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江西双季稻机插的典型模式及其效果研究 被引量:3
作者 吴青香 曾勇军 +3 位作者 程慧煌 成臣 石庆华 潘晓华 《中国农学通报》 2020年第3期1-6,共6页
基于江西省双季稻区10个县30个乡镇农户、合作社以及农机大市场的调查数据,通过对合作社的两种典型模式(合作模式和服务模式)的研究及合作社农户和散户的对比分析,探索合作社对江西双季稻机插推广的促进作用。研究结果表明:合作社农户... 基于江西省双季稻区10个县30个乡镇农户、合作社以及农机大市场的调查数据,通过对合作社的两种典型模式(合作模式和服务模式)的研究及合作社农户和散户的对比分析,探索合作社对江西双季稻机插推广的促进作用。研究结果表明:合作社农户的成本要低于散户,收益要高于散户,合作社的生产效果比散户的要好;合作社农户的年龄比散户的年龄要低,文化、土地规模、资金要高于散户;合作社农户的机插比例高于散户;目前江西合作社机插典型模式中比较受欢迎的模式是农机大户和种田大户合作模式及"订单式"服务模式;未来种田大户、农机大户和养殖大户是发展江西农民合作生产的主要对象,重点发展的模式是合作社提供水稻生产全程社会化服务模式。 展开更多
关键词 江西省 双季稻机插 合作社 模式 效果
分蘖肥不同施用时期对机插双季稻产量和群体发育的影响 被引量:7
作者 商庆银 吕伟生 +5 位作者 曾勇军 黄山 杨秀霞 谭雪明 石庆华 潘晓华 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期42-47,共6页
分蘖肥的施用对促进水稻分蘖和提高水稻产量具有重要影响,但在机插条件下分蘖肥的最佳施用时期还不够明确。本试验以早稻品种中嘉早17和晚稻品种H优518为材料,研究分蘖肥不同施用时期对机插双季稻产量和群体发育的影响。试验处理分别为... 分蘖肥的施用对促进水稻分蘖和提高水稻产量具有重要影响,但在机插条件下分蘖肥的最佳施用时期还不够明确。本试验以早稻品种中嘉早17和晚稻品种H优518为材料,研究分蘖肥不同施用时期对机插双季稻产量和群体发育的影响。试验处理分别为移栽后第7天、第10天和第13天施用分蘖肥,即D07、D10和D13处理。结果表明:与D07处理相比,D10和D13处理早稻产量分别降低9.4%和3.8%,晚稻产量分别降低4.5%和12.6%,但各处理之间差异不显著。早稻分蘖肥不同施用时期对每穗粒数和结实率具有显著影响,其中D10处理每穗粒数显著低于D07处理,D13处理结实率显著低于D07处理(P<0.05)。晚稻分蘖肥不同施用时期对有效穗数的影响显著,其中D13处理有效穗数显著低于D07处理(P<0.05)。与D07处理相比,D13和D10处理各生育期分蘖数、叶面积指数、生物量积累和氮素吸收均有降低的趋势。因此,在机插秧苗返青后尽早施入分蘖肥有利于提高群体质量,从而发挥机插双季稻的高产潜力。 展开更多
关键词 双季稻 分蘖肥 施肥时期 产量 群体发育
减氮增密对机插双季稻生物学特性及周年产量的影响 被引量:21
作者 李超 肖小平 +5 位作者 唐海明 汤文光 程凯凯 郭立君 汪柯 唐友云 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期2451-2459,共9页
为推动稻草焚烧、高氮低密等传统稻作技术向资源节约型与环境友好型方向转型,在稻草还田下设置:常氮常密(T1)、常氮增密(T2)、减氮常密(T3)、减氮增密(T4)4种双季机插栽培模式,研究减氮增密对机插双季稻生物学特性及周年产量的影响。结... 为推动稻草焚烧、高氮低密等传统稻作技术向资源节约型与环境友好型方向转型,在稻草还田下设置:常氮常密(T1)、常氮增密(T2)、减氮常密(T3)、减氮增密(T4)4种双季机插栽培模式,研究减氮增密对机插双季稻生物学特性及周年产量的影响。结果表明,稻草还田下,T4通过早、晚稻基肥减施总氮量的20%,增密27.3%,显著提高了成穗率、有效穗及结实率(P<0.05),早、晚稻成熟期的群体干物质重较T1仅分别减少3.3%、1.3%,早稻产量较T1增加1.6%,晚稻仅降低0.5%,周年产量增加0.4%。稻草还田下,早、晚稻T4的生育期较T1缩短2 d,有利于保障晚稻适龄机插;早、晚稻的个体SPAD及净光合速率(Pn)均随着施氮量的减少或密度的增加而降低,但群体叶面积衰减率、群体表观转运率、SPAD衰减率及Pn衰减率则表现出相反的规律,以T4最低。综上,稻草还田下减氮增密虽然抑制了机插双季稻的个体生长,但提高了抽穗期至成熟期群体光合物质的生产及转运能力,增加了产量库容量而获得高产,为双季稻区机插栽培技术的发展转型提供了一定的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 稻草还田 双季稻 减氮增密 生物学特性 周年产量
绿肥与稻草联合还田对机插双季稻生长和产量的影响 被引量:9
作者 才硕 时红 +4 位作者 潘晓华 徐涛 谢亨旺 刘方平 曹娜 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期631-640,共10页
为明确绿肥与稻草联合还田对机插双季稻生长发育和产量的影响及其机理,以中嘉早17和H优518为试验品种,于2013-2014年进行了不施肥(CK)、不施肥+绿肥还田+稻草还田(CK+GM+RS)、单施化肥(NPK)、化肥+绿肥还田+稻草还田(NPK+GM+RS)机插双... 为明确绿肥与稻草联合还田对机插双季稻生长发育和产量的影响及其机理,以中嘉早17和H优518为试验品种,于2013-2014年进行了不施肥(CK)、不施肥+绿肥还田+稻草还田(CK+GM+RS)、单施化肥(NPK)、化肥+绿肥还田+稻草还田(NPK+GM+RS)机插双季稻大田试验。结果表明,不论CK还是NPK模式下,GM+RS处理均能够促进水稻生长,显著提高机插双季稻的产量;与NPK相比,NPK+GM+RS处理显著增加了早、晚稻的有效穗(增幅1.75%和1.51%)、每穗粒数(增幅1.82%和1.46%)和产量(增幅5.39%和2.56%),显著增加了成穗率(增幅10.44%和2.07%)、总干物质量(增幅5.69%和7.01%)、成熟期叶面积指数(增幅5.10%和7.10%)以及抽穗至成熟期群体生长率(增幅5.21%和4.51%)。综上所述,绿肥与稻草联合还田能够促进机插水稻生长前期分蘖早发,改善生长中后期群体质量,最终显著提高机插双季稻产量。 展开更多
关键词 绿肥 稻草 双季稻 生长特性 产量
施肥方式对机插双季稻群体生长和产量的影响 被引量:1
作者 黄国龙 康敏 +1 位作者 殷勤 陈献忠 《湖南农业科学》 2018年第3期33-35,38,共4页
以株两优729和桃优香占为材料,研究不同施肥方式对机插双季稻群体生长和产量的影响。结果表明:等氮条件下,采用"分次施肥",运用肥料养分后移技术,减少基蘖肥用量,看苗增施穗肥,能有效控制机插稻后发无效分蘖数,保蘖增穗,提高... 以株两优729和桃优香占为材料,研究不同施肥方式对机插双季稻群体生长和产量的影响。结果表明:等氮条件下,采用"分次施肥",运用肥料养分后移技术,减少基蘖肥用量,看苗增施穗肥,能有效控制机插稻后发无效分蘖数,保蘖增穗,提高成穗率及穗型整齐度,增加总粒数和千粒重,提高单产。早、晚机插稻单产均以"分次施肥"(N、K_2O各40%作基肥,35%作蘖肥,25%作穗肥)处理最高,以一次性全层施肥处理最低,并就机插稻科学施肥提出了指导意见。 展开更多
