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作者 付顺利 《佛教文化》 2024年第3期95-104,共10页
原济(石涛)(1642年-1708年)明末清初著名画家,俗姓朱,名若极,小字阿长,僧名元济,一作原济,别号石涛,大涤子、钝根、石道人、苦瓜和尚、瞎尊者、清湘陈人、清湘老人、清湘遗人、零丁老人,广西全州(今全县)人,明靖江王朱亨嘉之子。明亡之... 原济(石涛)(1642年-1708年)明末清初著名画家,俗姓朱,名若极,小字阿长,僧名元济,一作原济,别号石涛,大涤子、钝根、石道人、苦瓜和尚、瞎尊者、清湘陈人、清湘老人、清湘遗人、零丁老人,广西全州(今全县)人,明靖江王朱亨嘉之子。明亡之际出家为僧,与弘仁、残、朱套合称“明末四僧”。 展开更多
关键词 原济 广西全州 狂放 靖江王 清湘老人 石涛
石涛的“一画论” 被引量:1
作者 刘墨 《美术大观》 2015年第8期12-19,共8页
石涛(1641—约1718),清代画家,中国画一代宗师。明靖江王朱守谦十世孙,南明元宗朱亨嘉之子。法名原济,亦作元济。本姓朱,名若极。字石涛,又号苦瓜和尚、大涤子、清湘陈人等。广西全州人,晚年定居扬州。幼年遭变后出家为僧,半世云游,... 石涛(1641—约1718),清代画家,中国画一代宗师。明靖江王朱守谦十世孙,南明元宗朱亨嘉之子。法名原济,亦作元济。本姓朱,名若极。字石涛,又号苦瓜和尚、大涤子、清湘陈人等。广西全州人,晚年定居扬州。幼年遭变后出家为僧,半世云游,以卖画为业。早年山水师法宋元诸家,画风疏秀明洁,晚年用笔纵肆,墨法淋漓,格法多变,尤精册页小品;花卉潇洒隽朗,天真烂漫,清气袭人;人物生拙古朴,别具一格。工书法,能诗文。存世作品有《搜尽奇峰打草稿图》《山水清音图》《竹石图》等。著有《苦瓜和尚画语录》。 展开更多
关键词 石涛 苦瓜和尚画语录 山水清音图 靖江王 竹石图 陈人 原济 墨法 清代画家 大涤子
石涛传世赝作说略 被引量:1
作者 朱良志 《中国书画》 2005年第2期44-50,共7页
石涛是一位高产艺术家,其友人黄云说他赠给其学生洪正治的作品就近千件,由此可见其创作量之一斑。其传世作品数以千计,但真伪混淆,赝品极多。像著名的致八大山人请作大涤草堂图书札,世间流传就有两本;代表作之一《清湘书画稿》,北京故... 石涛是一位高产艺术家,其友人黄云说他赠给其学生洪正治的作品就近千件,由此可见其创作量之一斑。其传世作品数以千计,但真伪混淆,赝品极多。像著名的致八大山人请作大涤草堂图书札,世间流传就有两本;代表作之一《清湘书画稿》,北京故宫博物院藏有一本,另外还有一赝本在市上流传。石涛去世后不久,康熙五十八年己亥(1719年)。 展开更多
关键词 石涛 北京故宫博物院 传世作品 大涤子 八大山人 清湘老人 汪绎辰 南北宗 原济 大风堂
从“搜尽奇峰打草稿”看石涛的美学观 被引量:3
作者 陈炳 《艺苑(美术版)》 1991年第1期55-59,共5页
石涛,姓朱名若极,法名原济,亦作元济,是明末清初中国画艺术上具有开拓局面的代表画家。他有一幅画上署款"湘源谷口人",湘源指广西全州,全州汉时为零陵、洮阳两县地,隋唐时称"湘源",五代改名"清湘",故石... 石涛,姓朱名若极,法名原济,亦作元济,是明末清初中国画艺术上具有开拓局面的代表画家。他有一幅画上署款"湘源谷口人",湘源指广西全州,全州汉时为零陵、洮阳两县地,隋唐时称"湘源",五代改名"清湘",故石涛别号中有清湘老人。史有清湘、潇湘、烝湘(或湘源、湘潭、湘阴)并称为"三湘"者。清湘之水柔媚澄明。 展开更多
关键词 石涛 搜尽奇峰打草稿 清湘老人 原济 一幅画 湘源 中国画艺术 我自用我法 师法自然 美学观
Economic Analysis of Pollution Caused by Animal Farming in China
作者 周静 马友华 +2 位作者 栾敬东 刘鹏凌 张贵友 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第7期1219-1222,共4页
The research introduced pollution caused by animal farming on waters,agricultural lands,and atmosphere,as well as environment pollution and economic causes.Furthermore,a series of economic policies were proposed on pr... The research introduced pollution caused by animal farming on waters,agricultural lands,and atmosphere,as well as environment pollution and economic causes.Furthermore,a series of economic policies were proposed on preventing animal farming,such as definition of rights property,economic impetus and circular farming. 展开更多
关键词 Animal farming Environment pollution Economic causes Prevention measures
作者 戴敬标 《南方文物》 1981年第2期50-51,2,共3页
释弘仁,安徽歙县人,俗姓江名韬,字六奇,明诸生;入清后为僧名弘仁,字渐江。他生于明万历三十八年庚戍(一六一○年),卒于清康熙二年癸卯(一六六三年)农历十二月二十二日,年五十四岁。 一六四五年,清兵攻破南京,弘光被杀,唐王称帝于福建,... 释弘仁,安徽歙县人,俗姓江名韬,字六奇,明诸生;入清后为僧名弘仁,字渐江。他生于明万历三十八年庚戍(一六一○年),卒于清康熙二年癸卯(一六六三年)农历十二月二十二日,年五十四岁。 一六四五年,清兵攻破南京,弘光被杀,唐王称帝于福建,弘仁随之入闽。唐王政权很快失败,弘仁就改去武夷山。 展开更多
关键词 弘仁 黄山图 渐江 安徽歙县 明万历 黄山画派 汤燕生 僧名 髡残 原济
作者 刘东方 《福建艺术》 2020年第12期22-24,共3页
石涛(1642-1707),清初画家,原名朱若极,广西全州人。后隐蔽为僧,法名原济,号石涛,又号苦瓜和尚、大涤子、济山僧、清湘老人、清湘陈人、瞎尊者等。与弘仁、髡残和朱耷并称为“清初四僧”,著有《苦瓜和尚画语录》(即《石涛画语录》)。《... 石涛(1642-1707),清初画家,原名朱若极,广西全州人。后隐蔽为僧,法名原济,号石涛,又号苦瓜和尚、大涤子、济山僧、清湘老人、清湘陈人、瞎尊者等。与弘仁、髡残和朱耷并称为“清初四僧”,著有《苦瓜和尚画语录》(即《石涛画语录》)。《石涛画语录》是石涛对个人艺术创作的体会和思考的书籍。作为一个优秀的画家,绘画技法实践者,石涛所总结的艺术理论无疑具有实践意义。因此,对.《石涛画语录》的解读可以更多地从绘画本体去理解,而不是从形而上的理论去解读。“一画论”是《石涛画语录》的精髓,统领全篇语录,我们可以从三个层次去解读石涛的“一画论”:(一)“一画”与形式的关系;(二)“一画”与创作主体的关系;(三)“一画”与创作客体的关系。 展开更多
关键词 一画论 清湘老人 弘仁 原济 髡残 朱耷 绘画技法 广西全州
作者 毛文鳌 《中国书画》 2020年第3期26-33,I0001,I0002,1,共11页
一、问题的提出:多歧的髡残卒年清初画僧髡残,俗姓刘,字石谿,一字介丘,号白秃,又号残道人、电住道人、天壤残道者、忍辱僧、忍辱仙人等,湖广武陵(今湖南常德)人。髡残绘画喜用秃笔渴墨,层层皴擦勾染,绘事苍古,画境奇逸,而尤工山水,故生... 一、问题的提出:多歧的髡残卒年清初画僧髡残,俗姓刘,字石谿,一字介丘,号白秃,又号残道人、电住道人、天壤残道者、忍辱僧、忍辱仙人等,湖广武陵(今湖南常德)人。髡残绘画喜用秃笔渴墨,层层皴擦勾染,绘事苍古,画境奇逸,而尤工山水,故生前即名重一时。与程正揆(青溪)号称"二溪",与原济(石涛)并称"二石",又与原济(石涛)、弘仁(渐江). 展开更多
