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屈原模式与民族精神 被引量:1
作者 周建忠 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 1991年第S1期12-17,共6页
1 在一九八六年至一九八八年之间,国内思想界、学术界曾经流行一种狭隘、肤浅、绝对的时髦论调:即中华民族传统文化必须彻底否定,只有全盘西化,才能使这块古老大地重新获得生机。在这样一种氛围之中,代表着传统文化、体现着民族精神的屈... 1 在一九八六年至一九八八年之间,国内思想界、学术界曾经流行一种狭隘、肤浅、绝对的时髦论调:即中华民族传统文化必须彻底否定,只有全盘西化,才能使这块古老大地重新获得生机。在这样一种氛围之中,代表着传统文化、体现着民族精神的屈原,受到了“理所当然”的否定。一位青年学者认为,中国古代的士大夫,从孔子、孟子、屈原开始,就形成了自觉的奴性人格,所以《离骚》主人公与《祝福》的主人公表现出国人之悲剧的一致性:坐不隐奴隶地位的悲剧。于是他攻击屈原说: 展开更多
关键词 民族精神 原模式 鲁迅 中国传统文化 全盘否定 完美人格 离骚 中华民族传统文化 心理模式
作者 朱红文 张磊 《社会科学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第1期73-78,共6页
一、两种主要倾向及其思维模式的一致性在我国哲学和其他思想理论中,存在着两种倾向。一种是所谓“本体论化的倾向”,为数众多的哲学家认识到,我们的哲学教科书体系实际上仍然是一种“自然本体论”或“自然主义”。近年来,哲学、美学或... 一、两种主要倾向及其思维模式的一致性在我国哲学和其他思想理论中,存在着两种倾向。一种是所谓“本体论化的倾向”,为数众多的哲学家认识到,我们的哲学教科书体系实际上仍然是一种“自然本体论”或“自然主义”。近年来,哲学、美学或文学、历史等一系列学科急切地转向另一种倾向.即“主体化”的倾向,转向与自然或客体直接对立的另一极即人或主体的研究,“哲学主体化”、“文学的主体性”、“历史的主体性”成了十分时髦的术语,有人甚至模纺“文学即人学”的说法提出了“哲学就是人学”的命题。人的问题或主体性问题的研究,作为对机械主义或自然本体论的反动,作为对把人性完全等同于阶级性把人完全当作社会工具和手段的庸俗社会学的批判,的确在一个方面深掘了马克思主义的理论内蕴,开拓了马克思主义的思维空间。但是。 展开更多
关键词 哲学困境 原模式 人本主义哲学 方法论 机械主义 客体 自然本体论 人的主体性 人学
水稻-克氏原螯虾共作模式的产量和效益分析 被引量:13
作者 朱伟 韩光明 +8 位作者 王艳 寇祥明 张家宏 王守红 陆洋江 毕建花 陆建飞 杨建春 白和盛 《江苏农业科学》 北大核心 2014年第7期376-377,共2页
关键词 水稻-克氏螯虾共作模式 产量 效益分析 农民收入
作者 乌林奇 《中国民族》 1997年第12期15-15,共1页
“获利保”:草原模式新纪元文/乌林奇秋草储备期,正是牧民们忙得不可开交的时节。一些牧民家里的成百上千只羊要喂草饮水,几十头奶牛嗷嗷待“挤”,还要按时按点把奶卖掉……一天东跑西颠,脚打后脑勺。而在呼伦贝尔草原深处的好力... “获利保”:草原模式新纪元文/乌林奇秋草储备期,正是牧民们忙得不可开交的时节。一些牧民家里的成百上千只羊要喂草饮水,几十头奶牛嗷嗷待“挤”,还要按时按点把奶卖掉……一天东跑西颠,脚打后脑勺。而在呼伦贝尔草原深处的好力堡嘎查,有个13户牧民组建的“获利... 展开更多
关键词 原模式 牧民合作协会 呼伦贝尔草 农业发展银行 新纪元 拖拉机制造厂 呼伦贝尔盟 饮料厂 集中收奶 经营模式
作者 任靖 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)医药卫生》 2022年第9期263-265,共3页
分析下肢骨折术后患者术后康复期间接受高骨胶原蛋白饮食模式对于病情康复的影响。方法 于2019年6月~2022年5月研究期间选择我院治疗的40例下肢骨折术后患者进行高骨胶原蛋白饮食模式影响研究,利用数字随机法将其分为普通饮食组(20例,... 分析下肢骨折术后患者术后康复期间接受高骨胶原蛋白饮食模式对于病情康复的影响。方法 于2019年6月~2022年5月研究期间选择我院治疗的40例下肢骨折术后患者进行高骨胶原蛋白饮食模式影响研究,利用数字随机法将其分为普通饮食组(20例,普通护理)与高骨胶原蛋白饮食组(20例,普通护理+高骨胶原蛋白饮食模式),研究指标为预后时间、干预效果、并发症发生率、生活质量。结果 干预后,高骨胶原蛋白饮食组预后时间低于普通饮食组,并且有明显的组别差异(P<0.05);干预后,高骨胶原蛋白饮食组干预效果高于普通饮食组,并且有明显的组别差异(P<0.05);干预后,高骨胶原蛋白饮食组并发症发生率低于普通饮食组,并且有明显的组别差异(P<0.05);干预后,高骨胶原蛋白饮食组生活质量高于普通饮食组,并且有明显的组别差异(P<0.05)。结论 高骨胶原蛋白饮食模式能够有效缩短预后时间,提升干预效果,降低并发症发生率,让其住院期间的生活质量得到显著提升。 展开更多
关键词 术后康复 下肢骨折 高骨胶蛋白饮食模式 生活质量 预后时间
新型教学模式在超声诊断实习教学中的应用 被引量:3
作者 卢晓潇 邹晓娉 +3 位作者 吕佳南 郑春梅 曹霞 徐鹏 《黑龙江医药科学》 2016年第3期25-25,27,共2页
目的:探讨新型教学模式在超声诊断实习教学中的应用价值。方法:将我院临床本科实习学生分为二组,一组采用新型教学模式,另一组采用原教学模式,并运用这两种模式进行一学期的教学,再对这两组学生进行问卷调查及理论考核,分析结果,做出正... 目的:探讨新型教学模式在超声诊断实习教学中的应用价值。方法:将我院临床本科实习学生分为二组,一组采用新型教学模式,另一组采用原教学模式,并运用这两种模式进行一学期的教学,再对这两组学生进行问卷调查及理论考核,分析结果,做出正确评论。结果:采用新型教学模式组学生学习测试成绩明显高于原教学模式组,两组比较,差异显著;调查问卷结果显示学生对新型教学模式总体评价较高。结论:新型教学模式能让学生充分掌握理论知识,是更容易让学生接受的教学方式,值得在以后的教学工作中推广。 展开更多
关键词 新型教学模式 教学模式 超声诊断 实习教学
农民工子女就学模式选择与泸县实践 被引量:1
作者 彭久麒 张智 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期55-60,共6页
农民工子女在"流入地"就学与原住地就学模式相比并不具有比较优势,而"原住地"就学模式也面临着教育资源低配置和"留守儿童"的现实问题。随着我国免费义务教育制度的实施以及中央加大对基础教育等"... 农民工子女在"流入地"就学与原住地就学模式相比并不具有比较优势,而"原住地"就学模式也面临着教育资源低配置和"留守儿童"的现实问题。随着我国免费义务教育制度的实施以及中央加大对基础教育等"民生工程"的经费投入,原本带有应急措施意味的"流入地"就学模式,其政策选择条件已经改变。四川泸县的原住地就学改进实践表明,"原住地"就学模式似乎具有比较优势,也似乎更符合基础教育的长期发展战略。 展开更多
关键词 农民工子女 “流入地”就学模式 住地”就学模式 泸县实践
《文艺理论研究》 1988年第1期95-95,共1页
王斌在《“模式”的模仿》(《文艺报》1987年12月12日)一文中指出: 当代小说中有一种现象不能不引起人们的关住和忧虑,即小说模式的袭用或曰“剽窃”。如今小说界有两种叙事模式最为叫响和时髦,我们不妨称其为“马原模式”和“莫言模式... 王斌在《“模式”的模仿》(《文艺报》1987年12月12日)一文中指出: 当代小说中有一种现象不能不引起人们的关住和忧虑,即小说模式的袭用或曰“剽窃”。如今小说界有两种叙事模式最为叫响和时髦,我们不妨称其为“马原模式”和“莫言模式”。这两位不甘与他人“合流”的被批评界誉为标新立异的作家,在他们出现频率极高的小说中,以一种迥异于别人的叙述语言、 展开更多
关键词 当代小说 叙事模式 小说模式 原模式 模仿 剽窃 叙述语言 出现频率 标新立异 莫言
伯明翰学派话语分析法及其发展 被引量:13
作者 路扬 《外语研究》 北大核心 1996年第4期7-10,13,共5页
