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作者 魏宏艳 罗罩东 《甘肃科技纵横》 2020年第1期88-90,共3页
在BIM技术深入发展的背景下,对工程造价领域中算量和计价的现状进行分析,利用Revit原生功能计算实物工程量,模型与图纸联动、模型与明细表联动,可以部分地实现图模量价一体化,工程量由模型确定,综合单价由投标报价确定,可大幅度减少结... 在BIM技术深入发展的背景下,对工程造价领域中算量和计价的现状进行分析,利用Revit原生功能计算实物工程量,模型与图纸联动、模型与明细表联动,可以部分地实现图模量价一体化,工程量由模型确定,综合单价由投标报价确定,可大幅度减少结算过程中的工程量核对工作,提高工程结算的工作效率,就其适用性和可能遇到的问题展开分析。 展开更多
关键词 BIM技术 Revit原生功能 实物工程量
作者 何客 王玉凝 《出版广角》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第10期9-13,共5页
国家出版基金设立以来,对出版事业的发展、文化事业的繁荣起到了积极作用。以安徽教育出版社为例,将国家出版基金与学术出版进行并置研究与关联考察可以发现:优秀学术出版项目高度契合国家出版基金申报要求,体现了国家出版基金襄助学术... 国家出版基金设立以来,对出版事业的发展、文化事业的繁荣起到了积极作用。以安徽教育出版社为例,将国家出版基金与学术出版进行并置研究与关联考察可以发现:优秀学术出版项目高度契合国家出版基金申报要求,体现了国家出版基金襄助学术出版的原生功能;在实施国家出版基金项目过程中,出版机构实现了编辑与出版流程的聚合与再造;国家出版基金学术出版项目对社会效益提升和学术研究的推动,产生了不可替代的溢出效应。 展开更多
关键词 国家出版基金 学术出版 原生功能 聚合价值 溢出效应
构件的原生型功能与汉字的性质 被引量:3
作者 齐元涛 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期63-67,共5页
从发生学的角度来看,汉字、汉字构件、汉字构件的功能都存在不同的发生层次,可以区分为原生字与孳生字、原生构件与孳生构件、原生型功能与次生型功能。对汉字性质的认识,有不同的论述角度,构件所承担的功能是确定汉字性质的主要角度之... 从发生学的角度来看,汉字、汉字构件、汉字构件的功能都存在不同的发生层次,可以区分为原生字与孳生字、原生构件与孳生构件、原生型功能与次生型功能。对汉字性质的认识,有不同的论述角度,构件所承担的功能是确定汉字性质的主要角度之一。在构件所承担的各项构意功能中,应该把原生型功能作为判断汉字性质的依据,根据这类功能来判断,汉字属于表意文字。 展开更多
关键词 汉字 原生 原生功能 汉字性质 构意文字
大学生原生家庭功能与认知偏差的关系:安全感和人际关系行为困扰的多重中介作用 被引量:8
作者 戴汶珂 《中国健康心理学杂志》 北大核心 2021年第9期1407-1411,共5页
目的:探讨安全感、人际关系行为困扰在原生家庭功能与认知偏差之间的关系。方法:采用家庭亲密度和适应性量表中文版(FACESⅡ-CV)、安全感量表(SQ)、人际关系综合诊断量表、功能失调性态度问卷(DAS),对738名大学生进行施测,用Bootstrap... 目的:探讨安全感、人际关系行为困扰在原生家庭功能与认知偏差之间的关系。方法:采用家庭亲密度和适应性量表中文版(FACESⅡ-CV)、安全感量表(SQ)、人际关系综合诊断量表、功能失调性态度问卷(DAS),对738名大学生进行施测,用Bootstrap法进行中介效应分析。结果:(1)原生家庭功能与安全感呈显著正相关(r=0.473,P<0.01),人际关系行为困扰与认知偏差呈显著正相关(r=0.596,P<0.01),原生家庭功能与人际关系行为困扰(r=-0.401,P<0.01)、认知偏差均呈显著负相关(r=-0.267,P<0.01),安全感与人际关系行为困扰(r=-0.768,P<0.01)、认知偏差均呈显著负相关(r=-0.625,P<0.01);(2)原生家庭功能直接影响认知偏差,且存在两条路径:通过安全感的单独中介作用影响认知偏差;通过安全感和人际关系的链式中介作用影响认知偏差,其中中介效应分别占总效应的27.654%、36.872%和34.358%。结论:安全感和人际关系行为困扰在原生家庭功能影响认知偏差的关系中起多重中介作用。 展开更多
关键词 原生家庭功能 安全感 人际关系行为困扰 认知偏差 大学生
面向云网融合的智能云原生架构和关键技术研究 被引量:23
作者 陆钢 陈长怡 +1 位作者 黄泽龙 黄泽源 《电信科学》 2020年第9期67-74,共8页
作为云计算的最新技术成果,云原生技术快速推动互联网和企业应用上云。云原生技术可以为通信运营商网络提供更加经济、便捷的部署和运营方法,随着运营商云网融合工作推进,云原生成为运营商网络云化的核心技术和关键抓手。分析了云原生... 作为云计算的最新技术成果,云原生技术快速推动互联网和企业应用上云。云原生技术可以为通信运营商网络提供更加经济、便捷的部署和运营方法,随着运营商云网融合工作推进,云原生成为运营商网络云化的核心技术和关键抓手。分析了云原生技术应用情况和存在的问题,提出面向云网融合的智能云原生架构,研究演进设计、架构部署方案和关键技术,提出云原生化推进举措。 展开更多
关键词 云网融合 原生 微服务 容器 DevOps 智能运维 无服务 原生网元功能
作者 徐伟杰 余晓颖 +1 位作者 周振勇 章建聪 《电子技术与软件工程》 2022年第7期33-38,共6页
关键词 vBRAS 原生网络功能 服务化架构 无状态实现 容灾方案
Evaluation on Service Function of Plain Forest Ecosystem in Northwest China 被引量:5
作者 岳丹 马青 +2 位作者 法科宇 鲁肃 黄守科 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第4期584-587,共4页
[Objective] The paper aimed to evaluate the plain forestry' service function in Northwest China.[Method] Based on general and representative investigations with county used as the minimum unit,evaluation on service f... [Objective] The paper aimed to evaluate the plain forestry' service function in Northwest China.[Method] Based on general and representative investigations with county used as the minimum unit,evaluation on service function of plain forestry ecosystem in Northwest China was carried out by measuring the quality and quantity.[Result] In 2005,the plain forestry in Northwest China plays a profound role in water and soil conversation,carbon sequestration by vegetation and soil,oxygen release by plants,sulfur dioxide absorption and and so on.[Conclusion] This paper laid foundation for research on service function of plain forest ecosystem in Northwest China. 展开更多
关键词 Northwest China Plain forestry Ecosystem services EVALUATION
再论方志功用及其在社会生活中的具体运用 被引量:1
作者 程明珠 沈松平 《上海地方志》 2023年第1期19-24,92,共7页
方志功用问题是方志学基本理论研究中的一个重要问题。本文全面回顾学界关于方志功用的主要认识,并借助方志功用在社会生活中的具体运用案例加以诠释,同时提出地方志普惠民众的主要途径,旨在提高对地方志功用及其价值的再认识,进一步推... 方志功用问题是方志学基本理论研究中的一个重要问题。本文全面回顾学界关于方志功用的主要认识,并借助方志功用在社会生活中的具体运用案例加以诠释,同时提出地方志普惠民众的主要途径,旨在提高对地方志功用及其价值的再认识,进一步推动地方志成果的开发利用。 展开更多
关键词 方志功用 原生功能 派生功能 具体运用 普惠途径