关键词 双季稻 施肥方式 产量
作者 黄国龙 罗建国 +1 位作者 康敏 谢中良 《湖南农业科学》 2019年第4期28-30,共3页
以中早39、H优518为供试品种,采用对比法,研究了蘖肥插后第5天1次施、按4︰6比例分插后第5天和第12天2次施、插后第10天1次施3种运筹方式对机插双季稻群体茎蘖动态和产量的影响。结果表明:等氮且等量施用基、蘖、穗肥条件下,3种蘖肥运... 以中早39、H优518为供试品种,采用对比法,研究了蘖肥插后第5天1次施、按4︰6比例分插后第5天和第12天2次施、插后第10天1次施3种运筹方式对机插双季稻群体茎蘖动态和产量的影响。结果表明:等氮且等量施用基、蘖、穗肥条件下,3种蘖肥运筹方式对双季稻盛蘖期的同期茎蘖数、成穗率、有效穗数、每穗总粒影响较大,对结实率和千粒质量影响较小。早晚两季产量均以按4︰6比例分插后第5天和第12天2次施处理最高,其次是插后第5天1次施处理,2者产量差异不显著,与插后第10天1次施处理的产量差异显著(早季)或极显著(晚季)。并就如何根据机插双季稻生育特性、及田间禾苗生长实况科学施用蘖肥提出了参考建议。 展开更多
关键词 蘖肥运筹 双季稻 产量
绿肥与稻草联合还田对机插稻光合特性、养分吸收和产量品质的影响 被引量:9
作者 才硕 时红 +3 位作者 潘晓华 陈昱 徐涛 万绍媛 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期229-240,共12页
【目的】为明确绿肥与稻草联合还田对机插双季稻叶片光合特性、养分吸收和产量品质的影响及其机理。【方法】以中嘉早17和H优518为试验品种,于2013-2014年进行了不施化肥(CK)、不施化肥+绿肥与稻草联合还田(CK+GM+RS)、单施化肥(NPK)、... 【目的】为明确绿肥与稻草联合还田对机插双季稻叶片光合特性、养分吸收和产量品质的影响及其机理。【方法】以中嘉早17和H优518为试验品种,于2013-2014年进行了不施化肥(CK)、不施化肥+绿肥与稻草联合还田(CK+GM+RS)、单施化肥(NPK)、化肥+绿肥与稻草联合还田(NPK+GM+RS)机插双季稻大田试验。【结果】早晚稻不同处理各生育期叶片叶绿素含量与氮磷钾养分吸收量、抽穗期和成熟期叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度以及稻谷产量、出糙率、精米率、整精米率、胶稠度由高到低依次为NPK+GM+RS、NPK、CK+GM+RS、CK,垩白粒率、垩白度、直链淀粉和碱消值由高到低依次为CK、CK+GM+RS、NPK、NPK+GM+RS。与NPK相比,早晚稻NPK+GM+RS处理幼穗分化期氮磷钾吸收量分别提高8.03%和10.71%、55.21%和24.49%、10.26%和9.91%,成熟期叶片光合速率分别增加10.36%和12.78%,氮磷钾养分农学利用率分别提高8.15%和5.95%、8.16%和5.93%、8.13%和5.93%,产量分别增加5.39%和2.56%。【结论】绿肥与稻草联合还田能够提高机插双季稻叶片叶绿素含量和光合作用,促进植株氮磷钾养分的吸收和利用,增加水稻产量和改善稻米品质。 展开更多
关键词 绿肥 稻草 双季稻 光合作用 养分吸收 产量 稻米品质
作者 罗丽芳 程旭权 +1 位作者 胡江 艾明 《江西农业》 2019年第6期2-3,共2页
关键词 双季稻机插 品种选择 秧苗培育
低氮密植对机插双季稻产量形成和氮肥利用率的影响 被引量:16
作者 杨志长 沈涛 +5 位作者 罗卓 彭芝 胡宇倩 资涛 熊廷浩 宋海星 《作物杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第2期71-81,共11页
在大田试验条件下,采用裂区设计,以株两优819和中嘉早17为早稻材料,泰优390和湘晚籼13为晚稻材料,设置不施氮常密(CK0)、不施氮高密(CK1)、常氮常密(D0N0)、低氮高密(D1N1)4种氮肥密度组合,研究低氮密植对机插早、晚稻产量形成和氮肥利... 在大田试验条件下,采用裂区设计,以株两优819和中嘉早17为早稻材料,泰优390和湘晚籼13为晚稻材料,设置不施氮常密(CK0)、不施氮高密(CK1)、常氮常密(D0N0)、低氮高密(D1N1)4种氮肥密度组合,研究低氮密植对机插早、晚稻产量形成和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明,与D0N0相比,D1N1更有利于构建水稻优良群体结构,提高群体分蘖数和主要生育期干物质含量,且叶面积指数、光合势和群体生长率等群体指标均具有一定的优势;同时,D1N1协调穗数与粒数的矛盾,提高群体总颖花量,维持结实率和千粒重,保持产量稳定;D1N1还可提高氮素偏生产力、氮素农学利用率和氮素吸收利用率,但对氮收获指数影响较小。低氮密植对水稻经济效益的影响因品种、稻季和地点的不同而存在差异,有一定的减收风险。综合考虑,低氮密植可兼顾水稻产量的稳定和氮肥利用率的提高,且氮肥投入的减少有利于环保。 展开更多
关键词 双季稻 低氮密植 产量形成 氮肥利用率
Research of an Appropriate Sowing Quantity of Double-cropping Machine-transplanted Rice in Low and Medium Yielding District of Southern Jiangxi Province
作者 钟珺 胡启锋 +4 位作者 李云 黎为兵 连垚 张朝阳 虞新华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期526-529,543,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to research the appropriate seeding quantities of double-season machine-transplanted rice in middle and low-yielding district of southern Jiangxi Province. [Method] The research set five differ... [Objective] The aim was to research the appropriate seeding quantities of double-season machine-transplanted rice in middle and low-yielding district of southern Jiangxi Province. [Method] The research set five different seeding quantities treatments, and compared with conventional seedling treatment, and the appropriate seeding quantities of double season machine-transplanted rice in middle and