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白炽灯灯丝的正常发光温度、长度及直径的估算 被引量:2
作者 邵云 《物理与工程》 2019年第2期49-53,59,共6页
文章通过焦耳定律和能量守恒定律求出白炽灯钨丝长度与直径的完整的表达式,其中已考虑了钨丝的电阻率及钨丝表面的热辐射发射率随温度的变化,以及螺旋钨丝热辐射时的相互遮挡和灯泡内的气体向外界热传导的因素。指出钨丝的长度与直径是... 文章通过焦耳定律和能量守恒定律求出白炽灯钨丝长度与直径的完整的表达式,其中已考虑了钨丝的电阻率及钨丝表面的热辐射发射率随温度的变化,以及螺旋钨丝热辐射时的相互遮挡和灯泡内的气体向外界热传导的因素。指出钨丝的长度与直径是由灯泡的功率、电压、灯丝的发光温度、灯丝的结构和灯泡的充气类型等共同决定的,并非任意设置。利用求得的表达式结合灯泡光效的表达式分别求出在JJG247—2008规定的基本光效下常见的40W、60W、100W普通充氮泡和充氩泡单螺旋灯丝的正常发光温度T、长度l和直径d。利用一种实践经验公式求出同样功率下实用充氩泡灯丝的T、l、d和灯泡光效ηl。对这3种灯泡的结果进行对比与分析,指出理论公式及其计算结果的准确性,指出理论公式的其他应用价值,同时纠正了两种错误的认识。文章可为相关内容的教学提供一些参考。 展开更多
关键词 白炽灯 灯丝 长度 直径 发光温度
作者 王国涛 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2024年第5期0025-0028,共4页
铅卤钙钛矿是一种重要的新型光电材料,对其光致发光(PL)特性的深入研究对钙钛矿激光器以及发光二极管等器件的开发与性能评估具有重要的参考意义。进一步地,变温PL光谱技术不仅可用于探测材料不同温度下的发射特性,还可以据此细致探讨... 铅卤钙钛矿是一种重要的新型光电材料,对其光致发光(PL)特性的深入研究对钙钛矿激光器以及发光二极管等器件的开发与性能评估具有重要的参考意义。进一步地,变温PL光谱技术不仅可用于探测材料不同温度下的发射特性,还可以据此细致探讨材料内电子声子间相互作用机制。本文将对人们使用变温PL光谱技术研究铅卤钙钛矿PL特性的研究进展进行总结,对后续进一步开展材料光学性质的研究工作提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 铅卤钙钛矿 温度依赖的光致发光特性表征 电子声子耦合
作者 温哥华 温都日娜 +7 位作者 陈秀梅 麻秀芳 翁果果 韦依凡 鲍松松 谢小吉 胡淑贤 郑丽敏 《化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期1311-1317,共7页
具有光致发光性质的铀酰膦酸配位聚合物已经用于温度传感,但尚未用于双响应发光温度计.本工作报道了一种基于邻羧基苯甲基膦酸配体(2-pmbH_(3))的层状铀酰膦酸配位聚合物,即(α-C_(8)H_(12)N)[UO_(2)(2-pmb)](1).其中铀酰离子通过2-pmb^... 具有光致发光性质的铀酰膦酸配位聚合物已经用于温度传感,但尚未用于双响应发光温度计.本工作报道了一种基于邻羧基苯甲基膦酸配体(2-pmbH_(3))的层状铀酰膦酸配位聚合物,即(α-C_(8)H_(12)N)[UO_(2)(2-pmb)](1).其中铀酰离子通过2-pmb^(3−)配体连接成层,外消旋且质子化的苯乙胺分子作为抗衡离子占据层间.层内最近的U1···U1距离为0.541 nm.化合物1表现出较高的热稳定性和水稳定性.光致发光性质表明,化合物1在室温下发出绿光,可以在200~360 K的温度范围内作为发光强度和寿命的双响应发光温度计,其强度依赖的最大灵敏度为2.96%·K^(−1)(330 K),寿命依赖的最大灵敏度为2.51%·K^(−1)(350 K),实现了工作温度更高、灵敏度更高的铀酰基温度计.相对论密度泛函(DFT)计算证实了该化合物的稳定性来源于铀酰赤道面膦酸氧2p轨道与铀5fφ轨道相互作用.计算表明,在320 nm和412 nm附近的两个峰为O=U=O内氧以及膦酸氧2p到铀5f_(δ)(f_(z(x2−y2)))的配体到金属电荷转移(LMCT). 展开更多
关键词 铀酰膦酸配位聚合物 温度传感 双响应发光温度 发光强度 寿命 相对论密度泛函
掺杂上转换纳米粒子的温敏性发光水凝胶的制备及性能 被引量:6
作者 张伟 廖正芳 +1 位作者 阿尔普丁·艾尼娃尔 左芳 《精细化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期270-277,共8页
采用水热法,以聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)为表面改性剂,合成了水分散性较好的上转换纳米粒子(UC@PEI NPs)。考察了溶剂组成、反应时间、PEI分子量与加入量对UC@PEI NPs发光强度的影响,并进行了表征。结果显示:V(H2O)∶V(EG)=1∶1,PEI(Mw=10000)加... 采用水热法,以聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)为表面改性剂,合成了水分散性较好的上转换纳米粒子(UC@PEI NPs)。考察了溶剂组成、反应时间、PEI分子量与加入量对UC@PEI NPs发光强度的影响,并进行了表征。结果显示:V(H2O)∶V(EG)=1∶1,PEI(Mw=10000)加入量为1.2 g,并于200℃反应8 h为最优合成条件。随后在UC@PEI NPs、聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(PNIPAM)存在下,丙烯酰胺、N,N’-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺发生自由基聚合,制备复合水凝胶,采用SEM、拉伸试验机、发光光谱仪进行形貌、机械强度和发光温度响应性的表征。结果表明:该互穿网络结构复合水凝胶反复脱水溶胀后,材料保持完好,平均脱水率和溶胀率为81.18%和61.38%;应力作用下的应变量达到251.10%,机械强度为22.92 kPa;在980 nm近红外光激发下,当温度从20℃升至48℃时,540 nm处(Er3+,4S3/2→4I15/2)的发光强度减少42.64%,而当温度下降,发光强度可逆回升。说明该复合水凝胶具有可逆的上转换发光温度响应性,材料稳定性和拉伸性良好,并且有一定的机械强度。 展开更多
关键词 水热法 上转换纳米粒子 PNIPAM 发光温度响应性 水凝胶 功能材料
壳层相关的CdSe核/壳量子点发光的热稳定性 被引量:6
作者 陈肖慧 袁曦 +2 位作者 华杰 赵家龙 李海波 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期1051-1057,共7页
测量了CdSe/ZnS(3 ML)核/壳结构及CdSe/CdS(3 ML)/ZnCdS(1 ML)/ZnS(2 ML)核/多壳层结构量子点在80~460 K范围内的光致发光光谱,研究了壳层结构对CdSe量子点发光热稳定性的影响。详细地分析了CdSe量子点的发光峰位能量、线宽和积分强度... 测量了CdSe/ZnS(3 ML)核/壳结构及CdSe/CdS(3 ML)/ZnCdS(1 ML)/ZnS(2 ML)核/多壳层结构量子点在80~460 K范围内的光致发光光谱,研究了壳层结构对CdSe量子点发光热稳定性的影响。详细地分析了CdSe量子点的发光峰位能量、线宽和积分强度与温度之间的关系,发现CdSe量子点的发光热稳定性依赖于壳层结构。CdS/ZnCdS/ZnS多壳层结构包覆CdSe量子点在低温和高温部分的热激活能均大于ZnS壳层包覆的CdSe量子点,具有更好的发光热稳定性。此外,在300-460-300 K加热-冷却循环实验中,CdS/ZnCdS/ZnS多壳层结构包覆CdSe量子点的发光强度永久性损失更少,热抵御能力更强。 展开更多
