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作者 刘畅 《书画世界》 2024年第7期23-29,共7页
古今素人之书虽所处时代不同,但都因出自写刻极不熟练者之手,没有经典碑帖书学路径的临习背景,所表现出的视觉图形带有粗朴简率、支离无秩序、无法度的奇趣与古意等形式特征,无论古今均具有视觉上的一致性。自碑学运动以来,康有为等人... 古今素人之书虽所处时代不同,但都因出自写刻极不熟练者之手,没有经典碑帖书学路径的临习背景,所表现出的视觉图形带有粗朴简率、支离无秩序、无法度的奇趣与古意等形式特征,无论古今均具有视觉上的一致性。自碑学运动以来,康有为等人极力鼓吹北朝的“穷乡儿女造像”,对于古代的素人之书,以其数量稀少、年代久远具有古意而推崇备至,以至凡是历史上的一切文字遗迹均成了可资书家临习的对象;而对同时期或当代具有相同意趣的素人之书,却因其数量庞大、不具历史的斑驳与年代久远的沧桑感而弃置一旁,加之推崇当代的素人之书会使得现有的书法体制遭到冲击,既得利益受到侵害,在与古为徒的观念下,具有相同表现形式的古今素人之书却有着不啻霄壤的现实境遇。碑学的极端化发展意图颠覆晋唐法帖所主导的审美风尚,以康有为为代表的碑学鼓吹者试图进行新的经典取法建构,主张将古代粗服乱头的生活原型书写奉为经典,却无视同时期的类似书迹,引发了碑学发展以来的逻辑悖论和古今学理分疏。本文以《与古为徒和娟娟发屋》一书为中心考察,以期对上述问题进行梳理和讨论。 展开更多
关键词 素人之书 古今 《与古为徒和娟娟发屋 碑学
作者 潘立志 程海龙 《山西预防医学杂志》 2001年第2期154-154,共1页
关键词 个体发屋 卫生状况 调查
县市城区美容发屋卖淫嫖娼活动现状、成因及对策 被引量:1
作者 于万春 孙孝辉 《江苏公安专科学校学报》 2000年第3期10-13,共4页
目前一些县市城区美容发屋存在一定色情服务,成为卖淫嫖娼活动的媒介场所,不仅严重败坏社会风气,而且对社会治安构成现实威胁。遏制美容场所卖淫嫖娼丑恶现象,应加强社会的宣传教育工作,重视从业人员教育培训,强化外来暂住人口管... 目前一些县市城区美容发屋存在一定色情服务,成为卖淫嫖娼活动的媒介场所,不仅严重败坏社会风气,而且对社会治安构成现实威胁。遏制美容场所卖淫嫖娼丑恶现象,应加强社会的宣传教育工作,重视从业人员教育培训,强化外来暂住人口管理,切实加大查禁打击力度,实行社会治安综合治理。 展开更多
关键词 公安机关 治安工作 卖淫嫖娼 美容发屋 县市城区
作者 李洲 《化工管理》 1996年第11期46-46,共1页
离家不远处有一家“月月”发屋。经营发屋的是一对年轻的姐妹。 因为工作太忙,本人又好静,正好月月发屋地处稍偏,平日少有人走动,便常常利用晚饭后的一段空闲时间去理发。 每次坐定后我便微闭双目,静想问题,不时看一眼忙碌的小姐妹。还... 离家不远处有一家“月月”发屋。经营发屋的是一对年轻的姐妹。 因为工作太忙,本人又好静,正好月月发屋地处稍偏,平日少有人走动,便常常利用晚饭后的一段空闲时间去理发。 每次坐定后我便微闭双目,静想问题,不时看一眼忙碌的小姐妹。还好,姐妹俩的手艺不赖, 展开更多
关键词 发屋 姐妹 小姐 中年妇女 房租 美容美发厅 发胶 面墙 熟路 空闲时间
作者 林建平 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第6期97-125,共29页
《哭泣游戏》导演尼尔·乔丹杰伊·戴维林编剧尼尔·乔丹主演斯蒂芬·雷亚本片获1993年第65届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原作剧本奖、1993年英国电影与电视艺术学院最佳影片奖。英国帕莱斯影片公司1992年出品。翻... 《哭泣游戏》导演尼尔·乔丹杰伊·戴维林编剧尼尔·乔丹主演斯蒂芬·雷亚本片获1993年第65届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原作剧本奖、1993年英国电影与电视艺术学院最佳影片奖。英国帕莱斯影片公司1992年出品。翻译林建平题图周铮字幕:北爱尔兰,1982。1.外景... 展开更多
关键词 外景 内景 弗兰克 面罩 酒吧 脚手架 发屋 《哭泣游戏》 暖房 挣脱开
作者 安华 《出版参考》 1997年第18期12-12,共1页
随着各种各样的美容院、美发屋在街头出现,美容书一如春天烂漫的花朵在台北书市中艳丽地开放。过去,主要是翻译外国人写的美容书当道,现在,越来越多的专业医生开始执笔写书。读者感到信实可靠,销售量大增。不久前一本以台湾人为对象的... 随着各种各样的美容院、美发屋在街头出现,美容书一如春天烂漫的花朵在台北书市中艳丽地开放。过去,主要是翻译外国人写的美容书当道,现在,越来越多的专业医生开始执笔写书。读者感到信实可靠,销售量大增。不久前一本以台湾人为对象的《美容自己来》令人耳目一新。类似这样的书还有培根文化出版的《让肌肤更年青》《细说女性护肤》,国际文化村书库的《完全肌肤保养手册》等。 展开更多
关键词 保养手册 整体美容 全肌 发屋 美容院 肌肤 书市 书库 人耳 国际文化
《巴蜀质量跟踪》 2001年第12期34-36,共3页
关键词 儿童消费 童装 名牌产品 发屋 儿童教育 餐具 玩具
美发被烧伤 调解赔千元
作者 赵健 张荫玲 《北京工商》 1996年第5期17-17,共1页
元旦前夕,刘女士来到北太平庄蓟门小区的一间发屋烫发。万没想到,烫发时由于发屋的雇工使用冷烫水不慎,致使刘女士头部烧伤。经鉴定。已达Ⅱ°—深Ⅱ°烧伤。刘女士感到糟透了,发没有理成,反倒添了一道疤。她来到海淀区消费者... 元旦前夕,刘女士来到北太平庄蓟门小区的一间发屋烫发。万没想到,烫发时由于发屋的雇工使用冷烫水不慎,致使刘女士头部烧伤。经鉴定。已达Ⅱ°—深Ⅱ°烧伤。刘女士感到糟透了,发没有理成,反倒添了一道疤。她来到海淀区消费者协会北太平庄分会投诉。 展开更多
关键词 消费者协会 深Ⅱ°烧伤 海淀区 投诉人 发屋 冷烫 雇工 复调
年近古稀不自爱 贪图风流险送命
作者 友芬 《兵团工运》 2002年第12期44-44,共1页
