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作者 王重阳 于化鹏 +1 位作者 李子圆 赵德鑫 《水下无人系统学报》 2023年第2期229-236,共8页
姿态信息是自主导航的重要参数,现有高精度导航设备价格昂贵、体积大,因此小型化、低成本自主导航技术成为研究热点。受仿生学启发,文中构建了基于压力传感器阵列的自主水下航行器(AUV)姿态反演估计模型,将已知压强和姿态数据输入模型,... 姿态信息是自主导航的重要参数,现有高精度导航设备价格昂贵、体积大,因此小型化、低成本自主导航技术成为研究热点。受仿生学启发,文中构建了基于压力传感器阵列的自主水下航行器(AUV)姿态反演估计模型,将已知压强和姿态数据输入模型,训练出模型参数,从而利用压强数据反演估计姿态信息。按照轨迹、深度、速度等因素开展了多组试验,验证了所提方法的有效性。试验结果表明,利用基于压力传感器阵列的AUV姿态反演估计方法,其俯仰角误差小于2.069 9°,横滚角误差小于2.990 8°,且不存在累积误差,在自主导航系统中具有较高应用潜力。 展开更多
关键词 自主水下航行器 自主导航 压力传感器阵列 姿态反演估计
海洋环境噪声反演估计海面风速 被引量:24
作者 林建恒 常道庆 +2 位作者 马力 李学军 蒋国健 《声学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期217-221,共5页
海洋环境噪声与海面风速高度相关。本文在研究国内近年来测量数据的基础上,给出环境噪声级与风速的关系。提出按风速分段(三段)线性拟合环境噪声与对数风速关系曲线的方法,提出并确定最佳反演频段。在麦岛海域,由实测数据确定了分... 海洋环境噪声与海面风速高度相关。本文在研究国内近年来测量数据的基础上,给出环境噪声级与风速的关系。提出按风速分段(三段)线性拟合环境噪声与对数风速关系曲线的方法,提出并确定最佳反演频段。在麦岛海域,由实测数据确定了分段拟合参数,获得在 0.1~ 22.6 m/s的风速范围内,由海洋环境噪声估计海面风速的误差在 10%以下的优良结果。 展开更多
关键词 海洋环境噪声 反演估计 海面风速 曲线拟合
高分五号卫星多角度偏振相机最优化估计反演:角度依赖与后验误差分析 被引量:19
作者 郑逢勋 侯伟真 李正强 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期192-207,共16页
多角度偏振相机(directional polarimetric camera, DPC)随高分五号卫星已经成功发射并持续获取全球观测数据.针对DPC在陆地气溶胶反演领域的应用需求,本研究基于多参数最优化估计反演框架,引入信息量和后验误差分析工具,讨论了DPC观测... 多角度偏振相机(directional polarimetric camera, DPC)随高分五号卫星已经成功发射并持续获取全球观测数据.针对DPC在陆地气溶胶反演领域的应用需求,本研究基于多参数最优化估计反演框架,引入信息量和后验误差分析工具,讨论了DPC观测信息量对角度的依赖,给出了地表和气溶胶参数的后验误差,并分析了后验误差的影响因素.研究表明:1)卫星观测信息量随观测角度个数的增加显著提升, DPC多角度观测比单角度观测的总DFS(degree of freedom for signal)平均提高了5.45; 2)气溶胶反演比地表更依赖于卫星观测几何,散射角覆盖范围越大,观测包含的气溶胶信息量越多; 3)反演参数的后验误差随观测角度个数的增加显著降低,而气溶胶模型误差对后验误差的影响并不显著.总体来说,观测误差是影响反演结果不确定性的主要因素.本研究对DPC多角度偏振观测的反演能力以及反演不确定性进行了系统的定量评估,为DPC在轨测试及反演算法开发提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 多角度偏振相机 最优化估计反演 信息量分析 后验误差
L曲线方法在地基红外高光谱反演温度廓线中的应用 被引量:2
作者 黄威 刘磊 +2 位作者 高太长 李书磊 胡帅 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期3620-3624,共5页
利用地基红外高光谱辐射数据可以反演得到高时间分辨率的边界层大气温度廓线。目前的AERIoe最优化反演算法相比于传统的"剥洋葱"算法有较大的改进,且对初值的依赖程度较低。但AERIoe算法中正则化算子的选择对反演结果的稳定性和反演... 利用地基红外高光谱辐射数据可以反演得到高时间分辨率的边界层大气温度廓线。目前的AERIoe最优化反演算法相比于传统的"剥洋葱"算法有较大的改进,且对初值的依赖程度较低。但AERIoe算法中正则化算子的选择对反演结果的稳定性和反演时间有重要影响。目前主要采用经验的方法选择正则化算子,迭代步数较多,耗费大量的计算时间。提出了利用L曲线方法代替经验法选取正则化算子的改进方案,以提高AERIoe方法的反演速度。改进后的算法通过绘制解范数和残余范数的二维曲线图,取其拐点作为最优的正则化参数,相比于传统的经验法有着更好的理论基础。采用2011年美国大气辐射测量计划中SGP站点的晴空大气红外辐射数据进行反演实验。结果表明,利用该方法得到的反演结果具有很好的稳定性、收敛性和精度。相比于经验的方法,利用L曲线方法获得的正则化算子反演温度廓线时的收敛速度更快,迭代步数较少,可以节约大量的计算时间;在反演精度方面,L曲线方法在边界层中上层的反演精度更高,1~3km高度上温度廓线的RMSE值提高了大约0.2K。 展开更多
关键词 最优估计反演方法 L曲线 正则化算子 高光谱
卫星遥感中不同偏振量对气溶胶反演的影响分析 被引量:3
作者 郑逢勋 朱家乙 +1 位作者 侯伟真 李正强 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期2212-2218,共7页
偏振探测是提高气溶胶卫星遥感能力的重要途径。作为目前全球重要的偏振数据源,我国高分五号卫星搭载的多角度偏振探测仪(DPC)能够测量不同的偏振量,包括Stokes矢量偏振分量、偏振辐亮度(L_(p))和线偏振度(DOLP)。各偏振量所包含的有效... 偏振探测是提高气溶胶卫星遥感能力的重要途径。作为目前全球重要的偏振数据源,我国高分五号卫星搭载的多角度偏振探测仪(DPC)能够测量不同的偏振量,包括Stokes矢量偏振分量、偏振辐亮度(L_(p))和线偏振度(DOLP)。各偏振量所包含的有效信息和测量误差不同,进而影响气溶胶参数的反演精度。针对此,在最优估计反演框架下,利用信号自由度(DFS)和后验误差定量化分析了各偏振量对气溶胶参数反演的影响,为后续DPC气溶胶算法开发提供参考。研究结果表明:Stokes矢量包含的信息量最高,其次是线偏振度和偏振辐亮度,相应的气溶胶总DFS分别为7.5,6.1和5.2;采用不包含偏振方向信息的L_(p)反演时,复折射指数虚部和粒子谱有效方差的信息量比采用Stokes矢量和DOLP反演时显著下降,表明这两个参数对偏振方向和测量误差敏感,增加偏振方向信息和降低测量误差能够有效提高这两个参数的可反演性;偏振方向的探测对提高气溶胶遥感能力有重要价值,采用L_(p)和DOLP反演时,气溶胶各参数的后验误差比采用Stokes矢量反演分别增加67.6%和65.5%,其中细模态体积柱浓度和粒子谱有效半径受到的影响最大;在全部气溶胶参数中,复折射指数实部后验误差最小,虚部的反演不确定性最大。总体来说,细模态气溶胶的三个参数(体积柱浓度、复折射指数实部和粒子谱分布有效半径)在三种偏振量反演情况下平均DFS均大于0.85,能够较好的通过DPC观测反演得到,而粗模态气溶胶反演与气溶胶类型有关,参数反演不确定性较大。 展开更多
