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单光束分波前调制参考光两次曝光全息测位移方向 被引量:1
作者 刘志健 吴平 +1 位作者 王铁平 蔡静 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期1067-1070,共4页
本文提出用单光束分波前调制参考光两次曝光全息测量物体位移方向的方法。在两次曝光全息图的记录过程中,置于物体一侧的反射镜作微位移,反射镜反射的参考光被调制,由此记录的双曝光全息图含有物体位移方向的信息。在测量光路系统中,设... 本文提出用单光束分波前调制参考光两次曝光全息测量物体位移方向的方法。在两次曝光全息图的记录过程中,置于物体一侧的反射镜作微位移,反射镜反射的参考光被调制,由此记录的双曝光全息图含有物体位移方向的信息。在测量光路系统中,设置了两张全息干版,一张用于记录单光束分波前调制参考光两次曝光全息干涉图;另一张记录非调制双曝光全息干涉图。前者用来分析物体的位移方向,后者用于计算物体位移的数值。通过分析,从理论上确定了物体位移方向与反射镜位移方向之间的基本规律。文中着重阐述了位移方向的测量原理,导出了相关公式,给出了实验结果。 展开更多
关键词 单光束波前调制参考光两次曝光全息 测量 位移方向
以平常心看待高考英语改革 被引量:1
作者 刘海峰 《辽宁教育》 2014年第2X期23-23,共1页
近期,北京市的高考改革方案引发人们的热议,赞成者占大多数,担心者也有之。我认为,高考英语科目改革是大势所趋,不足为奇。英语科目在高考中所占的分值并非一成不变。1977年恢复高考当年,规定考语文、数学等4个科目,各科都为100分,除报... 近期,北京市的高考改革方案引发人们的热议,赞成者占大多数,担心者也有之。我认为,高考英语科目改革是大势所趋,不足为奇。英语科目在高考中所占的分值并非一成不变。1977年恢复高考当年,规定考语文、数学等4个科目,各科都为100分,除报考外语专业外,不必加试外语。1978年外语列入高考,但考试成绩不计入总分,且规定没有学过外语的可以免试。1979年高考外语考试成绩,报考重点院校的,按考试分数的10%计入总分;报考一般院校的。 展开更多
关键词 高考英语 高考改革 外语专业 考试 重点院校 中所 外语考试 聋哑英语 赞成者 参考分
2009中国城市绿色发展报告 被引量:3
《中国绿色画报》 2010年第Z1期84-93,共10页
一、城市绿色发展的研究(一)城市绿色发展的内涵促进人与自然关系的协调、走绿色发展之路,已经成为当今世界发展的新模式。胡鞍钢指出所谓绿色发展之路,就是强调经济发展与保护环境的统一与协调,即更加积极的、以人为本的可持续发展之路... 一、城市绿色发展的研究(一)城市绿色发展的内涵促进人与自然关系的协调、走绿色发展之路,已经成为当今世界发展的新模式。胡鞍钢指出所谓绿色发展之路,就是强调经济发展与保护环境的统一与协调,即更加积极的、以人为本的可持续发展之路。John Knott of Charleston认为绿色发展就是"回归一种结合新技术,对气候、地理。 展开更多
关键词 绿色发展 城市工业 城市环境 参考分 胡鞍钢 工业二氧化硫 发展评价 绿色城市 经济发展 城市绿地建
从1980年高考看我区英语教学 被引量:1
作者 王正华 余成俊 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1980年第4期57-58,共2页
1977年恢复高等学校入学考试以来,外语分数所占的比例由作为参考分变为占10%,到今年又改占30%。据说今后英语所占百分比还要逐年提高。 下面分析一下今年英语高考试题的形式、内容和范围: 试题共七大题,分为单词拼写、提问、选择填空... 1977年恢复高等学校入学考试以来,外语分数所占的比例由作为参考分变为占10%,到今年又改占30%。据说今后英语所占百分比还要逐年提高。 下面分析一下今年英语高考试题的形式、内容和范围: 试题共七大题,分为单词拼写、提问、选择填空,短文阅读填空、汉译英、阅读理解选择填空、改错等几种形式;卷面出现的单词约400左右;语法方面涉及比较广泛、全面。如时态方面有六种之多,其中现在完成时、过去完成时和过去完成进行时,还有被动语态, 展开更多
关键词 过去完成进行时 语法方面 现在完成时 选择填空 过去完成时 被动语态 单词拼写 参考分 固定搭配 外语学习环境
《暴雨灾害》 1993年第1期31-31,共1页
关键词 气象广播 警报系统 气象知识 火险等级 参考分 户屯 气象预报 企事业单位 领导小组
作者 柳书琼 《六盘水师范学院学报》 1990年第3期12-25,31-47+59,共5页
2月26日 不必再强调从学校到车站的艰辛,一上了火车就向目的地接近。风雨中添了几分欣喜与惆怅,毕竟已开始了实习的生活。虽然一些人的话不愿入耳,但是学校里老师的关心又使人放了心。整顿好行装开始为期一个月的生活,一切是那样陌生,... 2月26日 不必再强调从学校到车站的艰辛,一上了火车就向目的地接近。风雨中添了几分欣喜与惆怅,毕竟已开始了实习的生活。虽然一些人的话不愿入耳,但是学校里老师的关心又使人放了心。整顿好行装开始为期一个月的生活,一切是那样陌生,首先想的问题是:教的课有人听吗? 展开更多
关键词 风雨中 我自己 朱老师 团组织活动 脊索动物门 参考分 实习班 列车 排泄系统 生殖发育
作者 陈建平 周儒荣 万水 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2003年第1期23-29,共7页
Base d on fluid velocity potential, an ALE finite element formulation for the analysi s of nonlinear sloshing problems has been developed. The ALE kinemat ical description is introduced to move the computational mesh... Base d on fluid velocity potential, an ALE finite element formulation for the analysi s of nonlinear sloshing problems has been developed. The ALE kinemat ical description is introduced to move the computational mesh independently of f luid motion, and the container fixed noninertial coordinate system is employed to establish the governing equations so that the mesh is needed to be updated in this coordinate system only. This leads to a very simple mesh moving algorithm which makes it easy to trace the motion of the moving boundaries and the free su rface without producing undesirable distortion of the computational mesh. The fi nite element method and finite difference method are used spacewise and timewise , respectively. A numerical example involving either forced horizontal oscillati on or forced pitching oscillation of the fluid filled container is presented to illustrate the effectiveness and the robustness of the method. In additi on, this work can be extended for the fluid structure interaction problems. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear sloshing ar bitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) description finite element method (FEM) n umerical simulation moving boundary
