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作者 邹毅 张文 +3 位作者 Zuhaib ul hassan lashari 刘诗意 张玉蓉 缪晓峰 《青海大学学报》 2024年第3期56-63,共8页
为解决物理和化学方法改良盐渍土工程性质时工程耗能高、环境负效应扰动大的问题,利用高原寒区盐渍环境发育的原生脲解型微生物对细粒硫酸盐渍土进行固化试验,采用微观试验和三轴压缩试验对微生物固化盐渍土的强度特征进行了研究。结果... 为解决物理和化学方法改良盐渍土工程性质时工程耗能高、环境负效应扰动大的问题,利用高原寒区盐渍环境发育的原生脲解型微生物对细粒硫酸盐渍土进行固化试验,采用微观试验和三轴压缩试验对微生物固化盐渍土的强度特征进行了研究。结果表明:细粒硫酸盐渍土被微生物固化后,抗剪强度最高可提升2.9倍,增强机制由黏聚强度的提高程度所决定;固化土的初始切线模量和刚度得到提升,抗变形能力得到增强。该研究结果对增强固化土的稳定性、承载力等具有理论研究和实践指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 细粒硫酸盐渍土 原生微生物 微生物矿化 强度特性
活化原生微生物提高采收率的室内研究 被引量:3
作者 李云鹏 《海上油气译丛》 1999年第3期79-87,78,共10页
现在用重质油(19°API)和原生水(采自E1-Bahrain的Mauddud层)来研究微生物的生长对水的粘度、pH值和油水界面张力的影响。用驱替试验来研究在水驱残余油中养分浓度、培育温度、和碳酸盐含量对原油采收... 现在用重质油(19°API)和原生水(采自E1-Bahrain的Mauddud层)来研究微生物的生长对水的粘度、pH值和油水界面张力的影响。用驱替试验来研究在水驱残余油中养分浓度、培育温度、和碳酸盐含量对原油采收率的影响。 展开更多
关键词 微生物采油 提高采收率 原油 活化原生微生物
研究生课程“微生物原生质体技术”的立体化建设 被引量:1
作者 孙剑秋 臧威 王志刚 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2008年第5期595-597,共3页
"微生物原生质体技术"是为我校遗传学专业硕士研究生开设的专业课程。为了使学生充分了解微生物原生质体技术的最新进展,熟悉基础理论,掌握必要的微生物原生质体实验技术,从教材、师资队伍、教学模式到教学手段,对微生物原生... "微生物原生质体技术"是为我校遗传学专业硕士研究生开设的专业课程。为了使学生充分了解微生物原生质体技术的最新进展,熟悉基础理论,掌握必要的微生物原生质体实验技术,从教材、师资队伍、教学模式到教学手段,对微生物原生质体技术课程进行了全面、立体建设。力求学生通过对微生物原生质体技术的学习,提升自己的科研素质和创新能力。 展开更多
关键词 微生物原生质体技术 课程建设 研究生教育 立体化建设
微生物原生质体融合育种技术及其在发酵食品生产中的应用 被引量:6
作者 颜佳 张立钊 +2 位作者 熊香元 龚慧可 陈力力 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 2020年第22期8455-8462,共8页
微生物原生质体融合育种技术不仅为跨界融合理论提供了现实依据,而且为实际生产提供了理论依据,在理论研究和实际生产中都具有重要意义。微生物原生质体融合育种技术因其具有克服远缘杂交、提升优良性状和应用范围广等优点,近年来,在发... 微生物原生质体融合育种技术不仅为跨界融合理论提供了现实依据,而且为实际生产提供了理论依据,在理论研究和实际生产中都具有重要意义。微生物原生质体融合育种技术因其具有克服远缘杂交、提升优良性状和应用范围广等优点,近年来,在发酵食品生产中的作用日益凸显并取得了显著的成效。本文主要综述了细菌、放线菌、霉菌、酵母菌和食用菌原生质体的制备及再生,原生质体融合方法,原生质体融合子筛选方法以及酵母、乳酸菌和曲霉原生质体融合育种技术在发酵食品生产中的应用,并对该技术的前景进行了探讨,旨在为开展食品微生物优良菌株选育研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 微生物原生质体 融合技术 发酵食品
前寒武纪与微生物席相关的粉砂岩岩墙——以天津蓟县古元古界串岭沟组为例 被引量:21
作者 梅冥相 高金汉 +1 位作者 孟庆芬 刘智荣 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期37-50,共14页
在天津蓟县剖面古元古界串岭沟组下部的环潮坪相粉砂质泥页岩细粒沉积中,发育许多粉砂岩岩墙。由于该粉砂岩岩墙在层面上和层内具有特别的形态,因而对其成因具有多种解释:在层面上呈纺锤状粉砂岩裂缝以及在层内呈砂质充填管形态,从而被... 在天津蓟县剖面古元古界串岭沟组下部的环潮坪相粉砂质泥页岩细粒沉积中,发育许多粉砂岩岩墙。由于该粉砂岩岩墙在层面上和层内具有特别的形态,因而对其成因具有多种解释:在层面上呈纺锤状粉砂岩裂缝以及在层内呈砂质充填管形态,从而被认为是最古老的后生动物遗迹化石;在层内呈弯弯曲曲的粉砂岩岩墙以及明显的流体化作用特点,所以又被解释为地震振荡作用形成的液化砂岩脉。显微镜下,这种岩墙具有明显的富残余有机质构成的边界,以及由粉砂颗粒相对聚集所显示出的明显的流体化作用特征;再加上与这种粉砂岩岩墙共生的沉积构造主要是皱饰构造,局部还发育变余波痕,由此表明沉积面上曾经发育过微生物席。因此,这种粉砂岩岩墙应该解释为沉积面在曾经被微生物席封闭的情况下,相对富含有机质的细粒沉积物在早期成岩作用过程中所发生的脱气作用和脱水作用的产物,最终可以归为由微生物形成的沉积构造的一种类型。 展开更多
关键词 天津蓟县 古元古界 串岭沟组 粉砂岩岩墙 微生物形成的原生沉积构造
从席底构造到第五类原生沉积构造:沉积学中具有重要意义的概念 被引量:42
作者 梅冥相 高金汉 孟庆芬 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期413-422,共10页
发育微生物席或微生物膜的沉积底被形象地称为席底,在席底上由于微生物席的发育使沉积物富黏性而抗水流改造,并在沉积面和沉积层内形成一系列奇形怪状的原生沉积构造,如变余波痕、皱饰构造、微生物席碎片、纺锤状或次圆状收缩裂缝等等,... 发育微生物席或微生物膜的沉积底被形象地称为席底,在席底上由于微生物席的发育使沉积物富黏性而抗水流改造,并在沉积面和沉积层内形成一系列奇形怪状的原生沉积构造,如变余波痕、皱饰构造、微生物席碎片、纺锤状或次圆状收缩裂缝等等,这些构造都归为席底构造;与席底相对应,那些不发育微生物席或微生物膜的沉积面则称为混合底,在混合底上单个沉积颗粒受到水流剪切与变形作用的改造而形成诸如正常波痕等原生沉积构造,这些沉积构造则归为混合底构造。席底和席底构造的概念很重要,用来专指微生物沉积作用的产物而区别于混合底和混合底构造。从沉积学概念的演变方面分析,混合底构造就是1964年Pettijohn和Potter所定义的原生沉积构造,他们曾经将其归为4大类并且沿用至今;席底构造也就是微生物形成的(或相关的)原生沉积构造,由于其在形成机理和形态上与Pettijohn和Potter所定义的原生沉积构造存在较大的区别,Noffke 2001年认为其应该具有合适的分类位置,所以就将席底构造归为“第五类原生沉积构造”并纳入Pettijohn和Potter 1964年的原生沉积构造的分类体系之中。从席底构造到第五类原生沉积构造,概念的演变表明了万能的微生物在沉积作用过程中的重要性以及沉积学家对微生物沉积作用认识的深入。这些相关的沉积构造及其所形成的席底,就像叠层石(被当作正生长原生沉积构造)一样在前寒武纪地层之中较为普遍。随着后生动物的大规模出现而造成的寒武纪“农艺革命”(Agronom ic revolution)的开始,显生宙的席底及其相关的席底构造多出现在那些不适宜后生动物居住的地方并大多被混合底及其相关的混合底构造所替代;因此,与微生物相关的原生沉积构造,除熟知的叠层石以外,在席底上发育的一系列原生沉积构造,由于其具有特别的指相意义并有助于古环境重塑而被很自然地归到“第五类原生沉积构造”。该类构造由于其在前寒武纪的普遍性和显生宙的局限分布性,特别是在生物大灭绝事件之后的灾难性泛滥,对于研究地球表层环境的演变具有重要意义。所以说,从席底构造到第五类原生沉积构造,是近年来沉积学发展过程中所出现的较为重要的基本概念。根据这一重要概念,对前寒武纪地层中一些常常被认为是遗迹化石、长期以来存在的“臼齿状构造谜”(Molar-tooth structure en igm a)等奇形怪状的沉积构造的成因以及从前寒武纪到显生宙地层中均有分布的特殊的纹理化构造等,将会得到一些更加合理的认识;另一方面,关于微生物形成的原生沉积构造的研究,对于了解地球表层生物变化与沉积变化之间的复杂关系将会发现更多的新问题而得到进一步的思考与研究。 展开更多
