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反山、瑶山墓地:年代学研究 被引量:6
作者 方向明 《东南文化》 CSSCI 1999年第6期36-44,共9页
关键词 反山墓地 墓地 年代学
作者 肖鑫 李尤 《文物鉴定与鉴赏》 2021年第4期85-87,共3页
文章对良渚遗址群反山遗址出土玉器进行了初步的统计学分析,对整理后的反山遗址出土玉器样本的平均数、中位数、众数及方差进行了基本观测,并利用皮尔逊矩阵对出土玉器各个器型之间的相关关系进行了分析。通过分析,作者发现存在一个以... 文章对良渚遗址群反山遗址出土玉器进行了初步的统计学分析,对整理后的反山遗址出土玉器样本的平均数、中位数、众数及方差进行了基本观测,并利用皮尔逊矩阵对出土玉器各个器型之间的相关关系进行了分析。通过分析,作者发现存在一个以上玉器器型的捆绑使用关系。 展开更多
关键词 反山遗址 出土玉器 统计分析
浙江余杭反山、瑶山细线刻神兽纹纹样及其相关问题 被引量:1
作者 翟杨 《东南文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期92-96,I0001,共6页
通过对反山、瑶山墓地出土玉器纹样的分析,可以认为良渚社会细线刻神兽纹存在不同的纹饰风格,其雕刻是在不同族群进行的。一些墓地出土细线刻纹样的相似性表明良渚文化贵族集团在很大空间范围内存在着玉器交流的现象,这对认识良渚社会... 通过对反山、瑶山墓地出土玉器纹样的分析,可以认为良渚社会细线刻神兽纹存在不同的纹饰风格,其雕刻是在不同族群进行的。一些墓地出土细线刻纹样的相似性表明良渚文化贵族集团在很大空间范围内存在着玉器交流的现象,这对认识良渚社会各贵族集团之间的关系具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 反山 神兽纹 纹样
反山、瑶山年代问题的再讨论 被引量:1
作者 方向明 《东方博物》 2008年第2期40-47,共8页
关键词 反山 陶器分期 相对年代
反山大玉琮及良渚琮的相关问题 被引量:1
作者 方向明 《东方博物》 2019年第4期1-16,6,共17页
作为体现权力和信仰的良渚文化玉器,其种类和组合、品质和数量、形制和刻纹反映了拥有者的身份、等级和地位,琮、璧、钺(玉钺杖)和复杂玉头饰,以及标识独特身份的独特玉器成为良渚文化成组玉礼器的核心内容。神像是良渚文化成组玉礼器... 作为体现权力和信仰的良渚文化玉器,其种类和组合、品质和数量、形制和刻纹反映了拥有者的身份、等级和地位,琮、璧、钺(玉钺杖)和复杂玉头饰,以及标识独特身份的独特玉器成为良渚文化成组玉礼器的核心内容。神像是良渚文化成组玉礼器的灵魂,具有复杂几何结构、且形制和神像自始至终贯穿的琮,成为良渚文化成组玉礼器最重要的代表。反山王陵是良渚古城遗址迄今为止发现的最高等级墓地,M12:98大玉琮也是迄今为止出土的雕琢最为精美的良渚文化玉琮。反山大玉琮作为良渚文化玉琮的集大成之作,对其及良渚文化琮的出土情景、形制与结构及其反映的观念与信仰、制作工艺等进行详细而系统的解读,有助于进一步理解良渚玉文明的内涵和本质。 展开更多
关键词 良渚 反山 玉琮
大陆边缘反S状造山带三维模式兼论青藏高原结构与隆升 被引量:5
作者 李东旭 《地质力学学报》 CSCD 2007年第1期31-41,共11页
文中根据北美大陆西南边缘造山带的构造地貌及新构造运动特征,建立了反S状大陆边缘造山带的三维构造力学模式,指出阿拉斯加地区为弧形右旋剪切隆升造山带;科迪勒拉造山带为直线右旋走滑造山带;马德雷山以南,延至加勒比海为一左旋沉降‘... 文中根据北美大陆西南边缘造山带的构造地貌及新构造运动特征,建立了反S状大陆边缘造山带的三维构造力学模式,指出阿拉斯加地区为弧形右旋剪切隆升造山带;科迪勒拉造山带为直线右旋走滑造山带;马德雷山以南,延至加勒比海为一左旋沉降‘旋扭沟-弧-盆系统’。以此模式检验欧亚大陆南缘造山带,确定从阿尔卑斯经扎格罗斯、喜马拉雅至印度尼西亚蜿蜒曲折的山链是由四个反S状造山带连锁而成,导致它们的分解为四个构造体系的原因,与南半球冈瓦纳大陆裂解有关。依据上述的区域构造规律,作者认为青藏高原内部结构的原型为旋扭沟-弧-盆系统,属帕米尔—喀喇昆仑—喜马拉雅反S状造山带尾弧的组成部分。后经印度板块俯冲、青藏—三江—印度尼西亚反S状造山带头部弧右旋隆升两组动力系统叠加结果。 展开更多
关键词 S状旋扭造 旋扭沟-弧-盆系统 青藏高原结构与隆升 大陆边缘造
中国早期“山”字形冠饰研究 被引量:3
作者 杨远 朱畅然 《黄河.黄土.黄种人》 2018年第10X期10-16,共7页
汉代画像石、砖墓的墓门门扉上,几乎都刻有铺首衔环图案,并且这一图案沿用至今。从该类图案组合上看,犹如一个兽首戴了一顶'山'字形冠饰,而这种冠饰的出现,并不是偶然的。我们通过资料的搜集整理,从史前到商周再到汉代,发现它... 汉代画像石、砖墓的墓门门扉上,几乎都刻有铺首衔环图案,并且这一图案沿用至今。从该类图案组合上看,犹如一个兽首戴了一顶'山'字形冠饰,而这种冠饰的出现,并不是偶然的。我们通过资料的搜集整理,从史前到商周再到汉代,发现它有自身的演变序列,故在此加以探讨。 展开更多
关键词 画像石墓 东汉时期 墓地 铺首衔环 神人图像 反山墓地 刻纹铜器 墓主人 汉画像石 良渚文化 南阳县
良渚遗址中透露出的音乐曙光 被引量:4
作者 郑祖襄 《文化艺术研究》 2009年第2期71-76,共6页
良渚遗址出土的长玉管,并且有的管侧开有小孔,这与迄今发现的新石器时代骨哨相类似。长江下游的考古文化中,与良渚遗址同属"太湖地区"的马家浜文化、吴江梅堰遗址都有类似的骨哨,以及属于"宁绍地区"的跨湖桥遗址和... 良渚遗址出土的长玉管,并且有的管侧开有小孔,这与迄今发现的新石器时代骨哨相类似。长江下游的考古文化中,与良渚遗址同属"太湖地区"的马家浜文化、吴江梅堰遗址都有类似的骨哨,以及属于"宁绍地区"的跨湖桥遗址和河姆渡遗址也有同样的骨哨,并且管侧的按音孔越来越多。从骨哨到骨笛的进化历史可以证明良渚遗址的长玉管是一件乐器,它的名称应该是"玉哨",它们身上闪亮着良渚遗址中的音乐曙光。 展开更多
关键词 良渚遗址 反山 骨哨 玉哨 骨笛
试论良渚文化的社会性质 被引量:5
作者 吴绵吉 《南方文物》 1992年第1期11-18,共8页
从1936年浙江杭县良渚镇发现良渚文化遗存算起,良渚文化已走过半个多世纪的历程了。半个多世纪以来,特别是新中国诞生之后,良渚文化的发现与研究,已有了很大的进展,取得了丰硕的成果。据不完全统计,包含有良渚文化遗存的遗址,已发现有10... 从1936年浙江杭县良渚镇发现良渚文化遗存算起,良渚文化已走过半个多世纪的历程了。半个多世纪以来,特别是新中国诞生之后,良渚文化的发现与研究,已有了很大的进展,取得了丰硕的成果。据不完全统计,包含有良渚文化遗存的遗址,已发现有100多处,经不同规模发掘的遗址,也有30来处。尤其是七十年代以来,在江苏的吴县张陵山和草鞋山,武进寺墩,上海青浦福泉山,浙江余杭反山和瑶山等地,发现了一系列的大型墓葬,浙江的海宁、嘉兴、平湖、德清诸县、市发掘了一批小型墓葬,以及江苏的吴江龙南村落遗址的发掘等。 展开更多
关键词 良渚文化 社会性质 新中国诞生 福泉 玉琮 墓主 大汶口文化 反山墓地 浙江余杭
试论良渚文化玉器纹饰的含义 被引量:2
作者 袁靖 《文博》 1990年第1期57-65,42,共10页
