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作者 冯兰芳 卢讯文 +3 位作者 钟巍 张东胜 邱梓瑜 孔宇荣 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期995-1000,共6页
目的:探讨参与式人体工效学干预方案对腰背损伤患者复工意愿的影响。方法:将符合标准的64例腰背损伤患者,随机分成对照组(33例)和试验组(31例)。对照组给予常规职业康复训练,试验组给予常规职业康复训练+参与式人体工效学干预,分别在干... 目的:探讨参与式人体工效学干预方案对腰背损伤患者复工意愿的影响。方法:将符合标准的64例腰背损伤患者,随机分成对照组(33例)和试验组(31例)。对照组给予常规职业康复训练,试验组给予常规职业康复训练+参与式人体工效学干预,分别在干预前和干预4周后对两组患者进行腰背功能评估(SFS)、就业意愿评估(LASER)、恐惧-回避信念评估(FABQ)。结果:干预前,两组患者在各项指标上没有明显差异(P>0.05)。干预4周后,两组患者在腰背功能自评、就业意愿评估上都有明显改善(P<0.05),且试验组的评价指标显著优于对照组(P<0.05)。试验组恐惧-回避信念明显下降(P<0.05),对照组下降不明显(P>0.05)。结论:参与式人体工效学干预结合可提高腰背痛患者对腰背功能的自我感知、降低恐惧-回避信念,提高就业意愿。 展开更多
关键词 参与式人体工效 就业意愿 腰背损伤 复工
作者 姜磊 胡爱旌 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第7期72-77,共6页
为实现全面依法治国的建设目标,培养高水平的卓越法治人才势在必行。民族院校法学专业作为推进民族区域自治地方法治建设的重要人才培养基地,更应重视法学生在理论知识转化与应用实践技能方面的提升。目前,民族院校法学本科毕业实习面... 为实现全面依法治国的建设目标,培养高水平的卓越法治人才势在必行。民族院校法学专业作为推进民族区域自治地方法治建设的重要人才培养基地,更应重视法学生在理论知识转化与应用实践技能方面的提升。目前,民族院校法学本科毕业实习面临重视程度、管理监督、双师制度建设等多方面挑战,导致部分学生毕业实习形式化,难以实现毕业实习的教学目标。因此,应以现实需求和问题为导向,运用“参与式教与学”培养模式,依托各民族院校现有毕业实习方案,转变教育教学理念,重视实习基地建设,加强学生实习过程质控,健全双导师制度建设,以全面推进法学专业毕业实习高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 本科 毕业实习 制度建设 参与式教与
作者 闫晓莹 刘保庵 尹青青 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2024年第15期146-151,共6页
基于广州和深圳两市447份亲子家庭问卷数据,构建中介效应模型并予以验证,结果显示:CSA课程需求、社交需求均正向影响CSA产品消费意愿。进一步分析表明:亲子研学活动参与意愿在CSA课程需求及社交需求对CSA产品消费意愿的影响机制中均起... 基于广州和深圳两市447份亲子家庭问卷数据,构建中介效应模型并予以验证,结果显示:CSA课程需求、社交需求均正向影响CSA产品消费意愿。进一步分析表明:亲子研学活动参与意愿在CSA课程需求及社交需求对CSA产品消费意愿的影响机制中均起部分中介作用。兼顾CSA课程需求、社交需求的农场亲子研学活动可成为连接CSA城乡交流、提升CSA产品消费意愿的有效载体。 展开更多
关键词 社区支持农业 CSA课程需求 社交需求 亲子研活动参与意愿 消费意愿
作者 冯慧凝 《艺术探索》 2003年第5期42-43,共2页
本文以音乐教学改革为背景,以音乐课堂教学为切入点,针对传统课堂的优势与缺陷,以教师为中心的音乐课堂与以学生为中心的音乐课堂存在的差距与及时过渡的难度以及音乐课堂教学改革的趋势等问题,提出音乐教学中“参与‘教’‘学’”理念... 本文以音乐教学改革为背景,以音乐课堂教学为切入点,针对传统课堂的优势与缺陷,以教师为中心的音乐课堂与以学生为中心的音乐课堂存在的差距与及时过渡的难度以及音乐课堂教学改革的趋势等问题,提出音乐教学中“参与‘教’‘学’”理念,阐述了参与“教”“学”的所指、潜在优势、参与“教”“学”的关系以及内容特点和实施方案。强调师生的参与意识,重组各角色的职能,以求最大限度发挥自身的潜力,培养操作与思维能力。 展开更多
关键词 音乐教 参与"教""" 参与 参与学
作者 宋庆永 王春凤 《新丝路》 2020年第6期75-76,共2页
关键词 应用型本科 语文 “全员参与、以赛促”教模式 改革
高职酒店管理专业“工学交替及双向参与”模式下实践教学的构建与实施 被引量:6
作者 彭蝶飞 伍海琳 +1 位作者 杨建安 童成意 《湖南科技学院学报》 2010年第2期114-118,共5页
酒店管理专业实践教学是培养学生职业能力的根本保证,也是学生就业和职业拓展的必要手段。在校企共建实习教学基地的有利条件下,构建工学交替及双向参与的模式,坚持以学生为中心、学校为主导、企业为主体,从立足职业岗位需要、严把实践... 酒店管理专业实践教学是培养学生职业能力的根本保证,也是学生就业和职业拓展的必要手段。在校企共建实习教学基地的有利条件下,构建工学交替及双向参与的模式,坚持以学生为中心、学校为主导、企业为主体,从立足职业岗位需要、严把实践关键环节、严格组织实施、突出职业能力培养及对接职业考核标准等入手,通过构建四层四步递进式的实践训练体系、规范实习教学流程、加强实习过程管理、强化专业实习指导及实施全程考核评价等措施,有利于建立互利互惠、优势互补、共同发展的学校、酒店、学生三赢的驱动机制。 展开更多
关键词 交替及双向参与 酒店管理 实践教 构建与实施
“三全育人”视域下法学教育课程思政的实现路径探析 被引量:1
作者 姜磊 杨艳楠 《集宁师范学院学报》 2023年第6期36-40,共5页
法学专业学生相较于其他专业学生而言,对法治与德治的认识更为深刻,培育德才兼备的法治人才对于全面依法治国的实现具有关键作用。“三全育人”视域下的课程思政,要求将思想政治工作贯穿法学理论与法学实践教育教学,实现全员、全过程、... 法学专业学生相较于其他专业学生而言,对法治与德治的认识更为深刻,培育德才兼备的法治人才对于全面依法治国的实现具有关键作用。“三全育人”视域下的课程思政,要求将思想政治工作贯穿法学理论与法学实践教育教学,实现全员、全过程、全方位育人。 展开更多
关键词 三全育人 课程思政 教育 参与式教与 习近平法治思想
作者 蔡启明 陈建伟 《南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 1999年第4期57-61,共5页
关键词 推广工效 营销工 参与式工效 从业者专家法 从业者中介法 从业者授权法
作者 姜磊 《河北法律职业教育》 2024年第2期48-52,共5页
《劳动与社会保障法》作为法学专业的核心课程之一,其课程思政目标的实现度对德法兼修法治人才培养意义重大。基于《劳动与社会保障法》课程思政建设的必要性,需要对《劳动与社会保障法》课程思政的教学现状进行检视,秉持因材施教等方法... 《劳动与社会保障法》作为法学专业的核心课程之一,其课程思政目标的实现度对德法兼修法治人才培养意义重大。基于《劳动与社会保障法》课程思政建设的必要性,需要对《劳动与社会保障法》课程思政的教学现状进行检视,秉持因材施教等方法,切实实现《劳动与社会保障法》育人和育才相统一的课程思政目标。 展开更多
关键词 参与式教与 劳动与社会保障法 改革
作者 李红梅 《新教育时代电子杂志(学生版)》 2019年第43期137-137,共1页
关键词 自主 习习惯 领着 参与学 看着
