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科技型中小企业的知识产权质押融资发展路径 被引量:3
作者 陈一孚 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 2017年第20期82-85,共4页
大力发展科技型中小企业,建立以企业为核心的国家创新体系,是建设和建成创新型国家目标的重要实践基础。结合我国科技型中小企业的资产情况等信用结构特征,发展知识产权质押融资是应对科技型中小企业创新和发展需求的有效措施。以支持... 大力发展科技型中小企业,建立以企业为核心的国家创新体系,是建设和建成创新型国家目标的重要实践基础。结合我国科技型中小企业的资产情况等信用结构特征,发展知识产权质押融资是应对科技型中小企业创新和发展需求的有效措施。以支持科技型中小企业融资的知识产权质押融资为目标,应建立知识产权质押风险分散机制、建立知识产权公共服务交易机制、发展专业知识产权融资增信机制、探索知识产权质押融资新型模式、营造知识产权质押融资保护机制。 展开更多
关键词 科技型中小企业 价值分析 知识产权 质押融资 发展路
作者 谢甜 《福建茶叶》 2021年第7期35-36,共2页
统筹城乡发展能够有效的缩小城乡发展差距,缓解城乡发展矛盾,从而促进社会向更加稳定、健康的方向发展。随着“互联网+农业”发展模式的推广,利用电子商务精准扶贫成为了当前我国扶贫工作的重要举措。河南是我国农业大省,基于电子商务... 统筹城乡发展能够有效的缩小城乡发展差距,缓解城乡发展矛盾,从而促进社会向更加稳定、健康的方向发展。随着“互联网+农业”发展模式的推广,利用电子商务精准扶贫成为了当前我国扶贫工作的重要举措。河南是我国农业大省,基于电子商务实现农村精准扶贫,这对助力河南农村发展意义重大,所以文章就河南农村电商精准扶贫发展路径做分析,旨在为实践提供帮助与指导。 展开更多
关键词 农村电商 精准扶贫 发展路
作者 武静 《经济师》 2009年第8期289-289,共1页
关键词 图书市场 国有书业 民营书业 发展路
推动齐齐哈尔市绿色经济发展路旨研究 被引量:1
作者 杨赫 《理论观察》 2019年第10期74-76,共3页
绿色经济为促进国民经济社会良续发展提供了切实可行的保障,是当下及未来发展的时代潮流与必然选择,符合了现代经济发展的一般规律。本文着重从当前齐齐哈尔市的实际情况出发,深入研究绿色经济发展路径的旨向进行与发展动态,诠释推进绿... 绿色经济为促进国民经济社会良续发展提供了切实可行的保障,是当下及未来发展的时代潮流与必然选择,符合了现代经济发展的一般规律。本文着重从当前齐齐哈尔市的实际情况出发,深入研究绿色经济发展路径的旨向进行与发展动态,诠释推进绿色经济发展的必要性,不断构建"绿色+发展"的城市建设形态,推进新型绿色生产方式、生活方式、消费方式等实践应用,着力提高绿色发展与经济建设的良性互动,以此实现齐齐哈尔市经济社会更加绿色、高效、可持续地健康发展,为打造齐齐哈尔市的绿色崛起奋力走出一条新路子、新征程。 展开更多
关键词 齐齐哈尔 绿色经济 发展路
赣南采茶戏传承与发展新思路 被引量:2
作者 吴丽珍 刘金英 《科技视界》 2019年第36期298-298,238,共2页
赣南采茶戏作为一种民间文化,具有悠久的发展历史,而且具有自身独特的风格特点,客家气息浓郁,是我国优秀文化的重要组成部分。伴随社会发展,赣南采茶戏文化受到极大冲击,其发展出现瓶颈。本文主要分析了赣南采茶戏的现状及其在发展过程... 赣南采茶戏作为一种民间文化,具有悠久的发展历史,而且具有自身独特的风格特点,客家气息浓郁,是我国优秀文化的重要组成部分。伴随社会发展,赣南采茶戏文化受到极大冲击,其发展出现瓶颈。本文主要分析了赣南采茶戏的现状及其在发展过程中显现的弊端,并对此提出具有建设性的发展新思路。 展开更多
关键词 赣南采茶戏 传承 发展路 新思路
体教融合视域下高校体育俱乐部发展定位及路径研究 被引量:7
作者 林宁 《文体用品与科技》 2022年第21期121-123,共3页
大学生群体是我国竞技体育后备人才的重要支撑性来源,体教融合模式为大学生运动员的竞技能力提升提供了一种新的思路。高校体育俱乐部作为高校体育的主要组成部分,是高水平运动员培养和连接运动员和各大竞赛的主要载体。本研究认为当前... 大学生群体是我国竞技体育后备人才的重要支撑性来源,体教融合模式为大学生运动员的竞技能力提升提供了一种新的思路。高校体育俱乐部作为高校体育的主要组成部分,是高水平运动员培养和连接运动员和各大竞赛的主要载体。本研究认为当前高校体育俱乐部还存在诸如管理体制弱化等问题;体教融合背景下高校体育俱乐部发展定位包括高校公共体育改革的有效平台、高校青训体系建设的有效助力和高校竞赛体系发展的有效模式3个方面。未来高校应着力提升高校俱乐部在整个高等教育体系中的作用,并且在师资配套、经费支持和管理体系建设等方面多做工作。期待本研究可以为促进高校体育俱乐部的良性发展提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 体教融合 体育俱乐部 发展定位 发展路
提高蜂蜜质量,走产业化发展之路 开创我国蜂业发展新局面
作者 周锋铭 《中国养蜂》 1999年第3期19-20,共2页
一、国际形势根据中国食品土畜产进出口商会通知和欧洲客商反映,欧盟将据96/23号指导性文件,对进口的蜂蜜采取严格的监管措施,该指导文件要求:(1)、1999年1月1日之前,所有对欧盟出口蜂蜜的国家需制订严密的蜂蜜质量... 一、国际形势根据中国食品土畜产进出口商会通知和欧洲客商反映,欧盟将据96/23号指导性文件,对进口的蜂蜜采取严格的监管措施,该指导文件要求:(1)、1999年1月1日之前,所有对欧盟出口蜂蜜的国家需制订严密的蜂蜜质量监管计划,报欧盟有关部门确认。同时... 展开更多
关键词 中国 养蜂业 产业化 发展路 现状
作者 任燕 《呼兰师专学报》 2000年第2期18-22,共5页
到1999年底,全国农村贫困人口还有3200万人,贫困人 口在较长一段时间还将存在,贫困人口的分布会越来越分散,剩余贫困人口 越来越集中于自然条件恶劣、经济落后地区,扶持难度进一步加大.21 世纪确定什么样的扶贫战略,... 到1999年底,全国农村贫困人口还有3200万人,贫困人 口在较长一段时间还将存在,贫困人口的分布会越来越分散,剩余贫困人口 越来越集中于自然条件恶劣、经济落后地区,扶持难度进一步加大.21 世纪确定什么样的扶贫战略,采取什么样的扶贫方式是摆在我们面前的一项 十分紧迫的任务,是当前摆在政府决策者面前一个亟待解决的严峻课题。文 章在上述背景下,对贫困人口脱贫致富进行探析,以期为政府的反贫困战略 提供思路和依据。 展开更多
关键词 中国 扶贫人口 扶贫方式 扶贫开发 发展路
Research on the Framework and Path of Low Carbon Coordinated Development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region 被引量:1
作者 齐天真 孙蕊 郭超坤 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期983-988,共6页
With the low-carbon coordinated development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region as the starting point, the necessity and realistic difficulties in achieving the lowcarbon coordination in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region was a... With the low-carbon coordinated development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region as the starting point, the necessity and realistic difficulties in achieving the lowcarbon coordination in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region was analyzed, based on which we constructed the systematic analytical framework for low-carbon coordination in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, and proposed the development path of regional lowcarbon coordinated development from the three levels of government, industry and consumer with the aim to provide specific references for the low-carbon coordinated development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. 展开更多