关键词 高分五号 偏振遥感 气溶胶 信息量分析 最优估计反演
作者 顾浩然 李正强 +7 位作者 侯伟真 裘桢炜 刘振海 朱军 伽丽丽 罗杰 洪津 麻金继 《大气与环境光学学报》 CAS CSCD 2023年第4期357-370,共14页
为探究多角度偏振在紫外波段对气溶胶层高(ALH)的探测能力,在不同的观测几何、气溶胶和地表类型等条件下系统评估了多角度偏振在紫外波段的ALH反演信息量。基于最优估计理论和信息量分析方法,分析了紫外波段365 nm和388 nm两个通道模拟... 为探究多角度偏振在紫外波段对气溶胶层高(ALH)的探测能力,在不同的观测几何、气溶胶和地表类型等条件下系统评估了多角度偏振在紫外波段的ALH反演信息量。基于最优估计理论和信息量分析方法,分析了紫外波段365 nm和388 nm两个通道模拟仿真数据对ALH的灵敏度,并进一步讨论了不同观测组合对ALH信息量和后验误差的影响。研究结果表明:(1)多角度偏振观测可有效提高ALH反演的信息量。(2)多角度卫星观测信息量随观测角度个数的增加显著提升,当反演中使用的角度数增加到5个时,ALH的信号自由度(DFS)提升了0.4以上。(3)添加388 nm波段偏振观测或365 nm波段强度观测这两种方案均能提升ALH的DFS。但相对而言,偏振观测方案受气溶胶模型误差影响更小,能更好地提升ALH反演的信息量,尤其是改善了低气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)条件下的ALH反演。 展开更多
关键词 气溶胶边界层高度 最优化估计反演 信息量分析 后验误差
Estimating primaries by sparse inversion of the 3D Curvelet transform and the L1-norm constraint 被引量:7
作者 冯飞 王德利 +1 位作者 朱恒 程浩 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期201-209,237,共10页
In this paper, we built upon the estimating primaries by sparse inversion (EPSI) method. We use the 3D curvelet transform and modify the EPSI method to the sparse inversion of the biconvex optimization and Ll-norm r... In this paper, we built upon the estimating primaries by sparse inversion (EPSI) method. We use the 3D curvelet transform and modify the EPSI method to the sparse inversion of the biconvex optimization and Ll-norm regularization, and use alternating optimization to directly estimate the primary reflection coefficients and source wavelet. The 3D curvelet transform is used as a sparseness constraint when inverting the primary reflection coefficients, which results in avoiding the prediction subtraction process in the surface-related multiples elimination (SRME) method. The proposed method not only reduces the damage to the effective waves but also improves the elimination of multiples. It is also a wave equation- based method for elimination of surface multiple reflections, which effectively removes surface multiples under complex submarine conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Sparse inversion primary reflection coefficients 3D Curvelet transformation L1regularization convex optimization
基于KNN方法的森林蓄积量遥感估计和反演概述 被引量:24
作者 郑刚 彭世揆 +2 位作者 戎慧 李杨 王妮 《遥感技术与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期430-437,共8页
K-邻近距离法(KNN)作为一种非参数方法,多适用于非正态分布和密度函数未知的遥感数据分类和参数估计,已被广泛地用于寒带和亚寒带地区的多源林业调查和森林蓄积量估计反演。从KNN方法的基本原理出发,在与传统蓄积量遥感估计方法进行对... K-邻近距离法(KNN)作为一种非参数方法,多适用于非正态分布和密度函数未知的遥感数据分类和参数估计,已被广泛地用于寒带和亚寒带地区的多源林业调查和森林蓄积量估计反演。从KNN方法的基本原理出发,在与传统蓄积量遥感估计方法进行对比的基础上,详细地介绍了KNN方法的特点以及与K-mean方法的区别,总结了KNN法森林蓄积量估计误差的评价模型和度量参数。还对KNN法森林蓄积量遥感估计的国内外研究动态进行了总结,表明了多源信息在KNN法森林蓄积量遥感估计中的重要性,总结出KNN方法进行森林蓄积量遥感估计的两种方法:基于样地点级和基于林分级。最后详细阐述了影响KNN法森林蓄积量估计的众多因素,提出了在低纬度地区利用KNN法对森林蓄积量遥感估计和反演进行系统研究的建议。 展开更多
关键词 KNN 森林蓄积量 遥感 估计反演
Influence of inaccurate wavelet phase estimation on seismic inversion 被引量:18
作者 Yuan San-Yi Wang Shang-Xu 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期48-59,95,共13页
