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作者 江晓珊 《福建行政学院学报》 2010年第5期59-62,70,共5页
农村社会工作是社会工作的一个重要领域,农村社会工作直接服务于农村、农业和农民,具有良好的社会效果。二元社会结构下,城市优先,农村发展明显滞后,农村社会工作面临着极大的困难与挑战。参照国内外农村社会工作发展经验,在"以人... 农村社会工作是社会工作的一个重要领域,农村社会工作直接服务于农村、农业和农民,具有良好的社会效果。二元社会结构下,城市优先,农村发展明显滞后,农村社会工作面临着极大的困难与挑战。参照国内外农村社会工作发展经验,在"以人为本"的社会工作服务理念的基础上,尝试构建立足于我国农村实际发展需求的农村社会工作"双核化"管理模式。 展开更多
关键词 农村 社会工作 双核化 管理模式
《计算机与网络》 2011年第6期5-5,共1页
关键词 浏览器 中国 双核化 《程序员》杂志 专题研讨会 CSDN 发展前景 国内外
浏览器迎来中国机会 2011年全面双核化
作者 韩煜尘 《网友世界》 2011年第8期8-8,共1页
关键词 浏览器 中国 双核化 《程序员》杂志 专题研讨会 CSDN 发展前景 国内外
高职金融管理专业“双核双化”课程体系构建研究——以南京城市职业学院金融管理专业为例 被引量:1
作者 丁素坚 《南京广播电视大学学报》 2016年第2期36-39,共4页
人才培养模式的构建是高职院校实现人才培养目标的关键保障,而课程体系的设置则是人才培养模式的落脚点,也是提高学校教育质量和学生就业能力的重要保障。以南京城市职业学院金融管理专业为例,探讨高职层次金融管理专业课程体系改革,提... 人才培养模式的构建是高职院校实现人才培养目标的关键保障,而课程体系的设置则是人才培养模式的落脚点,也是提高学校教育质量和学生就业能力的重要保障。以南京城市职业学院金融管理专业为例,探讨高职层次金融管理专业课程体系改革,提出了构建"双核双化"课程体系的基本思路、具体措施和保障机制。 展开更多
关键词 金融管理 课程体系 构建 双核
武汉:外包双核化的开始 被引量:1
作者 冀勇庆 《IT经理世界》 2007年第14期42-43,共2页
关键词 外包 二线城市 双核化 武汉 湖北 大连软件园 外包公司 外包产业 光谷 东湖新技术开发区 软通动力
作者 盛津芳 朱薇 王斌 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期2587-2590,共4页
为满足方面化双核中间件平台DCAM面向按需计算的自适应需求,并支持系统平台的实时重构为目的的中间件计算环境,通过分析现有面向方面体系结构描述语言,提出了一种基于XML的中间件平台全息视图语言——HVL4DCAM。HVL4DCAM可以实时解析运... 为满足方面化双核中间件平台DCAM面向按需计算的自适应需求,并支持系统平台的实时重构为目的的中间件计算环境,通过分析现有面向方面体系结构描述语言,提出了一种基于XML的中间件平台全息视图语言——HVL4DCAM。HVL4DCAM可以实时解析运行于平台之上的构件和方面的状态以及它们之间的动态关系,实现了构件和方面的对称性描述,提升方面的可重用性。基于HVL4DCAM描述了运行于DCAM之上的绩效考核系统中的构件及方面的关系,以及它们与DCAM平台的关系,并给出了进一步研究的内容。 展开更多
关键词 方面中间件 双核方面中间件平台 全息视图语言 对称性
以游戏课程化 促幼儿学习与发展
《福建教育》 2021年第13期4-5,共2页
策划人语:当前幼儿园教育仍存在游戏与课程"双核化"现象,把游戏从课程中剥离出来,把课程理解为以学科为导向的教学体系,这就使得游戏难以真正成为幼儿园的基本活动。为了保障儿童游戏的权利,开展以儿童为中心的课程,游戏课程... 策划人语:当前幼儿园教育仍存在游戏与课程"双核化"现象,把游戏从课程中剥离出来,把课程理解为以学科为导向的教学体系,这就使得游戏难以真正成为幼儿园的基本活动。为了保障儿童游戏的权利,开展以儿童为中心的课程,游戏课程化的教育理念被提出并推广。游戏课程化即从幼儿的游戏出发,及时把握幼儿学习的生长点,通过不断建构新的游戏,形成游戏链,有效促进幼儿的学习与发展。漳州市李丽玲名师工作室带领几所幼儿园依据游戏课程化理念进行了实践探索,收获了一些经验与思考。 展开更多
关键词 名师工作室 游戏课程 课程理解 幼儿园教育 有效促进 幼儿学习 儿童游戏 双核化
作者 林哲莹 《福建教育》 2021年第13期8-9,共2页
华东师范大学王振宇教授指出:"幼儿园教育存在游戏与课程双核化的现状。"因为"我国大多数幼儿园把游戏理解为自由活动,把它限定在特定时间和特定空间里","而课程又是以学科为导向的课程体系","课程... 华东师范大学王振宇教授指出:"幼儿园教育存在游戏与课程双核化的现状。"因为"我国大多数幼儿园把游戏理解为自由活动,把它限定在特定时间和特定空间里","而课程又是以学科为导向的课程体系","课程是通过主题活动,主要是集体教学活动来完成",而这就"导致了游戏没有、也不可能成为幼儿园教育的基本活动"。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿园教育 集体教学活动 课程 幼儿园游戏 双核化 课程体系 特定空间 华东师范大学
金针菇转核育种研究 被引量:10
作者 彭卫红 肖在勤 甘炳成 《食用菌学报》 2001年第3期1-5,共5页
从金针 12 (黄色 )次级菌丝提取细胞核 ,分别与白色金针菇白雪和白色糙皮侧耳原生质体在高钙、高 pH条件下融合。对再生菌丝的研究结果表明 ,无锁状联合的单核菌丝不形成子实体 ,但双核化后形成的具有锁状联合的双核菌丝则具有形成子实... 从金针 12 (黄色 )次级菌丝提取细胞核 ,分别与白色金针菇白雪和白色糙皮侧耳原生质体在高钙、高 pH条件下融合。对再生菌丝的研究结果表明 ,无锁状联合的单核菌丝不形成子实体 ,但双核化后形成的具有锁状联合的双核菌丝则具有形成子实体的能力。试验结果显示 ,金针12与白雪组合后代均为黄色金针菇 ;而金针 12与白色糙皮侧耳组合后代中 ,大多数菌株形成的子实体形态与白色糙皮侧耳类似 ,仅 1%~ 2 展开更多
关键词 金针菇 转核 原生质体核融合 双核化 育种
长根菇与鸡從菌属间不对称融合后代特性研究 被引量:7
作者 彭卫红 肖在勤 +1 位作者 郑林用 甘炳成 《食用菌学报》 2002年第1期1-5,共5页
以长根菇和鸡菌为亲本进行属间不对称融合研究 ,从原生质体再生菌株中得到能够双核化的单核无锁状联合的菌株 2 0株。栽培结果显示 ,这类菌株不能形成子实体 ,且菌株间菌丝的生长差异显著。但在特定的培养条件下 ,单核菌株均可双核化... 以长根菇和鸡菌为亲本进行属间不对称融合研究 ,从原生质体再生菌株中得到能够双核化的单核无锁状联合的菌株 2 0株。栽培结果显示 ,这类菌株不能形成子实体 ,且菌株间菌丝的生长差异显著。但在特定的培养条件下 ,单核菌株均可双核化形成双核菌株 ,双核菌株具有出菇能力 ,菌株间子实体颜色。 展开更多
关键词 长根菇 鸡ZONG菌 属间不对称融合后代 生长特性 双核化 原生质体融合
幼儿主题游戏活动凸显游戏属性的路径及策略 被引量:1
作者 李艳莹 《中小学信息技术教育》 2021年第12期31-33,共3页
2018年7月,教育部办公厅发布《关于开展幼儿园"去小学化"专项治理工作的通知》,幼儿园的"去小学化"越来越被广大学前教育工作者所重视。幼儿园教育"小学化"倾向的根源是什么?应该如何从根本上解决这个问... 2018年7月,教育部办公厅发布《关于开展幼儿园"去小学化"专项治理工作的通知》,幼儿园的"去小学化"越来越被广大学前教育工作者所重视。幼儿园教育"小学化"倾向的根源是什么?应该如何从根本上解决这个问题?华东师大王振宇教授指出,"幼儿园游戏开展的最大误区是游戏与课程作为两个核心独自存在,也就是幼儿园教育存在双核化的现状。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿园教育 学前教育 教育部办公厅 小学 主题游戏 幼儿园游戏 双核化
