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美国PDS发展导则述评 被引量:8
作者 傅树京 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第5期17-21,共5页
在20世纪80年代中期的美国教师专业化运动中,霍姆斯小组在《明天的教师》(1986)中提出了建立PDS(Professional Development Schools,专业发展学校)从事教师教育的主张,这一主张提出后便得到了全美大学和中小学的支持,许多大学和学区及... 在20世纪80年代中期的美国教师专业化运动中,霍姆斯小组在《明天的教师》(1986)中提出了建立PDS(Professional Development Schools,专业发展学校)从事教师教育的主张,这一主张提出后便得到了全美大学和中小学的支持,许多大学和学区及中小学合作建立了PDS基地.PDS在美国迅速发展,全美在1994年大约只有100所PDS,到1998年就发展到1000多所.[1] PDS在美国发展迅速的同时,也出现了一些令人不安的问题:有些PDS伙伴关系仅仅是挂个名字,与大学的交流、沟通不够,或双方的合作不理想;有些与中小学的真实情景结合不够,教学与研究存在较大距离;还有些管理不到位,缺乏激励、检查等.人们认为,这样的"PDS活动或欠缺活动将会降低PDS的价值,玷污真正的PDS".[2]因此需要加强对PDS的管理,以引导、规范PDS的发展. 展开更多
关键词 美国 教师专业化 专业发展学校 中小学 发展导
三峡500kV双回同塔线路防雷特性计算分析——先导发展模型绝缘闪络判据及一回增强的不平衡绝缘方案 被引量:4
作者 黄炜纲 周东平 《电力设备》 2002年第2期7-15,共9页
作用于线路绝缘上的雷电过电压波远非标准雷电波。文章用先导发展模型方法作为绝缘闪络判据,用于三峡500kV双回同塔线路方案防雷性能的研究,并与其他闪络判据及其计算结果作了比较。文中还计算比较了三峡500kV双回同塔并架出线不同方案... 作用于线路绝缘上的雷电过电压波远非标准雷电波。文章用先导发展模型方法作为绝缘闪络判据,用于三峡500kV双回同塔线路方案防雷性能的研究,并与其他闪络判据及其计算结果作了比较。文中还计算比较了三峡500kV双回同塔并架出线不同方案的防雷性能,并对国外运行经验做了分析讨论,提出一回增强的不平衡绝缘方案。 展开更多
关键词 防雷特性 双回同塔线路 非标准雷电波 发展模型 闪络判据 不平衡绝缘
作者 王欣玥 王夏杰 《社科纵横》 2024年第1期67-75,共9页
感性渗透是意识形态传播时代化转型的重要趋向。在现实活动中,这种感性渗透表现为巧用技术的感性传播方式、利用直观客体营造在场体验、借助感官刺激促成感性认同,实践逻辑是经“显其象”来“致其情”以“达其意”。然而,在服务于主流... 感性渗透是意识形态传播时代化转型的重要趋向。在现实活动中,这种感性渗透表现为巧用技术的感性传播方式、利用直观客体营造在场体验、借助感官刺激促成感性认同,实践逻辑是经“显其象”来“致其情”以“达其意”。然而,在服务于主流话语传播的同时,网络也为非主流意识形态的感性渗透开拓着空间,从而使网络信息场沦为意识形态博弈的赛地,技术化感性表达催生“信任异化”的共识分裂,主流意识形态对生活世界的价值领导力被削弱。当前必须坚持“立破并举”的原则,从正反两方面切入强化导引,既让主流意识形态话语“接地气”“扬朝气”“养生气”,也有效揭批和防范网络非主流意识形态的浸染,重塑网民的感性实践观。 展开更多
关键词 网络意识形态 感性渗透 发展导
高校辅导员队伍专业化、职业化建设研究 被引量:2
作者 郭明坤 《现代商贸工业》 2017年第12期67-68,共2页
当前高校辅导员队伍建设处于转型阶段,专业化与职业化属于核心内容,其对提升大学生思想政治教育水平发挥重要作用。当前转型期辅导员队伍专业化与职业化缺乏参照建设标准,辅导员队伍距离"人生导师"转型成功还处于尴尬阶段,因... 当前高校辅导员队伍建设处于转型阶段,专业化与职业化属于核心内容,其对提升大学生思想政治教育水平发挥重要作用。当前转型期辅导员队伍专业化与职业化缺乏参照建设标准,辅导员队伍距离"人生导师"转型成功还处于尴尬阶段,因此,探讨转型背景下高校辅导员队伍专业化、职业化建设具有重要意义。为此,对转型背景下高校辅导员队伍建设的现状进行分析,并探讨转型背景下加强辅导员队伍专业化职业化建设的对策与建议。以此为促进转型背景下高校辅导员队伍更好的朝着专业化、职业化的方向发展。 展开更多
关键词 转型期 高校拓宽发展导 建设
内引发展式:学校改革发展的内在诉求 被引量:3
作者 孙绵涛 《中国教育学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第12期1-4,共4页
学者助推学校教育改革与发展有外导发展式和内引发展式两种基本模式。外导发展式是将学者理论带到教育实践去推行,内引发展式则是依据校情提炼和建构内生性学校特色理论及实践体系。外导与内引两种模式的主客体、目的、内在动力和理路... 学者助推学校教育改革与发展有外导发展式和内引发展式两种基本模式。外导发展式是将学者理论带到教育实践去推行,内引发展式则是依据校情提炼和建构内生性学校特色理论及实践体系。外导与内引两种模式的主客体、目的、内在动力和理路是一致的,但研究的起点和路径不一样。学校的教育教学改革既需要外导发展式,也需要内引发展式,但目前最需要的是内引发展式对外导发展式的跨越,这是教育改革发展的内在诉求。要通过内引发展式的超越,助推理论研究更接地气,敦促实践者的理论自觉,促进教育研究者更好成长。 展开更多
关键词 发展 内引发展 教育科研 教育改革发展
《贵州省人民政府公报》 2014年第12期15-15,共1页
