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作者 邱志成 王福绥 +1 位作者 劳建民 沈明 《发酵科技通讯》 CAS 1993年第1期8-9,共2页
1968年始,我厂首先以大米为原料,采用双酶法制糖工艺,应用于谷氨酸发酵。该工艺制糖与酸解法相比具有制得的糖液品质好、纯度高、省能、免却耐酸耐压设备等优点。当时由于国内糖化酶尚未形成商品生产,所用的糖化酶需自己发酵生产,自备... 1968年始,我厂首先以大米为原料,采用双酶法制糖工艺,应用于谷氨酸发酵。该工艺制糖与酸解法相比具有制得的糖液品质好、纯度高、省能、免却耐酸耐压设备等优点。当时由于国内糖化酶尚未形成商品生产,所用的糖化酶需自己发酵生产,自备一整套的酶制剂生产系统设备与人员无疑是不合算的。 展开更多
关键词 珍珠岩助滤剂 双酶糖 谷氨酸 味精
双酶糖连续喷射液化法的应用 被引量:1
作者 张光荣 《发酵科技通讯》 CAS 1993年第3期13-13,12,共2页
我厂于92年8月份开始进行连续喷射液化、双酶糖工艺的设备按装调试,经过11、12月份的摸索,93年1-3月份糖液平均含量达29.5%,透光率80%以上,粉糖转化率98.2%。在糖化工段取得了很好的经济效益。一、材料 1.玉米淀粉 2.
关键词 双酶糖 连续喷射 液化 味精
作者 孙吉臻 梁新梅 魏福政 《中国调味品》 CAS 北大核心 1996年第3期22-23,共2页
双酶糖技术在谷氨酸发酵上的应用孙吉臻,梁新梅,魏福政(哈尔滨北方味精厂150016)用淀粉制糖作为发酵法生产谷氨酸的主要原料,糖液的质量直接影响到谷氨酸发酵转化率的高低和质量的好坏,对谷氨酸的增产降耗举足轻重,因此制... 双酶糖技术在谷氨酸发酵上的应用孙吉臻,梁新梅,魏福政(哈尔滨北方味精厂150016)用淀粉制糖作为发酵法生产谷氨酸的主要原料,糖液的质量直接影响到谷氨酸发酵转化率的高低和质量的好坏,对谷氨酸的增产降耗举足轻重,因此制糖技术受到国内外味精行业的重视。国... 展开更多
关键词 味精 双酶糖 谷氨酸 发酵
玉米淀粉双酶水解糖米根霉L-乳酸发酵的研究 被引量:8
作者 吴清林 郭宝江 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2002年第1期31-35,共5页
以米根霉 (Rhizopusoryzae)NRRL395HS99为菌种 ,玉米淀粉双酶水解糖为碳源 ,发酵培养基为基础在摇瓶上确立了最佳发酵条件 .并以此为参照进行了 5 0L罐的发酵试验 ,比较了摇瓶和 5 0L罐发酵的异同 .在 5 0L罐中 ,玉米淀粉双酶水解糖 130... 以米根霉 (Rhizopusoryzae)NRRL395HS99为菌种 ,玉米淀粉双酶水解糖为碳源 ,发酵培养基为基础在摇瓶上确立了最佳发酵条件 .并以此为参照进行了 5 0L罐的发酵试验 ,比较了摇瓶和 5 0L罐发酵的异同 .在 5 0L罐中 ,玉米淀粉双酶水解糖 130g/L左右、以重质碳酸钙为中和剂、硅油为消泡剂发酵 5 8- 5 9h可产酸 110g/L以上 ,转化率达 87%左右 .重质碳酸钙应用于米根霉L -乳酸发酵对于降低生产成本具有重要意义 . 展开更多
关键词 玉米淀粉 水解 米根霉 L-乳酸 发酵工艺 发酵培养基 重质碳酸钙 发酵条件
作者 谭平 赵克勤 +2 位作者 喻爱和 向建南 刘国平 《食品与机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期30-32,37,共4页
关键词 大米法制 化液质量 味精生产
双酶法生产高纯度低聚果糖的研究 被引量:29
作者 LamiaL'Hocine 江波 王璋 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第9期24-27,共4页
关键词 低聚果 葡萄氧化 法制 工艺
双酶法制糖生产工艺中易忽视的四个环节 被引量:3
作者 付丙勇 《发酵科技通讯》 CAS 2010年第4期22-24,共3页
淀粉是由葡萄糖单位组成的多糖,分为直链淀粉和支链淀粉。利淀粉酶和糖化酶把淀粉由多糖逐一切割成单糖的过程称为双酶法制糖。目前几乎所有的制糖工艺,均采用一次喷射制糖工艺。具体到以葡萄糖为原料的发酵工业生产中,双酶法制糖工艺... 淀粉是由葡萄糖单位组成的多糖,分为直链淀粉和支链淀粉。利淀粉酶和糖化酶把淀粉由多糖逐一切割成单糖的过程称为双酶法制糖。目前几乎所有的制糖工艺,均采用一次喷射制糖工艺。具体到以葡萄糖为原料的发酵工业生产中,双酶法制糖工艺流程大体如下:调浆→配料→一次喷射液化→液化保温→冷却→糖化→灭酶→过滤→贮糖计量→发酵。实际工业生产中,由于不少厂家在原有设备基础上改造而成或新建厂时没有注意制糖过程中的关键环节,常常有许多不易引起人们注意或容易被人们忽视的关键点,这些关键点虽看似简单,却常常蕴含着一些物理、化学反应中的道理,对指导生产,提高糖液质量起着重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 淀粉 法制 糊化 老化 液化液均匀度 副反应
作者 梁镇汉 罗礼海 +1 位作者 赖有干 翁亦强 《发酵科技通讯》 CAS 2001年第3期18-20,共3页
双酶法制糖中,液化时需加入纯碱以调节pH及加入氯化钙使Ca^2+稳定淀粉酶的活力,这样液化体系将存在H2CO3-Na2CO3缓冲液系,体系中CO3^2-的浓度是否会沉淀Ca^2+使钙离子浓度减少而失去保护酶的作用,同样地糖化加入草酸调节pH,糖化体... 双酶法制糖中,液化时需加入纯碱以调节pH及加入氯化钙使Ca^2+稳定淀粉酶的活力,这样液化体系将存在H2CO3-Na2CO3缓冲液系,体系中CO3^2-的浓度是否会沉淀Ca^2+使钙离子浓度减少而失去保护酶的作用,同样地糖化加入草酸调节pH,糖化体系存在H2C2O4-Na2C2O4缓冲对,不同的液化液即使达到相同的糖化pH,其消耗草酸量也不同,那么,H2C2O4的投加量理论上应该是多少?在保证制糖工艺需要的情况下,如何计算出纯碱、氯化钙、草酸的投加量,以达到成本的预控制?以上这些问题可以由化学平衡理论指导、解决。 展开更多
关键词 法制 化学平衡理论 应用 计算 成本控制
作者 黎剑雄 粱镇汉 《发酵科技通讯》 CAS 2002年第4期23-23,18,共2页
关键词 法制 技术指标 评析 还原纯度DE值 转化率
作者 王兆光 吴立业 《江苏调味副食品》 1991年第3期15-18,共4页
关键词 味精 应用 工艺
作者 陈义春 《石河子科技》 2009年第2期31-31,共1页
