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双星系中两子星的自转对双星轨道变化的后牛顿效应 被引量:1
作者 李林森 《陕西天文台台刊》 CSCD 1998年第1期78-83,共6页
本文利用解摄动方程的平均值法求得在PPN框架中二体自转对轨道要素产生的后牛顿效应的长期变化影响.利用这一理论对CWCep和DRVul两颗双星中两子星的自转对轨道近星点和平近点角的长期摄动的后牛顿效应做了计算。结果表明:对于两个质... 本文利用解摄动方程的平均值法求得在PPN框架中二体自转对轨道要素产生的后牛顿效应的长期变化影响.利用这一理论对CWCep和DRVul两颗双星中两子星的自转对轨道近星点和平近点角的长期摄动的后牛顿效应做了计算。结果表明:对于两个质量较大快速自转的子星,由此所产生的后牛顿效应的摄动量是不能忽视的。 展开更多
关键词 双星系 两子星 自转 星轨道 后牛顿效应
双偏心卵形齿轮行星系分插机构的分析研究 被引量:4
作者 谈梅兰 周涛 +1 位作者 沈燕 华希俊 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2016年第4期17-22,共6页
鉴于已有的高速水稻插秧机中的椭圆齿轮行星系分插机构在取秧过程中易出现伤秧、插秧过程中易出现倒秧或插不进秧的情况,借助于计算机辅助软件对双偏心卵形齿轮行星系在高速水稻插秧机旋转式分插机构上进行了应用研究,提出了以标准卵形... 鉴于已有的高速水稻插秧机中的椭圆齿轮行星系分插机构在取秧过程中易出现伤秧、插秧过程中易出现倒秧或插不进秧的情况,借助于计算机辅助软件对双偏心卵形齿轮行星系在高速水稻插秧机旋转式分插机构上进行了应用研究,提出了以标准卵形齿轮节曲线和标准直齿圆柱齿轮渐开线作为基础,对无函数表达式节曲线的双偏心卵形齿轮行星系各项参数进行理论分析,建立双偏心卵形齿轮行星系的实体模型,为了将其与插秧机上其他零部件进行装配,给出了双偏心卵形齿轮行星系旋转式分插机构虚拟制造结果。对改装后的插秧机分插机构的虚拟样机进行仿真,与椭圆齿轮行星系分插机构在插秧性能方面进行比较。结果表明:由于双偏心卵形齿轮相对于标准椭圆齿轮的设计变量多,因而结构优化更灵活,安装在插秧机上稳定性好。因此,双偏心卵形齿轮行星系分插机构比椭圆齿轮行星系分插机构更能满足在高速化条件下插秧轨迹的要求。 展开更多
关键词 高速水稻插秧机 偏心卵形齿轮行星系 分插机构 虚拟制造
作者 niking 《游艇业》 2011年第4期44-51,共8页
当赫涞森游艇的老板吕佳扬收到一份80英尺双体动力船的订单时,他看了一眼就把它扔到了废纸篓里,因为这是个不可能完成的任务,不过转念一想,他决定给澳大利亚的游艇设计师写封邮件试试……这款险些终结在废纸篓的双体动力游艇现已成... 当赫涞森游艇的老板吕佳扬收到一份80英尺双体动力船的订单时,他看了一眼就把它扔到了废纸篓里,因为这是个不可能完成的任务,不过转念一想,他决定给澳大利亚的游艇设计师写封邮件试试……这款险些终结在废纸篓的双体动力游艇现已成为公认的惊艳之作——赫涞森AC80。 展开更多
关键词 双星系 澳大利亚 动力船 游艇 设计师 废纸
作者 汪梦欣 罗阿理 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期290-293,共4页
星系并合会产生不同尺度距离的星系对甚至双活动星系核,同时在过程中会触发星暴以及超大质量黑洞的活动。在光谱上,当两个星系并合到kpc尺度时,其两个核的相互绕转在总光谱上会表现出窄线双峰谱线轮廓。以这个观测特性为起点,从郭守敬... 星系并合会产生不同尺度距离的星系对甚至双活动星系核,同时在过程中会触发星暴以及超大质量黑洞的活动。在光谱上,当两个星系并合到kpc尺度时,其两个核的相互绕转在总光谱上会表现出窄线双峰谱线轮廓。以这个观测特性为起点,从郭守敬望远镜巡天的第四次释放数据(LAMOST DR4)中系统的搜寻带有窄发射线双峰特征的双AGN候选体。AGN的发射线光谱轮廓由发射线的若干种不同的动力学成分构成,主要可以分为三类,窄线成分(Hβ,[OⅢ], Hαand [NⅡ]),[OⅢ]的线翼、以及宽的Balmer发射线。基于LAMOST DR4河外光谱数据,应用了一套搜寻流程,在初始筛选(涉及到发射线的信噪比、等值宽度和红移)及目视检查挑选之后,通过建立的多高斯拟合模型挑选出在发射线的流量、半高全宽、窄线双峰之间速度分离程度等一系列参数上符合我们限制要求的样本,并借助于Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich (BPT)图来鉴别每个成分的来源,确定出了28个双AGN候选体。为了获取更准确的星族成分并发现这类双AGN候选体样本的共有特性,对28个双AGN候选体的光谱流量用一个低阶多项式重新进行了修正并采用传统的统一插值和中值方法对其进行合并得到一条高信噪比光谱,并以目前已有的来源于LAMOST星系光谱数据的Ⅱ型AGN(单AGN)的复合光谱作为对照样本,采用STARLIGHT软件分别拟合了合并的双AGN和对照的单AGN的光学光谱中的吸收线和连续谱。通过研究它们的星族特性及两者间的异同,发现与单AGN复合谱相比,双AGN候选体样本的合并谱具有更多中等年龄及老年星族的贡献,反映出更剧烈的中心黑洞。在金属丰度方面,单AGN的主导星族为太阳金属丰度的星族Z_⊙,而双AGN候选体合并谱中贡献较多的星族为亚太阳金属丰度星族0.2 Z_⊙和富金属丰度星族2.5 Z_⊙,表现出了差异性特征,也预示着这类样本中恒星形成历史更加复杂,呈现出了多样化。在幂律谱成分贡献方面在单、双AGN中老年星族都贡献了其大部分质量,但单AGN复合谱中幂律成分占比为8.2%,明显高于双AGN候选体合并谱中幂律成分的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 LAMOST 活动星系 光谱合成 星族分析
变质量二体问题及其解 被引量:1
