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作者 林勇杰 郑绵平 《地球学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期777-790,共14页
盐湖环境中的反风化(reverse weathering,又称逆风化)是指逆向的化学风化作用,通常指盐湖内部自生黏土矿物或碳酸盐矿物的形成过程,是控制盐湖关键元素地球化学循环的重要机制。青藏高原是地球上关键的盐湖区,既是内陆生态系统重要的碳... 盐湖环境中的反风化(reverse weathering,又称逆风化)是指逆向的化学风化作用,通常指盐湖内部自生黏土矿物或碳酸盐矿物的形成过程,是控制盐湖关键元素地球化学循环的重要机制。青藏高原是地球上关键的盐湖区,既是内陆生态系统重要的碳库,又富含锂、钾、铷、铯等关键矿产资源。青藏高原盐湖的水化学类型多样,包括碳酸盐型、硫酸盐型和氯化物型,不同的水化学特征决定了盐类和黏土矿物的种类及其形成机制的差异。本文综述了盐湖环境中硅酸盐和碳酸盐反风化作用的研究进展,并探讨青藏高原盐湖反风化作用对关键元素地球化学循环的影响。青藏高原盐湖中自生黏土矿物的形成(如伊利石)是对盐湖卤水锂、钾、铷、铯等关键元素最重要的消耗机制;而碳酸盐的形成对关键金属元素消耗影响很小,除非形成含关键金属元素的独立矿物,如扎布耶石。自生黏土矿物和碳酸盐的形成均会显著影响湖泊的无机碳循环。目前,盐湖反风化作用程度的量化、控制因素解析和对关键元素损耗的影响程度是盐湖矿产资源研究的关键问题。当前非传统稳定同位素技术的快速发展为盐湖反风化研究提供了新机遇。青藏高原盐湖是反风化研究的天然实验室,开展盐湖反风化研究不仅可以深入理解青藏高原盐湖的关键金属元素成矿作用及碳循环过程,而且有助于丰富反风化理论。 展开更多
关键词 盐湖 反风化作用 关键金属元素循环 碳循环 青藏高原
作者 杨守业 贾琦 +2 位作者 许心宁 武雪超 连尔刚 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期26-34,共9页
海洋环境中的反风化作用是指硅与可溶性阳离子结合形成自生铝硅酸盐矿物(黏土),同时消耗海洋碱度并释放CO_(2)的过程。反风化假说提出半个多世纪以来,作为全球海洋碳、硅和关键元素循环以及海洋碱度的重要调控机制,越来越受到学术界的... 海洋环境中的反风化作用是指硅与可溶性阳离子结合形成自生铝硅酸盐矿物(黏土),同时消耗海洋碱度并释放CO_(2)的过程。反风化假说提出半个多世纪以来,作为全球海洋碳、硅和关键元素循环以及海洋碱度的重要调控机制,越来越受到学术界的关注。反风化作用可发生在河口三角洲与边缘海、热液或深埋藏的成岩环境以及深海远洋等环境,但不同海洋环境中的反风化反应从发生时间尺度到反应限制因素都具有差异。反风化作用研究的主要方法包括自生硅酸盐矿物的直接观测、孔隙水与沉积物的化学分析、实验模拟和模型研究等,而反风化作用的程度量化、限制因子解析和对海洋关键元素循环的影响一直是反风化研究的关键问题。当前快速发展的非传统稳定(金属)同位素技术为反风化研究带来了新机遇。东亚大陆边缘发育世界特大河口三角洲、宽广陆架以及特色热液活动区,泥质沉积体系发育,界面交换活跃,是开展大陆边缘反风化研究的天然实验室。 展开更多
关键词 反风化 海洋元素循环 碳循环 自生黏土 大陆边缘
大河影响下的边缘海反风化作用 被引量:8
作者 赵彬 姚鹏 +1 位作者 杨作升 于志刚 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期42-51,共10页
在河口与边缘海区域,大量陆源风化产物的输入和强烈的有机物再矿化作用加速了自生硅酸盐矿物和碳酸盐矿物的生成,这一过程与陆地风化作用相反,被称为反风化作用(Reverse weathering)。反风化作用所导致的自生矿物形成通常在短时间内完成... 在河口与边缘海区域,大量陆源风化产物的输入和强烈的有机物再矿化作用加速了自生硅酸盐矿物和碳酸盐矿物的生成,这一过程与陆地风化作用相反,被称为反风化作用(Reverse weathering)。反风化作用所导致的自生矿物形成通常在短时间内完成,被认为是平衡大气二氧化碳含量,控制海洋中元素平衡的重要过程。反风化作用的研究方法主要分为直接观察法和化学检测法,前者主要用于自生矿物的结构和元素组成的分析,后者则用于自生铝硅酸盐矿物等定量的研究。反风化作用对海洋环境中碳、硅、常量离子(F^-,Li^+,Na^+,K^+,Ca^(2+)和Mg^(2+)等)和金属元素(Fe,Mn和Al等)等的循环具有重要影响,并促使它们在海洋沉积物中长久埋藏。富含金属氧化物的风化产物的输入,大量易降解有机物和生物硅的沉降,强烈的再矿化作用和次氧/厌氧的成岩条件使得河口与边缘海区域成为反风化作用发生的主要场所。 展开更多
关键词 边缘海 反风化作用 自生矿物形成 铝硅酸盐矿物 碳酸盐矿物
作者 曹程 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期269-287,共19页
以地球系统科学的视角研究大气二氧化碳含量对地球宜居性的扰动是当今最为前沿的地球科学问题之一。大气二氧化碳浓度受控于火山、地幔排气、大陆风化和反风化等过程。大陆风化和高温热液作用是海洋锂的主要来源,而反风化作用则是海洋... 以地球系统科学的视角研究大气二氧化碳含量对地球宜居性的扰动是当今最为前沿的地球科学问题之一。大气二氧化碳浓度受控于火山、地幔排气、大陆风化和反风化等过程。大陆风化和高温热液作用是海洋锂的主要来源,而反风化作用则是海洋锂储库的汇。风化过程、热液蚀变和反风化过程中,锂同位素发生不同程度的分馏,而这些源和汇过程中的锂通量及其同位素的分馏共同控制了海水的锂同位素组成。因此,海水锂同位素组成可用于地表环境深时碳循环的示踪。近年来,通过海洋碳酸盐岩的锂同位素、87Sr/86Sr比值及碳同位素等指标的联用,来示踪新生代和前寒武纪等关键地质时期的构造—气候—风化共同影响的碳循环过程是研究热点。文章梳理了现代海洋锂元素循环的源汇过程,重新限定大陆风化和高温热液输入海洋的锂同位素组成。并在此基础上,分析了目前海水锂同位素质量平衡模型中的不确定性,探讨了海水锂同位素记录在示踪深时碳循环方面的应用和局限性,为锂元素及其同位素指标的应用和全球锂循环研究的深入提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 锂同位素 碳循环 大陆风化 反风化 热液蚀变
大河影响下的陆架边缘海沉积有机碳的再矿化作用 被引量:16
作者 姚鹏 郭志刚 于志刚 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期23-32,共10页
