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金属酶中双氧活化的模型研究及应用 被引量:2
作者 王志鹏 张艳 王晓青 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期915-926,共12页
金属酶活化双氧的过程对生物体内新陈代谢、信号转导等一系列功能至关重要。生物体内实现双氧活化功能的金属酶主要有血红素酶和非血红素酶两类。对模型化合物催化双氧活化过程中间体的表征及催化反应产物的分析可以揭示金属酶的双氧活... 金属酶活化双氧的过程对生物体内新陈代谢、信号转导等一系列功能至关重要。生物体内实现双氧活化功能的金属酶主要有血红素酶和非血红素酶两类。对模型化合物催化双氧活化过程中间体的表征及催化反应产物的分析可以揭示金属酶的双氧活化机理;对模型化合物的反应活性与配体电子效应的研究将为配合物催化剂的配体设计提供指导。特别是血红素酶和非血红素酶可以实现对C—H键的选择性活化,这是化学反应的难题之一。因此这些模型化合物可以被用做催化剂来解决药物发现、工业生产以及能源转化中的难题。本文介绍了血红素酶和单核非血红素酶模型化合物在机理研究上的近期进展,分析了卟啉类似物、二组氨酸一羧酸面式结构酶模型化合物等模型的设计思想和高价金属氧合中间体的电子结构,总结了配体电子效应和模型化合物催化活性之间的关系。最后,提出了目前模型化合物在双氧活化研究中存在的一些不足,并对其在基础研究及应用方面的发展进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 双氧活化 高价金属配合物 C—H活化 二组氨酸一羧酸面式结构 卟啉类似物
双氧水活化剂NOBS在棉织物冷轧堆一步法前处理中应用 被引量:10
作者 张爱 沈华 朱泉 《印染助剂》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第10期39-42,共4页
针对传统棉织物冷轧堆前处理工艺耗时长和耗碱高等问题,采用活化剂壬酰氧基苯磺酸钠(NOBS)、烧碱和双氧水体系对棉织物进行冷轧堆一步法前处理.通过单因素试验和正交试验分析了各工艺因素对棉织物前处理效果的影响,开发了一套低能耗、... 针对传统棉织物冷轧堆前处理工艺耗时长和耗碱高等问题,采用活化剂壬酰氧基苯磺酸钠(NOBS)、烧碱和双氧水体系对棉织物进行冷轧堆一步法前处理.通过单因素试验和正交试验分析了各工艺因素对棉织物前处理效果的影响,开发了一套低能耗、高效率的冷轧堆前处理新工艺,其优化工艺条件为:H2O2(35%)用量50 g/L,NaOH用量25 g/L,NOBS用量5 g/L,堆置7 h.结果表明:与传统冷轧堆工艺相比,该活化冷轧堆前处理工艺耗碱量低,堆置时间短,能很好地改善前处理织物的品质. 展开更多
关键词 双氧活化 NOBS 棉织物 冷轧堆 前处理
双氧水活化剂EDTA和TAED在棉织物冷轧堆前处理中的应用 被引量:2
作者 韩丽 张占柱 《印染助剂》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第12期37-40,共4页
传统棉织物冷轧堆前处理生产周期长、效率低.研究了EDTA(Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid)和TAED(Tetraacetyl ethylene diamine)在棉织物冷轧堆前处理中的应用.通过对试验效果的综合比较,H2O2/TAED活化体系作用效果最佳,其对应的最... 传统棉织物冷轧堆前处理生产周期长、效率低.研究了EDTA(Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid)和TAED(Tetraacetyl ethylene diamine)在棉织物冷轧堆前处理中的应用.通过对试验效果的综合比较,H2O2/TAED活化体系作用效果最佳,其对应的最佳工艺为:H2O230 g/L,NaOH30g/L,TAED7 g/L,堆置时间14 h.该工艺条件下,织物白度80.7,强力736 N,毛效11.8 cm/30 min. 展开更多
关键词 双氧活化 棉织物 冷轧堆 前处理
双氧水活化剂DM-1430在棉灯芯绒前处理中的应用 被引量:1
作者 朱俊萍 《印染》 北大核心 2014年第19期17-19,共3页
介绍了双氧水活化剂DM-1430在纯棉灯芯绒织物前处理中的应用,通过分析双氧水质量浓度、DM-1430质量浓度以及堆置时间、短蒸温度和时间等因素对前处理效果的影响,得到优化的前处理工艺条件为:双氧水用量40g/L,DM-1430质量浓度为4g/L,25... 介绍了双氧水活化剂DM-1430在纯棉灯芯绒织物前处理中的应用,通过分析双氧水质量浓度、DM-1430质量浓度以及堆置时间、短蒸温度和时间等因素对前处理效果的影响,得到优化的前处理工艺条件为:双氧水用量40g/L,DM-1430质量浓度为4g/L,25℃堆置4~16h,100℃短蒸10~15min。 展开更多
关键词 练漂工艺 前处理 双氧活化 冷堆 灯芯绒
棉织物低温前处理工艺 被引量:6
作者 闵欣 贺江平 《印染》 北大核心 2014年第10期21-23,27,共4页
采用低温煮漂一浴工艺对棉织物进行前处理,考察了精练剂、活化剂、双氧水和氢氧化钠用量,以及处理温度和处理时间对前处理效果的影响。结果表明,优化的低温前处理工艺为:精练剂1.25%(omf),氢氧化钠2.00%(omf),双氧水2.50%(omf),活化剂1.... 采用低温煮漂一浴工艺对棉织物进行前处理,考察了精练剂、活化剂、双氧水和氢氧化钠用量,以及处理温度和处理时间对前处理效果的影响。结果表明,优化的低温前处理工艺为:精练剂1.25%(omf),氢氧化钠2.00%(omf),双氧水2.50%(omf),活化剂1.25%(omf),处理温度80℃,处理时间55 min,浴比50∶1;低温前处理棉织物的白度、毛效和强力等指标均比传统煮漂工艺好。 展开更多
关键词 练漂工艺 低温 双氧活化 双氰胺 尿素 棉织物
棉织物低温练漂的方法原理和展望(四) 被引量:11
作者 黄茂福 《印染》 北大核心 2014年第8期45-48,52,共5页
关键词 练漂 低温 双氧活化
作者 韩丽 张占柱 《印染助剂》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第1期38-40,共3页
针对传统棉织物冷轧堆前处理中存在的碱和双氧水用量大、生产周期长、效率低的问题,研究了尿素在棉织物冷轧堆前处理中的应用.通过单因素及正交试验确定最佳工艺:H2O250 g/L,Na OH 45 g/L,尿素6 g/L,堆置时间11 h.该工艺条件下,织物白度... 针对传统棉织物冷轧堆前处理中存在的碱和双氧水用量大、生产周期长、效率低的问题,研究了尿素在棉织物冷轧堆前处理中的应用.通过单因素及正交试验确定最佳工艺:H2O250 g/L,Na OH 45 g/L,尿素6 g/L,堆置时间11 h.该工艺条件下,织物白度80.2,强力806 N,毛效12.7 cm/30 min. 展开更多