关键词 CDSE 量子点 纳米晶 温度依赖的光致发光
Sol-gel synthesis and photoluminescence of LaPO_4:Eu^(3+) nanorods 被引量:6
作者 高锐 钱东 李卫 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第3期432-436,共5页
Monoclinic LaPO4 nanostructures with uniform rod shape have been successfully synthesized by a simple sol-gel method.The procedure involves formation of homogeneous,transparent,metal-citrate-EDTA gel precursors,follow... Monoclinic LaPO4 nanostructures with uniform rod shape have been successfully synthesized by a simple sol-gel method.The procedure involves formation of homogeneous,transparent,metal-citrate-EDTA gel precursors,followed by calcination to promote thermal decomposition of the gel precursors to yield the LaPO4 nanoparticles.Their morphologies and structures were characterized by XRD,TEM,TG-DSC and HRTEM.The results indicate that single monoclinic phase LaPO4 nanorods are readily obtained at 800 ℃ within 3 h.Furthermore,photoluminescence(PL) characterization of the Eu3+-doped LaPO4 nanocrystals was carried out.The effects of calcination temperatures and Eu3+ doping content on the PL properties were elaborated in detail.Room-temperature photoluminescence(PL) characterization reveals that the optical brightness as well as the intensity ratio of 5D0-7F1 to 5D0-7F2 is highly dependent on the calcination temperature,and the Eu0.05La0.95PO4 nanophosphor shows the relatively promising PL performance with the most intense emission. 展开更多
Flame radiant image numeralization for pulverized coal combustion in BF raceway 被引量:4
作者 温良英 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2005年第4期195-198,共4页
In order to establish correlativity between pulverized coal combustion in a blast furnace raceway and its radiant image, we investigated the relationships between two dimensional radiant images and three dimensional r... In order to establish correlativity between pulverized coal combustion in a blast furnace raceway and its radiant image, we investigated the relationships between two dimensional radiant images and three dimensional radiant energy in a blast furnace raceway, focusing on the correlativity of the numerical simulation of combustion processes with the connection of radiant images information and space temperature distribution. We calculated the uneven radiate characteristic parameterby taking radiant images as a kind of radiative boundary for numerical simulation of combustion processes, and put fonward a method to examine three-dimensional temperatures distribution in blast furnace raceway by radiant image processing. The numeral temperature fields matching the real combustion can be got by the numeric image processing technique. 展开更多
关键词 RACEWAY pulverized coal combustion radiant image temperature distribution
Temperature Effects on Photoluminescence Properties of Porous Silicon
作者 LI Zhi-quan QIAO Shu-xin +2 位作者 CAI Ya-nan TONG Kai ZHANG Le-xin 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2005年第4期228-232,238,共6页