大河影响下的陆架边缘海(RiOMars)是陆源有机碳的主要沉积汇,是陆海相互作用最重要的区域,在全球碳的生物地球化学循环中发挥着重要作用。受到RiOMars系统内频繁的物理和生物等改造作用的影响,该区沉积的有机碳并没有得到很好地保存而... 大河影响下的陆架边缘海(RiOMars)是陆源有机碳的主要沉积汇,是陆海相互作用最重要的区域,在全球碳的生物地球化学循环中发挥着重要作用。受到RiOMars系统内频繁的物理和生物等改造作用的影响,该区沉积的有机碳并没有得到很好地保存而被永久埋藏,而是发生了显著的再矿化分解。本文首先对目前常用的基于O2消耗速率和CO2产生速率的两类测定RiOMars系统沉积有机碳再矿化速率的方法进行了介绍,分析了各自的优缺点和适用性,进而从碳的形态转化、表层沉积物混合均匀、形成次氧化的氧化还原条件、有机碳保存效率低、发生反风化作用和微生物发挥着重要作用等几个方面对RiOMars系统沉积物发生再矿化作用时的主要过程和特征进行了剖析,以期深入认识边缘海的再矿化作用及其对边缘海碳汇的影响。 展开更多
关键词 大河影响下的陆架边缘海 沉积有机碳 再矿化作用 反风化作用 激发效应
作者 王江峰 伍贻兆 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2007年第3期218-224,共7页
A parallelized upwind flux splitting scheme for supersonic reacting flows on hybrid meshes is presented. The complexity of super/hyper-sonic combustion flows makes it necessary to establish solvers with higher resolut... A parallelized upwind flux splitting scheme for supersonic reacting flows on hybrid meshes is presented. The complexity of super/hyper-sonic combustion flows makes it necessary to establish solvers with higher resolution and efficiency for multi-component Euler/N-S equations. Hence, a spatial second-order van Leer type flux vector splitting scheme is established by introducing auxiliary points in interpolation, and a domain decomposition method used on unstructured hybrid meshes for obtaining high calculating efficiency. The numerical scheme with five-stage Runge-Kutta time step method is implemented to the simulation of combustion flows, including the supersonic hydrogen/air combustion and the normal injection of hydrogen into reacting flows. Satisfying results are obtained compared with limited references. 展开更多
关键词 supersonic combustion chemical reaction upwind scheme PARALLELIZATION
Role of Black Carbon-Induced Changes in Snow Albedo in Predictions of Temperature and Precipitation during a Snowstorm 被引量:8
作者 ZHANG Ying LIAO Hong +1 位作者 ZHU Ke-Feng and YIN Yan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第4期230-236,共7页
In this study the authors apply the chemistry version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-Chem) to examine the impacts of black carbon (BC)-induced changes in snow albedo on simulated temperature an... In this study the authors apply the chemistry version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-Chem) to examine the impacts of black carbon (BC)-induced changes in snow albedo on simulated temperature and precipitation during the severe snowstorm that occurred in southern China during 0800 26 January to 0800 29 January 2008 (Note that all times are local time except when otherwise stated). Black carbon aerosol was simulated online within the WRF-Chem. The model resuits showed that surface-albedo, averaged over 27-28 January, can be reduced by up to 10% by the deposition of BC. As a result, relative to a simulation that does not consider deposition of BC on snow/ice, the authors predicted surface air temperatures during 27-28 January can differ by -1.95 to 2.70 K, and the authors predicted accumulated precipitation over 27-28 January can differ by -2.91 to 3.10 mm over Areas A and B with large BC deposition. Different signs of changes are determined by the feedback of clouds and by the availability of water vapor in the atmosphere. 展开更多
