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作者 李爱国 《湖北社会科学》 CSSCI 2008年第9期133-135,共3页
关键词 源流 考证 标识符号
《创新作文(初中版)》 2019年第5期56-56,共1页
关键词 微信
作者 雨田 《汽车维修》 2004年第1期60-60,共1页
关键词 跑车 车轮 铝合金轮 保养 故障分析 清洁
频域两尺度簇发振荡结构及其动力学机制 被引量:2
作者 夏付兵 韩修静 +1 位作者 瞿汭 毕勤胜 《河南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第4期84-89,93,共7页
以非自治杜芬-范德波尔振子为例,探讨了当外激励频率与系统固有频率之间存在量级差异,也即存在频域不同尺度时的快慢耦合效应。通过固定低频激励项,分析了快子系统的稳定性和分岔行为,得到了对应的两参数分岔集。将分岔集划分为5个区域... 以非自治杜芬-范德波尔振子为例,探讨了当外激励频率与系统固有频率之间存在量级差异,也即存在频域不同尺度时的快慢耦合效应。通过固定低频激励项,分析了快子系统的稳定性和分岔行为,得到了对应的两参数分岔集。将分岔集划分为5个区域,并分析了与各区域相关的簇发振荡模式。揭示了对称式折/折和对称式亚临界Hopf/亚临界Hopf等点-点式簇发的行为,以及对称式亚临界Hopf/极限环折和对称式延迟超临界Hopf/延迟超临界Hopf等点-圈式簇发的行为。研究结果表明:快子系统的多解和多分岔共存是诱发各种对称式簇发振荡模式的重要原因。 展开更多
关键词 两时间尺度 点-点式簇 点-式簇 分岔机理
作者 杜伟林 《晚霞》 2017年第7期30-30,共1页
关键词 朋友 去哪儿 银行卡支付 个人姓名 别有用心者 范目 女性朋友 二维码 会将
《课堂内外(创新作文)(高中版)》 2014年第10期58-58,共1页
关键词 拉黑 西安市民 可怜天下父母心 社交网络 急救电话 福德 两代人 退役军官 天会
作者 金永禄 《汽车与配件》 1984年第5期43-45,共3页
交流发电机(通常称为硅整流发电机)是六十年代初才发展起来的一种新型汽车发电机,它比传统的直流汽车发电机具有以下优点:1.比功高。即重量轻、体积小、输出功率大。以用于解放牌汽车的两种不同类型的发电机为例,112型直流发电机重10公... 交流发电机(通常称为硅整流发电机)是六十年代初才发展起来的一种新型汽车发电机,它比传统的直流汽车发电机具有以下优点:1.比功高。即重量轻、体积小、输出功率大。以用于解放牌汽车的两种不同类型的发电机为例,112型直流发电机重10公斤,输出功率350瓦,比功为22瓦/公斤。而交流发电机重4.2公斤,输出350瓦,比功为83瓦/公斤,要比直流发电机高3倍。 展开更多
关键词 汽车电机 解放牌汽车 硅整流电机 输出功率 内部接线 电机故障 点火开关 使用寿命 它比
作者 任远 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第2期38-39,共2页
吕友仁先生《“学识何如观点书”辨》(中国语文89.4)一文指出:唐代李济翁《资暇集》说的“学识何如观点书”,这“点书”根本不是指句读标点,而是指字音。指出这个问题确有实际意义,以往在理解这句名言时,有人忽略了字音这一方面的重要内... 吕友仁先生《“学识何如观点书”辨》(中国语文89.4)一文指出:唐代李济翁《资暇集》说的“学识何如观点书”,这“点书”根本不是指句读标点,而是指字音。指出这个问题确有实际意义,以往在理解这句名言时,有人忽略了字音这一方面的重要内容,应当纠正。但是,把这句话仅仅理解为点发字音,恐怕也是片面的。李济翁这段文字开头说:“稷下有谚曰:‘学识何如观点书’,书之难,不唯句度。 展开更多
关键词 学识何如观点书 字音 句读标点 李济 朱墨 吕友仁 议论体 叠山 稷下
A Study on the Relationships of Ecological Civilization Construction with Natural Conservation and Sustainable Resources Use
作者 王献溥 于顺利 方伟伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第1期172-175,共4页
Ecological Civilization Construction and natural conservatiorl and sustain- able resources use are three aspects of same object proposed from various angles of theory and practice. The paper intends to simply deal wit... Ecological Civilization Construction and natural conservatiorl and sustain- able resources use are three aspects of same object proposed from various angles of theory and practice. The paper intends to simply deal with some problems of this aspect and to propose corresponding suggestions for related departments. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological civilization construction Eco-developmental civilization era Natural conservation Sustainable development Biosphere reserve
《家庭电脑世界》 2004年第12S期71-71,共1页
乱马3/4,年底的时候都是各种物品抛售的时候,这个月我就发现多了很多抛售物品的人。平时大家都珍藏的东西现在也拿出来了,用比以往更低的价格到处卖着,不知道各位朋友是不是也是这样的呢?不过我可是调集了所有资金在收购这样的物... 乱马3/4,年底的时候都是各种物品抛售的时候,这个月我就发现多了很多抛售物品的人。平时大家都珍藏的东西现在也拿出来了,用比以往更低的价格到处卖着,不知道各位朋友是不是也是这样的呢?不过我可是调集了所有资金在收购这样的物品哦!说不定过完春节之后这些东西的价格再度回升,那时候我可就肥了,哈哈! 展开更多
关键词 游戏公告 《魔力宝贝》 《传奇》 《仙镜传说:恶魔发圈 装备
作者 么新英 赵怀舟 耿璇 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2014年第9期1008-1010,共3页
古汉语中存在着一字多音的现象,当一字有两读或三读时,容易读错。质量较好的古籍会对最通常读音以外的读音加以注明,这叫"破读"或"读破"。破读的字,大多数是声调的差异。在文献传播实践过程中,人们创造性地使用了... 古汉语中存在着一字多音的现象,当一字有两读或三读时,容易读错。质量较好的古籍会对最通常读音以外的读音加以注明,这叫"破读"或"读破"。破读的字,大多数是声调的差异。在文献传播实践过程中,人们创造性地使用了一种破读号,即用一个圆圈或圆点,附在字的四角上。平声在左下角加圈点,上声在左上角加圈点,去声在右上角加圈点,入声在右下角加圈点。加圈或加点于破读字特定部位的标识方法,可以分别称为破读字的圈发之法或点发之法。为古籍文本加破读号的现象,虽然存在年代较为悠久,但因其标志并不十分明显,容易使人们所忽略或误解,以至于产生对破读号本身的不理解,进而发生对原文理解的歧义。明·洪武二十八年(1395年)吴迁抄出的《金匮要略方》是小字本《金匮要略》的唯一存世传本,其文献价值非常重大。文章对该抄本中存在的破读字的圈发之法略作讨论。 展开更多
