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机械收获对不同甘蔗品种原料蔗质量及宿根发株的影响 被引量:13
作者 梁阗 王维赞 +4 位作者 罗亚伟 李毅杰 谢金兰 刘晓燕 董文斌 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第26期8933-8935,共3页
[目的]筛选和选育适应机械化生产管理的甘蔗品种(Saccharum officinarun L.),并研究适应机械化作业的农艺技术,为促进甘蔗收获机械化推广应用提供参考.[方法]在大田生产条件下,对12个甘蔗品种进行机械收获,研究不同甘蔗品种机械收获... [目的]筛选和选育适应机械化生产管理的甘蔗品种(Saccharum officinarun L.),并研究适应机械化作业的农艺技术,为促进甘蔗收获机械化推广应用提供参考.[方法]在大田生产条件下,对12个甘蔗品种进行机械收获,研究不同甘蔗品种机械收获原料蔗质量及宿根发株表现.[结果]桂糖03-2287、ROC22、桂糖04-120、C1-2003、桂辐98-296、粤糖93-159机收原料蔗含杂率5.75%~7.65%,桂糖32号、桂糖31号、桂糖30号、桂糖21号、ROC16、桂糖29号机收原料蔗含杂率8.34%~11.18%.桂糖29号、桂糖03-2287、桂糖30号、桂糖04-120、桂糖21号、C1-2003、桂辐98-296、ROC16机收宿根发株能力较强,发株率达103.84%以上;与人工收获相比,C1-2003、桂糖21号、桂糖04-120机收宿根发株能力增强,桂糖03-2287、桂糖30号、ROC22机收宿根发株能力变化不大,粤糖93-159、ROC16、桂辐98-296、桂糖29号机收宿根发株能力减弱.[结论]选育和种植宿根发株能力强、抗(耐)损伤力强的甘蔗品种,可以提高宿根发株率、增加蔗苗数,对获取机收宿根蔗高产稳产具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 甘蔗品种 机械收获 原料蔗质量 发株
新植蔗生长中后期微喷灌对翌年宿根蔗发株及生长的影响 被引量:1
作者 陈超君 何章飞 +5 位作者 梁和 莫清贵 韦芳志 邝伟生 韦翔 方雄武 《广西蔗糖》 2010年第3期12-14,共3页
广西秋、冬旱常年发生,蔗地土壤水分不足是影响翌年宿根蔗发株及生长的主要原因之一。本试验采用对比法设计,在秋季干旱条件下,对生长中后期的新植蔗进行微喷灌处理,并以不喷灌为对照(CK),探讨微喷灌处理对翌年宿根蔗发株和生长的影响... 广西秋、冬旱常年发生,蔗地土壤水分不足是影响翌年宿根蔗发株及生长的主要原因之一。本试验采用对比法设计,在秋季干旱条件下,对生长中后期的新植蔗进行微喷灌处理,并以不喷灌为对照(CK),探讨微喷灌处理对翌年宿根蔗发株和生长的影响。研究结果表明,微喷灌处理具有促进翌年宿根蔗地上部生长的作用,表现为发株早、发株数多、发株率高,同时株高、假茎粗、单株干重极显地著优于CK;微喷灌处理对宿根蔗根系生长的影响表现为促进粗根形成和提高蔗根含水量,但根长较CK短,根系的纵向生长不及CK,对根条数的影响不明显。研究中还发现,微喷灌处理的蔗株粗细较一致,株高生长个体间差异则较大。 展开更多
关键词 微喷灌 宿根蔗 发株 前期生长
宿根甘蔗发株规律及其高产栽培技术 被引量:3
作者 刘锦天 《广西甘蔗》 1996年第3期23-26,共4页
宿根甘蔗大田生态生物学特性,是提高蔗区宿根甘蔗产量的一项最基本功夫。认识宿根甘蔗在甘蔗生产中的地位及其重要意义,调查其在当地生产中的现状;掌握其与当地生产环境条件相结合的大田生态生物学特性,将栽培“三大环节”贯彻于生产全... 宿根甘蔗大田生态生物学特性,是提高蔗区宿根甘蔗产量的一项最基本功夫。认识宿根甘蔗在甘蔗生产中的地位及其重要意义,调查其在当地生产中的现状;掌握其与当地生产环境条件相结合的大田生态生物学特性,将栽培“三大环节”贯彻于生产全过程,实现宿根甘蔗产量上新台阶。 展开更多
关键词 宿根甘蔗 发株规律 高产栽培技术 大田生态生物学特性 产量表现 栽培技术
发根农杆菌A4菌株诱导三分三毛状根的研究 被引量:4
作者 杨小蕊 张明生 曹然 《山地农业生物学报》 2011年第2期115-119,共5页
利用发根农杆菌A4菌株侵染三分三组培苗叶片诱导毛状根,并对其毛状根进行继代增殖培养;采用PCR技术检测毛状根。结果表明:发根农杆菌A4菌株Ri质粒的rolB基因已整合到三分三叶肉细胞的基因组中,进而成功地从叶片诱导出毛状根,诱导率可达... 利用发根农杆菌A4菌株侵染三分三组培苗叶片诱导毛状根,并对其毛状根进行继代增殖培养;采用PCR技术检测毛状根。结果表明:发根农杆菌A4菌株Ri质粒的rolB基因已整合到三分三叶肉细胞的基因组中,进而成功地从叶片诱导出毛状根,诱导率可达77%以上;毛状根除菌后,能在无激素的MS固体培养基上快速生长。三分三遗传转化体系的建立为实现基于毛状根的三分三产托品烷类生物碱的代谢工程奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 三分三 根农杆菌A4菌 遗传转化 毛状根
宿根甘蔗地膜覆盖试验研究 被引量:15
作者 刘连军 黎萍 +1 位作者 李恒锐 李毅 《中国热带农业》 2013年第1期48-49,共2页
关键词 宿根甘蔗 地膜覆盖 有效茎 发株 分蘖
上造甘蔗砍收期和破垄松蔸期对宿根蔗生长的影响 被引量:1
作者 黄卫 陈超君 +5 位作者 陈永 黄有总 韩世健 陆宁香 农德坚 陆成福 《广西蔗糖》 2014年第1期9-13,共5页
【目的】探讨上造蔗不同砍收期以及破垄松蔸期对宿根蔗生长的影响,为宿根蔗高产高糖高效栽培提供理论参考。【方法】在田间试验条件下,采用顺序排列试验设计,研究上造甘蔗11月~2月4种收获期及上造蔗收获后即时清园破垄松蔸(A处理)、收... 【目的】探讨上造蔗不同砍收期以及破垄松蔸期对宿根蔗生长的影响,为宿根蔗高产高糖高效栽培提供理论参考。【方法】在田间试验条件下,采用顺序排列试验设计,研究上造甘蔗11月~2月4种收获期及上造蔗收获后即时清园破垄松蔸(A处理)、收获后至3月份清园破垄松蔸(B处理)2种清园破垄松蔸期对宿根蔗生长的影响。【结果】A、B处理的活芽率、萌动芽率、发株率随着收获期的推迟而提高;2月收获期的处理效应最好,发株率高,幼苗素质好、有效茎数多。B处理随着收获期推迟,死芽率、休眠芽率明显降低,有效茎数明显增多,处理效应提高。A处理各种收获期的宿根蔗生长指标值均优于B处理。A处理间以2月收获期处理效应最好,其次为11月收获期,1月收获期的处理效应最差。【结论】上造蔗不同收获期对宿根蔗生长有明显影响,留宿根蔗田迟收获有利于翌年宿根蔗生长,2月份为留宿根蔗田的最适宜收获期。上造蔗收获后即时清园破垄松蔸,有利于降低死芽率、提高发株率、培育壮苗、增加有效茎数和提高单茎重。 展开更多
关键词 收获期 破垄松蔸期 宿根蔗 发株 有效茎数 单茎重
康氏木霉的原生质体诱变 被引量:4
作者 张宇昊 王颉 +3 位作者 张伟 李长文 马良 周巍 《纤维素科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期18-22,共5页
关键词 康氏木霉 原生质体 紫外线 诱变处理工艺 FP 纤维素酶
烯效唑浸种对甘蔗分蘖及农艺性状的影响 被引量:3
作者 范业赓 陈荣发 +6 位作者 周慧文 闫海锋 翁梦苓 丘立杭 黄杏 周忠凤 吴建明 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2020年第4期16-22,共7页
