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作者 盛立平 吴红宇 《现代医药卫生》 1998年第4期242-243,共2页
腰腿痛属于痹证范畴,是病因复杂、反复难治的常见病,我们对近三年来54例腰腿痛求治者,用自拟的温通汤进行治疗,临床疗效满意,报告如下:1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:54例中,男35例,女19例,年龄最小24岁,最大72岁,平均48.9岁.病程最短3天.最... 腰腿痛属于痹证范畴,是病因复杂、反复难治的常见病,我们对近三年来54例腰腿痛求治者,用自拟的温通汤进行治疗,临床疗效满意,报告如下:1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:54例中,男35例,女19例,年龄最小24岁,最大72岁,平均48.9岁.病程最短3天.最长27年,平均2年又5个月.1.2 证状分析:54例中腰酸痛或胀刺痛34例.单侧下肢反射痛或酸痛48例,双侧下肢反射痛或刺痛6例,腰屈伸转侧活动受限24例,下肢活动受限47例,麻木不仁9例,完全不能行走,卧床不起2例,受寒或阴雨天加重33例.昼轻夜重13例, 展开更多
关键词 腰腿 疗效观察 温通汤 骨质增生 马鞍山钢铁公司 临床疗效 反射痛 椎间隙变窄 复难治 下肢活动
作者 Lee S.- S. Yosipovitch G. +1 位作者 Goh C.- L. 党倩丽 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第8期7-8,共2页
Keloid scars can itch and hurt, but little is known about the characteristics of these symptoms in keloids. Because itch and pain are carried by small nerve fibers, abnormal function of these fibers could be an explan... Keloid scars can itch and hurt, but little is known about the characteristics of these symptoms in keloids. Because itch and pain are carried by small nerve fibers, abnormal function of these fibers could be an explanation for such phenomena. We sought to assess the characteristics of itch and pain in keloid scars, and to assess the function of small nerve fibers in keloids. We studied the location and intensity of itch and pain in keloids that had been present for at least 1 year. We further studied the function of small nerve fibers by assessing allodynia and alloknesis (which are pain and itch, respectively) from innocuous stimuli that do not normally provoke pain and itch, and we used quantitative thermosensory testing (in keloid lesions, perikeloidal skin, and contralateral normal skin as a control). In all, 28 patients (13 men and 15 women) with a mean age of 34 years were enrolled and completed the study. Of the patients, 86% experienceditch and 46% experienced keloid- related pain. Of those who experienced itch, 92% felt the itch at the edge of their keloids. Of the patients with pain, 77% felt pain at the center of the keloid. Mechanical allodynia was noted in 43% of the patients, and only 14% experienced alloknesis. Abnormal thermosensory thresholds to warmth, cold, and heat pain were noted in the keloids. Visual analogue scale of itch correlated significantly to warmth (r=0.65), heat pain (r=0.4), and cold pain (r=- 0.41). Itch and pain are common presentations in keloids and are associated with abnormalities in small nerve fiber function, suggesting a small nerve fiber neuropathy. 展开更多
关键词 对照性研究 瘢痕疙瘩 反射痛 感觉阈
作者 卓安华 《广东医学院学报》 1990年第3期203-203,共1页
关键词 反射性癫痫 反射性癫 棘慢综合波 诱发性 阵挛 苯妥英 强直性抽搐 中度异常 小头畸形 神志丧失
作者 周柳娟 黎汉忠 《广西中医药》 北大核心 1989年第2期9-8,共2页