关键词 Low carbon coordination Analytical framework Development path
协同创新师范院校培养培训教师的路径问题探讨 被引量:1
作者 肖雪山 武文霞 《成都师范学院学报》 2018年第12期6-11,共6页
提高教师培养质量是我国教师教育改革发展的重要任务,高校、政府和中小学需要加强深度合作。师范院校的协同创新发展要着眼于内在发展需求,构建教育共同体,基于内在共识而形成一致发展愿景,创新体制机制改革,积极推进创新人才培养、学... 提高教师培养质量是我国教师教育改革发展的重要任务,高校、政府和中小学需要加强深度合作。师范院校的协同创新发展要着眼于内在发展需求,构建教育共同体,基于内在共识而形成一致发展愿景,创新体制机制改革,积极推进创新人才培养、学科专业建设和推进基础教育改革等工作,引领地方基础教育发展,服务地方经济社会需求。 展开更多
关键词 师范院校 教师教育 协同创新 发展路
化茧成蝶:从乡村教师到国家教学名师的教育叙事 被引量:1
作者 屈红艳 朱家德 《中国人民大学教育学刊》 CSSCI 2021年第2期108-120,共13页
国家"万人计划"教学名师是中组部牵头实施的国字号重要人才计划,入选者是教师群体中的精英,是以"谁来培养"回答"培养什么人"的可靠保证,他们的教师专业发展具有良好的示范效应。湖南省安乡县深柳中学刘... 国家"万人计划"教学名师是中组部牵头实施的国字号重要人才计划,入选者是教师群体中的精英,是以"谁来培养"回答"培养什么人"的可靠保证,他们的教师专业发展具有良好的示范效应。湖南省安乡县深柳中学刘业庆是为数不多的中学政治教师入选者。本文采用教育叙事研究方法,深入探究刘业庆从乡村教师发展成为国家教学名师的化茧成蝶个案。研究发现,刘业庆的教师专业发展经验有:深厚的教育情怀、强烈的专业发展自主意识、坚韧不拔的毅力、扎实的专业素养及积极建立教师共同体。刘业庆的教师专业发展,在宏观层面得益于教育政策支持,在中观层面得益于学校、家庭和教师共同体支持,在微观层面得益于3个重要他人和本人的努力。 展开更多
关键词 “万人计划”教学名师 刘业庆 教师专业发展路 教育叙事
Methods and Countermeasures for Urban Agricultural Supply-Side Structural Reform in the New Era
作者 孙玉洁 孙蕊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2667-2671,共5页
Based on the theoretical basis of structural reform of agricultural supply side, the status quo and existing problems of urban agricultural supply side in Tian- jin under the new normal were analyzed. On this basis, t... Based on the theoretical basis of structural reform of agricultural supply side, the status quo and existing problems of urban agricultural supply side in Tian- jin under the new normal were analyzed. On this basis, the paper analyzed the paths of urban agricultural supply-side structural reform separately from the perspec- tives of factors, investment structure and system innovation, and proposed specific policies and opinions on the structural reform of urban agricultural supply side, pro- viding the theoretical basis and realistic basis for the sustainable development of ur- ban agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 Supply-side structural reform Barrier factors Development paths Policysuggestions
The Training Model and Development Route of Market-oriented Professional Farmers
作者 李彬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期747-750,共4页
To cultivate new professional farmers is a key way for rural labor development, resolving existing problems such as how to farming. It is notable that government and market take advantages in training of new professio... To cultivate new professional farmers is a key way for rural labor development, resolving existing problems such as how to farming. It is notable that government and market take advantages in training of new professional farmers. Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee government and market playing the roles. The research explored market-oriented farmer training model and the characteristics and investigated training routes for new professional farmers. 展开更多
关键词 New professional farmers Market-oriented training model Development route
Research on the Current Status, Paths and Countermeasures of Family Farm Development in China——Investigation and Analysis of Hubei Province 被引量:2
作者 曾靖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2188-2192,共5页
The Chinese family farm is the most important new micro subject in the construction and development of modern agriculture in China. The investigation and analysis of the actual situation of Hubei Province showed that ... The Chinese family farm is the most important new micro subject in the construction and development of modern agriculture in China. The investigation and analysis of the actual situation of Hubei Province showed that since the implementation of the household contract management system in rural areas, the family farm has followed the track of gradual development, breakthrough development and normal standardization development. In order to promote the family farm to develop rapidly, orderly and healthily, work must be well done to land circulation, scale management, financial support, financial subsidy, cultivation of leading talents and professional farmers, and providing all-round services. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese family farm Hubei Province Development overview Typical analysis Path design
