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水脱盐用电容去离子化炭材料研究进展 被引量:1
作者 稻垣道夫 黄正宏 《新型炭材料(中英文)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期405-437,共33页
本文综述了炭材料用于水脱盐的电容去离子化(CDI)电极的研究进展。首先,基于盐吸附容量(SAC)、吸附速率(SAR)和电荷效率(CE)比较了各种类型的CDI反应池,包括流动型(FB)、膜型(M)、流经电极型(FTE)以及流动电极(FE)型反应池。进而,基于... 本文综述了炭材料用于水脱盐的电容去离子化(CDI)电极的研究进展。首先,基于盐吸附容量(SAC)、吸附速率(SAR)和电荷效率(CE)比较了各种类型的CDI反应池,包括流动型(FB)、膜型(M)、流经电极型(FTE)以及流动电极(FE)型反应池。进而,基于电容和电池两种类型重点讨论了炭电极材料的研究进展。研究表明,具有短路运行模式的流动电极(FE)反应池可望用于实际应用以解决未来日益增长的缺水需求。 展开更多
关键词 炭材料 电容去离子化 水脱盐 电容型 电池型
电容去离子化去除地下水中镉的影响因素 被引量:1
作者 董军 李文德 +2 位作者 陈建隆 吴玥 鹿豪杰 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1129-1136,共8页
以高比表面积活性炭作为吸附剂制备电容电极,研究电容去离子化(CDI)对地下水中镉的吸附性能。分别探讨了镉初始质量浓度、体系供电电压、地下水中常见阳离子种类对CDI去除镉的影响。结果表明,CDI吸附镉符合准二级吸附动力学、满足Langm... 以高比表面积活性炭作为吸附剂制备电容电极,研究电容去离子化(CDI)对地下水中镉的吸附性能。分别探讨了镉初始质量浓度、体系供电电压、地下水中常见阳离子种类对CDI去除镉的影响。结果表明,CDI吸附镉符合准二级吸附动力学、满足Langmuir等温吸附方程,CDI对镉的吸附为单分子层吸附。吸附量随镉初始质量浓度的升高而增加;在低质量浓度时,较高的供电电压会提高初始阶段的吸附速率,但对电极的最终吸附量无显著影响;地下水中主要阳离子的存在增加了体系的电导率,从而促进了CDI对镉的吸附,提高了镉的吸附速率和去除率。 展开更多
关键词 活性炭 电容去离子化 吸附
作者 王杰 熊其平 《内燃机与配件》 2024年第19期108-110,共3页
采用电化学机械研磨技术及钢瓶自转和公转的研磨方式,然后通过内部抛丸除锈、高压水清洗、内壁研磨、第三次清洗、去离子化处理和高度真空及置换等主要关键工序,研制出容积为30~50L、达到气瓶内壁Ra≤0.3μm的Rmax1S标准的充装7N高纯电... 采用电化学机械研磨技术及钢瓶自转和公转的研磨方式,然后通过内部抛丸除锈、高压水清洗、内壁研磨、第三次清洗、去离子化处理和高度真空及置换等主要关键工序,研制出容积为30~50L、达到气瓶内壁Ra≤0.3μm的Rmax1S标准的充装7N高纯电子气体的高洁净研磨气瓶,并且处理后的水份含量小于0.5PPM,油分含量小于25mg/m^(2),钢瓶内壁研磨均匀,研磨周期短。 展开更多
关键词 研磨 抛丸 去离子化
石墨烯气凝胶/MnO2复合材料强化电容去离子性能研究 被引量:2
作者 韩登程 孙雪菲 王曙光 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期69-72,共4页
选用石墨烯气凝胶(GA)作为载体,负载MnO2纳米颗粒,构建新型石墨烯气凝胶-MnO2复合材料(MnGA),并制备电容电极,研究复合材料的电容去离子性能。结果表明,MnO2在石墨烯片层上可形成一维线状结构,减弱石墨烯片层间的堆叠效应,提升材料电容... 选用石墨烯气凝胶(GA)作为载体,负载MnO2纳米颗粒,构建新型石墨烯气凝胶-MnO2复合材料(MnGA),并制备电容电极,研究复合材料的电容去离子性能。结果表明,MnO2在石墨烯片层上可形成一维线状结构,减弱石墨烯片层间的堆叠效应,提升材料电容,从而提高了电极的脱盐性能,最大电容脱盐量达到25.78 mg/g;NaCl溶液的初始浓度、供电电压和进水流速均会对电容脱盐量产生影响。 展开更多
关键词 电容去离子化 MNO2 石墨烯气凝胶 复合材料
《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期366-366,共1页
根据《化学工程》最近报道,美国Exergy工艺公司将一种供工业和高科技方面使用的、称为“EthorCel”的去离子(DI)水的水处理循环技术进行了商业化。该公司称,EthorCel技术的成本不到离子交换法、反渗透法等常规处理方法的1/3。Ethor... 根据《化学工程》最近报道,美国Exergy工艺公司将一种供工业和高科技方面使用的、称为“EthorCel”的去离子(DI)水的水处理循环技术进行了商业化。该公司称,EthorCel技术的成本不到离子交换法、反渗透法等常规处理方法的1/3。EthorCel系统是以电去离子化原理为基础,由1个电渗析槽和1个装有混床离子交换树脂的隔膜仓所组成。原料水于常温下、用泵以275.6-413.4kPa压力送到隔膜仓的中部。该系统单程操作就可以将99%的总溶解固体物(TDS)除掉。用EthorCel工艺生产的水质与原料水中总溶解固体物的浓度有关,例如, 展开更多
关键词 去离子化 水处理 技术 循环 美国 开发 离子交换树脂 工艺生产 离子交换法 化学工程
200 Mvar集装箱式静止同步补偿器水冷系统设计 被引量:4
作者 刘洋 《广东电力》 2015年第11期74-78,共5页
静止同步补偿器(static synchronous compensator,STATCOM)的核心换流器件在工作中会散发大量热量,需要配备专用的冷却系统。对此,基于南方电网4套百兆乏级链式STATCOM的科技创新和工程实践,介绍了集装箱式STATCOM专用水冷系统的总体设... 静止同步补偿器(static synchronous compensator,STATCOM)的核心换流器件在工作中会散发大量热量,需要配备专用的冷却系统。对此,基于南方电网4套百兆乏级链式STATCOM的科技创新和工程实践,介绍了集装箱式STATCOM专用水冷系统的总体设计。利用电动三通阀和变频风机的有机结合,提升了水冷系统温度控制的灵活性;采用去离子化,实现了低电导率水与高压元件的直接热交换;通过智能控制系统,完成了水冷系统运行状态的实时监控。 展开更多
关键词 静止同步补偿器 水冷系统 温度控制 去离子化 监控系统
孔有效利用的活性炭基非对称电极膜/电容脱盐系统(英文) 被引量:1
作者 Jiyoung Kim Dong-Hyun Peck +2 位作者 Byungrok Lee Seong-Ho Yoon Doo-Hwan Jung 《新型炭材料》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期378-385,共8页
采用活性炭纤维为原料制备出膜/电容脱盐系统,提纯含氯化钠的水。OG系列活性炭纤维作为电极的活性材料,其比表面积和孔分布不同而呈现不同的活化程度。将这些材料用于膜/电容脱盐系统,评价了他们对钠离子或氯离子的脱盐性能。膜/电容实... 采用活性炭纤维为原料制备出膜/电容脱盐系统,提纯含氯化钠的水。OG系列活性炭纤维作为电极的活性材料,其比表面积和孔分布不同而呈现不同的活化程度。将这些材料用于膜/电容脱盐系统,评价了他们对钠离子或氯离子的脱盐性能。膜/电容实验在不同操作电位窗口、含盐溶液的进料速率和浓度下进行。OG系列活性炭纤维对每种离子的脱盐效率和电吸附量来评价膜/电容性能。结果表明,BET比表面积是确保高性能的必要因素。另外,炭材料最上端的浅孔有助于活性炭纤维比表面积的充分利用。OG7A样品的孔结构适合于钠离子吸附,OG10A和OG15A适于大量孔吸附氯离子。因此,非对称电极排列施加于吸附离子的尺寸,应考虑炭材料比表面积和孔面积的有效利用,以得到高性能的膜/电容脱盐系统。 展开更多
关键词 电容去离子化 活性炭纤维 孔尺寸 离子和钠离子 非对称电极
