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矿井反风时降低反风率下限值可能性探讨 被引量:1
作者 周军民 张良 《中州煤炭》 2000年第5期38-38,40,共2页
通过对矿井反风期间瓦斯涌出变化规律的分析 ,探讨了降低反风率下限值的可能性 。
关键词 瓦斯涌出规律 反风率下限值 煤矿安全
作者 张国枢 《煤炭科技资料》 1989年第3期1-9,共9页
关键词 矿井 反风率 主扇 煤矿安全
作者 彭刚 《宝鼎科技》 1995年第1期6-9,共4页
关键词 矿井 通风机 反风率
综采工作面远程控制局部反风研究与应用 被引量:4
作者 李斌 张立辉 《煤矿安全》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第A01期57-62,67,共7页
针对目前综采工作面进风侧发生火灾等通防灾变,工作面因很少具备局部反风条件而导致火灾蔓延带来巨大的损失的现状,介绍了由远程控制自动风门、远程控制自动调节风窗及风速传感器等组成的综采工作面远程控制局部反风系统。对该局部反风... 针对目前综采工作面进风侧发生火灾等通防灾变,工作面因很少具备局部反风条件而导致火灾蔓延带来巨大的损失的现状,介绍了由远程控制自动风门、远程控制自动调节风窗及风速传感器等组成的综采工作面远程控制局部反风系统。对该局部反风系统在神东补连塔煤矿12511综采工作面取得的效果进行评估,实践证明该局部反风系统安全可靠、经济高效。 展开更多
关键词 综采工作面 远程控制 局部 反风率 效果评估
多风井混合式通风矿井反风演习实践 被引量:6
作者 鲍永生 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S01期100-104,共5页
为了检验马脊梁矿灾变时期矿井通风系统的可靠性、验证矿井灾害处理的时效性。采用主要通风机叶轮反转方式进行反风演习,对反风前后井下主要进回风地点的风量、有害气体含量进行监测,并严格统计反风演习各阶段所需时间。研究结果表明:... 为了检验马脊梁矿灾变时期矿井通风系统的可靠性、验证矿井灾害处理的时效性。采用主要通风机叶轮反转方式进行反风演习,对反风前后井下主要进回风地点的风量、有害气体含量进行监测,并严格统计反风演习各阶段所需时间。研究结果表明:反风前矿井总进风量为35578 m^3/min,总回风量为35700 m^3/min;反风期间矿井总进风量为20880 m^3/min,总回风量为19914 m^3/min,矿井总反风率为56%,主要通风机的供给风量大于正常供风量的40%;10 min内巷道中的风流方向改变;当风流方向改变后;矿井自然通风期间,总进量为5690 m^3/min,总回风量5840 m^3/min,且3个风井的防爆门及行人风门能够快速、顺利地打开;反风演习期间各作业点有害气体均未超限;反风演习方案的设计及实施,有效地检验马脊梁矿灾变时期矿井通风系统的可靠性、验证了矿井灾害处理的时效性。 展开更多
关键词 多风井 混合通风 叶轮 反风率 风流改变
矿井反风时回风流中沼气浓度变化规律 被引量:2
作者 何启林 常胜秋 《东北煤炭技术》 1998年第4期46-48,共3页
关键词 回风流 沼气浓度 反风率 矿井 变化规律
综采工作面远程控制局部反风系统的应用 被引量:1
作者 王靖斐 《山西能源学院学报》 2020年第3期6-8,共3页
现阶段矿井综采工作面往往不单独布置反风设备,若布置时也是采用人工控制方式,当采面进风侧出现灾害时存在无法反风或者反风响应速度缓慢等问题,造成灾害扩大。提高综采工作面局部反风响应速度,对提升采面生产安全具有一定的促进作用。... 现阶段矿井综采工作面往往不单独布置反风设备,若布置时也是采用人工控制方式,当采面进风侧出现灾害时存在无法反风或者反风响应速度缓慢等问题,造成灾害扩大。提高综采工作面局部反风响应速度,对提升采面生产安全具有一定的促进作用。基于此,本文提出将由远程风门、风窗以及风速传感器构成采面远程控制局部反风系统,并详细对远程风门、风窗结构进行阐述。12511综采工作面反风演习表明远程控制局部反风系统性能可靠,可以实现对综采工作面局部高效、安全反风,现场应用效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 综采工作面 自动风门 自动风窗 反风率
矿井通风系统反风演习的必要性 被引量:4
作者 陈海文 《能源技术与管理》 2018年第4期86-87,共2页
矿井反风是处理矿井进风井口、井筒、井底车场、主要进风巷和硐室火灾最有效的措施。一旦以上地点发生火灾,进行全矿井的反风,一方面可以防止高温空气和有害气体进入井下作业地点而造成的高温烧伤人员及有害气体中毒事故,另一方面可避... 矿井反风是处理矿井进风井口、井筒、井底车场、主要进风巷和硐室火灾最有效的措施。一旦以上地点发生火灾,进行全矿井的反风,一方面可以防止高温空气和有害气体进入井下作业地点而造成的高温烧伤人员及有害气体中毒事故,另一方面可避免火灾事故的扩大,为井下人员的撤离创造条件。正因为矿井反风如此重要,所以《煤矿安全规程》规定生产矿井每年应当进行一次反风演习。结合郭庄煤业矿井反风演习,阐述了矿井反风演习的必要性。 展开更多
关键词 火灾事故 风演习 风步骤 反风率 抢险救灾
多级机站进风侧火灾反风试验分析 被引量:1
作者 郏威 王忠强 +1 位作者 许峰 居伟伟 《现代矿业》 CAS 2021年第3期205-208,共4页
为控制罗河铁矿进风侧火灾烟气蔓延,解决火风压作用下风流紊乱问题,提出通风机反转全矿井反风技术方案,并设计反风试验检测反风效果。研究结果表明:罗河铁矿进风侧发生火灾后,Ⅰ级进风机站和Ⅲ级回风机站9台风机均反转运行,其中进风机站... 为控制罗河铁矿进风侧火灾烟气蔓延,解决火风压作用下风流紊乱问题,提出通风机反转全矿井反风技术方案,并设计反风试验检测反风效果。研究结果表明:罗河铁矿进风侧发生火灾后,Ⅰ级进风机站和Ⅲ级回风机站9台风机均反转运行,其中进风机站4台风机运行频率为35 Hz,回风机站5台风机运行频率为40 Hz;采区进、回风机站处于停机状态;通过对现场20个测点的实测,在10 min内矿井总风量由415.14 m^(3)/s变为反风状态下的矿井总风量263.89 m^(3)/s,矿井反风率63.57%;正转状态下进、回风风机站风机总实秏功率为1 224.30 kW,反转状态下总实秏功率为878.02 kW,风机反转后的实秏功率为正转时的71.72%;风机反转后,-560 m水平2^(#)回风井石门K45-6-№17风机反风率最小,为60.77%,-545 m水平副井石门K45-6-№19风机反风率最大,最大为72.37%,风机的反风量均在60%以上,满足规范中对主要通风机反风的要求。 展开更多
关键词 多级机站 矿井火灾 风试验 通风检测 风机反风率
多风井联合反风演习及效果分析 被引量:2
作者 张超 《山东煤炭科技》 2019年第6期216-218,共3页
关键词 多风井 反风率 效果分析
Role of Black Carbon-Induced Changes in Snow Albedo in Predictions of Temperature and Precipitation during a Snowstorm 被引量:8
作者 ZHANG Ying LIAO Hong +1 位作者 ZHU Ke-Feng and YIN Yan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第4期230-236,共7页