关键词 席底构造 微生物形成的原生沉积构造 第五类原生沉积构造 有意义的概念演变
前寒武纪细粒碎屑岩中纺锤状裂缝的成因分析:以燕山东部长城群为例 被引量:5
作者 李林 汤冬杰 +3 位作者 付星梅 周锡强 李楠 梁光胜 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期699-706,共8页
燕山东部天津蓟县至河北兴隆一带中元古界长城群细粒碎屑岩中,普遍发育有在层面上表现为纺锤状裂缝的沉积构造,并曾经被解释为后生动物遗迹化石或地震震荡液化脉等。这种沉积构造常与变余波痕、皱饰构造等相伴产出。根据初步观察与研究... 燕山东部天津蓟县至河北兴隆一带中元古界长城群细粒碎屑岩中,普遍发育有在层面上表现为纺锤状裂缝的沉积构造,并曾经被解释为后生动物遗迹化石或地震震荡液化脉等。这种沉积构造常与变余波痕、皱饰构造等相伴产出。根据初步观察与研究的结果推断,纺锤状裂缝可能是由于微生物席对沉积面的封闭作用,导致沉积物在成岩作用早期发生脱气与脱水等作用的产物,因此可以将其归入微生物参与形成的原生沉积构造(席底构造)的范畴。纺锤状裂缝与其他的席底构造一样,为前寒武纪的沉积环境重塑提供了一个重要的证据,同时也说明在前寒武纪的地球表层环境中,微生物以其新陈代谢的多样性及巨大的生物量,在沉积纪录中留下了重要的烙印。 展开更多
关键词 纺锤状裂缝 微生物参与形成的原生沉积构造 成因分析 碎屑岩 长城群 燕山东部
Relationship Between Microbial Community and Soil Properties During Natural Succession of Abandoned Agricultural Land 被引量:3
作者 JIA Guo-Mei ZHANG Pei-Dong +3 位作者 WANG Gang CAO Jing HAN Jing-Cheng HUANG Ying-Ping 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期352-360,共9页
The changes of microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and nitrogen (MBN) and microbial community in the topsoil of the abandoned agricultural land on the semi-arid Loess Plateau in China during the natural succession were eva... The changes of microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and nitrogen (MBN) and microbial community in the topsoil of the abandoned agricultural land on the semi-arid Loess Plateau in China during the natural succession were evaluated to understand the relationship between microbial community and soil properties. MBC and MBN were measured using fumigation extraction, and microbial community was analyzed by the method of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME). The contents of organic C, total N, MBC, MBN, total FAME, fungal FAME, bacterial FAME and Gram-negative bacterial FAME at the natural succession sites were higher than those of the agricultural land, but lower than those of the natural vegetation sites. The MBC, MBN and total FAME were closely correlated with organic C and total N. Furthermore, organic C and total N were found to be positively correlated with fungal FAME, bacterial FAME, fungal/bacterial and Gram-negative bacterial FAME. Natural succession would be useful for improving soil microbial properties and might be an important alternative for sustaining soil quality on the semi-arid Loess Plateau in China. 展开更多
关键词 fatty acid methyl ester microbial biomass soil carbon soil nitrogen
Development and characterization of a functional microbial consortium for crude oil degradation
作者 Zhu Chongzhi Zhang Xiaodong +3 位作者 Sun Liwei Zhan Manjun Long Tao Yu Ran 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第4期388-393,共6页
