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作者 孙雷心 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 1997年第2期54-54,共1页
关键词 水稻 单倍体 细胞悬浮原生质 转化
鸟类原生殖细胞的研究 Ⅰ.鸡胚生殖新月区原生殖细胞超微结构的观察 被引量:2
作者 刘荣秀 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1990年第2期114-118,共5页
作者观察了鸡胚生殖新月区的原生殖细胞(PGC)的超微结构。PGC为圆形或椭圆形,13—16μm,有丰富的伪足和微绒毛,尚可见到相邻PGC存在桥粒样结构。细胞核为圆形、椭圆形及分叶状,并呈多处凹陷。与同期胚的其它细胞相比,胞质内细胞器相当... 作者观察了鸡胚生殖新月区的原生殖细胞(PGC)的超微结构。PGC为圆形或椭圆形,13—16μm,有丰富的伪足和微绒毛,尚可见到相邻PGC存在桥粒样结构。细胞核为圆形、椭圆形及分叶状,并呈多处凹陷。与同期胚的其它细胞相比,胞质内细胞器相当丰富且较成熟。观察到有大量微丝。上述PGC的形态,除了细胞桥粒样结构及微丝很少见到报道外,其它特征与鸟类PGC的超微记载相一致。 作者首次观察到PGC中有一种特殊颗粒(即电子致密小体),它自核内产生,进入核周池,并借核膜破裂的方式进入胞质。这种颗粒可能就是生殖颗粒,而由该颗粒在胞质中聚集所构成的特殊高电子致密区可能就是生殖质。从而从形态学上提供了鸟类具有生殖质的证据。 展开更多
关键词 鸟类 原生质细胞 超微结构
植物细胞的非选择性阳离子通道 被引量:8
作者 刘胜浩 刘晨临 +2 位作者 黄晓航 柴迎梅 丛柏林 《植物生理学通讯》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期523-528,共6页
关键词 非选择性阳离子通道 植物细胞原生质 液泡
作者 朱遐 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 1995年第5期10-10,共1页
虽然Kranz和Lrz报道,利用电脉冲使分离的卵和精细胞在体外受精,由此获得了可育的玉米植株。但是,电脉冲法不能研究细胞-细胞间的互作,如粘附、融合或识别。 汉堡大学的研究者E.Kranz和H.Lrz现在介绍了一种无需用电脉冲而对分离的单个玉... 虽然Kranz和Lrz报道,利用电脉冲使分离的卵和精细胞在体外受精,由此获得了可育的玉米植株。但是,电脉冲法不能研究细胞-细胞间的互作,如粘附、融合或识别。 汉堡大学的研究者E.Kranz和H.Lrz现在介绍了一种无需用电脉冲而对分离的单个玉米卵和精细胞原生质俸进行融合的方法。他们利用显微镜,用细玻璃棒通过手动操作,使滴于盖玻片上的2μl融合培养基中的2种原生质体排列成行。融合培养基由pH11.0、含0.05MCaCl<sub>2</sub>的浓度为400~430mosmol/kg水的甘露醇溶液组成。配子原生质体的有序排列和粘着需30分钟,粘着后10~20分钟发生融合。 展开更多
关键词 细胞融合 配子原生质 体外受精 细胞 培养基 细胞 电脉冲法 甘露醇 有序排列 细胞原生质
作者 张艳杰 姜淑苓 +2 位作者 王斐 欧春青 马力 《果树实用技术与信息》 2024年第12期22-22,30,共2页
1磷素的生理作用磷主要是以H_(2)PO_(4)^(-)和HPO_(4)^(2-)的形式被植物吸收,进入根系后,以高度氧化态和有机物络合,形成糖磷脂、核苷酸、核酸、磷脂和一些辅酶,主要存在于细胞原生质和细胞核中。磷对碳水化合物的形成、运转、相互转化... 1磷素的生理作用磷主要是以H_(2)PO_(4)^(-)和HPO_(4)^(2-)的形式被植物吸收,进入根系后,以高度氧化态和有机物络合,形成糖磷脂、核苷酸、核酸、磷脂和一些辅酶,主要存在于细胞原生质和细胞核中。磷对碳水化合物的形成、运转、相互转化以及对脂肪、蛋白质的形成都起着重要作用。磷直接参与呼吸作用的糖酵解过程;磷存在于糖异化过程中起着能量传递作用的三磷酸腺苷(ATP)、二磷酸腺苷(ADP)及辅酶A等之中;也存在于呼吸作用中起着氢传递作用的辅酶Ⅰ(NAD)和辅酶Ⅱ(NADP)之中;磷也直接参与光合作用的生化过程。如果没有磷,植物的全部代谢活动都不能正常进行。 展开更多
关键词 细胞原生质 呼吸作用 糖酵解过程 能量传递 生化过程 生理作用 辅酶Ⅱ 氧化态
《果树实用技术与信息》 2024年第7期34-35,共2页
石榴在我国南北都有栽培,喜温暖向阳的环境,在北方易受冻害。冻害一旦发生,轻则影响石榴树以后的生长和产量,重则导致整株树木死亡,所以防冻是石榴养护的一项重要工作。1冻害发生原因1.1主要机理当温度降到石榴树组织液的冰点时,其中的... 石榴在我国南北都有栽培,喜温暖向阳的环境,在北方易受冻害。冻害一旦发生,轻则影响石榴树以后的生长和产量,重则导致整株树木死亡,所以防冻是石榴养护的一项重要工作。1冻害发生原因1.1主要机理当温度降到石榴树组织液的冰点时,其中的水分会结冰从中分离出来,组织液的渗透压升高,促使细胞原生质脱水,蛋白质沉淀,出现生理性干旱;水结冰膨胀,挤压细胞,细胞内压力升高;冰晶容易刺破细胞膜,因而结冰可导致细胞膜变性或破裂,植物组织出现损伤,石榴树由此受害。温度越低、持续时间越长,上述受害情况就越严重。 展开更多
关键词 石榴树 细胞原生质 受害情况 预防补救措施 蛋白质沉淀 组织液 树木死亡 渗透压
香料烟叶片发育和结构与品质关系的研究 被引量:15
作者 高致明 刘国顺 +1 位作者 赵振山 王彦亭 《中国烟草学报》 EI CAS CSCD 1993年第2期33-39,共7页
香料烟随叶位的升高,叶肉细胞分裂能力增强,腺毛密度、叶肉细胞密度增大。适熟叶叶肉细胞原生质成丝网状均匀分布,腺头膨大,表面有分泌物晕圈,为分泌的高峰期。根据腺毛密度、叶肉细胞密度等叶片结构性状和产量、产值的分析结果,认为 Sa... 香料烟随叶位的升高,叶肉细胞分裂能力增强,腺毛密度、叶肉细胞密度增大。适熟叶叶肉细胞原生质成丝网状均匀分布,腺头膨大,表面有分泌物晕圈,为分泌的高峰期。根据腺毛密度、叶肉细胞密度等叶片结构性状和产量、产值的分析结果,认为 Samsun的栽培密度以18万株/ha比较合适。饼肥有增加腺毛密度和叶肉细胞密度,提高烟叶品质的作用,但纯施饼肥往往叶片薄,产量低,因此应将化肥和饼肥配合施用。 展开更多
关键词 香料烟 烟叶品质 叶片结构 腺毛 叶肉细胞 适熟叶 上部叶 叶位 边缘分生组织 细胞原生质
Flow Cytometric Evidence for Hydroxyl Radical-induced Apoptosis in Tobacco Protoplasts 被引量:4
作者 雷晓勇 廖旭东 +1 位作者 张贵友 戴尧仁 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第8期944-948,共5页