On the assumption that the seismic wavelet amplitude spectrum is estimated accurately, a group of wavelets with different phase spectra, regarded as estimated wavelets, are used to implement linear least-squares inver... On the assumption that the seismic wavelet amplitude spectrum is estimated accurately, a group of wavelets with different phase spectra, regarded as estimated wavelets, are used to implement linear least-squares inversion. During inversion, except for the wavelet phase, all other factors affecting inversion results are not taken into account. The inversion results of a sparse reflectivity model (or blocky impedance model) show that: (1) although the synthetic data using inversion results matches well with the original seismic data, the inverted reflectivity and acoustic impedance are different from that of the real model. (2) the inversion result reliability is dependent on the estimated wavelet Z transform root distribution. When the estimated wavelet Z transform roots only differ from that of the real wavelet near the unit circle, the inverted reflectivity and impedance are usually consistent with the real model; (3) although the synthetic data matches well with the original data and the Cauchy norm (or modified Cauchy norm) with a constant damping parameter has been optimized, the inverted results are still greatly different from the real model. Finally, we suggest using the L1 norm, Kurtosis, variation, Cauchy norm with adaptive damping parameter or/and modified Cauchy norm with adaptive damping parameter as evaluation criteria to reduce the bad influence of inaccurate wavelet phase estimation and obtain good results in theory. 展开更多
关键词 PHASE seismic wavelet INVERSION evaluation criterion ROOT
Quantitative inverse modeling of nitrogen content from hyperion data under stress of exhausted coal mining sites 被引量:4
作者 LU Xia HU Zhen-qi GUO Li 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第1期31-35,共5页
Monitoring and evaluating the nutritional status of vegetation under stress from exhausted coal mining sites by hyper-spectral remote sensing is important in future ecological restoration engineering. The Wangpingcun ... Monitoring and evaluating the nutritional status of vegetation under stress from exhausted coal mining sites by hyper-spectral remote sensing is important in future ecological restoration engineering. The Wangpingcun coal mine, located in the Mentougou district of Beijing, was chosen as a case study. The ecological damage was analyzed by 3S technology, field investigation and from chemical data. The derivative spectra of the diagnostic absorption bands are derived from the spectra measured in the field and used as characteristic spectral variables. A correlation analysis was conducted for the nitrogen content of the vegetation samples and the fast derivative spectrum and the estimation model of nitrogen content established by a multiple stepwise linear regression method. The spatial distribution of nitrogen content was extracted by a parameter mapping method from the Hyperion data which revealed the distribution of the nitrogen content. In addition, the estimation model was evaluated for two evaluation indicators which are important for the precision of the model. Experimental results indicate that by linear regression and parameter mapping, the