【目的】通过浸种处理试验,筛选促进甘蔗分蘖提早发生、分蘖成茎率高的烯效唑适宜浓度,提高甘蔗单位面积有效茎数及产量。【方法】试验采用桂糖42号的常规蔗种,设0(CK)、20、40、60 mg/L烯效唑4个浓度处理,浸种处理2 h。【结果】20、40... 【目的】通过浸种处理试验,筛选促进甘蔗分蘖提早发生、分蘖成茎率高的烯效唑适宜浓度,提高甘蔗单位面积有效茎数及产量。【方法】试验采用桂糖42号的常规蔗种,设0(CK)、20、40、60 mg/L烯效唑4个浓度处理,浸种处理2 h。【结果】20、40、60 mg/L烯效唑浸种处理的新植蔗SPAD值分别比CK增加20.5%、21.1%、27.2%,差异极显著,分蘖率分别比CK增加48.96%、119.74%和169.90%,差异极显著;4个处理中,以20 mg/L烯效唑浸种处理的有效茎数和产量最高,其中新植蔗有效茎和产量分别为59640条/hm^2和102.22 t/hm^2,分别比对照提高8.32%和8.48%,宿根蔗的有效茎和产量分别为72894条/hm^2和105.56 t/hm^2,分别比对照提高12.45%和16.05%。新植和宿根蔗的蔗糖分并不随着烯效唑浓度的增加而变化。【结论】用20 mg/L烯效唑浸种,可有效提高新植蔗苗期+1叶的SPAD值,可提高新植蔗的分蘖率、单位面积有效茎数和产量,提高宿根蔗的发株率和产量,说明烯效唑浸种浓度不宜过高。 展开更多
关键词 烯效唑 浸种 分蘖率 发株 有效茎数 产量 甘蔗蔗糖分
Ultrastructure of Oogenesis in Osmunda cinnamomea var. asiatica 被引量:3
作者 包文美 曹建国 戴绍军 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第7期843-851,共9页
The ultrastructure of oogenesis in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea L. var. asiatica Fernald has been studied by electron microscopy. During oogenesis, numerous vesicles not only moved towards the periphery, but also were ... The ultrastructure of oogenesis in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea L. var. asiatica Fernald has been studied by electron microscopy. During oogenesis, numerous vesicles not only moved towards the periphery, but also were arranged in line along the inside of plasmalemma, and in addition aggregated outside the plasmalemma by exocytosis. They released or excreted osmiophilic material. It was observed that a few vesicles containing lamellar osmiophilic material situated closely along the plasmalemma, seemed to break open. Simultaneously, a separation cavity between egg cell and archegonium wall formed. Its width was broader than the other advanced ferns reported previously, and an extra egg membrane occurred outside around the plasmalemma of the egg, its thickness being greater than in Pteridium and Dryopteris. Amyloplasts around the nucleus were filled with large triangular semicircular or subelliptical starch grains, but as the egg matured they progressively decreased. Nucleus was large and flattened, and paired membrane in two to three couples laid within the nucleus, close and parallel to the nuclear membrane. No nuclear evagination was observed. Mitochondria seemed to have been undeveloped, but finally recovered normally. 展开更多
关键词 ULTRASTRUCTURE OOGENESIS Osmunda cinnamomea var. asiatica FERN
Isolation and Phylogenetic Analysis of Plant Pathogen-Inhibiting Strains from Southern Ocean 被引量:1
作者 方海霞 赵惠娅 +2 位作者 陈发荣 王燕 林学政 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期1003-1006,1013,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to isolate the strains resistant to plant pathogenic fungi from Southern Ocean and study their phylogenetic relationship and antimicrobial spectrum. [Method] Agar diffusion method was adopted t... [Objective] The aim was to isolate the strains resistant to plant pathogenic fungi from Southern Ocean and study their phylogenetic relationship and antimicrobial spectrum. [Method] Agar diffusion method was adopted to screen antimicrobial strains and determine the antimicrobial spectrum. Phylogenetic relationship of the strains was analyzed by neighbor-joining