《现代计算机(中旬刊)》 2008年第3期44-44,共1页
近期三大件市场已经非常平稳,基本上没有什么太大的变化,不过CPU市场却因为全新的赛扬双核E1200处理器的正式上市而引人关注。新品的售价为430元,预计上市一段时间后价格还会有所调整。另外,这款产品的上市也意味着低端Intel平台即... 近期三大件市场已经非常平稳,基本上没有什么太大的变化,不过CPU市场却因为全新的赛扬双核E1200处理器的正式上市而引人关注。新品的售价为430元,预计上市一段时间后价格还会有所调整。另外,这款产品的上市也意味着低端Intel平台即将全面双核化。至于AMD平台方面,最让人关注的是其发布的首款DirectX 10规格整合主板780G, 展开更多
关键词 INTEL平台 DirectX 10 CPU市场 行情 AMD平台 整合主板 双核化
Supported dual-atom catalysts: Preparation, characterization, and potential applications 被引量:13
作者 Jing Zhang Qiu-an +4 位作者 Huang Juan Wang Jing Wang Jiujun Zhang Yufeng Zhao 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期783-798,共16页
Developing sustainable and clean electrochemical energy conversion technologies is a crucial step in addressing the challenges of energy shortage and environmental pollution. Exploring and developing new electrocataly... Developing sustainable and clean electrochemical energy conversion technologies is a crucial step in addressing the challenges of energy shortage and environmental pollution. Exploring and developing new electrocatalysts with excellent performance and low cost will facilitate the commercial use of these energy conversion technologies. Recently, dual-atom catalysts(DACs) have attracted considerable research interest since they exhibit higher metal atom loading and more flexible active sites compared to single-atom catalysts(SACs). In this paper, the latest preparation methods and characterization techniques of DACs are systematically reviewed. The advantages of homonuclear and heteronuclear DACs and the catalytic mechanism and identification technologies between the two DACs are highlighted. The current applications of DACs in the field of electrocatalysis are summarized. The development opportunities and challenges of DACs in the future are prospected. The ultimate goal is to provide new ideas for the preparation of new catalysts with excellent properties by customizing diatomic catalysts for electrochemical applications. 展开更多
关键词 Dual–atoms catalyst HOMONUCLEAR HETERONUCLEAR ELECTROCATALYST Energy conversion and storage device
Visible light-driven oxygen evolution using a binuclear Ru-bda catalyst
作者 Fei Li Congying Xu +3 位作者 Xiaohong Wang Yong Wang Jian Du Licheng Sun 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期446-452,共7页
Binuclear ruthenium complexes bearing the2,2'‐bipyridine‐6,6'‐dicarboxylate(bda)ligand have been demonstrated to be highly active catalysts towards water oxidation with CeIV as an oxidant.However,the cataly... Binuclear ruthenium complexes bearing the2,2'‐bipyridine‐6,6'‐dicarboxylate(bda)ligand have been demonstrated to be highly active catalysts towards water oxidation with CeIV as an oxidant.However,the catalytic properties of ruthenium dimers have not yet been explored for visible light‐driven water oxidation.Herein,the photocatalytic performance of a dipyridyl propane‐bridged ruthenium dimer2was investigated in comparison with its monomeric precursor,[Ru(bda)(pic)2](1),in CH3CN/phosphate buffer mixed solvent in a three‐component system including a photosensitizer and a sacrificial electron acceptor.Experimental results showed that the activity of each catalyst was strongly dependent on the content of CH3CN in the phosphate buffer,which not only affected the driving force for water oxidation,but also altered the kinetics of the reaction,probably through different mechanisms associated with the O–O bond formation.As a result,dimer2showedsignificantly higher activity than monomer1in the solvent containing a low content of CH3CN,and comparable activities were attained with a high content of CH3CN in the solvent.Under the optimal conditions,complex2achieved a turnover number of638for photocatalytic O2evolution. 展开更多