Protoplasts prepared from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L., cultivar BY-2) suspension cells have similar morphological characteristics to those in animal cells. The hallmarks of apoptosis such as condensation and periphe... Protoplasts prepared from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L., cultivar BY-2) suspension cells have similar morphological characteristics to those in animal cells. The hallmarks of apoptosis such as condensation and peripheral distribution of nuclei, TUNEL positive reaction, and DNA ladders were observed when tobacco protoplasts were treated with the hydroxyl radical generating system (1.0 mmol/L FeSO4/0.5 mmol/L H2O2). In animals, the loss of transmembrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)) and the exposure of phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS) are believed to be the main apoptosis events. To test whether these significant processes take place in plants, flow cytometry was used to detect annexin V binding and changes in DeltaPsi(m). Results showed that the PS turned out from inner membrane and DeltaPsi(m) gradually decreased during the apoptosis. All these apoptotic characteristics proved that hydroxyl radicals can cause typical programmed cell death (PCD) in tobacco protoplasts and this design can be served as an effective experiment system to explore the mechanism of plant apoptosis. 展开更多
关键词 tobacco protoplasts flow cytometry APOPTOSIS programmed cell death (PCD) hydroxyl radicals
Progress in Research on Intercellular Movement of Protoplasm in Higher Plants 被引量:3
作者 张伟成 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第9期1068-1074,共7页
Since nuclear extrusion was rediscovered in young Allium scale by S.H.WU in the years of 1950's systematic investigations on this phenomenon were carried out with various kinds of microscopic techniques a... Since nuclear extrusion was rediscovered in young Allium scale by S.H.WU in the years of 1950's systematic investigations on this phenomenon were carried out with various kinds of microscopic techniques and plant materials to collect more effective evidence to clarify the debate about whether the nuclear extrusion is an artifact or normal event. In the cooperative research of S. H. WU and C. H. LOU the normality of the occurrence of nuclear extrusion either in growing part of plant or in senescent tissue has been confirmed. This event is intimately associated with the physiological state of the tissues/cells and may play an important role in redistribution and reutilization of cell contents. Based on the results obtained a hypothesis of intercellular movement of protoplasm as a means of translocation of organic material in plants was suggested. Chromatin extrusion was also discovered in the pollen mother cells (cytomixis) of certain angiosperms by G. C. ZHENG and his team. Intercellular migration of chromatin appears most frequently at the stage of synizesis. Cytomixis has been studied in relation to variation and evolution. Chromosome aberration has been considered to