外照射剂量学 被引量:1
作者 刘华江 刘玉龙 《辐射防护通讯》 2018年第5期39-41,共3页
关键词 剂量学 外照射 亚原子粒子 放射性衰变 电离辐射 电磁波谱 去离子化 高速运动
Ternary Ag/AgCl/BiOIO_3 composites for enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalysis 被引量:13
作者 熊婷 张会均 +1 位作者 张育新 董帆 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期2155-2163,共9页
Ternary Ag/AgC l/BiO IO3 composite photocatalysts are prepared by a facile method. Enhanced visible-light absorption and charge carrier separation are achieved after the introduction of Ag/AgC l particles into BiO IO3... Ternary Ag/AgC l/BiO IO3 composite photocatalysts are prepared by a facile method. Enhanced visible-light absorption and charge carrier separation are achieved after the introduction of Ag/AgC l particles into BiO IO3 systems,as revealed by ultraviolet-visible diffuse-reflectance spectrometry,photocurrent response and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The Ag/AgC l/BiO IO3 composites are applied to the visible-light photocatalytic oxidization of NO in air and exhibit an enhanced activity for NO removal in comparison with Ag/AgC l and pure BiO IO3. A possible photocatalytic mechanism for Ag/AgC l/BiO IO3 is proposed,which is related to the surface plasmon resonance effects of Ag metal and the effective carrier separation ability of BiO IO3. This work provides insight into the design and preparation of BiO IO3-based materials with enhanced visible-light photocatalysis ability. 展开更多
关键词 Ag/AgCl/BiOIO3 Ternary composite Visible-light photocatalysis Nitrogen oxide removal Charge seperation
4 - 16 Dissociative Recombination of Imidogen Radical Ions
作者 Yang Bian Novotny Oldnich KrantzClaude BuhrHenrik MendesMario Nordhorn Christian Geppert Dietrich Wolf Berg Max BingDennis Domesle Christian Grussie Florian Savin Wolf Daniel Schwalm Dirk CaiXiaohong Wolf Andreas 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2012年第1期215-216,共2页
关键词 离子体环境 自由基 重组 解离 关键工序 分子离子 去离子化 化学组成
Role of Low-Molecule-Weight Organic Acids and Their Salts in Regulating Soil pH 被引量:6
作者 LI Zhi-An ZOU Bi XIA Han-Ping DING Yong-Zhen TAN Wan-Neng FU Sheng-Lei 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期137-148,共12页
The process of organic materials increasing soil pH has not yet been fully understood. This study examined the role of cations and organic anions in regulating soil pH using organic compounds. Calcareous soil, acid so... The process of organic materials increasing soil pH has not yet been fully understood. This study examined the role of cations and organic anions in regulating soil pH using organic compounds. Calcareous soil, acid soil, and paddy soil were incubated with different simple organic compounds, pH was determined periodically and CO2 emission was also measured. Mixing organic acids with the soil caused an instant decrease of soil pH. The magnitude of pH decrease depended on the initial soil acidity and dissociation degree of the acids. Decomposition of organic acids could only recover the soil pH to about its original level. Mixing organic salts with soil caused an instant increase of soil pH. Decomposition of organic salts of sodium resulted in a steady increase of soil pH, with final soil pH being about 2.7-3.2 pH units over the control. Organic salts with the same anions (citrate) but different cations led to different magnitudes of pH increase, while those having the same cations but different anions led to very similar pH increases. Organic salts of sodium and sodium carbonate caused very similar pH increases of soil when they were added to the acid soil at equimolar concentrations of Na^+. The results suggested that cations played a central role in regulating soil pH. Decarboxylation might only consume a limited number of protons. Conversion of organic salts into inorganic salts (carbonate) was possibly responsible for pH increase during their decomposition, suggesting that only those plant residues containing high excess base cations could actually increase soil pH. 展开更多
