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“反饰”初探 被引量:2
作者 傅道彬 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1982年第2期72-77,共6页
翻开文学作品就不难看到这样一些句子: 1,飘逸的庸俗。敏感的麻木。洞察一切的愚昧。一往无前的退缩。没有追求的爱情。没有爱情的幸福。许恒忠身上和所有的人一样,有着无数个对立的统一。而最高的统一点就是两个字“实惠”。 (戴厚英:... 翻开文学作品就不难看到这样一些句子: 1,飘逸的庸俗。敏感的麻木。洞察一切的愚昧。一往无前的退缩。没有追求的爱情。没有爱情的幸福。许恒忠身上和所有的人一样,有着无数个对立的统一。而最高的统一点就是两个字“实惠”。 (戴厚英:《人啊,人》) 2,他们没有杀人的罪名,又偿了心愿,自然欢天喜地的发出一种呜呜咽咽的笑声。 (鲁迅《狂人日记》) 3,那未吐露出来的无声之声啊,是地平线下喷薄欲出的太阳一轮! (梁南:《没有喊出的声音更动人》, 《诗刊》一九七九年第一期) 展开更多
关键词 反饰 《诗刊》 戴厚英 无声之声 《狂人日记》 文学作品 丁玲选集 关系 郭小川 创作道路
说“反饰” 被引量:1
作者 冯广艺 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 1989年第4期22-23,共2页
本文所要讨论的是一种特殊的言语。表达现象:词语之间的反义修饰关系,简称“娃反饰”。什么是“反饰”呢?我们认为:在一句话或一个较大的短语里,用一个词或短语修饰另一个词或短语,它们之间的关系是矛盾的,对立的,如“平凡的伟大”、“... 本文所要讨论的是一种特殊的言语。表达现象:词语之间的反义修饰关系,简称“娃反饰”。什么是“反饰”呢?我们认为:在一句话或一个较大的短语里,用一个词或短语修饰另一个词或短语,它们之间的关系是矛盾的,对立的,如“平凡的伟大”、“不成问题的问题”,很明显,它们之间存在着一种反义关系(oxymoronrelation),这种修辞方式就是“反饰”。“反饰”的结构特点是修饰语和被修饰语之间有一个结构助词(有时结构助词可以省略),一般地说,被修饰语是中心语。“反饰” 展开更多
关键词 反饰 结构助词 关系 语义特点 修辞方式 郭小川 贺敬之 茹志鹃 义关系 周朴园
作者 曾定鸿 《学语文》 2015年第6期80-80,共1页
上世纪80年代初,有《阳光下的罪恶》《陌生的朋友》《父母双全的孤女》《苦恼人的笑》《蜜月的阴谋》《美丽的囚徒》这样的影片名,特别惹人注目,乍看,还真不好理解。"孤女"怎么会是"父母双全"?尤其是在只见过"样板戏"的十年以后... 上世纪80年代初,有《阳光下的罪恶》《陌生的朋友》《父母双全的孤女》《苦恼人的笑》《蜜月的阴谋》《美丽的囚徒》这样的影片名,特别惹人注目,乍看,还真不好理解。"孤女"怎么会是"父母双全"?尤其是在只见过"样板戏"的十年以后,观众的好奇与探究常常起到推助票房的作用。 展开更多
关键词 反饰 影片名 摭谈 曹靖华 十年 化腐朽为神奇 表达手段 为了忘却的记念 叛国者 使人
作者 江乐山 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 1989年第4期21-22,共2页
随着社会的发展,语言也不断发展,使用语言的艺术、手法,也在不断变化、提高。修辞中的反饰就是一例。首先,我们看看几部电影的名称吧:“陌生的朋友”、“父母双全的孤女”、“苦恼人的笑”、“阳光下的罪恶”、“蜜月的阴谋”、“美丽... 随着社会的发展,语言也不断发展,使用语言的艺术、手法,也在不断变化、提高。修辞中的反饰就是一例。首先,我们看看几部电影的名称吧:“陌生的朋友”、“父母双全的孤女”、“苦恼人的笑”、“阳光下的罪恶”、“蜜月的阴谋”、“美丽的囚徒”,还有广播剧“苦涩的喜酒”等,这些影(剧)名的共同点是:用一个反义词来形容、修饰一个正义词,形成表面意思极为矛盾的语言现象。这种修辞手法姑且谓之反饰。再看看下面几个例子吧: 展开更多
关键词 反饰 雷抒雁 自释 广州文艺 为了忘却的记念 使人 工人日报 崇祯帝 中外历史 直接修
作者 熊威 《华中学术》 CSSCI 2017年第1期250-258,共9页
反饰是现代汉语中一种重要的修辞方式。它主要由偏正短语构成,组合形式多样。本文在进一步明确反饰的定义和特点的基础上,阐述其判定标准和方法。它是一种'准修辞构式',其部分组合形式具有向语法构式逐渐转化的趋势,亦可验证修... 反饰是现代汉语中一种重要的修辞方式。它主要由偏正短语构成,组合形式多样。本文在进一步明确反饰的定义和特点的基础上,阐述其判定标准和方法。它是一种'准修辞构式',其部分组合形式具有向语法构式逐渐转化的趋势,亦可验证修辞构式与语法构式是一个连续体的观点。 展开更多
关键词 反饰 反饰复合词 语法构式 修辞构式 “准修辞构式”
“反饰”修辞格生成和理解的心理机制研究 被引量:2
作者 熊威 冯广艺 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期220-224,共5页
"反饰"修辞格,是通过语表形式上体现的反义关系来说明同一件事物内在的两个相反的特征。本文通过认知心理学"基于心理模型的语用推理"范式中的"自主-依存"和"显性-隐性"两个分析框架,研究反饰... "反饰"修辞格,是通过语表形式上体现的反义关系来说明同一件事物内在的两个相反的特征。本文通过认知心理学"基于心理模型的语用推理"范式中的"自主-依存"和"显性-隐性"两个分析框架,研究反饰生成和理解的心理机制。反饰生成和理解的过程都需要言者与听者彼此构建相同的心理模型。 展开更多
关键词 反饰 心理模型 意向性 自主-依存 显性-隐性
反饰执念、奇情迷恋及其犯罪叙事的“情动力”--刁亦男电影风格论 被引量:4
作者 齐伟 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第9期53-57,共5页
作为"作者-类型"电影的先锋创作者,刁亦男笃信"一部好的作品首先是作者电影",但他也未停止对艺术与商业叙事表达"通道"的追求。从早期独立电影作品《制服》和《夜车》到近年来的商业艺术片《白日焰火》... 作为"作者-类型"电影的先锋创作者,刁亦男笃信"一部好的作品首先是作者电影",但他也未停止对艺术与商业叙事表达"通道"的追求。从早期独立电影作品《制服》和《夜车》到近年来的商业艺术片《白日焰火》和《南方车站的聚会》,刁亦男在电影表现形式的转变中始终坚守某种作者表达的空间。本文通过对刁亦男四部作品的分析,尝试发现其电影表现风格的内在统一性,亦即主题表达上的"反饰执念"、人物关系的"奇情迷恋"和犯罪叙事中"情感因果律"。 展开更多
