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地方治理的域外经验:德国Berlin-Lichtenberg区的参鉴 被引量:4
作者 袁方成 丁传宗 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期48-52,共5页
参与式预算是当前世界各国提升地方政府治理能力的主要方式。它起源于巴西,在德国获得了更为深入的发展,改善了代议民主制度的诸多缺陷。公民参与公共财政预算决策的制定和执行,提高了行政效能、公民生活质量,节省了财政资金,获得了德... 参与式预算是当前世界各国提升地方政府治理能力的主要方式。它起源于巴西,在德国获得了更为深入的发展,改善了代议民主制度的诸多缺陷。公民参与公共财政预算决策的制定和执行,提高了行政效能、公民生活质量,节省了财政资金,获得了德国社会民众的支持,这对于推进我国的地方治理改革具有重要的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 地方治理 域外 参鉴
试论荣西、道元著作对《禅苑清规》的参鉴——兼论南宋禅林清规的越海东传 被引量:2
作者 刘恒武 庞超 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2018年第6期62-68,共7页
作为宋代重要的禅仪著作,《禅苑清规》不仅对中国禅文化的表征与内涵起到了形塑作用,而且影响远及日本。日本禅宗临济派初祖荣西的《兴禅护国论》和曹洞派创始人道元的《永平清规》《普劝坐禅仪》等著作,均参鉴了《禅苑清规》的内容。... 作为宋代重要的禅仪著作,《禅苑清规》不仅对中国禅文化的表征与内涵起到了形塑作用,而且影响远及日本。日本禅宗临济派初祖荣西的《兴禅护国论》和曹洞派创始人道元的《永平清规》《普劝坐禅仪》等著作,均参鉴了《禅苑清规》的内容。在参鉴方式上,荣西著作以单句引用、要义概述为主,而道元著作则常见大段转写、整条摘录,这种差异缘于不同时代条件下荣西与道元在弘法路径、修禅方式上的不同选择,同时从一个侧面反映出南宋禅林清规东传日本的历史过程。 展开更多
关键词 荣西 道元 禅苑清规 参鉴
名人家风模因及其参鉴价值——以钱学森为例 被引量:2
作者 杨云 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2015年第2期110-115,共6页
当前,重构家风、重塑家风引起了广泛的关注与研究。名人家风在一定程度上对社会家风文化的重构与重塑起着引导与带动作用。钱学森为钱王钱镠的第三十三世孙,其父母的嘉言懿行和良好家教、钱氏家族重学明礼的优良传统以及历代钱氏才子俊... 当前,重构家风、重塑家风引起了广泛的关注与研究。名人家风在一定程度上对社会家风文化的重构与重塑起着引导与带动作用。钱学森为钱王钱镠的第三十三世孙,其父母的嘉言懿行和良好家教、钱氏家族重学明礼的优良传统以及历代钱氏才子俊杰的激励与带动等都构成了他引人称颂的家风文化与家风模因。在大家族的传统社会演变为小家庭的现代社会,对钱学森家风模因的研究仍具有非常重要的现实借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 钱学森 家风 模因 参鉴
德国“双元制”职业教育的模式参鉴 被引量:1
作者 王振朋 《齐齐哈尔工程学院学报》 2010年第2期8-12,共5页
德国是目前世界上经济和科学最发达的国家之一。人们在探索德国科学技术与经济迅速发展的奥秘时发现,德国人所具有的文化素质和发达的职业教育是促进该国强盛的关键所在。而其对中国职业教育的参鉴则从重视职业教育的师资队伍建设、注... 德国是目前世界上经济和科学最发达的国家之一。人们在探索德国科学技术与经济迅速发展的奥秘时发现,德国人所具有的文化素质和发达的职业教育是促进该国强盛的关键所在。而其对中国职业教育的参鉴则从重视职业教育的师资队伍建设、注重对职业教育立法,用法律来保证职业教育的实施、以市场和社会需求为导向的运行机制、企业广泛参与,重视企业在职业教育中的作用四个方面承续其价值贡献。 展开更多
关键词 双元制 职业教育 特点 参鉴
作者 景俊琦 冯岩淑 《黑龙江科技信息》 2011年第25期195-195,共1页
通过中美事业单位标准的比较研究,以窥视我国事业单位会计标准的整体情况,探讨其优点与瑕疵,明晰其与美国会计标准的差距,在新的经济环境下,我国事业单位应充分汲取美国事业单位会计标准合理、适用内容,以提高其适应我国经济社会发展的... 通过中美事业单位标准的比较研究,以窥视我国事业单位会计标准的整体情况,探讨其优点与瑕疵,明晰其与美国会计标准的差距,在新的经济环境下,我国事业单位应充分汲取美国事业单位会计标准合理、适用内容,以提高其适应我国经济社会发展的能力。 展开更多
关键词 中美事业单位 会计标准 制度参鉴
作者 耿相魁 《中共南昌市委党校学报》 2009年第5期24-27,共4页
我国民主革命的先行者孙中山扬弃了中国传统文化中的和谐理念,融合中西文化,建立的和谐思想体系既不同于我国原有的和谐文化,又不同于近代西方资产阶级的民主理论,是对中西和谐理论的创新,为我们构建社会主义和谐社会提供了丰富的思想... 我国民主革命的先行者孙中山扬弃了中国传统文化中的和谐理念,融合中西文化,建立的和谐思想体系既不同于我国原有的和谐文化,又不同于近代西方资产阶级的民主理论,是对中西和谐理论的创新,为我们构建社会主义和谐社会提供了丰富的思想文化资源。 展开更多
关键词 孙中山 和谐思想 参鉴价值
作者 刘丽丽 《安徽职业技术学院学报》 2024年第2期53-57,共5页
“天崩地解”“王纲解纽”的晚明时代,文人们受启蒙思潮影响,并依托经济社会的发展,开启日常生活审美化风尚。文章从晚明生活美学的文化土壤出发,揭示这种风尚是晚明文人个性解放、正视需求的表现,折射出他们反抗世俗、超越世俗的价值意... “天崩地解”“王纲解纽”的晚明时代,文人们受启蒙思潮影响,并依托经济社会的发展,开启日常生活审美化风尚。文章从晚明生活美学的文化土壤出发,揭示这种风尚是晚明文人个性解放、正视需求的表现,折射出他们反抗世俗、超越世俗的价值意图,承载着他们的精神寄托。晚明文人“生活美学”所表征的对个体价值的体认及尊生的旨归,面对现实困境的精神选择与审美取向,对生活的热爱态度及对生活智慧的经验总结,对当代美学建设具有重要的参鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 晚明文人 生活美学 精神世界 参鉴意义
用人单位劳动规章制度原则新论 被引量:3
作者 问清泓 《法治研究》 2023年第2期73-86,共14页
劳动法基本原则的未定型化,导致用人单位劳动规章制度原则的不确定性。为了有效限制用人单位自主权与惩戒权,保障劳动者合法权益,必须确定并守正劳动规章的基本原则。用人单位劳动规章的原则可以分为形式正义原则、实质正义原则、特别... 劳动法基本原则的未定型化,导致用人单位劳动规章制度原则的不确定性。为了有效限制用人单位自主权与惩戒权,保障劳动者合法权益,必须确定并守正劳动规章的基本原则。用人单位劳动规章的原则可以分为形式正义原则、实质正义原则、特别参鉴原则等三大逻辑体系。形式正义原则包括民主协商原则、公示公告原则、备案或报批原则,其中备案或报批为实然缺失性原则。实质正义原则主要包括明确性原则、比例原则和有利原则。特别参鉴原则是指民法公序良俗原则和诚信原则,属于民法原则在劳动法之适用,其分歧巨大,虽然此原则具有普遍适用价值,但是必须特别考量劳动法与社会保障法的特殊性,只能有条件地谨慎适用,以彰显劳动法特别保护劳动者之立法理念和价值追求。 展开更多
关键词 劳动规章 形式正义原则 实质正义原则 特别参鉴原则
作者 张长路 金满文 《齐齐哈尔工程学院学报》 2009年第3期27-30,共4页
教育实习是师范教育环节中极其重要的组成部分,是师范生的教育、教学能力的培养与训练的一门综合性实践课程。教师的教育实习在成事中成人,实现了理论与实践的双向建构,对于教育实习组织者和实习主体存在问题要以美国PDS教育实习为参鉴... 教育实习是师范教育环节中极其重要的组成部分,是师范生的教育、教学能力的培养与训练的一门综合性实践课程。教师的教育实习在成事中成人,实现了理论与实践的双向建构,对于教育实习组织者和实习主体存在问题要以美国PDS教育实习为参鉴,革新我国教育实习制度。 展开更多
关键词 教师教育 教育实习 PDS 参鉴
Analysis of the Constituents in the Chinese Drug Notoginseng by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry 被引量:20