潘某,女,4岁6个月。住院号:62325。于1988年8月18日入院。腹痛6日,发热2日。患儿于1988年8月12日出现腹部隐痛,腹痛绕脐,时轻时重,时痛时止,绵绵不休。痛时剧烈难忍,弯腰曲背。疼痛持续时间每次约10分钟而缓解,痛止又饮食如常,痛时无反... 潘某,女,4岁6个月。住院号:62325。于1988年8月18日入院。腹痛6日,发热2日。患儿于1988年8月12日出现腹部隐痛,腹痛绕脐,时轻时重,时痛时止,绵绵不休。痛时剧烈难忍,弯腰曲背。疼痛持续时间每次约10分钟而缓解,痛止又饮食如常,痛时无反射痛。在当地医院就诊予驱虫净1(1)/(2)片口服,服后当日下午感腹痛加剧,高热达39℃,伴头痛、 展开更多
关键词 肝胆管 治验 驱虫净 反射痛 弯腰曲背 肝内外胆管 持续时间 光团 缓急止 祛湿
作者 吴光耀 《医学影像学杂志》 1994年第2期105-126,共2页
患者 女 32岁。近日来右下腹绞痛间断发作,无反射痛,无恶心呕吐及畏寒发热。体检:右肾区叩击痛。实验室检查:尿红细胞(廾)。B超提示:右肾积水。 X线表现:平片示第五骶椎右侧约0.4cm处有一大小为0.5×0.6cm的阳性结石影(图1),排泄性... 患者 女 32岁。近日来右下腹绞痛间断发作,无反射痛,无恶心呕吐及畏寒发热。体检:右肾区叩击痛。实验室检查:尿红细胞(廾)。B超提示:右肾积水。 X线表现:平片示第五骶椎右侧约0.4cm处有一大小为0.5×0.6cm的阳性结石影(图1),排泄性尿路造影发现相当于膀胱体部右侧影内有一卵圆形充盈缺损,边缘光滑,下段输尿管明显扩张呈囊状,如“眼镜蛇头”样,周边形成“光晕”征,仍见一结石影,右侧肾盏杯口亦变钝。 展开更多
关键词 输尿管囊肿 排泄性尿路造影 圆形充盈缺损 尿红细胞 右肾积水 肾区叩击 下段 腹绞 反射痛 膀胱体
电视癫痫1例报告 被引量:1
作者 邹思义 万红 《临床神经病学杂志》 CAS 1989年第1期28-28,共1页
患者男性,13岁。多次于收看电视时出现突然昏倒,不省人事,四肢强直后出现抽搐,两眼上翻,口吐白沫,持续1分钟左右,约半小时后神志清醒。醒后感头昏,全身无力。发作期间正常。在不看电视时从无类似发作。既往史及家族史无特殊。神经系统... 患者男性,13岁。多次于收看电视时出现突然昏倒,不省人事,四肢强直后出现抽搐,两眼上翻,口吐白沫,持续1分钟左右,约半小时后神志清醒。醒后感头昏,全身无力。发作期间正常。在不看电视时从无类似发作。既往史及家族史无特殊。神经系统检查无阳性体征。 展开更多
关键词 发作期间 四肢强直 阳性体征 全身无力 电视癫痫 反射性癫 棘慢综合波 异常放电 学龄期儿童 光敏感
《新乡医学院学报》 CAS 1989年第4期261-261,共1页
按1985年新的癫痫国际分类,进食性癫痫(EEP)属于反射性癫痫的复杂类型。本病特点:①多见于青少年和青年男性;②EEP 中部分性复杂性发作之发生率高。③反射性癫痫的发生率约1~6.5%,印度发病率很高,可能与种族因素有关。④触发机理复杂,... 按1985年新的癫痫国际分类,进食性癫痫(EEP)属于反射性癫痫的复杂类型。本病特点:①多见于青少年和青年男性;②EEP 中部分性复杂性发作之发生率高。③反射性癫痫的发生率约1~6.5%,印度发病率很高,可能与种族因素有关。④触发机理复杂,可能与进食环境、进食时的各种动作、大量进食及食物的快速消化有关。 展开更多
关键词 反射性癫痫 反射性癫 触发机理 国际分类 癫病
作者 王振金 刘守田 莫锦清 《人民军医》 北大核心 1989年第11期38-38,共1页
各种反射性癫痫很多,如因闪光,看电影、电视,性交,跑步,大笑等诱发的癫痫等。但笔者收治伸舌诱发者1例,现报告如下。患者女性,51岁,干部。因头痛,眩晕,四股乏力,伴心烦,恶心,呕吐1天急诊入院。检查内外科无异常。双目左视时见持续性粗... 各种反射性癫痫很多,如因闪光,看电影、电视,性交,跑步,大笑等诱发的癫痫等。但笔者收治伸舌诱发者1例,现报告如下。患者女性,51岁,干部。因头痛,眩晕,四股乏力,伴心烦,恶心,呕吐1天急诊入院。检查内外科无异常。双目左视时见持续性粗大水平性眼震,快相向左,四肢肌张力低,右下肢肌力Ⅸ级,项强,克匿格征(+),病理反射(-)。脑脊液压力1.23kPa,细胞数0,糖3.63mmol/L,氯化物122mmol/L,潘迪试验(-)。令患者伸舌检查中,出现口角先颤抖,随之下颌关节阵挛样抽搐,上、下牙齿叩响,伴有恐惧感,呻吟不止,约10余秒钟后四肢呈强直样抽搐。 展开更多
关键词 反射性癫痫 水平性眼震 伸舌 病理反射 下颌关节 阵挛 反射性癫 下肢肌 脑脊液压力 克匿格征
《中国中西医结合儿科学》 1989年第2期113-114,共2页
890552 1126例乳幼儿精神发育调查分析/施一坤…∥临床儿科杂志.-1988,6(5).-319~320 1985年用“讯问式乳幼儿精神发育诊断法”对唐山市1126名儿帝精神卫生进行调查(集体儿386名,散居儿740名)。调查结果:平均发育商(DQ)为100.9±15... 890552 1126例乳幼儿精神发育调查分析/施一坤…∥临床儿科杂志.-1988,6(5).-319~320 1985年用“讯问式乳幼儿精神发育诊断法”对唐山市1126名儿帝精神卫生进行调查(集体儿386名,散居儿740名)。调查结果:平均发育商(DQ)为100.9±15.6,最低16,最高160。将智商分5级,超常10人(占0.89%)、 展开更多
关键词 精神疾病 精神发育 发育商 临床儿科杂志 反射性癫 诊断法 小发作 右大脑半球 智力低下 大脑中动脉
作者 陈立典 吴强 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第3期215-217,共3页