Crude oil-degrading microbial consortia were enriched from three oil-contaminated sites to achieve the efficient biodegradation of crude oil,especially its refractory residues.The gravimetric method was used to analyz... Crude oil-degrading microbial consortia were enriched from three oil-contaminated sites to achieve the efficient biodegradation of crude oil,especially its refractory residues.The gravimetric method was used to analyze the degradation efficiency of the enriched consortia and changes in the fractions of the crude oil.The effects of changes in environmental factors were also studied to determine the optimal oil-reducing conditions and assess the dominant bacteria of the mixed flora.Results show that all three consortia exhibit reliable crude oil-biodegradation abilities and that their mixture results in biodegradation rate are as high as(48.0±3.5)%over 30 d of incubation.The consortium mixture can degrade 11.1%of the refractory resins,79.7%of the saturated hydrocarbons,and 45.7%of the aromatics in crude oil.Neutral pH,an incubation temperature of 30℃,and low mineral salt concentrations(0.8%to 4.0%)are optimal for crude oil biodegradation.The dominant genera in the consortium mixture include Pseudomonas,Stenotrophomonas,Brucella,Serratia,Brevundimonas,and Achromobacter.The richness and diversity of the microbial community in the consortium remain stable during crude oil degradation.Therefore,microbial enrichment from multiple sources may be performed to construct a mixed consortium for crude oil pollution bioremediation. 展开更多
关键词 crude oil BIODEGRADATION microbial consortium refractory residues
A Study of Soil-dynamics Based on a Simulated Drought in an Alpine Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau 被引量:4
作者 WANG Zhi-yuan SUN Geng +2 位作者 LUO Peng MOU Cheng-xiang WANG Jun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期833-844,共12页
Extreme weather events have played an important role in driving the ecosystem dynamics in high altitude areas, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. To understand if and how the soil processes of an ecosystem ... Extreme weather events have played an important role in driving the ecosystem dynamics in high altitude areas, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. To understand if and how the soil processes of an ecosystem react to extreme drought, we manipulated a once-in-a-century meteorological extreme drought in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau, which is also known as the "forerunner of global weather changes". The extremity was determined by statistical extreme weather events with respect to a historical reference period from April to September during 1962 - 2004, where the local historical precipitation data was calculated and intensified to loo-year recurrent drought event with Gumbel I distribution. The indicators we measured included soil microbial biomass C/N/P and soil enzymatic activities of phosphatase (AP) disbounding organic phosphate, cellobiohydrolase (CBH), β- glucocidase (BG), N-releasing enzyme N-acetyl- glucosaminidase (NAG) as well as soil respirations, during and after the treatments. It was found that the manipulated event induced a rapid shift in microbial biomass and activities, indicating a lower resistance of the underground process. However, the microbial and biochemical parameters saw rapid recovery after the event, which meant the soil processes enjoyed high resilience. The high responsiveness and lag-time effects of the soil indicators rendered new horizons for us to evaluate the interaction between the extremes and the ecosystem stability. Our study indicated that the once-in-a-century extreme drought induced very short term response in the soil biotic process, and the soil processes worked to buffer against such events under the observation period. 展开更多
