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作者 刘春芳 《稀有金属快报》 CSCD 2002年第12期24-24,共1页
关键词 YbBa2Cu3Oy 反电极 工程界面 约瑟夫逊结
电极反转对电渗加固效果的试验研究 被引量:32
作者 陈卓 周建 +1 位作者 温晓贵 陶燕丽 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期1579-1584,共6页
采用自制模型箱,针对杭州软黏土进行一维电渗试验来探讨电极反转对电渗加固的影响.根据反转周期将试验分为4组:1、5、15h、不反转.观察不同反转周期下电渗的特点,并与常规电渗效果进行对比,进而探讨电极反转的有效性.定期测量试验过程... 采用自制模型箱,针对杭州软黏土进行一维电渗试验来探讨电极反转对电渗加固的影响.根据反转周期将试验分为4组:1、5、15h、不反转.观察不同反转周期下电渗的特点,并与常规电渗效果进行对比,进而探讨电极反转的有效性.定期测量试验过程中的电流和排水量,计算土体电阻和界面电阻随时间的变化;并给出试验结束时的含水量、抗剪强度空间分布图.试验过程中发现,每次反转电极,电流均呈现略微上升之后又迅速降低,同时排水不会马上继续而需要等待时间,这使得电极反转组的排水效果要较常规电渗差.试验结果表明:电极反转虽然使得土体固结变形较为均匀,但是平均抗剪强度却较常规电渗差;反转周期越短,效果越差,其主要原因是电极反转会导致界面电阻急剧增大,电流降低过快,从而影响电渗效率. 展开更多
关键词 电渗法 电极 软黏土 地基处理 界面电阻
微细电火花电极反拷间隙状态识别研究 被引量:1
作者 胡星志 迟关心 陈小前 《电加工与模具》 2011年第3期13-17,共5页
针对微细电火花间隙状态的准确识别问题,通过对电极反拷实验中电压波形的分析,得出了间隙电压波形具有一定频谱特征的结论,提出了间隙状态频谱特征识别的思想,建立了间隙状态频谱分析的方法。利用FFT算法编写了识别程序,通过MATLAB仿真... 针对微细电火花间隙状态的准确识别问题,通过对电极反拷实验中电压波形的分析,得出了间隙电压波形具有一定频谱特征的结论,提出了间隙状态频谱特征识别的思想,建立了间隙状态频谱分析的方法。利用FFT算法编写了识别程序,通过MATLAB仿真和联机调试,实现了电极转速与伺服特性的准确识别。实验证明,该识别方法对微小孔加工间隙状态的识别也具有很好效果。 展开更多
关键词 微细电火花加工 电极 间隙状态 频谱特征 算法识别
电极反转模式下反转电压对电渗影响试验研究 被引量:1
作者 蒋熠诚 周建 +2 位作者 甘淇匀 马郁春 石文 《地基处理》 2022年第S01期37-44,共8页
电渗法可以加快低渗透性软土排水固结,被视为一项极有前景的地基处理技术,在电渗法处理软土地基时,常采用电极反转的通电方案。为了研究电极反转通电时反转电压对电渗加固的影响,开展不同反转电压下电渗法加固软土地基室内一维模型试验... 电渗法可以加快低渗透性软土排水固结,被视为一项极有前景的地基处理技术,在电渗法处理软土地基时,常采用电极反转的通电方案。为了研究电极反转通电时反转电压对电渗加固的影响,开展不同反转电压下电渗法加固软土地基室内一维模型试验,实测电渗过程中的排水量、排水速率、电流电压值,以及试验结束后土体含水率分布情况。试验结果表明:在本文试验条件下,短时间反转通电会对电渗排水效果产生不同影响,且能使电渗加固效果更为均匀;随反转电压的增加,电渗排水量先增加后减小,过高的反转电压会对电渗效果起抑制作用;反转通电主要通过影响电流对电渗产生作用,恢复正向通电后土体电流急剧提升,电极反转产生积极影响,而恢复正向通电后土体电流突降时电极反转抑制排水。本文试验证明了在合适的反转参数下,电极反转不仅能使土体加固效果均匀,还可以促进排水,提高电渗效率。 展开更多
关键词 电渗法 EKG电极 电极 转电压 试验研究 地基处理
作者 湛伟建 杨社华 《物理教学探讨(中教版)》 2003年第10期36-36,共1页
静电除尘器利用了电场对电荷的作用特点,能有效消除烟气中的煤粉(或其他粉尘),在环境保护中起着重要的作用. 人民教育出版社的高中物理教材(试验修订本·必修加选修)第二册对静电除尘器侧重介绍了它的除尘原理,对其电极的连接只指... 静电除尘器利用了电场对电荷的作用特点,能有效消除烟气中的煤粉(或其他粉尘),在环境保护中起着重要的作用. 人民教育出版社的高中物理教材(试验修订本·必修加选修)第二册对静电除尘器侧重介绍了它的除尘原理,对其电极的连接只指出金属管A接高压电源正极,悬在管中的金属丝B接电源负极.对为什么要这样连接以及电极能否反接(即金属丝B接电源正极,管壁A接负极)则没有作进一步的说明.这样,有些学生就误认为静电除尘器的电极可以任意连接,或只是机械地记住教材上介绍的连接方式,至于这种连接在除尘效果上是否比反接时要好以及好在哪里也说不出所以然. 展开更多
关键词 中学 物理教学 静电除尘器 电场电离 电场力 电极 电荷
作者 支忠祥 韩宇乐 +2 位作者 陆雪琴 孙雨薇 甄广印 《能源环境保护》 2023年第5期121-128,共8页
城镇化快速发展导致大量污水污泥(Sewage Sludge,SS)和餐厨垃圾(Food Waste,FW)等有机固废的排放和产生。将微生物电解池(Microbial Electrolysis Cell,MEC)引入到厌氧消化(Anerobic Digestion,AD)过程可实现其高效的甲烷转化。本研究... 城镇化快速发展导致大量污水污泥(Sewage Sludge,SS)和餐厨垃圾(Food Waste,FW)等有机固废的排放和产生。将微生物电解池(Microbial Electrolysis Cell,MEC)引入到厌氧消化(Anerobic Digestion,AD)过程可实现其高效的甲烷转化。本研究探究了间歇通电和电极反转对MEC-连续搅拌式反应器(Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor,CSTR)的影响。结果表明,在1.2 V的外加电压和15 d的污泥停留时间(Sludge Retention Time,SRT)的条件下,MEC-CSTR运行良好,甲烷产率达到(741.9±99.2)mL/L-reactor/d。短暂断电(2 d)未对系统各项性能造成不良影响,而过长断电(7 d)则会降低反应器的有机物水解效果和甲烷产量;同时,连续电极反转会引起甲烷产量((541.7±32.0)mL/L-reactor/d)的下降;然而,无论间歇通电亦或电极反转均未对消化液的理化性质和系统稳定性造成不良影响。本研究可为MEC系统提升SS和FW协同厌氧能源化工程的优化实施提供新的解决思路。 展开更多
关键词 污水污泥 餐厨垃圾 微生物电解池 间歇通电 电极
电流对DF-BER反硝化和有机物转化的影响 被引量:1
作者 宋亚男 陆圆 +2 位作者 陆勇泽 Hassan M 朱光灿 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期2880-2887,共8页
