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清康熙本《御制耕织图》原刻初印本、后印本与覆刻本 被引量:3
作者 董亚媛 《艺术研究(哈尔滨师范大学艺术学报)》 2022年第1期1-6,共6页
清康熙三十五年焦秉贞绘、朱圭镌刻的《御制耕织图》是清前期宫廷版画的代表作品,焦秉贞参用西方画法并做了适当的本土化处理,把透视画法纳入到了传统的"耕织图"图像体系中,发展出一套新的绘画样式,并在帝王的推动下制作成版... 清康熙三十五年焦秉贞绘、朱圭镌刻的《御制耕织图》是清前期宫廷版画的代表作品,焦秉贞参用西方画法并做了适当的本土化处理,把透视画法纳入到了传统的"耕织图"图像体系中,发展出一套新的绘画样式,并在帝王的推动下制作成版画,"镂版印赐臣工",在宫廷与地方得到了广泛的复制与流布,影响深远。清代《耕织图》的版本十分复杂,基于目前的研究现状,对于上图下文版式的《御制耕织图》原刻本初印本、原刻后印本、覆刻本的判定不清晰,存在把覆刻本当原刻本的现象。本文借助新公开的版本资源,对上图下文版式的《御制耕织图》版画版本进一步厘清,以推测其刻印过程,并分析原刻初印本、原刻后印本及覆刻本的特征与关系。 展开更多
关键词 《御制耕织图》 原刻初印本 原刻后印本 版本研究
黑水城所出的一组原刻与翻刻实物资料——《夹颂心经》考察记 被引量:3
作者 佟建荣 《宁夏社会科学》 CSSCI 2018年第2期212-216,共5页
俄藏黑水城文献中保存着编号分别为TK158、TK159、TK296V的三件《夹颂心经》。其中的TK158、TK159较为完整,两者在版式形制、内容上异中有同,同中有异,当是一组早期原刻本与翻刻本实物资料,对两者版式形制进行细致的对照勘比,应当有助... 俄藏黑水城文献中保存着编号分别为TK158、TK159、TK296V的三件《夹颂心经》。其中的TK158、TK159较为完整,两者在版式形制、内容上异中有同,同中有异,当是一组早期原刻本与翻刻本实物资料,对两者版式形制进行细致的对照勘比,应当有助于进一步认识版本史上的原刻本与翻刻本。 展开更多
关键词 黑水城 原刻 夹颂心经
《诸儒鸣道》原刻年代考 被引量:4
作者 田智忠 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期38-43,共6页
关键词 诸儒鸣道 原刻年代 避讳
《盛明杂剧》二集原刻存本考 被引量:1
作者 罗旭舟 《戏曲艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期69-76,103,共9页
关键词 《盛明杂剧》二集 版本 原刻 考证
作者 李之勤 《陕西史志》 2000年第3期18-21,共4页
关键词 《豳风广义》 原刻重印本 农学 杨屾 中国
“海西好”,抑或“东人姝”?——从《訄书原刻手写底本》论拉克伯里“西来说”之推演 被引量:1
作者 童嶺 《儒家典籍与思想研究》 2013年第1期149-176,共28页
本文首先梳理章太炎《訄书》'初刻本'与'重订本'之外较少提及的《訄书原刻手写底本》(潘景郑氏原藏)之基本文献学信息。同时利用上述三种《訄书》的文字改动以及异同点的系谱,并结合《检论》等著作分析章太炎在清末民... 本文首先梳理章太炎《訄书》'初刻本'与'重订本'之外较少提及的《訄书原刻手写底本》(潘景郑氏原藏)之基本文献学信息。同时利用上述三种《訄书》的文字改动以及异同点的系谱,并结合《检论》等著作分析章太炎在清末民初对经今文'公羊学'、'西洋'和'日本'思想的三重焦虑感。这种焦虑感的表征之一即是对拉克伯里(Terrien de Lacouperie)中国人种'西来说'说的取舍态度,体现在《訄书原刻手写底本》等著作中的文字增删不单是回应强势的西洋话语,亦糅合了如何对待不可回避的'他者'(日本东洋学说)。 展开更多
关键词 訄书原刻手写底本 章太炎 拉克伯里 中国人种西来说
作者 萧远烈 《前线》 1959年第6期3-6,共4页
关键词 按劳分配 原刻 分配制度 社会主义 思想体系 共产主义社会
作者 黄富源 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 1988年第2期53-56,共4页
我们读《学林漫录》第八集中周采泉先生的《〈柳如是别传〉匡失四例》一文后,颇有一些不同看法,今不揣浅陋,写出来以求教于周先生。《柳如是别传》是陈寅恪先生的名著之一。它以大量诗文资料通过考证“女侠名姝”柳如是的事迹来论述明... 我们读《学林漫录》第八集中周采泉先生的《〈柳如是别传〉匡失四例》一文后,颇有一些不同看法,今不揣浅陋,写出来以求教于周先生。《柳如是别传》是陈寅恪先生的名著之一。它以大量诗文资料通过考证“女侠名姝”柳如是的事迹来论述明末清初政治史,是一部诗文证史的著作。而周先生对这部著作的批评。 展开更多
关键词 柳如是别传 先生 李长祥 太史 原刻 松江 牧斋 《红线传》 河东君 后秋兴
Carbon monoxide oxidation on copper manganese oxides prepared by selective etching with ammonia 被引量:5
作者 石磊 胡臻浩 +1 位作者 邓高明 李文翠 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1920-1927,共8页
