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棉纤维原纤结构的分形特征 被引量:6
作者 万广兰 于伟东 《纺织学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期1-6,共6页
讨论棉纤维次生层S2的分形特征,假设为4级原纤体堆砌成的3级分形结构,采用3种不同形式的原纤堆砌模型——圆形、混杂形和椭圆形,对其进行各级原纤半径、分维数和结晶度的估算与对比分析,对理论值与实际值的差异作了模型修正验算。结果证... 讨论棉纤维次生层S2的分形特征,假设为4级原纤体堆砌成的3级分形结构,采用3种不同形式的原纤堆砌模型——圆形、混杂形和椭圆形,对其进行各级原纤半径、分维数和结晶度的估算与对比分析,对理论值与实际值的差异作了模型修正验算。结果证明,椭圆形模型的修正模型较为准确,其3级分维数分别为1.657 5、1.647和1.732,修正后的原纤束结晶度为64.7%,与棉纤维实际结晶度相近。 展开更多
关键词 维模型 原纤结构 分维数 结晶度
聚对苯撑苯并二噁唑原纤化纳米纤维制备技术及结构性能 被引量:1
作者 曹雪鸿 王宜 +2 位作者 耿浩 宋虹 胡健 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期106-110,共5页
聚对苯撑苯并二噁唑(PBO)纤维是一种具有多重原纤结构的高分子聚合物。通过机械力作用可以使PBO纤维发生原纤化,制备具有直径小于100 nm的PBO原纤化纳米纤维。文中对PBO纤维发生原纤化的历程及机理进行研究,扫描电镜观察发现PBO纤维的... 聚对苯撑苯并二噁唑(PBO)纤维是一种具有多重原纤结构的高分子聚合物。通过机械力作用可以使PBO纤维发生原纤化,制备具有直径小于100 nm的PBO原纤化纳米纤维。文中对PBO纤维发生原纤化的历程及机理进行研究,扫描电镜观察发现PBO纤维的原纤化过程包括:脱除皮层、主干破坏、进一步原纤化等阶段,剥离和劈裂是原纤化的主要方式。经过原纤化处理的PBO纤维,呈现不同尺寸纤维组成的多分散体。打浆度70°SR的PBO原纤化纳米纤维的直径可达到50 nm,其保水值118%,纤维长度分布主要集中在0.3~0.5 mm,比表面积21.89 m^2/g。以PBO原纤化纳米纤维为原料,通过湿法成形方式在抄纸系统上制备的纸基材料力学性能随着原纤化程度增加而增加。 展开更多
关键词 聚对苯撑苯并二噁唑 化纳米 多重原纤结构 湿法成形
大豆蛋白/PVA复合纤维细观形态结构 被引量:4
作者 杨庆斌 刘逸新 +2 位作者 秦德清 杨晓 于伟东 《青岛大学学报(工程技术版)》 CAS 2007年第1期62-65,共4页
通过扫描电镜、光学显微镜等方法对大豆蛋白/PVA复合纤维的微细结构做了分析和比较,结果表明,大豆蛋白/PVA复合纤维有比较明显的皮芯结构,皮层厚度约为1.8μm,芯层厚度约为5.8μm。大豆蛋白/PVA复合纤维有明显的孔洞和表面皱缩。通过对... 通过扫描电镜、光学显微镜等方法对大豆蛋白/PVA复合纤维的微细结构做了分析和比较,结果表明,大豆蛋白/PVA复合纤维有比较明显的皮芯结构,皮层厚度约为1.8μm,芯层厚度约为5.8μm。大豆蛋白/PVA复合纤维有明显的孔洞和表面皱缩。通过对断口的观察,发现大豆蛋白/PVA复合纤维有原纤结构。 展开更多
关键词 大豆蛋白/PVA复合 聚集态结构 原纤结构 皮芯结构
蚕丝在原纤水平的溶解及静电纺丝 被引量:2
作者 吴惠英 吴桂英 +2 位作者 周燕 张锋 左保齐 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期102-108,共7页
采用氯化钙(CaCl_2)-甲酸(FA)溶解丝素,通过调整溶剂中CaCl_2质量分数来实现蚕丝原纤水平的溶解及静电纺丝过程。结果表明,区别于已有溶解丝素至分子水平的溶解方法,CaCl_2-FA溶解体系可在常温条件下通过破坏分子间氢键作用,破坏β-折... 采用氯化钙(CaCl_2)-甲酸(FA)溶解丝素,通过调整溶剂中CaCl_2质量分数来实现蚕丝原纤水平的溶解及静电纺丝过程。结果表明,区别于已有溶解丝素至分子水平的溶解方法,CaCl_2-FA溶解体系可在常温条件下通过破坏分子间氢键作用,破坏β-折叠结构而保留蚕丝原有的原纤结构而实现蚕丝溶解。溶液中观察到原纤尺寸随CaCl_2质量分数的增加呈减小趋势,溶解丝素所需时间随CaCl_2质量分数的增加而缩短。丝素溶液中原纤结构尺寸的差异对静电纺丝素纳米纤维直径和力学性能有所影响,CaCl_2质量分数由2%增加到10%,所纺纤维直径由(336±25)nm降低到(118±14)nm,5%6%纤维的断裂应力达到(13.5±5.6)MPa。乙醇及拉伸处理可以诱导丝素由无规卷曲结构向β-折叠的转变。 展开更多
关键词 丝素 CaCl2-FA 原纤结构 溶解 静电纺丝
大豆蛋白复合纤维内部结构的研究 被引量:3
作者 杨庆斌 赵堂英 于伟东 《棉纺织技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期1-5,共5页
为了研究大豆蛋白复合纤维的内部结构,通过红外光谱和X-衍射等方法,对大豆蛋白复合纤维和相关的蛋白质纤维的内部结构进行了分析和比较。结果表明:大豆蛋白复合纤维有较高的结晶指数和较低的取向度;大豆蛋白复合纤维与维纶纤维的显微-... 为了研究大豆蛋白复合纤维的内部结构,通过红外光谱和X-衍射等方法,对大豆蛋白复合纤维和相关的蛋白质纤维的内部结构进行了分析和比较。结果表明:大豆蛋白复合纤维有较高的结晶指数和较低的取向度;大豆蛋白复合纤维与维纶纤维的显微-红外光谱图基本相同。说明大豆蛋白复合纤维与维纶纤维的化学成分及结合键的形式基本相同,大豆蛋白复合纤维的蛋白质成分较低。 展开更多
关键词 大豆蛋白复合 聚集态结构 原纤结构 皮芯结构
具有片层或原纤状结构的壳聚糖膜制备及性能比较 被引量:1
作者 陈玄墨 宁晚娥 +2 位作者 彭泽冶 黄继伟 林海涛 《食品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第8期8-13,共6页
分别以甲酸和乙酸为溶剂,制备2种具有不同微纳米层级结构的壳聚糖膜,并对比分析2种膜的结构特征、力学性能和热学性质。结果表明,采用乙酸溶解壳聚糖所制膜具有片层状结构,而甲酸溶解所得的壳聚糖膜具有原纤状结构。与片层状的乙酸溶解... 分别以甲酸和乙酸为溶剂,制备2种具有不同微纳米层级结构的壳聚糖膜,并对比分析2种膜的结构特征、力学性能和热学性质。结果表明,采用乙酸溶解壳聚糖所制膜具有片层状结构,而甲酸溶解所得的壳聚糖膜具有原纤状结构。与片层状的乙酸溶解壳聚糖所制模相比,原纤状的甲酸溶解壳聚糖所制膜,具有更高的结晶度、断裂强度,但断裂伸长率和模量却相对较低,而两者的热学性质差异不大。 展开更多
