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原型—模型翻译理论的研究焦点与理论视角 被引量:35
作者 赵联斌 《上海翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期17-21,共5页
原型—模型翻译理论是运用模拟特性、从原型—模型二元论的视角对翻译进行综观的整体性研究。本文阐述原型—模型翻译理论的7大研究焦点和理论视角。具体包括:(1)模拟范式;(2)关联模拟;(3)原型属性;(4)模型属性;(5)译非被动;(6)读者中心... 原型—模型翻译理论是运用模拟特性、从原型—模型二元论的视角对翻译进行综观的整体性研究。本文阐述原型—模型翻译理论的7大研究焦点和理论视角。具体包括:(1)模拟范式;(2)关联模拟;(3)原型属性;(4)模型属性;(5)译非被动;(6)读者中心;(7)适合/忠实。文献研究表明,本文列述的研究焦点与理论视角,既是原型—模型翻译理论的核心理念,也是目前一些高校研究生学位论文的理论框架,同时还是翻译研究人员引用较多的理论命题和学术观点。 展开更多
关键词 原型—模型翻译理论 研究焦点 理论视角
作者 成汹涌 成桦 刘豪爽 《河南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第6期90-97,共8页
基于语言原型—模型理论和象似性原则以及“创新客观世界是原型、语言是象似于客观世界模型”的学术思想,提出了原型—模型象似学术观点。汉英作为客观世界原型的两个象似模型,其演进史表明,语音文字均是对客观现实中具体声音或自然界... 基于语言原型—模型理论和象似性原则以及“创新客观世界是原型、语言是象似于客观世界模型”的学术思想,提出了原型—模型象似学术观点。汉英作为客观世界原型的两个象似模型,其演进史表明,语音文字均是对客观现实中具体声音或自然界中山河日月和飞沙走石等品性形貌的摹拟,但又不是其简单的翻版。通过对汉英文字生成母体进行溯源后发现,相对于客观世界原型,语言模型在语音文字、词汇、语法、语义、语用和修辞等6个子系统均存在着象似性,尤其在语音文字层面,象似性更加明显。研究结果表明,原型—模型象似理论注重语言内部机制与外部因素的有机融合,有助于多视角、多维度考察和解释语言的本质以及语言与认知的深层关系。 展开更多
关键词 原型—模型 象似性 母体溯源 汉英对比
从原型—模型翻译理论视角看朱生豪《哈姆雷特》概念隐喻汉译 被引量:3
作者 崔艳华 《湘南学院学报》 2015年第4期55-58,共4页
文学作品中的概念隐喻翻译作为翻译的一个组成部分吸引了许多研究者的关注。莎学界说:朱生豪对"喜"次主题下的概念隐喻(淫秽概念隐喻)翻译存在随意删减和不译的情况。基于原型一模型翻译理论分析发现,朱译不仅不存在随意删减... 文学作品中的概念隐喻翻译作为翻译的一个组成部分吸引了许多研究者的关注。莎学界说:朱生豪对"喜"次主题下的概念隐喻(淫秽概念隐喻)翻译存在随意删减和不译的情况。基于原型一模型翻译理论分析发现,朱译不仅不存在随意删减和不译的现象,而且很好地体现了原型一模型翻译理论的读者立场理念。旨在为概念隐喻翻译研究尤其是文学作品中概念隐喻翻译研究开辟一个新的研究视角。 展开更多
关键词 原型—模型翻译理论 概念隐喻翻译 《哈姆雷特》
作者 张沛霞 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2010年第S1期82-83,共2页
关键词 原型—模型理论 模拟主体 连动句
作者 尚喜梅 李正娜 《黑河学院学报》 2017年第2期186-188,共3页
多模态语篇翻译以系统功能语言学为理论框架,原型—模型翻译以一般原型和东方辩证法为其理论依据,两者从不同的角度对有关翻译本质的核心问题进行了诠释。对两者在翻译的本质、翻译的基本单位和译者的地位三个方面所存在的分歧和共性的... 多模态语篇翻译以系统功能语言学为理论框架,原型—模型翻译以一般原型和东方辩证法为其理论依据,两者从不同的角度对有关翻译本质的核心问题进行了诠释。对两者在翻译的本质、翻译的基本单位和译者的地位三个方面所存在的分歧和共性的比较分析能为翻译实践起到一定的指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 原型—模型 多模态语篇 翻译
作者 堵琴娟 《疯狂英语(理论版)》 2017年第3期148-149,共2页
范蠡在经济和商业领域里功绩卓著,他既有丰富的实践活动,更有精辟的理论学说。全球化背景下,范蠡商业思想的外宣值得社会关注。原型—模型翻译理论是站在译入语文本读者的立场看待译入语文本的生命力,在翻译文化现象时要求异化、归化策... 范蠡在经济和商业领域里功绩卓著,他既有丰富的实践活动,更有精辟的理论学说。全球化背景下,范蠡商业思想的外宣值得社会关注。原型—模型翻译理论是站在译入语文本读者的立场看待译入语文本的生命力,在翻译文化现象时要求异化、归化策略并用,视翻译情况的不同决定二者的选取。基于原型—模型理论以范蠡商业思想中的"经济循环理论""价值规律"和"以人为本"的经营之道为例开展外宣翻译策略示例,提出要重视范蠡以及其他古人商业思想的外宣研究。 展开更多
关键词 范蠡 商业思想 原型—模型理论 外宣
从原型—模型翻译理论看晋商文化外译 被引量:2
作者 杨彩娜 《长春理工大学学报(高教版)》 2011年第12期91-92,共2页
原型—模型翻译理论是一个在中国土生土长的翻译理论。本文的目的是把这一理论运用到晋商文化外译研究之中。笔者认为,"模拟"是翻译的本质属性。译者是本着"适合"与"忠实"的翻译标准对原语文本进行模拟... 原型—模型翻译理论是一个在中国土生土长的翻译理论。本文的目的是把这一理论运用到晋商文化外译研究之中。笔者认为,"模拟"是翻译的本质属性。译者是本着"适合"与"忠实"的翻译标准对原语文本进行模拟。原语文本实质上是译语文本的原型,译语文本实质上是原语文本的模型。研究表明,"适合"与"忠实"这种翻译标准给译者在晋商文化外译过程中的权限提供了很大的空间,译者并不是被动模拟,而是基于忠实基础上的主动模拟。译者外译晋商文化的目的是为了适应译语文本读者的需求。 展开更多
关键词 原型—模型翻译理论 模拟 晋商文化 外译
英汉双关辞格标记建构对比及习得研究:原型-模型认知视角 被引量:5
作者 成汹涌 《西安外国语大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期29-35,共7页