科学评价 权威发布——选自《2012中国城市绿色发展报告》
《中国绿色画报》 2013年第4期44-47,共4页
对我国657个城市2010年的绿色发展进行评价,同时对不同城市的行政地位级别进行分类比较。共包括370个县级市、268个地级市、15个副省级市和4个直辖市。对全国各城市的绿化、污染治理、环保投资、能源消耗效率和废物处理情况的所有现有... 对我国657个城市2010年的绿色发展进行评价,同时对不同城市的行政地位级别进行分类比较。共包括370个县级市、268个地级市、15个副省级市和4个直辖市。对全国各城市的绿化、污染治理、环保投资、能源消耗效率和废物处理情况的所有现有数据进行分析(少数城市的部分指标缺失,因此本评价可能存在与实际情况有一定的偏差),得到结果如表14所示(县级市部分指标的数据缺失)。不同行政等级的城市以副省级市的平均得分最高,其次是直辖市,县级市的得分最低。 展开更多
关键词 绿色发展 权威发布 副省级市 行政等级 参考分 林市 丁古 建成区 发展评价 污染治理
买房置业 指点迷津(绿化篇)
作者 李茂林 张坤 《中国绿色画报》 2011年第Z1期40-45,共6页
人类自古以来对树木就十分的依恋,相传我们的祖先就是从森林中走出来的。古印度佛教徒把他们聚集的地方称之为"丛林",古罗马流传下来最著名的数学问题就是植树问题,中国人认为的理想生活环境必定是"草木郁茂,吉气相随&qu... 人类自古以来对树木就十分的依恋,相传我们的祖先就是从森林中走出来的。古印度佛教徒把他们聚集的地方称之为"丛林",古罗马流传下来最著名的数学问题就是植树问题,中国人认为的理想生活环境必定是"草木郁茂,吉气相随"。 展开更多
关键词 指点迷津 参考分 宋代理学 数学问题 理想生活 木郁 发展评价 趋势线 绿色发展 副省级市
《中国绿色画报》 2014年第9期46-53,共8页
(一)简介习近平主席批示指出:"加强生态文明建设,走绿色发展道路,是实现科学发展观的必然要求和重大举措。"十八大报告明确指出:"着力推进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展,加强生态文明宣传教育,努力走向社会主义生态文明... (一)简介习近平主席批示指出:"加强生态文明建设,走绿色发展道路,是实现科学发展观的必然要求和重大举措。"十八大报告明确指出:"着力推进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展,加强生态文明宣传教育,努力走向社会主义生态文明新时代。"党的十八大以来,习近平总书记、李克强总理、张高丽副总理对生态文明建设和环境保护提出一系列新思想、新论断、新要求,主要集中在六个方面: 展开更多
关键词 绿色发展 参考分 生态文明 低碳发展 城市工业 绿色城市 城市环境管理 发展评价 人与自然 生态保护
《中国绿色画报》 2010年第12期8-14,共7页
关键词 绿色发展 城市环境治理 参考分 发展评价 城市工业 环保投资 污染问题 副省级市 污染治理 来阳
作者 黄金泉 孙健国 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1999年第1期80-85,共6页
A new decentralized adaptive control scheme is presented for linear time invariant systems with first order interconnections. The proposed control scheme with “proportional plus integral” terms is used to improve ... A new decentralized adaptive control scheme is presented for linear time invariant systems with first order interconnections. The proposed control scheme with “proportional plus integral” terms is used to improve the convergence rate and the ultimate bound of the tracking error. It is important to note that the adaptive scheme uses lower adaptive gains and smaller control inputs to avoid input saturation and oscillatory behavior. Simulation results are illustrated for controlling a dual inverted pendulum and a multivariable turbofan engine using the proposed adaptive scheme. These simulations validate out conclusions. 展开更多
关键词 decentralized control model reference adaptive control control law numerical simulation
《中国绿色画报》 2009年第Z1期68-104,共37页
(一)我国城市空气质量绿色发展进展对全国111个城市2005年至2006年及其中69个城市2007年的空气质量二级以上天数进行分析,结果显示空气质量二级以上天数的比例高的城市占大多数,并且逐年提高(图1)。其中二级以上天数占全年天数85%(全国... (一)我国城市空气质量绿色发展进展对全国111个城市2005年至2006年及其中69个城市2007年的空气质量二级以上天数进行分析,结果显示空气质量二级以上天数的比例高的城市占大多数,并且逐年提高(图1)。其中二级以上天数占全年天数85%(全国环保模范城市标准) 展开更多
关键词 绿色发展 空气质量 参考分 绿化覆盖率 工业二氧化硫 污染治理投资 建成区绿地率 城镇生活污水 污染
物面分波前反射镜位移调制参考光双曝光全息 被引量:1
作者 吴平 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期195-199,共5页
研究物面分波前反射镜运动调制参考光双曝光全息测量物体位移方向的理论与方法。在两次曝光全息图的记录过程中,置于物面的分波前反射镜作微位移,则该反射镜反射的参考光被反射镜运动所调制,由此记录的双曝光全息干涉图不仅含有物体位... 研究物面分波前反射镜运动调制参考光双曝光全息测量物体位移方向的理论与方法。在两次曝光全息图的记录过程中,置于物面的分波前反射镜作微位移,则该反射镜反射的参考光被反射镜运动所调制,由此记录的双曝光全息干涉图不仅含有物体位移数值的信息,而且还含有位移方向的信息。通过理论分析,建立了当观察点移动时这类双曝光干涉图上干涉条纹的移动方向与物体位移方向及分波前反射镜位移方向之间的相互关系和基本规律,导出了相关公式,并确立了测量物体位移方向的方法,给出了实验结果。 展开更多
关键词 测量 激光全息干涉计量 位移方向测量 波前反射镜位移调制参考 两次曝光全息
Update on endoscopic pancreatic function testing 被引量:5
作者 Tyler Stevens Mansour A Parsi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第35期3957-3961,共5页
