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水稻突变品种原丰早抽穗期的遗传分析 被引量:10
作者 孙漱芗 金卫 骆倩 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 1990年第3期97-101,共5页
利用 P_1、P_2、F_1、F_2、B_1和 B_2 6个世代抽穗期的平均数及其方差估计水稻突变品种原丰早抽穗期提早性状的基因效应及其遗传动态。结果表明:早熟基因遗传符合加性—显性遗传模型,约有2对不完全显性基因控制其抽穗期提早。该性状具... 利用 P_1、P_2、F_1、F_2、B_1和 B_2 6个世代抽穗期的平均数及其方差估计水稻突变品种原丰早抽穗期提早性状的基因效应及其遗传动态。结果表明:早熟基因遗传符合加性—显性遗传模型,约有2对不完全显性基因控制其抽穗期提早。该性状具有较高的遗传力和遗传进度。正反交结果表明,细胞质基因对早熟性没有明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 品种 原丰 抽穗期 遗传
《浙江农业科学》 1977年第2期24-25,共2页
“原丰早”是我省贫下中农、领导干部和科技人员在毛主席革命路线指引下,坚持三结合的试验研究,通过辐射引变方法育成的水稻新品种。是我省原子能在农业上应用的一项新的科技成果。自1974年在我大队试种以来,面积逐年扩大,有力地促进了... “原丰早”是我省贫下中农、领导干部和科技人员在毛主席革命路线指引下,坚持三结合的试验研究,通过辐射引变方法育成的水稻新品种。是我省原子能在农业上应用的一项新的科技成果。自1974年在我大队试种以来,面积逐年扩大,有力地促进了早稻粮食产量的提高。1974年我们种植“原丰早”9亩,亩产971斤。 展开更多
关键词 早稻 平湖县 水稻 丰产经验 原丰 秧田 公社
几个籼稻品种对稻瘟病抗性的遗传分析 被引量:12
作者 申宗坦 章旺根 +3 位作者 何祖华 孙漱源 陶荣祥 施德 《中国水稻科学》 CAS 1986年第1期1-7,共7页
用感稻瘟病品种二九青与4个抗病品种杂交的 F_1、F_2、B_1、F_(?)经4个不同菌系的稻瘟病菌孢子悬浮液分别进行人工接种,然后考查其抗性反应。结果表明红脚占、砦糖、Tetep 和74-5461BG 等籼稻品种对 ZBI、ZB15、ZC15、ZC3菌系的抗性均... 用感稻瘟病品种二九青与4个抗病品种杂交的 F_1、F_2、B_1、F_(?)经4个不同菌系的稻瘟病菌孢子悬浮液分别进行人工接种,然后考查其抗性反应。结果表明红脚占、砦糖、Tetep 和74-5461BG 等籼稻品种对 ZBI、ZB15、ZC15、ZC3菌系的抗性均分别由显性抗性基因 Ipi-1、Ipi-2、Ipi-3和 Ipi-4控制,同时这4个抗性基因还存在着紧密的连锁关系。等位性测定也表明4个品种所具有的抗性基因都是各各等位的。 展开更多
关键词 遗传分析 籼稻品种 九青 抗性反应 抗性基因 品种间杂交 稻瘟病菌 原丰 抗病品种 抗性品种 菌系 回交后代
作者 韩星波 《浙江档案》 1982年第6期30-31,共2页
关键词 农业科技队 农业科技档案 慈溪县 周巷镇 一九 宁波地区 品种对比试验 晚稻品种 原丰 性能数据
作者 马向东 赵世盛 杨人翊 《北方音乐》 1983年第6期19-20,共2页
关键词 原丰 诗归 色兰 白红 卫兰 卜日
佳能公司鼎力加盟CHINA PRINT 2017北京印刷展
《中国包装》 2016年第9期15-,共1页
2016年7月28日,中国印刷及设备器材工业协会(以下简称'印工协')副秘书长王凤娜,北京中印协华港国际展览有限公司总经理赵晖,业务部经理王金鸣,项目经理夏小渊受邀拜访了佳能(中国)有限公司,与该公司专业打印产品部副总经理Piete... 2016年7月28日,中国印刷及设备器材工业协会(以下简称'印工协')副秘书长王凤娜,北京中印协华港国际展览有限公司总经理赵晖,业务部经理王金鸣,项目经理夏小渊受邀拜访了佳能(中国)有限公司,与该公司专业打印产品部副总经理Pieter Kraan,宽幅面打印产品部经理马平,商业打印产品部副经理柿原丰会面并进行了会谈。首先。 展开更多
关键词 打印产品 佳能公司 印刷展 PRINT 原丰 筹备情况 马平 印刷解决方案 印刷科技 印刷厂商
作者 石雨春 《紫禁城》 1990年第3期33-33,32,共2页
王树穀(1649年—?),字原丰,号无我,又号鹿公,又自号文外布衣,晚号栗园叟。仁和(今浙江杭州)人,工画人物,学陈洪绶,而有所变化。《学剑图》,绢本设色,纵139、横43厘米。描绘一老人,倚书,旁一侍童,他俩凝神注视学剑者。练剑人身佩宝剑,右... 王树穀(1649年—?),字原丰,号无我,又号鹿公,又自号文外布衣,晚号栗园叟。仁和(今浙江杭州)人,工画人物,学陈洪绶,而有所变化。《学剑图》,绢本设色,纵139、横43厘米。描绘一老人,倚书,旁一侍童,他俩凝神注视学剑者。练剑人身佩宝剑,右手持剑柄,左手持鞘,身体微弯,作欲拔剑状,动作自然潇洒,似达到了身与剑合、剑与神合的境界。 展开更多
关键词 鹿公 绢本设色 陈洪绶 左手持 剑柄 王樹 原丰 仁和 王榭 字原
佳能加盟CHINA PRINT 2017
《印刷工业》 2016年第8期13-13,共1页
7月28日,中国印刷及设备器材工业协会副秘书长王凤娜,北京中印协华港国际展览有限公司总经理赵晖,业务部经理王金鸣等受邀拜访了佳能(中国)有限公司,与该公司专业打印产品部副总经理Pieter Kraan,宽幅面打印产品部经理马平,商业打印... 7月28日,中国印刷及设备器材工业协会副秘书长王凤娜,北京中印协华港国际展览有限公司总经理赵晖,业务部经理王金鸣等受邀拜访了佳能(中国)有限公司,与该公司专业打印产品部副总经理Pieter Kraan,宽幅面打印产品部经理马平,商业打印产品部副经理柿原丰进行了会谈。 展开更多
关键词 打印产品 PRINT 原丰 筹备情况 马平 印刷解决方案 印刷科技 印刷厂商
作者 新安 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1989年第5期27-27,共1页
世界各国对南极的兴趣非常大,逐年扩大投资,扩充考察站位,建立航空站。南极的诱惑力为什么这么大? 一、蕴藏着丰富的资源。矿藏有煤、铁、金、铜、石油、天然气等。有人估计。
关键词 最大风速 年平均气温 考察站 原丰 沈水 米/秒 南天
金陵科技学院学报 第26卷(2010年)总目次
《金陵科技学院学报》 2010年第4期90-92,共3页
关键词 2010 金陵科技学院 氮肥运筹 张楠 张志成 南京 江苏 原丰 陈国清 AHP 李莉 学报 连续出版物 目次
作者 卜新明 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 1990年第4期50-55,共6页
现代科学发展的一个新特点是科学的分化和综合,分化的结果是分支科学出现,综合的结果是新的知识门类诞生。比较教育学就是一门年轻的分支科学。虽然它从教育学中分支出来,时间还不长,但其发展的速度却是惊人的。由于比较教育学是一门年... 现代科学发展的一个新特点是科学的分化和综合,分化的结果是分支科学出现,综合的结果是新的知识门类诞生。比较教育学就是一门年轻的分支科学。虽然它从教育学中分支出来,时间还不长,但其发展的速度却是惊人的。由于比较教育学是一门年轻的科学,关于它的许多问题到目前为止还没有定论。本文想就比较教育学的历史发展分期问题谈谈看法,以就教大方。 展开更多