关键词 acid soil CATION DECARBOXYLATION organic compounds soil acidity
Theoretical study of stability of metal-N_4 macrocyclic compounds in acidic media 被引量:1
作者 陈永婷 华星 陈胜利 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1166-1171,共6页
Fe and Co porphyrins and phthalocyanines are excellent catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and are promising alternatives to Pt in fuel cells. However, the stability of these molecular catalysts in aci... Fe and Co porphyrins and phthalocyanines are excellent catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and are promising alternatives to Pt in fuel cells. However, the stability of these molecular catalysts in acidic media is poor. This study explores whether demetalation through proton ex- change causes these metal macrocyclic catalysts to be unstable in acidic media. We first present a theoretical scheme for investigating exchange reactions of metal ions in metal macrocyclic com- pounds with protons in acidic media. The equilibrium concentrations of metal ions in solution when various metalloporphyrins (MPs) and metallophthalocyanines (MPcs) are brought into contact with a strongly acidic solution (pH = 1) were then estimated using density functional theory calculations; these values were used to evaluate the stability of these metal macrocyclic compounds against demetalation in acidic media, The results show that Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu phthalocyanines and porphy- rins have considerable resistance to exchange with protons, whereas Cr, Mn, and Zn phthalocya- nines and porphyrins easily undergo demetalation through ion exchange with protons, This sug- gests that the degradation in the ORR activity of Fe and Co macrocyclic molecular catalysts and of carbon materials doped with Fe(Co) and nitrogen, which are believed to have metal-nitrogen coor- dination structures similar to those of macrocyclic molecules as ORR catalytic centers, is not the result of replacement of metal ions by protons. The calculation results show that electron-donating substituents could enhance the stability of Fe and Co phthalocyanines. 展开更多
关键词 MetalloporphyrinMetallophthalocyanineDe-metalationMetal ion-proton exchangeDFT calculationSubstituent group
Comparative study on simultaneous removal of calcium and sulfate ions from flotation recycling water by aluminum hydroxide 被引量:2
作者 Ángel Daniel GUERRERO-FLORES Martha Araceli ELIZONDO-ÁLVAREZ +1 位作者 JoséManuel FLORES-ÁLVAREZ Alejandro URIBE-SALAS 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第7期2379-2390,共12页