The temperature effects on the photoluminescence(PL) properties of porous silicon(PS) have been observed in the early stage. However, the obtained results are different. Through repeated experiments, some different an... The temperature effects on the photoluminescence(PL) properties of porous silicon(PS) have been observed in the early stage. However, the obtained results are different. Through repeated experiments, some different and useful information are got, which benefits us in that PL properties of porous silicon can be fully made use of. Firstly, samples with porosity of 76% and 49% were chosen to study the exciting temperature effects on the PL spectrum. For the samples with low porosity, the decreasing temperature causes the peak wavelength to be red-shifting and that of the samples with high porosity to present the blue-shifting trend. The light intensity of both reaches the maximum at -10℃. These experimental results can be well explained with the synthesized center PL model based on the quantum confinement model, other than the PL efficiency function σ(λ). Thereafter, PL properties of PS samples fabricated separately under the temperature of -10℃, 0℃, 10℃, 20℃ and 30℃ were studied. The results indicate that with the decrease of the etching temperature, the PL intensity increases from 406.7 to 716.6 and the peak wavelength blue-shifts from 698.9nm to 671.8nm. The WHFM of the PL spectrum dramatically narrows. At the same time, the images observed by AFM show that with the decreasing temperature, the holes are becoming deeper and the porosity is higher, which suggests that the decreasing temperature accelerates the etching rate. 展开更多
关键词 Porous silicon PL Temperature effects Synthesized center PL model
Thermal analysis of an innovative flat heat pipe radiator 被引量:1
作者 寇志海 白敏丽 杨洪武 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期568-572,共5页
An innovative flat heat pipe radiator was put forward, and it has the features of high efficiency of heat dissipation, compact construction, low thermal resistance, light weight, low cost, and anti-dust-deposition. Th... An innovative flat heat pipe radiator was put forward, and it has the features of high efficiency of heat dissipation, compact construction, low thermal resistance, light weight, low cost, and anti-dust-deposition. The thermal analysis of the flat heat pipe radiator for cooling high-power light emitting diode (LED) array was conducted. The thermal characteristics of the flat heat pipe radiator under the different heat loads and incline angles were investigated experimentally in natural convection. An electro-thermal conversion method was used to measure the junction temperature of the LED chips. It is found that the integral temperature distribution of the flat heat pipe radiator is reasonable and uniform. The total thermal resistance of the flat heat pipe radiator varies in the range of 0.38-0.45 K/W. The junction temperatures of LED chips with the flat heat pipe radiator and with the aluminum board at the same forward current of 0.35 A are 52.5 and 75.2 ℃, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 energy technology thermal analysis flat heat pipe radiator thermal characteristics
Effects of temperature and irradiance on early development of Chondrus ocellatus Holm (Gigartinaceae,Rhodophyta) 被引量:4
作者 李晓 赵鹏 +3 位作者 王高歌 李大鹏 王继成 段德麟 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期508-513,共6页