关键词 金匮要略方 吴迁本 破读字 破读号
Regional earth system modeling:review and future directions 被引量:4
作者 Filippo GIORGI GAO Xue-Jie 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第2期189-197,共9页
The authors review recent advances in the development of coupled Regional Earth System Models (RESMs),a field that is still in its early stages.To date,coupled regional atmosphere-ocean-sea ice,atmosphere-aerosol an... The authors review recent advances in the development of coupled Regional Earth System Models (RESMs),a field that is still in its early stages.To date,coupled regional atmosphere-ocean-sea ice,atmosphere-aerosol and atmosphere-biosphere models have been developed,but they have been applied onlyto limited regional settings.Much more work is thus needed to assess their transferability to a wide range of settings.Future challenges in regional climate modeling are identified,including the development of fully coupled RESMs encompassing not only atmosphere,ocean,cryosphere,biosphere,chemosphere,but also the human component in a fully interactive way. 展开更多
关键词 Regional climate model regional earth system model atmosphere-ocean coupling atmosphere-aerosolcoupling
作者 张彩云 《经济研究导刊》 2018年第31期163-164,共2页
微商一般都非常重视朋友圈的建设,也就是人脉的建设。经营好朋友圈并且预防和杜绝微信朋友的屏蔽,是分享经济时代初创业做微商的大学生必须掌握的技能。首先从四个方面分析微商发朋友圈的技巧,然后从三个方面分析微商微信朋友圈防屏蔽... 微商一般都非常重视朋友圈的建设,也就是人脉的建设。经营好朋友圈并且预防和杜绝微信朋友的屏蔽,是分享经济时代初创业做微商的大学生必须掌握的技能。首先从四个方面分析微商发朋友圈的技巧,然后从三个方面分析微商微信朋友圈防屏蔽的方法,以期给分享经济时代创业做微商的大学生一些方法上的指导。 展开更多
关键词 分享经济 大学生微商 朋友 防屏蔽 攻略
作者 刘利军 牛天明 +3 位作者 娜仁图雅 门晶晶 丁晨伟 高新发 《畜牧兽医科技信息》 2016年第2期64-64,共1页
2015年12月通辽某羊场饲养的小尾寒羊发病死亡,养殖户送到我校兽医院进行诊断,对送检病死羊进行解剖,病变症状明显,现将诊疗过程报告如下。1发病情况据了解该养殖户饲养小尾寒羊260多只,由于没有看管好,部分羊只跑到堆放大豆秸秆的草场... 2015年12月通辽某羊场饲养的小尾寒羊发病死亡,养殖户送到我校兽医院进行诊断,对送检病死羊进行解剖,病变症状明显,现将诊疗过程报告如下。1发病情况据了解该养殖户饲养小尾寒羊260多只,由于没有看管好,部分羊只跑到堆放大豆秸秆的草场采食大豆秸秆,饲养员早晨巡圈发现有羊死亡,死亡羊只腹部鼓起,肛门外翻,还有几只倒地不起,呻吟磨牙抽搐,离群独处爬卧,体温38.3~38.5℃. 展开更多
关键词 离群独处 寒羊 兽医院 饲草料 真胃 病例报告 针尖状出血点 出血性炎症 肠黏膜充血
作者 王大明 凌锋 王安顺 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2004年第1期51-55,共5页
Objective To explore the causes, prevention, and management of the complications during intra-cranial aneurysm embolization with controllable coils (mechanical detachable spiral, MDS; and Guglielmi detachable coil, GD... Objective To explore the causes, prevention, and management of the complications during intra-cranial aneurysm embolization with controllable coils (mechanical detachable spiral, MDS; and Guglielmi detachable coil, GDC). Methods Retrospective review of 120 cases with 125 intracranial aneurysms embolized with con-trollable coils from March 1995 to July 1999 was conducted. The 20 accidents(in 18 cases) including aneurysm rupture, over-embolization, protrusion of coil end into the parent artery, and thrombosis of the parent artery were analyzed. Results Among the 20 accidents, there were 6 aneurysm ruptures, 6 over-embolizations (in 5 cases), 6 coil protrusions, and 2 thromboses (one was secondary to coil protrusion). The embolization-related mortality was 3.33% (4/120), the permanent neurological deficit was 1.67% (2/120), and the transitory neurological deficit was 3.33%(4/120). The occurrence and outcome of the complications were related to the embolizing technique, the pattern of aneurysm and its parent artery, the imperfection of embolic materials, and the observation and management during embolization. Conclusion Skilled embolizing technique, better understanding of the angio-anatomy of an aneurysm and its parent artery, correct judgement and management during embolization, and improvement of embolic materials are beneficial to the reduction of complications and to the melioration of the outcome of complications. 展开更多