be closely associated with chromatin extrusion. By vital microscopic observations of the live tissues of garlic (Allium sativum L.) bud and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ovule combined with cinemicroscopy and video recording it has been uncovered that, not only the nuclear material but also the cytoplasm could traverse the intercellular channels by vigorous contraction and expansion, and they may simultaneously extrude out of a cell but often asynchronously migrate from one cell to another. The involvement of cytoplasmic constituents in intercellular migration was also detected in pollen mother cells with electron microscopy. Regarding the mechanism of intercellular movement a series of experiments provide convincing evidence showing that this kind of movement is an active metabolic process closely coupled with energy metabolism, and the motive power for driving the extrusion may be supplied by the contractile proteins in protoplasm. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear extrusion PLASMODESMA
Studies on Parameters Affecting Embryogenesis of Protoplasts Isolated from Suspension of Embryogenic Cells in Loblolly Pine 被引量:1
作者 唐巍 欧阳藩 郭仲琛 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1997年第2期59-66,共8页
Protoplasts of embryogenic suspension cells of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L).were isolated at exponential growth stage.Influences of various concentrations of basal medium,levels of BA,and concentrations of inositol ... Protoplasts of embryogenic suspension cells of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L).were isolated at exponential growth stage.Influences of various concentrations of basal medium,levels of BA,and concentrations of inositol on the differentiation of embryonal suspensor mass (ESM),early stage somatic embryos (ESE) ,and lae stage somatic embryos (LSE) were investigated .A study of the effect of various concentrations of LP basal medium sowed that the optimal basal medium concentration of ESM,ESE,and LSE differentiation was 1.25 LP medium.The effects of various levels of BA and inositol showed that the optimal concentrations of BA for the formation of ESM,ESE and LSE were 4 mg/L ,2mg/L and 1mg/L,respectively ,and the optimal concentrations of inositol for the ESM ,ESE and LSM formation were 400mg/L,800mg/L and 1,200mg/L,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus taeda L. suspension cell protoplast somatic embryogenesis
蔬菜防冻剂的使用方法 被引量:1
作者 何永梅 《农村百事通》 2016年第23期47-47,共1页
关键词 物自身 结冰点 露地种植 细胞原生质 生长调节剂 植物源 粉状物 抗逆能力 可湿性粉剂 日光温室
作者 廖延雄 《畜牧兽医科技信息》 2001年第8期20-21,共2页
胞内劳森氏菌(Lowsonia intracellularis)是一种革兰氏阴性弯曲状杆菌。抗酸染色阳性,能为Warthin——Starry或Lavaditi镀银法染色,存在于肠细胞原生质内,至今尚不能在人工培养基中培养(试过不同营养成份、不同pH、不同温度、不同O&l... 胞内劳森氏菌(Lowsonia intracellularis)是一种革兰氏阴性弯曲状杆菌。抗酸染色阳性,能为Warthin——Starry或Lavaditi镀银法染色,存在于肠细胞原生质内,至今尚不能在人工培养基中培养(试过不同营养成份、不同pH、不同温度、不同O<sub>2</sub>环境等),只可在一些肠系的细胞培养中生长。最早是1973年报导,曾称为“弯杆菌样细菌”、“回肠共生胞内菌”、“增殖性肠炎的胞内菌”、“螺杆菌样微生物”、“猪增殖性肠病胞内菌”、“猪增殖性肠炎的类似弯杆菌的胞内菌”等。于1995年正式命名为《胞内劳森氏菌》。 展开更多