作者 刘进怀 王璇 +2 位作者 蔡少青 小松かつ子 难波恒雄 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第4期225-237,共13页
To develop a HPIX-UV-MS method for identifying the constituents in theChinese drug Notoginseng (the root of Panax notoginseng). Methods A Phenomenex Luna C_(18) column(250 mm x 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm) was utilized. Water co... To develop a HPIX-UV-MS method for identifying the constituents in theChinese drug Notoginseng (the root of Panax notoginseng). Methods A Phenomenex Luna C_(18) column(250 mm x 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm) was utilized. Water containing 0.005% formic acid (A) and acetonitrilecontaining 0.005% formic acid (B) were used as gradient eluents. UV spectra were recorded in range195 - 400 nm. Both positive and negative ion ESI modes were used. Results The constituents inNotoginseng were well separated and detected. Fourteen compounds were identified by comparing theirretention time and ESI-MS data with those obtained from the reference compounds. Forty-one compoundswere deduced by data analysis of MS and literature; among them, yesanchinosides-H and -E,chikusetsusaponin-L_5, malonyl-ginsenoside-R_(g_1), the isomers of notoginsenosides-J, -A, -R_1, -G,-R_2, and ginsenoside-Rh_3 were discovered in Notoginseng for the first time. Conclusion Thismethod gives high sensitivity and good separation, and is suitable for identifying the constituentsin Notoginseng. This result is helpful for further phytochemical research on Notoginseng. Based onthis result, further quality control can be studied. 展开更多
关键词 panax notoginseng HPLC-MS GINSENOSIDES notoginsenosides FLAVONOIDS
Preliminary Study on Induction and Identification of Polyploidy of Shandong Salvia miltiorrhiza Buds Treated by Colchicine
作者 房翠萍 单成钢 +3 位作者 王维婷 陈庆亮 倪大鹏 王志芬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第9期1338-1341,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to study the feasibility of using colchicine to induce polyploidy from the buds of Shandong Salvia miltiorrhiza.[Method] The buds of Shandong Salvia miltiorrhiza were induced by colchicine.[Res... [Objective] The aim was to study the feasibility of using colchicine to induce polyploidy from the buds of Shandong Salvia miltiorrhiza.[Method] The buds of Shandong Salvia miltiorrhiza were induced by colchicine.[Result] When the concentration of colchicine supplemented in culture medium was 12 mg/L,the induction rate of polyploidy was the highest(36.6%),but its survival rate was only 16.7%.When the concentration of colchicine was 8 mg/L,the induction rate of polyploidy was 15.9%,and its survival rate was up to 40.0%.Polyploidy plant of Shandong Salvia miltiorrhiza was strong and had thick,large and dark leaves,and long stomata on the lower epidermis of leaves had small density.[Conclusion] Colchicine could induce buds effectively,and the polyploidy breeding material of Salvia miltiorrhiza was obtained,which laid a foundation for shortening breeding process. 展开更多
关键词 Coichicine Shandong Salvia miltiorrhiza Multiple bud POLYPLOIDY Stomatal identification
Levitation mechanism modelling for maglev transportation system 被引量:3
作者 周海波 段吉安 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第6期1230-1237,共8页