关键词 Water oxidation Binuclear ruthenium catalyst PHOTOCATALYSIS Solvent effect KINETICS
Crystal Structure of Binuclear Oxomolybdenum(V), [Fe(H_2O)_6][Mo_2O_4(EDTA)]·5H_2O
作者 吴传德 郭幼红 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第6期395-399,共5页
The reduction of an aqueous solution of sodium molybdate by iron powder at low pH value (~0.83), in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) ligand, gives the title compound [Fe(H 2O) 6][Mo 2O 4(EDTA)]·... The reduction of an aqueous solution of sodium molybdate by iron powder at low pH value (~0.83), in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) ligand, gives the title compound [Fe(H 2O) 6][Mo 2O 4(EDTA)]·5H 2O 1, which was characterized by elemental analysis, IR and X ray single crystal diffraction techniques. Compound 1 crystallizes in monoclinic system, space group P2 1/c, C 10 H 34 N 2FeMo 2O 23 , M r=798.12, a=8.781(1), b=14.081(1), c=21.353(1) , β= 92\^688(1)°, V = 2637.2(3) 3, Z = 4, D c = 2.010 g·cm -3 , μ = 1.579 mm -1 , F (000)=1608, the final R =0.0530 and wR =0.1271 for 3312 observed reflections. The binuclear oxomolybdenum(V) anion and the six coordinated Fe(II) cation are linked to infinite three dimensional network through several hydrogen bonds towards different directions between crystal waters, Fe(II) cation and Mo(V) anion. 展开更多
关键词 crystal structure binuclear oxomolybdenum hydrogen bond
Selective photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO mediated by a[FeFe]-hydrogenase model with a 1,2-phenylene S-to-S bridge
作者 Minglun Cheng Xiongfei Zhang +1 位作者 Yong Zhu Mei Wang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第2期310-319,共10页
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO is a promising approach for storing solar energy in chemicals and mitigating the greenhouse effect of CO2.Our recent studies revealed that[(μ-bdt)Fe2(CO)6](1,bdt=benzene-1,2-dith... Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO is a promising approach for storing solar energy in chemicals and mitigating the greenhouse effect of CO2.Our recent studies revealed that[(μ-bdt)Fe2(CO)6](1,bdt=benzene-1,2-dithiolato),a[FeFe]-hydrogenase model with a rigid and conjugate S-to-S bridge,was catalytically active for the selective photochemical reduction of CO2 to CO,while its analogous complex[(μ-edt)Fe2(CO)6](2,edt=ethane-1,2-dithiolato)was inactive.In this study,it was found that the turnover number of 1 for CO evolution reached 710 for the 1/[Ru(bpy)3]2+/BIH(BIH=1,3-dimethyl-2-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[d]-imidazole)system under optimal conditions over 4.5 h of visible-light irradiation,with a turnover frequency of 7.12 min−1 in the first hour,a high selectivity of 97%for CO,and an internal quantum yield of 2.8%.Interestingly,the catalytic selectivity of 1 can be adjusted and even completely switched in a facile manner between the photochemical reductions of CO2 to CO and of protons to H2 simply by adding different amounts of triethanolamine to the catalytic system.The electron transfer in the photocatalytic system was studied by steady-state fluorescence and transient absorption spectroscopy,and a plausible mechanism for the photocatalytic reaction was proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Catalytic selectivity Carbon dioxide reduction Carbon monoxide Diiron complex Hydrogenase model PHOTOCATALYSIS