关键词 刁亦男 反饰 奇情 犯罪叙事
作者 曾定鸿 《语文月刊》 2016年第4期94-94,共1页
上世纪八十年代初,有《阳光下的罪恶》《陌生的朋友》《父母双全的孤女》《苦恼人的笑》《蜜月的阴谋》《美丽的囚徒》这样的影片名,特别惹人注目,乍看,还真不好理解。"孤女"怎么会是"父母双全"?尤其是经历只见"样板戏"的文革十... 上世纪八十年代初,有《阳光下的罪恶》《陌生的朋友》《父母双全的孤女》《苦恼人的笑》《蜜月的阴谋》《美丽的囚徒》这样的影片名,特别惹人注目,乍看,还真不好理解。"孤女"怎么会是"父母双全"?尤其是经历只见"样板戏"的文革十年以后,观众的好奇与探究常常起到推助票房的作用。 展开更多
关键词 反饰 影片名 摭谈 八十年代 曹靖华 十年 化腐朽为神奇 宝马车 表达手段 为了忘却的记念
作者 秦志强 《语文知识》 2001年第10期4-7,共4页
关键词 语言技巧 语言活化 错位反饰 语意
略论深层修辞 被引量:1
作者 骆小所 《玉溪师范学院学报》 1988年第1期46-51,共6页
修辞格是修辞的重要内容,它可分为表层修辞和深层修辞两种。所谓表层修辞就是符合语法、逻辑规范,词面或词表和词里或词内是完全一致的。它的含义,人们通过词面或词表可以直接理解到。所谓深层修辞就是形式上冲破语法、逻辑框框,它的含... 修辞格是修辞的重要内容,它可分为表层修辞和深层修辞两种。所谓表层修辞就是符合语法、逻辑规范,词面或词表和词里或词内是完全一致的。它的含义,人们通过词面或词表可以直接理解到。所谓深层修辞就是形式上冲破语法、逻辑框框,它的含义,人们不能从词面或词表就能理解到。也就是说,深层修辞的表层在表达思维时不起主要作用,深层才是真正要表达的思想感情。例如: 展开更多
关键词 心理场 量词移用 结构语言学 言语活动 经验世界 词化 《子夜》 反饰 我的母亲 布拉格学派
Catalytic cracking of light diesel over Au/ZSM-5 catalyst for increasing propylene production 被引量:8
作者 祁彩霞 王云霞 +1 位作者 丁孝涛 苏慧娟 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1747-1755,共9页
The catalytic cracking of light diesel oil (235–337 &#176;C) over gold‐modified ZSM‐5 was investigated in a small confined fluidized bed at 460 &#176;C and ambient pressure. Different Au/ZSM‐5 catalysts were p... The catalytic cracking of light diesel oil (235–337 &#176;C) over gold‐modified ZSM‐5 was investigated in a small confined fluidized bed at 460 &#176;C and ambient pressure. Different Au/ZSM‐5 catalysts were prepared by a modified deposition‐precipitation method by changing the preparation procedure and the amount of gold loading and were characterized by X‐ray diffraction, N2 adsorp‐tion‐desorption, temperature‐programmed desorption of NH3, transmission electron microscopy and inductively coupled plasma spectrometer. It was found that a small amount of gold had a posi‐tive effect on the catalytic cracking of light diesel oil and increased propylene production at a rela‐tively low temperature. The maintenance of the ZSM‐5 MFI structure, pore size distribution and the density of weak and strong acid sites of the Au/ZSM‐5 catalysts depended on the preparation pa‐rameters and the Au loading. Simultaneous enhancement of the micro‐activity and propylene pro‐duction relies on a synergy between the pore size distribution and the relative intensity of the weak and strong acid sites. A significant improvement in the micro‐activity index with an increase of 4.5 units and in the propylene selectivity with an increase of 23.2 units was obtained over the Au/ZSM‐5 catalyst with an actual Au loading of 0.17 wt%. 展开更多
关键词 Fluid catalytic cracking Gold modification Propylene selectivity Micro-activity test
作者 骆小所 《曲靖师范学院学报》 1987年第1期29-34,共6页