关键词 壳聚糖膜 甲酸 乙酸 片层状结构 结构
氯化钙-甲酸溶解体系再生丝素长丝的制备及其性能 被引量:11
作者 吴惠英 左保齐 《纺织学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期1-6,共6页
为改善再生丝素长丝力学性能差的问题,选用氯化钙-甲酸溶解体系获得丝素溶液并采用湿法纺丝技术制备再生丝素长丝。研究结果表明:与传统的三元溶剂溶解丝素至分子水平有所不同,氯化钙-甲酸可在常温条件下溶解蚕丝,更重要的是在溶解过程... 为改善再生丝素长丝力学性能差的问题,选用氯化钙-甲酸溶解体系获得丝素溶液并采用湿法纺丝技术制备再生丝素长丝。研究结果表明:与传统的三元溶剂溶解丝素至分子水平有所不同,氯化钙-甲酸可在常温条件下溶解蚕丝,更重要的是在溶解过程中保留了原纤结构,在牵伸作用下再生丝素长丝的断裂应力较传统溶解方法提高了近1倍,纤维表面均匀光滑,在放线菌蛋白酶溶液中表现出相对缓慢的降解速度。该方法工艺简单,环境友好、高效,并可实现再生丝素长丝的连续制备。 展开更多
关键词 氯化钙-甲酸 丝素 湿法纺丝 原纤结构 性能
The Relationships between Rheological Properties and Structural Changes of Chilled Abalone Meat 被引量:4
作者 TASHIRO Yuri OGAWA Hiroo 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2003年第2期171-176,共6页
The quantitative correlation between rheological properties and structural characteristic values of chilled abalone meat was studied. Structural changes were observed, and these values were enumerated using image proc... The quantitative correlation between rheological properties and structural characteristic values of chilled abalone meat was studied. Structural changes were observed, and these values were enumerated using image processing and analysis technique. Structural changes in the myofibrils and collagen fibrils were the greatest in chilling for 24 h. After chilling for 48h, similar structures of vertical and cross sections were observed. For chilling from 0h to 72h, the instantaneous modulus E0 of the both section meat decreases gradually with time, but no significant differences were observed after chilling for 48h. The relaxation time and viscosity of both sections attained the same values for the same chilling time, but increased gradually with increasing chilling time. Meanwhile, a negative correlation between the structural characteristic values (Dm, Am, Rvm), and rheological properties (E1, τ1 , η1) clearly exists. Some logarithmic expressions have been obtained for these negative correlations. These results suggest that the difference in rheological properties between the cross and vertical sections was mainly due to the structural changes of myofibrils and collagen fibrils, and rheological properties are influenced quantitatively by the structural characteristic values for chilling from 0h to 72h. 展开更多
关键词 chilled abalone structure RHEOLOGY MYOFIBRIL COLLAGEN
Rheological Properties and Structural Changes in Different Sections of Boiled Abalone Meat 被引量:7
作者 GAOXin TANGZhixu +1 位作者 ZHANGZhaohui OgawaHiroo 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2003年第1期44-48,共5页