关键词 Black carbon snow albedo WEATHER
Impact of intensity variability of the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone on the chemical distribution in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
作者 Kecheng Peng Jiali Luo +4 位作者 Jiayi Mu Xiaoqun Cao Hongying Tian Lin Shang Yanan Guo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第3期25-30,共6页
During the Asian summer monsoon(ASM)season,the process of stratosphere-troposphere exchange significantly affects the concentration and spatial distribution of chemical constituents in the upper troposphere and lower ... During the Asian summer monsoon(ASM)season,the process of stratosphere-troposphere exchange significantly affects the concentration and spatial distribution of chemical constituents in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere(UTLS).However,the effect of the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone(ASMA)on the horizontal distribution of chemical species within and around the ASMA,especially on the daily time scale,remains unclear.Here,the authors use the MERRA-2 reanalysis dataset and Aura Microwave Limb Sounder observations to study the impact of ASMA intensity on chemical distributions at 100 hPa during the ASM season.The intraseasonal variation of ASMA is classified into a strong period(SP)and weak period(WP),which refer to the periods when the intensity of ASMA remains strong and weak,respectively.The relatively low ozone(O_(3))region is found to be larger at 100 hPa during SPs,while its mixing ratio is lower than during WPs in summer.In June,analysis shows that the O_(3) horizontal distribution is mainly related to the intensity of AMSA,especially during SPs in June,while deep convections also impact the O_(3) horizontal distribution in July and August.These results indicate that the intraseasonal variation of the ASMA intensity coupled to deep convection can significantly affect the chemical distribution in the UTLS region during the ASM season. 展开更多
关键词 Asian summer monsoon anticyclone Intensity index Chemical distribution Deep convection
Investigation of Different Coke Samples Adhering to Cyclone Walls of a Commercial RFCC Reactor 被引量:2
作者 Li Xiaoman Song Jianfei +2 位作者 Sun Guogang Yan Chaoyu Wei Yaodong 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第1期8-14,共7页