method of the Mega 4.0 software. [Result] Twenty antimicrobial strains were screened from seawater of Southern Ocean collected during the 27^th Chinese Antarctic Scientific Expedition. Molecular identification and phyloge- netic analysis indicated that two antimicrobial strains were members of Pseu- domonas, two strains were members of Psychrobacter, and the other 16 trains were members of Pseudoalteromonas. The antimicrobial spectrum of four strains which had higher antimicrobial activity indicated that the strains 312, 83-1 and 195 greatly inhibited the growth of Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani K(Jhn, Phytophthora capsici Leonian, Verticillium dahliae, Alternaria solani, Thanatephoru scucumeris and Phomopsis asparagi (Sacc); strain 312-1 had obvious antimicrobial effect on the six of the plant pathogens except R. solani. [Conclusion] Four strains which had higher antimicrobial effect were obtained and should be further studied for development and application. 展开更多
关键词 Antarctic bacteria Antimicrobial strains Antimicrobial spectrum Phylogenetic analysis
Study on Identification and Fermentation Condition of Strain ZY-19-2 with Inhibitory Effect against Tobacco Black Shank (Phytophtora parasitica var. nicotianae Tucker)
作者 邓宾玲 韦建玉 +4 位作者 奚家勤 尹启生 宋纪真 周汉平 魏春阳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第11期1645-1648,1698,共5页
[Objective] The paper was to identify stain ZY-19-2 with inhibitory effect against tobacco black shank (Phytophtora parasitica var.nicotianae Tucker), and study the fermentation condition of the strain. [Method]A st... [Objective] The paper was to identify stain ZY-19-2 with inhibitory effect against tobacco black shank (Phytophtora parasitica var.nicotianae Tucker), and study the fermentation condition of the strain. [Method]A strain ZY-19-2 with strong inhibitory effect against P. parasitica were isolated and screened from tobacco rhizosphere soil samples, and identified according to its morphological characteristics. The chitinase production activity of the strain under different culture conditions was also studied. [Result] For stain ZY-19-2 Paecilomyces lilacinus, the optimal fermentation conditions were as follows: 1.2% colloidal chitin as carbon source, 1% peptone as nitrogen source, 0.1% Tween 80 as surfactant, initial pH of fermentation broth at 6.0, the fermentation time of 60 h, inoculum amount at 1%, shaker speed at 120 r/min. The highest enzyme activity reached 0.216 U/ml. [Conclusion]The optimization of fermentation condition of strain ZY-19-2 lay foundation for large-scale production of cheap and efficient chitinase and chitin oligosaccharides, as well as application of the strain for control of tobacco black shank. 展开更多
关键词 Strain ZY-19-2 IDENTIFICATION Fermentation condition
Study on the Fermentation Conditions of a Mucopolysaccharide-producing Bacterium LV-1 被引量:25
作者 梁玉丽 郭继强 +2 位作者 陈晓艺 刘志文 李宪臻 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期29-32,40,共5页