A series of copper manganese oxides were prepared using a selective etching technique with various amounts of ammonia added during the co-precipitation process. The effect of the ammonia etching on the structure and c... A series of copper manganese oxides were prepared using a selective etching technique with various amounts of ammonia added during the co-precipitation process. The effect of the ammonia etching on the structure and catalytic properties of the copper manganese oxides was investigated using elemental analysis, nitrogen physisorption, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, H2 temperature-programmed reduc- tion, and Oz temperature-programmed desorption combined with catalytic oxidation of CO. It was found that ammonia can selectively remove copper species from the copper manganese oxides, which correspondingly generates more defects in these oxides. An oxygen spillover from the man- ganese to the copper species was observed by H2 temperature-programmed desorption, indicating that ammonia etching enhanced the mobility of lattice oxygen species in these oxides. The Oz tem- perature-programmed desorption measurements further revealed that ammonia etching improved the ability of these oxides to release lattice oxygen. The improvement in redox properties of the copper manganese oxides following ammonia etching was associated with enhanced catalytic performance for CO oxidation. 展开更多
关键词 Copper manganese oxide Selective etchingRedox property CO oxidation Co-precipitation
作者 彭武文 《民族论坛》 1988年第3期17-24,共8页
五代以后,史家对《复溪州铜柱记》的研究和考证颇多,然良莠并存,正误杂揉,令今人常生疑窦。笔者拟从《复溪州铜柱记》之原刻文字入手,就前人所议之舛误,试作辨正如下。一、同原刻不符之数书所载辨正对《复溪州铜柱记》原刻之文字,自该... 五代以后,史家对《复溪州铜柱记》的研究和考证颇多,然良莠并存,正误杂揉,令今人常生疑窦。笔者拟从《复溪州铜柱记》之原刻文字入手,就前人所议之舛误,试作辨正如下。一、同原刻不符之数书所载辨正对《复溪州铜柱记》原刻之文字,自该柱面世后,诸多正史及地方志曾予转录,然这些转录或不完整,或存谬误,留传及今,常令学人不知所从。笔者去夏专程赴湖南永顺王村镇,对铜柱再作考察,并逐字录原得刻文字。兹将数书脱漏谬误之处,加括号附于各正文之后,经重新标点,并引于下. 展开更多
关键词 《十国春秋》 原刻 铜柱 武安军 御史大夫 十国春秋 复溪州铜柱记 溪州刺史 上柱国
作者 楊永政 《中国四库学》 2022年第1期144-163,共20页
《革象新書》是元代趙友欽編撰的一部有影響力的天文學概論性著作。元末明初,王褘將原書删潤、重編爲《重修革象新書》二卷,并增入南宋黄裳《天文圖》一篇,益加簡要,故廣爲流傳,屢經刊刻,而原本《革象新書》日漸湮没失傳。清四庫館臣從... 《革象新書》是元代趙友欽編撰的一部有影響力的天文學概論性著作。元末明初,王褘將原書删潤、重編爲《重修革象新書》二卷,并增入南宋黄裳《天文圖》一篇,益加簡要,故廣爲流傳,屢經刊刻,而原本《革象新書》日漸湮没失傳。清四庫館臣從《永樂大典》中輯出《原本革象新書》并厘爲五卷,與王褘《重修革象新書》一并收入《四庫全書》。今傳《原本革象新書》皆出自四庫本系統,《重修革象新書》則明刻本衆多,其中明正德刻本有原刻、翻刻之别。原刻本文字無脱漏,但訛誤較多;翻刻本有多處闕文,然校勘更精。《重修革象新書》因原刻和翻刻而衍生出兩個版本系統,顯示出版本鑒定中區分原刻和翻刻的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 趙友欽 《革象新書》 王褘 《重修革象新書》 原刻
Carbon-supported ultrafine Pt nanoparticles modified with trace amounts of cobalt as enhanced oxygen reduction reaction catalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells 被引量:7