利用反硝化滤池耦合生物膜电极反应器(Denitrification filter coupled biofilm-electrode reactor, DF-BER)实现生物深度脱氮过程,考察了不同进水水质条件下,外加不同电流强度对DF-BER的脱氮性能、出水有机物种类和浓度的影响.结果表明... 利用反硝化滤池耦合生物膜电极反应器(Denitrification filter coupled biofilm-electrode reactor, DF-BER)实现生物深度脱氮过程,考察了不同进水水质条件下,外加不同电流强度对DF-BER的脱氮性能、出水有机物种类和浓度的影响.结果表明,DF-BER通过降解实际污水中原有难降解有机物来强化系统反硝化效果,电流强度为5mA时,与以模拟污水为进水相比,系统脱氮率提高14.7%.随着外加电流强度的增大,DF-BER的脱氮效果增强,实际污水出水中色氨酸类芳香族蛋白质含量降低,实际污水和模拟污水出水中均出现微生物代谢产物和腐殖酸积累现象. 展开更多
关键词 硝化滤池耦合生物膜电极应器 三维电极 电流强度 自养硝化 实际污水
作者 王洋阳 《中学化学教学参考》 2024年第35期50-50,共1页
常温下,金属铝、铁会与浓硝酸发生反应,在表面生成一层致密的氧化膜,产生钝化现象。金属铜与浓硝酸不发生钝化。因此,铝(铁)—铜-浓硝酸原电池形成闭合回路后,先是金属铝(或铁)作负极,后因钝化而转变为正极。将铝—铜—浓硝酸原电池改... 常温下,金属铝、铁会与浓硝酸发生反应,在表面生成一层致密的氧化膜,产生钝化现象。金属铜与浓硝酸不发生钝化。因此,铝(铁)—铜-浓硝酸原电池形成闭合回路后,先是金属铝(或铁)作负极,后因钝化而转变为正极。将铝—铜—浓硝酸原电池改进为双液原电池,用电流传感器测定整个过程中的电流变化,验证电极反转现象。 展开更多
关键词 双液原电池 钝化 电极
作者 卢妙 陆小伟 王璎瑛 《实用老年医学》 CAS 2023年第8期781-784,788,共5页
目的分析老年病人心脏起搏器植入术后三尖瓣反流(tricuspid regurgitation,TR)发生或发展的影响因素。方法回顾分析2012年1月至2021年1月在我科行心脏起搏器植入的264例老年病人术后TR的情况。术后出现新的TR或TR程度较术前加重的病人... 目的分析老年病人心脏起搏器植入术后三尖瓣反流(tricuspid regurgitation,TR)发生或发展的影响因素。方法回顾分析2012年1月至2021年1月在我科行心脏起搏器植入的264例老年病人术后TR的情况。术后出现新的TR或TR程度较术前加重的病人为加重组,其余为未加重组。比较2组病人的术前临床资料及二维超声心动图参数,并对病人术后TR的影响因素行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果264例植入起搏器的老年病人中,新发TR或TR加重共87例,发生率为33.0%。加重组年龄,术前三尖瓣轻度反流、右室心尖起搏比例及植入年限高于未加重组(P<0.01);左心房内径(LAD)、右心房内径(RAD)大于未加重组(P<0.01)。Logistic回归分析表明,RAD增大、术前三尖瓣轻度反流、右室心尖起搏、植入年限是植入心脏起搏器术后TR发生或发展的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。结论老年病人术前RAD增大、起搏电极位于右室心尖部、心脏起搏器植入年限长是术后TR发生或发展的危险因素,术前三尖瓣轻度反流是术后TR发生或发展的保护因素。 展开更多
关键词 永久性心脏起搏器 电极导线介导三尖瓣 右心室起搏 右室心尖起搏
作者 吴尘 陈伟元 《物理实验》 2013年第5期36-39,共4页
根据染料敏化太阳电池的工作原理和结构构成,介绍了在基础实验条件下制备染料敏化太阳电池的方法.实验表明,采用天然染料敏化的TiO2半导体薄膜作为光阳极,镀碳的导电玻璃作为反电极,并选用含碘的氧化-还原电解质,通过组装能够产生一定... 根据染料敏化太阳电池的工作原理和结构构成,介绍了在基础实验条件下制备染料敏化太阳电池的方法.实验表明,采用天然染料敏化的TiO2半导体薄膜作为光阳极,镀碳的导电玻璃作为反电极,并选用含碘的氧化-还原电解质,通过组装能够产生一定的电能. 展开更多
关键词 染料敏化太阳电池 光阳极 TIO2薄膜 反电极 电解质
Mild polarization electric field in ultra-thin BN-Fe-graphene sandwich structure for efficient nitrogen reduction
作者 Ziyuan Xiu Wei Mu +1 位作者 Xin Zhou Xiaojun Han 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第10期126-137,共12页
The electrocatalytic N_(2)reduction reaction(NRR)is expected to supersede the traditional Haber-Bosch technology for NH3 production under ambient conditions.The activity and selectivity of electrochemical NRR are rest... The electrocatalytic N_(2)reduction reaction(NRR)is expected to supersede the traditional Haber-Bosch technology for NH3 production under ambient conditions.The activity and selectivity of electrochemical NRR are restricted to a strong polarized electric field induced by the catalyst,correct electron transfer direction,and electron tunneling distance between bare electrode and active sites.By coupling the chemical vapor deposition method with the poly(methyl methacylate)-transfer method,an ultrathin sandwich catalyst,i.e.,Fe atoms(polarized electric field layer)sandwiched between ultrathin(within electron tunneling distance)BN(catalyst layer)and graphene film(conducting layer),is fabricated for electrocatalytic NRR.The sandwich catalyst not only controls the transfer of electrons to the BN surface in the correct direction under applied voltage but also suppresses hydrogen evolution reaction by constructing a neutral polarization electric field without metal exposure.The sandwich electrocatalyst NRR system achieve NH3 yield of 8.9μg h^(−1)cm^(−2)and Faradaic Efficiency of 21.7%.The N_(2)adsorption,activation,and polarization electric field changes of three sandwich catalysts(BN-Fe-G,BN-Fe-BN,and G-Fe-G)during the electrocatalytic NRR are investigated by experiments and density functional theory simulations.Driven by applied voltage,the neutral polarized electric field induced by BN-Fe-G leads to the high activity of electrocatalytic NRR. 展开更多