北疆某地胡老汉,今年69岁,两年前老伴因病逝世,子女都在外地工作。老汉每月近700元的退休金,生活过得还算不错。 一天,胡老汉到一家美容美发屋理发。进屋后,有一年轻漂亮的小姐热情招呼胡老汉坐下,介绍说该店提供按摩服务,头部按摩8元... 北疆某地胡老汉,今年69岁,两年前老伴因病逝世,子女都在外地工作。老汉每月近700元的退休金,生活过得还算不错。 一天,胡老汉到一家美容美发屋理发。进屋后,有一年轻漂亮的小姐热情招呼胡老汉坐下,介绍说该店提供按摩服务,头部按摩8元、半身按摩18元、全身按摩28元,都是吉利数,收费比别人的都低,如果经常按摩对健康大有益处等等。 此后,胡老汉隔三岔五地去按摩。在一次按摩时,小姐突然告诉胡老汉,这里还提供“特别服务”。当时。 展开更多
关键词 “老白干” 美容美发 小姐 言语开导 头部按摩 心脏病 高血压 退休金 穿好衣服 发屋
《知识经济》 2003年第4期77-77,共1页
关键词 网络实名侵权案 中国 世纪精剪发型化妆名店 名剪天下美发屋 经济损失 商誉损失
Multiple Institutional Dynamics of Sustainable Housing Concepts in DenmarkOn the Role of Passive Houses
作者 Martine Buser Christian Koch 《Sociology Study》 2012年第10期725-741,共17页
One of the central challenges of sustainable transition is the changing of the buildings. This involves social, cultural,political, and regulatory dynamics. Critically using transition theory conceptualization of a wo... One of the central challenges of sustainable transition is the changing of the buildings. This involves social, cultural,political, and regulatory dynamics. Critically using transition theory conceptualization of a world of dynamics, the paper reviews institutional theory and actor network approaches in an attempt to better account for contemporary developments in Europe, encompassing EU reforms as well as multiple competing concepts. The emergence of "passive houses" in Denmark is used as a case of transition dynamics. The concept was developed in Germany and imported into Denmark. It is a technological niche, encompassing technologies, players, improvisation, and early customers. Passive houses have entered into fierce competition with other future institutions such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council)/green building council, and active houses. Passive houses were at the outset a well-developed upcoming institution with design principles, software, certification and numerous reference buildings, strong enough to be a challenger institution. They are promoted by a characteristic alliance of architects, consulting engineers, a few clients, and an architect school, whereas the other concepts exhibit their specific actor alliances. Yet passive houses experience barriers such as the reputation of being expensive and non-user friendly, and are currently surpassed by the other concepts. 展开更多
关键词 Passive houses transition theory Denmark sustainable building
The Kitchen: An Architectural Mirror of Everyday Life and Societal Development 被引量:1
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第4期457-469,共13页
This paper is part of a research project that analyses trends in housing architecture over the past 100 years. The research aims toshow how changing norms and new forms of everyday life have altered our views on housi... This paper is part of a research project that analyses trends in housing architecture over the past 100 years. The research aims toshow how changing norms and new forms of everyday life have altered our views on housing and have