Due to the environmental policies and economic reasons,the water used in some flotation operations of complex sulfide ores is recirculated,causing the ion concentration of some species to increase over time,affecting ... Due to the environmental policies and economic reasons,the water used in some flotation operations of complex sulfide ores is recirculated,causing the ion concentration of some species to increase over time,affecting the flotation of the minerals of interest.In this work,an experimental and thermodynamic analysis of the synthetic solutions was presented with a high content of calcium and sulfate ions.The study focused on evaluating the use of two aluminum compounds for the precipitation of Ca^(2+)and SO_(4)^(2−)in the form of ettringite.The amorphous aluminum hydroxide was found to be more efficient than the crystalline one,giving rise to 83%calcium and 91%sulfate removal.The XRD analysis of the solids showed the main reaction product of ettringite,accompanied by small amounts of calcite,due to the absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide.The final solution after the chemical treatment showed residual calcium and sulfate concentrations below 200 mg/L.Finally,the kinetics of calcium removal appeared to correspond to a second order reaction with respect to calcium concentration,with an apparent activation energy of 53.48 kJ/mol,which may suggest that the ettringite precipitation process is governed by the chemical reaction. 展开更多
关键词 ETTRINGITE ion removal aluminum hydroxide CALCIUM SULFATE
Acid Release from an Acid Sulfate Soil Sample Under Successive Extractions with Different Extractants 被引量:5
作者 C.LIN M.M.ISLAM 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第3期221-228,共8页
An acid sulfate soil sample was successively extracted with deionized water, 1 mol L-1 KCl and 0.000 5 mol L-l Ca(OH)2 solutions. The results showed that only very small amounts of acidity were extracted by deionized ... An acid sulfate soil sample was successively extracted with deionized water, 1 mol L-1 KCl and 0.000 5 mol L-l Ca(OH)2 solutions. The results showed that only very small amounts of acidity were extracted by deionized water, possibly through slow jarosite hydrolysis. Acid release through jarosite hydrolysis was greatly enhanced by Ca(OH)2 extraction at the expense of the added OH- being neutralized by the acid released. Successive extraction of the sample with KCl removed the largest amounts of acidity from the sample. However, it is likely that the major form of acidity released by KCl extraction was exchangeable acidity. The results also show the occurrence of low or non charged Al and Fe species in water and Ca(OH)2 extracts after first a few extractions. It appears that such a phenomenon was related to a decreasing EC value with increasing number of extractions. 展开更多
关键词 acid release acid sulfate soil successive extractio`
Antiphotooxidative Effect of Ascorbic Acid Microemulsion in Virgin Coconut Oil
作者 Ambar Rukmini Sri Raharjo +1 位作者 Pudji Hastuti Supriyadi 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第4期206-212,共7页
This study was intended to determine the effectiveness of ascorbic acid microemulsion for inhibiting photooxidation of virgin coconut oil (VCO). The ascorbic acid microemulsion was prepared by mixing ascorbic acid, ... This study was intended to determine the effectiveness of ascorbic acid microemulsion for inhibiting photooxidation of virgin coconut oil (VCO). The ascorbic acid microemulsion was prepared by mixing ascorbic acid, deionized water, surfactant mixture, and VCO as continuous phase. Ascorbic acid microemulsion at 50, 100, 150, 200, or 250 ppm was dispersed into VCO. The same level of ascorbyl palmitate, TBHQ (tertiary butylhydroquinone), and BHA (butylated hidroxyanisole) were added into VCO and used for comparison. All of these samples were subsequently subjected to photooxidation under fluorescent light exposure (4,000 lux) for up to 8 hours at room temperature (30 ~ 1 ~C). Peroxide values and p-anisidine