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作者 侯利文 《学海》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期71-84,215,共15页
本研究以“融入-嵌入-增能”为基本分析线索,以X社会组织服务中心参与基层社会治理的过程实践为依据,聚焦社会组织对环境的影响和塑造。研究发现,专业社会组织融入街区治理格局的过程中产生了多元化发展、组团式购买和整体性治理的服务... 本研究以“融入-嵌入-增能”为基本分析线索,以X社会组织服务中心参与基层社会治理的过程实践为依据,聚焦社会组织对环境的影响和塑造。研究发现,专业社会组织融入街区治理格局的过程中产生了多元化发展、组团式购买和整体性治理的服务效果。发展性国家能力为社会组织深度嵌入社区治理,改变政府与社会组织关系提供了重要的机会空间。在这一特定的治理空间中,社会组织通过对党建本土化方法的借用以及专业性、创新性的宣称,有效地建构和影响了地方的治理生态,实现了专业社会组织对基层社会治理场域的有效形塑和改变。 展开更多
关键词 融入-嵌入-增能 治理生态 整合性治理 发展性国家能力
作者 杨秀富 《百色学院学报》 2009年第4期106-108,共3页
关键词 新课程 高师生 发展性评价意识与能力 培养
作者 杨秀富 《百色学院学报》 2010年第5期127-130,共4页
关键词 民族地区 农村教师 发展性评价意识与能力 培养策略
培养高一新生数学发展性学习能力的有效策略 被引量:1
作者 何向东 《甘肃教育》 2016年第16期52-52,共1页
关键词 数学教学 数学发展性学习能力 培养
作者 康文国 《甘肃教育》 2018年第19期52-52,共1页
关键词 发展性学习能力 教学内容 教学方法 实践活动
作者 戴翠萍 侯云华 +4 位作者 杨学艺 张玉领 赵静 许国莹 朱玲 《科技创新导报》 2015年第27期225-226,共2页
职业教育的生命在于培养的学生的质量,五年制高职护理专业学生的质量主要体现在其护理的专业能力水平上。要想对五年制护理专业发展性学生专业能力进行评价,必须建立一套与之相应的评价体系。文章通过问卷调查方式,采用德尔菲法建构和... 职业教育的生命在于培养的学生的质量,五年制高职护理专业学生的质量主要体现在其护理的专业能力水平上。要想对五年制护理专业发展性学生专业能力进行评价,必须建立一套与之相应的评价体系。文章通过问卷调查方式,采用德尔菲法建构和层次分析法建构了五年制高职护理专业发展性学生专业能力评价体系,此评价体系克服了传统评价中的诸多不足,采用"现状描述+发展趋势"的新型评价模式,在实施过程中既重视终结性评价,更关注过程性评价;既重视护理基础理论知识的评价,又重视护理专业技能的评价;评价方法多元、评价主体多元。这种新的评价模式逐渐为人们所接受,更能促进五年制护理专业学生专业能力的全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 五年制高职 护理专业 发展性学生专业能力 评价体系
作者 沈微 唐乾 《品位·经典》 2023年第10期138-140,共3页
关键词 高校辅导员 心理健康教育 发展性心理咨询能力
作者 田洪 《海南教育》 2002年第10期13-13,共1页
关键词 办学方向 发展性能力 教研工作 学法指导 上海 北郊中学
大学教师教学能力:内涵、困境与实践路向 被引量:45
作者 黄元国 陈雪营 《当代教育论坛》 北大核心 2019年第6期49-54,共6页
大学教师教学能力是大学教师教学发展的主旨,是高质量课堂教学的根本保证。从内容维度和实践维度来看,大学教师的教学能力可以分为基础性能力和发展性能力,基础性能力又分为学科知识运用能力、大学教学设计能力、教学实施能力,发展性能... 大学教师教学能力是大学教师教学发展的主旨,是高质量课堂教学的根本保证。从内容维度和实践维度来看,大学教师的教学能力可以分为基础性能力和发展性能力,基础性能力又分为学科知识运用能力、大学教学设计能力、教学实施能力,发展性能力则包括教学反思与评价能力和教学学术能力等。当今大学教师教学能力存在缺乏教育教学相关知识,教学应用能力不足;教学设计能力匮乏;教学反思与评价能力不足等弊端,可以从丰富大学教师知识结构,提升课堂教学掌控力,提高教学研究能力,提升教师的内驱力等方面实现大学教师教学能力的提升。 展开更多
关键词 大学教师 教学能力 基础性能力 发展性能力
农村中小学教师教学能力现状调查——以四川省为例 被引量:1
作者 黄培森 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2013年第12期66-69,共4页
对四川省农村中小学教师的教学能力现状进行的抽样调查结果表明:农村中小学教师的教学能力总体情况乐观,但发展性教学能力相对欠缺;教师的教学能力在性别、年龄、学历、职称、任课年级等因子上均存在明显差异;教师的发展性教学能力特别... 对四川省农村中小学教师的教学能力现状进行的抽样调查结果表明:农村中小学教师的教学能力总体情况乐观,但发展性教学能力相对欠缺;教师的教学能力在性别、年龄、学历、职称、任课年级等因子上均存在明显差异;教师的发展性教学能力特别是教学研究能力、课程开发能力等制约着教师从一般教师成长为优秀教师。 展开更多
关键词 农村 中小学教师 一般性教学能力 发展性教学能力
人学视域:对“能力本位”职教观的考量与重建 被引量:5
作者 刘诗能 《职教通讯(江苏技术师范学院学报)》 2006年第9期8-12,共5页
职业教育“能力本位”发展观,具有充分的人学理论依据。但职业能力结构与层次需要准确设定,其内涵更需拓展与更新。而根据职业变化与职业教育发展的实际,在理论上应提出一种“发展性综合职业能力”,并以此作为促进人就业、乐业,以至自... 职业教育“能力本位”发展观,具有充分的人学理论依据。但职业能力结构与层次需要准确设定,其内涵更需拓展与更新。而根据职业变化与职业教育发展的实际,在理论上应提出一种“发展性综合职业能力”,并以此作为促进人就业、乐业,以至自由发展和全面进步的抓手。同时,在“能力本位”与“以人为本”、“人格本位”、“素质本位”的比较中发现,它们彼此间并不存在本质上的矛盾和现实中的冲突,只是在职业教育中,后三者应该也必须通过前者来体现和落实。 展开更多
关键词 人学视域 能力本位 发展性综合职业能力
铜仁学院自主学习学分制改革研究 被引量:3
作者 张新婷 龚静 冉耀宗 《铜仁学院学报》 2018年第12期17-22,共6页
终身教育时代背景下,为培养学生的发展性能力,全方位提高人才培养质量,铜仁学院构建了"山"字型人才培养模式,自主学习学分制改革由此萌芽,改革成效显著。通过分析自主学习学分制阅读学分、创新创业学分、活动课程学分和学术... 终身教育时代背景下,为培养学生的发展性能力,全方位提高人才培养质量,铜仁学院构建了"山"字型人才培养模式,自主学习学分制改革由此萌芽,改革成效显著。通过分析自主学习学分制阅读学分、创新创业学分、活动课程学分和学术讲座学分四大模块的改革设计,在明确自主学习学分制改革思路的基础上,剖析出自主学习学分制改革具有评优加分保障质量、学分互换彰显灵活、搭建平台保障自主等创新点,遵循这样的创新点,自主学习学分制改革取得了激活二级学院的办学活力、与导师制结合实现了教学相长、创造性地提升了人才培养的质量等显著成就。与此同时,自主学习学分制与国家共青团"第二课堂成绩单"制度理念不谋而合,走在了改革发展的前列。 展开更多
关键词 自主学习 发展性能力 学分
作者 唐毓华 《广西教育》 2003年第2期25-26,共2页
关键词 教学过程 创造性能力 发展性能力 优化课堂教学 情感教育 能力培养 课堂教学体系 创新思维 启发式教学 情感智力
Correlation of the positive stress ratio effects on fatigue crack propagation rate of aluminium alloys based on a new parameter da/dS
作者 陆夏美 马云飞 张嘉振 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期374-377,共4页
