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雷达组网反隐身技术途径探讨 被引量:6
作者 杨志 王国宏 《电子对抗》 1997年第4期12-19,共8页
关键词 雷达组网反隐 雷达截面积 雷达电子对抗
作者 华珍 《青海师范大学民族师范学院学报》 2015年第2期26-29,共4页
隐逸文化是中国文化的重要组成部分。早在先秦时期就已经出现很多隐者和隐逸思想,虽然当时还没有形成完整的思想体系,却也成为了中国隐逸文化的萌芽和发端。本文结合社会历史背景、先秦诸子思想和文学作品分析先秦时期的隐者、隐逸思想... 隐逸文化是中国文化的重要组成部分。早在先秦时期就已经出现很多隐者和隐逸思想,虽然当时还没有形成完整的思想体系,却也成为了中国隐逸文化的萌芽和发端。本文结合社会历史背景、先秦诸子思想和文学作品分析先秦时期的隐者、隐逸思想以及反隐逸思想。 展开更多
关键词 先秦 逸思想 反隐
反大隐静脉高位结扎抽剥术102例 被引量:1
作者 张国庆 李敏 +1 位作者 王新策 陈海峰 《中国中西医结合外科杂志》 CAS 2011年第5期528-528,共1页
关键词 下肢静脉曲张 静脉高位结扎抽剥术
基于宏块复杂度的自适应视频运动矢量隐写算法 被引量:14
作者 王丽娜 徐一波 +1 位作者 翟黎明 任延珍 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期1044-1056,共13页
信息隐藏是一种将秘密信息嵌入常见的载体中以实现信息秘密传递的技术.然而,隐写改动都会不可避免地造成各种失真.视频运动矢量隐写则会造成画面质量下降、比特率增加、概率分布改变等变化.这些由隐写造成的影响可能会被已有的或者潜在... 信息隐藏是一种将秘密信息嵌入常见的载体中以实现信息秘密传递的技术.然而,隐写改动都会不可避免地造成各种失真.视频运动矢量隐写则会造成画面质量下降、比特率增加、概率分布改变等变化.这些由隐写造成的影响可能会被已有的或者潜在的隐写分析方法所检测.已有的运动矢量隐写分析特征大致可以分为两类:一类基于局部最优性特征,另一类基于时域和空域相关性特征.为了尽可能降低运动矢量的隐写失真,该文对视频编解码过程中运动矢量相关内容给出形式化描述方法.进一步地,理论分析了关于运动矢量的局部最优性以及相邻相关性两个因素.此外,文中研究了运动矢量隐写造成的最优概率下降的原因,指出了隐写纹理简单宏块的运动矢量不容易造成显著的局部最优性异常.该文讨论了运动矢量分量的分布规律,认为使得分量更靠近分布均值的修改,可以较好保持相关性.通过这些理论研究,提出基于宏块复杂度的视频运动矢量自适应隐写算法(Adaptive Macroblock Complexity,AMC),其可以分开处理运动矢量局部最优性和相邻相关性两个因素.该算法可以不使用编码实现秘密信息在最低代价路径上的嵌入和提取,而且每个运动矢量可以嵌入2比特秘密信息.算法包括两步:首先,压缩cover视频,不做任何嵌入,记录所有宏块压缩后的复杂度,同时依据分布统计设定一个复杂度阈值.然后,在第2次进行的视频压缩过程中,通过自适应阈值选择低复杂度宏块,将其运动矢量用于LSB(最低有效位)匹配嵌入.对于运动矢量来说,低复杂度宏块较容易保持局部最优,而LSB匹配嵌入可以保持相邻相关性.在实验部分,将不同隐写算法但相同嵌入率的stego样本在不可见性、码率增长、反检测能力等方面分别进行了对比.实验结果表明,cover的PSNR值最高,而AMC排在第二,与之相差不超过0.05dB.对比比特率增长,AMC算法比特率增长量只有其他算法的1%至50%左右.此外,该文使用两种隐写分析特征评估这些算法的安全性.检测的错误率表明AMC隐写算法和已有算法相比安全性更均衡.总体看来,AMC隐写算法能够较好抵抗隐写分析,特别是隐写后视频码率得到了控制,画面质量得到了很好保证. 展开更多
关键词 运动矢量 信息 复杂度 写分析 反隐写分析
古代统治者对待隐士的双重标准 被引量:2
作者 霍建波 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期118-120,共3页
隐士是中国古代一个非常特殊的社会阶层。中国自古以来就有尊重隐士的传统,历代统治者基本上都是礼敬隐士的。但自先秦以来,反对隐逸的呼声也一直不绝于耳,有时甚至达到了相当激烈的程度。本文通过对尊隐、反隐两种历史现象的分析,发现... 隐士是中国古代一个非常特殊的社会阶层。中国自古以来就有尊重隐士的传统,历代统治者基本上都是礼敬隐士的。但自先秦以来,反对隐逸的呼声也一直不绝于耳,有时甚至达到了相当激烈的程度。本文通过对尊隐、反隐两种历史现象的分析,发现古代统治者对待隐士所使用的乃是带有很大主观随意性的双重标准,而其立论的出发点却惊人地一致。 展开更多
关键词 反隐 双重标准
LSB隐写技术及其性能分析 被引量:1
作者 张春玉 姚七栋 《现代计算机(中旬刊)》 2013年第9期12-16,共5页
在隐写与反隐写的对抗中,LSB隐写技术不断发展并被广泛应用。详细介绍LSB替换算法和LSB匹配算法各自的嵌入、提取原理,指出匹配算法虽有改进之处但并未改变LSB直方图异常、统计不对称性等弱点的原因,并用大量实验证明两种算法在相同嵌... 在隐写与反隐写的对抗中,LSB隐写技术不断发展并被广泛应用。详细介绍LSB替换算法和LSB匹配算法各自的嵌入、提取原理,指出匹配算法虽有改进之处但并未改变LSB直方图异常、统计不对称性等弱点的原因,并用大量实验证明两种算法在相同嵌入率下各项性能指标基本相当,验证LSB隐写技术透明性好、算法简单、速度快、隐藏量大、鲁棒性差等特点,为相关邻域的研究提供较可靠的实验数据。 展开更多
关键词 LSB 反隐
隐写术的应用及安全性研究 被引量:2
作者 王岩岩 武亚菲 《计算机时代》 2012年第3期4-6,共3页
介绍了隐写术和反隐写术,说明了隐写术的原理及隐写术在文本、图像、音频中的应用。从隐写系统的绝对安全性、检测隐写消息的低效性和隐写算法的复杂多变性等方面阐明了反隐写所面临的挑战。最后指出反隐写术只能证明隐写信息的存在性... 介绍了隐写术和反隐写术,说明了隐写术的原理及隐写术在文本、图像、音频中的应用。从隐写系统的绝对安全性、检测隐写消息的低效性和隐写算法的复杂多变性等方面阐明了反隐写所面临的挑战。最后指出反隐写术只能证明隐写信息的存在性而不能破译隐写信息的不足;同时简要阐明了反隐写的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 写术 反隐 写系统 写检验 写算法
玉米蛋白粉中反式叶黄素及主要顺式异构体的分离鉴定 被引量:2
作者 李秀霞 韩鲁佳 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期61-66,共6页
使用反相高效液相色谱和二极阵列检测及大气压化学电离质谱技术对玉米蛋白粉中叶黄素、玉米黄质和隐黄质及其主要顺式异构体进行分离和鉴定。以体积分数95%的乙醇和四氢呋喃按体积比1∶1混合为提取溶剂,采用Carotenoid C30色谱柱(250.0... 使用反相高效液相色谱和二极阵列检测及大气压化学电离质谱技术对玉米蛋白粉中叶黄素、玉米黄质和隐黄质及其主要顺式异构体进行分离和鉴定。以体积分数95%的乙醇和四氢呋喃按体积比1∶1混合为提取溶剂,采用Carotenoid C30色谱柱(250.0 mm×4.6 mm,5μm)分离,甲醇和丙酮为流动相,流速0.5 mL/min,检测波长450nm,采用DAD和APcI-MS技术对叶黄素、玉米黄质和隐黄质的主要顺式异构体进行鉴定。结果表明:叶黄素、玉米黄质和隐黄质及这3种色素的异构体在60 min内较好分离,其质量浓度为5.0-150.0、2.7-80.1和0.6-18.0μg/mL时与峰面积线性关系良好,相关系数分别为0.999 7、0.999 3和0.999 5;该检测方法精密度的相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.11%-0.39%,回收率为95.95%-101.78%。HPLC检测方法适用于玉米蛋白粉等干植物原料中叶黄素类色素的精确定量。 展开更多