关键词 intracranial aneurysm EMBOLIZATION COMPLICATION
Early development of peer dominance relationships in a captive group of Japanese macaques Macaca fuscata 被引量:1
作者 RIZALDI Kunio WATANABE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期190-197,共8页
We studied early development of peer dominance relationships in a captive group of Japanese macaques Macaca fuscata fuscata at the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University. This study aims to give detailed descr... We studied early development of peer dominance relationships in a captive group of Japanese macaques Macaca fuscata fuscata at the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University. This study aims to give detailed descriptions on characteristic patterns of maternal rank acquisition from infant to juvenile. Focal subjects were 22 young monkeys belonging to three cohorts born in 2002, 2003 and 2005. Data were collected with a total 2130 sessions of 30-minute continuous recording of focal subjects combined with all occurrence-sampling methods. The onset of aggressive behavior varied per cohort and was delayed in cohorts with fewer close-aged associates. More than 60% of dyadic combinations in agonistic interactions between peers were unidirectional throughout the study period. Although some bidirectional interactions could have involved unstable relationships between particular individuals, most of the bidirectional interactions included a few continuous series of alternating one-sided interactions. A linear order could be found among peers from the first appearance of aggressive behavior, and nearly 90% of those dyads were concordant with that of their mother's rank order. Young males were responsible for most of the dominance relations that would not be predicted based on their mother's rank. These results suggest that infant monkeys may recognize their own social status relative to their opponent's before onset of aggressive behavior and adjust themselves into the matrilineal rank system accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 Aggressive behavior Dominance relationship Early development Japanese macaque
The Course of Time in the Cracking of Earth CrustCaused by Earthquake of Magnitude 8
作者 郑联达 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1997年第3期253-257,共5页
The world,the continent and the large country at all times have similar distribution of intervals between recurrences of the great earthquakes,depending on the earthquake sequence. lt indicates that how the force sour... The world,the continent and the large country at all times have similar distribution of intervals between recurrences of the great earthquakes,depending on the earthquake sequence. lt indicates that how the force source of world scale changes with time and space. 展开更多
关键词 earth crust interval between the recurrence force source of world scale
作者 张庆 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 1994年第2期20-21,共2页