关键词 Extreme weather event Soil enzyme Microbial biomass Nutrient availability
Soil organic carbon pool along different altitudinal level in the Sygera Mountains, Tibetan Plateau 被引量:6
作者 MA He-ping YANG Xiao-lin +2 位作者 GUO Qi-qiang ZHANG Xin-jun ZHOU Chen-ni 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期476-483,共8页
Labile organic carbon(LOC) is one of the most important indicators of soil organic matter quality and dynamics elevation and plays important function in the Tibetan Plateau climate. However, it is unknown what the s... Labile organic carbon(LOC) is one of the most important indicators of soil organic matter quality and dynamics elevation and plays important function in the Tibetan Plateau climate. However, it is unknown what the sources and causes of LOC contamination are. In this study, soil organic carbon(SOC), total nitrogen(TN), microbial biomass carbon(MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen(MBN) and LOC were analyzed based on different soil horizons and elevations using turnover time in an experimental site(3700 m to 4300 m area) in Sygera. SOC and LOC in higher-elevation vegetation types were higher than that of in lower-elevation vegetation types. Our results presented that the soil microbial biomass carbon(SMBC) and soil microbial biomass nitrogen(SMBN)were positively correlated with SOC. The content of easily oxidized carbon(EOC), particulate organic carbon(POC) and light fraction organic carbon(LFOC) decreased with depth increasing and the content were the lowest in the 60 cm to 100 cm depth.The total SOC, ROC and POC contents decreased with increasing soil horizons. The SOC, TN, MBC and MBN contents increased with increasing altitude in the Sygera Mountains. The MBC and MBN contents weredifferent with the changes of SOC(p&lt;0.05),meanwhile, both LFOC and POC were related to total SOC(p&lt;0.05). The physical and chemical properties of soil, including temperature, humidity, and altitude,were involved in the regulation of SOC, TN, MBC,MBN and LFOC contents in the Sygera Mountains,Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Labile soil organic Easily oxidized carbon KMn O_4 Light fraction organic carbon Particulate organic carbon
Test of Culture and Biomass Production of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv.) (Vu//., 1912) on Lactoserm, Margine and Olive Pomace
作者 Sahir-Halouane Fatma Benzina Farida +1 位作者 Kebour Sara Drai Sara 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第10期547-552,共6页
Entomopathogenic microorganisms occupy an important place among the alternative methods of fighting against pests insect. The fungus Beauveria bassiana is an agent naturally present in ecosystems. It has potential to ... Entomopathogenic microorganisms occupy an important place among the alternative methods of fighting against pests insect. The fungus Beauveria bassiana is an agent naturally present in ecosystems. It has potential to control pest populations. In the context of biological control, the present work aims to the study of linear growth of Beauveria bassiana on different natural environments from the food industry. They are the raw whey, water and pomace, and followed the development of the fungus through a trial production of biomass on deproteinized whey. 展开更多
关键词 Beauveria bassiana ENTOMOPATHOGENIC biomass production WHEY VEGETABLE olive pomace.
Soil Microbial Activity During Secondary Vegetation Succession in Semiarid Abandoned Lands of Loess Plateau 被引量:13