Chondrus is a type of commercially produced red seaweed that widely used for food and carrageen extraction. Although the natural life history of the alga had been well understood, the factors influencing development o... Chondrus is a type of commercially produced red seaweed that widely used for food and carrageen extraction. Although the natural life history of the alga had been well understood, the factors influencing development of the tetraspore and carpospore remain poorly understood. In the perspective of seedling resources, the regulation of early development is crucial for the seedlillg nursing; therefore, it is necessary to understand the physiological influences during its early development. In this study, we studied the effects of temperature and irradiance on the early development of Chondrus ocellatus Holm under laboratory conditions. The released tetraspores and carpospores were cultivated at different temperatures (10-28℃) and irradiances (10, 60 μmol photons m^-2s^-1) with a photoperiod of 12L: 12D. The results indicate that both tetraspores and carpospores are tolerant to temperatures of 10-25℃, and have the highest relative growth rate at 20℃. Irradiance variances influenced the growth of the discoid crusts, and the influence was more significant with increasing temperature; 60 μmol photons m^-2s^-1 was more suitable than 10 μmol photons m^-2s^-1. The optimum temperature and irradiance for the development of seedlings was 20℃ and 60 μmol photons m^-2s^-1, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Chondrus ocellatus TEMPERATURE IRRADIANCE early development
Impact of substrate on opto-thermal response of thin metallic targets under irradiation with femtosecond laser pulses
作者 TSIBIDIS G D STRATAKIS E 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第10期3410-3421,共12页
Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used over the past decades due to their capability to fabricate precise patterns at the micro-and nano-lengths scales. A key issue for efficient material processing is the de... Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used over the past decades due to their capability to fabricate precise patterns at the micro-and nano-lengths scales. A key issue for efficient material processing is the determination of the laser parameters used in the experimental set ups. Despite a systematic investigation that has been performed to highlight the impact of every parameter independently, little attention has been drawn on the role of the substrate material on which the irradiated solid is placed. In this work, the influence of the substrate is emphasised for films of various thicknesses, which demonstrates that both the optical and thermophysical properties of the substrate affect the thermal fingerprint on the irradiated film while the impact is manifested to be higher at smaller film sizes. Two representative materials, silicon and fused silica, have been selected as typical substrates for thin films(gold and nickel) of different optical and thermophysical behaviour and the thermal response and damage thresholds are evaluated for the irradiated solids. The pronounced influence of the substrate is aimed to pave the way for new and more optimised designs of laserbased fabrication set ups and processing schemes. 展开更多
关键词 femtosecond laser pulse ultrafast dynamics optical excitation two-temperature model
Multispectral thermometry based on neural network 被引量:4
作者 孙晓刚 戴景民 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期108-112,共5页