关键词 学语文 达成度 测试设计 写话 王新 李老师 黄世仁 手搭 西天取经
作者 林永祯 李国书 夏先荣 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1986年第1期35-38,共4页
仔猪白痢病是集体猪场常见的一种传染病,一般多见于断乳前仔猪,其特征是排出粘稠、有腥味的白色、灰白色稀便,各圈发病窝数,每窝发病头数和严重程度都不一样。据对绵阳市种畜场猪场最近十年情况调查,仔猪白痢病的发病率约为40%—60%,有... 仔猪白痢病是集体猪场常见的一种传染病,一般多见于断乳前仔猪,其特征是排出粘稠、有腥味的白色、灰白色稀便,各圈发病窝数,每窝发病头数和严重程度都不一样。据对绵阳市种畜场猪场最近十年情况调查,仔猪白痢病的发病率约为40%—60%,有的一窝仔猪发病率高达80%—100%。患了仔猪白痢的仔猪生长发育不良,甚至成为僵猪,从而造成人力、物力的严重损失。目前在治疗仔猪白痢的方法上,最常用的仍是使用各种抗菌药物,由于抗菌药物的长期使用易使细菌产生耐药性而影响疗效,致使抗菌药物的量越用越大,甚至几种抗菌药物一起使用。这在成本和后果上都是不利的。 展开更多
关键词 仔猪白痢病 仔猪病率 僵猪 稀便 抗菌药物 促菌生 病仔猪 仔猪黄白痢 白色稀粪
Spheres of Urban Influence and Factors in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region Based on Viewpoint of Administrative Division Adjustment 被引量:3
作者 ZHU Jianhua CHEN Xi CHEN Tian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期709-721,共13页
The coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has been elevated as China's important strategy. And, the priority in considering how to bring the maximum effect of their coordinated development into pla... The coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has been elevated as China's important strategy. And, the priority in considering how to bring the maximum effect of their coordinated development into play is to delineate the spheres of urban influence with regard to the cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region. By building an evaluation index system of urban comprehensive strength, this paper applies the principal component analysis method to determine centrality strength of the cities, and the breakpoint theory and weighted Voronoi diagram to identify the spheres of urban influence in all central cities of the region. Results show that 13 central cities within the region greatly differ in strength, which can be classified into four tiers and that the spheres of urban influence do not have a high goodness of fit with administrative jurisdiction scope. Cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang and Handan have larger spheres of urban, spheres of urban influence in Tangshan and Qinhuangdao are basically consistent with their administrative jurisdiction scopes, and seven cities including Langfang and Baoding have smaller spheres of urban influence. So according to these cities' comprehensive strength and spheres of influence, the region can be divided into five plates: Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan and Handan. The major influence factors for inconsistency between spheres of urban influence and spheres of jurisdiction include difference in urban administrative ranking, small number of central cities with weak strength, discrepancy in the number of counties under jurisdiction, unreasonable spheres of jurisdiction and diversity in topographical conditions. In order to solve the imbalance in the spheres of urban influence and those of jurisdiction and better facilitate the coordinated development of the region, it is advised to adjust administrative areas so as to obtain more optimized urban spatial layout and more reasonable urban scale hierarchy system. 展开更多
关键词 spheres of urban influence urban comprehensive strength adjustment of administrative divisions weighted Voronoi diagram Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region
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