Ecological functions of ciliated protozoa in marine ecosystem: effects of ammonium on the population growth of Euplotes vannus 被引量:1
作者 许恒龙 Song Weibo +3 位作者 Zhu Mingzhuang Wang Mei Ma Honggang Xu Xiaozhong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2005年第4期432-436,共5页
The effects of ammonium on the population growth of the marine ciliate, Euplotes vannus, were examined using ecotoxicological method, h is showed that ammonium exerts inhibitory effects on the growth of the ciliate po... The effects of ammonium on the population growth of the marine ciliate, Euplotes vannus, were examined using ecotoxicological method, h is showed that ammonium exerts inhibitory effects on the growth of the ciliate populations in a concentration-dependent way. Statistical analvsis reveals that the population growth dynamics exposed to ammoniunt-N concentration over 100mg/L are significantly different from that in the control at P 〈 0.05 level. Linear regression determined that the 24h, 36h, 48h, 60h, 72h and 84h IC50 values of ammonium-N are 19.68, 201.51, 167.49, 47.86, 50.43 and 43.11 concentration over 100mg/L, respectively ( P 〈 0.05; pH 8.2; salinity 28 ppt; temperature, 25℃ ). The results indicate that the tolerance to ammonium in E. vannus is considerably higher than that of the larvae or juveniles of some metozoa, such as cuhured prawns and oysters. Therefore, it is believed that the high tolerance to ammonium is necessary for eiliated protozoa to play positive roles in maintaining and improving water quality in marine ecosystems, especially in the intensive aquacuhure waters with high-level ammonium. In addition, the correlation between /C50 values and exposure time was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 marine ciliates growth response AMMONIA MARICULTURE ECOTOXICOLOGY
Impacts of Alkalinity Drops on Shifting of Functional Sulfate-Reducers in a Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactor Characterized by FISH 被引量:2
作者 赵阳国 王爱杰 +2 位作者 任南琪 赵秋实 ZADSAR Maryam 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第2期276-280,共5页
Alkalinity is one of the most important parameters that influence microbial metabolism and activity during sulfate-laden wastewater biological treatment. To comprehensively understand the structure and dynamics of fun... Alkalinity is one of the most important parameters that influence microbial metabolism and activity during sulfate-laden wastewater biological treatment. To comprehensively understand the structure and dynamics of functional microbial community under alkalinity changes in sulfate-reducing continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique was selected for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of functional microbial compositions in activated sludge. During 93d of bioreactor operation, the influent alkalinity was adjusted by adding sodium bicarbonate from 4000mg·L^-1 down to 3000mg·L^-1, then to 1500mg·L^-1, whereas other parameters, such as the loading rates of chenucal oxygen demand (COD) and sulfate (SO4^2-), hydraulic retention time (HRT), and pH value, were continuously maintained at 24g·L^-1·d^-1 and 4.8g·L^-1·d^-1, 10h,and about 6.7, respectively. Sludge samples were collected during diflerent alkalinity levels, and total Bacteria, tlae sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), and four SRB genera were demonstrated with 16S ribosomal .RNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. The results indicated that bioreactor started-up successfully in 30d. The two instances ot drop in alkalinity resulted in the fluctuation of sulfate removal rate. The diversity of SRB community showed significant shift, and the alteration of microbial community directly resulted in the corresponding statuses of bioreactor. The dominant genera during the bioreactor start-up and alkalinity drops were Desulfovibrio, Desulfobacter, Desulfovibrio, Desulfobacter, and Desulfovibrio, respectively. In addition, the acetotrophic SRB sutterecl more trom me reduction of alkalinity than the non-acetotrophic SRB. This strategy can present the functional microbial community structure during start-up and alkalinity drop stages, and provides a powerful theoretical guideline for optimization and adjustment of bioreactor, as well. 展开更多