关键词 玉米蛋白粉 式叶黄素 式玉米黄质 黄质 顺式异构体
作者 王晓兰 郭玲 +1 位作者 周献中 黄志同 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期61-62,121,共3页
通过对连续发音的数字串识别实验的搜索过程进行分析,发现许多误识是由于声母段及声韵段叠信息丢失而造成的。因此结合汉语音节结构特点,通过引入了反转HMM,提出了双层搜索策略,较好地解决了单层搜索时音节分界点错位引起的声母段及声... 通过对连续发音的数字串识别实验的搜索过程进行分析,发现许多误识是由于声母段及声韵段叠信息丢失而造成的。因此结合汉语音节结构特点,通过引入了反转HMM,提出了双层搜索策略,较好地解决了单层搜索时音节分界点错位引起的声母段及声韵段叠信息丢失而造成的误识现象。 展开更多
关键词 语音识别 马尔可夫模型 双层搜索策略
A Fast Federated Learning-based Crypto-aggregation Scheme and Its Simulation Analysis
作者 LüBoshen Song Xiao 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期2850-2870,共21页
To solve the problem of increased computation and communication costs caused by using homomorphic encryption(HE) to protect all gradients in traditional cryptographic aggregation(cryptoaggregation) schemes,a fast cryp... To solve the problem of increased computation and communication costs caused by using homomorphic encryption(HE) to protect all gradients in traditional cryptographic aggregation(cryptoaggregation) schemes,a fast crypto-aggregation scheme called RandomCrypt was proposed.RandomCrypt performed clipping and quantization to fix the range of gradient values and then added two types of noise on the gradient for encryption and differential privacy(DP) protection.It conducted HE on noise keys to revise the precision loss caused by DP protection.RandomCrypt was implemented based on a FATE framework,and a hacking simulation experiment was conducted.The results show that the proposed scheme can effectively hinder inference attacks while ensuring training accuracy.It only requires 45%~51% communication cost and 5%~23% computation cost compared with traditional schemes. 展开更多
关键词 federated learning differential privacy homomorphic encryption inference attack hacking simulation
The Analysis Method of Time Reversal for Defect Diagnosis of Concealed Structure
作者 韩晓林 汪凤泉 朱宽军 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1999年第1期113-116,共4页
In this paper, a new method of time reversal for defect diagnosis of concealed structure has been proposed based on the detecting technique of structure acoustic wave and the theory of time reversal. The time reversal... In this paper, a new method of time reversal for defect diagnosis of concealed structure has been proposed based on the detecting technique of structure acoustic wave and the theory of time reversal. The time reversal recurrence formula for detecting the acoustic wave speed constitution of concealed structures with bilevel asynchronous test has been established. The wave speed constitution can be reconstructed in 2 D graticule form by means of this method. The result of model test shows the method is valid. 展开更多
关键词 defect diagnosis time reversal concealed structure
《史记索隐》中的新型反切结构 被引量:1
作者 廖秋华 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期82-89,共8页
从反切结构的角度重新分析《史记索隐》中的反切,发现其中存在"等第及开合一致"型反切以及"准直音"型反切。文章在统计各种反切类型的数量及比例的基础上,发现司马贞对同一个字在取音一致的情况下采用了不同的切语... 从反切结构的角度重新分析《史记索隐》中的反切,发现其中存在"等第及开合一致"型反切以及"准直音"型反切。文章在统计各种反切类型的数量及比例的基础上,发现司马贞对同一个字在取音一致的情况下采用了不同的切语用字,因而认为上述反切是不同于传统反切的新型反切。这类反切更可能出现在切上字与被切字都为三等字的反切中,其中又以A-A A型最多。"准直音"型反切遵循"上下字不得同调"的原则,且此类反切中的切上字大都为平声字。其中"苦/苦楛"属真性"重字"型反切,而《广韵》中屈折地记作"苦/苦故",表明"重字"型反切作为一个反切类型的确存在过。 展开更多
关键词 《史记索 切结构 切类型
Existence of Solutions for Nonlinear Implicit Complementarity Problems in Reflexive Banach Spaces
作者 曾六川 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1997年第1期81-86, ,共6页