作者 Xuejun Tang Dahui Fang +6 位作者 Lijuan Qu Dongyan Xu Xiaoping Qin Bowen Qin Wei Song Zhigang Shao Baolian Yi 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期504-514,M0002,共12页
To accelerate the kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction(ORR)in proton exchange membrane fuel cells,ultrafine Pt nanoparticles modified with trace amounts of cobalt were fabricated and decorated on carbon black thr... To accelerate the kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction(ORR)in proton exchange membrane fuel cells,ultrafine Pt nanoparticles modified with trace amounts of cobalt were fabricated and decorated on carbon black through a strategy involving modified glycol reduction and chemical etching.The obtained Pt36Co/C catalyst exhibits a much larger electrochemical surface area(ECSA)and an improved ORR electrocatalytic activity compared to commercial Pt/C.Moreover,an electrode prepared with Pt36Co/C was further evaluated under H2-air single cell test conditions,and exhibited a maximum specific power density of 10.27 W mgPt^-1,which is 1.61 times higher than that of a conventional Pt/C electrode and also competitive with most state-of-the-art Pt-based architectures.In addition,the changes in ECSA,power density,and reacting resistance during the accelerated degradation process further demonstrate the enhanced durability of the Pt36Co/C electrode.The superior performance observed in this work can be attributed to the synergy between the ultrasmall size and homogeneous distribution of catalyst nanoparticles,bimetallic ligand and electronic effects,and the dissolution of unstable Co with the rearrangement of surface structure brought about by acid etching.Furthermore,the accessible raw materials and simplified operating procedures involved in the fabrication process would result in great cost-effectiveness for practical applications of PEMFCs. 展开更多
关键词 Proton exchange membrane fuel cells Oxygen reduction reaction Ultrafine Pt nanoparticles Trace amounts of cobalt Modified glycol method Chemical etching strategy
An Invariance Principle for ρ^--Mixing Random Sequences
作者 LIU Xiao-ping YAN Han WU Qun-ying 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2010年第3期470-474,共5页
In this paper,we establish an invariance principle for ρ^--mixing random sequences under some moment condition.The result improve and extend the relevant result of Wu(2003).