关键词 双氧活化 尿素 棉织物 冷轧堆 前处理
全棉水刺非织造布的低碳节能冷堆处理工艺 被引量:2
作者 孙婷 张如全 +2 位作者 唐子杰 涂虎 胡敏 《纺织学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期89-95,共7页
为推动纺织行业实现碳中和、碳达峰目标,在满足绿色低碳、节能减排的前提下,以碱氧浓度、冷堆时间、双氧水活化剂浓度及不同处理方法为主要分析点,对全棉水刺非织造布采用冷堆脱漂工艺处理,分析其对质量损失率、吸水量、白度及残余液pH... 为推动纺织行业实现碳中和、碳达峰目标,在满足绿色低碳、节能减排的前提下,以碱氧浓度、冷堆时间、双氧水活化剂浓度及不同处理方法为主要分析点,对全棉水刺非织造布采用冷堆脱漂工艺处理,分析其对质量损失率、吸水量、白度及残余液pH值、化学需氧量(COD)等的影响,并从微观结构上对形貌变化进行分析。结果表明:双氧水活性室温冷堆比碱氧冷堆时间可缩短4 h,温度比高温碱氧降低60℃,且白度比高温碱氧仅减少0.41%,残余液pH值与泡沫高度满足要求,COD值比高温碱氧处理仅高出104 mg/L;在一定程度上冷堆脱漂工艺可代替高温碱氧处理工艺,具有低碳节能的优点。 展开更多
关键词 棉水刺非织造布 脱漂 冷堆 绿色低碳 双氧活化
Preparation and electrochemical characterization of activated carbons by chemical-physical activation 被引量:4
作者 张治安 崔沐 +2 位作者 赖延清 李劼 刘业翔 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第1期91-95,共5页
A process was proposed based on the combination of chemical and physical activation for the production of activated carbons used as the electrode material for electric double layer capacitor (EDLC). By material charac... A process was proposed based on the combination of chemical and physical activation for the production of activated carbons used as the electrode material for electric double layer capacitor (EDLC). By material characterization and electrochemical methods, the influences of the activitation process on the specific surface area, pore structure and electrochemical properties of the activated carbons were investigated. The results show that specific surface area, the mesopore volume, and the specific capacitance increase with the increase of the mass ratio of KOH to char (m(KOH)/m(char)) and the activation time, respectively. When m(KOH)/m(char) is 4.0, the specific surface area and the mesopore volume reach the maximum values, i.e. 1 960 m2/g and 0.308 4 cm3/g, and the specific capacitance is 120.7 F/g synchronously. Compared with the chemical activation, the activated carbons prepared by chemical-physical activation show a larger mesopore volume, a higher ratio of mesopore and a larger specific capacitance. 展开更多
关键词 activated carbon electric double layer capacitor chemical-physical activation pore structure
作者 尹福全 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2014年第7期116-116,共1页
关键词 工作原理 优缺点 现场应用 双氧活化测井仪
Dual-metal synergy unlocking ROS-free catalysis for rapid aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural at room temperature
作者 Meiyun Zhang Penghua Che +4 位作者 Hong Ma Xin Liu Shujing Zhang Yang Luo Jie Xu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 2024年第12期144-156,共13页
Clean catalytic oxidation has a broad prospect in the modern chemical engineering and energy chemistry fields.However,unexpected over-oxidation and disruptive degradation are frequently induced by excessive reactive o... Clean catalytic oxidation has a broad prospect in the modern chemical engineering and energy chemistry fields.However,unexpected over-oxidation and disruptive degradation are frequently induced by excessive reactive oxygen species(ROS).Herein,we