伯明翰学派话语分析法及其发展路扬话语分析作为一门独立学科形成和发展二十多年来,探索了超句现象、自然语言与语境的关系,并注意观察任何一种语境中自然语言的趋向性和选择性,本文将讨论的伯明翰学派的话语分析法受Haliday... 伯明翰学派话语分析法及其发展路扬话语分析作为一门独立学科形成和发展二十多年来,探索了超句现象、自然语言与语境的关系,并注意观察任何一种语境中自然语言的趋向性和选择性,本文将讨论的伯明翰学派的话语分析法受Haliday的功能理论影响,强调口语的主题结构... 展开更多
关键词 话语分析 伯明翰学派 语言交际 毗邻应对 原模式 口语分析 有效的分析方法 课堂对话 一个回合 结构语言学
热原检查法结果判断新模式的验证 被引量:3
作者 杜颖 谭德讲 《中国药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第14期1243-1250,共8页
目的对热原检查法结果判断新模式(NPRJA)进行验证,以进一步判断该模式的实用性、准确性和可靠性,为推进该模式的耐用性提供理论依据。方法使用本实验室近3年的654批(1 962只)热原实验初试数据进行验证;对3 648只预检温合格家兔体温波动... 目的对热原检查法结果判断新模式(NPRJA)进行验证,以进一步判断该模式的实用性、准确性和可靠性,为推进该模式的耐用性提供理论依据。方法使用本实验室近3年的654批(1 962只)热原实验初试数据进行验证;对3 648只预检温合格家兔体温波动情况进行统计分析,论证使用单只升温作为判断热原合格与否的优劣性;使用逻辑分析的方法对热原检查法结果判断新模式进行论证。结果与2010年版《中国药典》三部热原结果判断模式的可疑率为28.0%相比,热原检查法结果判断新模式可疑率仅为10.4%,可减少目前重复检测次数的60%以上,同时对不合格供试品仍可全部检测出。预检温合格的家兔中,前3 h内有8%以上体温波动达到0.4℃。结论热原检查中因家兔自身体温波动较大,以单只家兔升温≥0.6℃作为判定供试品复试的标准之一,会导致检测结果复试率升高。热原结果判断新模式所采用的升温总和阈值法不仅可保证现有热原检测结果的准确性不变,而且还可显著减少动物使用量和实验重复次数,从而降低实验成本和劳动量。同时,它简便实用、科学可靠,是一个值得采用与推广的热原结果判断模式。 展开更多
关键词 家兔热检查法 结果判断模式 升温总和阈值法 单只升温阈值法 验证
Comprehensive Pattern of Primordium Initiation in Shoot Apex of Wheat 被引量:2
作者 李存东 曹卫星 张月辰 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第3期273-278,共6页
The time course of the initiation of different types of apical primordia on the stem of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was investigated to establish a comprehensive pattern of apical primordium development and quantitat... The time course of the initiation of different types of apical primordia on the stem of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was investigated to establish a comprehensive pattern of apical primordium development and quantitative dynamic relationships among different primordium initiation. The results showed that the initiation of leaf and bracteal primordia took the S shape, and that of spikelet and floret took the rise stage of parabolic shape in relation to GDD (growing degree days after sowing) in wheat. The bracteal was much like vegetative rather than reproductive organ in terms of the dynamic pattern of primordium initiation. The progress of spikelet and floret primordium initiation could well reflect the characteristics of different genotypes and the impact of different ecological environments on wheat apical development. The integrated model of different primordium initiation in shoot of wheat was an S_shaped curvilinear, and could be divided into three sub_models. The number of leaf primordia was affected by both genotype and environment, while the numbers of bracteal, spikelet and floret primordia were affected mainly by environmental factors. Measured with mean thermochron, the rates of initiation of leaf, bracteal and spikelet primordia in normal planting were the highest among all the sowing date treatments. In contrast to the relationships among leaf, bracteal, spikelet and their initiation duration, the correlation between the number of floret and its initiation duration was highly significant. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT shoot apex primordium initiation comprehensive pattern dynamic characteristics
作者 余根宝 《科学学与科学技术管理》 1987年第11期18-20,共3页
一、问题的提出改党委领导下的所长负责制(简称“原模式”)为所长负责制(简称“现模式”),是我国科技体制改革的重要组成部分,但是,原模式是集体负责制,现模式是个人负责制,两者的优缺点在许多方面正好相反。因此,如何吸收集体负责制的... 一、问题的提出改党委领导下的所长负责制(简称“原模式”)为所长负责制(简称“现模式”),是我国科技体制改革的重要组成部分,但是,原模式是集体负责制,现模式是个人负责制,两者的优缺点在许多方面正好相反。因此,如何吸收集体负责制的优点,克服个人负责制的某些弊端,以补充完善现模式,是一个颇有研究价值的课题。个人负责制的鲜明优点是事权统一、责任明确、指挥灵活、效率高、易保密。 展开更多
关键词 科研所 领导制度 所长负责制 集体负责 科技体制改革 原模式 法人代表制 模式 重要组成部分 领导班子成员
