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某大型水下机器人的去流段舱体强度和刚度分析 被引量:1
作者 熊传志 《机械工程与自动化》 2015年第5期66-67,共2页
关键词 水下机器人 去流段舱体 强度 刚度 稳定性
王志文扫去流 重上戏打击罪犯
作者 曾广昌 《电影评介》 北大核心 1999年第3期36-36,共1页
关键词 去流 队长 吸毒过量 还没找到 民意调查 刑警 振作精神 科技人员 文备 广昌
作者 阿燕 《当代护士(中旬刊)》 1999年第12期35-35,共1页
四个人挤在小小的集体宿舍已是七年,其中苦乐,一言难尽。 某位小姐受了委屈,无处发泄,只好带了回来,宣布一声:“我要大喊了。”你还未来得及掩住耳朵,她已长啸一声,让你目瞪口呆。 有时,你下夜班后迷迷糊糊地睡了一整天,在饥饿与恶梦中... 四个人挤在小小的集体宿舍已是七年,其中苦乐,一言难尽。 某位小姐受了委屈,无处发泄,只好带了回来,宣布一声:“我要大喊了。”你还未来得及掩住耳朵,她已长啸一声,让你目瞪口呆。 有时,你下夜班后迷迷糊糊地睡了一整天,在饥饿与恶梦中惊醒,茫然回顾,只有这床帘围住的方寸之地属于你,不禁悲从中来,掀开帘子,却会发现你的堆满了乱七八糟的杂志、稿纸、化妆品、杯子的桌子上,被清出一块地方。 展开更多
关键词 去流 寝室 集体宿舍 化妆品 浪的人 迎来送往 姐妹 油盐酱醋 无影无踪 面条
作者 王莹 《机械职业教育》 1999年第3期47-47,共1页
我的未来是什么样子? 整天埋首于大片的报表里,永无休止的和数字打交道,大笔大笔的钱从手中流向四面八方。也许是这样吧!按我现在所学的专业来说。可是,这却不是我想要的! 人,如果可以选择未来,我想要的,只是一架可以永远有胶卷的照相机... 我的未来是什么样子? 整天埋首于大片的报表里,永无休止的和数字打交道,大笔大笔的钱从手中流向四面八方。也许是这样吧!按我现在所学的专业来说。可是,这却不是我想要的! 人,如果可以选择未来,我想要的,只是一架可以永远有胶卷的照相机,一双能保证我走遍千山万水也不会坏的旅游鞋,一件冬暖夏凉的衣服,一个每打开一次就能有一顿简单饭菜的书包和一只忠心耿耿能陪我一起到天涯海角的狼狗。 我将带着我所有的财富去流浪。走出北京,走出熟悉的城市,走出那方天空。 我站在空气稀薄、离天堂最近的青藏高原。那是未经沾染的古老文明圣地。去看看长江的源头,站在唐古拉山上,看滚滚江水向东流,大声吟颂:“大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪,江山如画,一时多少豪杰!” 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 去流 大笔的钱 内蒙古 空气稀薄 冬暖夏凉 古老文明 旅游鞋 呼伦贝尔 仪器仪表
作者 沈默 《语文世界(上旬刊)》 1999年第9期37-38,共2页
关键词 去流 最前面 太阳 夕阳 灌木 心情 信念 船载 水理 诗行
作者 刘中国 《中外房地产导报》 1995年第2期42-43,共2页
70年代末年,我在南方第一次听到《寻找梦中的橄榄树》,从此橄榄树的青枝绿叶便在梦里摇曳,伴我走遍万水千山。多年后再来审视这支歌曲,我才惊讶地发现,一首歌谣的流行在某些时候还真能宣告一个时代的结束。几份红头文件并不能宣布红色... 70年代末年,我在南方第一次听到《寻找梦中的橄榄树》,从此橄榄树的青枝绿叶便在梦里摇曳,伴我走遍万水千山。多年后再来审视这支歌曲,我才惊讶地发现,一首歌谣的流行在某些时候还真能宣告一个时代的结束。几份红头文件并不能宣布红色风暴的死亡,倒是邓丽君的歌谣或者牛仔裤、长头发起到了一定作用。 在当时,花香馥郁的康乐园,处处都能听到《寻找梦中的橄榄树》,我们很想读三毛的作品。 展开更多
关键词 三毛 关紧门 去流 橄榄树 雪泥 苦水玫瑰 沙漠 香馥 莫高窟 次听
作者 李国富 郭德芳 《长春工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期57-59,共3页
后现代社会学理论表现为排斥宏大叙事、关注焦点的边缘化等趋势,呈现出看似杂乱无章的感觉,但这也正是后现代社会学理论存在的独特之处。后现代社会学理论摈弃了前现代思维惯习,力图以无派别的形式展现自己,用特殊的思维方式和另辟溪径... 后现代社会学理论表现为排斥宏大叙事、关注焦点的边缘化等趋势,呈现出看似杂乱无章的感觉,但这也正是后现代社会学理论存在的独特之处。后现代社会学理论摈弃了前现代思维惯习,力图以无派别的形式展现自己,用特殊的思维方式和另辟溪径的视角看待社会现象,这正是社会学理论发展的必然,也是后现代社会学理论的合理性之所在。 展开更多
关键词 后现代社会学理论 去流派性 权威性的束缚 畸形发展
作者 尹伏仓 《生活与健康》 2001年第1期42-44,共3页
她是一位有着传奇经历的女人。当年,她是国家级的钢琴演奏员,却以一句“我去游泳”辞别妈妈,来到了遥远的巴西;仅仅因为结婚手续,她美丽的巴西恋被葬送了;她离开巴西,来到澳洲,一直对西方男人很有好感的她却最终决定嫁给香港移民,可就... 她是一位有着传奇经历的女人。当年,她是国家级的钢琴演奏员,却以一句“我去游泳”辞别妈妈,来到了遥远的巴西;仅仅因为结婚手续,她美丽的巴西恋被葬送了;她离开巴西,来到澳洲,一直对西方男人很有好感的她却最终决定嫁给香港移民,可就在婚礼前几天,未婚夫突然死亡;在原定婚礼的那天,她踏上了回国的班机…… 展开更多
关键词 健身教练 爱情 钢琴演奏 去流 巴西 涉外婚姻 中国民歌 茉莉花 大使馆官员 登记处
Ternary Ag/AgCl/BiOIO_3 composites for enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalysis 被引量:13
作者 熊婷 张会均 +1 位作者 张育新 董帆 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期2155-2163,共9页
Ternary Ag/AgC l/BiO IO3 composite photocatalysts are prepared by a facile method. Enhanced visible-light absorption and charge carrier separation are achieved after the introduction of Ag/AgC l particles into BiO IO3... Ternary Ag/AgC l/BiO IO3 composite photocatalysts are prepared by a facile method. Enhanced visible-light absorption and charge carrier separation are achieved after the introduction of Ag/AgC l particles into BiO IO3 systems,as revealed by ultraviolet-visible diffuse-reflectance spectrometry,photocurrent response and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The Ag/AgC l/BiO IO3 composites are applied to the visible-light photocatalytic oxidization of NO in air and exhibit an enhanced activity for NO removal in comparison with Ag/AgC l and pure BiO IO3. A possible photocatalytic mechanism for Ag/AgC l/BiO IO3 is proposed,which is related to the surface plasmon resonance effects of Ag metal and the effective carrier separation ability of BiO IO3. This work provides insight into the design and preparation of BiO IO3-based materials with enhanced visible-light photocatalysis ability. 展开更多