In-situ SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) observation of fatigue crack propagation in aluminium alloys reveals that crack growth occurs in a continuous way over the time period during the load cycle. Based on this ob... In-situ SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) observation of fatigue crack propagation in aluminium alloys reveals that crack growth occurs in a continuous way over the time period during the load cycle. Based on this observation, a new parameter da/dS is introduced to describe the fatigue crack propagation rate, which defines the fatigue crack propagation rate with the change of the applied stress at any moment of a stress cycle. The relationship is given between this new parameter and the conventional used parameter da/dN which describes the fatigue crack propagation rate per stress cycle. Using this new parameter, an analysis has been performed and a model has been set up to consider the effect of the applied stress ratio on the fatigue crack propagation rate. The obtained results have been used to correlate the published test data and a good correlation has been achieved. This method is very easy to use and no fatigue crack closure measurement is needed, therefore this model is significant in engineering application. 展开更多
关键词 fatigue crack propagation stress ratio mechanical properties aluminium alloys
Research Progress on Evaluation Frameworks of Regional Ecological Sustainability 被引量:9
作者 PENG Jian WANG Yanglin +2 位作者 WU Jiansheng SHEN Hong PAN Yajing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期496-510,共15页
As natural ecosystems provide the material basis and fundamental support for regional sustainable devel-opment,the sustainability of natural ecosystems is an important prerequisite and a viable approach for the achiev... As natural ecosystems provide the material basis and fundamental support for regional sustainable devel-opment,the sustainability of natural ecosystems is an important prerequisite and a viable approach for the achievement of regional sustainable development.It is also the final criteria to assess whether sustainable development paradigm is successful.Along with the increasing impacts of human activities on natural ecosystems,the evaluation of regional ecological sustainability has become one of the key issues for research on macro ecology and sustainable development.Based on different unit of indicators,this study firstly groups the evaluation frameworks of regional ecological sus-tainability into three major types:comprehensive index evaluation with dimensionless unit,monetary valuation,and biophysical quantity measurement.We then discuss and compare these types in terms of basic principles,scope of ap-plications,advantages and shortcomings.Finally,drawn on the discussion about characteristics of ecological sustain-ability,we outline the current trend and future directions of regional ecological sustainability evaluation,for instance,transition from sustainable development evaluation to sustainability science,integration of goal-oriented and problem-solving approaches,combination of spatial pattern analysis and ecological sustainability evaluation,and en-hancement of ecological sustainability evaluation at landscape scale. 展开更多
关键词 evaluation framework regional ecological sustainability research progress research prospects compre-hensive index evaluation monetary valuation biophysical quantity measurement
Spatial Variation and Space Optimization of the Development of China’s Circular Economy
作者 Li Ning 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第2期51-59,共9页