The Model of Poverty Alleviation and Income Growth by Developing Plateau-characterized Agriculture and Its Achievements Analysis in Yunnan Province——a Case Study in Midu County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture 被引量:3
作者 杨人懿 詹文惠 +4 位作者 钱倩 朱朝琼 李玉珠 黄啸宇 杨子生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期744-746,752,共4页
The policy of taking the targeted poverty alleviation measures has been the mission of the age in propelling the 13th Five-year Plan and building moderately prosperous society. A good poverty alleviation model is of s... The policy of taking the targeted poverty alleviation measures has been the mission of the age in propelling the 13th Five-year Plan and building moderately prosperous society. A good poverty alleviation model is of significance for the goal. The research introduced a poverty-stricken county-Midu County, Dali Bai Au- tonomous Prefecture, analyzed the basic approaches and the main achievements of "the model of poverty alleviation and income growth by developing plateau-charac- terized agriculture", and proposed some suggestions to promoting and applying this model. The research provides references for plateau-characterized agricultural devel- opment and targeted poverty alleviation strategy. 展开更多
关键词 Targeted poverty alleviation Plateaus in Yunnan Characteristic agricul- ture Poverty alleviation model ACHIEVEMENTS Midu County
MIMO Soft-sensor Model of Nutrient Content for Compound Fertil- izer Based on Hybrid Modeling Technique 被引量:6
作者 傅永峰 苏宏业 褚健 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期554-559,共6页
In compound fertilizer production, several quality variables need to be monitored and controlled simultaneously. It is very diifficult to measure these variables on-line by existing instruments and sensors. So, soft-s... In compound fertilizer production, several quality variables need to be monitored and controlled simultaneously. It is very diifficult to measure these variables on-line by existing instruments and sensors. So, soft-sensor technique becomes an indispensable method to implement real-time quality control. In this article, a new model of multi-inputs multi-outputs (MIMO) soft-sensor, which is constructed based on hybrid modeling technique, is proposed for these interactional variables. Data-driven modeling method and simplified first principle modelingmethod are combined in this model. Data-driven modeling method based on limited memory partial least squares(LM-PLS) al.gorithm is used to build soft-senor models for some secondary variables.then, the simplified first principle model is used to compute three primary variables on line. The proposed model has been used in practicalprocess; the results indicate that the proposed model is precise and efficient, and it is possible to realize on line quality control for compound fertilizer process. 展开更多
关键词 multi-inputs multi-outputs soft-sensor limited memory partial least squares simplified first principle model nutrient content of compound fertilizer
The Altitudinal Belts of Subalpine Virgin Forest on Mt.Gongga Simulated by a Succession Model 被引量:3
作者 CHENG Gen-wei SUN Jian +1 位作者 SHA Yu-kun FAN Ji-hui 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期1560-1570,共11页