关键词 Ultra-thin BN Fe doping BN-Fe-graphene Mild polarization electric field Nitrogen reduction reaction
Electrodeposition of Ir on platinum in NaCl-KCl molten salt 被引量:4
作者 钱建刚 赵天 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2855-2862,共8页
The reduction mechanism of Ir in the NaCl-KCl-IrCl3 molten salt was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and chronopotentiometry, and Ir film was deposited effectively on platinum in potentiostatic mode. The morphology ... The reduction mechanism of Ir in the NaCl-KCl-IrCl3 molten salt was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and chronopotentiometry, and Ir film was deposited effectively on platinum in potentiostatic mode. The morphology and constitution of Ir film were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It is found that the reduction mechanism of Ir(III) is a three-electron step and electro reaction is a reversible diffusion controlled process; the diffusion coefficients of Ir(III) at 1083, 1113, 1143 and 1183 K are 1.56×10-4, 2.23×10-4, 2.77×10-4 and 4.40×10-4 cm2/s, respectively, while the activation energy of the electrode reaction is 102.95 kJ/mol. The compacted Ir film reveals that the applied potential greatly affects the deposition of Ir, the thickness of Ir film deposited at the potential of reduction peak is the highest, the temperature of the molten salt also exerts an influence on deposition, the film formed at a lower temperature is thinner, but more micropores would occur on film when the temperature went too high. 展开更多
关键词 IR NaCl-KCl molten salt NaCl-KCl-IrCl3 molten salt ELECTRODEPOSITION reduction mechanism electrode reaction activation energy micro-pores
电火花加工微细轴的探讨 被引量:1
作者 伍利群 毕红霞 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2008年第12期117-118,共2页
关键词 微细轴 电极拷法 进给方式
Influence of freezing rate on microstructure and electrochemical properties of Mg-2%Ga alloys 被引量:1
作者 冯艳 王日初 彭超群 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期1047-1051,共5页
Equilibrium freezing curve of Mg-2%Ga (mass fraction) alloy was calculated by CALPHALD method. Microstructures of the melted Mg-2%Ga alloys solidified by iron and copper moulds, respectively, were investigated using... Equilibrium freezing curve of Mg-2%Ga (mass fraction) alloy was calculated by CALPHALD method. Microstructures of the melted Mg-2%Ga alloys solidified by iron and copper moulds, respectively, were investigated using OM and SEM. Electrochemical properties of the Mg-2%Ga alloys with different freezing rates were measured by galvanostatic, potentiodynamic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests. The results show that solidification by copper mould leads to intergranular MgsGa2 compounds with small size and large number density. Less adsorbent