新课标下以三参四导为教学手段的课堂教学新模式探索——以高中化学课堂教学为例 被引量:7
作者 喻琳 《中国教育技术装备》 2015年第19期127-128,共2页
关键词 “三段参与 四环导”模式 高中化 模式
作者 解学良 邴启星 《饮食科学》 2017年第6X期167-168,共2页
关键词 中职数问题导向参与
参与式工效学在职业健康安全管理中的应用 被引量:5
作者 李伟 张俊权 +1 位作者 孙静 王生 《中国工业医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第5期393-395,共3页
工效学的目的是使人工作得更有效、更安全、更舒适。参与式工效学(participatory ergonomics,PE)是西方国家近年来发展起来的工作场所工效学干预模式,指包括工效学专家、管理层及基层员工参与工作场所工效学分析及解决方案的一系列方... 工效学的目的是使人工作得更有效、更安全、更舒适。参与式工效学(participatory ergonomics,PE)是西方国家近年来发展起来的工作场所工效学干预模式,指包括工效学专家、管理层及基层员工参与工作场所工效学分析及解决方案的一系列方法和技术[1]。参与式工效学一般包括五方面内容,即现场范围、分析深度、持续时间、参与人员多样性以及信息支持系统[2]。 展开更多
关键词 参与式工效 职业健康安全管理 企业
参与式工效学在预防工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患中的应用 被引量:3
作者 郭孟杰 刘剑君 么鸿雁 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1159-1163,共5页
工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患是一种慢性非致死性疾病,是职业人群常见的健康问题,尤其在劳动密集型行业。在国外,参与式工效学已广泛应用于工作场所中肌肉骨骼疾患的预防。本文依据参与式工效学的组织、实施及其影响因素和特点,介绍参与式... 工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患是一种慢性非致死性疾病,是职业人群常见的健康问题,尤其在劳动密集型行业。在国外,参与式工效学已广泛应用于工作场所中肌肉骨骼疾患的预防。本文依据参与式工效学的组织、实施及其影响因素和特点,介绍参与式工效学在预防肌肉骨骼疾患中的应用。参与式工效学方式可帮助工人识别作业过程中的危险因素并制定相应的干预方案。企业可通过开展参与式工效学项目改善工作条件、减少肌肉骨骼疾患相关危险因素的暴露及预防相关疾患的发生,以促进职工健康。 展开更多
关键词 参与式工效 肌肉骨骼疾患 干预
Efficient School Health Services and Sport Participation Among Nigerian Universities Undergraduates 被引量:1
作者 Patience Edoho Samson-Akpan Lucas Olusegun Ogunjimi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第6期694-700,共7页
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to ascertain the relationship between efficient medical services and Nigerian undergraduates' participation in sports. Methods and Materials: A randomly sampled population of 2... Purpose: The purpose of the study was to ascertain the relationship between efficient medical services and Nigerian undergraduates' participation in sports. Methods and Materials: A randomly sampled population of 280 students and 12 managerial staff of sport and medical units participated in the descriptive study. Responses to a validated questionnaire provided the source of data. A test-retest reliability coefficient (r) = 0.80. Data were analyzed with simple percentages and Chi-square at 〈 0.05 alpha level. Results: All the respondents in medical centre and sport unit oriented the students on the available medical services and facilities on campus: availability of first aid services, treatment services for complicated injuries (inpatient), referral services for specialized care, financial support during hospitalization. Complementary results from the students showed that the majority of the respondents (50%) strongly agreed that medical centre was available in the Campus, and 36% strongly affirmed to availability of first aid services. Thirty four percent of the respondents strongly agreed to the availability of treatment services, while 40% of the respondent agreed to the availability of free medical services. The study revealed that there was a significant relationship between efficient medical services and students' participation in sports. Conclusion: All medical services were available but students perceive the services as inefficient which implies poor or non utilization. 展开更多
关键词 Efficient medical services PARTICIPATION SPORTS Nigerian undergraduate students
Understanding Chinese international college and university students' physical activity behavior 被引量:1