关键词 髡残 程正揆 原济 渐江 弘仁 勾染 画僧 奇逸
作者 金建良 《农村新技术》 1994年第7期9-9,共1页
关键词 日灼 果园小气候 涂白 波美 五生 原济 防治方法 石流 尿素液
《中国书画》 2006年第3期36-36,共1页
关键词 中贸圣佳 北京翰海 陈半丁 中国嘉德 拍卖日期 诚轩 北京保利 石涛 龙游寺 原济
作者 魏书彬 《中学生数理化(高二数学、高考数学)》 2006年第9X期63-65,共3页
配平氧化还原反应方程式要遵守“质量守恒”、“电荷守恒”和“得失电子守恒”等.其关键是要能正确运用化合价升降总数相等(或得失电子守恒).对这方面知识的考查形式灵活多样,不只是单纯在配平题中体现.许多同学在实际配平中常感到困... 配平氧化还原反应方程式要遵守“质量守恒”、“电荷守恒”和“得失电子守恒”等.其关键是要能正确运用化合价升降总数相等(或得失电子守恒).对这方面知识的考查形式灵活多样,不只是单纯在配平题中体现.许多同学在实际配平中常感到困惑,甚至出现差错.现总结一些易错点,希望对同学们有所帮助. 展开更多
关键词 反应方程式 电子守恒 氧化还原 质量守恒 电荷守恒 错解 中间价 原济 左向 NABR
Sustainable electrochemical cross‐dehydrogenative coupling of4‐quinolones and diorganyl diselenides 被引量:1
作者 Jin‐Yang Chen Hong‐Yu Wu +5 位作者 Qing‐Wen Gui Shan‐Shu Yan Jie Deng Ying‐Wu Lin Zhong Cao Wei‐Min He 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第9期1445-1450,共6页
An environmentally friendly method for the synthesis of 3‐organylselenyl quinolones through theelectrochemical cross‐dehydrogenative coupling of 4‐quinolones and diorganyl diselenides wasdeveloped.As a green,atom e... An environmentally friendly method for the synthesis of 3‐organylselenyl quinolones through theelectrochemical cross‐dehydrogenative coupling of 4‐quinolones and diorganyl diselenides wasdeveloped.As a green,atom economic and self‐separating process,the present reaction requiresneither external oxidants nor electrolytes,forming a recyclable catalytic system. 展开更多
关键词 Green chemistry Cross‐dehydrogenative coupling Atom ecomnomy REUSABILITY ELECTROCHEMISTRY
The 4R-Rules of Recycling Economy in Industry 被引量:2
作者 Zhang Luqiang 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第4期47-50,共4页
Traditional 3R-rulea have been regarded as behaviour rules.for developing recycling economy. However. with the development of modern advanced manufacturing techniquea, the important vatue of remanufacturing in promoti... Traditional 3R-rulea have been regarded as behaviour rules.for developing recycling economy. However. with the development of modern advanced manufacturing techniquea, the important vatue of remanufacturing in promoting recycling economy has been given more and more attention to in revere years. Remanufaeturtng engineering technology, which utilizes advanced sub;face engineering and forming technology, produces directly with useable components of scraped machines. It can conserve the most of materials (about 83%-95%) and energy (about 80-85%) of ortginal prodacts with less pollution. By remamifacturing, we can reduce resources consumption under the condition of meeting the needs of social and economic development. Remanufacturing is an advanced method for recycling economy in industry Therefore, we think that the rules of .ecycting economy in industry could be extended from 3 R-rules to 4R-rules. The 4R-rules optimal sequence would be reduce,reuse. remanufacture, and recycle. 展开更多
关键词 4R.rules recycling eeonomy INDUSTRY
Catalytic C2 prenylation of unprotected indoles:Late‐stage diversification of peptides and two‐step total synthesis of tryprostatin B
作者 Yan‐Cheng Hu Ying Li +4 位作者 Ding‐Wei Ji Heng Liu Hao Zheng Gong Zhang Qing‐An Chen 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第9期1593-1607,共15页