黔府函[2014]211号省发展改革委:你委《关于报请审批【贵州省生产性服务业发展规划(2014—2020年)】的请示》(黔发改呈[2014]1789号)收悉。经研究,现批复如下:一、原则同意《贵州省生产性服务业发展规划(2014—2020年)》(以下简称《规划... 黔府函[2014]211号省发展改革委:你委《关于报请审批【贵州省生产性服务业发展规划(2014—2020年)】的请示》(黔发改呈[2014]1789号)收悉。经研究,现批复如下:一、原则同意《贵州省生产性服务业发展规划(2014—2020年)》(以下简称《规划》),请认真组织实施。《规划》由你委自行印发。二、《规划》实施要紧紧围绕主基调和主战略,坚守发展和生态两条底线,大力推进工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展,以生产性服务业发展促进全省经济结构调整优化和特色优势产业发展,加快构建具有我省特色的生产性服务业体系,助推"5个100工程"建设。 展开更多
关键词 黔府 原则同意 主基 对外开放新格局 后发赶超 农业现代化 经济发展方式 政策支撑 空间布局 发展导
街道城市设计导则中“以人为本”的理念体现——以我国北京、上海、南京、广州四城市为例 被引量:8
作者 胡燕 倪一舒 +1 位作者 高源 刘叶琳 《城市建筑》 2020年第8期7-10,共4页
街道是最贴近市民生活的公共空间,街道城市设计导则作为街道设计的重要成果,应充分体现"以人为本"的理念。文章归纳了国内外街道城市设计导则的发展历程,得出导则向步行友好、图文并茂转化的发展趋势,并从导则内容、形式和编... 街道是最贴近市民生活的公共空间,街道城市设计导则作为街道设计的重要成果,应充分体现"以人为本"的理念。文章归纳了国内外街道城市设计导则的发展历程,得出导则向步行友好、图文并茂转化的发展趋势,并从导则内容、形式和编制实施过程三个角度,对我国北京、上海、广州、南京4个城市的街道城市设计导则中的"以人为本"理念,在使用需求、图文表达、成果传递、公众参与等方面的体现进行具体论述和归纳,以期为未来其他城市导则编制工作提出建设性意见。 展开更多
关键词 街道城市设计 以人为本 发展历程 则内容 则形式
高职教师信息化教学能力一体化发展模式探索 被引量:21
作者 叶雷锋 《职教论坛》 北大核心 2021年第3期81-85,共5页
信息化社会与人工智能时代的来临对教师教学能力提出了全新要求,但当前高职院校教师信息化教学能力有待加强,发展机制有待完善。基于TPACK理论框架和相关高职院校的长期探索,本文提出了教师信息化教学能力的“导—训—研—赛”发展模式... 信息化社会与人工智能时代的来临对教师教学能力提出了全新要求,但当前高职院校教师信息化教学能力有待加强,发展机制有待完善。基于TPACK理论框架和相关高职院校的长期探索,本文提出了教师信息化教学能力的“导—训—研—赛”发展模式,通过面向教师开展系统化多维分层培训、建设课程资源库和开展混合式教学实践、组建复合型教科研学习共同体以及搭建大赛平台促教促改促发展,能有效地提升教师信息素养与信息化教学能力。实践证明,“导—训—研—赛”发展模式是教师信息化能力发展与高职院校创新发展的重要探索。 展开更多
关键词 高职教师 信息化教学能力 —训—研—赛”发展模式
《宁波市人民政府公报》 2012年第17期9-12,共4页
关键词 高层次人才 暂行办法 宁波经济 子女入学 常务会议 高层次专业 人才工程 人社 社会保险补贴 发展导
Analysis on Evaluating Comprehensive Efficiency of Enterprise Leaders' Performance Based on Scientific Development Outlook
作者 WANG Wei 《Chinese Business Review》 2007年第2期47-53,共7页
In former researches there are primary theoretical studies and qualitative analyses on enterprise leaders' effectiveness and performance, and there are a few studies on quantitative analyses which mostly relies on th... In former researches there are primary theoretical studies and qualitative analyses on enterprise leaders' effectiveness and performance, and there are a few studies on quantitative analyses which mostly relies on the method of comparing differences and ratio of divergence to evaluate leaders' performance by stage statistics. This paper illustrates how to evaluate Comprehensive Efficiency (CE) based on Scientific Development Outlook, which reflects overall development of enterprise leaders' performance, depends on measuring Output Efficiency Index (OEI) and Cost Efficiency Index (CEI) of enterprise leaders' performance, and adopts the C^2R model in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). 展开更多
关键词 enterprise leaders' performance Scientific Development Outlook Comprehensive Efficiency Output Efficiency Index Cost Efficiency Index
陕北延河流域水土资源承载力评价研究 被引量:4