In this paper,we prove existence results of soutions for the nonlinear implicit complementarity problems NICP(T,S,K) where K is a closed weakly locally compact convex cone in a reflexive Banach space E,T is a nonlinea... In this paper,we prove existence results of soutions for the nonlinear implicit complementarity problems NICP(T,S,K) where K is a closed weakly locally compact convex cone in a reflexive Banach space E,T is a nonlinear operator from K into E* (i. e.,the dual space of E) and S is a nonlinear operator from K into E. Our results are the essential improvements and extension of the results obtained previously by several authors including Thera,Ding,and Zeng. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear implicit complementarity problem closed weakly locally compact convex cone sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous
作者 柯蔚出 《时代人物》 2024年第17期0041-0044,共4页
本文基于反讽的隐/转喻概念整合模型,探究国外政治数字漫画中多模态反讽的表征方式、意义生成及构 图类型。研究发现:多模态反讽呈现以图像模态为主,动作、文字、色彩等为辅;多模态反讽意义源于概念隐、转喻组建 微叙事时产生的语义冲突... 本文基于反讽的隐/转喻概念整合模型,探究国外政治数字漫画中多模态反讽的表征方式、意义生成及构 图类型。研究发现:多模态反讽呈现以图像模态为主,动作、文字、色彩等为辅;多模态反讽意义源于概念隐、转喻组建 微叙事时产生的语义冲突;多模态反讽有环绕式、远近式、中心式三种构图方式。 展开更多
关键词 讽的/转喻整合模型 国外政治数字漫画 多模态
A novel confidence estimation method for heterogeneous implicit feedback
作者 Jing WANG Lan-fen LIN +2 位作者 Heng ZHANG Jia-qi TU Peng-hua YU 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第11期1817-1827,共11页
Implicit feedback, which indirectly reflects opinion through user behaviors, has gained increasing attention in recommender system communities due to its accessibility and richness in real-world applications. A major ... Implicit feedback, which indirectly reflects opinion through user behaviors, has gained increasing attention in recommender system communities due to its accessibility and richness in real-world applications. A major way of exploiting implicit feedback is to treat the data as an indication of positive and negative preferences associated with vastly varying confidence levels. Such algorithms assume that the numerical value of implicit feedback, such as time of watching, indicates confidence, rather than degree of preference, and a larger value indicates a higher confidence, although this works only when just one type of implicit feedback is available. However, in real-world applications, there are usually various types of implicit feedback, which can be referred to as heterogeneous implicit feedback. Existing methods cannot efficiently infer confidence levels from heterogeneous implicit feedback. In this paper, we propose a novel confidence estimation approach to infer the confidence level of user preference based on heterogeneous implicit feedback. Then we apply the inferred confidence to both point-wise and pair-wise matrix factorization models, and propose a more generic strategy to select effective training samples for pair-wise methods. Experiments on real-world e-commerce datasets from Tmall.com show that our methods outperform the state-of-the-art approaches, consid- ering several commonly used ranking-oriented evaluation criteria. 展开更多
关键词 Recommender systems Heterogeneous implicit feedback CONFIDENCE Collaborative filtering E-COMMERCE
To forage or hide? Threat-sensitive foraging behaviour in wild, non-reproductive passerine birds 被引量:1
作者 Shaun TURNEY Jean-Guy J. GODIN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期719-728,共10页