修辞格是修辞的主要内容,可分为表层修辞和深层修辞两种。所谓表层修辞,就是词面或词表和词里或词内是完全一致的。它的含义,人们通过词面或词表就可以直接理解到。所谓深层修辞就是词面或词表和词里或词内不一致的。它的含义,人们不能... 修辞格是修辞的主要内容,可分为表层修辞和深层修辞两种。所谓表层修辞,就是词面或词表和词里或词内是完全一致的。它的含义,人们通过词面或词表就可以直接理解到。所谓深层修辞就是词面或词表和词里或词内不一致的。它的含义,人们不能从词面或词表就能理解到。深层修辞的表层只是语言现象,深层才是它的实质。也就是说, 展开更多
关键词 量词移用 语言艺术 朱庆余 信息差 近试上张水部 白杨礼赞 反饰 事物特征 审美意识 晓堂
Influence of phosphoric anions on oxygen reduction reaction activity of platinum, and strategies to inhibit phosphoric anion adsorption 被引量:1
作者 李玉萍 姜鲁华 +1 位作者 王素力 孙公权 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1134-1141,共8页
Nation-membrane-based proton exchange fuel cells (PEMFCs) typically operate at below 100 ℃. However, H3PO4-doped polybenzimidazole (PBI)-based PEMFCs can operate at 100-200 ℃. This is advantageous because of acc... Nation-membrane-based proton exchange fuel cells (PEMFCs) typically operate at below 100 ℃. However, H3PO4-doped polybenzimidazole (PBI)-based PEMFCs can operate at 100-200 ℃. This is advantageous because of accelerated reaction rates and enhanced tolerance to poisons such as CO and S02, which can arise from reformed gas or the atmosphere. However, the strong adsorption of phosphoric anions on the Pt surface dramatically decreases the electrocatalytic activity. This study exploits the "third-body effect", in which a small amount of organic molecules are pre-adsorbed on the Pt surface to inhibit the adsorption of phosphoric anions. Pre-adsorbate species inhibit the ad- sorption of phosphoric anions, but can also partially occlude active sites. Thus, the optimum pre-adsorbate coverage is studied by correlating the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity of Pt with pre-adsorbate coverage on the Pt surface. The influence of the pre-adsorbate molecule length is investigated using the organic amines, butylamine, octylamine, and dodecylamine, in both 0.1 mol/L HCI04 and 0.1 mol/L H3P04. Such amines readily bond to the Pt surface. In aqueous HCI04 electrolyte, the ORR activity of Pt decreases monotonically with increasing pre-adsorbate coverage. In aqueous H3P04 electrolyte, the ORR activity of Pt initially increases and then decreases with in- creasing pre-adsorbate coverage. The maximum ORR activity in H3P04 occurs at a pre-adsorbate coverage of around 20%. The effect of molecular length of the pre-adsorbate is negligible, but its coverage strongly affects the degree to which phosphoric anion adsorption is inhibited. Butylamine adsorbs to Pt at partial active sites, which decreases the electrochemically active surface area. Ad- sorbed butylamine may also modify the electronic structure of the Pt surface. The ORR activity in the phosphoric acid electrolyte remains relatively low, even when using the pre-adsorbate modified Pt/C catalysts. Further development of the catalyst and electrolyte is required before the commercialization of H3PO4-PBl-based PEMFCs can be realized. 展开更多