values of photooxidized samples were measured at 1 hour interval. The result indicated that at the level of 250 ppm, ascorbic acid which was included into the microemulsion system effectively inhibited photooxidation of VCO in comparison with the other antioxidants. This study confirmed that a highly hydrophilic singlet oxygen quencher (SOQ) such as ascorbic acid can be successfully incorporated into the microemulsion system and the addition of ascorbic acid microemulsion effectively inhibited photooxidation of VCO during storage under fluorescent light. 展开更多
关键词 Ascorbic acid MICROEMULSION PHOTOOXIDATION virgin coconut oil singlet oxygen quencher.
Removal atrazine using two anion-exchange resins supported nanohydrous metal-oxide particle
作者 Dongmei Jia Aimin Li +2 位作者 Changhai Li Guoxia Liu Yuejin Li 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期180-186,共7页
Hydrous iron oxide and hydrous aluminum oxide were loaded successfully onto a polymeric adsorbent(D301) to modify adsorbing materials(HIOD301 and HAOD301). The adsorptive equilibrium of atrazine was investigated in an... Hydrous iron oxide and hydrous aluminum oxide were loaded successfully onto a polymeric adsorbent(D301) to modify adsorbing materials(HIOD301 and HAOD301). The adsorptive equilibrium of atrazine was investigated in an aquatic environment using HIOD301 and HAOD301 under different experimental conditions. The results indicated that both HIOD301 and HAOD301 showed good adsorption capacities for atrazine at p H 4. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations were used to study the interactions between the adsorbate and adsorbent.The adsorption kinetics of atrazine at different concentrations was well described in terms of a pseudosecond-order equation in regard to the correlation coefficients and adsorption capacity. The removal percentages of atrazine for HIOD301 and HAOD301 were still more than 95% in the presence of sodium chloride. 展开更多
关键词 Atrazine Adsorption Isotherm KineticsSolubility
用电再生型去离子设备生产纯水Koizumi Motomu等(Kurita Water Industties,Ltd., Japan )
《水处理信息报导》 2005年第2期43-43,共1页
关键词 纯水 用电再生型去离子设备 去离子化 电极
作者 Hosoi,Tatsuya 《水处理信息报导》 2003年第3期38-39,共2页
关键词 离子交换树脂 六价铬 废水处理 去离子化
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel HDAC inhibitors: sulphur-containing zinc binding groups 被引量:2
作者 Wenwen Cheng Dongmei Zhang +2 位作者 Qiang Zheng Zhongjun Li Xiangbao Meng 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2019年第6期408-421,共14页
Zinc binding group(ZBG)is the crucial moiety in the chemical structure of any HDAC inhibitor.In the present study,a series of sulphur-containing ZBG were designed and synthesized in the novel HDAC inhibitors to replac... Zinc binding group(ZBG)is the crucial moiety in the chemical structure of any HDAC inhibitor.In the present study,a series of sulphur-containing ZBG were designed and synthesized in the novel HDAC inhibitors to replace the classical ZBGs of SAHA and BML-210,hydroxamic acids and benzamides,respectively.The HDAC inhibitory activity and the structure-activity relationships of these molecules were analyzed.A sulphur-rich group,diethylcarbamo(dithioperoxo)thioate,was finally identified as a novel potent ZBG.Among all the synthesized compounds,4 d was much more potent compared with BML-210,and it showed similar inhibitory effect of SAHA against HDAC isoforms 1 and 2.Therefore,it was chosen as a lead compound. 展开更多
关键词 Histone deacetylase inhibitor Zinc binding group ANTICANCER
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