《科技传播》 2012年第6期178-179,共2页
关键词 图书推荐 自然科学家 莱布尼茨 上海交通大学 区域发展研究 软科学研究 赵晓 电子工业出版社 发展路
Supportive Technologies and Roadmap for China’s Carbon Neutrality 被引量:30
作者 Wang Can Sun Ruoshui Zhang Jiutian 《China Economist》 2021年第5期32-70,共39页
The vision of carbon neutrality is a climate ambition of milestone significance for China and a key step for China’s transition from industrial civilization to ecological civilization.The realization of carbon neutra... The vision of carbon neutrality is a climate ambition of milestone significance for China and a key step for China’s transition from industrial civilization to ecological civilization.The realization of carbon neutrality requires profound changes in China’s technological and socioeconomic systems involving zero-carbon electric power,lowcarbon and zero-carbon end-use energy consumption,and negative emission technologies.Achievement of carbon neutrality is subject to the choice of pathways for various sectors,especially the electric power,industrial,transportation and construction sectors with significant carbon emissions and decarbonization difficulties.The goal of carbon neutrality will influence China’s economic and industry systems,resource and industrial layout,technological innovation and ecological environment in profound ways.Hence,China’s future policymaking on carbon neutrality needs to consider environmental,technological,economic and social impacts,establish a correlation between carbon peak and carbon neutrality,identify climate-friendly clean technology innovations in real earnest,and put carbon neutrality into the overall plan for ecological civilization. 展开更多
关键词 carbon neutrality low-carbon technology low-carbon development path
Spatiotemporal Patterns of Road Network and Road Development Pri-ority in Three Parallel Rivers Region in Yunnan,China:An Evaluation Based on Modified Kernel Distance Estimate 被引量:7
作者 YING Lingxiao SHEN Zehao +3 位作者 CHEN Jiding FANG Rui CHEN Xueping JIANG Rui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期39-49,共11页
Road network is a critical component of public infrastructure,and the supporting system of social and economic development.Based on a modified kernel density estimate(KDE)algorithm,this study evaluated the road servic... Road network is a critical component of public infrastructure,and the supporting system of social and economic development.Based on a modified kernel density estimate(KDE)algorithm,this study evaluated the road service capacity provided by a road network composed of multi-level roads(i.e.national,provincial,county and rural roads),by taking account of the differences of effect extent and intensity for roads of different levels.Summarized at town scale,the population burden and the annual rural economic income of unit road service capacity were used as the surrogates of social and economic demands for road service.This method was applied to the road network of the Three Parallel River Region,the northwestern Yunnan Province,China to evaluate the development of road network in this region.In results,the total road length of this region in 2005 was 3.70×104km,and the length ratio between national,provincial,county and rural roads was 1∶2∶8∶47.From 1989 to 2005,the regional road service capacity increased by 13.1%,of which the contributions from the national,provincial,county and rural roads were 11.1%,19.4%,22.6%,and 67.8%,respectively,revealing the effect of′All Village Accessible′policy of road development in the mountainous regions in the last decade.The spatial patterns of population burden and economic requirement of unit road service suggested that the areas farther away from the national and provincial roads have higher road development priority(RDP).Based on the modified KDE model and the framework of RDP evaluation,this study provided a useful approach for developing an optimal plan of road development at regional scale. 展开更多