关键词 Ag/AgCl/BiOIO3 Ternary composite Visible-light photocatalysis Nitrogen oxide removal Charge seperation
Single Polar Compound Bioelectret Material and Its Influence on the Cell Growth 被引量:1
作者 史向阳 邓百明 孙曹民 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1997年第4期31-39,共9页
To explore the influence of compound bioelectret material′s dielectric property on the cell growth,several kinds of compound bioelectret materials of collagen/chitosan were developed Their TSDC(thermally stimulated ... To explore the influence of compound bioelectret material′s dielectric property on the cell growth,several kinds of compound bioelectret materials of collagen/chitosan were developed Their TSDC(thermally stimulated depolarization current)spectra were analyzed,and the compound bioelectret collagen/chitosan whose t α and I α were 37℃ and 2×10 -9 A respectively at polarized state was selected The cell culture study showed that the compound bioelectret material could promote normal cell growth when singly negatively polarized,and could inhibit cancer cell growth when singly positively polarized It proves that the rational designation of compound bioelectret has a broad application for clinical medicine 展开更多
关键词 bioelectret COLLAGEN CHITOSAN TSDC cell culture
作者 小葛 《职业教育研究》 1995年第2期32-32,共1页
挽起飘逸、长长的秀发,装进土气的灰色帽中;脱去流行的时装,将自己装进麻袋式的工作服里;脱下黑亮的皮鞋,把“三寸金莲”塞进棺材式的劳保鞋中——我们去实习! 迈开沉重的步伐,走进宽大的厂房。耳边是金属碰撞奏出的劲歌,眼前是火花编... 挽起飘逸、长长的秀发,装进土气的灰色帽中;脱去流行的时装,将自己装进麻袋式的工作服里;脱下黑亮的皮鞋,把“三寸金莲”塞进棺材式的劳保鞋中——我们去实习! 迈开沉重的步伐,走进宽大的厂房。耳边是金属碰撞奏出的劲歌,眼前是火花编织的缤纷图案。置身于这忙碌而又有条不紊的节奏中,不知不觉。 展开更多
关键词 散文诗 进棺材 劳保鞋 工作服 劳动创造 甘肃省 地跳动 节奏 去流 已加入
作者 李士琳 戚学理 《财税与会计》 1994年第6期11-11,共1页
关键词 负偏 煤炭行业 进项税额 去流 新税制 应交增值税 产品税 实际税负 税收制度 生产经营者
作者 陈耀明 《市场研究》 2000年第2期51-51,共1页
在这个日新月异的时代,一切都在进步。 比如BP机,过去腰间挎个BP机多神气啊。而且还流行潇洒说一句“有事儿呼我”。现在已经流行“有事儿给我发个‘伊妹儿’”了,EP机早已沦为“屁屁机”。 比如手机,过去叫“大哥大”,“大官大”,听名... 在这个日新月异的时代,一切都在进步。 比如BP机,过去腰间挎个BP机多神气啊。而且还流行潇洒说一句“有事儿呼我”。现在已经流行“有事儿给我发个‘伊妹儿’”了,EP机早已沦为“屁屁机”。 比如手机,过去叫“大哥大”,“大官大”,听名字就透着气派。而现在很多人都带上手提电脑了,手机便臭大街了。事实上,一些体面的成功人士早已羞于手持“大哥大”。 比如安全套,过去需要凭结婚证到计生部门领,现在则可以到大街上的24小时自动柜员机买。另外,安全套过去是叫“ 展开更多
关键词 去流 安全套 大哥大 BP机 凤阳 小姐 离婚理由 婚外恋 结婚证
《农机市场》 1994年第12期15-15,共1页
将过去流通企业与生产企业的购进“买断”关系逐步变为实行代理关系的“代理制”,目前正由国内贸易部在物资流通领域大张旗鼓地推行。 国内贸易部市场司有关负责人认为,当前物资流通行业经营状况不甚理想,因素很多,但最根本的原因在于... 将过去流通企业与生产企业的购进“买断”关系逐步变为实行代理关系的“代理制”,目前正由国内贸易部在物资流通领域大张旗鼓地推行。 国内贸易部市场司有关负责人认为,当前物资流通行业经营状况不甚理想,因素很多,但最根本的原因在于流通体制不适应市场经济的需求。要改革现行流通体制,其核心之一就是推行代理制。这是物资流通工作的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 代理制 物资 生产企业 国内贸易 通体制 去流 旗鼓 代理关系 效益分享 取佣金
作者 朱本浩 凌泽平 《健康生活》 2004年第6期43-43,共1页
关键词 自我保健知识 旅行时 乘飞机 生活水平的提高 生活环境 身体不适 突然变化 患病者 套挂 去流
Molecular oxygen activation enhancement by BiOBr0.5I0.5/BiOI utilizing the synergistic effect of solid solution and heterojunctions for photocatalytic NO removal 被引量:5
作者 Mingpu Kou Yu Deng +4 位作者 Rumeng Zhang Li Wang Po Keung Wong Fengyun Su Liqun Ye 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1480-1487,共8页