良渚文化的玉器历来为考古界所关注,近几年来,有关杂志相继发表了一些良渚文化的玉器材料和研究文章,其中以反山墓地和瑶山祭坛遗址出土的玉器最为引人注目。这些玉器形制多样,不仅集历来发表的玉器之大成,而且还有一些新的器形;同时,... 良渚文化的玉器历来为考古界所关注,近几年来,有关杂志相继发表了一些良渚文化的玉器材料和研究文章,其中以反山墓地和瑶山祭坛遗址出土的玉器最为引人注目。这些玉器形制多样,不仅集历来发表的玉器之大成,而且还有一些新的器形;同时,玉器上的纹饰也很丰富,有些尚属首次发现,意义重大。关于玉器上的纹饰含义,前辈学者已有论述,精到之处自不待言。我们在仔细研究了这些纹饰以后,有些自己的看法,现提出来,求教于从事这方面研究的前辈和同志。一、始终以突出鸟纹、兽面及人脸的形象作为主题良渚文化玉器上的纹饰十分丰富,有的以写实的手法表现具体形象。 展开更多
关键词 玉器纹饰 良渚文化 兽面 反山墓地 考古界 三叉形器 螺旋纹 器形 鸟纹 良诸文化
作者 吴彬森 《东南文化》 2000年第10期107-111,共5页
关键词 余杭市 博物馆 博物院 文化机构 玉器 玉雕 良诸文化 反山
《中共杭州市委党校学报》 2020年第3期F0004-F0004,共1页
1986年反山遗址出土。长4.36、两翼宽5.33、厚0.93厘米,鸟形平展,尖喙短尾,两翼外张,作振翅奋飞状。鸟眼重圈,双眼之间因为两侧眼部的切磨而显得起脊。背部各向两翼作斜向切磨,另外鸟头与背部之间尚还有几道横向的切割线。背面钻有一对... 1986年反山遗址出土。长4.36、两翼宽5.33、厚0.93厘米,鸟形平展,尖喙短尾,两翼外张,作振翅奋飞状。鸟眼重圈,双眼之间因为两侧眼部的切磨而显得起脊。背部各向两翼作斜向切磨,另外鸟头与背部之间尚还有几道横向的切割线。背面钻有一对横向的隧孔。 展开更多
关键词 良渚文化 玉鸟 切割线 反山
Construction and Identification of a Goat Pox Virus Transfer Vector to Express Peste des Petits Ruminants H gene 被引量:3
作者 邵长春 张强 +7 位作者 吴国华 颜新敏 李健 王建科 卢晓丽 赵志荀 崔丽凡 高世功 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第3期15-18,35,共5页
[Objective] This study was to develop a live vector vaccine of goat pox virus of Peste des petits ruminants(PPR). [Method] Using PCR amplification technique, PPR H gene was obtained, then ligated into pGEM-T easy vect... [Objective] This study was to develop a live vector vaccine of goat pox virus of Peste des petits ruminants(PPR). [Method] Using PCR amplification technique, PPR H gene was obtained, then ligated into pGEM-T easy vector; the recombinants were digested by Nhe Ⅰ and Hind Ⅲ, and ligated into pEGFP-N1-P7.5, yielding the recombinant vector pEGFP-N1-P7.5-H; next the expression cassette EGFP-N1-P7.5-H was first released from recombinant vector pEGFP-N1-P7.5-H by double digestion of Hind Ⅲ and Nhe Ⅰ and ligated into pUC119-TK that was digested by Kpn Ⅰ, yielding the transfer vector pUC119-TK-EGFP-P7.5-H. [Result] Identification and double enzyme digestion showed that the transfer vector pUC119-TK-EGFP-P7.5-H was correctly constructed. From the transfer vector transfected BHK-21 cells which infected GTPV AV41, specific fluorescence was observed at 48th h of transfection. [Conclusion] The construction of goat poxvirus live vector laid a foundation for the live vector vaccine of PPR vaccine. 展开更多
关键词 Goat pox virus H gene Transfer vector Construction Identification
Response of seedlings of different tree species to elevated CO2 in Changbai Mountain 被引量:1
作者 王淼 李秋荣 +1 位作者 代力民 姬兰柱 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期112-116,185,共页
Eco-physiological responses of seedlings of eight species, Pinus koraiensis, Picea koraiensis, Larix olgensis, Populus ussuriensis, Betula platyphylla, Tilia amurensis, Traxinus mandshurica and Acer mono from broadlea... Eco-physiological responses of seedlings of eight species, Pinus koraiensis, Picea koraiensis, Larix olgensis, Populus ussuriensis, Betula platyphylla, Tilia amurensis, Traxinus mandshurica and Acer mono from broadleaved/Korean pine forest, to elevated CO2 were studied by using open-top chambers under natural sunlight in Changbai Mountain, China in two growing seasons (1998-1999). Two concentrations of CO2 were designed: elevated CO2 (700 祄olmol-1) and ambient CO2 (400 祄olmol-1). The study results showed that