关键词 比较教育学 比较教育研究 康德尔 原丰 贝雷迪 王承绪 知识门类 分期问题 外国教育 埃德蒙
《早期教育(幼教·教育教学)》 1993年第4期36-36,共1页
打电话河南许昌实验幼儿园查卓娜利用孩子们喜欢小动物的特点,我让他们给孙悟空、黑猫警长等打电话,以此来复习数的组成。打电话前,我先出一个数,让幼儿猜动物的电话号码,号码由4个数组成,前两个数合起来要是所出的数,后两个数是将前两... 打电话河南许昌实验幼儿园查卓娜利用孩子们喜欢小动物的特点,我让他们给孙悟空、黑猫警长等打电话,以此来复习数的组成。打电话前,我先出一个数,让幼儿猜动物的电话号码,号码由4个数组成,前两个数合起来要是所出的数,后两个数是将前两个数颠倒一下位置。如我出的是5,幼儿可猜电话号码是1441、2332、3223、4114。谁先猜对了电话号码,谁就能先给动物打电话、说一句心里话。动物由老师扮演,待游戏熟练了,再由幼儿扮演。这一教学形式深受幼儿喜爱。 展开更多
关键词 一得集 实验幼儿园 河南许昌 透明胶带 晨间 根端 右转 小段 加减运算 原丰
作者 陈秉煊 《种子科技》 1989年第3期33-34,共2页
关键词 早籼 栽培技术 农作物品种审定 推广品种 原丰 浙江嘉兴市 多点试种 熟期 亩基本苗 剑叶
《中华人民共和国国务院公报》 1990年第30期1146-1146,共1页
内蒙古自治区人民政府: 你区一九八九年五月二十四日《关于将丰镇县改设丰镇市的请示》收悉。经国务院批准,同意撤销丰镇县,设立丰镇市(县级),以原丰镇县的行政区域为丰镇市的行政区域,不增加机构和编制。
关键词 丰镇市 原丰 一九
Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Polyamide Charged Mosaic Membrane 被引量:2
作者 张景亚 张延武 +2 位作者 张浩勤 党敬川 刘金盾 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期569-576,共8页
A novel composite charged mosaic membrane(CCMM) was prepared via interfacial polymerization(IP) of polyamine[poly(epichlorohydrin amine) ]and trimesoyl chloride(TMC) on the polyethersulfone(PES) support. Fourier trans... A novel composite charged mosaic membrane(CCMM) was prepared via interfacial polymerization(IP) of polyamine[poly(epichlorohydrin amine) ]and trimesoyl chloride(TMC) on the polyethersulfone(PES) support. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR) ,environmental scanning electron microscopy(ESEM) ,atomic force microscopy(AFM) and water contact angle analysis were applied to characterize the resulted CCMM.The FT-IR spectrum indicates that TMC reacts sufficiently with polyamine.ESEM and AFM pictures show that the IP process produces a dense selective layer on the support membrane.The water contact angle of the CCMM is smaller than that of the substrate membrane because of the cross-linked hydrophilic polyamine network.Several factors affecting the IP reaction and the performance of the CCMM,such as monomer concentration,reaction time,pH value of aqueous phase solution and post-treatment,were studied.The pure water flux of the optimized CCMM is 14.73 L·m -2 ·h -1 ·MPa -1 at the operating pressure of 0.4 MPa.The values of separation factorαfor NaCl/PEG1000/water and MgCl2/PEG1000/water are 11.89 and 9.96,respectively.These results demonstrate that CCMM is promising for the separation of low-molecular-weight organics from their salt aqueous solutions. 展开更多
关键词 charged mosaic membranes interfacial polymerization POLYAMINE FLUX RETENTION
Dehydrogenase Activity of Soil Microorganisms and the Total DNA Level in Soil of Different Use
作者 Wolinska Agnieszka Stepniewska Zofia Emilia Szymafiska 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第9期613-622,共10页
