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作者 陈召荣 欧尔俊 《景德镇高专学报》 2008年第1期64-66,共3页
本文依据自我概念的心理学意义,对国内亨利.米勒研究中性话语意义解释的"自我说"予以反思并做出另类理解。就作品整体而言,作者性自由张扬的是基于原欲的本能品质,主要依靠虚拟的方式进行满足,而且性话语的倾诉伤害了两性关... 本文依据自我概念的心理学意义,对国内亨利.米勒研究中性话语意义解释的"自我说"予以反思并做出另类理解。就作品整体而言,作者性自由张扬的是基于原欲的本能品质,主要依靠虚拟的方式进行满足,而且性话语的倾诉伤害了两性关系的自然情感。所以,笔者认为,作家小说中通过性方式对自我的确认和建构没有实现,也不可能实现。 展开更多
关键词 亨利·米勒 性文学 反自我
作者 颜芳 《现代传记研究》 2015年第2期86-103,241-242,共19页
《往日速写》是现代自传写作的一个重要文本。本文试图从反自我主义这个视角去阐释伍尔夫这部自传作品中独特的自传理念与写作方法。《往日速写》以其自身实践对自我主义的自传传统进行了全面清算,并继而对自传自我展开了别样的规划。... 《往日速写》是现代自传写作的一个重要文本。本文试图从反自我主义这个视角去阐释伍尔夫这部自传作品中独特的自传理念与写作方法。《往日速写》以其自身实践对自我主义的自传传统进行了全面清算,并继而对自传自我展开了别样的规划。一方面,她强调他人和世界对自我的约束和影响,竭力在与非我的关系中呈现自我,另一方面,她将自传自我区分为'过去我'和'现在我',从而将自我呈现为某种'过去我'与'现在我'交互影响的动态过程。最终,伍尔夫在'非自我主义崇高'的理想之中,通过'安农'式的诉诸人类普遍性的匿名歌唱,力图超越个人和自我的局限,走向与大众的联结。 展开更多
关键词 《往日速写》 反自我主义 自传 自我
丧文化:从习得性无助到“自我反讽” 被引量:67
作者 杜骏飞 《编辑之友》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期109-112,共4页
网络流行的"丧文化"具有习得性无助理论所阐释的表征,其心理诱因则来自生存环境和生活压力。除了颓废、麻木之外,"丧文化"同时也具有更为复杂的"亚文化光谱",蕴藏着自我强化、狂欢、戏谑、抗议、消解、... 网络流行的"丧文化"具有习得性无助理论所阐释的表征,其心理诱因则来自生存环境和生活压力。除了颓废、麻木之外,"丧文化"同时也具有更为复杂的"亚文化光谱",蕴藏着自我强化、狂欢、戏谑、抗议、消解、反思、自我否定等丰富的文化内涵。同时,丧文化也呈现了"反讽"的形态与功能,并把反讽指向了自身,形成了独特的"自我反讽",从而成为当代青年阶层网络文化的公约数之一。 展开更多
关键词 丧文化 习得性无助 亚文化光谱 归因 自我
作者 李芬芬 潘虹君 +3 位作者 刘梦琴 肖冰清 张荣芳 彭斌 《合作经济与科技》 2012年第15期104-105,共2页
关键词 贫困大学生 自我
作者 孙君 《湖北广播电视大学学报》 2012年第5期73-73,共1页
关键词 男性自我吸收 女性自我吸收 自我延长溶解
作者 余小燕 《成都理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第2期92-94,共3页
"反讽"是元杂剧经常使用的一种艺术手段,其主要形式有身份误会、讽刺官员和自我反讽三种。元杂剧作者通过身份误会增加剧情的曲折性和趣味性,迎合市民的审美情趣;元朝的建立是落后制度对先进制度的胜利,但统治者在文化制度方... "反讽"是元杂剧经常使用的一种艺术手段,其主要形式有身份误会、讽刺官员和自我反讽三种。元杂剧作者通过身份误会增加剧情的曲折性和趣味性,迎合市民的审美情趣;元朝的建立是落后制度对先进制度的胜利,但统治者在文化制度方面却一窍不通,在元杂剧中蒙古官吏办案求助于令史,这本身就是一种反讽;剧本中的文人往往功名与美女兼得,而现实中的文人却什么都得不到,而他们却乐此不疲的大唱得不到的赞歌,无形中形成了对自己的反讽。 展开更多
关键词 元杂剧 身份误会 讽刺官员 自我
叶芝的“面具”理论 被引量:1
作者 韩斌 《湖北广播电视大学学报》 2008年第2期55-56,共2页
关键词 “面具”理论 自我反自我 自性 存在的统一
《毕司瓦斯先生的房子》:一个自我反讽的后殖民寓言 被引量:11
作者 胡志明 《外国文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期42-52,共11页
外表看上去很传统的《毕司瓦斯先生的房子》 ,实际上是个后殖民文化的寓言。它通过鲜明的形象 ,说明第三世界民族的后殖民状态开始于殖民时期 ,其基本特征是身份的不确定性、本土 西方的紧张性和永远的暂时性。小说的反讽性其实就是作... 外表看上去很传统的《毕司瓦斯先生的房子》 ,实际上是个后殖民文化的寓言。它通过鲜明的形象 ,说明第三世界民族的后殖民状态开始于殖民时期 ,其基本特征是身份的不确定性、本土 西方的紧张性和永远的暂时性。小说的反讽性其实就是作家自我反讽的人生态度的具体体现 ,这往往也是后殖民状态中的作家无奈中普遍采取的一种生存姿态。 展开更多
关键词 奈保尔 《毕司瓦斯先生的房子》 寓言 后殖民 自我
作者 李静 《临沂师范学院学报》 2009年第2期54-58,共5页
面具是叶芝探寻民族和宇宙秩序的手段。叶芝用面具区别自我和反自我,除用以建立个人自信外,还用以恢复爱尔兰民族的自尊和自信。对叶芝而言,面具既是伪装和防护,同时也是自我克制和超越;它不仅展现了叶芝积极的生活态度,还反映了叶芝式... 面具是叶芝探寻民族和宇宙秩序的手段。叶芝用面具区别自我和反自我,除用以建立个人自信外,还用以恢复爱尔兰民族的自尊和自信。对叶芝而言,面具既是伪装和防护,同时也是自我克制和超越;它不仅展现了叶芝积极的生活态度,还反映了叶芝式的民族主义立场,但也部分消解了其感性至上原则。 展开更多
关键词 叶芝 面具 反自我 超越 民族性
作者 岳友熙 柳清泉 《江汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 2008年第3期59-65,共7页
尼采、海德格尔、德里达、福柯等四位后现代哲学家复杂而丰富的哲学思想中,体现出了后现代哲学的发展脉络。他们反现代性的哲学话语,为后现代哲学理论的建构做出了决定性的贡献。他们的后现代哲学理论为后现代主义的产生和发展,以及为... 尼采、海德格尔、德里达、福柯等四位后现代哲学家复杂而丰富的哲学思想中,体现出了后现代哲学的发展脉络。他们反现代性的哲学话语,为后现代哲学理论的建构做出了决定性的贡献。他们的后现代哲学理论为后现代主义的产生和发展,以及为现代性的重建(即后现代性)提供了必要的哲学理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 现代性哲学 后现代性哲学 主体性 理性 自我 自我超越
论悲剧人物性格中的执着精神 被引量:1
作者 石艺 《柳州师专学报》 2011年第2期49-52,共4页
悲剧人物性格中的执着精神贯穿一生,他甘冒自然生命被毁灭之险去追求自身超越价值,并在与异己力量的斗争中始终坚持自我,在受难与抗争中展示出超凡的生命力,直至生命被毁灭亦不改初衷,悲剧人物的生命超越价值最终得到高度升华。悲剧人... 悲剧人物性格中的执着精神贯穿一生,他甘冒自然生命被毁灭之险去追求自身超越价值,并在与异己力量的斗争中始终坚持自我,在受难与抗争中展示出超凡的生命力,直至生命被毁灭亦不改初衷,悲剧人物的生命超越价值最终得到高度升华。悲剧人物强烈的对独立的自我意识的执着在自我涉及的双重悖反的悲剧结构中得到了充分展示。 展开更多
关键词 悲剧人物 执着精神 超越价值 自我涉及的双重悖结构
Molecular mimicry in Helicobacter pylori infections 被引量:28
作者 magdalena chmiela weronika gonciarz 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第22期3964-3977,共14页
