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作者 康凯 李雪莉 +2 位作者 杨树 谷雅秀 王晓坡 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期148-157,共10页
针对准确的制冷工质热导率性质有益于制冷热泵系统的设计和优化,引入标准化参数化方案,得到扰动链统计缔合流体理论状态方程(PC-SAFT)的输入参数,结合剩余熵标度理论(RES),预测了包括氢氟烯烃(HFOs)、氢氟烃(HFCs)、烷烃(HCs)和CO_(2)(R... 针对准确的制冷工质热导率性质有益于制冷热泵系统的设计和优化,引入标准化参数化方案,得到扰动链统计缔合流体理论状态方程(PC-SAFT)的输入参数,结合剩余熵标度理论(RES),预测了包括氢氟烯烃(HFOs)、氢氟烃(HFCs)、烷烃(HCs)和CO_(2)(R744)在内的11种常见制冷工质的热导率性质,使用自助法,获得了标准化参数化方案与常规参数化方案输入参数的不确定度,并展开不确定度分析。通过与文献实验结果及已报道热导率性质模型比对,所提热导率性质模型与实验数据的总体平均相对偏差为3.32%。结果表明:所提热导率性质预测模型的整体表现优于常规参数化热导率模型和CE参考项热导率模型,且标准化参数化方案有潜力为混合工质体系的研发和推广提供可靠的基础物性数据;两种参数化方案输入参数在不确定度范围内波动时,对气相迁移性质的预测影响程度相似,但标准化参数化方案在液相迁移性质的预测上表现更优;此外,基于标准化参数化方案预测迁移性质需特别关注偏心因子的精度。 展开更多
关键词 制冷工质 热导率 状态方程参数 不确定度分析
直齿渐开线轮齿齿廓的参数化曲线方程 被引量:3
作者 徐刚 宁长春 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第2期95-102,117,共9页
关键词 渐开线齿轮 齿廓曲线 参数化方程
作者 王凯 高广恒 《港口装卸》 2024年第1期21-24,45,共5页
在分析电缆卷筒设计基础上,建立一种电缆卷筒收缆过程参数化模型方程,并对计算结果进行图形化处理;在分别对恒张力约束条件下和恒力矩约束条件下的卷筒收缆工况进行分析基础上,获得不同工况下的力学特性曲线,提出一种变频式、力矩式和... 在分析电缆卷筒设计基础上,建立一种电缆卷筒收缆过程参数化模型方程,并对计算结果进行图形化处理;在分别对恒张力约束条件下和恒力矩约束条件下的卷筒收缆工况进行分析基础上,获得不同工况下的力学特性曲线,提出一种变频式、力矩式和磁滞式电缆卷筒的选型设计方法。该方法效率高,适应性好,对电缆卷筒的设计选型具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 电缆卷筒 参数模型方程 恒张力约束 恒力矩约束 特性曲线
汽车主减速器弧齿锥齿轮参数化设计方法研究 被引量:1
作者 王科银 苗振华 +1 位作者 刘仲阳 寇满 《汽车实用技术》 2018年第8期85-88,共4页
文章分析了弧齿锥齿轮中各参数方程,在此基础上基于CATIA V5软件研究了弧齿锥齿轮参数化建模方法。结果表明,齿轮三维模型的各个参数都有效地参与了实体建模中的草图约束和操作,改变其中的参数就可以得到新的齿轮模型。通过对汽车主减... 文章分析了弧齿锥齿轮中各参数方程,在此基础上基于CATIA V5软件研究了弧齿锥齿轮参数化建模方法。结果表明,齿轮三维模型的各个参数都有效地参与了实体建模中的草图约束和操作,改变其中的参数就可以得到新的齿轮模型。通过对汽车主减速器弧齿锥齿轮的参数化设计方法研究为类似科学研究和工程实际问题提供了重要的方法依据和参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 弧齿锥齿轮 参数化方程 CATIAV5 参数建模
作者 王科银 苗振华 +1 位作者 刘仲阳 寇满 《装备维修技术》 2018年第1期16-22,共7页
分析了弧齿锥齿轮中各参数方程,在此基础上基于CATIA V5软件研究了弧齿锥齿轮参数化建模方法。结果表明,齿轮三维模型的各个参数都有效地参与了实体建模中的草图约束和操作,改变其中的参数就可以得到新的齿轮模型。通过对汽车主减速器... 分析了弧齿锥齿轮中各参数方程,在此基础上基于CATIA V5软件研究了弧齿锥齿轮参数化建模方法。结果表明,齿轮三维模型的各个参数都有效地参与了实体建模中的草图约束和操作,改变其中的参数就可以得到新的齿轮模型。通过对汽车主减速器弧齿锥齿轮的参数化设计方法研究为类似科学研究和工程实际问题提供了重要的方法依据和参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 弧齿锥齿轮 参数化方程 CATIA V5 参数建模
作者 王清华 《机械工程与自动化》 2020年第1期108-109,共2页
对一种气动剪钳用击发机构进行了参数化设计。首先初步设计了击发机构动作原理和结构,对击发机构进行了运动学分析,并应用矩阵变换原理建立了击发机构啮合点运动方程;然后通过引入基准量,在运动方程基础上建立了击发机构主要特征尺寸的... 对一种气动剪钳用击发机构进行了参数化设计。首先初步设计了击发机构动作原理和结构,对击发机构进行了运动学分析,并应用矩阵变换原理建立了击发机构啮合点运动方程;然后通过引入基准量,在运动方程基础上建立了击发机构主要特征尺寸的参数化方程,使各特征尺寸间关系直观化,简化了分析计算;最后根据参数方程特性,分析选取合适的参数值即确定击发机构的主要特征尺寸。利用该参数化设计方法既可以方便地调节参数及基准量进行设计及优化,也可以通过调节基准量进行击发机构系列化设计。 展开更多
关键词 气动剪钳 击发机构 参数化方程
空间机器人目标捕获过程中的载体姿态扰动优化 被引量:9
作者 吴剑威 史士财 +1 位作者 刘宏 蔡鹤皋 《机器人》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期16-21,27,共7页
针对自由飘浮空间机器人在捕获目标的过程中会对其载体姿态产生扰动的问题,提出了一种新的笛卡儿轨迹参数化方法.建立了反映载体姿态变化的目标函数该函数既可以限制机器人关节角的运动范围,也可以避免动力学奇异的影响.利用遗传算法进... 针对自由飘浮空间机器人在捕获目标的过程中会对其载体姿态产生扰动的问题,提出了一种新的笛卡儿轨迹参数化方法.建立了反映载体姿态变化的目标函数该函数既可以限制机器人关节角的运动范围,也可以避免动力学奇异的影响.利用遗传算法进行目标函数的优化,有效降低了空间机器人末端执行器在跟踪笛卡儿轨迹时对载体姿态的影响.仿真结果验证了算法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 轨迹规划 空间机器人 参数化方程 遗传算法 反作用优 避奇异
球面渐开线齿形的弧齿锥齿轮建模及优化 被引量:3
作者 李丹红 阿达依.谢尔亚孜旦 +1 位作者 丁撼 冯广 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2015年第1期9-12,共4页
综合优化以往研究方法的优势和特点,将球面渐开线理论应用于建模中,提出了弧齿锥齿轮球面渐开线齿面的形成原理。从齿面的精确形状出发,利用该理论求导了组成完整齿廓的各部分曲线以及齿线等重要曲线的参数化方程。同时,以扫略创建曲面... 综合优化以往研究方法的优势和特点,将球面渐开线理论应用于建模中,提出了弧齿锥齿轮球面渐开线齿面的形成原理。从齿面的精确形状出发,利用该理论求导了组成完整齿廓的各部分曲线以及齿线等重要曲线的参数化方程。同时,以扫略创建曲面、从点云创建曲面等CAD曲面设计功能为主体,分别提出了齿轮建模的新方案,即端面齿廓扫略建模、齿面离散点云建模,并就上述方案提出了各自相应优化方法。最后结合算例,表明了其建模及优化方案得到的齿面模型精度高,为弧齿锥齿轮的快速精确建模提供了理论基础和途径。 展开更多
关键词 球面渐开线 弧齿锥齿轮 齿廓曲线 参数化方程 CAD曲面设计功能 快速精确建模