关键词 胞内菌 增殖性 细胞原生质 细胞培养 劳森 革兰氏阴性 营养成份 人工培养基 出血性肠炎 弯杆菌
作者 谷丽萍 徐金连 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 1997年第1期45-46,共2页
关键词 幼龄苹果树 防止措施 抽干原因 调查分析 整枝修剪 机械损伤 幼龄果树 农民科技文化素质 叶蝉 细胞原生质
Plant regeneration from protoplasts of hydroxyprolineresistant cell line in Onobrychis viciaefolia 被引量:2
作者 XUZIQIN JINGFENJIA 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第2期187-195,共9页
An efficient protocol for plant regeneration from protoplasts of hydroxyproline(HYP)resistant cell line of Onoblychis viciaefolia was established. In SH medium supplemented with 1 mg/L 2, 4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid... An efficient protocol for plant regeneration from protoplasts of hydroxyproline(HYP)resistant cell line of Onoblychis viciaefolia was established. In SH medium supplemented with 1 mg/L 2, 4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid (2,4-D), 0.5 mg/L kinetin (KT) and 0.2 mg/L naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), the division frequency of protoplastderived cells reached uP to over 60 %, and microcalli were obtained in 5-6 wk. Upon transferring them on agar solidified MS medium plus 2 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), shoots were induced. After cultivating them on MS medium with or without IAA, roots were regenerated.Chromosome number of all protoplast-regenerated plants examined were normal (2n=28). The protoplast-derived calli and plants grew vigorously on the medium containing 10 mmol/L HYP. 展开更多
关键词 Sainfoin (Onobrychis Viciaefolia) hydroxyproline resistant cell line protoplast culture plant regeneration
Ultrastructure of Single Cells, Callus-like and Monospore-like Cells in Porphyra yezoensis Ueda on Semi-solid Culture Medium 被引量:1
作者 梅俊学 沈颂东 +1 位作者 姜明 费修绠 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期166-170,共5页
It had been demonstrated that individual cells or protoplasts isolated fromPorphyrathallus by enzyme could develop into normal leafy thalli in the same way as monospores, and that isolated cells develop in different w... It had been demonstrated that individual cells or protoplasts isolated fromPorphyrathallus by enzyme could develop into normal leafy thalli in the same way as monospores, and that isolated cells develop in different way in liquid and on semi-solid media. The authors observed the ultrastructure of isolated vegetative cells cultured on semi-solid media and compared them with those of monospores and isolated cells cultured in liquid media. The results showed that subcellular structures were quite different among cells in different conditions. In their development, isolated cells on semi-solid media did not show the characteristic subcellular feature of monospore formation, such as production of fibrous vesicles. Callus-like cells formed on semi-solid media underwent a distinctive modification in cellular organization. They developed characteristic cell inclusions and a special 2-layer cell covering. Golgi bodies, ER, starch grains, mitochondria. Vacuoles were not commonly found in them. 展开更多