In this study the authors apply the chemistry version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-Chem) to examine the impacts of black carbon (BC)-induced changes in snow albedo on simulated temperature an... In this study the authors apply the chemistry version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-Chem) to examine the impacts of black carbon (BC)-induced changes in snow albedo on simulated temperature and precipitation during the severe snowstorm that occurred in southern China during 0800 26 January to 0800 29 January 2008 (Note that all times are local time except when otherwise stated). Black carbon aerosol was simulated online within the WRF-Chem. The model resuits showed that surface-albedo, averaged over 27-28 January, can be reduced by up to 10% by the deposition of BC. As a result, relative to a simulation that does not consider deposition of BC on snow/ice, the authors predicted surface air temperatures during 27-28 January can differ by -1.95 to 2.70 K, and the authors predicted accumulated precipitation over 27-28 January can differ by -2.91 to 3.10 mm over Areas A and B with large BC deposition. Different signs of changes are determined by the feedback of clouds and by the availability of water vapor in the atmosphere. 展开更多
关键词 Black carbon snow albedo WEATHER
Reflectivity/Impulsivity as an Important Individual Factor and Effectiveness of Awareness Raising Activities
作者 Amir Rezaei Tahereh Boroghani Mohammad Ali Rahimi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第4期281-286,共6页
This paper is a summary of the studies done on the importance of the cognitive styles especially reflectivity/impulsivity on the process of language acquisition. It discusses the importance of this cognitive style as ... This paper is a summary of the studies done on the importance of the cognitive styles especially reflectivity/impulsivity on the process of language acquisition. It discusses the importance of this cognitive style as an important factor on the effectiveness of awareness raising activities. In the previous studies, the importance of awareness raising has been found as an effective and facilitating factor in the process of the L2 (second language) acquisition, but the effect of different individual factors on its being usefulness has not been focused on; therefore, this study is an attempt to review and explore the importance of one of the individual factors, i.e., being reflective/impulsive cognitive style on the effectiveness of awareness raising activities. It is gathered that learners with different cognitive styles (being reflective/impulsive) react differently to the awareness giving activities, and the study tries to emphasize the importance of this factor on the usefulness of awareness raising and emphasizes the fact that in the field of awareness giving this factor should be attached impotence and accounted for as an effective factor. 展开更多
关键词 IMPULSIVITY REFLECTIVITY awareness raising TLA (teachers' language awareness)
对矿井反风演习若干问题的探讨 被引量:3
作者 于辉华 赵忠义 《煤矿安全》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第6期83-86,共4页
关键词 风效果 反风率 局部
Reverse Bonnesen style inequalities in a surface X_∈~2 of constant curvature 被引量:8