90年代后,随着发酵技术和酶制剂工业的发展,彻底改变了传统的制糖工艺,使生产水平和效率大为提高,双酶法制糖工艺得到了进一步的发展和完善,各项指标有了质的飞跃,糖液质量大幅提高,成本下降。现在,国内已生产出高质量的耐高温... 90年代后,随着发酵技术和酶制剂工业的发展,彻底改变了传统的制糖工艺,使生产水平和效率大为提高,双酶法制糖工艺得到了进一步的发展和完善,各项指标有了质的飞跃,糖液质量大幅提高,成本下降。现在,国内已生产出高质量的耐高温-a-淀粉酶和高转化率糖化酶;适合用于低压蒸汽喷射液化器和节能液化喷射器,液化效率大大提高,工艺过程缩短,设备简化,加上双酶法制糖工艺不断改进,过滤问题基本解决,使双酶法制糖在发酵工业中得已较好的应用。 展开更多
关键词 法工艺 过滤 蒸汽喷射液化器 法制 工艺 液质量 制剂工业 a-淀粉
壳聚糖固定β-淀粉酶-海藻糖合酶双功能融合酶产海藻糖的研究 被引量:1
作者 郑海杰 徐波 +2 位作者 苏静 王瑞明 马春玲 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第7期244-248,共5页
β-淀粉酶-海藻糖合酶双功能融合酶以戊二醛为交联剂,壳聚糖为载体,采用交联-吸附法固定。通过单因素试验和正交设计方案得到最优条件:壳聚糖浓度为2.5 g/L,戊二醛浓度3 g/L,交联时间80 min,融合酶浓度为8 mg/m L,固定时间为12 h,酶活... β-淀粉酶-海藻糖合酶双功能融合酶以戊二醛为交联剂,壳聚糖为载体,采用交联-吸附法固定。通过单因素试验和正交设计方案得到最优条件:壳聚糖浓度为2.5 g/L,戊二醛浓度3 g/L,交联时间80 min,融合酶浓度为8 mg/m L,固定时间为12 h,酶活力回收率为71%。酶学特性:最适pH向碱性偏移0.5,最适温度不变,具有良好的储存稳定性和操作稳定性,其酸碱稳定性和热稳定性均优于游离态。4℃储存31 d后酶活力损失33%,循环使用6次酶活力降低27%,通过固定化海藻糖转化效率与游离态和单酶混合体系相比分别低29%、6%。 展开更多
关键词 β-淀粉-海藻功能融合 壳聚 戊二醛 固定化
Enhanced Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Miscanthus sinensis Following Synergic Pretreatment with ^(60)Co γ-ray Irradiation and Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide
作者 苏小军 谭兴和 +2 位作者 彭姿 胡秋龙 熊兴耀 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第12期2187-2191,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different pretreat- ments on enzymatic saccharification of Miscanthus sinensis and improve reducing sugar yield in the enzymolysis process. [Method] M. sinens... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different pretreat- ments on enzymatic saccharification of Miscanthus sinensis and improve reducing sugar yield in the enzymolysis process. [Method] M. sinensis was pretreated with 60Co y-ray irradiation and alkaline hydrogen peroxide, to analyze their effects on re- ducing sugar yield of enzymatic hydrolysis. [Result] After pretreatment with 400 kGy 60Co y-ray irradiation, reducing sugar yield in the enzymolysis process of M sinensis was 76.24 mg/g; after synergic pretreatment with 400 kGy 60Co y-ray irradiation and alkaline hydrogen peroxide, reducing sugar yield in the enzymolysis process of M. sinensis was 505.08 mg/g, which was improved by 5.6 times compared to that in pretreatment with 400 kGy 60Co y-ray irradiation. Based on process optimization, the optimal hydrolysis conditions were obtained: pretreatment temperature 30 ℃, NaOH concentration 1.2%, hydrogen peroxide concentration 2%, pretreatment time 6 h. [Conclusion] Synergic pretreatment with 60Co y-ray irradiation and alkaline hydrogen peroxide could significantly improve reducing sugar yield in the enzymolysis process of M. sinensis, which provided a new theoretical basis for preparing fuel ethanol with M. sinensis. 展开更多
关键词 Miscanthus sinensis 60Co y-ray irradiation Alkaline hydrogen peroxide Enzymatic sacchadfication
淀粉乳酸度影响液化效果研究 被引量:6
作者 刘应杰 曹新阳 《酿酒》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第3期71-72,共2页
关键词 法制 淀粉乳 酸度 液化效果 发酵用葡萄
Effects of long-term ethanol consumption on jejunal lipase and disaccharidase activities in male and female rats 被引量:1