lowyielding district of southern Jiangxi Province was discussed. [Result] The yields were highest when the seeding quantity was 70 g per tray of early rice by mechanical transplanting and 60 g per tray of late rice. The yield of early rice by mechanical transplanting showed significantly positive correlation with the number of productive ear and the number of seed per ear, and late rice yield showed significant correlation with the number of productive ear by mechanical transplanting. It is key for improving high yields by guaranteeing the number of productive ear. [Conclusion] The issue of proper sowing quantity should be taken into consideration for double-cropping rice in the region, which is crucial for high yields. 展开更多
关键词 Sowing quantity Double-cropping rice Machine-transplanted Rice Low and medium yielding farmlands
Effects of Plant Spacing and Finger Sticking Area Settings for Machine Transplanting on Yield of Double-season Early Rice
作者 李木英 黄程宽 +2 位作者 谭雪明 潘晓华 石庆华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第5期1089-1095,共7页
The effects of rice transplanters' transplanting settings(plant spacing and finger sticking area) on rice yield were investigated in two early-season rice cultivars:hybrid rice cultivar(Zhuliangyou 819) and conv... The effects of rice transplanters' transplanting settings(plant spacing and finger sticking area) on rice yield were investigated in two early-season rice cultivars:hybrid rice cultivar(Zhuliangyou 819) and conventional rice cultivar(Zhongjiazao 17).The results showed that,different transplanting settings resulted in different numbers of transplanted basic seedlings,and the rice yield was significantly correlated with the number of transplanted basic seedlings.The number of transplanted basic seedlings increased with the decrease of plant spacing and the increase of finger sticking area.The rate of lost hills of machine transplanting decreased with the increase of finger sticking area.The leaf area index and amount of dry matter accumulation were highly correlated with the number of transplanted basic seedlings.The average yield of the rice transplanted with a plant spacing of11.5 cm was higher than that with a plant spacing of 13.8 cm.In the field transplanted with the rice under the plant spacing of 13.8 cm,the rice yield increased with the increase of finger sticking area,and the finger sticking area of 2.23 cm2 showed the highest rice yield of 8 174.16 kg/hm2 of Zhuliangyou 819 and 7 925.54kg/hm2 of Zhongjiaozao17.In the field transplanted with the rice under the plant spacing of 11.5 cm,the rice yield was the highest with the finger sticking area of 1.83 cm2,and then decreased with the large finger sticking area.Under the plant spacing of 11.5 cm,the highest rice yields of Zhuliangyou 819 and Zhongjiaozao17 were 8 492.94 kg/hm2 and 8 000.23 kg/hm2,respectively.Therefore,the preferred machine transplanting settings for double-season early rice are a plant spacing of11.5 cm and a finger sticking area of 1.83 cm2,while the finger sticking area should be increased to 2.23 cm2 for conventional rice cultivars. 展开更多
关键词 Double-season early rice TRANSPLANTER Plant spacing Finger sticking area YIELD