estimation model precision was Very high. The coefficient of determination, R2, was 0.795 and the standard deviation of residual (SDR) 0.19. The nitrogen content of most samples was about 1.03% and the nitrogen content in the study site seems inversely proportional to the distance from the piles of coal waste. Therefore, we can conclude that inversely modeling nitrogen content by hyper-spectral remote sensing in exhausted coal mining sites is feasible and our study can be taken as reference in species selection and in subseauent management and maintenance in ecological restoration. 展开更多
关键词 HYPERION nitrogen content estimation model linear regression
Cauchy prior distribution-based AVO elastic parameter estimation via weakly nonlinear waveform inversion 被引量:1
作者 麻纪强 耿建华 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期442-452,511,512,共13页
Cauchy priori distribution-based Bayesian AVO reflectivity inversion may lead to sparse estimates that are sensitive to large reflectivities. For the inversion, the computation of the covariance matrix and regularized... Cauchy priori distribution-based Bayesian AVO reflectivity inversion may lead to sparse estimates that are sensitive to large reflectivities. For the inversion, the computation of the covariance matrix and regularized terms requires prior estimation of model parameters, which makes the iterative inversion weakly nonlinear. At the same time, the relations among the model parameters are assumed linear. Furthermore, the reflectivities, the results of the inversion, or the elastic parameters with cumulative error recovered by integrating reflectivities are not well suited for detecting hydrocarbons and fuids. In contrast, in Bayesian linear AVO inversion, the elastic parameters can be directly extracted from prestack seismic data without linear assumptions for the model parameters. Considering the advantages of the abovementioned methods, the Bayesian AVO reflectivity inversion process is modified and Cauchy distribution is explored as a prior probability distribution and the time-variant covariance is also considered. Finally, we propose a new method for the weakly nonlinear AVO waveform inversion. Furthermore, the linear assumptions are abandoned and elastic parameters, such as P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, and density, can be directly recovered from seismic data especially for interfaces with large reflectivities. Numerical analysis demonstrates that all the elastic parameters can be estimated from prestack seismic data even when the signal-to-noise ratio of the seismic data is low. 展开更多
关键词 Cauchy priori distribution AVO elastic parameters inversion weakly nonlinear waveform inversion
作者 樊依哲 孙晓兵 +2 位作者 提汝芳 黄红莲 刘晓 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期770-784,共15页
针对卫星载荷大气校正仪分系统PSAC在陆地上空气溶胶反演领域的应用需求,基于最优化反演框架,引入信息量和后验误差分析方法,讨论了不同观测模式下气溶胶和地表参数的信号自由度(DFS)的观测角度依赖性,给出了气溶胶和地表参数的后验误... 针对卫星载荷大气校正仪分系统PSAC在陆地上空气溶胶反演领域的应用需求,基于最优化反演框架,引入信息量和后验误差分析方法,讨论了不同观测模式下气溶胶和地表参数的信号自由度(DFS)的观测角度依赖性,给出了气溶胶和地表参数的后验误差。在此基础上,分析了气溶胶和地表参数的DFS随光学厚度(AOD)和地表反射率的变化趋势。研究表明:1)不同的观测几何下,气溶胶参数总的DFS有很大差异,反演气溶胶参数的最优散射角范围是140°~180°;2)任意观测角度,细粒子为主的细模柱浓度v_(0)^(f),粗粒子为主的气溶胶柱浓度v_(0)^(f)和v_(0)^(c)能被反演出来,谱分布部分参数以及折射指数部分参数在大散射角能被反演获得;3)对不同AOD和地表反射率下参数的DFS分析,偏振信息的增加有助于亮地表下气溶胶参数的反演,增加短波红外波段能提升在AOD高值条件下对地表参数的获取能力。 展开更多