C2 prenylated indoles are widespread in a variety of bioactive natural alkaloids.Therefore,theselective installation of prenyl group at C2 position of NH indoles is of great significance.However,the known protocols ge... C2 prenylated indoles are widespread in a variety of bioactive natural alkaloids.Therefore,theselective installation of prenyl group at C2 position of NH indoles is of great significance.However,the known protocols generally require a multi‐step procedure and stoichiometric promoters.Hereinwe develop a one‐step C2 prenylation of NH indole with cheap tert‐prenyl alcohol enabled by acidcatalysis.Salient features include good regioselectivity,step‐and atom‐economy,broad substratescope,and simple catalytic system.The mechanistic investigations demonstrate that both C2prenylation and C3 prenylation/migration pathways are engaged in the reaction.Notably,this practicalstrategy can be applied to the late‐stage diversification of tryptophan‐based peptides and concisesynthesis of tryprostatin B. 展开更多
关键词 Indole prenylation Step economy Atom economy TRYPTOPHAN Peptide diversification Total synthesis
Sociological Features of the Casualties from the 1996 M_S7.0 Lijiang Earthquake, Yunnan Province 被引量:1
作者 Li Yongqiang Yang Jieying Yang Dongsheng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第2期252-258,共7页
A statistics analysis was conducted on the basic information about fatalities from the Lijiang MS7.0 earthquake in 1996. The factors include age, gender, educational background, occupation, cause of death, death place... A statistics analysis was conducted on the basic information about fatalities from the Lijiang MS7.0 earthquake in 1996. The factors include age, gender, educational background, occupation, cause of death, death place, etc. We found that even though deaths caused by the Lijiang earthquake had some common features with those from earthquakes in other places in China, it also showed some specific features because of the multiracial and economically-underdeveloped situation of Lijiang area. The results reached in the paper can serve as a reference for studying the features of casualties caused by future strong earthquakes in Yunnan, and for the delicate and human-oriented emergency treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake-caused death Sociological feature Emergency treatment Lijiangearthquake
Reservoir reconstruction technologies for coalbed methane recovery in deep and multiple seams 被引量:11
作者 Wang Liang Liu Shimin +3 位作者 Cheng Yuanping Yin Guangzhi Zhang Dongming Guo Pinkun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期277-284,共8页
Multiple coal seams widely develop in the deep Chinese coal-bearing strata. Ground in situ stress and coal seam gas pressure increase continuously with the increase of the mining depth, and coal and gas outburst disas... Multiple coal seams widely develop in the deep Chinese coal-bearing strata. Ground in situ stress and coal seam gas pressure increase continuously with the increase of the mining depth, and coal and gas outburst disasters become increasingly severe. When the coal is very deep, the gas content and pressure will elevate and thus coal seams tends to outburst-prone seams. The safety and economics of exploited firstmined coal seams are tremendously restricted. Meanwhile, the multiple seams occurrence conditions resulted in different methane pressure systems in the coal-bearing strata, which made the reservoir reconstruction of coal difficult. Given the characteristics of low saturation, low permeability, strong anisotropy and soft coal of Chinese coal seams, a single hydraulic fracturing surface well for reservoir reconstruction to pre-drain the coalbed methane(CBM) of multiple seams concurrently under the different gas pressure systems has not yet gained any breakthroughs. Based on analyses of the main features of deep CBM reservoirs in China, current gas control methods and the existing challenges in deep and multiple seams, we proposed a