关键词 road network kernel density estimate(KDE) road service road development priority(RDP) Three Parallel Rivers Region China
Seven Decades of China's Agricultural Development:Achievements,Experience and Outlook 被引量:27
作者 Du Zhixiong Xiao Weidong 《China Economist》 2019年第1期2-33,共32页
Over the past seven decades since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949,China's agriculture has been transformed beyond recognition.Tremendous progress has been made in China's agricultura... Over the past seven decades since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949,China's agriculture has been transformed beyond recognition.Tremendous progress has been made in China's agricultural output.China has made all-round achievements in its agriculture,forestry,livestock and fishery sectors,vastly improved agricultural production conditions,fostered new types of agricultural operators,increased opening-up,and delivered better living conditions for rural residents.China's agricultural development experience over the past seven decades can be summarized as follows:the Party's leadership over the work on agriculture,farmers and countryside,policy support and protection for agriculture,agri-technology innovation,and agricultural product market reform.In the new era,China's agriculture must follow a green and quality-oriented approach,and develop multifunctionality.China'should foster new-type agricultural operators and service entities,promote large-scale agriculture,encourage capital inputs in agriculture,integrate primary,secondary and tertiary agricultural industries,and bring about a new patter of agricultural opening-up. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural development ACHIEVEMENTS EXPERIENCE future approach
The progress and prospect on China-EU Blue Partnership 被引量:1
作者 YU Ting YIN Yue LIU Jiayi 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2020年第1期54-64,共11页
By reviewing the current status and progress made by China and EU in ocean related fields in the changing world,this paper tries to identify the needs,characteristics and strategic importance of the China-EU Blue Part... By reviewing the current status and progress made by China and EU in ocean related fields in the changing world,this paper tries to identify the needs,characteristics and strategic importance of the China-EU Blue Partnership.The Blue Partnership proposed by the Chinese government is open and inclusive.It values mutual beneficial,and calls for broader cooperation.China-EU Blue Partnership is not only related to the development of both China and EU,but also will significantly contribute to the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.Some suggestions on the further development of the Partnership are proposed to facilitate the implementation. 展开更多
关键词 China-EU Blue Partnership sustainable development Belt and Road Initiative marine cooperation
Development and Countermeasures of Olea europaea Industry in Gansu Province
作者 季元祖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第12期2271-2273,2277,共4页
Valleys along Bailong River, Longnan City, Gansu Province are optimal growth region for olive in China, and olive industry has become a local special sup- porting industry, playing a key role in economic advancement a... Valleys along Bailong River, Longnan City, Gansu Province are optimal growth region for olive in China, and olive industry has become a local special sup- porting industry, playing a key role in economic advancement and farmer's income improvement. The research analyzed development and restriction factors of olive in- dustry, and proposed some countermeasures, which are of significance for olive in- dustry development in Gansu Province. 展开更多
关键词 GANSU Olea europaea Development idea COUNTERMEASURES
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