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“反身”与“返身” 被引量:1
作者 崔雪梅 《教育与教学研究》 2009年第11期83-85,90,共4页
文章针对现代汉语中"反身""返身"混用现象,分析在表示"转身、回身"意义上,二者具有相同的理据性、系统性,但"返身"通用性更强,且无歧义,因此建议在此义项上以选择"返身"作为书写形... 文章针对现代汉语中"反身""返身"混用现象,分析在表示"转身、回身"意义上,二者具有相同的理据性、系统性,但"返身"通用性更强,且无歧义,因此建议在此义项上以选择"返身"作为书写形式为宜。 展开更多
关键词 "身" "身" 颠倒 相对 转身
作者 毕秀洁 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2010年第3期107-110,共4页
文章以保利艺术博物馆入藏的一件商代帝辛时期的青铜方鼎《■方鼎》铭文中的"返"字为出发点,调查出土文献与传世文献中"反、返"二字的使用情况,对过去一直认为是古今字的"反"、"返"二字的关系... 文章以保利艺术博物馆入藏的一件商代帝辛时期的青铜方鼎《■方鼎》铭文中的"返"字为出发点,调查出土文献与传世文献中"反、返"二字的使用情况,对过去一直认为是古今字的"反"、"返"二字的关系重新进行了考察,指出表示"返回"义的"返"字在商代晚期就已出现,但同时还借同音的"反"字表示"返回"义,"返"并非"反"的后起字,在表示"返回"这个意义上,二者应是通假关系。文章的研究可以纠正《古代汉语》教材仅依据传世文献用字将"反、返"二字视为古今字的错误看法,有利于指导古代汉语教学。 展开更多
关键词 商代 方鼎
作者 陈静 《攀枝花学院学报》 2004年第1期44-45,共2页
本文对现行高一语文教材的两处文言注释提出疑问,并阐明如下观点:一、《勾践灭吴》中“疾疹”为名词活用作动词,“疹”通“疢”,音chen。二、从先秦礼仪的角度入手,援引相关史料分析了先秦诸侯已嫁之女“归宁”、“来归”的两种情形,挖... 本文对现行高一语文教材的两处文言注释提出疑问,并阐明如下观点:一、《勾践灭吴》中“疾疹”为名词活用作动词,“疹”通“疢”,音chen。二、从先秦礼仪的角度入手,援引相关史料分析了先秦诸侯已嫁之女“归宁”、“来归”的两种情形,挖掘出《触龙说赵太后》中“必勿使反”之“反”的文化蕴含,指出“反”具有“古代已嫁之女被夫家遣返回娘家”的特指义。行文的目的是试图为传统说解提供些许文化性补注。 展开更多
关键词 “疹” ()” 文化内涵 读音 归宁 来归 “疢” 古汉字
作者 刘金波 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期179-188,共10页
创造人类文明新形态是党的二十大报告概括的中国式现代化的本质要求之一。中国文论如何古今贯通、中西互鉴,如何借鉴吸收一切人类优秀文明成果,进而形成新的人类文明新形态是当下需要认真思考和研究的重要选题和方向。基于文化研究和关... 创造人类文明新形态是党的二十大报告概括的中国式现代化的本质要求之一。中国文论如何古今贯通、中西互鉴,如何借鉴吸收一切人类优秀文明成果,进而形成新的人类文明新形态是当下需要认真思考和研究的重要选题和方向。基于文化研究和关键词研究方法,现代文明视域下的中国文论可以从“反”与“通”的角度凸显自身的学术贡献和应用价值。中国文论历史流变的三个“元”关键——人学视域、反者道动、意在言外为其当下建设提供了通晓、通变与通达的学理基础。通过将学术精神和工具理性结合,将人文精神和学术伦理结合,中国文论可以在回答现实世界是什么,学者的责任和义务是什么,当下应该做什么等中国实践性问题方面提出传统坚守、文明转化、理论通达、方法转向、中外互鉴等方面的可能路向。 展开更多
关键词 现代文明 中国文论 ”() “通”
“弦歌”、“反琴”辨证——驳《孔子“弦歌”别解》 被引量:1
作者 王虹霞 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2012年第3期140-146,共7页
"弦歌"非指不配乐之清唱,更非专指歌《诗》歌《书》;《书》不可歌或可诵。《庄子.让王》"反琴而弦歌"之"反"非训"翻"乃训"返",无非表示重新近琴弦歌。《庄子》述孔子"弦歌鼓琴&... "弦歌"非指不配乐之清唱,更非专指歌《诗》歌《书》;《书》不可歌或可诵。《庄子.让王》"反琴而弦歌"之"反"非训"翻"乃训"返",无非表示重新近琴弦歌。《庄子》述孔子"弦歌鼓琴"处非指孔子同一时刻既弦歌又鼓琴,而是综述之义,是弦歌、弹琴活动的合称,其关于孔子弦歌与鼓琴、槁歌与弦歌的记述也不构成排斥性的矛盾或否定。孔子完全可以做到一边弹琴一边咏唱,且处陈蔡之围时如此弦歌更显他沉着镇定的心灵境界及乐以象德的情怀。司马迁关于孔子"弦歌"的记载不是来自《庄子》而是来自《孔子家语》等,《庄子》的典故不可信,司马迁也视之为"寓言"而不信。《墨子》中的诵、弦、歌、舞三百如《毛诗传》中的诵、弦、歌、舞,实是指音乐表演方式而非指诗歌分类。 展开更多
关键词 弦歌 孔子 庄子 清唱 () 乐教 德性
作者 姜耕玉 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期120-124,共5页
老庄的"道"与儒家的"和",其对立统一的思想,都显现着"天人合一"的整体观。中西古代哲学强调的"一",即是"同一"的特有整体的代码。中国艺术创构在对独特性的追求中,着眼于表现事物的... 老庄的"道"与儒家的"和",其对立统一的思想,都显现着"天人合一"的整体观。中西古代哲学强调的"一",即是"同一"的特有整体的代码。中国艺术创构在对独特性的追求中,着眼于表现事物的复杂联系的整体生态背景。考察古代艺术辩证法的形式范畴的基本构成,我们把相反相成的艺术生成系统的基本构成法则,概括为二:一是对立统一的基本关系与张力整体,二是整体和谐,均衡、对称与立体的结构效果。 展开更多
关键词 中国古代艺术史 相成 艺术辩证思想 () 艺术学理论
动量词“番”探源 被引量:1
作者 姚伟嘉 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2010年第4期185-188,共4页
本文考察了中古文献中动量词"番""反""返"等的使用情况,发现"番"兴起于南北朝,而"反(返)"作为动量词在东汉时已非常成熟。其动量词义来自动词义"往返","番"是&q... 本文考察了中古文献中动量词"番""反""返"等的使用情况,发现"番"兴起于南北朝,而"反(返)"作为动量词在东汉时已非常成熟。其动量词义来自动词义"往返","番"是"反(返)"的通假字,专门用来称量对答回合数。隋唐以后,可能由于避讳及追求更准确的语言表达的原因,"番"逐渐替代了"反(返)",并发展成为现代汉语中的专用动量词。 展开更多
关键词 动量词 ()
GARCH-Type modeling of stock market returns for the pre-crisis countries
作者 Erhan Demireli 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第7期11-18,共8页