Major Physiological Characters of Different Double Cropping Rice Varieties by Different Mechanical Transplanting Methods
作者 李木英 黄程宽 +2 位作者 谭雪明 石庆华 潘晓华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期898-908,共11页
The research selected 16 rice varieties(8 early and 8 late double-cropping rice) by mechanical transplanting modes as per equivalent row and wide-narrow row to explore yield and physiological traits in order to prov... The research selected 16 rice varieties(8 early and 8 late double-cropping rice) by mechanical transplanting modes as per equivalent row and wide-narrow row to explore yield and physiological traits in order to provide references for selection of rice variety suitable for mechanical transplanting. The results showed that yields of early and late rice improved by 2.90% and 2.73% by mechanical transplanting as per equivalent row and wide-narrow row respectively. Besides, leaf area index in the treatment as per wide-narrow row was higher compared with the treatment as per equivalent row, as well as average photosynthetic potential which grew by 0.92%,3.99% and 5.64% of early from tillering-peak stage to mature stage and 3.46%,7.09% and 6.79% of late rice. Furthermore, by mechanical transplanting as per wide-narrow row, SPAD value, and root activity performer higher, as well as the number of differentiated branch and glumous flowers, but degradation rate showed lower. In addition, with mechanical transplanting the same, early rice Zhuliangyou819 and late rice Fengyuanyou 299 took advantages in yield, which can be priorities for mechanical transplanting in double-cropping areas in Jiangxi Province. 展开更多
关键词 Double-cropping rice VARIETY Mechanical transplanting Physiological characters
Tillering Characteristics of Different Varieties of Double-season Rice under Different Mechanical Transplanting Modes
作者 李木英 黄程宽 +2 位作者 谭雪明 潘晓华 石庆华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2602-2610,共9页
A total of 8 early-season and late-season rice varieties with different growth periods were selected, and their tillering characteristics under wide-narrow row and equal row .transplanting modes were studied. The resu... A total of 8 early-season and late-season rice varieties with different growth periods were selected, and their tillering characteristics under wide-narrow row and equal row .transplanting modes were studied. The results showed that the length of slow growth phase was related to the performance of transplanter; the ef- fect of mechanical transplanting on tillering of early-season rice was greater than that of late-season rice; Compared with late-season rice, early-season rice showed later tillering and longer tillering period; the tiller number per plant and effective panicle number per plant differed greatly among different varieties of double-season rice; under the condition of same transplanting density, the tillers of rice under wide- narrow row transplanting mode appeared rapidly and disappeared slowly, and wide- narrow row transplanting mode improved tillering, effective panicle number and yield of rice; different varieties of double-season rice showed different adaptability to me- chanical transplanting, and the varieties with short growth period, strong tilledng a- bility and more effective panicles per plant were more suitable for mechanical trans- planting; the effect of mechanical transplanting on rejuvenation of rice could be im- proved by improving the performance of transplanter. 展开更多