To improve the photocatalytic oxidation reaction activity for NO removal, photocatalysts with excellent activity are required to activate molecular oxygen. Solid solution and heterojunction were suggested as effective... To improve the photocatalytic oxidation reaction activity for NO removal, photocatalysts with excellent activity are required to activate molecular oxygen. Solid solution and heterojunction were suggested as effective strategies to enhance the molecular oxygen activation viaexciton and carrier photocatalysis. In this study, a solid solution and heterojunction containing BiOBr0.5I0.5/BiOI catalyst was synthesized, and it showed improved photocatalytic activity for removing NO. The photocatalytic NO removal mechanism indicated that synergistic effects between the solid solution and heterojunction induced the enhanced activity for molecular oxygen activation. The photogenerated holes, superoxide, and singlet oxygen generated by the carrier and exciton photocatalysis supported the high photocatalytic NO removal efficiency. This study provides new ideas for designing efficient Bi-O-X(X = Cl, Br, I) photocatalysts for oxidation reactions. 展开更多
关键词 BiOBr0.5I0.5/BiOI NO removal Molecular oxygen activation CARRIER EXCITON
Degradation of Nitrobenzene-Containing Wastewater with O_3 and H_2O_2 by High Gravity Technology 被引量:17
作者 Jiao Weizhou Liu Youzhi +3 位作者 Liu Wenli Li Jing Shao Fan Wang Chaoran 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第1期85-94,共10页
Nitrobenzene-containing industrial wastewater was degraded in the presence of ozone coupled with H2O2 by high gravity technology. The effect of high gravity factor, H2O2 concentration, pH value, liquid flow-rate, and ... Nitrobenzene-containing industrial wastewater was degraded in the presence of ozone coupled with H2O2 by high gravity technology. The effect of high gravity factor, H2O2 concentration, pH value, liquid flow-rate, and reaction time on the efficiency for removal of nitrobenzene was investigated. The experimental results show that the high gravity technology enhances the ozone utilization efficiency with O3/H202 showing synergistic effect. The degradation efficiency in terms of the COD removal rate and nitrobenzene removal rate reached 45.8% and 50.4%, respectively, under the following reaction conditions, viz.: a high gravity factor of 66.54, a pH value of 9, a H2O2/O3 molar ratio of 1:1, a liquid flow rate of 140 L/h, an ozone concentration of 40 rag/L, a H2O2 multiple dosing mode of 6 mL/h, and a reaction time of 4 h. Compared with the performance of conventional stirred aeration mixers, the high gravity technology could increase the COD and nitrobenzene removal rate related with the nitrobenzene-containing wastewater by 22.9% and 23.3%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 nitrobenzene containing wastewater rotating packed bed OZONE H2O2 free radicals
Smelting chlorination method applied to removal of copper from copper slags 被引量:6
作者 李磊 王华 胡建杭 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期59-65,共7页
In order to reasonably utilize the iron resources of copper slags, the smelting chlorination process was used to remove copper from copper slags. Higher holding temperature and O2 flow rate are beneficial to increasin... In order to reasonably utilize the iron resources of copper slags, the smelting chlorination process was used to remove copper from copper slags. Higher holding temperature and O2 flow rate are beneficial to increasing copper removal rate. However,the Cu2O mode is formed by the reaction of surplus O2 and CuCl with O2 flow rate increasing over 0.4 L/min, causing CuCl volatilization rate and copper removal rate to decrease. The resulting copper removal rate of 84.34% is obtained under the optimum conditions of holding temperature of 1573 K, residence time of 10 min, Ca Cl2 addition amount of 0.1(mass ratio of CaCl2 and the copper slag) and oxygen flow rate of 0.4 L/min. The efficient removal of copper from copper slags through chlorination is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 copper slags smelting chlorination copper removal volatilization waste utilization