Preparation of NaYF4:Yb^3+,Tm^3+@NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu3+double-jacket microtubes for dual-mode fluorescent anti-counterfeiting 被引量:3
作者 Yin CHEN Shao-wen XIE +4 位作者 Chao TONG Hai-hu TAN Li-jian XU Na LI Jian-xiong XU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第12期3333-3346,共14页
Novel hydrophilic NaYF4:Yb^3+,Tm^3+@NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+double-jacket microtubes(DJMTs)with upconversion/downconversion dual-mode luminescence were designed and prepared through epitaxial growth of NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+she... Novel hydrophilic NaYF4:Yb^3+,Tm^3+@NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+double-jacket microtubes(DJMTs)with upconversion/downconversion dual-mode luminescence were designed and prepared through epitaxial growth of NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+shell onto the NaYF4:Yb^3+,Tm^3+microtube via poly(acrylic acid)(PAA)mediated hydrothermal method.It is demonstrated that PAA ligand played an important role in guiding the direct growth of NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+shell onto the surface of NaYF4:Yb^3+,Tm^3+parent microtubes.The growth of NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+shell experienced a crystal phase transition fromβ-NaGdF4 andβ-NaYF4 mixture toβ-NaYF4@NaGdF4 composite crystal,and morphology evolution from mixture ofβ-NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+nanorods andβ-NaYF4:Yb^3+,Tm^3+microtubes to NaYF4:Yb^3+,Tm^3+@NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+DJMTs.The formation mechanism of DJMTs was the dissolution−renucleation ofβ-NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+nanorods and the growth ofβ-NaGdF4:Ce^3+,Eu^3+shell via the classical Ostwald ripening mechanism.The as-prepared DJMTs could exhibit blue upconversion and red downconversion luminescence,which was further made into environmentally benign luminescent inks for creating highly secured and fluorescent-based anti-counterfeiting patterns via inkjet printing. 展开更多
关键词 lanthanide-doped fluoride core-shell structure dual-mode luminescence inkjet printing anti- counterfeiting
Biphasic Hydrogenation and Hydroformylation of Natural Olefins with a Binuclear Rhodium Complex in Ionic Liquid/Toluene
作者 Pablo J. Bancelli Luis G. Melean +3 位作者 Mariandry Rodriguez Mariana dos Santos Merlin Rosales ErvisEscalante 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第4期299-305,共7页
The complex [Rh(CO)(Pz)(TPPMS)]2, (TPPMS = m-sulfonatophenyl-diphenylphosphine, Pz = Pirazolate) was evaluated as a catalyst precursor in the hydroformylation of allylbenzenes (eugenol and estragol) and terp... The complex [Rh(CO)(Pz)(TPPMS)]2, (TPPMS = m-sulfonatophenyl-diphenylphosphine, Pz = Pirazolate) was evaluated as a catalyst precursor in the hydroformylation of allylbenzenes (eugenol and estragol) and terpenes (limonene and myrcene) and in the hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes (crotonaldehyde, cinnamaldehyde and citral) in a biphasic medium toluene/ionic liquid. Under the reaction conditions studied (P = 600 psi, T= 95 ℃, S/C = 300:1), the rhodium system showed a high activity and selectivity towards the desired aldehydes. The catalytic phase could be recycled up to five times without any evident loss of activity or selectivity. 展开更多