An analysis on 83 cases of posthemiplegic omalgia (shoulder pain) shows that the pathogenesis of the pain is closely related to the improper passive movement at the early stage of hemiplegia (62.7%). The large range o... An analysis on 83 cases of posthemiplegic omalgia (shoulder pain) shows that the pathogenesis of the pain is closely related to the improper passive movement at the early stage of hemiplegia (62.7%). The large range of passive movement is a dangerous factor leading to omalgia. In the study of upper extremity complications, the incidence of shoulder-hand syndrome is relatively high (42.2%), and it is often accompanied by hand swelling (83.1%). The authors suggest that painless movement of the shoulder joint should be limited in a range of 90-120 degrees, massage be carried out immediately after acupuncture, and the affected upper extremity be moved passively during the needle retention. This therapeutic method is definitely effective for pasthemiplegic omalgia. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Cerebral Hemorrhage Cerebral Infarction Female Humans Male MASSAGE Middle Aged Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Shoulder Pain
一点三段式硬膜外麻醉在剖宫产手术中的临床研究 被引量:1
作者 党炳文 薛荣亮 《科学中国人》 2015年第4Z期69-71,共3页
目的评价一点三段式硬膜外麻醉方法在施行剖宫产手术中的麻醉效果。方法:择期拟行剖宫产手术120例,年龄22---30岁,体重75---90Kg,,身高155---170cm,ASA分级Ⅰ或II级,采用随机数字表法,将其随机分为a、b两组。a组施行常规连续硬膜外麻醉... 目的评价一点三段式硬膜外麻醉方法在施行剖宫产手术中的麻醉效果。方法:择期拟行剖宫产手术120例,年龄22---30岁,体重75---90Kg,,身高155---170cm,ASA分级Ⅰ或II级,采用随机数字表法,将其随机分为a、b两组。a组施行常规连续硬膜外麻醉(左侧平卧位,L1-2穿刺,头端置管,椎管内留管4cm,取平卧位。首次椎管内注入2%利多卡因5ml,5min后测试麻醉平面并根据情况追加维持剂量10ml,维持剂量选择2%利多卡因+0.75%布比卡因1:1混合剂),10min后手术开始。b组施行一点三段式麻醉方法。(一点三段是指硬膜外麻醉选择一个穿刺点,三个脊髓节段推注药物,后文中统称一点三段式麻醉)方法为:左侧卧位,头高位5—10度,L1-2穿刺,穿刺成功后穿刺针开口转向尾端并注入2%利多卡因+0.75%布比卡因1:1混合剂3ml,头端置管,椎管内硬膜外导管保留长度9cm(不包括皮下至椎管间的导管长度),回抽无血无液,注入2%利多卡因和0.75%布比卡因1:1合剂3ml,然后拔除穿刺针,后退硬膜外导管5cm,椎管内保留硬膜外导管长度4cm。嘱患者平卧,推注试验剂量2%利多卡因5ml,5min后测试麻醉平面,并根据情况追加维持量4ml(2%利多卡因和0.75%布比卡因1:1合剂)。10min后开始手术。(本研究方法考虑人为因素或者穿刺本身导致导管在椎管内打弯情况,影响研究数据数值,担大量数据经统计后,对研究结果无影响。)记录手术开始时切皮反应、术中病人腹膜肌肉牵拉反射痛、肌肉松弛度以及低血压发生情况。结果:b组与a组比较,b组病人腹膜肌肉牵拉反射痛和肌肉松弛度明显减少,低血压发生率稍有增加,但是通过适量麻黄碱提升血压,可以维持血压稳定,顺利完成手术。结论:在施行硬膜外麻醉的剖宫产手术病人中,一点三段式硬膜外麻醉比常规硬膜外麻醉方法效果更佳。 展开更多
关键词 硬膜外麻醉 剖宫产手术 切皮反应 腹膜牵拉反射痛 肌肉松弛度
Effect of Acupuncture plus Rehabilitation Training on Shoulder-hand Syndrome Due to Ischemic Stroke 被引量:12
作者 孙远征 王玉珏 +1 位作者 王薇 洪珏(译) 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2012年第2期109-113,共5页
Objective:To observe the clinical effect of acupuncture plus rehabilitation training in treating early-stage shoulder-hand syndrome due to ischemic stroke.Methods:Sixty patients were randomized into an observation g... Objective:To observe the clinical effect of acupuncture plus rehabilitation training in treating early-stage shoulder-hand syndrome due to ischemic stroke.Methods:Sixty patients were randomized into an observation group and a control group,30 in each.The observation group was intervened by acupuncture plus rehabilitation training,and the control group only received rehabilitation training.After 3 treatment courses,the scores of visual analogue scale (VAS) and Fugl-Meyer assessment scale (FMA),and the clinical