Gram-negative bacteria Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) colonize gastric mucosa in humans and increase the risk of serious diseases such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, stomach cancers and mucosa associated lymphoid tis... Gram-negative bacteria Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) colonize gastric mucosa in humans and increase the risk of serious diseases such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, stomach cancers and mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. The role of H. pylori infection in the pathogenesis of several extragastric diseases has been suggested including immune thrombocytopenic purpura, iron deficiency anemia, vitamin D deficiency, cardiovascular diseases,diabetes mellitus and dermatological disorders. Also neurological diseases and even lung cancer have attracted researchers concern. The relation between H. pylori infection and a growth retardation in children has also been suggested. Many mechanisms of molecular mimicry between H. pylori and the host have been proposed as a pathogen strategy to manipulate the immune system of the host in order to remain unrecognized and avoid eradication. A lot of effort has been put into the demonstration of homologous sequences between H. pylori and host compounds. However, knowledge about how often autoantibodies or autoreactive T lymphocytes induced during H. pylori infections cause pathological disorders is insufficient. This review provides data on H. pylori antigenic mimicry and possible deleterious effects due to the induction of immune response to the components common to these bacteria and the host. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori Molecular mimicry Anti-self response Extragastric effects
“丧文化”解读与青年社会心态透视 被引量:4
作者 陈淑珍 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第2期94-98,共5页
“丧文化”的源流可追溯至2008年出现的“囧文化”。从“丧文化”的发展过程来看,“丧文化”既不是青年亚文化的突变,也不是转瞬即逝的文化符号,而是青年社会心态的映射。“丧”是“丧文化”的显著风格,“丧”式文本和“丧”式表情包是... “丧文化”的源流可追溯至2008年出现的“囧文化”。从“丧文化”的发展过程来看,“丧文化”既不是青年亚文化的突变,也不是转瞬即逝的文化符号,而是青年社会心态的映射。“丧”是“丧文化”的显著风格,“丧”式文本和“丧”式表情包是“丧文化”表达的主要载体,而反转、重构和篡改则是“丧文化”的主要建构方式。“丧文化”折射出的青年社会心态主要表现为中国式焦虑、消极悲观、仪式抵抗、自我赋能和自我反讽。尽管“丧文化”与社会主流价值观相悖,但“丧”式吐槽是青年群体一种表达与沟通的渠道,其建构了个人与社会的关联。因此,不应妖魔化“丧文化”,更不应给青年贴上“丧”的标签,而应辩证看待“丧文化”。 展开更多
关键词 “丧文化” 青年社会心态 消极悲观 自我
Independent and combined effects of environmental factors and miR-126, miR-143, and miR-145 on the risk of coronary heart disease 被引量:10
作者 Da-Cen LIN Jia-Bing LIN +6 位作者 Zhou CHEN Rong CHEN Chun-Yu WAN Shao-Wei LIN Qi-Shuang RUAN Huang-Yuan LI Si-Ying WU 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第11期688-695,共8页
Objective To evaluate the effects of environmental factors and microRNAs (miRNAs) (miR-126, miR-143, and miR-145) on the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods A frequency-matched case-control study (450... Objective To evaluate the effects of environmental factors and microRNAs (miRNAs) (miR-126, miR-143, and miR-145) on the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods A frequency-matched case-control study (450 patients, 450 controls) was conducted from April 2014 to December 2016 in Fuzhou City, China. Environmental factors were investigated using a self-administered questionnaire, and the expression levels of miR-126, rniR-143, and miR-145 were determined by quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in pe- ripheral blood mononuclear cells. Unconditional logistic regression models were used for statistical evaluation. Results Alcohol consumption, high-salt diets, high-intensity work, and lack of physical activity were significantly associated with increased CHD risk, whereas light diet was significantly associated with decreased risk. MiR-126, miR-143, and miR-145 were highly expressed in