关键词 ρ~--mixing random sequence invariance principle moment condition
Mechanism and development of dip-pen nanolithography(DPN) 被引量:1
作者 Jiang Hongkui Lu Shuang 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第3期45-51,75,共8页
Dip-pen nanolithography is a new scanning probe lithography (SPL) technique based on atomic force microscopy (AFM), and now has made a great progress. The process of dip-pen lithography involves the adsorption of ink ... Dip-pen nanolithography is a new scanning probe lithography (SPL) technique based on atomic force microscopy (AFM), and now has made a great progress. The process of dip-pen lithography involves the adsorption of ink molecules on AFM tip, the formation of water meniscus, the transport of ink molecules, and diffusion of ink molecules on the substrate. More factors such as temperature, humidity, tip, scanning speed and so on will influence the process of dip-pen lithography. The paper analyzes in detail the mechanism of this technique, introduces synthetically the latest development, including electrochemical DPN, more-mode DPN, multiple DPN, multi-probe array DPN and so on. Finally, the paper describes the characteristics and the application of DPN. 展开更多
关键词 dip-pen NANOLITHOGRAPHY atomic force microscopy nanofabrication
RF Ion Beam Sources Used in Etching
作者 SU Zhiwei CHEN Qingchuan 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2004年第1期142-145,共4页
Ion beam technology is used widely in many fields such as electric, material, optics, medicine, biology and so on. At the same time, it brings some huge technological effects and economical benefits, especially for th... Ion beam technology is used widely in many fields such as electric, material, optics, medicine, biology and so on. At the same time, it brings some huge technological effects and economical benefits, especially for the optical applocations. According for the technology, the properties of high accuarate spectral analyzer also can be improved by manufacturing the lage-area holographic ion beam eathing(HIBE) grating. Simultaneously, as one of the parts of ion beam technology, the developments of ion beam sources have some important effects to content the demands of ion beam technology such as large ion beam flux, excellent optical qualities. In this paper, an ion beam source called inductively coupled plasma(ICP) ion beam source was introduced, and the extractor system, the application prospect were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Inductively coupled plasma(ICP) Ion beam sources RF antenna
沈周《落花诗》考论 被引量:2
作者 汤志波 《中国文学研究辑刊》 2015年第2期62-70,共9页
沈周在弘治十六年首作《落花诗》十首,与文徵明等人唱和《落花诗》则是在弘治十七年春。沈周自言作于弘治十八年当属误记,张丑《真迹日录》、陆时化《吴越所见书画录》著录作于弘治十四年的《落花诗》当是伪作。明正德刻本《石田诗选》... 沈周在弘治十六年首作《落花诗》十首,与文徵明等人唱和《落花诗》则是在弘治十七年春。沈周自言作于弘治十八年当属误记,张丑《真迹日录》、陆时化《吴越所见书画录》著录作于弘治十四年的《落花诗》当是伪作。明正德刻本《石田诗选》题作'落花三十首',然实原收二十九首,后又补刻加入二十首插入,故总计收诗四十九首。而补入的二十首,应是'再和''三和'之原稿。清文渊阁四库全书本《石田诗选》即据正德刻本抄录,增入一首后将题目改作'落花五十首'。《落花诗》三十首异文众多且顺序不一,是沈周多次抄写、反复修改的结果。 展开更多
关键词 沈周 落花诗 《石田诗选》 原刻
作者 卢芳玉 《中国书法》 CSSCI 2019年第2期143-158,共16页
《雪浪石盆铭》是苏轼在定州任职时撰文、书写并刊刻于盆唇的稀见形制石刻铭文,原石早毁,存世拓本有两种不同版本,本文通过对文献著录的梳理及不同版本的比较研究,厘清原刻本和重刻本的区别;此外,因国家图书馆所藏《雪浪石盆铭》拓本是... 《雪浪石盆铭》是苏轼在定州任职时撰文、书写并刊刻于盆唇的稀见形制石刻铭文,原石早毁,存世拓本有两种不同版本,本文通过对文献著录的梳理及不同版本的比较研究,厘清原刻本和重刻本的区别;此外,因国家图书馆所藏《雪浪石盆铭》拓本是清代所拓的整幅原刻拓本,名家题跋、钤印甚夦,价值颇丰,特辑录相关题跋,以资后来者研究。 展开更多
关键词 《雪浪石盆铭》 苏轼 拓本 原刻与重
Observation on immediate analgesic effect of acupuncture for primary dysmenorrheal 被引量:3
作者 谢晓佳 李昭凤 +1 位作者 高树中 马玉侠 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2013年第1期1-3,共3页
