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Research and development on mechanism of removal of indoor volatile organic compounds by plants
作者 LI Fangwei CUI Long +2 位作者 CHENG Yan XUE Yonggang HUANG Yu 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2024年第4期583-595,共13页
Background,aim,and scope Owing to the rapid development of modernisation and urbanisation,living standards have gradually improved.However,the widespread use of high-energy-consuming indoor appliances and furniture ha... Background,aim,and scope Owing to the rapid development of modernisation and urbanisation,living standards have gradually improved.However,the widespread use of high-energy-consuming indoor appliances and furniture has made indoor environments a primary environmental problem affecting human health.Sick building syndrome(SBS)and building-related illness(BRI)have occurred,and indoor air conditions have been extensively studied.Common indoor pollutants include CO,CO_(2),volatile organic compounds(VOCs)(such as the formaldehyde and benzene series),NOx(NO and NO_(2)),and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs).VOCs have replaced SO_(2)as the“The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan”urban air quality assessment new indicators.Indoor VOCs can cause diseases such as cataract,asthma,and lung cancer.To protect human health,researchers have proposed several indoor air purification technologies,including adsorption,filtration,electrostatic dust removal,ozonation,and plant purification.However,each technology has drawbacks,such as high operating costs,high energy consumption,and the generation of secondary waste or toxic substances.Plant degradation of VOCs as a bioremediation technology has the characteristics of low cost,high efficiency,and sustainability,thereby becoming a potential green solution for improving indoor air quality.This study introduces the research status and mechanism of plant removal of indoor VOCs and provides an experimental basis and scientific guidance for analysing the mechanism of plant degradation of pollutants.Materials and methods This study reviews studies on the harm caused by indoor pollutants to human health and related sources,mainly investigating the degradation of indoor formaldehyde,BTEX(benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene,and xylene)plant mechanisms,and research results.Results Plants can remove VOCs via stomatal and non-stomatal adsorption,interfoliar microbial,rhizosphere microbial,and growth media.Benzene,toluene,and xylene(BTX)are adsorbed by pores,hydroxylated into fumaric acid,and then removed into CO_(2) and H_(2)O by TCA.Formaldehyde enters plant leaves through the stomata and epidermal waxy substances and is adsorbed.After the two steps of enzymatic oxidation,formic acid and CO_(2) are generated.Finally,it enters the Calvin cycle and removes glucose and other nontoxic compounds.Discussion The non-stomatal degradation of VOCs can be divided into adsorption by cuticular wax and active adsorption by plant surface microorganisms.The leaf epidermal waxy matter content and the lipid composition of the epidermal membrane covering the plant surface play important roles in the non-stomatal adsorption of indoor air pollutants.The leaf margin of a plant is an ecological environment containing various microbial communities.The endophytic and inoculated microbiota in plant buds and leaves can remove VOCs(formaldehyde and BTEX).Formaldehyde can be directly absorbed by plant leaves and converted into organic acids,sugars,CO_(2) and H_(2)O by microbes.Bioremediation of indoor VOCs is usually inefficient,leading to plant toxicity or residual chemical substance volatilisation through leaves,followed by secondary pollution.Therefore,plants must be inoculated with microorganisms to improve the efficiency of plant degradation of VOCs.However,the effectiveness of interfoliar microbial removal remains largely unknown and several microorganisms are not culturable.Therefore,methods for collecting,identifying,and culturing microorganisms must be developed.As the leaf space is a relatively unstable environment,the degradation of VOCs by rhizosphere microorganisms is equally important,and formaldehyde is absorbed more by rhizosphere microorganisms at night.The inoculation of bacteria into the rhizosphere improves the efficiency of plants in degrading VOCs.However,most of these studies were conducted in