the CHD group compared with the control group. After adjustment for other environmental factors, unconditional logistic regression results revealed that miR-126, miR-143, and depression were the independent risk factors of CHD, and light diet was the independent protective factor of CHD. Conclusions Our data suggest that a family history of CHD, anxiety, and alcohol consumption was significantly associated with increased CHD risk, whereas light diet was significantly associated with decreased risk. Furthermore, miR-126 and miR-143 in combination with several risk factors, could play a joint role in the development of CHD. Therefore, it is necessary to manage patients with CHD in all directions and multiple level. 展开更多
关键词 Case-control study Coronary heart disease Environmental factors Gene-environment interaction MiR- 126 MiR- 143 MiR- 145
Side population cells isolated from KATO Ⅲ human gastric cancer cell line have cancer stem cell-like characteristics 被引量:20
作者 Jun-Jun She Peng-Ge Zhang Xuan Wang Xiang-Ming Che Zi-Ming Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第33期4610-4617,共8页
AIM: To investigate whether the side population (SP) cells possess cancer stem cell-like characteristics in vitro and the role of SP cells in tumorigenic process in gastric cancer. METHODS: We analyzed the presence of... AIM: To investigate whether the side population (SP) cells possess cancer stem cell-like characteristics in vitro and the role of SP cells in tumorigenic process in gastric cancer. METHODS: We analyzed the presence of SP cells indifferent human gastric carcinoma cell lines, and then isolated and identified the SP cells from the KATO Ⅲ human gastric cancer cell line by flow cytometry. The clonogenic ability and self-renewal were evaluated by clone and sphere formation assays. The related genes were determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. To compare tumorigenic ability, SP and non-side population (NSP) cells from the KATO Ⅲ human gastric cancer cell line were subcutaneously injected into nude mice. RESULTS: SP cells from the total population accounted for 0.57% in KATO Ⅲ, 1.04% in Hs-746T, and 0.02% in AGS (CRL-1739). SP cells could grow clonally and have self-renewal capability in conditioned media. The expression of ABCG2, MDRI, Bmi-1 and Oct-4 was different between SP and NSP cells. However, there was no apparent difference between SP and NSP cells when they were injected into nude mice. CONCLUSION: SP cells have some cancer stem celllike characteristics in vitro and can be used for studying the tumorigenic process in gastric cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Side population Cancer stem cells Selfrenewal Gastric cancer KATO
作者 杨静 袁冲 《中小学管理》 北大核心 2003年第4期53-53,共1页
关键词 工作总结 教师 撰写时间 撰写程序 自我恩意识 专家型教师 撰写内容
Self-development of the Teachers and Improvement on EnglishTeaching
作者 王小娟 高红莉 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第4期33-35,共3页
For a long time, there have been extensive and deep studies and researches about how to upgrade the level of language education in universities. Now people have realized that the key factor that influences the languag... For a long time, there have been extensive and deep studies and researches about how to upgrade the level of language education in universities. Now people have realized that the key factor that influences the language education most is teachers' self-development and the promotion of teachers' personalities. A new teaching concept -- reflective teaching has become very popular in the educational circles. It emphasizes that students should become positive and active learners while teachers should bear more dynamic and capacities for self-development. 展开更多