作者 郑学塘 郁丽忠 《南京理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1994年第1期1-6,共6页
该文采用Gylden-Meshcherskii方程和Eddington-Jeans定律研究了变质量二体问题并得到对于任意足值的G-M型变质量二体问题的解。结果表明由于主星的质量损失会使伴星的轨道半长径α产生一阶长期和... 该文采用Gylden-Meshcherskii方程和Eddington-Jeans定律研究了变质量二体问题并得到对于任意足值的G-M型变质量二体问题的解。结果表明由于主星的质量损失会使伴星的轨道半长径α产生一阶长期和周期项,轨道偏心率e产生一阶周期和二阶混合项,近星点角角距ω产生一阶周期、二阶长期和混合项。文末,还对所得的结果进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 天体力学 变质量 二体问题 双星系
Salt-Containing Extractive Distillation of 1-Propanol/Water System 1.Prediction of Salt Effect on Vapor Liquid Equilibrium 被引量:1
作者 Fu Jiquan Fu Die 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2012年第4期89-96,共8页
This paper has studied the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) for the salt-containing extractive distillation of the 1-propanol/water system. Binary VLE data were measured for the systems of 1-propanol (1)/KAc (4), ... This paper has studied the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) for the salt-containing extractive distillation of the 1-propanol/water system. Binary VLE data were measured for the systems of 1-propanol (1)/KAc (4), ethanediol (3)/KAc (4), and 1-propanol (1)/ethanediol (3), with the VLE data correlated with the NRTL model in order to obtain the model parameters of these binary systems. The binary VLE data cited in technical literature were correlated to obtain the model parameters for other binary systems. VLE data of ternary and quaternary systems predicted by the NRTI.: model agreed well with the literature data. The influence of KAc, ethanediol, and the KAc/ethanediol mixture on volatility between 1-propanol and water was investigated respectively. Test results showed that the above-mentioned materials (KAc, ethanediol) and their mixture (KAc and ethanediol) have different influence on the volatility. When x3=0.5, and x4=0.05, the azeotropic point can be elimi- nated. The NRTL model method of salt-containing VLE is simple and effective for the prediction of the system's VLE data. 展开更多
关键词 salt effect vapor liquid equilibrium 1-propanol NRTL model
作者 WEIJin-chen TANGJi-qiang SHENFeng 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2005年第2期177-182,共6页
Synchronization is an essential technology in the radio navigation system. The technique for improving the “Beidou” positioning ability is presented through constituting the terrestrial improvement system, and the b... Synchronization is an essential technology in the radio navigation system. The technique for improving the “Beidou” positioning ability is presented through constituting the terrestrial improvement system, and the beacon