在线电压稳定分析中快速连续潮流的应用 被引量:23
作者 徐晓春 万秋兰 +3 位作者 顾伟 高宗和 杨胜春 赖业宁 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第14期37-41,共5页
在线电压稳定分析中,快速连续潮流作为一个重要的分析手段发挥着核心的作用。连续法通过增加一维参数化方程,消除了在功率极限点附近的雅可比矩阵奇异的现象,能够精确地计算到临界点。在通过对参数化方程比较的基础上,采用不同的控制参... 在线电压稳定分析中,快速连续潮流作为一个重要的分析手段发挥着核心的作用。连续法通过增加一维参数化方程,消除了在功率极限点附近的雅可比矩阵奇异的现象,能够精确地计算到临界点。在通过对参数化方程比较的基础上,采用不同的控制参数,应用负荷型连续潮流、故障型连续潮流、支路型连续潮流,得到三种不同的λV曲线,分析了它们在在线静态电压稳定分析中的应用。通过IEEE300节点系统的算例验证了这几种方法的正确性以及在实际应用中的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 快速连续潮流 参数化方程 控制参数
3-UPU转动并联机构的两类位置正解分析 被引量:4
作者 郑相周 宾鸿赞 罗友高 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期1-3,共3页
根据纯转动型 3 UPU并联机构的几何特点 ,使用四元数变换方法 ,构造了一类单正交条件下的 3 UPU并联机构位置正解分析的参数化方程 ,可使用三角恒等变换来求解该方程 ;并使用单位四元数变换求出其双正交条件下的 8个封闭的位置正解 ,该... 根据纯转动型 3 UPU并联机构的几何特点 ,使用四元数变换方法 ,构造了一类单正交条件下的 3 UPU并联机构位置正解分析的参数化方程 ,可使用三角恒等变换来求解该方程 ;并使用单位四元数变换求出其双正交条件下的 8个封闭的位置正解 ,该正解为 展开更多
关键词 3-UPU并联机构 四元数变换 位置正解分析 参数化方程 三角恒等变换 正交旋转矩阵
CNC系统中任意抛物线弧的插补方法及分析 被引量:3
作者 刘日良 张承瑞 +1 位作者 冯显英 王恒 《机械设计与制造》 2002年第5期58-59,共2页
从抛物线的参数化矢量方程出发,对任意抛物线弧的插补算法、偏差以及进给速度等方面进行了研究,给出了具体的插补方法。分析表明,按此方法变速插补抛物线时运算简便,实时性好,加工偏差容易控制。同时结合几何方法分析并计算了进给速度... 从抛物线的参数化矢量方程出发,对任意抛物线弧的插补算法、偏差以及进给速度等方面进行了研究,给出了具体的插补方法。分析表明,按此方法变速插补抛物线时运算简便,实时性好,加工偏差容易控制。同时结合几何方法分析并计算了进给速度的变化范围。 展开更多
关键词 抛物线 参数矢量方程 插补 数控系统 数控加工
线性系统对偶Luenberger观测器设计 被引量:4
作者 吴爱国 段广仁 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期583-586,共4页
提出了线性系统对偶Luenberger观测器的参数化设计方法.基于一类广义Sylvester矩阵方程的显式参数化解,根据一些自由参数给出了对偶Luenberger观测器所有增益矩阵的参数化表达.该设计方法能提供所有的设计自由度,它们能进一步用来实现... 提出了线性系统对偶Luenberger观测器的参数化设计方法.基于一类广义Sylvester矩阵方程的显式参数化解,根据一些自由参数给出了对偶Luenberger观测器所有增益矩阵的参数化表达.该设计方法能提供所有的设计自由度,它们能进一步用来实现系统的其他性能指标.数值例子显示了该方法的设计过程. 展开更多
关键词 对偶Luenbeger观测器 线性系统 参数方法:广义Sylvester矩阵方程
蜗轮蜗杆机构的三维造型设计 被引量:1
作者 余宁 阮毅 《机电工程技术》 2011年第8期40-41,195,共3页
论述了运用Siemens NX软件进行蜗轮蜗杆传动机构三维造型设计的方法。根据已知条件,利用软件的表达式功能编制出相应的参数化方程组,构建了蜗轮蜗杆的参数化模型,并完成了蜗轮蜗杆相互啮合模型。
关键词 参数化方程 蜗轮蜗杆 三维造型设计
Double-Parameter Solutions of Projective Riccati Equations and Their Applications 被引量:1
作者 WANG Ming-Liang LI Er-Qiang LI Xiang-Zheng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期1-9,共9页
The purpose of the present paper is twofold. First, the projective Riccati equations (PREs for short) are resolved by means of a linearized theorem, which was known in the literature. Based on the signs and values o... The purpose of the present paper is twofold. First, the projective Riccati equations (PREs for short) are resolved by means of a linearized theorem, which was known in the literature. Based on the signs and values of coeffcients of PREs, the solutions with two arbitrary parameters of PREs can be expressed by the hyperbolic functions, the trigonometric functions, and the rational functions respectively, at the same time the relation between the components of each solution to PREs is also implemented. Second, more new travelling wave solutions for some nonlinear PDEs, such as the Burgers equation, the mKdV equation, the NLS^+ equation, new Hamilton amplitude equation, and so on, are obtained by using Sub-ODE method, in which PREs are taken as the Sub-ODEs. The key idea of this method is that the travelling wave solutions of nonlinear PDE can be expressed by a polynomial in two variables, which are the components of each solution to PREs, provided that the homogeneous balance between the higher order derivatives and nonlinear terms in the equation is considered. 展开更多
关键词 projective Riccati equations linearized theorem homogeneous balance Sub-ODE method travelling wave solutions nonlinear PDE