new technology for deep CBM reservoir reconstruction to realize simultaneous high-efficiency coal mining and gas extraction. In particular, we determined the first-mined seam according to the principles of effectiveness and economics, and used hydraulic fracturing surface well to reconstruct the first-mined seam which enlarges the selection range of the first-mined seam. During the process of mining first-mined seam, adjacent coal seams could be reconstructed under the mining effect which promoted high-efficiency pressure relief gas extraction by using spatial and comprehensive gas drainage methods(combination of underground and ground CBM extraction methods). A typical integrated reservoir reconstruction technology, ‘‘One well for triple use", was detailed introduced and successfully applied in the Luling coal mine. The application showed that the proposed technology could effectively promote coal mining safety and simultaneously high-efficiency gas extraction. 展开更多
关键词 Reservoir reconstruction Coalbed methane Multiple seam Surface well Gas drainage
The biomimetic catalytic synthesis of acetal compounds using β-cyclodextrin as catalyst 被引量:1
作者 Daohong Xia Shengjuan Jiang +2 位作者 Lantao Li Yuzhi Xiang Lijun Zhu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期146-150,共5页
Based on the principle of biomimetic catalysis, β-cyclodextrin was applied to the acetalation reaction as a facile and efficient catalyst, and the synthesis was environmentally friendly with atomic economy. The influ... Based on the principle of biomimetic catalysis, β-cyclodextrin was applied to the acetalation reaction as a facile and efficient catalyst, and the synthesis was environmentally friendly with atomic economy. The influencing factors of the acetalation reaction e.g. the reaction time, the volume of water-carrying agent,the molar ratio of catalyst to benzaldehyde and the molar ratio of glycol to benzaldehyde had been studied.The yield of benzaldehyde glycol acetal would reach a maximum of 81.3% under the conditions approached.Six of other acetals were also synthesized. Moreover, a plausible reaction mechanism for the formation of acetal had been proposed. 展开更多
关键词 β-Cyclodextrin Biomimetic catalysis Synthesis Acetal
"Marikana Has Come to the Farms!!!": An Analysis of the Socio-Economic Impact of the November 2012-January 2013 Farm Workers' Strike in the Western Cape
作者 WesselVisser 《History Research》 2016年第1期40-54,共15页
In August 2012 a bloody strike broke out at the Marikana platinum mine, close to Rustenburg in the Northwest Province. The strike, involving 3,000 African miners, became violent and police opened fire and killed 34 pe... In August 2012 a bloody strike broke out at the Marikana platinum mine, close to Rustenburg in the Northwest Province. The strike, involving 3,000 African miners, became violent and police opened fire and killed 34 people. The issue of minimum wages and union recognition, inter alia, were underlying causes of this strike. The much televised Marikana strike had a knock-on effect and a few months later a widespread strike broke out among workers in the agricultural sector of the Western Cape. Large-scale destruction of property and crop damage took place on farms reaching levels of militancy never previously encountered in this sector. As in the case of the Marikana strike the root causes of the strike action in the Western Cape seemed to be the question of minimum wages, and, to a lesser extent, union recognition and other social issues involving political undertones. This article explores the socio-economic causes of the strike and its ramifications for labour and agriculture in the province. 展开更多