the height growth of the tree seedlings grown at elevated CO2 increased by about 10%-40% compared to those grown at ambient CO2. And the water using efficiency of seedlings also followed the same tendency. However, the responses of seedlings in transpiration and chlorophyll content to elevated CO2 varied with tree species. The broad-leaf tree species were more sensitive to the elevated CO2 than conifer tree species. All seedlings showed a photosynthetic acclimation to long-term elevated CO2. 展开更多
关键词 Elevated CO2 Eco-physiological response Changbai Mountain
Streamflow response to shrinking glaciers under changing climate in the Lidder Valley,Kashmir Himalayas 被引量:3
作者 asif marazi shakil a.romshoo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期1241-1253,共13页
The study investigated the streamflow response to the shrinking cryosphere under changing climate in the Lidder valley, Upper Indus Basin(UIB), Kashmir Himalayas. We used a combination of multitemporal satellite data ... The study investigated the streamflow response to the shrinking cryosphere under changing climate in the Lidder valley, Upper Indus Basin(UIB), Kashmir Himalayas. We used a combination of multitemporal satellite data and topographic maps to evaluate the changes in area, length and volume of the glaciers from 1962 to 2013. A total of 37 glaciers from the Lidder valley, with an area of 39.76 km^2 in 1962 were selected for research in this study. It was observed that the glaciers in the valley have lost ~28.89 ±0.1% of the area and ~19.65 ±0.069% of the volume during the last 51 years, with variable interdecadal recession rates. Geomorphic and climatic influences on the shrinking glacier resources were studied. 30-years temperature records(1980-2010) in the study area showed a significant increasing trend in all the seasons. However, the total annual precipitation during the same period showed a nonsignificant decreasing trend except during the late summer months(July, August and September), when the increasing trend is significant. The depletion of glaciers has led to the significant depletion of the streamflows under the changing climate in the valley. Summer streamflows(1971-2012) have increased significantly till mid-nineties but decreased significantly thereafter, suggesting that the tipping point of streamflow peak, due to the enhanced glacier-melt contribution under increasing global temperatures, may have been already reached in the basin. The observed glacier recession and climate change patterns, if continued in future, would further deplete the streamflows with serious implications on water supplies for different uses in the region. 展开更多
关键词 Glacier Mapping Glacier Volume Climate Change Streamflow HIMALAYAS
Simultaneous Inversion of Earthquake Relocation and Velocity Structure in the Shanxi-reservoir,Wenzhou 被引量:1
作者 Zhong Yuyun Zhang Zhenfeng Kan Baoxiang 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第4期468-476,共9页