关键词 ALKALINITY sulfate-reducing bacterium fluorescent in situ hybridization
Biomass Allocation Patterns of Alpine Grassland Species and Functional Groups along a Precipitation Gradient on the Northern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:8
作者 WU Jian-shuang SHEN Zhen-xi +1 位作者 ZHANG Xian-zhou SHI Pei-li 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期1097-1108,共12页
Variations in the fractions of biomass allocated to functional components are widely considered as plant responses to resource availability for grassland plants. Observations indicated shoots isometrically relates to ... Variations in the fractions of biomass allocated to functional components are widely considered as plant responses to resource availability for grassland plants. Observations indicated shoots isometrically relates to roots at the community level but allometrically at the species level in Tibetan alpine grasslands. These differences may result from the specific complementarity of functional groups between functional components, such as leaf, root, stem and reproductive organ. To test the component complementary responses to regional moisture variation, we conducted a multi-site transect survey to measure plant individual size and component biomass fractions of common species belonging to the functional groups: forbs, grasses, legumes and sedges on the Northern Tibetan Plateau in peak growing season in 2010. Along the mean annual precipitation (MAP) gradient, we sampled 7o species, in which 2o are in alpine meadows, 20 in alpine steppes, 15 in alpine desert-steppes and 15 in alpine deserts, respectively. Our results showed that the size of alpine plants is small with individual biomass mostly lower than 1.0 g. Plants keep relative conservative component individual responses moisture functional fractions across alpine grasslands at the level. However, the complementary between functional components to variations specifically differ among groups. These results indicate that functional group diversity may be an effective tool for scaling biomass allocation patterns from individual up to community level. Therefore, it is necessary andvaluable to perform intensive and systematic studies on identification and differentiation the influences of compositional changes in functional groups on ecosystem primary services and processes. 展开更多
关键词 Biomass fractions Complementaryresponse Functional components Functional groups Changtang Plateau
Precipitation Pulses and Soil CO_2 Emission in Desert Shrubland of Artemisia ordosica on the Ordos Plateau of Inner Mongolia,China 被引量:8
作者 JIN Zhao DONG Yun-She +1 位作者 QI Yu-Chun M. DOMROES 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期799-807,共9页
Precipitation is the major driver of ecosystem functions and processes in semiarid and arid regions. In such waterlimited ecosystems, pulsed water inputs directly control the belowground processes through a series of ... Precipitation is the major driver of ecosystem functions and processes in semiarid and arid regions. In such waterlimited ecosystems, pulsed water inputs directly control the belowground processes through a series of soil drying and rewetting cycles. To investigate the effects of sporadic addition of water on soil CO2 effux, an artificial precipitation event (3 mm) was applied to a desert shrub ecosystem in the Mu Us Sand Land of the Ordos Plateau in China. Soil respiration rate increased 2.8 4.1 times immediately after adding water in the field, and then it returned to background level within 