synchronization of the improvement system with the “Beidou” one-way time transfer model is realized.The direct digital synthesis (DDS) is adopted to generate the pseudo-random code clock having high precision and stability. Meanwhile, the CPLD device is used to design the synchronization pulse picking-up module, the spread spectrum PN code generator and the spread spectrum modulator. Measurement results indicate that the beacon synchronization has the high precision and the stability. 展开更多
关键词 radio navigation system terrestrial improvement system time transfer SYNCHRONIZATION
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Ethyl Acetate+C_nH_(2n+1)OH(n=1,2,3) Binary Systems at 0.3 MPa
作者 SUSIAL P. RODRIGUEZ-HENRIQUEZ J.J. +1 位作者 SOSA-ROSARIO A. RIOS-SANTANA R. 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期723-730,共8页
Vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the binary systems of ethyl acetate + methanol,ethyl acetate + ethanol and ethyl acetate + 1-propanol at 0.3 MPa were determined.The experimental data were verified with the point-to-... Vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the binary systems of ethyl acetate + methanol,ethyl acetate + ethanol and ethyl acetate + 1-propanol at 0.3 MPa were determined.The experimental data were verified with the point-to-point test of van Ness(1973).All these systems present an azeotropic point at 0.3 MPa that increases in ester composition for longer alcohol chains.The UNIFAC in different versions and ASOG prediction models were applied. 展开更多
关键词 vapor-liquid equilibrium vapor-liquid equilibrium isobaric data ethyl ester ALCOHOL
Corona-Support for the Entirety of High Energetic Disk
作者 Krasimira Dimitrova Yankova 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第7期395-400,共6页
Based on results obtained from the study for MHD (magneto-hydrodynamics) of advective accretion disk, which are applied to real source showing typical values for CBS (close binary star-system), it will investigate... Based on results obtained from the study for MHD (magneto-hydrodynamics) of advective accretion disk, which are applied to real source showing typical values for CBS (close binary star-system), it will investigate on self-structuring in the disk under the impact of the distribution of leading parameters (density, velocity ...). The paper is considering the problem of development of the corona and will analyze the process of interaction of the plasma with the magnetic field in connection to support for the instabilities. 展开更多
关键词 Accretion disk advection MHD (magneto-hydrodynamics) instabilities.