Hormone-stimulated pancreatic function tests (PFTs) are considered the gold standard for measuring pancreatic exocrine function. PFTs involve the administration of intravenous secretin or cholecystokinin, followed by ... Hormone-stimulated pancreatic function tests (PFTs) are considered the gold standard for measuring pancreatic exocrine function. PFTs involve the administration of intravenous secretin or cholecystokinin, followed by collection and analysis of pancreatic secretions. Because exocrine function may decline in the earliest phase of pancreatic fibrosis, PFTs are considered accurate for diagnosing chronic pancreatitis. Unfortunately, these potentially valuable tests are infrequently performed except at specialized centers, because they are time consuming and complicated. To overcome these limitations, endoscopic PFT methods have been developed which include aspiration of pancreatic secretions through the suction channel of the endoscope. The secretin endoscopic pancreatic function test (ePFT) involves collection of duodenal aspirates at 15, 30, 45 and 60 min after secretin stimulation. A bicarbonate concentration greater than 80 mmol/L in any of the samples is considered a normal result. The secretin ePFT has demonstrated good sensitivity and specificity compared with various reference standards, including the "Dreiling tube" secretin PFT, endoscopic ultrasound, and surgical histology. Furthermore, a standard autoanalyzer can be used for bicarbonate analysis, which allows the secretin ePFT to be performed at any hospital. The secretin ePFT may complement imaging tests like endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in the diagnosis of early chronic pancreatitis.This paper will review the literature validating the use of ePFT in the diagnosis of exocrine insufficiency and chronic pancreatitis. Newer developments will also be discussed, including the feasibility of combined EUS/ ePFT, the use of cholecystokinin alone or in combination with secretin, and the discovery of new protein and lipid pancreatic juice biomarkers which may complement traditional fluid analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic pancreatic function test Pancreatic function testing Chronic pancreatitis Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
Consensus tracking protocol and formation control of multi-agent systems with switching topology 被引量:13
作者 年晓红 苏赛军 潘欢 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1178-1183,共6页
Consensus tracking control problems for single-integrator dynamics of multi-agent systems with switching topology are investigated. In order to design effective consensus tracking protocols for a more general class of... Consensus tracking control problems for single-integrator dynamics of multi-agent systems with switching topology are investigated. In order to design effective consensus tracking protocols for a more general class of networks, which are aimed at ensuring that the concerned states of agents converge to a constant or time-varying reference state, new consensus tracking protocols with a constant and time-varying reference state are proposed, respectively. Particularly, by contrast with spanning tree, an improved condition of switching interaction topology is presented. And then, convergence analysis of two consensus tracking protocols is provided by Lyapunov stability theory. Moreover, consensus tracking protocol with a time-varying reference state is extended to achieve the fbrmation control. By introducing formation structure set, each agent can gain its individual desired trajectory. Finally, several simulations are worked out to illustrate the effectiveness of theoretical results. The test results show that the states of agents can converge to a desired constant or time-varying reference state. In addition, by selecting appropriate structure set, agents can maintain the expected formation under random switching interaction topologies. 展开更多