双关辞格利用人们熟知的语言同音或多义背景,对其再加工并使其产生变异,从而达到"言在表而意在内"的特殊效果。变异部分代表新信息,引发读者花精力再处理,呈显著性,带标记;背景化部分属旧信息,是读者理解双关的语言基础,具常... 双关辞格利用人们熟知的语言同音或多义背景,对其再加工并使其产生变异,从而达到"言在表而意在内"的特殊效果。变异部分代表新信息,引发读者花精力再处理,呈显著性,带标记;背景化部分属旧信息,是读者理解双关的语言基础,具常规性,无标记。本文基于原型—模型认知视角,探寻英汉双关辞格标记建构及其习得规律。研究发现:1)英汉双关主要借由词语多义性和同音或近音条件完成,但也有一句或几句话关涉两个不同对象的双关构式,由此构成谐音双关和语义双关。有时也采用语法和语境手段,构成语法双关和语境双关;2)英语言者在构建双关时多用铰链的多义性,汉语言者则更喜欢利用铰链的修辞性,英语言者比汉语言者更擅长借助铰链的不同语法关系来制造双关;3)英语言者趋向借助两个显性铰链的语音相似共同传递双关意义,汉语言者则更多使用一个显性铰链和另一个想象中的隐性铰链的语音相似来制造双关。这些异同性均由英汉语固有的原型—模型二元对立矛盾关系使然。 展开更多
关键词 原型—模型 双关 标记性 建构
英语轭配、汉语拈连标记对比及辞格效应探蹊:原型——模型视角 被引量:1
作者 成汹涌 《西安外国语大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期19-25,共7页
本文基于原型—模型理论探讨英语轭式搭配和汉语拈连在涵义、构式、表征和语义功能上的异同。研究发现,一方面,人类认知客观世界的原型性决定英语轭配与汉语拈连享有相同或相近的标记特征:1)非标记项比较具体,标记项相对抽象;2)标记项... 本文基于原型—模型理论探讨英语轭式搭配和汉语拈连在涵义、构式、表征和语义功能上的异同。研究发现,一方面,人类认知客观世界的原型性决定英语轭配与汉语拈连享有相同或相近的标记特征:1)非标记项比较具体,标记项相对抽象;2)标记项依存于非标记项临时形成的语境关系;3)标记项与非标记项有逻辑语义联系;4)修辞构式意在强调标记项表达的语义关系。另一方面,出于人类语言临摹客观世界的模型性缘故,英语轭配和汉语拈连亦有明显区别:1)英语轭配在第一个自然搭配之后使用强行搭配,此搭配不仅无歧义,反而变得诙谐、有趣,寓意更深刻。汉语拈连也用强行搭配,但不可出现歧义,否则就成了病句;2)汉语拈连多用重复和排比,零句、整句混合交错组成流水句,使用拈词较多。相对于结构较为庞杂的汉语拈连,英语轭配构式规范缜密,呈现聚集型,常伴有省略同现。 展开更多
关键词 原型—模型 扼配 拈连 标记 英汉对比
作者 张晓丹 《滁州学院学报》 2009年第4期119-121,共3页
关键词 原型—模型 仿拟类型 仿拟特点
作者 常阳 《科教导刊》 2015年第07X期152-153,共2页
本文基于原型-模型论,从共轭相生关系的角度,具体分析英语句子生成机制中代换机制在英语从句分类中的重要基础性作用。我们认为,以代换机制来定义,区分不同种类的英语从句,可以清晰、高效地理解复合句的句式结构,更好地弄清复合句在实... 本文基于原型-模型论,从共轭相生关系的角度,具体分析英语句子生成机制中代换机制在英语从句分类中的重要基础性作用。我们认为,以代换机制来定义,区分不同种类的英语从句,可以清晰、高效地理解复合句的句式结构,更好地弄清复合句在实际语义生成中的层次关系,便于我们学习和掌握不同种类的从句。 展开更多
关键词 原型—模型 代换机制 英语基本句型 英语从句分类
A Physical Simulation Test for the RockBurst in Tunnels 被引量:4
作者 LI Tianbin WANG Xiangfeng MENG Lubo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期278-285,共8页
According to the test results of the physical and mechanical properties of similar materials in various quality mixture, a type of material with obvious tendency of rockburst was selected to produce a large-size model... According to the test results of the physical and mechanical properties of similar materials in various quality mixture, a type of material with obvious tendency of rockburst was selected to produce a large-size model to simulate rockburst phenomena in tunnels. The prototype model comes from a typical section of diversion tunnels in Jinping Hydropower Station in China. The simulation of excavating tunnels is carried out by opening a hole in the model after loading. The modeling results indicated that under the condition of normal stresses in the model boundaries the arch top, spandrel and side walls of the tunnel produced an obvious jump reaction of stress and strain and the acoustic emission counts of the surrounding rock also increased rapidly in a different time period after the "tunnel" excavation, showing the clear features of rockburst. The spalling, buckling and breaking occurred in the surrounding rock of model in conditions of over loading. It is concluded that the modeling tunnel segment in Jinping Hydropower Station is expected to form the tensile rockburst with the pattern of spalling, buckling and breaking. 展开更多