关键词 偏振扫描大气校正仪(PSAC) 偏振遥感 短波红外 气溶胶 信息量分析 最优估计反演
Estimation of Site Effects on Stations in the Capital Circle Region Using the Generalized Inversion Method
作者 Shi Haixia Xiu Jigang +2 位作者 Chen Zhangli Wang Qincai Hua Wei 《Earthquake Research in China》 2010年第2期198-210,共13页
Generalized Inversion Method has been used to estimate the spatial variation of site effects,using the digital data of SH-waves recorded by 63 stations in the Capital Circle Region of China from 2001 to 2006.We gained... Generalized Inversion Method has been used to estimate the spatial variation of site effects,using the digital data of SH-waves recorded by 63 stations in the Capital Circle Region of China from 2001 to 2006.We gained the site effects of all stations participating in the calculation.We found that the site effect of rock was stabile and about 1.0 from 1.0Hz to 10.0Hz,while the site effect of deposit was high in low frequencies,about 3 ~ 7 from 1.0Hz to 8.0Hz,and the site effect was protuberant at about 5.0Hz,then fell as the frequency increased.The result shows the shape and intensity of station site effects are mainly influenced by the lithology below the station,and possibly also by the local geological structure. 展开更多
关键词 Capital Circle Region Site effects Generalized inversion method SH-wave Weighting factor
作者 郑逢勋 李正强 +2 位作者 侯伟真 董晓刚 周志远 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期2497-2506,共10页
针对PM2.5遥感模型对气溶胶细粒子比FMF(Fine mode fraction)参数的需求,结合多光谱偏振传感器对大气探测的优势,基于最优估计OE(Optimal Estimation)反演框架,提出了一种基于线偏振度(Degree of Linear Polarization)测量的FMF最优化... 针对PM2.5遥感模型对气溶胶细粒子比FMF(Fine mode fraction)参数的需求,结合多光谱偏振传感器对大气探测的优势,基于最优估计OE(Optimal Estimation)反演框架,提出了一种基于线偏振度(Degree of Linear Polarization)测量的FMF最优化反演方法。采用矢量化的辐射传输模式UNL-VRTM进行地基天空光的线偏振度观测模拟,分析了线偏振度对FMF参数的波段敏感性,并基于仿真数据开展了算法的反演测试。研究结果表明:偏振测量在长波近红外波段对FMF的敏感性高于可见光波段;基于OE框架的FMF反演算法具有良好的闭合性;在地基天顶观测模式下,引入线偏振度测量参与反演能够有效提高FMF的反演精度,FMF反演误差从1.4%下降到了0.18%。最优化反演方法对于气溶胶遥感具有一定的潜力和可行性,有望成为提高PM2.5遥感监测能力的新途径。 展开更多
关键词 遥感 线偏振度 气溶胶 细粒子比 最优估计反演
Estimation of tropical cyclone parameters and wind fields from SAR images 被引量:5
作者 ZHOU Xuan YANG XiaoFeng +4 位作者 LI ZiWei YU Yang BI HaiBo MA Sheng LI XiaoFeng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期1977-1987,共11页
The traditional method of Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)wind field retrieval is based on an empirical relation between the near surface winds and the normalized radar backscatter cross section to estimate wind speeds,w... The traditional method of Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)wind field retrieval is based on an empirical relation between the near surface winds and the normalized radar backscatter cross section to estimate wind speeds,where this relation is called the geophysical model function(GMF).However,the accuracy rapidly decreases due to the impact of rainfall on the measurement of SAR and the saturation of backscattered intensity under the condition of tropical cyclone.Because of no available instrument synchronously monitoring rain rate on the satellite platform of SAR,we have to derive the