关键词 teachers' self-development reflective teaching upgrade the level of language education
Adaptation of intestine-based microbial functions to bioethanol production
作者 Zhuojun Ying Xidong Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1140-1144,共5页
Animal intestine is a favorable habitat to microbes. It facilitates the evolution of dense and diversified microbial communities that are highly active and persistent throughout life span. Here, we stimulate this uniq... Animal intestine is a favorable habitat to microbes. It facilitates the evolution of dense and diversified microbial communities that are highly active and persistent throughout life span. Here, we stimulate this unique biosystem to develop high-efficient continuous bio-manufacturing processes. The pig small intestine was explored as a novel bioreactor with industrial Saccharornyces cerevisiae for biofuel production. Results showed that the small intestine was a beneficial material for cell adherence. The cells on the intestine exhibited the abilities of self- immobilization, self-duplication and self-repairing. Therefore the intestine-based S. cerevisiae could be continu- ously used for a long time at high metabolic activities. Both the fermentation speed and ethanol yield were im- proved. This study provides valuable insights into the functions of intestine-based biosystem and should inspire the development of bionic industrial processes. Future dissection of the interface mechanism and design of more bionic materials will make bioprocesses more economically favorable and environmentally sustainable. 展开更多
关键词 BIOETHANOL Cell immobilization Pig intestine Saccharomyces cerevisiae
作者 王剑英 《职业》 2008年第5X期70-70,共1页
每个学校的学生都有成绩高低、能力高低的区别,在技校亦是如此。我们把成绩差、纪律差、能力低、不合群的学生称之为"问题生",对他们的教育也更困难。对这些"问题"学生,有的老师会说"恨铁不成钢"。其实,... 每个学校的学生都有成绩高低、能力高低的区别,在技校亦是如此。我们把成绩差、纪律差、能力低、不合群的学生称之为"问题生",对他们的教育也更困难。对这些"问题"学生,有的老师会说"恨铁不成钢"。其实,教育就如打铁,教师不但要学会"打铁"的技术, 展开更多
关键词 爱生 班主任老师 思想工作 思想脉搏 以情感人 勿以恶小而为之 精诚所至 职业良心 身正为范 自我
Achieving Self-Imitation for English Intonation Learning:The Role of Corrective Feedback
作者 Zhongmin LI Andrew-Peter LIAN 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第1期106-125,151,共21页
Corrective feedback is crucial for pronunciation teaching.However,in current pronunciation teaching practice,the corrective feedback provided usually fails to locate pronunciation problems and inform learners of the d... Corrective feedback is crucial for pronunciation teaching.However,in current pronunciation teaching practice,the corrective feedback provided usually fails to locate pronunciation problems and inform learners of the differences between their mispronunciations and the correct form.Based on the motor theory,this study attempted to explore a new way of corrective feedback for pronunciation teaching.Specifically,the learners’ speech output was modified and then was played back to them as an input model for learning.In this way,the learners can imitate the pronunciation model of their own voices,achieving self-imitation.This study included two experiments.The first explored the viability of obtaining one’s self-perceived voice through delayed feedback paradigm.The second experiment examined the effectiveness of self-imitation for English intonation learning.Results showed that imitating the pronunciation model of one’s own voice can reduce the learners’ phonological memory load,assist critical listening and facilitate accurate phonetic realizations of the target intonation. 展开更多
关键词 corrective feedback English intonation motor theory SELF-PERCEPTION
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