bacterium LV-1 which isolated from soil sample were studied bacterium was isolated by serial dilution method, the effects of carbon source, nitrogen source, the initial pH and temperature on producing polysaccharide b... bacterium LV-1 which isolated from soil sample were studied bacterium was isolated by serial dilution method, the effects of carbon source, nitrogen source, the initial pH and temperature on producing polysaccharide by it were discussed to confirm the optimum fermentation conditions. [ Result] The physicochemical properties showed that the polysaccharide was water-soluble, but insoluble in organic solvents including ethanol, butanol, and chloroform. It was neutral polysaccharide with negative charge and without reducing terminal. The pH of its solution was pH =7.5. There were no protein, fructose, uronic acid, sulphate and starch-like structure included in po/ysacchadde molecules. The optimum fermentation conditions for po/ysaccharide produc- tion were 3% mannitol as carbon source, 0.25% yeast extract as nitrogen source, culture temperature 28 ~(3 and pH =7.5. [Coadu^en] The re- search could provide basis for development and utilization of LV-1 and industrialized production of mucopolysaccharide. 展开更多
关键词 Microbial polysacchaddes Fermentation conditions ISOLATION
作者 朱秋珍 王维赞 邓展云 《广西蔗糖》 2003年第4期17-21,共5页
关键词 外国 甘蔗 品种筛选试验 萌芽 发株 分蘖率 农艺性状
作者 闫青云 庞天 +1 位作者 韦喜 李开虎 《广西糖业》 2020年第3期7-9,共3页
甘蔗机收省工省时、作业效率高,较好解决甘蔗砍收请工难、砍工费用高的难题.针对目前蔗农对机收存在的诸多疑虑,如糖厂扣杂多、损耗大、宿根出苗差等问题进行调查研究,初步得出来宾迁江蔗区机收的含杂率、损耗率、宿根发株率分别为7.78%... 甘蔗机收省工省时、作业效率高,较好解决甘蔗砍收请工难、砍工费用高的难题.针对目前蔗农对机收存在的诸多疑虑,如糖厂扣杂多、损耗大、宿根出苗差等问题进行调查研究,初步得出来宾迁江蔗区机收的含杂率、损耗率、宿根发株率分别为7.78%、13.75%和111.42%.分析甘蔗机收存在的问题并提出解决方法,为下一步推广应用提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 机收 含杂率 损耗率 宿根发株
Characterization and identification of enzyme-producing microflora isolated from the gut of sea cucumberApostichopus japonicus 被引量:2
作者 李凤辉 高菲 +5 位作者 谭杰 范超晶 孙慧玲 燕敬平 陈四清 王肖君 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期153-162,共10页
Gut microorganisms play an important role in the digestion of their host animals. The purpose of this research was to isolate and assess the enzyme-producing microbes from the Apostichopusjaponicus gut. Thirty-nine st... Gut microorganisms play an important role in the digestion of their host animals. The purpose of this research was to isolate and assess the enzyme-producing microbes from the Apostichopusjaponicus gut. Thirty-nine strains that can produce at least one of the three digestive enzymes (protease, amylase, and cellulase) were qualitatively screened based on their extracellular enzyme-producing abilities. The enzyme-producing strains clustered into eight groups at the genetic similarity level of 100% by analyzing the restriction patterns of 16S rDNA amplified with Mbo L Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 37 strains belonged to the genus Bacillus and two were members of the genus Virgibacillus. Enzyme-producing capability results indicate that the main enzyme-producing microflora in the A.japonicus gut was Bacillus, which can produce protease, amylase, and cellulase. Virgibacillus, however, can only produce protease. The high enzyme-producing capability of the isolates suggests that the gut microbiota play an important role in the sea cucumber digestive process. 展开更多
关键词 Apostichopusjaponicus GUT enzyme-producing microorganisms 16S rDNA-RFLP aquaculture probiotics
Influences of antibiotics on plantlet regeneration via organogenesis in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.)