Empirical studies have shown that a large number of financial asset returns exhibit fat tails (leptokurtosis) and are often characterized by volatility clustering and asymmetry. This paper considers the ability of t... Empirical studies have shown that a large number of financial asset returns exhibit fat tails (leptokurtosis) and are often characterized by volatility clustering and asymmetry. This paper considers the ability of the GARCH-Type (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) models to capture the stylized features of volatility in national stock market returns for three countries (Portugal, Spain and Greece). The results of this paper suggest that in the presence of asymmetric responses to innovations in the market, the ARMA (1,1)-GJRGARCH(1,1) skewed Student-t model which accommodates both the skewness and the kurtosis of financial time series is preferred. 展开更多
关键词 GARCH skewed Student-t distribution stock market returns
Banks' Earnings, Risks and Returns in China
作者 Cheng Fan Fah Annuar Nasir 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第1期21-28,共8页
This study aims to find the effect of financial risks, price risks and market risks on the Earning Response Coefficients (ERC) for China Commercial Banks. The research methodologies use the traditional cumulative ab... This study aims to find the effect of financial risks, price risks and market risks on the Earning Response Coefficients (ERC) for China Commercial Banks. The research methodologies use the traditional cumulative abnormal returns and the unexpected earning as the main dependent and independent variables. The evidences show that: (1) There is a strong returns-to-earnings relation for banks; (2) The liquidity risk has information content beyond earnings changes in the returns-to-earnings relation. This probably due to the reason that managers of banks find the level of liquidity that fulfilled the need of investors and at the same time earns good profits for the banks. 展开更多
关键词 earnings response coefficients LIQUIDITY CREDIT INTEREST solvency risk
A closed nuclear energy system by accelerator-driven ceramic reactor and extend AIROX reprocessing 被引量:2
作者 YANG Lei ZHAN WenLong 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期1702-1706,共5页
For the future energy system, we propose a new closed nuclear energy cycle system, which consists of an accelerator-driven external neutron source, a ceramic reactor and an extend AIROX reprocessing. The attractive fe... For the future energy system, we propose a new closed nuclear energy cycle system, which consists of an accelerator-driven external neutron source, a ceramic reactor and an extend AIROX reprocessing. The attractive features of this system are as follows. (l) The operating mode of the reactor is a combination of subcritical mode and critical mode. initially, the reactor would be driven by the accelerator external neutron source in subcritical mode. A few years later, the reactor would reach the critical mode, and then would operate for a long time. (2) Nuclear fuels, coolants, and structure materials in the ceramic reactor core are made up of ceramic with excellent thermodynamics properties