作者 Chi-ChangHuang Jiun-RongChen +3 位作者 Chieh-ChungLiu Kung-TungChen Ming-JerShieh Suh-ChingYang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第17期2603-2608,共6页
AIM: To study the effect of long-term ethanol consumption on jejunal lipase and disaccharidase (sucrase, maltase,and lactase) activities in rats and its gender difference. METHODS: Age-matched male and female Wistar r... AIM: To study the effect of long-term ethanol consumption on jejunal lipase and disaccharidase (sucrase, maltase,and lactase) activities in rats and its gender difference. METHODS: Age-matched male and female Wistar rats were fed control or ethanol-containing liquid diets for 12 wk following the Lieber-DeCarli model. According to both theplasma aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities, 40 rats were divided into four groups as follows: male control group (MC), male ethanol group (ME), female control group (FC), and female ethanol group (FE).RESULTS: After ethanol feeding for 12 wk, the results revealed that plasma AST and ALT activities of group MEwere significantly increased by 58% and 92%, respectively,than those of group MC (P<0.05). Similarly, plasma AST and ALT activities of group FE were also significantly increased by 61% and 188%, respectively, than those of group FC (P<0.05). Fat accumulation was observed in both ethanol treated groups, while fatty changes were more severe in group FE than those in group ME. The induction of hepatic microsomal cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) was obviously seen in group ME and group FE, but was not detected in group MC and group FC. Jejunal lipase activity of group ME was significantly increased by 1.25-fold than that of group MC (P<0.05). In contrast to, sucrase, maltase, and lactase activities of group ME were significantly decreased by 63%, 62% and 67%, respectively, than those of group MC (P<0.05). Similarly, activities of these three enzymes of group FE were also significantly decreased by 43%, 46% and 52%, respectively, than those of group FC (P<0.05).There were no significant epithelial changes of the duodenal mucosa in any group.CONCLUSION: Long-term ethanol consumption significantly can increase jejunal lipase and decrease jejunal disaccharidase activities in both male and female rats. 展开更多
关键词 Ethanol consumption Jejunal lipase DISACCHARIDASE Gender difference Rats
Immobilization of Agaricus Bisporus Laccase on Ceramic-Chitosan Composite Support and Their Properties:Potential for Oily Wastewater Treatment
作者 Li Zhilin Shang Weilong +1 位作者 Liu Wei Li Hesheng 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第4期51-60,共10页