precipitation of the SAR observation time from non-simultaneous passive microwave observations of rain in combination with geostationary IR images,and then use the model of rain correction to remove the impact of rain on SAR wind field measurements.For the saturation of radar backscatter cross section in high wind speed conditions,we develop an approach to estimate tropical cyclone parameters and wind fields based on the improved Holland model and the SAR image features of tropical cyclone.To retrieve the low-to-moderate wind speed,the wind direction of tropical cyclone is estimated from the SAR image using wavelet analysis.And then the maximum wind speed and the central pressure of tropical cyclone are calculated by a least square minimization of the difference between the improved Holland model and the low-to-moderate wind speed retrieved from SAR.In addition,wind fields are estimated from the improved Holland model using the above-mentioned parameters of tropical cyclone as input.To evaluate the accuracy of our approach,the SAR images of typhoon Aere,typhoon Khanun,and hurricane Ophelia are used to estimate tropical cyclone parameters and wind fields,which are compared with the best track data and reanalyzed wind fields of the Joint Typhoon Warning Center(JTWC)and the Hurricane Research Division(HRD).The results indicate that the tropical cyclone center,maximum wind speed,and central pressure are generally consistent with the best track data,and wind fields agree well with reanalyzed data from HRD. 展开更多
关键词 rain correction tropical cyclone parameters wind fields ESTIMATE SAR
Seismic wave scattering inversion for fluid factor of heterogeneous media 被引量:13
作者 YIN XingYao ZONG ZhaoYun WU GuoChen 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第3期542-549,共8页
Elastic wave inverse scattering theory plays an important role in parameters estimation of heterogeneous media.Combining inverse scattering theory,perturbation theory and stationary phase approximation,we derive the P... Elastic wave inverse scattering theory plays an important role in parameters estimation of heterogeneous media.Combining inverse scattering theory,perturbation theory and stationary phase approximation,we derive the P-wave seismic scattering coefficient equation in terms of fluid factor,shear modulus and density of background homogeneous media and perturbation media.With this equation as forward solver,a pre-stack seismic Bayesian inversion method is proposed to estimate the fluid factor of heterogeneous media.In this method,Cauchy distribution is utilized to the ratios of fluid factors,shear moduli and densities of perturbation media and background homogeneous media,respectively.Gaussian distribution is utilized to the likelihood function.The introduction of constraints from initial smooth models enhances the stability of the estimation of model parameters.Model test and real data example demonstrate that the proposed method is able to estimate the fluid factor of heterogeneous media from pre-stack seismic data directly and reasonably. 展开更多
关键词 heterogeneous media fluid factor seismic wave scattering pre-stack seismic inversion
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