Using the data of P-wave network and Zhejiang and travel time recorded at the Shanxi-reservoir seismological Fujian local networks, we implemented a simultaneous inversion of earthquake relocation and velocity struct... Using the data of P-wave network and Zhejiang and travel time recorded at the Shanxi-reservoir seismological Fujian local networks, we implemented a simultaneous inversion of earthquake relocation and velocity structure and determined the new locations of earthquakes in the Shanxi-reservoir. The results show that: (1) the overall epicenter distribution is NW directed, and the Shanxi reservoir induced seismicity has a close relationship to the Shuangxi-Jiaoxiyang fault; (2) the focal depth of the Shanxi reservoir induced seismicity is 5.4km in average, less than the average focal depth in the South China earthquake zone; (3) the focal depth is shallower on the reservoir shore and deeper in the reservoir inundation area. At the beginning of the reservoir induced seismicity, the focal depth increased gradually. This may be due to the gradual penetration of water into a larger depth that induced deeper earthquakes; and (4) there is a low P-wave velocity anomaly in the study area, located at the intersection of multiple faults in the reservoir inundation area. The Shanxi reservoir induced seismicity mostly occurred in this lowvelocity anomaly zone. This may be related to water penetration. 展开更多
关键词 Shanxi reservoir Velocity structure Simultaneous inversion Earthquake location
Improving performance of recycled aggregate concrete with superfine pozzolanic powders 被引量:3
作者 王海龙 王俊杰 +1 位作者 孙晓燕 金伟良 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期3715-3722,共8页
Phosphorous slag (PHS), ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and fly ash (FA) were used as replacements of Portland cement to modify the microstruc^xe of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). A new manufac... Phosphorous slag (PHS), ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and fly ash (FA) were used as replacements of Portland cement to modify the microstruc^xe of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). A new manufacturing method named "W3T4" was proposed to improve the performances of interracial transition zone (ITZ) between recycled aggregate and mortar. The mechanical properties and the durability of RAC were tested, which show that this new manufacturing method improves the properties of RAC, and the GGBS with finest size makes a great contribution to the performance of RAC due to its better filling effect and much earlier pozzolanic reaction. Combined with GGBS, the effects of PHS on the retardation of setting time can be alleviated and the synergistic effect helps to make a more compact RAC. For the RAC with 25% of the recycled aggregate (RA) replacement and 10% PHS + 10% GGBS additives, the compressive strength increases by 25.4%, but the permeability decreases by 64.3% with respect to the reference concrete made with nature aggregates. The micro-mechanisms of these improvements were investigated by the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM images show that the new manufacturing method, adding superfine pozzolanic powders and super-plasticizer benefits, makes a much denser ITZ in RAC. 展开更多
关键词 recycled aggregate concrete superfine pozzolanic powders manufacturing method DURABILITY MICROSTRUCTURE
Optimization of PCR-SSCP Reaction System and Reaction Conditions in Crataegus spp.