作者 姜锋 王丽霞 孙烨 《地下水》 2012年第4期117-120,共4页
基于陕北延河流域2000-2009年的水土资源相关数据,依据《国家人口发展功能区工作技术导则》中对水土地资源承载力的测评模型,计算流域水土资源承载力和承载指数,并对比评价了流域各区县的水土资源承载现状。结果表明:①延河流域各区县... 基于陕北延河流域2000-2009年的水土资源相关数据,依据《国家人口发展功能区工作技术导则》中对水土地资源承载力的测评模型,计算流域水土资源承载力和承载指数,并对比评价了流域各区县的水土资源承载现状。结果表明:①延河流域各区县的水资源承载状况均为超载,其中延长县和志丹县为过载,宝塔区和安塞县为严重超载。②延河流域各区县的土地资源承载状况存在一定的地域差异性,其中宝塔区和延长县的为严重超载,安塞县和志丹县的为平衡有余。研究可为水土资源在县域之间、省际之间等不同级别行政区域中的合理均衡和分配提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 水资源承载力 土地资源承载力 《国家人口发展功能区工作技术则》 延河流域
Sustainability and Market Orientation in the Brazilian Beef Chain
作者 Miguelangelo Gianezini Julio Otavio Jardim Barcellos +2 位作者 Clandio Favarini Ruviaro Tamara Esteves de Oliveira Homero Dewes 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第4期249-260,共12页
The demand for natural resources, energy and food facing the contemporary perception of sustainability is imposing challenges to the productive sectors in accordance with market guidelines. In this context, the Brazil... The demand for natural resources, energy and food facing the contemporary perception of sustainability is imposing challenges to the productive sectors in accordance with market guidelines. In this context, the Brazilian agribusiness seeks to maintain external competitiveness and to satisfy growing domestic demands. In beef production, this competitiveness pervades traceability, food safety and sustainability. This article aims to identify the sustainability state of the art in agribusiness and characterize it within the Brazilian beef chain. Descriptive methodology, combining a literature review and a documentary data survey were adopted. An outline of the dimensions of agribusiness sustainability, drawn from benchmark practices, indicates that environmental, social and technological demands have become part of the industry's agenda. The data for beef cattle point to a growth in production but demonstrate that expansion has occurred in areas of environmental tension, which creates a demand for sustainability in the beef chain. A table of guidelines for sustainability demonstrates that although perceptions are not yet harmonized among the links in the whole beef chain, many of the technological guidelines for sustainable production may increase the producer's economic efficiency. In the Brazilian case, the increment of initiatives and dissemination of sustainable practices among the beef chain is desirable to provide a coordinated response of production, processing and distribution organizations facing market opportunities for sustainable livestock. 展开更多
关键词 Agribusiness LIVESTOCK PROCESS sustainable production demand chains.