The microstructure and properties of the coke samples collected from 4 different wall regions of the cyclone in the reactor of a residue fluid catalytic cracking unit(RFCCU) were analyzed by using the scanning-electro... The microstructure and properties of the coke samples collected from 4 different wall regions of the cyclone in the reactor of a residue fluid catalytic cracking unit(RFCCU) were analyzed by using the scanning-electron microscope(SEM), and the possible coke formation processes were investigated as well. The results showed that some of the heavy nonvolatile oil droplets entrained in the flowing oil and gas mixture could possibly deposit or collide on the walls by gravity settling or turbulence diffusion, and then were gradually carbonized into solid coke by condensing and polymerization along with dehydrogenation. Meanwhile some of fine catalyst particles also built up and integrated into the solid coke. The coke can be classified into two types, namely, the hard coke and the soft coke, according to its property, composition and microstructure. The soft coke is formed in the oil and gas mixture's stagnant region where the oil droplets and catalyst particles are freely settled on the wall. The soft coke appears to be loose and contains lots of large catalyst particles. However, the hard coke is formed in the oil and gas mixture's flowing region where the oil droplets and catalyst particles diffuse towards the wall. This kind of coke is nonporous and very hard, which contains a few fine catalyst particles. Therefore, it is clear that the oil and gas mixture not only carries the oil droplets and catalyst particles, but also has the effects on their deposition on the wall, which can influence the composition and characteristics of deposited coke. 展开更多
关键词 FCC reactor cyclone coke formation microstructure characteristics
Distribution of rare earth elements of granitic regolith under the influence of climate 被引量:1
作者 Hairuo Mao Congqiang Liu +1 位作者 Zhiqi Zhao Junxiong Yang 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期440-445,共6页
The distribution and anomalies of rare earth elements(REEs) of granitic regolith were studied in Inner Mongolia and Hainan Island, China. One profile showed slight REE enrichment of an upper layer and no obvious light... The distribution and anomalies of rare earth elements(REEs) of granitic regolith were studied in Inner Mongolia and Hainan Island, China. One profile showed slight REE enrichment of an upper layer and no obvious light REE/heavy REE(LREE/HREE) fractionation(La_N/Yb_N of 0.9). The second profile was significantly enriched in REEs and enriched in LREEs in the upper portion(La_N/Yb_N>1.8). Eu, Ce, and Gd anomalies of the two profiles are different. Slightly negative Eu, Ce, and Gd anomalies in NMG-3-1 indicate slow dissolution of primary minerals and little secondary products; in contrast, a positive Eu anomaly in HN-2 suggests the vegetation cycle may contribute to soil. The Ce anomaly of HN-2 reflects oxidation of Ce and coprecipitation by Fe-and Mn-oxides and organic matter. Correlation between Ce and Gd anomalies in HN-2 suggests Ce and Gd are both influenced by redoxreduction. 展开更多
关键词 Rare earth elements Granitic regolith WEATHERING Ce anomaly Eu anomaly
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