(二)重六音阶。潮乐重六音阶是一种结构比较特殊的音阶。不少音乐工作者都有相同的体会:听潮乐重六曲,常感到它的旋律捉摸不定,好似进入一座音乐的迷宫。同是一个 C 音,听起来有时象徵音,有时象商音,有时又象羽音。这到底是怎么回事?这...(二)重六音阶。潮乐重六音阶是一种结构比较特殊的音阶。不少音乐工作者都有相同的体会:听潮乐重六曲,常感到它的旋律捉摸不定,好似进入一座音乐的迷宫。同是一个 C 音,听起来有时象徵音,有时象商音,有时又象羽音。这到底是怎么回事?这是因为〔重六〕虽然习惯上用 F 调首调唱名法记谱和读谱,但它实际上並不是局限在 F 宫音系统里,而还同时复合了以清角为宫(也即以闰为清角)、以闰为宫等不同情况,游移在基本宫(F)展开更多
The technique of producing doublehaploid of wheat by distant hybridization between wheat and maize has characterized with better inducing effect, shorter in- ducing period, easy operation, and so on. At present, it is...The technique of producing doublehaploid of wheat by distant hybridization between wheat and maize has characterized with better inducing effect, shorter in- ducing period, easy operation, and so on. At present, it is the most efficient and has great potential of application in breeding of wheat. This article reviewed princi- ple and production process of the technique, research situation of the three key in- dicators of the technology(embryo rate, seedling rate and success rate of doubling)in recent years, and application of the technology in breeding, genetics, germplasm improvement of wheat. At last, both the achievements and the direction of further improvement and development of the technology in our program were discussed.展开更多
文摘双玉919是华中农业大学选育的粮饲兼用型玉米杂交种,在“秸秆畜牧业”的形势下,该品种的选育对于解决湖北省粮食供需矛盾,满足畜牧业快速发展的饲草料需求,缓解草场压力,实现粮饲有效性供发挥了重要作用.为探明其高产栽培技术,2018年分别在湖北枝江市、荆州市和宜昌市兴山县进行该品种密度与施肥试验.结果表明:双玉919最适宜的种植密度为6.00万~6.75万株/hm^2;最适宜的施肥方式为:底肥每公顷施硫酸钾三元复合肥750 kg,追肥每公顷施尿素450 kg.
文摘(二)重六音阶。潮乐重六音阶是一种结构比较特殊的音阶。不少音乐工作者都有相同的体会:听潮乐重六曲,常感到它的旋律捉摸不定,好似进入一座音乐的迷宫。同是一个 C 音,听起来有时象徵音,有时象商音,有时又象羽音。这到底是怎么回事?这是因为〔重六〕虽然习惯上用 F 调首调唱名法记谱和读谱,但它实际上並不是局限在 F 宫音系统里,而还同时复合了以清角为宫(也即以闰为清角)、以闰为宫等不同情况,游移在基本宫(F)
文摘The technique of producing doublehaploid of wheat by distant hybridization between wheat and maize has characterized with better inducing effect, shorter in- ducing period, easy operation, and so on. At present, it is the most efficient and has great potential of application in breeding of wheat. This article reviewed princi- ple and production process of the technique, research situation of the three key in- dicators of the technology(embryo rate, seedling rate and success rate of doubling)in recent years, and application of the technology in breeding, genetics, germplasm improvement of wheat. At last, both the achievements and the direction of further improvement and development of the technology in our program were discussed.