The aim of the study was to find the interrelations between the activity of intracellular dehydrogenases, abundance of microorganisms, and the level of soil DNA in the Mollic Gleysol profile, with notification on the ... The aim of the study was to find the interrelations between the activity of intracellular dehydrogenases, abundance of microorganisms, and the level of soil DNA in the Mollic Gleysol profile, with notification on the dominant DNA form (extra-or intra-cellular), depending on the type of land use. Two neighbouring meadows were selected for investigations: one systematically cultivated and fertilized and the other deprived of any effect of anthropogenic activity, used as a control. We have demonstrated that dehydrogenase activity (DHA), the DNA content and microbial abundance strongly depended on the type of land use. DHA exhibited a significant correlation with the DNA content (r = 0.99^*** and r = 0.74^*, for cultivated and control sites, respectively). This relationship with such a high r value might suggest domination of the intracellular form of DNA in the cultivated meadow, which is also confirmed by the c.a. 13% increase in microorganism abundance in the cultivated soil. The optimal conditions for microbial activities were defined by the significant positive interrelationships between microbial abundance and the total organic carbon content, and a negative correlation with pH, redox potential and soil bulk density. 展开更多
关键词 Dehydrogenase activity DNA microorganism abundance type of land use.
Charge Densities of Unstable Nuclei with Electron Scattering
作者 褚衍运 任中洲 +1 位作者 王再军 董铁矿 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第8期347-354,共8页
Relativistic mean-field theory and phase-shift analysis are combined together to investigate the elasticCoulomb scattering between electrons and unstable nuclei.Electron scattering at several different energies is stu... Relativistic mean-field theory and phase-shift analysis are combined together to investigate the elasticCoulomb scattering between electrons and unstable nuclei.Electron scattering at several different energies is studiedand compared,in order to see the energy dependence of electron-nucleus scattering.It is shown that electron scattering at200 MeV or 300 MeV can be used to reveal electron-nucleus scattering information around the first diffraction minimum-Shiftsin opposite directions are obtained for the first diffraction minima of the electron scattering off the ground andfirst excited states of ^(17)F with ^(16)O as reference,and similar effects are obtained for ^(18)Ne.Besides,some neutron-richN = 8 isotones are also studied.Results show that electron scattering will be very useful and important in studyingboth proton- and neutron-rich nuclei in the future. 展开更多
关键词 electron scattering relativistic mean field theory phase-shift analysis exotic nuclei
Species-area relationship within and across functional groups at alpine grasslands on the northern Tibetan Plateau,China 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Nan WU Jian-shuang +2 位作者 SHEN Zhen-xi ZHANG Xian-zhou YANG Peng-wan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期265-275,共11页