A novel maglev transportation system was proposed for large travel range ultra precision motion.The system consists of a levitation subsystem and a propulsion subsystem.During the propulsion subsystem driving the movi... A novel maglev transportation system was proposed for large travel range ultra precision motion.The system consists of a levitation subsystem and a propulsion subsystem.During the propulsion subsystem driving the moving platform along the guideway,the levitation subsystem uses six pairs of electromagnets to steadily suspend the moving platform over the guideway.The model of the levitation system,which is a typical nonlinear multi-input multi-output coupling system and has many inner nonlinear coupling characteristics,was deduced.For testifying the model,the levitation mechanism was firstly controlled by proportional-integral-differential(PID) control,and then a lot of input-output data were collected for model parameter identification.The least-square parameter identification method was used.The identification results prove that the model is feasible and suitable for the real system. 展开更多
关键词 maglev transportation system levitation mechanism MODELING parameters identification
Regional Clustering and Synchronization of Provincial Business Fluctuations in China 被引量:2
作者 SONG Tao ZHENG Tingguo XIA Kai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期571-583,共13页
In this article, we propose a novel, multilevel, dynamic factor model, to determine endogenously clustered regions for the investigation of regional clustering and synchronization of provincial business fluctuations i... In this article, we propose a novel, multilevel, dynamic factor model, to determine endogenously clustered regions for the investigation of regional clustering and synchronization of provincial business fluctuations in China. The parameter identification and model estimation was conducted using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. We then conducted an empirical study of the provincial business fluctuations in China(31 Chinese provinces are considered except Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan due to the data unavailability), which were sampled from January 2000 to December 2015. Our results indicated that these provinces could be clustered into four regions: leading, coincident, lagging, and overshooting. In comparison with traditional geographical divisions, this novel clustering into four regions enabled the regional business cycle synchronization to be more accurately captured. Within the four regional clusters it was possible to identify substantial heterogeneities among regional business cycle fluctuations, especially during the periods of the 2008 financial crisis and the ‘four-trillion economic stimulus plan'. 展开更多
关键词 regional division business cycle synchronization multilevel dynamic factor model variance decomposition
Characterization and identification of enzyme-producing microflora isolated from the gut of sea cucumberApostichopus japonicus 被引量:2
作者 李凤辉 高菲 +5 位作者 谭杰 范超晶 孙慧玲 燕敬平 陈四清 王肖君 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期153-162,共10页
Gut microorganisms play an important role in the digestion of their host animals. The purpose of this research was to isolate and assess the enzyme-producing microbes from the Apostichopusjaponicus gut. Thirty-nine st... Gut microorganisms play an important role in the digestion of their host animals. The purpose of this research was to isolate and assess the enzyme-producing microbes from the Apostichopusjaponicus gut. Thirty-nine strains that can produce at least one of the three digestive enzymes (protease, amylase, and cellulase) were qualitatively screened based on their extracellular enzyme-producing abilities. The enzyme-producing strains clustered into eight groups at the genetic similarity level of 100% by analyzing the restriction patterns of 16S rDNA amplified with Mbo L Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 37 strains belonged to the genus Bacillus and two were members of the genus Virgibacillus. Enzyme-producing capability results indicate that the main enzyme-producing microflora in the A.japonicus gut was Bacillus, which can produce protease, amylase, and cellulase. Virgibacillus, however, can only produce protease. The high enzyme-producing capability of the isolates suggests that the gut microbiota play an important role in the sea cucumber digestive process. 展开更多