作者 Latoya Harris Ronald J.Newton 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第3期185-190,共6页
Three antibiotics ampicillin, carbenicillin, and cefotaxime were evaluated for their effects on induction, growth, and differentiation of organogenic calli, as well as rooting of regenerated shoots of three loblolly p... Three antibiotics ampicillin, carbenicillin, and cefotaxime were evaluated for their effects on induction, growth, and differentiation of organogenic calli, as well as rooting of regenerated shoots of three loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) genotypes. Of the antibiotics administered, cefotaxime maximally increased the frequency of callus formation and growth rate of organogenic calli, carbenicillin maximally increased the frequency of shoot regeneration and the average number of adventitious shoots per piece of organogenic callus, ampicillin maximally decreased the rooting frequency of regenerated shoots and mean number of roots per regenerated shoot, in comparison with antibiotic-free media. Compared with the control, ampicillin minimally increased the frequency of callus formation, cefotaxime minimally increased the frequency of shoot regeneration, and carbenicillin mini-mally decreased the rooting frequency of regenerated shoots in three loblolly pine genotypes tested. All three antibiotics in-creased the frequencies of callus formation and shoot regeneration, and reduced the rooting frequency of regenerated shoots suggested that the establishment of an efficient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation protocol for stable integra-tion of foreign genes into loblolly pine need to select a suitable antibiotic. This investigation could be useful for optimizing genetic transformation of conifers. 展开更多
关键词 Antibiotic Pinus taeda L. Rooting ability Shoot regeneration
Optimization of Culture Conditions for Production of Cellulase by a Thermophilic Bacillus Strain 被引量:3
作者 Zambare Vasudeo Christopher Lew 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第6期521-527,共7页
The production of cellulase in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens UNPDV-22 was optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). Central composite design (CCD) was used to study the interactive effect of culture conditi... The production of cellulase in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens UNPDV-22 was optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). Central composite design (CCD) was used to study the interactive effect of culture conditions (temperature, pH, and inoculum) on cellulase activity. Results suggested that temperature and pH all have significant impact on cellulase production. The use of RSM resulted in a 96% increase in the cellulase activity over the control of non-optimized basal medium. Optimum cellulase production of 13 U/mL was obtained at a temperature of 42.24 ℃, pH of 5.25, and inoculum size of 4.95% (v/v) in a fermentation medium containing wheat bran, soybean meal and malt dextrin as major nutritional factors. 展开更多
关键词 Cellulase production Bacillus amyloliquefaciens culture conditions response surface methodology central compositedesign.