led to fundamental changes in housing architecture. In this paper the analysis focuses particularly on the kitchen. A hundred years ago tile kitchen of the bourgeoisie and the middleclass was only used by servants and other employees. Accordingly, the design of the kitchen was not a task for architects at all. However, during the 20th century the kitchen became an important architectural focal point. In the early part of the century architects considered it a practical workspaceto beimproved through rational analysis. Later on the kitchen was seen as a space with great social qualities, and the informal character of the kitchen was developed and exported to the rest of the dwelling. Today the kitchen has become the central space in many dwellings, but as the dwelling is increasingly being rendered representative value, modem kitchens are designed with emphasis on their aesthetic appearance. They are "life-style kitchens", which demonstrate the "good taste" of the residents and reflect their personalities. 展开更多
关键词 Kitchen design housing architecture cultural trends
Composite with Recyclable Loads for the Manufacture of Blocks to Build Popular Houses 被引量:1
作者 Luiz Guilherme Meira de Souza Flavio Anselmo Silva de Lima Luiz Guilherme Vieira Meira de Souza Natanaeyfle Randemberg Gomes dos Santos Jailton Weber Gomes 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第9期716-720,共5页
The science space in a state school in Natal city was built using a composite consisting of gypsum, EPS (expanded polystyrene), shredded tire, cement and water. Mechanical and thermal resistances were evaluated. Ins... The science space in a state school in Natal city was built using a composite consisting of gypsum, EPS (expanded polystyrene), shredded tire, cement and water. Mechanical and thermal resistances were evaluated. Inside the blocks, three types of fillings (EPS plates, aluminum cans and 500 mL bottles of mineral water) were placed in order to obtain a walls with higher thermal resistance, but also to give it an ecologically correct order, considering that both the tire and the EPS occupy a large space in landfills and require years to be degraded when released into the environment. Compression tests were conducted according to the rules. The experiments demonstrated that the temperature difference between the internal and external surfaces on the walls reached levels above 12.0 ℃. It was also demonstrated that the proposed composite has adequate mechanical strength to be used for sealing walls. The proposed use of the composite can contribute to reduce the significant housing deficit of Brazil, producing popular houses at low cost and with little time to work. 展开更多
关键词 Solar composite low cost thermal resistance mechanical resistance materials reuse housing.