In order to overcome the effect of the assumption between emissivity and wavelength on the measurement of true temperature and spectral emissivity for most engineering materials, a neural network based method is propo... In order to overcome the effect of the assumption between emissivity and wavelength on the measurement of true temperature and spectral emissivity for most engineering materials, a neural network based method is proposed for data processing while a blackbody furnace and three optical filters with known spectral transmittance curves were used to make up a true target. The experimental results show that the calculated temperatures are in good agreement with the temperature of the blackbody furnace, and the calculated spectral emissivity curves are in good agreement with the spectral transmittance curves of the filters. The method proposed has been proved to be an effective method for solving the problem of true temperature and emissivity measurement, and it can overcome the effect of the assumption between emissivity and wavelength on the measurement of true temperature and spectral emissivity for most engineering materials. 展开更多
关键词 multispectal thermometry EMISSIVITY neural networK
A dual measurement method of strain and temperature
作者 JIANG Hai-li SUN Wei-min ZHANG Cong LIU Zhi-hai JIANG Fu-qiang ZHANG Yang 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2007年第1期63-68,共6页
With the rapid development of China's foreign trade, the coastal and inland waterway transport has been increased rapidly. The potential market for marine engines is more and more obvious. The measurement of the e... With the rapid development of China's foreign trade, the coastal and inland waterway transport has been increased rapidly. The potential market for marine engines is more and more obvious. The measurement of the engine temperature and strain becomes very important. The fluorescence fiber sensors are broadly used to measure temperature, concentration, and pH value, etc. The fluorescence sensing systems are based on different principles, namely fluorescence intensity, fluorescence intensity ratio, and fluorescence lifetime. The fluorescence lifetime is an effective parameter for sensing purpose, because it is independent of the intensity of the pumping source and does not need expensive narrow-band filters. An experiment system has been established, in which some samples were produced to measure the fluorescence lifetime and temperature characteristics and the relationship of the strain and temperature versus the fluorescence lifetime was achieved at the same time. The experiment result was fitted and analyzed. The test results show that the fluorescence lifetime decreases with the increasing of temperature. The change of fluorescence lifetime with the strain is inconspicuous comparing to that with the temperature. 展开更多
关键词 fluorescence lifetime fluorescence fiber simultaneous measurement TEMPERATURE STRAIN
作者 黄奕钊 《科技创新与应用》 2019年第10期67-69,共3页
针对卤素灯使用寿命短、发光效率低等缺点,基于热电分离式理念设计出一种新型金属基板(MCPCB,Metal Core Printed Circuit Board),并将其与25W的LED灯珠组装成模组之后开发出一款大功率LED车灯光源。同时,利用红外线成像仪及积分球系统... 针对卤素灯使用寿命短、发光效率低等缺点,基于热电分离式理念设计出一种新型金属基板(MCPCB,Metal Core Printed Circuit Board),并将其与25W的LED灯珠组装成模组之后开发出一款大功率LED车灯光源。同时,利用红外线成像仪及积分球系统对相同功率的卤素车灯与LED车灯的发光表面温度以及光学特性进行了对比研究。结果表明,当环境温度为25±1℃时,卤素灯表面最高温度大于350℃,而LED车灯表面最高温度仅为127℃;当LED能耗为卤素灯的56.64%时,其对应的光学特性指标,如光通量、光功率及光效分别为后者的3.67倍、1.74倍、6.52倍,表现出强大的性能优势。 展开更多
关键词 卤素灯 MCPCB 热电分离 LED车灯光源 发光表面温度 光学特性
Influences of Seed Source, Pre-chilling, Light and Temperature on the Germination of South African Pelargonium sidoides 被引量:2
作者 F. B. Lewu D. S. Grierson A. J. Afolayan 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第3期18-23,共6页