关键词 multi-agent system consensus protocols formation control switching topology
Effect of statins use on the prevention of venous thromboembolism: a meta-analysis 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Zaiwei Tian Hongyan +8 位作者 Pan Junqiang Zhao Yaling Wan Zhaofei Zhang Junbo Ma Qiang Tian Hua Han Junli Liu Ya Deng Jizhao 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第5期261-269,共9页
Objective: To estimate the effect of statins use on the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE (1980-June 2012), EMBASE (1980-June 2012), Google Scholar, Cochrane Libra... Objective: To estimate the effect of statins use on the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE (1980-June 2012), EMBASE (1980-June 2012), Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, and ISI Web of Science, manually reviewed references, and contacted experts. Case-control studies and cohort studies that compared any dose of statin with no statin or placebo are included. Data extraction and study quality evaluation were independently conducted in duplicate. Results: 12 studies including four cohort studies and eight case-control studies were identified and eligible for meta-analysis. Upon meta-analysis, statin use was associated with a statistically significant reduction in the odds of developing VTE (OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.86-0.96). Conclusion: This meta-analysis of current and available literature suggests that statins can reduce patient's risk of developing VTE. Due to the limitations of observational study, this conclusion should be considered with caution, and additionally, specifical well-designed trials are needed. 展开更多
关键词 STATINS Venous thromboembolism Meta analysis
Global Inverse Optimal Tracking Control of Underactuated Omni-directional Intelligent Navigators (ODINs) 被引量:2
作者 Khac Duc Do 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第1期1-13,共13页
This paper presents a design of optimal controllers with respect to a meaningful cost function to force an underactuated omni-directional intelligent navigator (ODIN) under unknown constant environmental loads to tr... This paper presents a design of optimal controllers with respect to a meaningful cost function to force an underactuated omni-directional intelligent navigator (ODIN) under unknown constant environmental loads to track a reference trajectory in two-dimensional space. Motivated by the vehicle's steering practice, the yaw angle regarded as a virtual control plus the surge thrust force are used to force the position of the vehicle to globally track its reference trajectory. The control design is based on several recent results developed for inverse optimal control and stability analysis of nonlinear systems, a new design of bounded disturbance observers, and backstepping and Lyapunov's direct methods. Both state- and output-feedback control designs are addressed. Simulations are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed results. 展开更多
关键词 inverse optimality optimal controller global tracking underactuated omni-directional intelligent navigator (ODIN) Lyapunov's direct method backstepping method
A novel low-voltage high precision current reference based on subthreshold MOSFETs 被引量:1