The enlightenment of rental housing market in the developed countries for our country
作者 Zhaoyun Li Qing Wu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第8期20-22,共3页
a mature housing market is consist of housing market and the rental housing market .A reasonable housing rental market, not only can promote the residents' consumption, but also can realize the balance of purchase ut... a mature housing market is consist of housing market and the rental housing market .A reasonable housing rental market, not only can promote the residents' consumption, but also can realize the balance of purchase utility and the rental, reduce the impact on the microeconomic. In this paper, summarizes the Germany, the United States, Japan, Britain and other major developed countries the rental housing market management experience and make policy Suggestions on the legal protecting, Exploring the housing, protecting the interests of the lessee, paying the rent subsidies about our country housing rental market. 展开更多
关键词 housing rent developed counlries
Analysis of Energy Saving Achievable through Solar Photovoltaic Systems on School Roofs: A Case of the City of Rome
作者 Livio de Santoli Gino Moncada Lo Giudice Fabio Fraticelli Filippo Fornari Claudia Calice 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第3期448-452,共5页
Embracing renewable energy technology makes a lot of sense for the public sectors and schools as it meets the government sustainability goals and provides a financially viable means of achieving carbon savings while o... Embracing renewable energy technology makes a lot of sense for the public sectors and schools as it meets the government sustainability goals and provides a financially viable means of achieving carbon savings while offering income potential. This study is aimed to quantify the achievable energy saving by spread use ofphotovoltaic systems on public building stock in the city of Rome. The installation of PV (photovoltaic) systems in the historic center depends on the feasibility conditions, generally more complex compared to the cases examined in the consolidated city, because they require compliance with the formal and aesthetic characteristics of the buildings, so the choice must be made between compatible components, which allow to minimize the transformation. The suburbs are characterized by large plane roofs in bad conditions and belonging to isolated buildings, so the useful surface, according to shading condition, offers a big potential for renewable technologies. The research provides an evaluation of maximum production of solar energy and the subsequent energy saving and reduction of greenhouse gasses, using parametric data, and an evaluation of the cost-effectiveness, with a rough calculation of return on investment. 展开更多
关键词 SCHOOLS photovoltaic systems energy saving solar energy sustainability.
Integrated real-time roof monitoring 被引量:1
作者 SHEN Bao-tang GUO Hua KING Andrew 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第3期313-317,共5页
CSIRO has recently developed a real-time roof monitoring system for under-groundcoal mines and successfully tried the system in gate roads at Ulan Mine.The systemintegrated displacement monitoring,stress monitoring an... CSIRO has recently developed a real-time roof monitoring system for under-groundcoal mines and successfully tried the system in gate roads at Ulan Mine.The systemintegrated displacement monitoring,stress monitoring and seismic monitoring in onepackage.It included GEL multianchor extensometers,vibrating wire uniaxial stress meters,ESG seismic monitoring system with microseismic sensors and high-frequency AE sensors.The monitoring system automated and the data can be automatically collected by acentral computer located in an underground nonhazardous area.The data are then transferredto the surface via an optical fiber cable.The real-time data were accessed at anylocation with an Internet connection.The trials of the system in two tailgates at Ulan Minedemonstrate that the system is effective for monitoring the behavior and stability of roadwaysduring Iongwall mining.The continuous roof displacement/stress data show clearprecursors of roof falls.The seismic data (event count and locations) provide insights intothe roof failure process during roof fall. 展开更多
关键词 roof fall real-time monitoring DISPLACEMENT STRESS SEISMICITY
Springtime Monitoring of Passive Cool Roofs in Subtropical Climate
作者 Carla Femanda Barbosa Teixeira Lucila Chebel Labaki 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第11期1364-1370,共7页
Passive strategies for acclimatization of buildings have been studied by several authors in many countries, especially the evaporative and radiant cooling techniques. Fiber cement tiles are very common in popular cons... Passive strategies for acclimatization of buildings have been studied by several authors in many countries, especially the evaporative and radiant cooling techniques. Fiber cement tiles are very common in popular constructions due to their low cost. However, they have over twice of the value thermal transmittance indicated to this bioclimatic zone according to Brazilian guidelines. The objective is to present an alternative to reduce high temperatures on fiber cement tiles. In this paper, the monitoring of passive cooling of roofing during the spring season in a city with subtropical climate is described. Single and combined reflective and evaporative cooling systems were studied in different environmental conditions. Internal surface temperatures of tiles were monitored together with weather variables. Results show a decrease of about 6 ℃, 9 ℃, 10 ℃ and 11 ℃ as compared to the original tiles according to environment conditions and the combined passive cooling techniques. These results allow for the conclusion that the use of passive cooling techniques opens up new possibilities to attenuate the internal surface temperatures of tiles and to consequently decrease the roofing solar heat gain into buildings, thus, providing less air cooling energy consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Passive cooling roofing white coating water spraying subtropical climate.