关键词 Apostichopusjaponicus GUT enzyme-producing microorganisms 16S rDNA-RFLP aquaculture probiotics
A new reaction system to determine nonlinear chemical fingerprint and its use in Panax ginseng identification method based on double reaction system 被引量:4
作者 TAN Xue-ying DENG Fei-yue +2 位作者 ZHANG Tai-ming HUANG Jian CHEN Chun-nan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1895-1903,共9页
A new reaction system to determine nonlinear chemical fingerprint(NCF)and its use in identification method based on double reaction system was researched.Panax ginsengs,such as ginseng,American ginseng and notoginseng... A new reaction system to determine nonlinear chemical fingerprint(NCF)and its use in identification method based on double reaction system was researched.Panax ginsengs,such as ginseng,American ginseng and notoginseng were identified by the method.The NCFs of the three samples of Panax ginsengs were determined through two nonlinear chemical systems,namely system 1 consisting of sample components,H2SO4,MnSO4,NaBrO3,acetone and the new system,system 2 consisting of sample components,H2SO4,(NH4)4Ce(SO4)2,NaBrO3 and citric acid.The comparison between the results determined through systems 1 and 2 shows that the speed to determine NCF through system 2 is much faster than that through system 1;for systems 1 and 2,the system similarities of the same kind of samples are≥98.09%and 99.78%,respectively,while those of different kinds of samples are≤63.04%and 86.34%,respectively.The results to identify the kinds of some samples by system similarity pattern show that both the accuracies of identification methods based on single system 1 and 2 are≥95.6%,and the average values are 97.1%and 96.3%,respectively;the accuracy of the method based on double system is≥97.8%,and the average accuracy is 99.3%.The accuracy of the method based on double system is higher than that based on any single system. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear chemical fingerprint double reaction system single reaction system authenticity identification Panax ginsengs
Parameter Identification of Rubber Isolators Using Frequency-Dependent Spring and Damper Coefficients
作者 孙德伟 EBERHARD Peter 张广玉 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第2期134-138,共5页
A model to describe the hysteresis damper character of rubber material is presented in this paper. It consists of a parallel spring and damper, whose coefficients change with vibration frequencies. In order to acquire... A model to describe the hysteresis damper character of rubber material is presented in this paper. It consists of a parallel spring and damper, whose coefficients change with vibration frequencies. In order to acquire these relations, the force decomposition is carried out according to some sine vibration measurement data about nonlinear forces changing with deformations of the rubber material. The nonlinear force is decomposed into a spring force and a damper force, which are represented by a frcquency-dependent spring and damper coefficient, respectively. Repeating this step for different measurements will give different coefficients corresponding to different frequencies. Then, application of a parameter identification method will provide the requested functions over frequency. Using those formulae, as an example, the dynamic character of a hollow shaft system supported by rubber rings is analyzed and the acceleration response curve in the centroid position is calculated. Comparisons with sine vibration experiments of the real system show a maximal inaccuracy of 8. 8 %. Application of this model and procedure can simplify the modeling and analysis of mechanical systems including rubber materials. 展开更多