Objective To observe the immediate analgesic effect of acupuncture at Shiqizhui (十七椎), etc. for primary dysmenorrhea (PD). Methods Ninety- three cases of PD were selected, who were given acupuncture at ShfqTzhu... Objective To observe the immediate analgesic effect of acupuncture at Shiqizhui (十七椎), etc. for primary dysmenorrhea (PD). Methods Ninety- three cases of PD were selected, who were given acupuncture at ShfqTzhui, Diji (地机 SP 8), SQnyinjiao (三阴交. SP 6) and Ciliao (次髎 BE 32) for 30 min. The score of visual analogue scale (VAS) was observed at immediate time before treatment, and 5, 20, 20 and 30 min after needle insertion, as well as 30, 60 and 220 min after needle withdrawal. Results Compared with immediate time before treatment, there were significant differences of the VAS score in the PD patients from 5 min after needle insertion to 220 min after needle withdrawal (all P〈O.01). The acupuncture analgesic effect had appeared since 5 min after needle insertion, and as time went by it gradually increased until 220 min after needle withdrawal. Conclusion Acupuncture at Shiqizhui, etc. for primary dysmenorrhea has obviously immediate analgesic effect, which has important clinical significance. 展开更多
关键词 primary dysmenorrhea acupuncture therapy immediateanalgesic effect
作者 仲威 《书法》 2005年第11期60-65,共6页
碑帖作伪概况碑帖的历史,简单地说就是一部关于原刻、重刻、翻刻、伪刻的记录。拓片的收藏,就应该是与翻刻、伪刻、做旧、假冒作斗争的产物。原刻的存在就出现了拓片的流传,拓片的广泛流传势必加剧原刻的损毁(当然原刻的损毁还有其他多... 碑帖作伪概况碑帖的历史,简单地说就是一部关于原刻、重刻、翻刻、伪刻的记录。拓片的收藏,就应该是与翻刻、伪刻、做旧、假冒作斗争的产物。原刻的存在就出现了拓片的流传,拓片的广泛流传势必加剧原刻的损毁(当然原刻的损毁还有其他多种因素),又因原刻的毁损而产生重刻。重刻是对原刻毁损佚失的弥补,重刻是正大光明的,一般均刻有明确重刻纪年和立石人名,即便无重刻纪年亦已经是广为人知的复刻。 展开更多
关键词 原刻 碑帖 拓片
Distribution of GDGTs in lake surface sediments on the Tibetan Plateau and its influencing factors 被引量:10
作者 WANG MingDa LIANG Jie +1 位作者 HOU JuZhi HU Liang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期961-974,共14页
Quantitative paleotemperature records are vital not only for verifying and improving the accuracy of climate model simulations, but also for estimating the amplitude of temperature variability under global warming sce... Quantitative paleotemperature records are vital not only for verifying and improving the accuracy of climate model simulations, but also for estimating the amplitude of temperature variability under global warming scenarios. The Tibetan Plateau(TP) affects atmospheric circulation patterns due to its unique geographical location and high elevation, and studies of the mechanisms of climate change on the TP are potentially extremely valuable for understanding the relationship of the region with the global climate system. With the development of biomarker-based proxies, it is possible to use lake sediments to quantitatively reconstruct past temperature variability. The source of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers(GDGTs) in lake sediments is complex, and their distribution is controlled by both climatic and environmental factors. In this work, we sampled the surface sediments of 27 lakes on the TP and in addition obtained surface soil samples from six of the lake catchments. We analyzed the factors that influence GDGT distribution in the lake sediments, and established quantitative relationship between GDGTs and Mean Annual Air Temperature(MAAT). Our principal findings are as follows: the majority of GDGTs in the lake sediments are b GDGTs, followed by crenarchaeol and GDGT-0. In most of the lakes there were no significant differences between the GDGT distribution within the lake sediments and the soils in the same catchment, which indicates that the contribution of terrestrial material is important. i GDGTs in lake sediments are mainly influenced by water chemistry parameters(p H and salinity), and that in small lakes on the TP, TEX_(86) may act as a potential proxy for lake p H; however, in contrast b GDGTs in the lake sediments are mainly controlled by climatic factors. Based on the GDGT distribution in the lake sediments, we used proxies(MBT, CBT) and the fractional abundance of b GDGTs(f_(abun)) to establish calibrations between GDGTs and MAAT, respectively, which potentially provide the basis for paleoclimatic reconstruction on the TP. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau Lake sediment Soil GDGT calibration Quantitative reconstruction
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