How to accurately simulate the distribution of forest species based upon their biological attributes has been a traditional biogeographical issue.Forest gap models are very useful tools for examining the dynamics of f... How to accurately simulate the distribution of forest species based upon their biological attributes has been a traditional biogeographical issue.Forest gap models are very useful tools for examining the dynamics of forest succession and revealing the species structure of vegetation.In the present study,the GFSM(Gongga Forest Succession Model) was developed and applied to simulate the distribution,composition and succession process of forests in 100 m elevation intervals.The results indicate that the simulated results of the tree species,quantities of the different types of trees,tree age and differences in DBH(diameter at breast height) composition were in line with the actual situation from 1400 to 3700 MASL(meters above sea level) on the eastern slope of Mt.Gongga.Moreover,the dominant species in the simulated results were the same as those in the surveyed database.Thus,the GFSM model can best simulate the features of forest dynamics and structure in the natural conditions of Mt.Gongga.The work provides a new approach to studying the structure and distribution characteristics of mountain ecosystems in varied elevations.Moreover,the results of this study suggest that the biogeochemistry mechanism model should be combined with the forestsuccession model to facilitate the ecological model in simulating the physical and chemical processes involved. 展开更多
关键词 Subalpine forests Altitudinal belts Succession processes Forest gap model
Relativistic Consistent Angular-Momentum Projected Shell-Model: Relativistic Mean Field 被引量:3
作者 LIYan-Song LONGGui-Lu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期429-434,共6页
We develop a relativistic nuclear structure model, relativistic consistent angular-momentum projected shell-model (RECAPS), which combines the relativistic mean-field theory with the angular-momentum projection method... We develop a relativistic nuclear structure model, relativistic consistent angular-momentum projected shell-model (RECAPS), which combines the relativistic mean-field theory with the angular-momentum projection method. In this new model, nuclear ground-state properties are first calculated consistently using relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory. Then angular momentum projection method is used to project out states with good angular momentum from a few important configurations. By diagonalizing the hamiltonian, the energy levels and wave functions are obtained. This model is a new attempt for the understanding of nuclear structure of normal nuclei and for the prediction of nuclear properties of nuclei far from stability. In this paper, we will describe the treatment of the relativistic mean field. A computer code, RECAPS-RMF, is developed. It solves the relativistic mean field with axial-symmetric deformation in the spherical harmonic oscillator basis. Comparisons between our calculations and existing relativistic mean-field calculations are made to test the model. These include the ground-state properties of spherical nuclei <SUP>16</SUP>O and <SUP>208</SUP>Pb, the deformed nucleus <SUP>20</SUP>Ne. Good agreement is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 relativistic consistent angular-momentum projected shell-model relativistic mean field projected shell model PECAPS-RMF
Shallow groundwater dynamics in North China Plain 被引量:5
作者 王仕琴 宋献方 +3 位作者 王勤学 肖国强 刘昌明 柳鉴容 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期175-188,共14页