作者 YU Guo-yi ZOU Xue-eheng 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期50-55,共6页
A novel topology low-voltage high precision current reference based on subthreshold Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) is presented. The circuit achieves a temperature-independent reference... A novel topology low-voltage high precision current reference based on subthreshold Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) is presented. The circuit achieves a temperature-independent reference current by a proper combination current of two first-order temperature-compensation current references, which exploit the temperature characteristics of integrated poly2 resistors and the 1- V transconductance characteristics of MOSFET operating in the subthreshold region. The circuit, designed with the 1 st silicon 0.35 μm standard CMOS logic process technology, exhibits a stable current of about 2.25 μA with much low temperature coefficient of 3 × 10^-4μA/℃ in the temperature range of-40-150 ℃ at 1 V supply voltage, and also achieves a better power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) over a broad frequency. The PSRR is about -78 dB at DC and remains -42 dB at the frequency higher than 10 MHz. The maximal process error is about 6,7% based on the Monte Carlo simulation. So it has good process compatibility. 展开更多
关键词 Current reference Curvature-compensation Low voltage SUBTHRESHOLD CMOS integrated circuit
Adaptive Spatial-division Split-step Fourier Migration Method
作者 赵景霞 张叔伦 +1 位作者 王昌龙 倪逸 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期75-79,i0001,共6页
This paper presents a new depth migration method, adaptive spatial-division split-step Fourier (ASDSSF) migration. In this method we introduce the idea of a stratified phase shift migration into the split-step Fouri... This paper presents a new depth migration method, adaptive spatial-division split-step Fourier (ASDSSF) migration. In this method we introduce the idea of a stratified phase shift migration into the split-step Fourier (SSF) migration to make an accurate and efficient wave field image when sharp discontinuities appear in the velocity field. In principle, the ASDSSF migration is a multi-reference slowness (reciprocal of velocity) (MRS) migration. Compared to previous MRS migration methods, this method uses fewer reference slowness values without accuracy loss. The reference slowness is determined in this paper according to an error-control parameter of the perturbation term in the SSF operator and the variation of the complet velocity field. The velocity corresponded to reference slowness can define a spatial division. Each division can also be divided into several discontinuous spatial subdivisions to effectively reduce the number of reference slowness values needed. The choice of reference slowness, including the number of reference slowness values needed and how to construct the spatial divisions, is adaptive and reasonable at each extrapolation step (depth step). A simple and economical smoothing filter in the wave number-frequency domain is designed to avoid artifacts in the wave field extrapolation due to the presence of sharp discontinuities in the velocity field. For comparable conditions the present approach to migration is expected to be computationally more efficient and accurate than other MRS migration methods. The performance of the method is demonstrated on a simple 2D prestack model and the prestack SEG/EAEG salt dataset. 展开更多
关键词 MIGRATION spatial-division multi reference slowness ADAPTIVE and sharp discontinuity
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