关键词 ROCKBURST Physical simulation Similar materials (Gypsum Cement Sand Water) Strain jump SPALLING BUCKLING BREAKING
Preliminary Assessment of the Common Land Model Coupled with the IAP Dynamic Global Vegetation Model 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Jia-Wen ZENG Xiao-Dong +1 位作者 LI Fang SONG Xiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第6期505-509,共5页
The Common Land Model(CoLM) was coupled with the IAP Dynamic Global Vegetation Model(IAPDGVM), and the performance of this combined CoLMIAP model was evaluated. Offline simulations using both the original Common Land ... The Common Land Model(CoLM) was coupled with the IAP Dynamic Global Vegetation Model(IAPDGVM), and the performance of this combined CoLMIAP model was evaluated. Offline simulations using both the original Common Land Model(CoLM-LPJ) and CoLM-IAP were conducted. The CoLM-IAP coupled model showed a significant improvement over CoLMLPJ, as the deciduous tree distribution decreased over temperate and boreal regions, while the distribution of evergreen trees increased over the tropics. Some biases in CoLM-LPJ were preserved, including the overestimation of evergreen trees in tropical savanna, the underestimation of boreal evergreen trees, and the absence of boreal shrubs. However, most of these biases did not exist in a further coupled simulation of IAP-DGVM with the Community Land Model(CLM), for which the parameters of IAP-DGVM were optimized. This implies that further improvement is needed to deal with the differences between CoLM and CLM in parameterizations of landbased physical and biochemical processes. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic global vegetation model land surface model vegetation fractional coverage CLIMATE
CT-based Individualized Medical Implant Design
作者 叶铭 朱晓峰 +1 位作者 王成焘 孙坚 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期46-50,共5页
Most implantation cases are implemented using implants selected from the available standard set, but in some cases, only those implants conforming to individual patient's skeletal morphology can serve the purpose.... Most implantation cases are implemented using implants selected from the available standard set, but in some cases, only those implants conforming to individual patient's skeletal morphology can serve the purpose. This paper proposes a new approach to design and fabricate custom-made exact-fit medical implants. With a real surgical case as the example,technical design details are presented; and three algorithms are given respectively for segmentation based on object features, triangular mesh defragmentation and mesh cutting. 展开更多
关键词 3D image segmentation Geometry modeling Rapid prototyping Surgical simulation