作者 张建国 《电子制作》 2013年第10X期269-269,共1页
玉米是非常重要的粮食作物,还可以用作能源和饲料。在禾谷类农作物中占有重要地位并且伴随技术的不断发展玉米的增产增收空间巨大,玉米的育种技术更是其中的关键技术。本文针对当前国内外的多种玉米育种技术进行对比与分析,将玉米的品... 玉米是非常重要的粮食作物,还可以用作能源和饲料。在禾谷类农作物中占有重要地位并且伴随技术的不断发展玉米的增产增收空间巨大,玉米的育种技术更是其中的关键技术。本文针对当前国内外的多种玉米育种技术进行对比与分析,将玉米的品种和不同的育种策略相互对照,总结出优势与不足。同时也介绍了如何通过观察形态来判断育种成果的方法。为玉米种植因地制宜,合理选用育种技术提供了参考建议。 展开更多
关键词 甜玉米育种 紧凑型 育种策略
Establishment of Kinetics Models for Batch Fermentation Process of β-mannase with Bacillus licheniformis HDYM-04
作者 Chao PAN Xing XIN +8 位作者 Dan ZHAO Dongni GAO Xiaohang ZHOU Xue TIAN Xin XIE Jingping GE Hongzhi LING Gang SONG Wenxiang PING 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第5期779-784,共6页
In order to improve the yield of β-mannase and to investigate the rules of fermentation production, a high-yield β-mannase producing strain, Bacillus licheniformis HDYM-04, was used to investigate the kinetics model... In order to improve the yield of β-mannase and to investigate the rules of fermentation production, a high-yield β-mannase producing strain, Bacillus licheniformis HDYM-04, was used to investigate the kinetics models based on the optimal fermentation conditions: HDYM-04 strain was fermented at 37℃ for 30 h with agitation speed at 300 r/min and aeration rate at 3 L/min in a 5 L fermenter, the initial addition amount of konjac flour was 2%(w/v), the initial pH of medium was 8.0, and the inoculum concentration was 6.7%(v/v). Three batch fermentation kinetic models were established (cell growth kinetic model, substrate consumption kinetic model, product formation kinetic model) bases on Logistic and Luedeking-Piret equations. To be specific, cell growth kinetic model was dX/dt =0.431X (1- X/ 15.522 ), substrate consumption kinetic model was -ds/dt =1.11 dX/dt +0.000 2 dP/dt +0.000 8X, and product formation kinetic model was dP/dt=133.1 dX +222.87X. The correlation coefficients R^2 of the three equations were 0.990 21, 0.989 08 and 0.988 12, respectively, which indicated a good correlation between experimental values and models. Therefore, the three equations could be used to describe the processes of cell growth, enzyme synthesis and substrate consumption during batch fermentation using B. licheniformis strain HDYM-04. The establishment of batch fermentation kinetic models (cell growth kinetic model, substrate depletion kinetic model, product formation kinetic model) could lay the theoretical foundation and provide practical reference for the applica- tion of HDYM-04 in fermentation industry. 展开更多
关键词 Bacillus licheniformis Β-MANNANASE Fermentation kinetics Batch fermentation
Partial Characteristics of Hydrogen Production by Fermentative Hydrogen-producing Bacterial Strain B49 被引量:5
作者 王相晶 Ren Nanqi +2 位作者 Xiang Wensheng Lin Ming Guo Wanqian 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2003年第3期65-70,共6页
To investigate the characteristics of hydrogen production by a novel fermentative hydrogen-producing bacterial strain B49 (AF481148 in EMBL), batch experiments are conducted under different conditions. Hydrogen produc... To investigate the characteristics of hydrogen production by a novel fermentative hydrogen-producing bacterial strain B49 (AF481148 in EMBL), batch experiments are conducted under different conditions. Hydrogen production has a correlation with cell growth and the consumption of glucose and soluble protein. The optimum pH for cell growth is 4.5±0.15. At acidic pH 4.0±0.15, the bacteria has the maximum accumulated hydrogen volume of 2382 ml/L culture and the maximum hydrogen evolution rate of 339.9 ml/L culture·h with 1% glucose. The optimum temperature for cell growth and hydrogen production is 35℃. In addition, fermentative hydrogen-producing bacterial strain B49 can generate hydrogen from the decomposition of other organic substrates such as wheat, soybean, corn, and potato. Moreover, it can also produce hydrogen from molasses wastewater and brewage wastewater, and hydrogen yields are 137.9 ml H 2/g COD and 49.9 ml H 2/g COD, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen production hydrogen-producing bacterial strain B49 CHARACTERISTICS
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