China's circular economy is still at the initial stage, whose development has many difficulties and problems requir- ing immediate resolution theoretically and practically. Due to the differences of regions on the sc... China's circular economy is still at the initial stage, whose development has many difficulties and problems requir- ing immediate resolution theoretically and practically. Due to the differences of regions on the scale of land, endowment of resources, economic basis and cultural background, the devel- opmental levels and capabilities of circular economy are inevi- tably different. Based on establishing the indicator system for assessing the developmental level of regional circular economy, spatial variation of China's circular economy is measured by the quantitative measurement using principal component analysis, and the existing problems are also analyzed and discussed. On one hand, the differences of the development capability of the circular economy of different provinces (cities) are profound in China; (!)Difference between the first category (strong) and the second category (relatively strong) is 1.1264 points. Difference between the second category and the third category (relatively weak) is 0.3867 points. Difference between the third category and the fourth category (weak) is 1.0238 points. Differencebetween the tlrst category and the tourtla category reaches up to 2.0869 points. Average difference between the area where the developmental level of circular economy is relatively strong and the area where the developmental level of circular economy is relatively weak is 1.3617 points. (~)The differences of the dis- tribution of the areas, with different development capability of circular economy, which are located in the three economic regions of China, are also profound. The regions with a relatively strong development capability of circular economy are mainly located in the eastern economic area, which account for 22.58% of the whole regions, while only account for 12.90% in the middle and western economic areas. On the contrary, the regions with a relatively weak development capability of circular economy account for 48.39% in the middle and western area, while ac- count for 16.13% in the eastern area. On the other hand, among regions with different development capability of circular econ- omy, the regions with a relatively weak development capability of circular economy are in a dominant position, which accountfor 64.52% of all the provinces (cities), which indicates that the development of the China's circular economy still has a long way to go. Though certain achievements have been made in the development of China's circular economy, in general, there are still some obstacles to be tacked in the development of China's circular economy which require the economic, legal and administrative methods. 展开更多
关键词 circular economy spatial variation space optimiza-tion China
作者 郭乃照 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2006年第3期45-55,128,共12页
This paper is a two-year empirical investigation of cultivating students' autonomous learning capacity in College English teaching at Shanxi University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). The goal of the study is to ... This paper is a two-year empirical investigation of cultivating students' autonomous learning capacity in College English teaching at Shanxi University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). The goal of the study is to optimize students' language learning and to find a new direction of teaching innovation. The paper analyzes the current teaching context and presents a critical review of the literature on learner autonomy. The author explores understanding of learner autonomy in Chinese context and produces an autonomous learning model in the experimental study. The paper presents some strategies for fostering autonomy such as instructing students how to learn, level-based teaching and collaborative learning. It was found that only by encouraging greater learner autonomy can students raise their English learning effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 teaching English as a foreign language learners' autonomy teaching innovation
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