reported a new ROS-free approach to effectively drive O_(2) to be activated into highly reactive surface peroxo species through enzyme-mimicking mechanism.Benefiting from the dual-metal synergy effect between Cu and Co active sites,ROS(H_(2)O_(2) and OH•)is generated in situ while further scavenged completely into surface peroxo species,which gives rise to very high selectivity and extremely high carbon balance.For example,the CuCo/N-C catalyst affords>99.8%conversion and 94.5%selectivity to 2,5-furanedicarboxylic acid at 25℃ for 6 h in the aerobic oxidation of biomass platform 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.Moreover,it achieved exceptional performance in the oxidation of a variety of hydroxyl compounds to organic acids with high yields(89.9%–99.5%)at a mild temperature(25–40℃).This exploration introduces an innovative clue for emulating enzyme catalysts,thereby enriching our comprehension and advancement of biologically inspired catalytic oxidations. 展开更多
关键词 Biomass Dual metal synergy Molecular oxygen activation 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Reactive oxygen species free Selective oxidation
A mini review of NiFe-based materials as highly active oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalysts 被引量:86
作者 Ming Gong Hongjie Dai 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期23-39,共17页
Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) electrolysis, as an important reaction involved in water splitting and rechargeable metal-air batteries, has attracted increasing attention for clean energy generation and efficient e... Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) electrolysis, as an important reaction involved in water splitting and rechargeable metal-air batteries, has attracted increasing attention for clean energy generation and efficient energy storage. Nickel/iron (NiFe)-based compounds have been known as active OER catalysts since the last century, and renewed interest has been witnessed in recent years on developing advanced NiFe-based materials for better activity and stability. In this review, we present the early discovery and recent progress on NiFe-based OER electrocatalysts in terms of chemical properties, synthetic methodologies and catalytic performances. The advantages and disadvantages of each class of NiFe-based compounds are summarized, including NiFe alloys, electrodeposited films and layered double hydroxide nanoplates. Some mechanistic studies of the active phase of NiFe-based compounds are introduced and discussed to give insight into the nature of active catalytic sites, which could facilitate further improving NiFe based OER electrocatalysts. Finally, some applications of NiFe- based compounds for OER are described, including the development of an electrolyzer operating with a single AAA battery with voltage below 1.5 V and high performance rechargeable Zn-air batteries. 展开更多
关键词 oxygen evolution reaction ELECTROCATALYSIS nickel-iron water splitting