关键词 cell monospore NORI Porphyra yezoensis PROTOPLAST ULTRASTRUCTURE
苹果树发生冬季日烧的原因及其防治措施 被引量:1
作者 张志录 刘中华 《河南林业》 1995年第3期27-27,共1页
日烧又叫日灼,是在炎热的夏季,由阳光直射到树体上而引起的一种局部高温危害,常发生在树冠外围的枝叶和果实上,这与局部蒸腾失水有关。那么,在寒冷的冬季,苹果树怎么也会发生日烧呢?其原因是: 冬季,树体各种组织都已进入体眠,细胞原生... 日烧又叫日灼,是在炎热的夏季,由阳光直射到树体上而引起的一种局部高温危害,常发生在树冠外围的枝叶和果实上,这与局部蒸腾失水有关。那么,在寒冷的冬季,苹果树怎么也会发生日烧呢?其原因是: 冬季,树体各种组织都已进入体眠,细胞原生质浓缩,活性极弱,细胞闻水分冻结,不再流动,树体内的各项生理活动都很微弱甚至停止。当天气晴朗时,温暖的阳光直射到树干或枝面上,使树体局部温度上升,细胞解冻,原生质活性提高,抗寒力下降。夜间温度急剧下降时,组织及细胞又冻结,原生质受害。这样反复的一化一冻。 展开更多
关键词 防治措施 苹果树 日烧 阳光直射 细胞原生质 再流动 局部高温 生理活动 桥接 树体内
作物缺素症状简介 被引量:1
作者 李万梅 《青海农技推广》 2012年第2期46-46,45,共2页
正1缺氮症状氮是植物蛋白质的主要组成或物质,是生命的基础。氮又是叶绿素不可缺少的组成部分。缺氮,植株生长矮小、瘦弱、直立、分蘖分枝都少,叶色淡绿,但失绿较为均匀,一般不出现斑点。较老的叶片、叶柄、茎秆呈淡黄或橙黄色,有时呈... 正1缺氮症状氮是植物蛋白质的主要组成或物质,是生命的基础。氮又是叶绿素不可缺少的组成部分。缺氮,植株生长矮小、瘦弱、直立、分蘖分枝都少,叶色淡绿,但失绿较为均匀,一般不出现斑点。较老的叶片、叶柄、茎秆呈淡黄或橙黄色,有时呈红色或暗紫红色,叶片易脱落,花少、籽实(果实)少而小,提早成熟。2缺磷症状磷是植物细胞原生质的重要组成,对植物体内的物质合成转化与转移都起着重要的作用。缺磷时,除生长矮小、瘦弱、直立外。 展开更多
关键词 叶绿素 叶片 失绿 植物蛋白质 植物体 作物 紫红色 细胞原生质 细胞 缺磷症
关于油脂存在状态的探讨 被引量:1
作者 范敖齐 《中国油脂》 CAS 1980年第3期23-27,共5页
在油料种籽细胞的原生质中,油脂究竟呈什么状态?这一问题众说纷云。目前似乎为人们所接受的为高尔道夫斯基假说。高尔道夫斯基假说认为细胞原生质有凝胶结构,这种结构的特点是有微胶粒网存在,并且微胶粒之间的空隙是互相沟通的,因而也... 在油料种籽细胞的原生质中,油脂究竟呈什么状态?这一问题众说纷云。目前似乎为人们所接受的为高尔道夫斯基假说。高尔道夫斯基假说认为细胞原生质有凝胶结构,这种结构的特点是有微胶粒网存在,并且微胶粒之间的空隙是互相沟通的,因而也就成为一种连续的超显微的通道,油脂即填充在这些通道之中。……油籽成熟时,微胶粒网面上和原生质凝胶体通道中所蒸发掉的水分,显然会被生成的油脂所代替,这样就造成上面所说的油脂均匀分布的情况。 展开更多
关键词 微胶粒 细胞原生质 凝胶体 高尔 凝胶结构 油籽 道夫 均匀分布 实验观察 混浊液
作者 蔡印水 《浙江柑桔》 北大核心 1992年第2期11-12,共2页
1991年,我县出现了一次明显的降温、降雪、冰冻天气,据县气象站观察,12月26日至30日平均气温低于-6℃,极端最低气温值为-9.5℃,隘口桔园,极端最低气温达-12℃,持续时间3~5小时,并出现雨淞、冻雨、冰棱等罕见的恶劣天气,造成我县柑桔受... 1991年,我县出现了一次明显的降温、降雪、冰冻天气,据县气象站观察,12月26日至30日平均气温低于-6℃,极端最低气温值为-9.5℃,隘口桔园,极端最低气温达-12℃,持续时间3~5小时,并出现雨淞、冻雨、冰棱等罕见的恶劣天气,造成我县柑桔受冻率达98%以上,冻害级数为3~4级。 展开更多
关键词 极端最低气温 雨淞 冰棱 桔园 持续时间 降温幅度 日平均 赣北 日至 细胞原生质
Influence of albumen on aggregation and O_2 evolution of protoplasm from Bryopsis hypnoides Lamourou
作者 李映霞 王广策 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期363-368,共6页
The extruded protoplasm from the coenocytic green alga,Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux,was able to reform a cell wall and develop further into a mature alga in seawater.In this paper,the influence of albumen on the abili... The extruded protoplasm from the coenocytic green alga,Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux,was able to reform a cell wall and develop further into a mature alga in seawater.In this paper,the influence of albumen on the ability of aggregation and on the photosynthesis of protoplasm was examined.Results show that the protoplasm of B.hypnoides could aggregate in either albumen or chicken egg,which is similar to that in seawater.However unlike in seawater,the aggregation from B.hypnoides in albumen and chicken egg failed to develop into a mature individual.Interestingly,the protoplasm of B.hypnoides could maintain its photosynthetic O_2 evolution in albumen and chicken egg,while the time in chicken egg was longer than that in albumen. 展开更多
关键词 Brvopsis hypnoides protoplasm aggregate photosynthetic O2 evolution
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