Filter Method and Its Consistency of Double-Star Position/SINS Integrated System
作者 LIN Xueyuan CHEN Yulin XU Zhibin 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2007年第1期17-21,共5页
According to the characteristic of Beidou Double-star positing system (for short: Double-star position), the optimal predication model of Double-star position/SINS integrated system is put forward, which can make use ... According to the characteristic of Beidou Double-star positing system (for short: Double-star position), the optimal predication model of Double-star position/SINS integrated system is put forward, which can make use of the delayed position in-formation from Double-star positioning system to predicate optimally for the integrated system, and then to correct SINS, and af-fords integrated results of some navigation parameters. In order to validate the consistency of the filter, the criteria for consistency of a filter is also studied, and the tested statistics are given, the experiment based on practical measured data shows that the filtering method is consistent with the integrated system. 展开更多
关键词 Double-star position optimal predication SINS INNOVATION CONSISTENCY
A GPS/BDS dual-mode positioning algorithm for a train based on CIPSO_EKF 被引量:2
作者 LUO Miao DANG Jianwu 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2022年第1期12-20,共9页
When using global positioning system/BeiDou navigation satellite(GPS/BDS)dual-mode navigation system to locate a train,Kalman filter that is used to calculate train position has to be adjusted according to the feature... When using global positioning system/BeiDou navigation satellite(GPS/BDS)dual-mode navigation system to locate a train,Kalman filter that is used to calculate train position has to be adjusted according to the features of the dual-mode observation.Due to multipath effect,positioning accuracy of present Kalman filter algorithm is really low.To solve this problem,a chaotic immune-vaccine particle swarm optimization_extended Kalman filter(CIPSO_EKF)algorithm is proposed to improve the output accuracy of the Kalman filter.By chaotic mapping and immunization,the particle swarm algorithm is first optimized,and then the optimized particle swarm algorithm is used to optimize the observation error covariance matrix.The optimal parameters are provided to the EKF,which can effectively reduce the impact of the observation value oscillation caused by multipath effect on positioning accuracy.At the same time,the train positioning results of EKF and CIPSO_EKF algorithms are compared.The eastward position errors and velocity errors show that CIPSO_EKF algorithm has faster convergence speed and higher real-time performance,which can effectively suppress interference and improve positioning accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 global positioning system/BeiDou navigation satellite(GPS/BDS)dual-mode positioning chaotic immune-vaccine particle swarm optimization(CIPSO) extended Kalman filter(EKF) positioning accuracy
作者 周佳 《湖南中学物理》 2013年第4期54-54,45,共2页
爱因斯坦曾经说过:"提出一个问题比解决一个问题更重要。"在新课的教学过程中,学生总是会提出各种各样的问题,其中不乏一些质量较高,值得我们深入思考的问题。一.关于万有引力的一个问题在研究类似于地月系统的问题时,我们分... 爱因斯坦曾经说过:"提出一个问题比解决一个问题更重要。"在新课的教学过程中,学生总是会提出各种各样的问题,其中不乏一些质量较高,值得我们深入思考的问题。一.关于万有引力的一个问题在研究类似于地月系统的问题时,我们分析的往往是卫星运动的轨道半径、线速度等问题,而认为中心天体是静止不动的。这时就有学生提出问题, 展开更多
关键词 牛顿第三定律 运动电荷 地月系统 电场力 物理现象 中心天体 素质教育过程 库仑力 引力作用 双星系
The fast rotation of companions of compact objects in close binary systems 被引量:1
作者 ABLIMIT Iminhaji Lü GuoLiang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期663-669,共7页
We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of the rotation of single stars and companions of compact objects(The compact objects are white dwarfs(WDs) and neutron stars(NSs)) in close binaries.We present a comparison b... We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of the rotation of single stars and companions of compact objects(The compact objects are white dwarfs(WDs) and neutron stars(NSs)) in close binaries.We present a comparison between the rotation of companions of compact objects and that of single stars.We find that the rotation of the companions of compact objects is on average faster than that of the single stars.According to the distribution of the orbital period and the rotation angular velocity,we find that the rotation of the companions of compact objects is mostly accelerated by stable mass transfer.Tidal forces of the compact object can also affect the rotation of companion. 展开更多
关键词 ROTATION companions of compact objects close binary systems spin and orbital period
A test of an early-type contact binary model by comparing the relations obtained from theory with those from observations 被引量:1
作者 SONG Fen HUANG RunQian 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期320-328,共9页