of Mg^+ and oxide corrosion products occur on the surface of the Mg-2%Ga alloys solidified by copper mould, producing lower corrosion current density of 1.8×10^-5 mA/cm^2. In the galvanostatic tests with 100 mA/cm^2 current density, more negative stable potential of-1.604 V exists in the Mg-2%Ga alloys solidified by iron mould due to the lower freezing rate, which leads to smaller inductive and capacity time constants as well as shorter activity time and better electrochemical activity. 展开更多
关键词 Mg-Ga alloy electrode materials electrochemical reaction MICROSTRUCTURE computer simulation
Kinetics Study on O2 Adsorption and OHad Desorption at Pt(111), Its Implication to Oxygen Reduction Reaction Kinetics
作者 杨帆 廖玲文 +2 位作者 李明芳 梅东 陈艳霞 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期479-484,J0002,共7页
Kinetics of dissociative O2 adsorption, OHad desorption, and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) at Pt(111) electrode in 0.1 mol/L HClO4 has been investigated. Reversible OHad adsorption/desorption occurs at potential... Kinetics of dissociative O2 adsorption, OHad desorption, and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) at Pt(111) electrode in 0.1 mol/L HClO4 has been investigated. Reversible OHad adsorption/desorption occurs at potentials from 0.6 V to 1.0 V (vs. RHE) with the exchange current density of ca. 50 mA/cm^2 at 0.8 V, the fast kinetics of OHad desorption indicates that it should not be the rate determining step for ORR. In the kineticor kinetic-mass transport mix controlled potential region, ORR current at constant potential displays slight decrease with reaction time. ORR current in the positive-going potential scan is slightly larger than that in the subsequent negative-going scan with electrode rotation speed (〉800 r/min) and slow potential scan rate (〈100 mV/s). The open circuit potential of Pt/0.1 mol/L HClO4 interface increases promptly from 0.9 V to 1.0 V after switch from O2 free- to O2-saturated solution. The increase of open circuit potential as well as ORR current decays under potential control due to the accumulation of OHad from dissociative adsorption of O2. It indicates that at Pt(111) the net rate for O2 decomposition to OHad is slightly faster than that for OHad removal, one cannot simply use the assumption of rate determining step to discuss ORR kinetics. Instead, the ORR kinetics is determined by both the kinetics for O2 decomposition to OHad as well as the thermo-equilibrium of OHad+H^++e→←H2O. 展开更多
关键词 Oxygen reduction reaction Pt(111) electrode Rate determining step Kinetics Overpotential Thermodynamic equilibrium
Kinetic Implication from Temperature Effect on Hydrogen Evolution Reaction at Ag Electrode
作者 康婧 林楚红 +1 位作者 姚瑶 陈艳霞 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期63-68,I0003,I0004,共8页
Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at polycrystalline silver electrode in 0.1 mol/L HClO4 solution is investigated by cyclic voltammetry in the temperature range of 278-333 K. We found that at electrode potential φa... Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at polycrystalline silver electrode in 0.1 mol/L HClO4 solution is investigated by cyclic voltammetry in the temperature range of 278-333 K. We found that at electrode potential φa,app decreases with φ, while pre-exponential factor A remains nearly unchanged,which conforms well the prediction from Butler-Volmer equation. In contrast, with φ nega-tive shifts from the onset potential for HER to the potential of zero charge (PZC≈-0.4 V), both Ea,app and A for HER increase (e.g., Ea,app increases from 24 kJ/mol to 32 kJ/mol). The increase in Ea,app and A with negative shift in φ from -0.25 V to PZC is explained by the increases of both internal energy change and entropy change from reactants to the transition states, which is correlated with the change in the hydrogen bond network during HER. The positive entropy effects overcompensate the adverse effect from the increase in the activation energy, which leads to a net increase in HER current with the activation energy negative shift from the onset potential of HER to PZC. It is pointed out that entropy change may contribute greatly to the kinetics for electrode reaction which involves the transfer of electron and proton, such as HER. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogen evolution reaction Ag electrode Temperature effect Activation energy Pre-exponential factor Internal energy Entropy change
EIS studies the effect of Zinc to Al-Zn alloy used for cathodic protection in 3% NaCl solution 被引量:1
作者 郝小军 雷英春 +2 位作者 侯华 赵宇宏 王一都 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2017年第2期110-118,共9页
Electrochemical impendence spectroscopy (EIS) is applied to investigate the dissolution behavior of Al-Zn alloys in 3% NaCl solution at different polarization potentials. A new reaction model is proposed, and the ac... Electrochemical impendence spectroscopy (EIS) is applied to investigate the dissolution behavior of Al-Zn alloys in 3% NaCl solution at different polarization potentials. A new reaction model is proposed, and the activation mechanism of zinc in Al-Zn alloys is achieved. There are three intermediates in the dissolution process: Znad^+, Znad^2+ and Alad^+, ,of which only Zni can activate Al-Zn alloys. Most Znnd^+ is produced by β-phase,and the alloys with 2. 3% - 3. 8% (wt) Zn dissolve rapidly. The Al-Zn alloys of heart-shaped EIS are active in 3% NaCl solution, thus EIS characteristic can be used to distinguish the activa-tion of Al-Zn alloys. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Zn alloy sacrificial anode reaction model electrochemical impendence spectroscopy (EIS activation mecha-nism zinc enrichment phase (β-phase)
Theoretical Study of Antiferrodistortive Phase Transition in Strontium Titanate
作者 蔡玉平 韩代朝 宁如云 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期237-240,I0002,共5页
At 105 K, strontium titanate is known to undergo an antiferrodistortive transition transform-ing from cubic to tetragonal structure as a result of the rotation of the oxygen octahedral around a cubic axe. Based on the... At 105 K, strontium titanate is known to undergo an antiferrodistortive transition transform-ing from cubic to tetragonal structure as a result of the rotation of the oxygen octahedral around a cubic axe. Based on the Curie principle, the order parameter is determined to be a third-order complete symmetry polarization tensor. To take into account of quantum effects,the dielectric permittivity is measured from Landau free energy, and the Curie Weiss-type behavior is analyzed. From crystallization chemistry viewpoint, the dielectric behavior at low temperature is connected to small radius of Sr^2+, which is much easier to move around the oxygen octahedral than Ba^2+ in BaTiO3 or Pb^2+ in PbTiO3. 展开更多
