原发性甲状腺功能减退症是由于多种原因引起甲状腺激素分泌或合成减少,临床表现以嗜睡、四肢乏力、畏寒肢冷、水肿及记忆力减退为主的全身代谢减低综合征,严重损害患者的生活及生命质量。根据黄元御“一气周流”理论,原发性甲减的根本...原发性甲状腺功能减退症是由于多种原因引起甲状腺激素分泌或合成减少,临床表现以嗜睡、四肢乏力、畏寒肢冷、水肿及记忆力减退为主的全身代谢减低综合征,严重损害患者的生活及生命质量。根据黄元御“一气周流”理论,原发性甲减的根本病机为脾胃虚损、肝气郁滞,肾阳虚衰,同时夹杂痰浊、血瘀等有形病邪。以健脾化湿,温补肾阳及疏肝解郁为基本治法,以期为该病的中医治疗提供新的思路和方法。Primary hypothyroidism is a systemic hypometabolic syndrome characterized by drowsiness, weakness of limbs, chills, edema and memory loss due to a variety of reasons, resulting in decreased thyroid hormone secretion or synthesis due to a variety of reasons, which seriously impairs the patient’s life and quality of life. According to Huang Yuanyu’s theory of “one qi circulation”, the fundamental pathogenesis of primary hypothyroidism is the weakness of spleen and stomach, the stagnation of liver qi, and the deficiency of kidney yang, as well as the combination of phlegm, turbidity, blood stasis and other tangible diseases. The basic treatment methods are to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, warm and replenish the kidney yang, and relieve liver depression, in order to provide new ideas and methods for the treatment of this disease in traditional Chinese medicine.展开更多
文摘原发性甲状腺功能减退症是由于多种原因引起甲状腺激素分泌或合成减少,临床表现以嗜睡、四肢乏力、畏寒肢冷、水肿及记忆力减退为主的全身代谢减低综合征,严重损害患者的生活及生命质量。根据黄元御“一气周流”理论,原发性甲减的根本病机为脾胃虚损、肝气郁滞,肾阳虚衰,同时夹杂痰浊、血瘀等有形病邪。以健脾化湿,温补肾阳及疏肝解郁为基本治法,以期为该病的中医治疗提供新的思路和方法。Primary hypothyroidism is a systemic hypometabolic syndrome characterized by drowsiness, weakness of limbs, chills, edema and memory loss due to a variety of reasons, resulting in decreased thyroid hormone secretion or synthesis due to a variety of reasons, which seriously impairs the patient’s life and quality of life. According to Huang Yuanyu’s theory of “one qi circulation”, the fundamental pathogenesis of primary hypothyroidism is the weakness of spleen and stomach, the stagnation of liver qi, and the deficiency of kidney yang, as well as the combination of phlegm, turbidity, blood stasis and other tangible diseases. The basic treatment methods are to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, warm and replenish the kidney yang, and relieve liver depression, in order to provide new ideas and methods for the treatment of this disease in traditional Chinese medicine.