Contact binary systems,including massive,middle-mass and low-mass systems,have been observed.It is necessary to construct the evolutionary model for contact binary systems with all different masses.The model introduce... Contact binary systems,including massive,middle-mass and low-mass systems,have been observed.It is necessary to construct the evolutionary model for contact binary systems with all different masses.The model introduced by Huang,Song and Bi indicates some special and unique understandings of the physical processes occurring in the contact binaries.It is necessary to test whether this model can be applied to the early-type contact binaries.The best way to test a theoretical model is to know whether this model can explain the observational phenomena of such binaries.For this aim,a comparison is performed for the relations of mass-luminosity,mass-radius,and the distribution in the HR diagram obtained from the model introduced by Huang et al.and those from the astronomical observations.A good result is obtained by the comparison.This means the model can be used in calculating the evolution of early-type contact binaries,and can explain the observational phenomena of such binaries. 展开更多
关键词 binaries: eclipsing stars: evolution stars: fundamental parameters stars: rotation
Contact binaries:I.An inspection of the HSB contact binary model by comparison of relationships obtained from theoretical light curves with that from astronomical observations 被引量:1
作者 LUO ChangQing HUANG RunQian 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期553-560,共8页
The light curve is one of the most important photometric characteristics of variable stars,which can supply physical information about many stars.So,light curves are the best candidate to inspect a theoretical model o... The light curve is one of the most important photometric characteristics of variable stars,which can supply physical information about many stars.So,light curves are the best candidate to inspect a theoretical model of binaries.One important feature of the light curve is the difference of two light minima of the light curve,namely the difference between the primary eclipse depth and the secondary eclipse depth(DED).In this paper,the secondary eclipse depths of theoretical and observational light curves are studied.Firstly,a method to calculate the theoretical light curves of an eclipsing binary with non-spherical components is proposed,which can be put into the HSB contact binary model [Huang R Q,et al.Chin J Astron Astrophys,2007,7:235-244;Song H F,et al.Chin J Astron Astrophys,2007,7:539-550].Theoretical light curves and the DED of the binary can be obtained at every evolutionary phase.The relationships of DED with mass and luminosity are presented and show special features for the contact binaries.Secondly,a large amount of observational data is collected,from which 11 massive,intermediate-mass contact binaries and 9 low-mass contact binaries are chosen and the two relationships are obtained using theoretical light curves.Finally,in order to check whether the HSB contact binary model can be used in contact binary systems with massive,intermediate-mass and low-mass components,a comparison is performed for the above mentioned relationships obtained from theoretical light curves with those from the astronomical observations.The results show a good agreement for contact binary systems with all different masses. 展开更多
关键词 stars: binaries stars: evolution binaries: eclipsing
Applications of two-way satellite time and frequency transfer in the BeiDou navigation satellite system 被引量:7
作者 ShanShi Zhou XiaoGong Hu +7 位作者 Li Liu Rui Guo LingFeng Zhu ZhiQiao Chang ChengPan Tang XiuQiang Gong Ran Li Yang Yu 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期72-80,共9页
A two-way satellite time and frequency transfer(TWSTFT) device equipped in the BeiDou navigation satellite system(BDS)can calculate clock error between satellite and ground master clock. TWSTFT is a real-time method w... A two-way satellite time and frequency transfer(TWSTFT) device equipped in the BeiDou navigation satellite system(BDS)can calculate clock error between satellite and ground master clock. TWSTFT is a real-time method with high accuracy because most system errors such as orbital error, station position error, and tropospheric and ionospheric delay error can be eliminated by calculating the two-way pseudorange difference. Another method, the multi-satellite precision orbit determination(MPOD)method, can be applied to estimate satellite clock errors. By comparison with MPOD clock estimations, this paper discusses the applications of the BDS TWSTFT clock observations in satellite clock measurement, satellite