关键词 Spontaneous polarization Dielectric permittivity Free energy Antiferrodis-tortive phase transition
Progress in research on Li–CO_2 batteries: Mechanism, catalyst and performance 被引量:8
作者 李翔 杨思勰 +2 位作者 冯宁宁 何平 周豪慎 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1016-1024,共9页
Rechargeable Li-CO2 batteries provide a promising new approach for carbon capture and energy storage technology. However, their practical application is limited by many challenges despite much progress in this technol... Rechargeable Li-CO2 batteries provide a promising new approach for carbon capture and energy storage technology. However, their practical application is limited by many challenges despite much progress in this technology. Recent development in Li-CO2 batteries is presented. The reaction mechanism with an air cathode, operating temperatures used, electrochemical performance under different CO2 concentrations, stability of the battery in different electrolytes, and utilization of different cathode materials were emphasized. At last, challenges and perspectives were also present- ed. This review provides a deep understanding of Li-CO2 batteries and offers important guidelines for developing reversible and high efficiency Li-CO2 batteries. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium carbon dioxide batteriesReaction mechanism on cathodeCatalyst designCarbon capture
Hydrothermal synthesis of titanium-supported nanoporous palladium-copper electrocatalysts for formic acid oxidation and oxygen reduction reaction
作者 易清风 肖兴中 刘云清 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期1184-1190,共7页
Nanoporous Pd and binary Pd-Cu particles were prepared by a hydrothermal method using ethylene glycol as a reduction agent and they were directly immobilized on Ti substrates named as Ti-supported Pd-based catalysts. ... Nanoporous Pd and binary Pd-Cu particles were prepared by a hydrothermal method using ethylene glycol as a reduction agent and they were directly immobilized on Ti substrates named as Ti-supported Pd-based catalysts. Their electrocatalytic activity for formic acid oxidation and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in alkaline media was examined by voltammetric techniques. Among the as-prepared catalysts, nanoPdslCu19/Ti catalyst presents the highest current density of 39.8 mA/cm2 at -0.5 V or 66.4 mA/cm2 at -0.3 V for formic acid oxidation. The onset potential of ORR on the nanoPdslCU19/Ti catalyst presents an about 70 mV positive shift compared to that on the nanoPd/Ti, and the current density of ORR at -0.3 V is 2.12 mA/cm2, which is 3.7 times larger than that on the nanoPd/Ti. 展开更多
关键词 Pd electrode Pd-Cu electrode formic acid oxidation oxygen reduction reaction NANOPARTICLE ELECTROCATALYSIS
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