关键词 PlatinumPhosphoric anion poisoningOxygen reduction reactionModified electrodeH3PO4-PBI based fuel cells
Roles of heteroatoms in electrocatalysts for alkaline water splitting:A review focusing on the reaction mechanism 被引量:4
作者 Chuqiang Huang Jianqing Zhou +5 位作者 Dingshuo Duan Qiancheng Zhou Jieming Wang Bowen Peng Luo Yu Ying Yu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2091-2110,共20页
Alkaline water splitting is a promising technology for“green hydrogen”generation.To improve its efficiency,highly robust catalysts are required to reduce the overpotential for low electrical power consumption.Hetero... Alkaline water splitting is a promising technology for“green hydrogen”generation.To improve its efficiency,highly robust catalysts are required to reduce the overpotential for low electrical power consumption.Heteroatom modification is one of the most effective strategies for boosting catalytic performance,as it can regulate the physicochemical properties of host catalysts to improve their intrinsic activity.Herein,aiming to provide an overview of the impact of heteroatoms on catalytic activity at the atomic level,we present a review of the key role of heteroatoms in enhancing reaction kinetics based on the reaction pathways of the hydrogen evolution reaction(HER)and oxygen evolution reaction(OER)in alkaline media.In particular,the introduction of heteroatoms can directly and indirectly optimize the interactions between the active sites and intermediates,thus improving the intrinsic activity.To clearly illustrate this influence in detail,we have summarized a series of representative heteroatom-modified electrocatalysts and discussed the important roles of heteroatoms in the OER and HER reaction pathways.Finally,some challenges and perspectives for heteroatom-modified electrodes are discussed.We hope that this review will be helpful for the development of efficient and low-cost electrocatalysts for water electrolysis and other energy conversion applications. 展开更多
关键词 Alkaline water splitting Heteroatom modification Reaction pathway Hydrogen evolution reaction Oxygen evolution reaction
Controlling atomic phosphorous-mounting surfaces of ultrafine W_(2)C nanoislands monodispersed on the carbon frameworks for enhanced hydrogen evolution 被引量:1
作者 Xiangyong Zhang Tianying Liu +9 位作者 Ting Guo Xueying Han Zongyun Mu Qiang Chen Jiangmin Jiang Jing Yan Jiaren Yuan Dezhi Wang Zhuangzhi Wu Zongkui Kou 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第10期1798-1807,共10页