Dark Parameterizations,Equivalent Partner Fields and Integrable Systems 被引量:1
作者 LOU Sen-Yue 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期743-746,共4页
After introducing dark parameters into the traditional physical models, some types of new phenomena may be found. An important difficult problem is how to directly observe this kind of physical phenomena. An alternati... After introducing dark parameters into the traditional physical models, some types of new phenomena may be found. An important difficult problem is how to directly observe this kind of physical phenomena. An alternative treatment is to introduce equivalent multiple partner fields. If use this ideal to integrable systems, one may obtain infinitely many new coupled integrable systems constituted by the original usuM field and partner fields. The idea is illustrated via the celebrate KdV equation. From the procedure, some byproducts can be obtained: A new method to find exact solutions of some types of coupled nonlinear physical problems, say, the perturbation KdV systems, is provided; Some new localized modes such as the staggered modes can be found and some new interaction phenomena like the ghost interaction are discovered. 展开更多
关键词 dark X dark parameterization integrable systems exact solution
Kinetics of celestite conversion to acidic strontium oxalate hydrate in aqueous solution of oxalic acid 被引量:1
作者 Mert ZORAGA Cem KAHRUMAN Ibrahim YUSUFOGLU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第6期1332-1345,共14页
Conversion of SrSO4 to acidic strontium oxalate hydrate(H[Sr(C2O4)1.5(H2O)]) in aqueous H2C2O4 solutions proceeds as a consecutive reaction. In the first step of the consecutive reaction, SrSO4 reacts with H2C2O4 and ... Conversion of SrSO4 to acidic strontium oxalate hydrate(H[Sr(C2O4)1.5(H2O)]) in aqueous H2C2O4 solutions proceeds as a consecutive reaction. In the first step of the consecutive reaction, SrSO4 reacts with H2C2O4 and pseudomorphic conversion to SrC2 O4·H2O occurs. In the second step, SrC2 O4·H2O reacts with H2C2O4 to form H[Sr(C2 O4)1.5(H2O)]. Sr(HC2 O4)(C2 O4)0.5·H2 O crystallizes during cooling of the reaction mixture to room temperature if the solution reaches the saturation concentration of (H[Sr(C2O4)1.5(H2O)]. The aims of this study are the derivation of reaction rate equations and the determination of the kinetic parameters such as pre-exponential factor, apparent activation energy and order of H2C2O4 concentration for each reaction step.Fractional conversions of SrSO4 were calculated using the quantitative amounts of dissolved S and Sr. It was determined that the reaction rate increased at the initial time of reaction by increasing the temperature using solutions with approximately same H2C2O4 concentrations. The reaction extends very slowly after a certain time in solutions with low H2C2O4 concentration and ends by the formation of a protective layer of SrC2O4-H2O around the surfaces of solid particles. Fractional conversion of SrSO4 is increased by increasing concentration of H2C2O4 at constant temperature. Kinetic model equations were derived using shrinking core model for each step. 展开更多
关键词 celestite concentrate pseudomorphic conversion rate equations kinetic parameters conversion reaction
Novel Control Vector Parameterization Method with Differential Evolution Algorithm and Its Application in Dynamic Optimization of Chemical Processes 被引量:2