The groundwater level of 39 observation wells including 35 unconfined wells and 4 confined wells from 2004 to 2006 in North China Plain(NCP) was monitored using automatic groundwater monitoring data loggers KADEC-MIZU... The groundwater level of 39 observation wells including 35 unconfined wells and 4 confined wells from 2004 to 2006 in North China Plain(NCP) was monitored using automatic groundwater monitoring data loggers KADEC-MIZU II of Japan.The automatic groundwater sensors were installed for the corporation project between China and Japan.Combined with the monitoring results from 2004 to 2006 with the major factors affecting the dynamic patterns of groundwater, such as topography and landform, depth of groundwater level, exploitation or discharge extent, rivers and lakes, the dynamic regions of NCP groundwater were gotten.According to the dynamic features of groundwater in NCP, six dynamic patterns of groundwater level were identified, including discharge pattern in the piedmont plain, lateral recharge-runoff-discharge pattern in the piedmont plain, recharge-discharge pattern in the central channel zone, precipitation infiltration-evaporation pattern in the shallow groundwater region of the central plain, lateral recharge-evaporation pattern in the recharge-affected area along the Yellow River and infiltration-discharge-evaporation pattern in the littoral plain.Based on this, the groundwater fluctuation features of various dynamic patterns were interpreted and the influencing factors of different dynamic patterns were compared. 展开更多
关键词 North China Plain shallow groundwater dynamic region dynamic feature of groundwater
Co-occurrence Patterns of Above-ground and Below-ground Mite Communities in Farmland of Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China 被引量:7
作者 LIN Lin GAO Meixiang +3 位作者 LIU Dong ZHANG Xueping WU Haitao WU Donghui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期339-347,共9页
One of the fundamental questions in community ecology is whether communities are random or formed by deterministic mechanisms. Although many efforts have been made to verify non-randomness in community structure, litt... One of the fundamental questions in community ecology is whether communities are random or formed by deterministic mechanisms. Although many efforts have been made to verify non-randomness in community structure, little is known with regard to co-occurrence patterns in above-ground and below-ground communities. In this paper, we used a null model to test non-randomness in the structure of the above-ground and below-ground mite communities in farmland of the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Then, we used four tests for non-randomness to recognize species pairs that would be demonstrated as significantly aggregated or segregated co-occurrences of the above-ground and below-ground mite communities. The pattern of the above-ground mite commu- nity was significantly non-random in October, suggesting species segregation and hence interspecific competition. Additionally, species co-occurrence patterns did not differ from randomness in the above-ground mite community in August or in below-ground mite com- munities in August and October. Only one significant species pair was detected in the above-ground mite community in August, while no significant species pairs were recognized in the above-ground mite community in October or in the below-ground mite communities in August and October. The results indicate that non-randomness and significant species pairs may not be the general rule in the above-ground and below-ground mite communities in farmland of the Sanjiang Plain at the fine scale. 展开更多
关键词 above-ground mite below-ground mite mite communities co-occurrence patterns interspecific competition species pairassociations
The type specimens of European butterflies from the Linnaeus collection(Lepidoptera:Rhopalocera)
作者 Stanislav K.KORB 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2021年第4期268-292,共25页