Laccase was immobilized on the ceramic-chitosan composite support by using glutaraldehyde as the cross-linking reagent. The immobilization conditions and characterization of the immobilized enzyme were investigated. T... Laccase was immobilized on the ceramic-chitosan composite support by using glutaraldehyde as the cross-linking reagent. The immobilization conditions and characterization of the immobilized enzyme were investigated. The immobilization of laccase was successfully realized when 3.0 mL of 1.25 mg/mL of laccase at a pH value of 4.0 reacted with 0.15 g of ceramic-chitosan composite support(CCCS) at 4 ℃ for 24 h. The immobilized enzyme exhibited a maximum activity at pH 3.0. The optimal temperatures for immobilized enzyme were 25 ℃ and 50 ℃. The K_m value of immobilized laccase for ABTS was 66.64 μmol/L at a pH value of 3.0 at 25 ℃. Compared with free laccase, the thermal, operating and storage stability of immobilized laccase was improved after the immobilization. 展开更多
关键词 ceramic-chitosan composite support immobilization laccase enzyme activity
Mechanism of double-stranded supercoiled DNA cleavage induced by RNA N-glycosidase
作者 LIU Wang-yi WANG Hong-tao 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2009年第5期54-58,共5页
Plant RNA N-glycosidase specifically hydrolyzes the N-C glycosidic bond of a conserved adenosine in the sarcin/ricin domain of the largest RNA in ribosome, releasing an adenine base and thus inhibiting protein synthes... Plant RNA N-glycosidase specifically hydrolyzes the N-C glycosidic bond of a conserved adenosine in the sarcin/ricin domain of the largest RNA in ribosome, releasing an adenine base and thus inhibiting protein synthesis. This substrate specificity was challenged later by discovery that various RNA derivatives and DNAs, especially the double-stranded supercoiled DNA could be used as substrate by RNA N-glycosidase. Thus, it was argued whether the DNA-cleaving activity was an intrinsic feature of RNA N-glycosidase or it was contaminated by DNase. In this article, several lines of evidence are presented to show that RNA N-glycosidase can really release the adenine base from the double-stranded supercoi/ed DNA. It was proposed that the cleavage mechanism of supercoiled DNA was the phosphodiester bonds in enzymatically deadenylated regions of the supercoiled DNA would become fragile and liable to produce nicked or linear form owing to the existence of tension in the supercoiled DNA molecule, not direct result of enzymatic action on the phosphodiester bond. 展开更多
关键词 CINNAMOMIN releasing adenine RNA N-glycosidase supercoiled DNA cleavage
Protein Templated Au-CuO Bimetallic Nanoclusters toward Neutral Glucose Sensing
作者 Hong-wei Lv Quan-fu Li Hui-ling Peng 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第3期570-577,I0003,共9页
In this study,the application of bovine serum albumin(BSA)as a carrier to glucose-sensitive materials for the detection of glucose was proposed.Au-Cu O bimetallic nanoclusters(Au-Cu O/BSA)were prepared using BSA as a ... In this study,the application of bovine serum albumin(BSA)as a carrier to glucose-sensitive materials for the detection of glucose was proposed.Au-Cu O bimetallic nanoclusters(Au-Cu O/BSA)were prepared using BSA as a template,the new