关键词 Double-season rice Equal row mechanical transplanting Wide-narrow row mechanical transplanting Tillering characteristics
Effects of Different Application Times of Tillering Fertilizer on Grain Yield and Population Development of Double-cropping Rice Transplanted by Machine
作者 商庆银 吕伟生 +5 位作者 曾勇军 黄山 杨秀霞 谭雪明 石庆华 潘晓华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期1860-1864,1868,共6页
The application of tillering fertilizer plays an important role in promoting rice tillering and improving rice yield. However, under the condition of mechanical transplanting, the optimal application time of tillering... The application of tillering fertilizer plays an important role in promoting rice tillering and improving rice yield. However, under the condition of mechanical transplanting, the optimal application time of tillering fertilizer is still unclear. In this study, the early rice cultivar Zhongjiazao 17 and late rice cultivar H You 518 were used as materials, and the effects of different application times of tillering fertilizer on yield and population development of double-cropping rice transplanted by machine were investigated. The tillering fertilizer was applied 7(D07), 10(D10) and 13(D13) d after the transplanting, respectively. The results showed that compared with those in the D07 treatment groups, the yield of early rice in the D10 and D13 treatment groups were reduced by 9.4% and 3.8%, respectively, and the yield of late rice in the D10 and D13 treatment groups were reduced by 4.5% and 12.6%,respectively. However, there were no significant differences in rice yield among the treatment groups. The application time of tillering fertilizer showed significant effects on grain number per panicle and seed setting rate of early rice. The grain number per panicle in the D10 treatment group was significantly lower than that in the D07 treatment group, and the seed setting rate of the D13 treatment group was significantly lower than that in the D07 treatment group(P〈0.05). For the late rice, the effect of application time of tillering fertilizer on effective tiller number was most obvious, and the effective tiller number in the D13 treatment group was significantly lower than that in the D07 treatment group(P〈0.05). Compared with those in the D07 treatment group, the effective tiller numbers, leaf area indexes and biomasses in the D10 and D13 treatment groups were all trended to be decreased. Therefore,to improve the quality of population and fulfill the high-yielding potential of double-cropping rice transplanted by machine, the tillering fertilizer should be applied as early as possible after rice seedlings turn green. 展开更多
关键词 Double-cropping rice Mechanical transplanting Tillering fertilizer Application time YIELD Population development
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