关键词 Ionic liquids biphasic catalysis HYDROGENATION HYDROFORMYLATION allylbenzenes TERPENES unsaturated aldehydes.
Double Transformed Tubal Nuclear Norm Minimization for Tensor Completion
作者 TIAN Jialue ZHU Yulian LIU Jiahui 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第S01期166-174,共9页
Non-convex methods play a critical role in low-rank tensor completion for their approximation to tensor rank is tighter than that of convex methods.But they usually cost much more time for calculating singular values ... Non-convex methods play a critical role in low-rank tensor completion for their approximation to tensor rank is tighter than that of convex methods.But they usually cost much more time for calculating singular values of large tensors.In this paper,we propose a double transformed tubal nuclear norm(DTTNN)to replace the rank norm penalty in low rank tensor completion(LRTC)tasks.DTTNN turns the original non-convex penalty of a large tensor into two convex penalties of much smaller tensors,and it is shown to be an equivalent transformation.Therefore,DTTNN could take advantage of non-convex envelopes while saving time.Experimental results on color image and video inpainting tasks verify the effectiveness of DTTNN compared with state-of-the-art methods. 展开更多
关键词 double transformed tubal nuclear norm low tubal-rank non-convex optimization tensor factorization tensor completion
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of an Azide Bridged Binuclear Zinc(II) Complex Including the Reduced Derivative of Nitronyl Nitroxide, [Zn(Him2Py)(N_3)_2]_2
作者 王利亚 张晨曦 +2 位作者 廖代正 姜宗慧 阎世平 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期171-175,共5页
The title compound [Zn(Him2Py)(N3)2]2 (Zn2C26H38N18O2, Mr = 765.48) has been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction methods. It crystallizes in monoclinic, space group P21/n with a = 10.989(3), b... The title compound [Zn(Him2Py)(N3)2]2 (Zn2C26H38N18O2, Mr = 765.48) has been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction methods. It crystallizes in monoclinic, space group P21/n with a = 10.989(3), b = 11.519(3), c = 13.812(4) ? b = 101.700(5), V = 1711.9(9) ?, Z = 2, Dc = 1.485 g/cm3, m(MoKa) = 1.456 mm~1, F(000) = 792, the final R = 0.0401 and wR = 0.0861 for 2054 observed reflections with I>2s(I). The imino nitroxide 2-(3- methyl-2-pyridyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazolyl-1-oxyl (im2Py) was reduced to obtain 2-(3-methyl -2-pyridyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-1-ydroxy (Him2Py) coordinating to the zinc (II) ion, around which the coordination geometry is a square-based pyramid with a terminal nitrogen atom located at the apical position. The four basal sites are occupied by two m1,1 nitrogen atoms from two different bridging azide ions and two nitrogen atoms from Him2Py. The units of [Zn(Him2Py)(N3)2]2 were connected as two dimension planes by intermolecular hydrogen bonds. 展开更多
关键词 crystal structure nitronyl nitroxide radical Zn(II) complex
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