sensing material(Au-Cu O/BSA/MWCNTs)was synthesized by mixing with multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWCNT)and applied to non-enzymatic electrochemical sensors to detect glucose stably and effectively under neutral condition.The scanning electron microscopy was used to investigate the morphology of the synthesized nanocomposite.The electrochemical properties of the sensor were studied by cyclic voltammetry.Glucose detection experiments show that Au-Cu O/BSA/MWCNTs/Au electrode has good glucose detection ability,stability,accuracy,repeatability,and high selectivity in neutral environment.Unlike existing glucose-sensitive materials,due to the use of BSA,the composite material is firmly fixed to the electrode surface without a Nafion solution,which reduces the current blocking effect on the modified electrode.The composite materials can be effectively preserved for extremely long periods,higher than 80%activity is maintained at room temperature in a closed environment for 3 to 4 months,due to the special effects of BSA.In addition,the feasibility of using BSA in glucose-sensitive materials is confirmed. 展开更多
关键词 Bovine serum albumin Non-enzymatic sensor Glucose detection Bimetallic nanocluster Neutral condition
Effect of Phytoestrogen Activity on hFOB 1.19 Osteoblast Cells of Vanilla Siamensis
作者 Phenphichar Wanachantararak Juraruk Thongpaeng +2 位作者 Fahsai Kantawong Chuenchit Boonchird Griangsak Chairote 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第9期843-852,共10页
The unsaponifiable compounds derived from the fresh green beans of Vanilla siamens& Rol. ex. Dow were assayed for the first time to detect their estrogenic activity. We used a simple screening method using the yeast ... The unsaponifiable compounds derived from the fresh green beans of Vanilla siamens& Rol. ex. Dow were assayed for the first time to detect their estrogenic activity. We used a simple screening method using the yeast two hybrid system based on the binding of a ligand to estrogen receptors. Yeast cells carrying the hER (human estrogen receptor) gene, ERE (estrogen response elements) and lacZ (β-galactosidase gene) are very suitable for screening and sensitive analysis of estrogenic compound. Our results showed that V. siamensis plant extracts bind with relatively affinity to YES- hERa was 2.27-fold the relative potency ofestradiol (E2) in YES-hERa. The effects of phytoestrogen activity on the osteoblast cells were examined on the proliferation of hFOB 1.19 cells and the bone mineralization process. V. siamens& was a positive screening result and induced mineralization ofosteoblasts. This study indicated that V. siamensis plant extract exhibited the characteristic effects of a nature bone promoter compound as phytoestrogen. 展开更多
关键词 Vanilla siamensis PHYTOESTROGEN osteoblast cells.
《精细与专用化学品》 CAS 2004年第13期36-37,共2页
关键词 发酵法 衣康酸 玉米淀粉 产酸率 转化率 工艺 生产能力
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