作者 JIANG Jin-Ping XIONG You-Cai +3 位作者 JIANG Hong-Mei YE De-You SONG Ya-Jie LI Feng-Min 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期735-747,共13页
To show the vegetation succession interaction with soil properties, microbial biomass, basal respiration, and enzyme activities in different soil layers (0-60 cm) were determined in six lands, i.e., 2-, 7-, 11-, 20-... To show the vegetation succession interaction with soil properties, microbial biomass, basal respiration, and enzyme activities in different soil layers (0-60 cm) were determined in six lands, i.e., 2-, 7-, 11-, 20-, and 43-year-old abandoned lands and one native grassland, in a semiarid hilly area of the Loess Plateau. The results indicated that the successional time and soil depths affected soil microbiological parameters significantly. In 20-cm soil layer, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), MBC/MBN, MBC to soil organic carbon ratio (MBC/SOC), and soil basal respiration tended to increase with successional stages but decrease with soil depths. In contrast, metabolic quotient (qCO2) tended to decrease with successional stages but increase with soil depths. In addition, the activities of urease, catalase, neutral phosphatase, β-fructofuranosidase, and earboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) enzyme increased with successional stages and soil depths. They were significantly positively correlated with microbial biomass and SOC (P 〈 0.5), whereas no obvious trend was observed for the polyphenoloxidase activity. The results indicated that natural vegetation succession could improve soil quality and promote ecosystem restoration, but it needed a long time under local climate conditions. 展开更多
关键词 microbial biomass carbon microbial biomass nitrogen SOC soil enzyme activity
The Determination of Geographical Origin of Foodstuffs by Using Innovative Biological Bar-Code
作者 Aly E1 Sheikha Didier Montet 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第12期1334-1342,共9页
Abstract: One of the great concerns of the customers is the traceability of the products. The authors proposed to link microbial ecology to geographical origin of foodstuffs by a molecular technique joined to an imag... Abstract: One of the great concerns of the customers is the traceability of the products. The authors proposed to link microbial ecology to geographical origin of foodstuffs by a molecular technique joined to an image analysis. Molecular techniques employing 16S and 28S rDNA profiles generated by PCR-DGGE were used to detect the variation in microbial community (bacteria, fungi) of Pangasius fish from Viet Nam harvested in different aquaculture farms and during different seasons and Shea tree fruits from five different districts in Mali. The bacterial DNA profiles from Pangasius fish and the fungal DNA profile from Shea tree fruits were specific to each place of production and could be used as a biological bar code certifying the origin of fish and fruit. To follow the product during processing, the authors proposed to identify and validate some pertinent biological markers which come from the environment of the food to assure their traceability during international trade. It is new analytical method which permits to determine the origin of food or to follow them during international trade. 展开更多
关键词 Geographical origin FOODSTUFF PCR-DGGE microbial community DNA profile biological bar-code.