clock prediction, navigation system time monitor, and satellite clock performance assessment in orbit. The results show that with TWSTFT clock observations, the accuracy of satellite clock prediction is higher than MPOD. Five continuous weeks of comparisons with three international GNSS Service(IGS) analysis centers(ACs) show that the reference time difference between BeiDou time(BDT) and golbal positoning system(GPS) time(GPST) realized IGS ACs is in the tens of nanoseconds. Applying the TWSTFT clock error observations may obtain more accurate satellite clock performance evaluation in the 104 s interval because the accuracy of the MPOD clock estimation is not sufficiently high. By comparing the BDS and GPS satellite clock performance, we found that the BDS clock stability at the 103 s interval is approximately 10.12, which is similar to the GPS IIR. 展开更多
关键词 BDS TWSTFT satellite clock prediction accuracy system reference time Allan variance
Effects from Periastron Advance of Eccentric Binary Stars
作者 李瑾 仲元红 潘宇 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期603-606,共4页
In this paper,we discuss the coefficients of Gravitational waveform due to eccentric binaries periastron advance with evolved eccentricity.For the basic harmonic modes(n ≤ 5),the frequency split and corresponding rel... In this paper,we discuss the coefficients of Gravitational waveform due to eccentric binaries periastron advance with evolved eccentricity.For the basic harmonic modes(n ≤ 5),the frequency split and corresponding relative strengths in the spectrum are figured out.Taking the well known binary systems PSRB 1913+16 and PSRB 1534+12 as examples,we study the dominant harmonic and its frequency split caused by periastron advance in the spectra,and give an estimation of detectability for PSRB 1913+16 and PSRB 1534+12,which are the promising targets for space observatories of gravitational wave. 展开更多
关键词 eccentric binary stars frequency split periastron advance
On the non-synchronous rotation of binary systems
作者 LI ZhiXiong HUANG RunQian WANG ShuMin 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期1194-1200,共7页
During the evolution of the binary system, many physical processes occur, which can influence the orbital angular velocity and the spin angular velocities of the two components, and influence the non-synchronous or sy... During the evolution of the binary system, many physical processes occur, which can influence the orbital angular velocity and the spin angular velocities of the two components, and influence the non-synchronous or synchronous rotation of the system. These processes include the transfer of masses and angular momentums between the component stars, the loss of mass and angular momentum via stellar winds, and the deformation of the structure of component stars. A study of these processes indicates that they are closely related to the combined effects of tide and rotation. This means, to study the synchronous or non-synchronous rotation of binary systems, one has to consider the contributions of different physical processes simultaneously, instead of the tidal effect alone. A way to know whether the rotation of a binary system is synchronous or non-synchronous is to calculate the orbital angular velocity and the spin angular velocities of the component stars. If all of these angular velocities are equal, the rotation of the system is synchronous. If not, the rotation of the system is non-synchronous. For this aim, a series of equations are developed to calculate the orbital and spin angular velocities. The evolutionary calculation of a binary system with masses of 10M~ + 6Me shows that the transfer of masses and angular momentums between the two components, and the deformation of the components structure in the semidetached or in the contact phase can change the rotation of the system from synchronous into non-synchronous rotation. 展开更多
关键词 stars: rotation stars: evolution stars: binaries
Hyperbolicity of C^1 -star invariant sets for C^1 -class dynamical systems
作者 DAI XiongPing 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2011年第2期269-280,共12页
In this paper, we simply prove, in the framework of Liao, the hyperbolicity of C 1 -star invariant sets of C 1 -class differential systems on a closed manifold of dimension≤ 4, without using the C 1 -connecting lemma... In this paper, we simply prove, in the framework of Liao, the hyperbolicity of C 1 -star invariant sets of C 1 -class differential systems on a closed manifold of dimension≤ 4, without using the C 1 -connecting lemma and even the ergodic closing lemma. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous differential system star property HYPERBOLICITY
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