坦诚谦和 平易近人——记默涵同志二三事
作者 周明 《文艺理论与批评》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第5期42-45,共4页
1979年6月初,“文革”后北京电影学院举办的第一个编剧进修班结业.为了把这个进修班的结业典礼搞得隆重一些,引起社会各界,特别文艺界的重视,我建议把文学界领导、著名作家、剧作家请来参加结业典礼.学院领导欣然接受.我第一位请的是文... 1979年6月初,“文革”后北京电影学院举办的第一个编剧进修班结业.为了把这个进修班的结业典礼搞得隆重一些,引起社会各界,特别文艺界的重视,我建议把文学界领导、著名作家、剧作家请来参加结业典礼.学院领导欣然接受.我第一位请的是文学大师茅盾.我们知道,茅公一贯关心青年作家的培养工作.我向茅公汇报了这个进修班的基本情况,并请他出席结业典礼,茅公当即表示:“我很高兴,我去.”我当时心情十分激动,骑着自行车飞快地到了沙滩. 展开更多
关键词 进修班 典礼 中国文艺 编剧 孙浩 发屋 《年鉴》 党组 文化部 茅盾
作者 叶青 《山西老年》 2000年第7期28-28,共1页
退休老人老宋扭伤了脚,只能躺在床上。老宋退休后发挥“余热”,寻了一份送牛奶的活儿。500元退休金加上300元“余热”费,有800元,可以使同在一张桌上吃饭的儿媳妇脸上多露一些笑容。家里常有笑容,才有安定的局面。因此老宋是不敢小瞧这... 退休老人老宋扭伤了脚,只能躺在床上。老宋退休后发挥“余热”,寻了一份送牛奶的活儿。500元退休金加上300元“余热”费,有800元,可以使同在一张桌上吃饭的儿媳妇脸上多露一些笑容。家里常有笑容,才有安定的局面。因此老宋是不敢小瞧这300元“余热”费的。 展开更多
关键词 余热 退休老人 只能怪自己 退休金 发屋 慰问金 外来妹 服务态度 小姑娘 牛奶
作者 西北平原 《光彩》 1995年第Z1期54-54,共1页
姐妹俩西北平原姐妹俩象朵灿烂的春花,在一爿小小的理发店开成一种动人的风景。算不上漂亮。除了同样的相貌、同样的发型、同样的言谈举止和同样的衣着打扮惹人好奇地注目外,姐妹俩不是那种令人一见倾心的女子。我不知怎么也不知哪一... 姐妹俩西北平原姐妹俩象朵灿烂的春花,在一爿小小的理发店开成一种动人的风景。算不上漂亮。除了同样的相貌、同样的发型、同样的言谈举止和同样的衣着打扮惹人好奇地注目外,姐妹俩不是那种令人一见倾心的女子。我不知怎么也不知哪一天无意识地就走进了这爿“姐妹发屋”... 展开更多
关键词 姐妹 女老板 理发店 优质服务 发屋 浪费时间 泡泡糖 四川人 女孩子 挣得
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