A New Neogregarine Entomopathogen from Crioceris asparagi (Linne, 1758) in Turkey
作者 Hilal Baki 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第1期11-17,共7页
In present study, a neogregarine from Crioceris asparagi is reported for the first time in Turkey. C. asparagi (common asparagus beetle) is an important pest of Asparagus officinalis L. crops in Turkey and the world... In present study, a neogregarine from Crioceris asparagi is reported for the first time in Turkey. C. asparagi (common asparagus beetle) is an important pest of Asparagus officinalis L. crops in Turkey and the world. Therefore, determining of the protist pathogens of C. asparagi is aimed. During the study, a total of 1,099 C. asparagi adults were examined thoroughly using a light microscope. Insects were collected from the provinces of Manisa, Eskisehir and Bahkesir in Turkey, with 117 of them collected from Manisa, 204 of them from Bahkesir and 778 of them from Eskisehir. A neogregarine pathogen was found in Bahkesir and Manisa. Total infection rate was 18% for Bahkesir between the years 2014-2015 and 15.3% for Manisa in 2011. Oocysts of the neogregarine pathogen were observed only in malpighian tubes of C. asparagi adults. Fresh mature oocysts of the neogregarine was measured as 9.34 ± 0.74 lam (n = 50) in length and 5.27 ± 0.36 μm (n = 50) in width. Identification of entomopathogens is prerequisite for their use in biological control. 展开更多
关键词 A. officinalis C. asparagi ENTOMOPATHOGEN neogregarine.
Experimental Design as a Tool for the Development of Citric Acid Production by Yarrowia lipolytica Using Glycerol as a Feedstock
作者 Luana V. da Silva Camila B. Tavares Roberta dos R. Ribeiro Fernando L. P. Pessoa Maria Alice Z. Coelho Priscilla F. F. Amaral 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2013年第8期435-446,共12页
Due to the scarcity of fossil fuels in the world, there is increasing interest in the commercial production of biodiesel, which leads to obtaining large amounts of glycerol as a byproduct. If not disposed of properly,... Due to the scarcity of fossil fuels in the world, there is increasing interest in the commercial production of biodiesel, which leads to obtaining large amounts of glycerol as a byproduct. If not disposed of properly, glycerol can generate environmental impact. One of the promises, the application of the crude glycerol is the production of citric acid by microbial fermentation. Citric acid is industrially produced by a submerged fermentation process with Aspergillus niger, using sucrose as carbon source, but due to increased demand for citric acid, alternative processes using renewable sources or waste materials as substrates and the cultivation of yeast strains are being studied. The aim of the study was to determine the best culture condition for maximum citric acid synthesis and lower isocitric acid production from crude glycerol through experimental design tool. For this purpose, the yeast strain Yarrowia lipolytica IMUFRJ-50682 was cultivated in nitrogen-limited glycerol-based media. Therefore, glycerol and yeast extract concentrations and agitation speed were evaluated as independent variables. With pure glycerol, the highest citric acid production achieved was 16.5 g/L with an isocitric acid production of 7.7% (in relation to citric acid). With crude glycerol, citric acid production reduced to 6.7 g/L because of higher biomass yield. Therefore, an increase in the initial carbon to nitrogen molar ratio from 714 to 1,561 was necessary to increase citric acid production to 9.2 g/L, reducing isocitric acid production and to achieve a yield of 0.41 g of citric acid per glycerol consumed. In this condition, less nitrogen source was used, reducing production costs. 展开更多
关键词 Yarrowia lipolytica crude glycerol media composition optimization citric acid experimental design.