48 h. During the experiment, soil CO2 production was between 2 047.0 and 7 383.0 mg m^-2. In the shrubland, soil respiration responses showed spatial variations, having stronger pulse effects beneath the shrubs than in the interplant spaces. The spatial variation of the soil respiration responses was closely related with the heterogeneity of soil substrate availability. Apart from precipitation, soil organic carbon and total nitrogen pool were also identified as determinants of soil CO2 loss in desert ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 desert shrub ecosystem Mu Us sand land soil respiration response water addition
Redox physiology in animal function:The struggle of living in an oxidant environment
作者 David COSTANTINI 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期687-702,共16页
A strong focus of ecological research for several decades has been to understand the factors underlying the variation in animal life-histories. In recent times, ecological studies have begun to show that oxidative str... A strong focus of ecological research for several decades has been to understand the factors underlying the variation in animal life-histories. In recent times, ecological studies have begun to show that oxidative stress may represent another important modulator of competitive trade-offs among fitness traits or of positively integrated patterns of traits. Therefore, incorporating mechanisms underlying oxidative physiology into evolutionary ecology has the potential to help understand variation in life-history strategies. In this review, I provide a general overview of oxidative stress physiology, and subsequently focus on topics that have been neglected in previous ecological reviews on oxidative stress. Specifically, I introduce and discuss the adaptations that animals have evolved to cope with oxidative stress; the environmental stressors that can generate changes in oxidative balance; the role of reactive species in transduction of environmental stimuli and cell signaling; and the range of hormetic responses to oxidative stress [Current Zoology 56 (6): 687-702, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 ANTIOXIDANTS Free radicals LIFE-HISTORY Oxidative stress Stress response Vertebrates
manClinical Study on Infection of Chlamydia Trachomatis in Patients with Inflammation of Urogenital Tract
作者 钟安 王玉霞 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2002年第2期55-56,共2页
Object: To investigate the relationship between chlamydiatrachomatis (CT) and urogenital infection. Method Positive rate of CT in patients with inflammationof urogenital tract was significantly higher than those witho... Object: To investigate the relationship between chlamydiatrachomatis (CT) and urogenital infection. Method Positive rate of CT in patients with inflammationof urogenital tract was significantly higher than those withoutinflammation(P<0.05). Result: There was statistical difference in the males nomatter they were patients with inflammation of urogenitaltract or not (P>H0.05), while there was no statistical differencein females (P>0.05). The incidence of the infection was highamong those aging from 21-50 years old. Conclusion: The clinical manifestations of CT infectionwere obscure, so we should examine CT in patients who haveno symptoms, especially in females and those of high-riskpopulation. 展开更多
关键词 Chlamydia trachomatis(CT) Urogenital tract IMMUNOASSAY
Species-area relationship within and across functional groups at alpine grasslands on the northern Tibetan Plateau,China 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Nan WU Jian-shuang +2 位作者 SHEN Zhen-xi ZHANG Xian-zhou YANG Peng-wan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期265-275,共11页