The species-area relationship (SAR) is one of the most fundamental concepts in community ecology and is helpful for biodiversity conservation. However, few studies have systematically addressed this topic for differ... The species-area relationship (SAR) is one of the most fundamental concepts in community ecology and is helpful for biodiversity conservation. However, few studies have systematically addressed this topic for different alpine grassland types on the Tibetan Plateau, China. We explored whether the plant composition of different functional groups affects the manner in which species richness inereases with increasing area at scales ≤ 1.0 m^2. We also compared species richness (S) within and across forbs, legumes, sedges and grasses, with sampling subplot area (A) increasing from 0.0625 m^2 to 1.0 m^2 between alpine meadow and steppe communities. We applied a logarithmic function (S = b0 + b1 ln A) to determine the slope and intercept of SAR curves within and across functional groups. The results showed that the logarithmic relationship holds true between species richness and sampling area at these small scales. Both the intercept and slope of the logarithmic forbs-area curves are significantly higher than those for the three other functional groups (P 〈 0.05). Forb accounts for about 91.9 % of the variation in the intercept and 75.0% of the variation in the slope of the SAR curve when all functional groups' data were pooled together. Our results indicated that the different SAR patterns should be linked with species dispersal capabilities, environmental filtering, and life form composition within alpine grassland communities. Further studies on the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem functions should specify the differential responses of different functional groups to variations in climate and anthropogenic disturbances. 展开更多
关键词 Changtang Nature Reserve Complementary response Plant functional groups Plant life forms Species coexistence
Herbage Production and Species Richness in Sub-alpine Grasslands of Different Soil Parent Material in Northern Greece
作者 MPOKOS J.Panagiotis YIAKOULAKI D.Maria +3 位作者 PAPAZAFEIRIOU Z.Agapi SGARDELIS Stefanos ALIFRAGIS Dimitrios PAPANIKOLAOU Konstantinos 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期1579-1592,共14页
Several abiotic and biotic factors were investigated as possible predictors of local species richness in two sub-alpine grasslands of Jenna and Belles Mountains in Northern Greece.For species richness modelling a hier... Several abiotic and biotic factors were investigated as possible predictors of local species richness in two sub-alpine grasslands of Jenna and Belles Mountains in Northern Greece.For species richness modelling a hierarchical modelling framework based on generalized additive models was adopted.The two sub-alpine grasslands differed in aspect,altitude and soil parent material(volcanic origin,mostly trachyte,and andesite(TA) for Jenna and metamorphic rocks,mostly gneiss(G) for Belles).12 fenced squared plots,16 m2 each,were used per grassland,where soil properties,herbage production,species presence and cover of grasses,legumes and forbs were estimated.Mean herbage production was significantly affected by slope and altitude,soil K content and floristic composition as expressed by an ordination axis.Soil p H,floristic composition and average herbage production were significant predictors of forbs and total species richness.For the former,soil N content and for the latter the occurrence of Agrostis capillaris,were also included as significant terms in the predictive model.Thepredictors for