作者 孙帆 钟伟民 +1 位作者 程辉 钱锋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期64-71,共8页
Two general approaches are adopted in solving dynamic optimization problems in chemical processes, namely, the analytical and numerical methods. The numerical method, which is based on heuristic algorithms, has been w... Two general approaches are adopted in solving dynamic optimization problems in chemical processes, namely, the analytical and numerical methods. The numerical method, which is based on heuristic algorithms, has been widely used. An approach that combines differential evolution (DE) algorithm and control vector parameteri- zation (CVP) is proposed in this paper. In the proposed CVP, control variables are approximated with polynomials based on state variables and time in the entire time interval. Region reduction strategy is used in DE to reduce the width of the search region, which improves the computing efficiency. The results of the case studies demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the oroposed methods. 展开更多
关键词 control vector pararneterization differential evolution algorithm dynamic optimization chemical processes
Modified constitutive model and workability of 7055 aluminium alloy in hot plastic compression 被引量:15
作者 ZHANG Tao ZHANG Shao-hang +2 位作者 LI Lei LU Shi-hong GONG Hai 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期2930-2942,共13页
To obtain flow behavior and workability of 7055 aluminium alloy during hot deformation,hot compression tests at different temperatures and strain rates are conducted.True stress?strain curves of 7055 aluminium alloy u... To obtain flow behavior and workability of 7055 aluminium alloy during hot deformation,hot compression tests at different temperatures and strain rates are conducted.True stress?strain curves of 7055 aluminium alloy under different conditions are obtained and the flow stress increases with ascending strain rate and descending temperature.For Arrhenius constitutive equation,each material parameter is set as a constant,which will bring forth large error for predicting flow behavior.In this work,material parameters are fitted as a function of temperature or strain rate based on experimental results and a modified constitutive equation is established for more accurate prediction of flow behavior of 7055 aluminium alloy.The effects of temperature and strain rate on power dissipation and instability are analyzed to establish a processing map of 7055 aluminium alloy.The dominant deformation mechanism for microstructure evolution at different deformation conditions can be determined and high efficiency of power dissipation may be achieved from power dissipation map.Meanwhile,proper processing parameters to avoid flow instability can be easily acquired in instability map.According to the processing map,optimized processing parameters of 7055 aluminium alloy are temperature of 673?723 K and strain rate of 0.01?0.4 s^?1,during which its efficiency of power dissipation is over 30%.Finite element method(FEM)is used to obtain optimized parameter in hot rolling process on the basis of processing map. 展开更多
关键词 7055 aluminium alloy flow behavior modified constitutive equation processing map optimized parameters
An adaptive waveform-detection threshold joint optimization method for target tracking 被引量:5
作者 王宏强 夏洪恩 +1 位作者 程永强 王璐璐 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期3057-3064,共8页