HGF/SF-Met signaling in tumor progression 被引量:25
作者 George F. VANDE WOUDE 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期49-51,共3页
Tumor progression is a multi-step process that requires a sequential selection of specific malignant phenotypes. Met activation may induce different phenotypes depending on tumor stage: inducing proliferation and angi... Tumor progression is a multi-step process that requires a sequential selection of specific malignant phenotypes. Met activation may induce different phenotypes depending on tumor stage: inducing proliferation and angiogenesis in pri- mary tumors, stimulating motility to form micrometastases, and regaining the proliferation phenotype to form overt metastases. To study how HGF/SF-induced proliferative phenotypes switch to the invasive phenotype is important for understanding the mechanism of tumor progression and will provide an attractive target for cancer intervention and therapy. 展开更多
关键词 HGF/SF-Met SIGNALING tumor progression.
Mathematical Study of A Memory Induced Biochemical System 被引量:1
作者 Mithun Kumar Ghosh Tridip Sardar +1 位作者 Xianbing Cao Priti Kumar Roy 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第6期1142-1149,共8页
In this work, to study the effect of memory on a bi-substrate enzyme kinetic reaction, we have introduced an approach to fractionalize the system, considering it as a threecompartmental model. Solutions of the fractio... In this work, to study the effect of memory on a bi-substrate enzyme kinetic reaction, we have introduced an approach to fractionalize the system, considering it as a threecompartmental model. Solutions of the fractionalized system are compared with the corresponding integer-order model. The equilibrium points of the fractionalized system are derived analytically. Their stability properties are discussed from numerical aspect. We determine the changes of the substances due to the changes of "memory effect". The effect is discussed critically from the perspective of product formation. We have also analyzed the memory induced system with a control measure in view of optimizing the product. Our numerical result reveals that the solutions of the fractionalized system, when it is free from memory, are in good agreement with the integer-order system.It is noticed that the effect of memory influences the reaction in the forward direction and assists in yielding the product more quickly. However, an extensive use of memory makes the system slower, but introduction of a control input makes the reaction faster. It is possible to overcome the slowness of the reaction due to the undue effect of memory by appropriate use of a control measure. 展开更多
关键词 Bi-substrate enzymatic reaction compartmental system control theoretic approach fractional-order differential equations memory effect
Involvement of Girls in Leadership in Primary Schools in Voi Sub-county, Kenya
作者 Dr. Florence Kanorio Kisirkoi Angela Ndunge Kamanga 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第5期404-408,共5页
Women in Kenya are underrepresented in decision-making positions, which appears as a remnant of persisting cultural gender roles that limit women from participating in activities critical for personal, societal, and n... Women in Kenya are underrepresented in decision-making positions, which appears as a remnant of persisting cultural gender roles that limit women from participating in activities critical for personal, societal, and national development. Such retrogressive ideas regarding a large number of the country's citizens have to be addressed early in the life of a girl to build in girls' self-esteem and facilitate them to develop leadership skills. This study investigated the extent to which girls in primary schools in Voi sub-county are involved in leadership in their schools. The study was based on the 2010 Kenya's constitution which ruled that no more than two-thirds of elected or appointed public institutions leaders should consist of one gender. The new legal framework seeks to break down the barriers women face in realizing their political, civil, economic, and social rights. It also ensures that women are involved in decision-making at all levels of government. In this study, data was collected from three mixed primary schools in Voi sub-county given codes A, B, and C. School A had a total of 470 pupils; 225 were boys and 245 were girls and the school had 21 leadership positions. The findings showed that the majority 14 (66.7%) of the leadership positions were occupied by boys while the few 7 (33.3%) were occupied by girls. In school B, there were a total of 1,056 pupils; 498 were boys and 558 were girls. There were 13 leadership positions. The majority of the positions 7 (53.8 %) were occupied by boys and minority 6 (46.2%) were occupied by girls. In school C, there were a total of 1,450 pupils and 680 were boys and 770 girls. There were 13 leadership positions. The majority 7 (53.8%) of the positions were occupied by boys while 6 (46.2%) were occupied by girls. In all the schools, there were more girls than boys but boys occupied more leadership positions than girls. Boys also took senior positions and girls were their deputies and were not as active as boys in areas such as class discussions and debate. It was recommended that conscious effort should be made to develop leadership skills in girls during their formative years. 展开更多
关键词 LEADERSHIP decision making CONSTITUTION underrepresented gender roles