作者 Zi Yan Bradley J.Cardinal Alan C.Acock 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期203-210,共8页
Objective: To examine factors of the youth physical activity promotion (YPAP) model that are associated with Chinese international students' meeting PA recommendations (MPAR). Methods: A total of 649 (females ... Objective: To examine factors of the youth physical activity promotion (YPAP) model that are associated with Chinese international students' meeting PA recommendations (MPAR). Methods: A total of 649 (females = 320, males = 329) Chinese international college students participated in the study. This study was conducted in the United States (US.) between June and August in 2011. Participants completed an online survey regarding their demographic, PA, predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors. Results: Logistic nested-regression analysis suggested that being male, having a higher body mass index, perceived competence, self-efficacy, attitude, and enjoyment all increased (p 〈 0.001) the participants' odds of MPAR. Except language barriers, all of the enabling and reinforcing factors predicted MPAR indirectly through the predisposing factors (p 〈 0.001). Conclusion: Understanding factors that influence PA among Chinese international students is an important step in the process of promoting their long-term health and wellbeing. Designing program that address the identified key factors may help colleges and universities achieve this goal. 展开更多
关键词 Health behavior Health promotion Higher education Youth physical activity promotion model
A Different Kind of Tension:Foreign Language Anxiety From a Positive Psychology Perspective 被引量:2
作者 Aya HAYASAKI Stephen RYAN 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第1期17-31,150,共16页
This study investigates anxiety in foreign language learning from a positive psychology perspective,and in doing so,it considers some of the ways in which anxiety can interact with other aspects of language learner ps... This study investigates anxiety in foreign language learning from a positive psychology perspective,and in doing so,it considers some of the ways in which anxiety can interact with other aspects of language learner psychology to contribute to improved learning outcomes and improved learner well-being.The paper reports on a small-scale mixed-method study of English learners at a university in northern Japan.It shows how for many learners some of the most anxiety-provoking episodes were also the most rewarding and enjoyable,suggesting a need to reconsider simplistic accounts that present anxiety as an impediment to successful language learning.This is done by shifting to a positive psychology perspective.The paper concludes with a tentative model of how anxiety,when reframed as tension,can function as a core component of a more productive language learning experience. 展开更多
关键词 ANXIETY ENGAGEMENT ENJOYMENT positive psychology RELATIONSHIPS social comparisons tension
On the Importance of the American Black Fraternity and Its Enlightenment for the Fellow Townsmen Association in Chinese Universities
作者 LI Rui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第4期308-314,共7页