Pelargonium sidoides DC is used in herbal medicine for the treatment of various infections. The roots are being indiscriminately harvested for local and export trade and the collection rate is becoming unsustainable. ... Pelargonium sidoides DC is used in herbal medicine for the treatment of various infections. The roots are being indiscriminately harvested for local and export trade and the collection rate is becoming unsustainable. Seed germination dynamics of this species was studied with the aim to reveal factors that influence its survival in the wild in order to adopt the appropriate germination conditions for use in ex-situ propagation and conservation program. Germination was affected by age of seeds, temperature and pre-chilling conditions. Temperature higher than 25 oC reduced germination by 60%. When seeds of P. sidoides were subjected to pre-chilling treatment for seven days, there was a significant drop in final germination by 29% compared to the other treatments. Although, final germination was not affected by different light treatments, continuous light significantly promoted germination velocity Seeds harvested from the plants grown in the green house performed better in germination than those collected from the field. The ecological implications of these observations on the propagation and conservation ofP. sidoides are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Seed source ex-situ conservation medicinal plant Pelargonium sidoides seed germination South Africa.
Overview of Concentrated Solar Power
作者 Chukwubuikem Chukwuka Komla Agbenyo Folly 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第12期2291-2299,共9页
CSP (concentrated solar power) has been viewed as the technology that if properly developed could lead to a large scale conversion of solar energy into electricity. CSP is a type of solar energy converter that is cl... CSP (concentrated solar power) has been viewed as the technology that if properly developed could lead to a large scale conversion of solar energy into electricity. CSP is a type of solar energy converter that is classified as thermal converter because the output power produced is a function of the operating temperature. The main components of a CSP plant are the solar field which is made up of the heliostat arrays, the receiver tower, the heat transfer fluid, the molten salt thermal energy storage tanks and the power conversion unit, which is made up of the turbine and the generator. The main advantage of CSP is that of a cheap thermal storage (i.e., molten salt storage) which makes it possible to dispatch power at a cost comparable to the grid electricity. Simulations run with the SAM (systems advisory model) developed by NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) showed that CSP is capable of delivering electricity at the cost of 17UScents per kWh for the 30-year life of the plant. The main disadvantage of CSP however, is that of low efficiency (8%-16%). There are ongoing research works to improve the efficiency of the CSP. One way to improve the efficiency is to increase the operating temperature of the system. In this paper, the authors discussed different modules of the CSP plant and suggested ways to improve on the conversion efficiencies of individual modules. Finally, an overall systems performance simulation is carried using SAM and the simulation results show that electricity can be produced using CSP at the cost of RI.05 per kWh. 展开更多
关键词 Concentrated solar power HELIOSTAT molten salt energy storage SAM (systems advisory model) LCOE (levelised cost ofelectricity) blackbody receiver/emitter.