作者 撒云俐 那冬晨 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第3期398-401,共4页
[Objective] This study was conducted to optimize PCR-SSCP reaction system and conditions for hawthorn (Crataegus spp.). [Method] The chloroplast DNA and nuclear DNA of hawthorn leaf were extracted with improved CTAB... [Objective] This study was conducted to optimize PCR-SSCP reaction system and conditions for hawthorn (Crataegus spp.). [Method] The chloroplast DNA and nuclear DNA of hawthorn leaf were extracted with improved CTAB method. Pdmers for the PCR amplification of chloroplast DNA and nuclear DNA were select- ed from eight pairs of candidate pdmers, and the PCR-SSCP reaction system and reaction conditions were optimized. The PCR products were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis, and the denatured PCR-SSCP products were analyzed by native polyacrylamide gel. [Result] Five pairs primers (psbA-tmH, ropB, ropL, rpoC1 and ITS2) were proved to be suitable for PCR-SSCP in hawthorn, including four for chloroplast DNA and one for nuclear DNA. The clear electrophoretogram of PCR- SSCP in hawthorn was obtained by performing electrophoresis in 0.5×TBE buffer, at 4 ℃ and 200 V for 3-4 h, using 6% native polyacrylamide gel (crosslinking ratio at 29:1), and the PCR product had been mixed with an equal volume of loading buffer containing 1% NaOH (without glycerol) and denatured at 98℃ for 15 min. [Conclu- sion] The results may lay the foundation of SSCP analysis of hawthom. 展开更多
关键词 Crataegus spp. PCR-SSCP PRIMERS Reaction. system Reaction condi-tions
Theoretical understanding of electrocatalysis beyond thermodynamic analysis
作者 Huan Li Chenxi Guo +2 位作者 Jun Long Xiaoyan Fu Jianping Xiao 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期2746-2756,共11页
As the green and sustainable development of human society highly relies on renewable energy,it has been recognized that electrocatalysis is a key technology to this end.High efficient ways of carbon-neutralization(eCO... As the green and sustainable development of human society highly relies on renewable energy,it has been recognized that electrocatalysis is a key technology to this end.High efficient ways of carbon-neutralization(eCO_(2)RR),reverse artificial nitrogen cycle(RANC),and oxygen chemistry(OER and ORR)all can be driven by electrocatalysis.Advanced theoretical study is an important means to fundamentally understanding electrocatalytic reactions.Herein,we review a few significant issues in theoretical electrocatalysis.First,electrochemical barriers and potential effects are essential for a more accurate description of reaction mechanism and activity.Meanwhile,consideration of competitive reaction path is also one of the important aspects,as novel insights and anomalous volcano trend can be obtained.Finally,a microenvironment exerted by confined space can tune the capacitance of electrochemical interface and(electro)chemical potential of proton,resulting in a possibility to improve reaction activity,which opens a new avenue for design of catalyst. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROCATALYSIS Capacitor model Potential-dependent barrier Anomalous volcano CONFINEMENT
Application of gravity inversion focused in Changbai Mountain 被引量:1
作者 LI Qiuchen WU Yangang 《Global Geology》 2014年第1期62-66,共5页
Focusing inversion is accomplished by the iterative of abnormal source to make the image gradually focused. It can better reflect the underground geological geometry and physical parameters. The model experiments in t... Focusing inversion is accomplished by the iterative of abnormal source to make the image gradually focused. It can better reflect the underground geological geometry and physical parameters. The model experiments in the study show that gravity focusing inversion allows inversion image stabilization and polymerization,which solves the multiple solutions and instability of inversion and so on. The method is applied to measured gravity data processing of certain region of Changbai Mountain,compared to Euler deconvolution,the results show that the method for determining the horizontal position and depth of underground anomalies has good efforts. 展开更多
关键词 focusing inversion gravity inversion Changbai Mountain
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