The species-area relationship (SAR) is one of the most fundamental concepts in community ecology and is helpful for biodiversity conservation. However, few studies have systematically addressed this topic for differ... The species-area relationship (SAR) is one of the most fundamental concepts in community ecology and is helpful for biodiversity conservation. However, few studies have systematically addressed this topic for different alpine grassland types on the Tibetan Plateau, China. We explored whether the plant composition of different functional groups affects the manner in which species richness inereases with increasing area at scales ≤ 1.0 m^2. We also compared species richness (S) within and across forbs, legumes, sedges and grasses, with sampling subplot area (A) increasing from 0.0625 m^2 to 1.0 m^2 between alpine meadow and steppe communities. We applied a logarithmic function (S = b0 + b1 ln A) to determine the slope and intercept of SAR curves within and across functional groups. The results showed that the logarithmic relationship holds true between species richness and sampling area at these small scales. Both the intercept and slope of the logarithmic forbs-area curves are significantly higher than those for the three other functional groups (P 〈 0.05). Forb accounts for about 91.9 % of the variation in the intercept and 75.0% of the variation in the slope of the SAR curve when all functional groups' data were pooled together. Our results indicated that the different SAR patterns should be linked with species dispersal capabilities, environmental filtering, and life form composition within alpine grassland communities. Further studies on the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem functions should specify the differential responses of different functional groups to variations in climate and anthropogenic disturbances. 展开更多
关键词 Changtang Nature Reserve Complementary response Plant functional groups Plant life forms Species coexistence
Soil Microbial Activity and Functional Diversity in Primeval Beech Forests
作者 Lyudmila Symochko Volodymyr Patyka +1 位作者 Vitaly Symochko Antonina Kalinichenko 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第6期363-371,共9页
Virgin forests are unique ecosystems, which can be used as etalon for basic biocoenotic investigation. Soil microorganisms are very sensitive reagents on influence of biotical factors, and at the same time are the act... Virgin forests are unique ecosystems, which can be used as etalon for basic biocoenotic investigation. Soil microorganisms are very sensitive reagents on influence of biotical factors, and at the same time are the active producers of phytotoxic and phytostimulating exometabolites. Studies of soil microbiota were conducted in virgin beech forests of Shyrokoluzhansky massif of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. It was found the ratio and the number of different ecological-trophic groups of soil microorganisms changes with altitude. So the number of ammonificators with increasing of altitude above sea level was reduced. The soil at altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level was characterized by minimum content of organotrophes -1.22 × 10^6 (CFU-colony forming units/lg.a.d.s.). At the altitude of 500 meters content of ammonificators increased at six times and was 7.07 ×10^6 CFU/lg.a.d.s., which indicates to accumulation of the soil organic matter. Similar changes occurred with the number of bacteria which are using mineral forms of nitrogen for their nutrition. Their maximum quantity (4.32 × 10^6 CFU/lg.a.d.s.) was in the soil of biotope disposed at altitude of 500 meters above sea level. Fluctuations in the number of soil micromycetes of virgin forest ecosystems have not been as significant as the bacterial microbiota (within 17 ×10^3-28 × 10^3 CFU/lg.a.d.s.). Among a wide spectrum of bacterial microbiota were isolated strains with high phytostimulating action. 展开更多
关键词 Soil microorganisms primeval beech forests biological activity of soil phytotoxicity of soil biocoenotic activity ofmicroorganisms.