Controllably mounting foreign atoms on the surfaces of earth-abundant electrocatalysts strongly improve their surface electronic properties for optimizing the catalytic performance of surficial sites to an unusual lev... Controllably mounting foreign atoms on the surfaces of earth-abundant electrocatalysts strongly improve their surface electronic properties for optimizing the catalytic performance of surficial sites to an unusual level,and provides a good platform to gain deep insights into catalytic reactions.The present work describes,employing ultrafine W2C nanoislands(average size:2.3 nm)monodispersed on the N,P dual-doped carbon frameworks as a model system,how to regulate the atomic phosphorous-mounting effect on the surfaces of W_(2)C to derive an active and stable P-mounting W_(2)C(WCP)catalyst for both acidic and alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).Since in situ phosphorus substitution into carbon sites of preformed W_(2)C nanoislands gradually proceeds from surfaces to solids,so that using a proper amount of phosphorus sources can readily control the surface mounting level to avoid the mass P-doping into the bulk.By this way,the activity per active site of WCP catalyst with robust stability can be optimized to 0.07 and 0.56 H_(2 )s^(-1) at-200 mV overpotential in acid and base,respectively,which reach up to the several-fold of pure-phase W_(2)C(0.01 and 0.05 H_(2) s^(-1)).Theoretical investigations suggest that compared with solid P doping,the P mounting on W_(2)C surface can more remarkably enhance its metallicity and decrease the hydrogen release barrier.This finding disclosed a key correlation between surface foreign atom-mounting and catalytic activity,and suggested a logical extension to other earth-abundant catalysts for various catalytic reactions. 展开更多
关键词 Tungsten carbide Doping Surficial engineering Hydrogen evolution reaction ELECTROCATALYST
A New Approach on Modification Reactions of Atherton-Todd, Betti, Mannich and Doebner with Arsine, Stibine and Bismuthine in Organometallic Chemistry
作者 Aibassov Erkin Zhakenovlch Baiguzhin Adil Alibekovich Tusupbaev Nesipbay Imanbaev Klysh Serikbaeva Gulbarshyn Kuanyshkanovna 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第12期1127-1130,共4页
A new approach modification reactions Atherton-Todd, Betty, Mannich and Doebner reactions with of arsine, stibine and bismuthine have been proposed in organometallic chemistry of these elements. These new reactions ca... A new approach modification reactions Atherton-Todd, Betty, Mannich and Doebner reactions with of arsine, stibine and bismuthine have been proposed in organometallic chemistry of these elements. These new reactions can be used for the synthesis of drugs and biologically active organic compound of arsenic, antimony and bismuth. A possible new mechanism of the reaction is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Atherton-Todd BETTI Mannich and Doebner reactions ARSINE stibine bismuthine.