Dynamic analysis and nonlinear identification of space deployable structure 被引量:1
作者 郭宏伟 刘荣强 邓宗全 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期1204-1213,共10页
The dynamic equivalent continuum modeling method of the mast which is based on energy equivalency principle was investigated. And three kinds of mast dynamic model were established, which were equivalent continuum mod... The dynamic equivalent continuum modeling method of the mast which is based on energy equivalency principle was investigated. And three kinds of mast dynamic model were established, which were equivalent continuum model, finite element model and simulation model, respectively. The mast frequencies and mode shapes were calculated by these models and compared with each other. The error between the equivalent continuum model and the finite element model is less than 5% when the mast length is longer. Dynamic responses of the mast with different lengths are tested, the mode frequencies and mode shapes are compared with finite element model. The mode shapes match well with each other, while the frequencies tested by experiments are lower than the results of the finite element model, which reflects the joints lower the mast stiffness. The nonlinear dynamic characteristics are presented in the dynamic responses of the mast under different excitation force levels. The joint nonlinearities in the deployable mast are identified as nonlinear hysteresis contributed by the coulomb friction which soften the mast stiffness and lower the mast frequencies. 展开更多
关键词 deployable structure finite element model equivalent continuum model NONLINEAR dynamic analysis
Virtual Reality Used in the Lighting System Management of a Building
作者 Alcinia Zita Sampaio Miguel M. Ferreira Daniel P. Rosario 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第6期682-689,共8页
The first component of a building implemented in a virtual prototype concerning the management of a building is a lighting system. It was applied in a study case. The interactive application allows the examination of ... The first component of a building implemented in a virtual prototype concerning the management of a building is a lighting system. It was applied in a study case. The interactive application allows the examination of the physical model, visualizing, for each element modeled in three-dimensions (3D) and linked to a database, the corresponding technical information concerned with the use of the material, calculated for different points in time during their life. The control of a lamp stock, the constant updating of lifetime information and the planning of periodical local inspections are attended on the prototype. This is an important mean of cooperation between collaborators involved in the building management. 展开更多
关键词 Data visualization collaborative environments virtual reality building management.