grasses species richness were N content,having a positive effect,and average herbage production.In all cases higher species richness was predicted for intermediate values of average herbage production.Differential responses were found between forbs and grasses.The predictors of their species richness were different while for the case of the common predictor(N) the responses of the two groups were also different(grasses species numbers increase and forbs species numbers decreased with increasing N).Maximum species richness of grasses was observed at relatively low production levels while forbs species richness maximized at relatively high production levels. 展开更多
关键词 Mountain pastures Biomass production Functional groups ALTITUDE Agrostis capillaris
Plant Diversity as a Good Indicator of Vegetation Stability in a Typical Plateau Wetland 被引量:5
作者 LI Wei TAN Rui +1 位作者 YANG Yu-ming WANG Juan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期464-474,共11页
Biotic indicators have been widely used to monitor wetland health. However, few studies have explicitly evaluated if plant diversity could serve as a useful community-level indicator of wetland stability,especially wh... Biotic indicators have been widely used to monitor wetland health. However, few studies have explicitly evaluated if plant diversity could serve as a useful community-level indicator of wetland stability,especially when wetlands are confronted with anthropogenic perturbations. Based on three-year record of wetland plant species abundance in Napahai plateau wetland, Shangri-la under the influence of varying anthropogenic perturbation types, our study tests the impact of such perturbations on plant richness and the relationship between ecosystem temporal stability and plant richness, and further assesses the effectiveness of using plant diversity indicator to probe ecosystem temporal stability of Napahai plateau wetland and the potential mechanisms. The results showed that anthropogenic perturbations could have contributed significantly to realistic variation in plant diversity, and further demonstrated that ecosystem temporal stability was positively related to realistic variation in plant diversity. In particular, communities with high levels of diversity might have better capacity to dampen perturbation impacts than communities with low levels of diversity, and statistical averaging could have played an important role in causing greater stability in more diverse communities. Also, asynchrony might have a stabilizing effect on community stability, and diversity could have stabilized communities through both species asynchrony and population stability propagation. Therefore, our results suggest that plant diversity could be used as a useful indicator of the stability conditions of plateau wetland ecosystems confronted with anthropogenic perturbations, and the preservation of plant communities at sufficient abundance and diversity is necessary for maintaining healthy plateau wetlands and for sustaining their essential ecosystem functions and services. 展开更多
关键词 Plateau wetland Plant diversity Community stability Ecological indicator
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