Preparation and Electrochemical Application of Praseodymium Modified TiO2-NTs/SnO2-Sb Anode by Cyclic Voltammetry Method 被引量:1
作者 王燕 陈迓宾 +1 位作者 朱怀工 张旭斌 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第3期247-253,共7页
A Pr-doped TiO2-NTs/SnO2-Sb electrode was prepared by a simple method, cyclic voltarnmetry (CV). The methyl orange (MO)aqueous solution was selected as a simulated wastewater. The ordered microstructural TiO2-NTs ... A Pr-doped TiO2-NTs/SnO2-Sb electrode was prepared by a simple method, cyclic voltarnmetry (CV). The methyl orange (MO)aqueous solution was selected as a simulated wastewater. The ordered microstructural TiO2-NTs substrate was synthesized by an electrochemical method to obtain large specific surface area and high space utilization. The phase structure, electrode surface morphology and electrochemical properties of electrodes were characterized by XRD, SEM and electrochemical technology, respectively. The results showed that praseo- dymium oxide was successfully doped into the SnOz-Sb film by CV method. Due to the doped Pr, the oxygen evo- lution potential increased from 2.25 V to 2.40 V. The degradation of MO was investigated by UV-vis. The Ct/C0(φ) was studied as a function to obtain the optimal parameters, such as the amount of doped Pr, current density and initial dye concentration. In addition, the degradation process followed pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics and the rate constant was 0.099 3 min-1. The result indicated that the introduction of Pr reduced the formation of oxygen vacancies or enhanced the formation of adsorbed hydroxyl radical groups on the surface, thus leading to better activity and stability. 展开更多
关键词 praseodymium doping cyclic voltammetry method degradation methyl orange TiO2 nanotube array
作者 徐明 《电脑乐园》 2022年第3期31-33,共3页
我国正在大力推进装配式建筑,建筑工业化大背景下的面砖应用方法,是近年国内比较热门的研究方向。本文介绍在上海市闵行区的一所公办初中学校建设中,外墙外装饰部分应用高性能混凝土饰面砖反打外挂墙板的案例。本工程做法适用于面砖装... 我国正在大力推进装配式建筑,建筑工业化大背景下的面砖应用方法,是近年国内比较热门的研究方向。本文介绍在上海市闵行区的一所公办初中学校建设中,外墙外装饰部分应用高性能混凝土饰面砖反打外挂墙板的案例。本工程做法适用于面砖装饰的装配式建筑,尤其适用于对于装饰效果及装配率有高要求的装配式建筑。本做法提高了施工质量、安装精度和安装速度,优化了作业工人效率,实施完成的预制率及装配率均高于传统钢结构建筑。 展开更多
关键词 高性能混凝土面砖打外挂墙板 面砖 装配式建筑 钢结构建筑
Preparation of copper nanoparticles modified with [BMIm]BF_4 ionic liquid 被引量:5
作者 Su Yongqing Li Cong Yang Mingdi Cai Ying Ren Nianjun 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第2期20-23,共4页
Copper nanoparticles was prepared by ascorbic acid reducing CuC12 solution modified with [ BMIm ] BF4 ionic liquid. The size of copper nanoparticles was obviously affected by the concentration of Cu2+ . The diameter ... Copper nanoparticles was prepared by ascorbic acid reducing CuC12 solution modified with [ BMIm ] BF4 ionic liquid. The size of copper nanoparticles was obviously affected by the concentration of Cu2+ . The diameter of nanoparticles was smaller than 10 nm when the Cu2+ concentration was smaller than 2× 10.2 moL/L. The pH and temperature of reductive reaction had no obvious effect on the size of copper nanoparticles. 展开更多
《乐器(吉他平方)》 2004年第12期10-15,共6页
关键词 效果器 LINE6 令人 反饰 一灯 分宜 李言
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