In situ generated thrombin in the protein corona of zeolites: Relevance of the functional proteins to its biological impact 被引量:5
作者 Yunlong Li Xiaofeng Liao +8 位作者 Xiaoxi Zhang Guicen Ma Shuai Zuo Liping Xiao Galen D. Stucky Zhugang Wang Xian Chen Xiaoqiang Shang Jie Fan 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第10期1457-1465,共9页
Adsorption of plasma proteins to nanomaterial surfaces has a great influence on their bio-functionality. However, there is limited understanding of the relationship between the functional proteins in the protein coron... Adsorption of plasma proteins to nanomaterial surfaces has a great influence on their bio-functionality. However, there is limited understanding of the relationship between the functional proteins in the protein corona and the biological identity of the materials. Here we show that the in situ generated thrombin in the protein corona of a Ca-zeolite surface displays a calcium-dependent, unusually high (-3,000 NIH U/mg) procoagulant activity, which is even stable against antithrombin deactivation. Removing the encapsulated Ca^2+ in the zeolites leads to deactivation by antithrombin. Our observations suggest that the thrombin activity can be regulated by the inorganic surface and cations. Most importantly, our discovery indicates the link between the biomolecules in the protein corona and the procoagulant activity of the materials, providing a new molecular basis for the procoagulant mechanism for zeolite hemostatics. 展开更多
关键词 protein corona ZEOLITE thrombin activity procoagulant activity CALCIUM
Tuning the translational freedom of DNA for high speed AFM 被引量:3
作者 Andrew J. Lee Michal Szymonik +1 位作者 Jamie K. Hobbs Christoph Walti 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1811-1821,共11页
Direct observation is arguably the preferred way to investigate the interactions between two molecular complexes. With the development of high speed atomic force microscopy (AFM), it is becoming possible to observe ... Direct observation is arguably the preferred way to investigate the interactions between two molecular complexes. With the development of high speed atomic force microscopy (AFM), it is becoming possible to observe directly DNA-protein interactions with relevant spatial and temporal resolutions. These interactions are of central importance to biology, bionanotechnology, and functional biologically inspired materials. As in all microscopy studies, sample preparation plays a central role in AFM observation and minimal perturbation of the sample is desired. Here, we demonstrate the ability to tune the interactions between DNA molecules and the surface to create an association strong enough to enable high-resolution AFM imaging while also providing sufficient translational freedom to allow the relevant protein-DNA interactions to take place. Furthermore, we describe a quantitative method for measuring DNA mobility, while also determining the individual forces contributing to DNA movement. We found that for a weak surface association, a significant contribution to the movement arises from the interaction of the AFM tip with the DNA. In combination, these methods enable the tuning of the surface translational freedom of DNA molecules to allow the direct study of a wide range of nucleo-protein interactions by high speed atomic force microscopy. 展开更多
关键词 high speed atomic forcemicroscopy (HS-AFM) DNA protein BIONANOTECHNOLOGY
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