Electrochemical Treatment of Distillery Spent Wash Using Aluminum and Iron Electrodes
作者 V.Khandegar Anil.K.Saroha 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期439-443,共5页
Electrochemical treatment of distillery .spentwash was carried out using different combinations of aluminum and iron electrodes in batch mode of operation. The spent wash was characterized for various parameters as pe... Electrochemical treatment of distillery .spentwash was carried out using different combinations of aluminum and iron electrodes in batch mode of operation. The spent wash was characterized for various parameters as per standard method of analysis and the treatment results were analyzed in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency o.f thespent.wash. The experiments were performed to s.tudy the effect of operating parameterssuch as current density, pH of the spent wash, agitation speed, electrolysis time and the distance between the elec- trodes on the COD removal efficiency of the spent wash. It was observed that aluminum electrodes were more suitable for treatment of distillery spent wash as compared to iron electrodes. The maximum COD removal effi- ciency of 81.3% was obtained with A1-A1 electrodes at the current density of 0.187 A.cm-2 and pH 3 for an elec-trolysis time of 2 h. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROCOAGULATION distillery spent wash current density aluminum iron
Effect of Salinity on Reeds in the Treatment of High Salinity LandfilI-Leachates Using HFs
作者 Tokuo Yano Mika Okanuma Yoshiki Kumagai Kazuaki Sato Akiko Inoue-Kohama Keijiro Enari 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第3期142-150,共9页
The growth of reeds was impeded remarkably under a salinity of 15.0±3.4 g CI·L-1 in the first year of this experiment, recovered in the second year and then increased year-by-year afterward. The growth of re... The growth of reeds was impeded remarkably under a salinity of 15.0±3.4 g CI·L-1 in the first year of this experiment, recovered in the second year and then increased year-by-year afterward. The growth of reeds under a salinity of 9.3±1.9 g CI·Ll was much better than those under 15.0 ± 3.4 g CI·L1. The stress effect was significant for shoot extension but not for the quantity of shoots increase. The dense vegetation bed during the vegetation period (June-October) provided a high rate of evapotranspiration and water loss from HFs (horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands), which made large contributions to reducing pollutant load. The HFs with die-back reeds in the non-vegetation periods (November-March) provided slight evapotranspiration and water loss and made less of a contribution to reducing pollutants removal compared to HFs with the dense vegetation bed in the vegetation periods. However, the HFs with die-back reeds in the non-vegetation periods had higher removal performance than the HF without reeds. This indicated that the rhizosphere of HFs with reeds might play important roles, such as that the microbes around rhizomes might have a higher amount of pollutant-removing microbe activity than those in the HF without reeds during the non-vegetation period. 展开更多
关键词 Landfill-leachate HIGH-SALINITY HFs reeds effect.
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