effect were compared between the two groups.Results:The two groups both obtained significant improvements in VAS and FMA scores after treatment (P〈0.05 or P〈0.01).After treatment,it showed marked differences in comparing VAS and FMA scores between the observation group and the control group (P〈0.05).The total effective rate was 86.7% in the observation group,versus 63.3% in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant (P〈0.05).Conclusion:The result of acupuncture plus rehabilitation training in treating early-stage shoulder-hand syndrome due to ischemic stroke is superior to rehabilitation training alone. 展开更多
关键词 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Shoulder Pain STROKE COMPLICATIONS Acupuncture Therapy Scalp Acupucnture Rehabilitation
Effect Observation on Point-through-point Needling Combined with Tuina for Post-stroke Shoulder-hand Syndrome 被引量:3
作者 佟欣 刘丹丹 +4 位作者 卫彦 寇吉友 杨添淞 乔立达 邓樱(译) 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2012年第2期104-108,共5页
Objective:To observe the effect of point-through-point needling combined with tuina for shoulder-hand syndrome after stroke.Methods:Eighty-six cases with post-stroke shoulder-hand syndrome were randomly divided into... Objective:To observe the effect of point-through-point needling combined with tuina for shoulder-hand syndrome after stroke.Methods:Eighty-six cases with post-stroke shoulder-hand syndrome were randomly divided into an observation group and a control group,43 cases in each group.Patients in the observation group were treated by point-through-point needling combined with tuina therapy on the basis of the conventional treatment;while patients in the control group were treated by tuina therapy on the basis of conventional therapy.Six treatments constitute a course,and the efficacy was evaluated after 4 courses.Results:The total effective rate was 88.4% in the observation group,and it was 69.8% in the control group.And the comparison indicated that the observation group had a more efficient result than the control group did (χ 2 =4.497,P〈0.05).The scores of visual analogue scale (VAS) and Fugl-Meyer assessment (FMA) were significantly improved after treatments in both groups (P〈0.05 or P〈0.01).After treatment,the scores of VAS and FMA of the observation group were significantly different from that in the control group (P〈0.05).Conclusion:Because of the efficacy,point-through-point needling combined with tuina therapy for shoulder-hand syndrome after stroke is certainly worthy of further study,and can be used in clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy TUINA MASSAGE Point-through-point Method Stroke COMPLICATIONS Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Shoulder Pain
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