The status of primary types of European butterflies established by C.Linnaeus is revised.Lectotype status is confirmed for 38 taxa.Lectotypes of the following taxa are designated in this paper:Papilio apollo Linnaeus,... The status of primary types of European butterflies established by C.Linnaeus is revised.Lectotype status is confirmed for 38 taxa.Lectotypes of the following taxa are designated in this paper:Papilio apollo Linnaeus,1758;P.daplidice Linnaeus,1758 and P.palaeno Linnaeus,1761.For the following 18 species-group taxa,the status of primary types changed from lectotypes to holotypes(by monotypy)due to their presence in the Linnean collection by single specimens:Papilio aglaja Linnaeus,1758;P.atalanta Linnaeus,1758;P.boeticus Linnaeus,1767;P.cardui Linnaeus,1758;P.cinxia Linnaeus,1758;P.deianira Linnaeus,1764;P.euphrosyne Linnaeus,1758;P.hero Linnaeus,1761;P.janira Linnaeus,1758;P.jurtina Linnaeus,1758;P.lathonia Linnaeus,1758;P.levana Linnaeus,1758;P.megera Linnaeus,1767;P.paphia Linnaeus,1758;P.polychloros Linnaeus,1758;P.rhamni Linnaeus,1758;P.rubi Linnaeus,1758 and P.sinapis Linnaeus,1758.Butterflies that do not have a pronounced sexual dimorphism and bright and contrasting coloration in the Linnean collection are represented in most cases by a single type specimen.The largest,brightest and most beautiful butterflies in the Linnean collection have a type series of the maximum size(4 specimens).There are no series of 5 or more specimens for European butterflies in Linnaeus’collection. 展开更多
关键词 butterflies EUROPE NOMENCLATURE primary types
Evaluation of Summer Monsoon Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau Simulated in the ACCESS Model Using Satellite Products
作者 Liang HU Zhian SUN +1 位作者 Difei DENG Greg ROFF 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期326-338,341,共14页
Cloud distribution characteristics over the Tibetan Plateau in the summer monsoon period simulated by the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator(ACCESS) model are evaluated using COSP [the CFMIP(Cloud... Cloud distribution characteristics over the Tibetan Plateau in the summer monsoon period simulated by the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator(ACCESS) model are evaluated using COSP [the CFMIP(Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project) Observation Simulator Package]. The results show that the ACCESS model simulates less cumulus cloud at atmospheric middle levels when compared with observations from CALIPSO and CloudSat, but more ice cloud at high levels and drizzle drops at low levels. The model also has seasonal biases after the onset of the summer monsoon in May. While observations show that the prevalent high cloud at 9–10 km in spring shifts downward to 7–9 km,the modeled maximum cloud fractions move upward to 12–15 km. The reason for this model deficiency is investigated by comparing model dynamical and thermodynamical fields with those of ERA-Interim. It is found that the lifting effect of the Tibetan Plateau in the ACCESS model is stronger than in ERA-Interim, which means that the vertical velocity in the ACCESS model is stronger and more water vapor is transported to the upper levels of the atmosphere, resulting in more high-level ice clouds and less middle-level cumulus cloud over the Tibetan Plateau. The modeled radiation fields and precipitation are also evaluated against the relevant satellite observations. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau cloud fraction ACCESS model COSP
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