开更多
关键词 Dye removal textile wastewater EGSB.
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