关键词 rubber isolator parameter identification hysteresis damper virtual mass method dynamic analysis
Identification of Five Sea Cucumber Species Through PCR-RFLP Analysis 被引量:2
作者 LV Yingchun ZHENG Rong +5 位作者 ZUO Tao WANG Yuming LI Zhaojie XUE Yong XUE Changhu TANG Qingjuan 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第5期825-829,共5页
Sea cucumbers are traditional marine food and Chinese medicine in Asia. The rapid expansion of sea cucumber market has resulted in various problems, such as commercial fraud and mislabeling. Conventionally, sea cucumb... Sea cucumbers are traditional marine food and Chinese medicine in Asia. The rapid expansion of sea cucumber market has resulted in various problems, such as commercial fraud and mislabeling. Conventionally, sea cucumber species could be distinguished by their morphological and anatomical characteristics; however, their identification becomes difficult when they are processed. The aim of this study was to develop a new convenient method of identifying and distinguishing sea cucumber species. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene(COI) was used to identifing five sea cucumber species(Apostichopus japonicus, Cucumaria frondosa, Thelenota ananas, Parastichopus californicus and Actinopyga lecanora). A 692 bp fragment of COI was searched for BamHI, KpnI, PstI, XbaI and Eco31 I restriction sites with DNAMAN 6.0, which were then used to PCR-RFLP analysis. These five sea cucumber species can be discriminated from mixed sea cucumbers. The developed PCR-RFLP assay will facilitate the identification of sea cucumbers, making their source tracing and quality controlling feasible. 展开更多
关键词 sea cucumber MTDNA COI gene species identification PCR-RFLP
Development of Fatty Acid Biomarkers for the Identification of Wild and Aquacultured Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) 被引量:1
作者 P. A. Zadorozhnyj T. N. Pivnenko N. N. Kovalev 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第1期177-183,共7页
In this study,the fatty acids(FAs) of the organs and tissues of sea cucumber(Apostichopus japonicus) were profiled in order to compare the FA composition of sea cucumber collected from natural habitat(wild) and cages(... In this study,the fatty acids(FAs) of the organs and tissues of sea cucumber(Apostichopus japonicus) were profiled in order to compare the FA composition of sea cucumber collected from natural habitat(wild) and cages(cultured).The differences in FA contents in dermomuscular tube,peripharyngeal annulus,gonad and intestine(with or without content) between the wild and the cultured were determined.The main fatty acids in all organs and tissues were 20:5n-3,16:1n-7,20:4n-6,22:6n-3,18:0,and 18:1n-7.The basically different FAs of body wall and digestive tube were 16:1n-7,18:1n-9 and 20:1n-11.The ratio of saturated to mono-and polyunsaturated FAs in digestive tube was independent on inside content while there was a redistribution of the total amount of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids.The comparison of FA composition of the wild and the cultured sea cucumber showed that 20:5n-3,16:1n-7 and 18:1n-7 predominated the wild while 20:4n-6 predominated the cultured.The content of branched-chain fatty acids in the wild was 3%–4% and about 9% in the cultured.The possible FAs for identifying the wild and the cultured sea cucumbers were selected.It was suggested that the indexes such as the ratio of either(n-3:n-6) to(n-7:n-6) or(n-3) +(n-7) to(n-6) may serve as the biomarkers distinguishing the wild and the cultured sea cucumber. 展开更多
关键词 Apostichopusjaponicus fatty acid tissue ORGAN AQUACULTURE BIOMARKER