Facile synthesis of Fe/Ni bimetallic oxide solid-solution nanoparticles with superior electrocatalytic activity for oxygen evolution reaction 被引量:13
作者 Lingxiao Wang Jing Geng Wenhai Wang Chao Yuan Long Kuai Baoyou Geng 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期3815-3822,共8页
The sluggish oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is an important half-reaction of the electrochemical water-splitting reaction. Amorphous Fe/Ni composite oxides have high activity. In this work, we modified the aerosol ... The sluggish oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is an important half-reaction of the electrochemical water-splitting reaction. Amorphous Fe/Ni composite oxides have high activity. In this work, we modified the aerosol spray-assisted approach and obtained amorphous Fe-Ni-Ox solid-solution nanoparticles (Fe-Ni-Ox-NPs) approximately 20 nm in size by choosing iron/nickel acetylacetonates as raw materials instead of inorganic salts. The small-sized Fe-Ni-Ox-NPs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, an investigation of electrochemical OER performance suggests that the small-sized Fe-Ni-Ox-NPs have higher activity than the large-sized Fe-Ni-Ox-MPs. A small overpotential of 0.315 V was demanded to obtain a working current density of 50 mA/cm2, and the Tafel slope was as low as 38 mWdec. 展开更多
关键词 Fe-Ni-Ox solid solution ELECTROCATALYSIS oxygen evolution reaction
Synthesis of polycarbonate diol catalyzed by metal-organic framework Zn_4O[CO_2-C_6H_4-CO_2]_3 被引量:2
作者 WANG LiPing XIAO Bin +1 位作者 WANG GongYing WU JiQian 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第9期1468-1473,共6页
The metal-organic framework Zn4O[1,4-benzenedicarboxylate]3(Zn4O[CO2-C6H4-CO2]3,commonly known as MOF-5,was prepared by the ultrasonic irradiation method.The catalyst was characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and Fo... The metal-organic framework Zn4O[1,4-benzenedicarboxylate]3(Zn4O[CO2-C6H4-CO2]3,commonly known as MOF-5,was prepared by the ultrasonic irradiation method.The catalyst was characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy.It was then used as the catalyst for the preparation of polycarbonate diol(PCDL) via the transesterification between diphenyl carbonate(DPC) and 1,6-hexandiol(1,6-HD).Its catalytic activity in the transesterification process is evaluated by the yield of phenol,and its catalytic activity in the polycondensation process is determined by the number-average molecular weight(Mn) and the hydroxyl value.Compared to the triethylenediamine(C6H12N2),Mg-Al layered double hydroxide(Mg-Al LDH),sodium ethoxide(C2H5ONa) and sodium methoxide(CH3ONa),MOF-5 exhibits highest catalytic activity for the preparation of PCDL.Under reaction conditions(n(1,6-HD)/n(DPC) = 1.2,w(catalyst) = 0.03%,198 ℃),the yield of phenol is up to 90.1% and the PCDL shows highest Mn and lowest hydroxyl value. 展开更多
关键词 metal-organic framework polycarbonate diol TRANSESTERIFICATION diphenyl carbonate
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