The definition analyses of radiation temperature measurement area
作者 Fu Tairan Cheng Xiaofang Zhong Maohua 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第2期42-45,共4页
In the research of primary spectrum pyrometry, this paper discussed the definition problem of radiation temperature measurement area based on the measurement coordinates. For the linear spectrum emissivity model and i... In the research of primary spectrum pyrometry, this paper discussed the definition problem of radiation temperature measurement area based on the measurement coordinates. For the linear spectrum emissivity model and improved monotonic spectrum emissivity model, the characteristics of radiation temperature measurement area restricted by the measurement coordinates were theoretically analyzed, through the investigations of the temperature and emissivity coordinate axes. Choosing the specific primary spectrum pyrometer as an example in applications, the theoretical area of radiation temperature measurement of this pyrometer was given and it was verified through blackbody experiments. The discussions of this paper will provide the necessary foundation for the theory research development of primary spectrum pyrometry and the realization of technical applications. 展开更多
关键词 temperature EMISSIVITY radiation temperature measurement the measurement coordinates
Temperature dependence of photoluminescence from self-organized Ge quantum dots with large size and low density 被引量:1
作者 LI Hui HE Tao +3 位作者 DAI LongGui WANG XiaoLi WANG WenXin CHEN Hong 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期245-248,共4页
Photoluminescence(PL) from self-organized Ge quantum dots(QDs) with large size and low density has been investigated over a temperature range from 10 to 300 K using continuous-wave(CW) optical excitation.The integrate... Photoluminescence(PL) from self-organized Ge quantum dots(QDs) with large size and low density has been investigated over a temperature range from 10 to 300 K using continuous-wave(CW) optical excitation.The integrated PL intensity of QDs observed is negligible at about 10 K and rapidly increases with raising temperature up to 100 K.Through analyzing the PL experimental data of the QDs and wetting layer(WL),we provide direct evidence that there exists a potential barrier,arising from the greater compressive strain surrounding large QDs,which could trap carriers in WL at low temperatures and could be overcome via increasing temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Ge quantum dots PL AFM thermal quenching activation energy
Lower temperature synthesis of cerium-doped polycrystalline lutetium pyrosilicate powders by a novel sol-gel processing 被引量:3
作者 FAN LingCong XU Jian +2 位作者 SHI Ying XIE JianJun LEI Fang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期1610-1615,共6页
A novel sol-gel processing was developed to synthesize polycrystalline cerium-doped lutetium pyrosilicate (Lu2Si2O7Ce, LPS :Ce) powders under low temperature. It was found that the addition of propylene oxide (PPO... A novel sol-gel processing was developed to synthesize polycrystalline cerium-doped lutetium pyrosilicate (Lu2Si2O7Ce, LPS :Ce) powders under low temperature. It was found that the addition of propylene oxide (PPO) could promote the formation of Lu-O-Si bonds in precursor, which was beneficial to the formation of LPS phase. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns indicated that the single-phased LPS powder was well crystallized at 1050℃. Microstructure observation demonstrated that the synthetic LPS powder was composed of ellipsoidal grains with the mean size of 40 nm. The luminescent properties were characterized by photoluminescence (PL), X-ray excited luminescence (XEL) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectroscopy at room temperature. The synthetic LPS:Ce powder emitted a broad emission spectrum centered at about 380 nm, which should be ascribed to the 5d→4f transition of Ce3+. Decay time of the synthetic LPS:Ce powder was measured to be only 32 ns. 展开更多
关键词 lutetium pyrosilicate SOL-GEL synthesis LUMINESCENCE
Defect-related visible luminescence of ZnO nanorods annealed in oxygen ambient 被引量:6
作者 蔡井维 徐建萍 +4 位作者 张晓松 牛喜平 邢彤焱 季婷 李岚 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2012年第1期4-8,共5页
ZnO nanorods prepared by a solution-phase method are annealed at different temperatures in oxygen ambient.The luminescence properties of the samples are investigated.In the same excitation condition,the photoluminesce... ZnO nanorods prepared by a solution-phase method are annealed at different temperatures in oxygen ambient.The luminescence properties of the samples are investigated.In the same excitation condition,the photoluminescence(PL) spectra of all samples show an ultraviolet(UV) emission and a broad strong visible emission band.The asymmetric visible emis-sion band of annealed samples has a red-shift as the annealing temperature increasing from 200 ℃ to 600 ℃ and it can be deconvoluted into two subband emissions centered at 535 nm(green emission) and 611 nm(orange-red emission) by Gaussian-fitting analysis.Analyses of PL excitation(PLE) spectra and PL spectra at different excitation wavelengths reveal that the green emission and the orange-red emission have a uniform initial state,which can be attributed to the electron transition from Zn interstitial(Zni) to oxygen vacancy(Vo) and oxygen interstitial(Oi),respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Electron transitions Excited states LUMINESCENCE NANORODS OXYGEN Zinc Zinc oxide
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