Changes in tissue structures, rheological properties of cross- and vertical section boiled abalone meat were studied in relation to boiling time. The adductor muscle of abalone Haliotis discus which was removed from t... Changes in tissue structures, rheological properties of cross- and vertical section boiled abalone meat were studied in relation to boiling time. The adductor muscle of abalone Haliotis discus which was removed from the shell, was boiled for 1, 2, and 3 h, respectively. Then it was cut up and separated into cross- and vertical section meat. When observed by a light microscope and a scanning electron microscope, structural changes in the myofibrils were greatest in the cross section meat compared with the vertical section meat. When boiling time was increased from 1 h to 3 h, the instantaneous modulus E 0 and rupture strength of both section meat decreased gradually with increased boiling time, and no significant differences were observed between these two section meat for the same boiling time. When boiled for 1 h, the relaxation time of cross section meat was much longer than that of vertical section meat. There were no significant changes in the relaxation time of vertical section for different boiling time, but the relaxation time of cross section meat was reduced gradually with increasing boiling time. These results confirmed that the difference in rheological properties between the cross- and vertical section meat was mainly due to the denaturation level of myofibrils when heated for 1 h, as well as due to the changes in the amount of denatured proteins, and the manner in which the inner denatured protein components weve exchanged after boiling time was increased from 1 h to 3 h. 展开更多
Morphology and Microstructure of Spider Dragline Silk from Araneus Ventricosus
作者 潘志娟 三浦幹彦 +2 位作者 森川英明 岩佐昌征 刘敏 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期73-77,共5页
The spider dragline silk has excellent mechanical properties. The stress- strain curves of dragline silk fibers have intraspecific and intraindividual variability because of the spider’s active control during spinnin... The spider dragline silk has excellent mechanical properties. The stress- strain curves of dragline silk fibers have intraspecific and intraindividual variability because of the spider’s active control during spinning process. To investigate the relationship between the morphology of dragline silk fibers and spinning conditions, four samples were made at the reeling rates of 1 mm/s, 20 mm/s, 43.5 mm/s and 110 mm/s from the major ampullate glands of Araneus Ventricosus and the other two of dragline silks were prepared from a crawling or dropping spider. The surface microstructure and nanofibril characteristic were analyzed with atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM images of 2 000 nm *2 000 nm and 500 nm*500 nm of these samples showed that the spinning condition influenced the surface roughness and fibril size, while AFM images of 200 nm*200 nm clearly displayed that dragline silk of Araneus Ventricosus included sheet macro-conformation structure. These results can facilitate the further investigation of the spinning mechanism of a spider in order to understand mechanical properties and macromolecular structures of dragline silk. 展开更多
关键词 Spider silk Atomic force microscopy MICROSTRUCTURE Nanofibril.