simulation chambers.To ensure the authenticity of these conclusions,the ability of plants to remove indoor air pollutants must be further verified in real situations.Conclusions Plant purification is an economical,environment-friendly,and sustainable remediation technology.This review summarises the mechanisms of VOC plant degradation and presents its limitations.Simultaneously,it briefly puts forward a plant selection scheme according to different temperatures,light,and specific VOCs that can be absorbed to choose the appropriate plant species.However,some studies have denied the purification effect of plants and proposed that numerous plants are required to achieve indoor ventilation effects.Therefore,determining the ability of plants to remove indoor VOCs requires a combination of realistic and simulated scenarios.Recommendations and perspectives Plants and related microorganisms play an important role in improving indoor air quality,therefore,the effect of plants and the related microorganisms on improving indoor air quality must be studied further and the effect of plants on indoor VOCs will be the focus of future research. 展开更多
关键词 PLANTS VOCS removal mechanism indoor air purification MICROORGANISM
作者 孙俊英 吕凤霞 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第S1期73-74,共2页
党的十四次全国代表大会胜利召开,给改革开放的中国又注入了新的血液,使我国的图书馆事业进入一个新的历史阶段。我馆也面临着新的发展机遇和挑战。经济的发展,科学的进步和广大人民群众日益增长的知识、信息的需求,使传统的、单一的图... 党的十四次全国代表大会胜利召开,给改革开放的中国又注入了新的血液,使我国的图书馆事业进入一个新的历史阶段。我馆也面临着新的发展机遇和挑战。经济的发展,科学的进步和广大人民群众日益增长的知识、信息的需求,使传统的、单一的图书馆服务形式不能适应市场经济和改革开放的要求。如何开创图书馆发展的新局面,向图书馆事业和图书馆馆员提出了更高的要求。现阶段,图书馆的发展具有社会性,必须围绕经济建设这个中心,根据社会的需求,读者的需求,提供快而新的信息资料,使图书馆的发展更上一层楼。 展开更多
关键词 图书馆发展 新局面 图书馆的发展 图书馆事业 图书馆工作人员 传统观 面向实际 去生机 鸡西市 图书馆服务
地下管线——不可轻视的城市“血脉” 被引量:2
作者 余从 《决策探索》 1998年第12期42-43,共2页
人的生命和活力,在于全身血脉的正常运行,一旦血脉运行受阻和人体出现失血,轻则生病,重则终结生命。 城市的生命和活动,在于遍布城市各处的地下管线的正常运行,这些管线一旦停止运转,城市就会失去生机,陷入瘫痪。 因而,城市地下管线的... 人的生命和活力,在于全身血脉的正常运行,一旦血脉运行受阻和人体出现失血,轻则生病,重则终结生命。 城市的生命和活动,在于遍布城市各处的地下管线的正常运行,这些管线一旦停止运转,城市就会失去生机,陷入瘫痪。 因而,城市地下管线的正常安全运行,愈益引起国人和全社会的关注。然而,令人十分遗憾的是—— 展开更多
关键词 城市地下管线 城市生命线系统 污水处理率 血脉 煤气管道 安全运行 停电事故 去生机 地下水 爆管事故
作者 梁平 张忠达 《中国外资》 1998年第1期18-21,共4页
1997年夏季肇始于泰国,继而席卷整个东南亚,后又波及韩国和香港特别行政区等亚洲其它国家和地区的金融危机风暴,到现在已渐入尾声。当然,它的余波还会继续对世界经济产生影响。许多读者来信表示疑惑,为什么看上去生机勃勃的“小龙小虎”... 1997年夏季肇始于泰国,继而席卷整个东南亚,后又波及韩国和香港特别行政区等亚洲其它国家和地区的金融危机风暴,到现在已渐入尾声。当然,它的余波还会继续对世界经济产生影响。许多读者来信表示疑惑,为什么看上去生机勃勃的“小龙小虎”,说垮就垮呢?中国何以能“幸免于难”呢?针对这些问题。 展开更多
关键词 亚洲金融危机 索罗斯 韩国 泰国 东南亚 中国外资 去生机 金融风暴 韩元 投机商
作者 肖武 《出版参考》 2003年第15期13-13,共1页
(情场相对于官场、市场而言。情场活动追求人性的升华的意义和价值。与官场、市场一样,情场也相应有情场社会、情场文化、情场人格) 科学崇尚客观、绝对、分析、进步,用普通语言翻译一下,客观失去自我,有失去人味之嫌;绝对失去变化,有... (情场相对于官场、市场而言。情场活动追求人性的升华的意义和价值。与官场、市场一样,情场也相应有情场社会、情场文化、情场人格) 科学崇尚客观、绝对、分析、进步,用普通语言翻译一下,客观失去自我,有失去人味之嫌;绝对失去变化,有丧失希望之虞;分析失去整体,有失去生机之忧; 展开更多
关键词 科学主义 陷阱 语言翻译 去生机 意义和价值 失去自我 人的生命 人生需要 概率曲线 生命主体
作者 肖四新 《法国研究》 1997年第1期101-109,共9页
关键词 主体性 自然规律 罗曼·罗兰 生命力 主体意识 个体生命 统治者 去生机 完美人格 人的尊严
作者 爱山 《农村发展论丛》 1998年第4期24-24,共1页
治疗果树外伤方法有六种爱山人畜破坏、机械损伤、冻害、风害、日灼、雹灾等,往往会引起果树体外的创伤。一、切除。受伤的枝条招致病害,必须切除。方法是短截或疏除,注意剪口要平滑,切面大时应涂蜡或其它伤口保护剂,以防失水和病... 治疗果树外伤方法有六种爱山人畜破坏、机械损伤、冻害、风害、日灼、雹灾等,往往会引起果树体外的创伤。一、切除。受伤的枝条招致病害,必须切除。方法是短截或疏除,注意剪口要平滑,切面大时应涂蜡或其它伤口保护剂,以防失水和病菌侵入。二、刮除。成年的树干基部或... 展开更多
关键词 伤口保护剂 果树 外伤 病虫害 萌蘖枝 伤口感染 配制方法 机械损伤 去生机 输导管
Treated results study on organic substance and ammonia from coke plant wastewater by SBR method in different operating mode and aeration time conditions 被引量:2
作者 程建光 陈平 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2006年第1期43-48,共6页
In this paper, a research was made on the treatment of distillation ammonia wastewater from Tai'an Coke-Plant by SBR(sequencing batch reactors). The feasibility and cost effectiveness was tested. Performance of SB... In this paper, a research was made on the treatment of distillation ammonia wastewater from Tai'an Coke-Plant by SBR(sequencing batch reactors). The feasibility and cost effectiveness was tested. Performance of SBR process treating organic substance and ammonia was presented for different operating pattern and aeration time. The mechanism of the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification from coke plant were analysed on SBR process. 展开更多
关键词 SBR method coke-plant wastewater organic degradation biological nitrogen removal
作者 赵永碧 《生活与健康》 2000年第3期29-29,共1页
“晓庄初过, 沈擅轻注些个, 向人微露于香颗。 一曲清歌, 暂引樱桃破。”这是唐后主李煜描写歌女描唇时的词作《一斛珠》。的确,一个美丽而描得恰当的红唇多么令人可爱。然而,要真正达到这种境界也非易事,你不妨从以下几方面努力:
关键词 脾胃功能 去生机 玫瑰花瓣 上口罩 脾开窍 不良习惯 绿叶蔬菜 精辟论述 秋冬季节 线条画
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