Study on Maize-water Model for Supplemental Irrigation in Loess Plateau
作者 Xing LI Mangmang GOU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期1048-1052,1072,共6页
The Loess Plateau has a typical semi-arid climate, and the area suffers from very harsh ecological environment, severe soil erosion and water runoff, and uneven distributed precipitation. Due to the relatively low hol... The Loess Plateau has a typical semi-arid climate, and the area suffers from very harsh ecological environment, severe soil erosion and water runoff, and uneven distributed precipitation. Due to the relatively low holding capacity, current rainwater-collecting and conservation facilities can only supplement a maximum of18 mm of water for crop production in each irrigation. In this study, mathematical models were constructed to identify the water requirement critical period of maize crop by evaluating response of each individual developmental stage to supplemental irrigation with harvested rainwater. In the transformed Jensen model, ETmin/Eta was used as the index of relative evapotranspiration. The use of relative yield and relative crop evapotranspiration was able to eliminate influences from unintended environmental factors. A BP neural network crop-water model for extreme water deficit condition was constructed using the index of relative evapotranspiration as the input and the index of relative yield as the output after iterative training and adjustment of weight values. Comparison of measured maize yields to those predicted by the two models confirmed that the BP neural network crop-water model is more accurate than the transformed Jensen model in predicting the sensitivity index to waterdeficit at various growth stages and maize yield when provided with supplemental irrigation with harvested rainwater. 展开更多
关键词 BP neural network Model of crop response to water The transformed Jensen model Supplemental irrigation with harvested rainwater
Geometric Phase in a Time-Dependent A-Type Jaynes-Cummings Model
作者 QIN Xian-Ming YU Zbao-Xian +1 位作者 JIAO Zhi-Yong XIE Bing-Hao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期407-410,共4页
By using the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant theory, we have studied the dynamical and the geometric phases in a generalized time-dependent A-type Jaynes Cummings model. We lind that, compared with the dynamical phases, th... By using the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant theory, we have studied the dynamical and the geometric phases in a generalized time-dependent A-type Jaynes Cummings model. We lind that, compared with the dynamical phases, the geometric phases in a cycle case are independent of the frequency of the photon field, the coupling coefficient between photons and atoms, and the atom transition frequency. It is pointed out that the geometric phases in a cycle ease can be measured under the case of a stronger time-dependent photon field and a stronger coupling photon-atom system. On the other hand, the geometric phases of the model may be measured in the composition of cold atoms. 展开更多
关键词 geometric phase generalized Jaynes-Cummings model
Implementation of the Concept of Buildings Stability Monitoring in the Project STATIMON: Theoretical and Practical Results
作者 Vitalijus Volkovas Marij a Eidukeviěiūtè +3 位作者 Ramunas Gulbinas Kazimieras Petkeviěius Aurimas Rugaitis Saulius Slavickas 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第2期99-106,共8页
In the framework of the STATIMON project, the complex research was done in which mathematical models of buildings' construction were created, defects identification method developed and also monitoring concept was co... In the framework of the STATIMON project, the complex research was done in which mathematical models of buildings' construction were created, defects identification method developed and also monitoring concept was composed according which automated monitoring system and software prototypes and structures were implemented. The strategic aim of the development of buildings' monitoring system was realized by mathematical and physical modelling of the faults (defects); analysis of characteristics sensitive to defects; selection of stability parameters and measurements; creation of automated system prototype; investigation of the methods applied for the monitoring system and diagnostics; development of software and separate elements of the system and approbation of the whole complex. Thorough evaluation of the technical state of the buildings numerical is executed using physical models and natural objects which support reliable state identification of the building and also helps to track changes. 展开更多
关键词 Building STABILITY MONITORING DEFECT diagnostics.
Snake Model for the Extraction of Loess Shoulder-line from DEMs 被引量:6
作者 YAN Shi-jiang TANG Guo'an +1 位作者 LI Fa-yuan ZHANG Lei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期1552-1559,共8页
Shoulder lines are the most important landform demarcations for geographical analysis,soil erosion modeling and land use planning in the Loess Plateau area of China.This paper proposes an automatic,effective and accur... Shoulder lines are the most important landform demarcations for geographical analysis,soil erosion modeling and land use planning in the Loess Plateau area of China.This paper proposes an automatic,effective and accurate method of determining loess shoulder line from DEMs by integrating a hydrological D8 algorithm and a snake model.The watershed boundary line is adopted as the initial contour which evolves to identify the exact position of loess shoulder-line by the guidance of an external force of snake model from DEMs.Experiments show that the method overcomes the difficulties in both threshold selection for edge detection and the disconnecting issues in former extraction approaches.The accuracy evaluation of shoulder-line maps from the two test sites of the loess plateau area show obvious improvements in the extraction.The average contour matching distance of the new method is 12.0 m on 5 m resolution DEM,and shows improvement in the accuracy and continuity.The comparisons of accuracy evaluations of the two test sites show that the snake model method performs better in the loess plain area than in the area with high gully density. 展开更多
关键词 Snake model DEM loess shoulder-line
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