This paper first analyzes the benefits offered by the American Black Fraternities to the black college students in terms of improving academic achievement, cultivating leadership abilities, and enhancing social involv... This paper first analyzes the benefits offered by the American Black Fraternities to the black college students in terms of improving academic achievement, cultivating leadership abilities, and enhancing social involvement on campus. Based on the successful experience of the American Black Fraternities, this paper further explores solutions to the serious problems existing in the Fellow Townsmen Association in Chinese universities to make it the same valuable asset for the development of the members' personality and comprehensive quality. The Association should be leveled up to an official student society to solve many of its managerial problems, and set a group goal to direct its members to the right track of serious study and completely transform the form and the content of its activities to improve the social skills of its members. 展开更多
关键词 Black Fraternity Fellow Townsmen Association SOCIALIZATION academic achievement LEADERSHIP campus engagement
Ethnography of Catholic Youth Group: Dialogues and Experiences of Faith
作者 Flavio Munhoz Sofiati 《Sociology Study》 2014年第2期103-116,共14页
This work analyzes the discourse and the practice of the youth from the Catholic Church (CC) in order to present experiences and dialogues present in contemporary Catholicism. The purpose of this paper is to analyze... This work analyzes the discourse and the practice of the youth from the Catholic Church (CC) in order to present experiences and dialogues present in contemporary Catholicism. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how Catholic groups work, in particular groups of Pastoral Youth and Charismatic Renovation prayer groups. As a result, observations are presented from an ethnographic work in groups identified with the spirituality of Liberation Theology and from charismatic ones. Besides, the text shows, from participants' experiences, the differences between both perspectives of religious living and the detachment and lack of dialogue which exists inside Catholicism. 展开更多
关键词 RELIGION YOUTH CATHOLICISM liberation theology charismatic renovation
A Research on the Third-Party Legislative Post-Assessment in China
作者 WANG Feng Zhongcheng Think-tank 《International English Education Research》 2015年第12期36-41,共6页
With the formation of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, China pays more attention to the scientificity and the quality of legislation, starting the assessment of the effect of implementation of ... With the formation of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, China pays more attention to the scientificity and the quality of legislation, starting the assessment of the effect of implementation of the law after legislation conducted by an independent third-party institution with scientific methods. The third-party legislative post-assessment can overcome the drawbacks of self-assessment, realizing the public participation better, which makes results of the assessment more objective, neutral and fair. The neutrality of assessment and scientificity of the method should be adhered in the construction of third-party legislative post-assessment in China, while improving public participation as well as the assessment indicators system and quality control system with the introduction of specific legal norms. 展开更多
关键词 China Post-Legislation Third-Party ASSESSMENT
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