On the Relation between the Demand Environment and the Innovation
作者 Cheng Yuhou Yan Jun 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第3期60-62,共3页
The demand environment has a great influence on innovations and the formation of the motive force of theinnovation. The demand causes the desire; the desire forms the motive force; the motive force inspires the innova... The demand environment has a great influence on innovations and the formation of the motive force of theinnovation. The demand causes the desire; the desire forms the motive force; the motive force inspires the innovative thinking;the innovative thinking becomes the innovative practice; and the innovative practice, finally, meets people’s demand. 展开更多
关键词 Demand environment INNOVATION
Thailand-Japan's Volume of Trade Influencing on Socio-economic and Well-Being Development Using Maximum Entropy Bootstrap
作者 Prasert Chaitip Chukiat Chaiboonsri 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第6期401-406,共6页
This paper is preliminary information on some empirical findings based on an analysis of Thailand's macroeconomic data. The purpose of the study is to quantify social-economic well-being development with special emph... This paper is preliminary information on some empirical findings based on an analysis of Thailand's macroeconomic data. The purpose of the study is to quantify social-economic well-being development with special emphasis on poverty. The maximum entropy bootstrap was presented that did not require the property of stationarity. Moreover, the methodology was stratified both the ergodic theorem and the central limit theorem. Thailand's GINI index and Thailand-Japan's volume of trade data cover the 14-year period from 1998 to 2011. There is a statistically significant negative non-linear relationship between endogenous Thailand's GINI index and exogenous Thailand-Japan's volume of trade. The results confirmed that every lagged one percent increase in Thailand-Japan's volume of trade influenced by a decrease of Thailand's GINI index coefficient 0.039 percent with the asymmetric around 0-almost closed to range condition -0.034824348 at 2.5%. 展开更多
关键词 Thailand-Japan volume of trade GINI index maximum entropy bootstrap Highest Density Regions(HDR) approach
Evaluation and countermeasures for coordinated development in the active export-oriented region: a case study on Zhejiang, China
作者 Jin Xianfeng Dong Suocheng +1 位作者 Li Xue Li Bin 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第1期73-81,共9页
Taking a typical active export-oriented region Zhejiang as an example, this paper tries to evaluate its Coordinated Development Degree (CDD) form 1997, focusing on the characteristics of its export-oriented econom〉... Taking a typical active export-oriented region Zhejiang as an example, this paper tries to evaluate its Coordinated Development Degree (CDD) form 1997, focusing on the characteristics of its export-oriented econom〉 and regional environment. The results show that Zhejiang 's CDD has kept increasing steadily after its slight drop in 1998. Finally, four measurements are proposed to promote sustainable development, including increasing and equalizing region's environmental investment, changing pollution-intensive export structure to avoid restricting the whole industrial structure, restricting simple spatial translocation of high-material consumption, high-energy consumption and high-pollution industries, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Environment and economy Coordinated Development Degree Sustainable development Active exportoriented region
Leadership Soft Skills
作者 Tang Keow Ngang 《Sociology Study》 2012年第4期261-269,共9页
This paper mainly discusses leadership soft skills, which comprise of collaboration or teamwork, communication skills, initiative, leadership ability, people development or coaching, personal effectiveness or personal... This paper mainly discusses leadership soft skills, which comprise of collaboration or teamwork, communication skills, initiative, leadership ability, people development or coaching, personal effectiveness or personal mastery, planning and organizing, and presentation skills. Leaders need to be masters of soft skills because leadership is determined by those who can demonstrate their ability to drive an organization toward excellence and results. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the body of knowledge and literature in leadership soft skills for educational leaders in higher education institutions. In addition, this paper also provides exposure to administrators to understand the importance of leadership soft skills besides highlighting the two relevant models. Furthermore, it also provides an advantage to administrators in developing high quality interpersonal relationships with the people who they associate with in promoting positive working environment. Leadership soft skills can be seen as providing a vital contribution for organizations and administrators in the process of developing of quality human resource. 展开更多
关键词 Leadership soft skills quality human resource higher education institution
作者 王倩 《才智》 2015年第21期114-115,共2页
在教学过程中,学生作为学习的主人,是一种"学"的行为;而教师作为课堂教学的组织者和引导者,是一种"导"的行为。笔者在反思和总结多年来开放教育的面授教学经验后,认为教师与学生之间的"导学"存在着诸多... 在教学过程中,学生作为学习的主人,是一种"学"的行为;而教师作为课堂教学的组织者和引导者,是一种"导"的行为。笔者在反思和总结多年来开放教育的面授教学经验后,认为教师与学生之间的"导学"存在着诸多的不和谐现象,并因此而构建了一种全新的教学模式——"三步导学和谐发展"模式,来解决这一问题。 展开更多
关键词 “学” 不和谐 “三步学和谐发展 教学模式
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