作者 XIA YunWei XU WenXue +1 位作者 ZHOU JiaZu ZHU BaoCheng 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2013年第6期1145-1154,共10页
We investigate the isoperimetric deficit upper bound, that is, the reverse Bonnesen style inequality for the convex domain in a surface X2 of constant curvature ε via the containment measure of a convex domain to con... We investigate the isoperimetric deficit upper bound, that is, the reverse Bonnesen style inequality for the convex domain in a surface X2 of constant curvature ε via the containment measure of a convex domain to contain another convex domain in integral geometry. We obtain some reverse Bonnesen style inequalities that extend the known Bottema's result in the Euclidean plane E2. 展开更多
关键词 isoperimetric deficit surface of constant curvature Bonnesen style inequality reverse Bonnesenstyle inequality containment measure
Retrieval of middle and upper atmospheric wind based on non-full circular fringe recorded by Fabry-Perot Inteferometer
作者 WANG HouMao WANG Chong +3 位作者 WANG YongMei ZHANG XiaoXin HUANG Cong LIANG ShaoLin 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期1732-1738,共7页
Fabry-Perot Interferometer(FPI) has been used widely for wind measurements of the middle and upper atmosphere.To date, most of FPIs have been based on full-closed circular fringe, which needs 15–25 min to obtain a gr... Fabry-Perot Interferometer(FPI) has been used widely for wind measurements of the middle and upper atmosphere.To date, most of FPIs have been based on full-closed circular fringe, which needs 15–25 min to obtain a group of wind velocity(zonal and meridional). However, it is hard to improve the temporal resolution because full-closed circular fringe in several directions cannot be easily imaged onto the same Charge-Coupled Device(CCD) with enough airglow intensity. In this paper, a data processing method is proposed for non-full circular fringe of FPI, which can support CCD with enough area of observations in several directions simultaneously. The method is focused on the center determination of non-full fringe. It includes radial cross-section, peak coordinate determination, and center calculation. Based on the calculated center, the fringe is annular summed. Then its radius is determined subsequently using Gaussian fitting. Finally, the wind is retrieved from the fringe radius. For validation, fringes from two ground-based FPIs were used, which are deployed in Kelan(38.71°N, 111.58°E) and Xinglong(40.40°N, 117.59°E) in China. The results retrieved from non-full fringes of FPIs were compared with that from full-closed circular fringe. The averaged wind deviation between them demonstrates reasonable difference with 5.38 ms^-(1) for 892.0 nm airglow emission, 5.81 ms^-(1) for 630.0 nm emission, and 3.03 ms^-(1) for 557.7 nm emission. Besides, wind results of Xinglong FPI are compared roughly with measurements of meteor radar which is deployed in Ming Tombs of Beijing(40.3°N,116.2°E). Good agreement demonstrates that this method is robust enough for FPI wind retrieval of mesosphere and thermosphere. 展开更多
关键词 Fabry-Perot Interferometer(FPI) Wind retrieval Non-full circular fringe Full-closed circular fringe
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