关键词 farm workers' strike Western Cape De Dooms paternalism labour brokering casual workers agricultural trade unions
Consequences of Tax Rate Decrease in Polish Tax System
作者 Krzysztof Biemacki 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第4期340-350,共11页
After a transition from the central planning into a market economy, Poland was compelled to implement a new tax system. It was based on income taxes and turnover (especially value added) taxes. Primarily income taxe... After a transition from the central planning into a market economy, Poland was compelled to implement a new tax system. It was based on income taxes and turnover (especially value added) taxes. Primarily income taxes had high tax rates. In corporate tax the rate was proportional and at the beginning amounted to 40%. For natural persons the taxation had a progressive tendency. The tax rates amounted to 21%, 33% and 45% respectively with very low limits of income, which resulted in changing the rate. Since the beginning of 1991 and 1992 till now the tax rates have been decreased significantly. Now the tax rates amount to 18% and 32% respectively with high level of income, which results in changing the rate. The question arises whether such changes were really effective for the central budget. The article formulates and verifies a hypothesis assuming that lowering the rates was justified by the contemporary "fashion" rather than economic reasons. According to financial aspects, the impact of lower rates on the central budged will be examined. 展开更多
关键词 tax system tax rate income taxes
Macedonia Demographic Aging
作者 Cane Koteski Dusko Josheski Zlatko jakovlev Nikola V. Dimitrov Snezana Bardarova 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第7期445-454,共10页
In this paper, it explained the process of demographic aging in Republic of Macedonia. There is relevant information for the gradually process of aging. At the end of the text, there are few charts. Macedonia gained i... In this paper, it explained the process of demographic aging in Republic of Macedonia. There is relevant information for the gradually process of aging. At the end of the text, there are few charts. Macedonia gained independence in 1991, in the course of transition from planned to market economy, many socio-economic parameters changed: Demography become evident that fertility rate dropped significantly. In the previous 20 years, number of infants born decreased somewhat 5-6 times compared to 1980. Number of divorce grew rapidly. Also, in the Republic of Macedonia, there followed a parallel process of immigration to western countries, especially western Europe, USA and Australia as well as other countries from the developed world. This migration happened as a result of mainly economic reasons, i.e., countries in which Macedonians migrate have much higher real incomes when compared with Macedonia, and comparatively much higher living standard. One also can find reason for migration in political reasons also, and family reunification. Low fertility is associated with low income and unemployment. People in Macedonia had suffered greatly in transition times with high unemployment, low wages, and corruption, which largely derogated their chances of better future and career and contributed to the demographic aging and low fertility rates. 展开更多
关键词 The Republic of Macedonia POPULATION statistic information demographic aging
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