The joint optimization of detection threshold and waveform parameters for target tracking which comes from the idea of cognitive radar is investigated for the modified probabilistic data association(MPDA)filter.The tr... The joint optimization of detection threshold and waveform parameters for target tracking which comes from the idea of cognitive radar is investigated for the modified probabilistic data association(MPDA)filter.The transmitted waveforms and detection threshold are adaptively selected to enhance the tracking performance.The modified Riccati equation is adopted to predict the error covariance which is used as the criterion function,while the optimization problem is solved through the genetic algorithm(GA).The detection probability,false alarm probability and measurement noise covariance are all considered together,which significantly improves the tracking performance of the joint detection and tracking system.Simulation results show that the proposed adaptive waveform-detection threshold joint optimization method outperforms the adaptive threshold method and the fixed parameters method,which will reduce the tracking error.The average reduction of range error between the adaptive joint method and the fixed parameters method is about 0.6 m,while that between the adaptive joint method and the adaptive threshold only method is about 0.3 m.Similar error reduction occurs for the velocity error and acceleration error. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radar adaptive waveform selection target tracking joint optimization detection-tracking system
Intercomparison of different physics schemes in the WRF model over the Asian summer monsoon region 被引量:3
作者 QUE Lin-Jing QUE Wei-Lun FENG Jin-Ming 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第3期169-177,共9页
Enhancing the ability of the WRF model in simulating a large area covering the West Pacific Ocean, China's Mainland, and the East Indian Ocean is very important to improve prediction of the East Asian monsoon clim... Enhancing the ability of the WRF model in simulating a large area covering the West Pacific Ocean, China's Mainland, and the East Indian Ocean is very important to improve prediction of the East Asian monsoon climate. The objective of this study is to identify a reasonable configuration of physical parameterization schemes to simulate the precipitation and temperature in this large area. The Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (MYJ) and Yonsei University (YSU) PBL schemes, the WSM3 and WSM5 microphysics schemes, and the Betts-Miller-Janjic (BMJ) and Tiedtke cumulus schemes are compared through simulation of the regional climate of summer 2008. All cases exhibit a similar spatial distribution of temperature as observed, and the spatial correlation coefficients are all higher than 0.95. The cases combining MY J, WSM3/WSM5, and BMJ have the smallest biases of temperature. The choice of PBL scheme has a significant effect on precipitation in such a large area. The cases with MYJ reproduce a better distribution of rain belts, while YSU strongly overestimates the precipitation intensity. The precipitation simulated using WSM3 is similar to that using WSM5. The BMJ cumulus scheme combined with the MYJ PBL scheme has a smaller bias of precipitation. However, the Tiedtke scheme reproduces the precipitation pattern better, especially over the ITCZ. 展开更多
关键词 WRF model PRECIPITATION temperature PBL scheme microphysics scheme cumulus parameterizationscheme
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