Biodegradation of Crude Oil in Contaminated Soils by Free and Immobilized Microorganisms 被引量:29
作者 WANG Zhen-Yu XU Ying +4 位作者 WANG Hao-Yun ZHAO Jian GAO Dong-Mei LI Feng-Min B. XING 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期717-725,共9页
The efficiencies of free and immobilized bacterial cultures of petroleum hydrocarbon degraders were evaluated and compared in this study. Hydrocarbon-degrading microbial communities with high tolerance to and high deg... The efficiencies of free and immobilized bacterial cultures of petroleum hydrocarbon degraders were evaluated and compared in this study. Hydrocarbon-degrading microbial communities with high tolerance to and high degrading ability of crude oil were obtained from the soil contaminated with crude oil in the Yellow River Delta. Then, the microbial cells were immobilized in sodium alginate (SA) beads and sodium Mginate-diatomite (SAD) beads. The biodegradation of crude oil in soil by immobilized cells was compared with that by free cells at three inoculation concentrations, 1× 104 colony forming units (cfu) kg-^(-1)(low concentration, L), 5 × 104 cfu kg^(-1) (medium concentration, M), and 1× 105 cfu kg^(-1) (high concentration, H). At 20 d after inoculation, the maximum degradation rate in the immobilized systems reached 29.8% (SAD-M), significantly higher (P 〈 0.05) than that of the free cells (21.1%), and the SAD beads showed greater degradation than the SA beads. Moreover, both microbial populations and total microbial activity reached significantly higher level (P 〈 0.05) in the immobilized systems than free cell systems at a same initial inoculation amount. The scanning electronic microscope (SEM) images also confirmed the advantages of the immobilized microstructure of SAD beads. The enhanced degradation and bacterial growth in the SAD beads indicated the high potential of SAD beads as an effective option for bioremediation of crude oil-contaminated soils in the Yellow River Delta. 展开更多
关键词 bacterial growth degradation rate hydrocarbon degraders immobilized cells sodium alginate-diatomite beads
Alzheimer's disease and gut microbiota 被引量:58
作者 Xu Hu Tao Wang Feng Jin 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第10期1006-1023,共18页
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a most common neurodegenerative disorder, which associates with impaired cognition. Gut microbiota can modulate host brain function and behavior via microbiota-gut-brain axis, including ... Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a most common neurodegenerative disorder, which associates with impaired cognition. Gut microbiota can modulate host brain function and behavior via microbiota-gut-brain axis, including cognitive behavior. Germ-free animals, antibiotics, probiotics intervention and diet can induce alterations of gut microbiota and gut physiology and also host cognitive behavior, increasing or decreasing risks of AD. The increased permeability of intestine and blood-brain barrier induced by gut rnicrobiota disturbance will increase the incidence of neurodegeneration disorders. Gut microbial metabolites and their effects on host neurochemical changes may increase or decrease the risk of AD. Pathogenic microbes infection will also increase the risk of AD, and meanwhile, the onset of AD support the "hygiene hypothesis". All the results suggest that AD may begin in the gut, and is closely related to the imbalance of gut microbiota. Modulation of gut microbiota through personalized diet or beneficial microbiota intervention will probably become a new treatment for AD. 展开更多
关键词 Alzheimer's disease gut microbiota leaky gut leaky brain DIET INFECTION hygiene hypothesis
The negative effects of soil microorganisms on plant growth only extend to the first weeks
作者 Jing Zhang Peter G.L.Klinkhamer +1 位作者 Klaas Vrieling T.Martijn Bezemer 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第4期854-863,共10页
Soil biotic communities can strongly impact plant performance.In this paper,we ask the question:how longlasting the effect of the soil microbial community on plant growth is.We examined the plant growth rates at three... Soil biotic communities can strongly impact plant performance.In this paper,we ask the question:how longlasting the effect of the soil microbial community on plant growth is.We examined the plant growth rates at three stages:early,mid and late growth.We performed two growth experiments with Jacobaea vulgaris,which lasted 49 and 63 days in sterilized soil or live soil.In a third experiment,we examined the effect of the timing of soil inoculation prior to planting on the relative growth rate of J.vulgaris with four different timing treatments.In all experiments,differences in biomass of plants grown in sterilized soil and live soil increased throughout the experiment.Also,the relative growth rate of plants in the sterilized soil was only significantly higher than that of plants in the live soil in the first two to three weeks.In the third experiment,plant biomass decreased with increasing time between inoculation and planting.Overall,our results showed that plants of J.vulgaris grew less well in live soil than in sterilized soil.The negative effects of soil inoculation on plant mass appeared to extend over the whole growth period but arise from the negative effects on relative growth rates that occurred in the first weeks. 展开更多
关键词 plant–soil interactions relative growth rate plant performance pathogenic soil microbial community
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