Design of Calibration Experiments for Identification of Manipulator Elastostatic Parameters 被引量:1
作者 Alexandr Klimchik Anatol Pashkevichl +2 位作者 Yier Wu Stephane Caro Benoit Furet 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第9期531-542,共12页
The paper is devoted to the elastostatic calibration of industrial robots, which is used for precise machining of large-dimensional parts made of composite materials. In this technological process, the interaction bet... The paper is devoted to the elastostatic calibration of industrial robots, which is used for precise machining of large-dimensional parts made of composite materials. In this technological process, the interaction between the robot and the workpiece causes essential elastic deflections of the manipulator components that should be compensated by the robot controller using relevant elastostatic model of this mechanism. To estimate parameters of this model, an advanced calibration technique is applied that is based on the non-linear experiment design theory, which is adopted for this particular application. In contrast to previous works, it is proposed a concept of the user-defined test-pose, which is used to evaluate the calibration experiments quality. In the frame of this concept, the related optimization problem is defined and numerical routines are developed, which allow generating optimal set of manipulator configurations and corresponding forces/torques for a given number of the calibration experiments. Some specific kinematic constraints are also taken into account, which insure feasibility of calibration experiments for the obtained configurations and allow avoiding collision between the robotic manipulator and the measurement equipment. The efficiency of the developed technique is illustrated by an application example that deals with elastostatic calibration of the serial manipulator used for robot-based machining. 展开更多
关键词 Industrial robot elastostatic calibration experiment design industry-oriented performance measure test-pose basedapproach.
Identification and Characterization of 43 Microsatellite Markers Derived from Expressed Sequence Tags of the Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) 被引量:1
作者 JIANG Qun LI Qi YU Hong KONG Lingfeng 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2011年第2期185-190,共6页
The sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus is a commercially and ecologically important species in China. A total of 3056 potential unigenes were generated after assembling 7597 A. japonicus expressed sequence tags (ESTs... The sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus is a commercially and ecologically important species in China. A total of 3056 potential unigenes were generated after assembling 7597 A. japonicus expressed sequence tags (ESTs) downloaded from Gen-Bank. Two hundred and fifty microsatellite-containing ESTs (8.18%) and 299 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were detected. The average density of SSRs was 1 per 7.403 kb of EST after redundancy elimination. Di-nucleotide repeat motifs appeared to be the most abundant type with a percentage of 69.90%. Of the 126 primer pairs designed, 90 amplified the expected products and 43 showed polymorphism in 30 individuals tested. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 26 with an average of 7.0 alleles, and the observed and expected heterozygosities varied from 0.067 to 1.000 and from 0.066 to 0.959, respectively. These new EST-derived microsatellite markers would provide sufficient polymorphism for population genetic studies and genome mapping of this sea cucumber species. 展开更多
关键词 sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus MICROSATELLITE EST
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