Because antipredator behaviours are costly, the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis predicts that individual animals should express predator-avoidance behaviour proportionally to the perceived threat posed ... Because antipredator behaviours are costly, the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis predicts that individual animals should express predator-avoidance behaviour proportionally to the perceived threat posed by the predator. Here, we experimentally tested this hypothesis by providing wild passerine birds supplemental food (on a raised feeding platform) at either 1 or 4 m from the edge of forest cover (potential refuge), in either the presence or absence of a nearby simulated predation threat (a sharp-shinned hawk Accipiter striatus model). Compared with the control treatment, we observed proportionally fewer bird visits to the food patch, and the birds took longer to re-emerge from forest refuge and return to feed at the food patch, after the hawk presentation than before it. The observed threat-sensitive latency-to-return response was stronger when the food patch was further away from the nearest refuge. Overall, our results are consistent with the predictions of the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis in that wild passerine birds (primarily black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus) exhibited more intense antipre- dator behavioural responses with increasing level of apparent threat. The birds were thus sensitive to their local perceived threat of predation and traded-off safety from predation (by refuging) and foraging gains in open habitat in a graded, threat-sensitive manner [Current Zoology 60 (6): 719-728, 2014]. 展开更多
关键词 FORAGING Predation risk Threat sensitivity Risk taking Distance-to-refuge Birds
The Effects of Recasts and Working Memory on the Development of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge 被引量:1
作者 Jieun AHN Youngkyu KIM 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2016年第1期3-25,132,共24页
This paper aims to investigate the effects of recasts and working memory on the acquisition of Korean morphological causatives by advanced Chinese learners of Korean. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups... This paper aims to investigate the effects of recasts and working memory on the acquisition of Korean morphological causatives by advanced Chinese learners of Korean. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: A experimental group and a control group. The experimental group received intensive recasts during task-based interaction, whereas the control group did not. The effects of recasts were measured by two types of tests: An elicited imitation test, as a measure of implicit knowledge, and an untimed grammaticality judgment test, as a measure of explicit knowledge. The findings are as follows. First, from the pretest to the delayed posttest, recasts facilitated the learners' acquisition of causative construction by developing both their implicit and explicit knowledge. Second, the results of delayed posttests showed that recasts were more effective in aiding the development of implicit knowledge than explicit knowledge. Third, working memory was found to be a significant covariate in the facilitative effects of recasts on explicit knowledge; that is, it mediated the development of explicit knowledge via recasts as a significant individual difference factor. The effects of recasts were maintained even when the impact of working memory was controlled. (189 words) 展开更多
关键词 corrective feedback RECASTS working memory implicit knowledge explicit knowledge Korean as a second language Chinese learners of Korean
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