and neutron performance. Therefore, the ceramic reactor has extremely inherent safety, good breeding performance and high power generation efficiency. (3) Fuel reprocessing uses an extend AIROX reprocessing, which is a simple high-temperature dry process and rarely involved in chemical process. In this reprocessing, only most of fission products are separated. Other isotopes, including uranium isotopes, transuranic nuclides and long-lived fission products, would re-enter the reactor as new fuels. Therefore, this closed nuclear energy system could be known as ADANES, short for Accelerator-Driven Advanced Nuclear Energy System, which can greatly improve the utilization rate of nuclear fuels, enhance the nuclear safety, reduce the nuclear proliferation and become a sustainable and low-carbon energy supply for thousands of years. 展开更多
关键词 accelerator-driven neutron source ceramic reactor extend AIROX reprocessing closed nuclear energy system future energy system
In-depth study on aminolysis of poly(ε-caprolactone): Back to the fundamentals 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Yang MAO ZhengWei +1 位作者 SHI HuaYu GAO ChangYou 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期2419-2427,共9页
The aminolysis can effectively introduce primary amine (- quent surface fiiofunctionalization reactions. However, less NH2) groups onto polyester materials, enabling a variety of subse- attention has been paid to th... The aminolysis can effectively introduce primary amine (- quent surface fiiofunctionalization reactions. However, less NH2) groups onto polyester materials, enabling a variety of subse- attention has been paid to the basic knowledge of aminolysis reac- tion in terms of reaction kinetics and its influences on materials properties. In this study, taking the widely used poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) as a typical example, the influences of diamines and solvent property on the surface -NH2 density are firstly assessed by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and colorimetric analysis. Results show that smaller dia- mine molecules and nonpolar alcohols could accelerate the reaction. The reaction kinetics with 1,6-hexanediamine is further investigated as a function of temperature, reaction time, and diamine concentration. During the initial stage, the reaction shows a 1^st order kinetics with the diamine concentration and has an activation energy of 54.5 kJ/mol. Ionization state of the -NH2 groups on the PCL surface is determined, revealing that the pKa of -NH3^+ (〈5) is much lower than that of the corresponding diamine molecules in solution. After aminolysis, surface hydrophilicity of PCL membrane is significantly enhanced, while surface elastic modulus and average molecular weight are decreased to some extent, and others such as weight, surface mor- phology and bulk mechanical strength are not apparently changed. The introduced -NH2 groups are found to be largely lost at 37 ℃, but can be mostly maintained at low temperature. 展开更多
关键词 poly(ε-caprolactone) AMINOLYSIS surface modification BIOMATERIALS
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