Microtubular elements of cortex in Euplotes Woodruffi
作者 LiYi-song LIU Lan-xia GU Fu-kang 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2008年第1期1-5,共5页
The cortical ciliature microtubular organelles of the ciliated protozoan Euplotes Woodruffi were analyzed with FLUTAX and anti-a-tubulin antibody. It showed that the cortical cytoskeleton was composed of non-ciliature... The cortical ciliature microtubular organelles of the ciliated protozoan Euplotes Woodruffi were analyzed with FLUTAX and anti-a-tubulin antibody. It showed that the cortical cytoskeleton was composed of non-ciliature structure, ciliature structure including adoral zone of membranelles (AZM), undulating membranes (UM), frontal-ventral-transverse cirri (FVTC), caudal cirri (CC), dorsal kineties, as well as base-associated microtubules. The silverline system is composed of longitudinal and transverse microtubules, concave structure appeared on the cell dorsal side, the base of DK containing rosette-like skeleton structure. All these suggested that the non-ciliature structure, ciliature structure of Euplotes be quite different from that of other species of ciliate, the silverline-system be true pare of cortical microtubute cytoskeleton in Euplotes, rosette structure be part of the basecytoskeleton. 展开更多
关键词 cortical microtubular cytoskeleton FLUTAX anti-ct-tubulin Euplotes Woodruffi
Exploring CTCF and cohesin related chromatin architecture at HOXA gene cluster in primary human fibroblasts 被引量:2
作者 WANG Xing XU Miao +4 位作者 ZHAO GuangNian LIU GuoYou HAO DeLong LV Xiang LIU DePei 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第9期860-866,共7页
Spatial expression patterns of homeobox (HOX) genes delineate positional identity of primary fibroblasts from different topo- graphic sites. The molecular mechanism underlying the establishing or maintaining of HOX ... Spatial expression patterns of homeobox (HOX) genes delineate positional identity of primary fibroblasts from different topo- graphic sites. The molecular mechanism underlying the establishing or maintaining of HOX gene expression pattern remains an attractive developmental issue to be addressed. Our previous work suggested a critical role of CTCF/cobesin-mediated high- er-order chromatin structure in RA-induced HOXA activation in human teratocarcinoma NT2/D1 cells. This study investigated the recruitment of CTCF and cohesin, and the higher-order chromatin structure of the HOXA locus in fetal lung and adult foreskin fibroblasts, which display complementary HOXA gene expression patterns. Chromatin contacts between the CTCF-binding sites were observed with lower frequency in human foreskin fibroblasts. This observation is consistent with the lower level of cohesin recruitment and 5' HOXA gene expression in the same cells. We also showed that CTCF-binding site A56 (CBSA56) related chromatin structures exhibit the most notable changes in between the two types of cell, and hence may stand for one of the key CTCF-binding sites for cell-type specific chromatin structure organization. Together, these results im- ply that CTCF/cohesin coordinates HOXA cluster higher-order chromatin structure and expression during development, and provide insight into the relationship between cell-type specific chromatin organization and the spatial collinearity. 展开更多
关键词 human fibroblasts HOXA cluster higher-order chromatin structure CTCF COHESION
Flexible fabric gas sensors based on PANI/WO3 p−n heterojunction for high performance NH3 detection at room temperature 被引量:2
作者 Meng He Lili Xie +3 位作者 Guifang Luo Zhanhong Li James Wright Zhigang Zhu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第10期2028-2039,共12页
A PANI/WO3@cotton thread-based flexible sensor that is capable of detecting NH3 at room temperature is developed here.A layer of WO3 with PANI nanoparticles can be deposited by in-situ polymerization.The morphology an... A PANI/WO3@cotton thread-based flexible sensor that is capable of detecting NH3 at room temperature is developed here.A layer of WO3 with PANI nanoparticles can be deposited by in-situ polymerization.The morphology and structure of the specimens were investigated by utilizing TEM,SEM,XRD and FTIR.The sensing performance of the PANI/WO3@cotton sensors with different WO3 molar ratios to NH3 at room temperature was examined.The results show that the optimal sensor(10 mol%WO3)has a response of 6.0 to 100 ppm NH3,which is significantly higher than that of the sensors based on pristine PANI and other composites.The PANI/WO3@cotton sensor also displays excellent selectivity,gas response,and flexibility even at room temperature.The unique fiber structure,p-n heterojunction,and the increased protonation of PANI in the composites contribute to the enhanced sensing property. 展开更多
关键词 gas sensor PANI/WO3 cotton thread p-n heterojunction NH3 detection
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